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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1917)
The Sentinel > OOOO M fC * II» A GOOD TOW» BY W . TO D N O . G R IN D IN G TH E M T O PO W D E R . " A t t r it e * " te a wood w e tn q w a U ] asst M W in reading o f the stategy « Kellogg’s Krumbles acccustomed to. but it will bolp lb* governm ent io U m war u d At til« ■am« Um « bèl» us to l«am about th in g« we ought to know. R ID IN G A FR E E HORSE. There U unqestionably a disposition on the part o f federal officiala aad the arm y o f eoaunisaiona recently created to ride a free horee to death in the d i e o f the preea. Thia m orning there comea to our deek a mass o f govern- paper, naively remarks: Oregon is not yet a state o f many great incomes. In the fiscal year end in g June SO its contributions to the Income tax was practically a dollar a head. W ashington was 11.50 per person, C aliforn ia’s over M-00. For the United States, the average is 18-50 per capita. Except the Southern states, Oregon has the sm allest in coase« o f any in the union. 15capkg. 2 for 25c poeeibly publish and it keep« coming every day. M ilton A . M iller aaka aa to publish a long notice to tobacco dealers, which can have no intereet whatever fo r anyone e ls e .' W hy doea not he m ail a notice to the h alf doaen tobacco dealers in C oqu ill« di rectly instead o f asking us to burden our columns w ith m atter en tirely des titu te o f news value? H e even has the g a ll to ask ue to carry this notice fre e in "a prominent place in our new* columns." One o f the band* o f a newspaper man’s life is the constant attem pt to impose upon him as "new s W H A T B A T T L E P L A N E CO ULD DO m atter" items intended to p rofit or “ One hundred battleplanes could carry three-inch guns, and the muzzle puff individual«. energy o f one hundred three-in<$ guns HE LIV E D O N LIQ U ID FOOD. is equal to the en ergy and destructive To those who suffer from indi power o f 40,000 soldiers," stated Bear gestion the follow in g from a corres Adm iral Bradley A . Fisake recently in pondent it the Oregonian w ill prove a suggestion addressed to Alan &. H aw ley, chairman o f the A ero club at especially interestin g: , Am erica’s central com m ittee on aero "Through an accident which in ju re * nautics. "T h e battleplane," continued Rear m y esophagus I have been forced since 6 years old to subsist on a diet A lm iral F isk «, "com bines the power m ainly o f m eat and vegetable broth, and m obility which is needed fo r m il m ilk, gruel and fru it juice. Though ita ry operations in a higher degree I have worlcsd hard since old enough than any other weapon used in arm y to follow a plow on the farm where I w arfare. The quickest w ay to pre w a T raised, I am physically perfect pare the defense o f the United States a t 50 years old where the gourmand is «g a in st invasion Is to develop the a wreck a t SO years. G ive me m y liquid diet and le t the heavy eater at rich, solid foods have a il he w ill gorge, and I win dare him to match me fth a forced hike fo r any number at days." ' Such a statem ent o f this appears to indicate that most o f us consume a great deal heavier and m ore concen trated food than we need to or than is wholesome fo r us. W. First National H. LYONS Bank Building the public, aad R only a m atter o f tim e before it w ill be outlawed and stricken w ith punishment such as only an outraged public opinion can perpe tra te Excesses w ill be committed, against the I. W . W . that w ill equal mob violence— excesses which, sober public opinion w01 deplore, but which sober thought V ill be unabla to m - From Capper's W eakly. The other day a senator, asked how to supply the revenue lost i f the li quor tax was knocked out, replied, "O ed knows.” Nothing tru er was ever said. God knows; ha certainly knows. The d if- DO N O TH IN G W O R TH W H IL E . The anarchist elem ent represented by the I. W . W . has arirer brought the laboring people oT Butte anything but trouble, hard tim es and disaster, says the Anaconda Standard. They have never brought anything else to any community in the country and they never w ill. They never obtained higher wages fo r anybody and they never w ill. They never employed la bor; they never filled a pay envelope, and they never win. They can induce men to go on a strike, but they have COQUILLE W isconsin Silo THE D A IR Y M A N ’S F R IE N D ter day, with a cumulative effect. • The Supreme eourt o f W ashington State has certainly rendered a just de- cision when it put the baa on picket- • la g . The judges were eigh t to one in signing to the effect that "p ick etin g is intim idation aad contray to Am erican institutions." It says that the law prohibits the em ployer from black- listin g the w orker; that the same prtn- d p i« is involved in picketing, and that employee cannot blacklist their 5m- p leysrs by the use o f pickets.— Blaine Pree. ■■ 1 ■ There is no question that the law re- cannot build up. T h ey can dynam ite a miners union, but they never built one, and they never w ill. Organised labor in Butte must throw off the bligh tin g grasp o f L W . W . if it is again to enjoy good wages, good work and good tim es, Em ployers w ill have no dealings with this organisation or any that seems to be under its control and in- flue nee. N or should they. No Am er- ican eitisen, no honest, sincere laber- in g man should have anything to do with an organisation that breeds trouble, disloyalty and anarchy. A R B F A V O R IT E S W IT H C AN N H H 8 eases in which the retention o f a sin g le tuberculous animal has resulted in the infection o f whole herds is evi dence enough on that p oin t It hr equally certain that the greatest care is demanded in m aking the teats. It would be little leas than a crim e when dairy products .are in such urgent de- The new Blue Book Just issued from the o co o f the Secretary at State and compiled by Ben W . O lcott ia the best ever. There are alm ost 900 pages A Cottage Grove, Oregon, dispatch says: In order to assist in conserving the food supply and to give children an opportunity to earn their spending money, the Cottage G rove cannery is offerin g a substantial cash price fo r E vergreen blackberries, which grow any quantity can be sold. It ia es tim ated that many thoosanls o f dol lars’ worth at these berries go to ■mete on the bushes ev ery year. T h « cannery is having no difficulty this m l tans a day. Iadedd, w e d that this variety which wild in western O r a r a was porters o f crop conditions in their districts. The reports are expected to give the extent aad seriousness o f the moat im portant plant diseases, aad will be made the basis for a campaign e f eradication. W ithout this Oregon’s response to FYmH su t W ilson’s appeal fo r the biggest crop ia t h i history of the state cannot be realised fo r 191*. Volunteers are wanted «bom every part o f the s ta te Trained agricul turists, and especially O. A . C. grad- uataa, are looked to fe r valuable ser vice. Each w ill report an a small area only, and blanks with fu ll in structions m ay be had ea application to H. P . Bars., O. A . C , Corvallis. Oregon. Although volu nteer! must •erve without pay enlistments u e al ready beginning to arrive. ‘ Lumber, Dry Finish Rustic, and Crates RECORD OF THE PAST.