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About Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
Semi-WeeHlyHerald. Norway Items. H E A L T H IN Y O I 'T H . Diseuse and Sickness Bring OldAge. Misa Oia DeVaul »pent Sunday llerbine, taken every morning with friends in Myrtle Point before breakfast, will keep you in TUESDAY, APRIL 1«, 1!X>5. Mr*. John Johnson i<f Myrtle r°hust health, lit you to ward off „ , .. . . . ’ _ , disease. It cures constipation, Point, visited her parents, Mr. and .... , _• , * , . ’................... 1 . . . biliousness, dyspepsia, fever skin, G a llo w s lor A d olp h W e b e r. Mrs. \V. \V. -Sanders, last week and lives and kidney complaints. It Auburn, Cul., April 13.—Adolph then extended her trip to Coquille. purifies the blood and clears the J. W. Clinton resumed woik in complexion. Wfcber was today sentenced to be Mrs. D. \V. hanged June 80 for the murder of his camp last week after a delay of T r;i bis mother. His attorneys made a ’ ' " - .............“ 80,,,e lime from want of car. in H e rlin e ^ n d find it the best motion for a new trial, and intro, order to clear the lauding, medicine for constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for duced a number of affidavits, includ Carl Bros., of the Star creamery, ! ?r ing one from the prisoner, relutiug have put in a new separater and will li' I can higlilt recoinmenci it. 50c. j . , For sale by It. b. Know I ton. to evidence given, and to alleged begin work soon. _______ errors duriug the trial. .P re s b y te r ia n C h u rch. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fox, who j A U a u a tj F o r Itin -ii». A M ATTER O F HEALTH & A K IN 0 POWDER Dr. Bergiu, P.inn, 111. .»rit--s: ' I li ivc used B ill.n il’s Snon Liniment; always recommend il to my friends, as I am confident there ah no better m de. ‘ Il is a dandy fur liui ns.’ Tims» wlm live on farms are especially liable to many acci dental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard’s Snow Liniment is applied. It should always he kept ill the house for cases of emergency.” 23c, 30c and 11$.00. It. S. Knowlton. Exclusive Styles Ladies' Fine Tailor-made Suits, Shirt l/Vaist Suits, Crauenette Rain Coats, Jackets, Skirts, Waists, and other wearing apparel. 1 extend a cordial invitation to the ladies to call and eeo the beautiful new styles of the season in Ladies’ Wearing apparel illustrated in the Fashion Hooks of CH AS. A. STEVENS it DROS., the Great Style Store of Chicago, which are now ready for your inspection, together with the materials from which the gar ments are made. The fashion plates and samples of materials represent a one- million-dollar stock of ladies’ line wearing apparel, made-to-order and ready » .«> . David Fulton, of this city, will take made, in the latest styles an l at the lowest prices. The “ STEVENS” garments • order#» for hea t Ptom*.«, monuments and are recognised everywhere as the standard of excellence. ail kindb oi tviuetery woik for the 0<>os The marvelous perfection of styles and the beautiful fit, workmanship a:i i C mnty Marble and Granite Works, of finish attained in them have given these garments an individuality which no Marsh held. others have to such a pleasing degree. A postal card will bring the samples to • *•»* your home. The court deuie-1 the motion, and have been living in Norway this Next Sunday being Easter the the prisoner's demeanor altered pre winter, moved to Prosper on Mon- F o r bale Absolutely Pure M A . P IE R C E . ceptibly at the decisions. He turn-. (j Sy i where he has work for the children will render an Easter pro- j A fire lot o f sh in gles— first-class __________ ______________ ______Local Agent for CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS, gram at 3:30 p. in. The usual morn in quallity, three too < o f barley uud od pale when ordered to stand up, summer. ing service will be held, also Sab . ujo i f the best m ilch cow s in tbt und refused to do so, saying, “ What The Norway creamery is being county For particulars enquire ai SUMMONS. for?” despite the arguments ofh isj p, trcmij;ed and ig rnakjDt>r about bath School at 10 a. m. A cordia the H eui - ad office. invitation is extended to the public. nrm nunl TT < • o • » i , 1 lin \ v * ft ft l l‘ i 1 t 11 il t _ . . - .. counsel. He said he wanted “ that 323 pounds of butter daily now. IN THE CIRCU IT COURT OF THE Mrs. Donald McIntosh, o f Coos lock produced,” alluding to the lock STATE OF OREO IN, FOR TH E Mrs. S. M. Kelly and Miss Clara river, passed through this city last of the bathroom found iu the ruins, COUNTY OF COOS. McCloskey visited the latter's sister, week on her way to Bandon where A. H. Snyder, j and said to be evidence that the old- P. W. Laird, over Sunday. Plaintiff, I Suit ill equity to quiet P h o t o - - S t u d i o A private Hospital well equipped for the treat ..lie went to visit friends. She made ur Weber was locked in the room. vs. ) title. Mrs. J. D. Clinton and two our office a pleasant call while in E. A. Snyder, I SUMMONS. When Under-Sheriff May tapped At Myrtle Point ment of su rgical and medical diseases. Defendant. J him on the shoulder, however, be childrt . with her brother. Moody town. To E. A. Snyder, the above-named de Does finest up-to-date work at low at to the bay Friday Trained N u rse s in Attendance. stood up, and the court said that Hickman fendant: Don’ t forget I am still agent for the est prices. “ Courteous treat on ibeir wuy to Portland. The Al judgment would de punishment by j In the name of the state of Oregon old reliable De Laval Separator. It ment'’ to all. We sell plates, suffering death. The Shuriff wus liance having too many passengers, you want a separator I can sell you you are hereby required to appear and For Information Address films, cameras and all supplies. then requested to deliver him into coulJ “ <>* *ak tb*“ 8° tbey returned one on any terms you desire; money is answer the complaint against you In the Printing and finishing for amateurs no object, so it is up to you, Mr. Dairy above entitled court and cause on or be the custody of the warden at Fob Saturday to wait for another trip. Phone 631. M arsh field, O reg cn doue promptly. man. 8. M. NOSLER, Agent, fore Saturday the 1st day of April, Mrs. A. Barklow and daughter som, to bo hanged June 30. 1903, which is six weeks after Friday, Coquille, Oregon. Attorney Tuttle asked for a modi-; Alta, of Myrtle Point, spent last the 17th dav of February, 1:03, said last ftayNoiE.—Coquille has an artist Hotel and livery stable for sale. Both date being the date of the first publica fiention of the order to allow Weber j week with Norway friends, buildings in good condition; 18 rooms in tion of this summons, nnd if you fail to (E. Garrett) patronize home indus- T rixie T rice , to stay in jail here, pending the hotel, 12 bedrooms. All rooms fur so appear and answer, for want thereof, | try. perfecting of the appeal, and it was nished. 24 stalls in stable. $1.000 the plaintiff will take a decree against (Bandon Recorder.) granted. Thirty days were also C. H. S IM P S O N , Jack Jenkins, grandson of W. W. down, balance on easy payments. For you that any claim or pretended claim t granted to prepare the statement. further information call on or address you have to an undivided one-third in Hayes of this place, a lad nine years E. M. Furman, the Piano Man, Marsh CHAS MOOMAW. Prop terest in and to the south half of the j During the afternoon the statement old, had the misfortune to break field, Or., or at this office. north-east quarter, the south-east was made by Mr. Tuttle that the one of his legs Tuesday evening, quarter of the north-west quarter and agreement to settle the bank case Front Street. Opposite Hotel Coquille, B a l l a r d 's H o r e h o n m t .S y ru p . the north-west quarter of the north while playing with other children in was off owing to a hitch in too n e east quarter of section seven, in town-j Immediately relieves hoarse, 0 the street near his home. They gotiations, nnd that, as a motiou for ship twenty-nine, south of range twelve, All work done in up-to-date style — were playing tag, and little Jack croupy cough; oppressed, rattling a change of venue W ould he made and guaranteed first-class. rasping and difficult breathing. west of the Willamette meridian, in I had tagged some other child and Henry C. Stearns, druggist,Shulls- Coos county, state of Oregon, is null I he desired the matter of trial on j ..I Ü: squat down, according to the rules burg, Wig., writes. May 20, 1G02: and void, nnd the plaintiff's title thereto April 18 to be settled, so is to noti Coquille, Oregon. of the game, to avoid being tagged, “ 1 have been selling Ballard’ s will be deemed to bequieted against fy the witnesses. It was decided and the injury was received in Horehound Syrup for two years, the same; that the plaintiff will recover “ by consent that on April 18 a new his costs an 1 disbursements of this suit, squatting down, the bone of the and have never had a preparation date for the trial would he set. that has given better satisfaction. and w ill be decreed to have such other thigh being broken. and further relief as may be equitable. : I notice that when I sell a bottle This summons is published by the I Freddie Goetz, a boy of some six- they coins back for more. I can Transfer M on ey b y C able order of the Hon. I.. Harlocker, County j 1 teen y ars received « severe cut j hone(llly recomm(,„,| it.” 25o 5;:0 JlftdgA of Coos i . : , state of O regon.:^ Toe Western IVegraph (. i.n- from a kuit- Saturine eveuing and -f 1.00. For sale bv R. S. made ami entered on the 11th d a y j pnny has extended its money trans- j shortly after dark. The band was Knowlton. of February, 1905 , and which o r d e r 1 specifies that the same shall be fer service to foreign countries The giving a concert on the street aud D E A L E R IN published for six consecutive weeks, j local Western Union office will ar. Fred passed along where Oliver on the same day in each of said weeks, in the Semi-Weekly H e r a l d , cept money to be transferred by ; Waldvogel was standing and for a semi-weekly newspaper printed and cable to all points in Great Britain, j fun shoved him off the side walk, In the Thompson Photo Gallery published in the above-named county at and Ireland, France, Switzerland. Waldvogel picked him up nnd laid we will be pleased to have you call the city of Coquille. 8P E R R Y A CHASE, ' Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, him on bis shoulder, nnd thinking and inspect our pictures. Our dis Attorneys for Plaintiff Sicily, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, that Kied would hold fast to him play is a sample o f the grade of Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia let his hold go with the result that work we do. See our clubbing propositition in Euiope, Ilouraania, Servia, Greece Fred fell, and having an open knife We make a speciality in baby sit with the Oregon Semi-Weekly Jour Corsica, Sardinia and all other coun- in his hand he fell upon it, the blade tings and guarantee, satisfaction we nal.. This is done to give our read tries in Europe. They also trans-I penetrating to the right lung. will also be here the 3rd week of ers a chance to read Paul De La- fer money to Alaska, Cuba an,Ithe ' Young Waldvogel was not aware April, and in Myrtle Point the 2nd ney’s new novel,“ The Slieepberder.” Philippines.—NT ail. that he had an open knife in his and 4th week. hand. Freddie is getting along E. G arrett , Photographer. Before Judge Hamilton, in this FRA TER N A L O RDERS. very nicely and the wound will not city, Wednesday afternoon, Attorney prove serious. A dm inistrator's Notice. Chas. Bruncau, of Portland, repre- : Notice is hereby given that the un- j QOQUILLE LODGE, NO. 53 I. 0. 0. F C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N senting the Oregon Anti-Saloon Meets every Saturday night. R a ta C a u s e $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 Fire. dersigned, by order of the Countv League, argued an application for G eo . H B a x t e r , N. G . Court for Coos County, Oregon, has dissolution of tbo injunction issued San Francisco, April 15.— Rats been duly appointed Administrator of J. S. L a w r e n c e , Sec'v. by Judge Hamilton, restraining the gnawing the insulation from elec- the estate of Jeremiah Peart, deceased, QOQUILIE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 25, I. 0. 0. F. y .;. ; . ; .; . ; . ; . ; . . . . . .;. .;, . . County Court of Coos County from trie power wireB in the five-story and that all persons having claims Meets the first and third Thursday against said estate are hereby required issuing an order of prohibition. building occupied by the Crown to present the same, duly verified, to nights in each month. 0 J. J. S t a n l e y , C. P. Judge Hamilton lias take u the ap Paper Co . and the Zellerbach Pa the undersigned at the office of A. J. I . H a c k e r , S crib e . plication under advisement. The per Oo , caused a fire this morning ■Sherwood in the City of Coquille, Coos injunction is only a temporary one, which resulted in a loss o f 150,000. County. Oregon, within six months |y|AMIE REBEKAH LODGE. NO. 20. from the date of this notice. Judge Hamilton having issued it Meets the second and fourth Wednes- j Dated this 3rd day of April, 1905. during a vacation term of the cirruit day nights in each month. E c S it .-: One United States J ohn P ea r t , M rs . M arvin L yons , X . G. court at Corvallis last January. The Turbine S,-| orator, rapacity about Administrator of the M rs . M amie S lagle , Sec’ v. was to have been tried on its merit 1000 pounds; in good order, as good | Estate of Jeremiah Peart, deceased. at the regular term of the Coos as new. Owner ocrfectlv satisfied > QHADWICK LODGE. NO 68. A. F. A A. M County Circuit Court, which con hut it is not la rge en ou g h fo r his! Meets the Saturday night on or lie- SUMMONS. vents at C oq u ille on the last Mon-j business. F or full particulars g o t o j f \ THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE fore the full moon. J. H. C ecil W. M. day of this month. Judge Hamil-jT, H Meld A Co’s, hardware store, STATE OF OREGON, IX AND FOR -T. J. L a mr . Sec’ }'. ton issued the injunction on the ..... THE COUNTY OF COOS. ground that the election in Coos IChciininfir IV ii iis Q ii irk 1} Rei lev el Hans P. Clausen, 1 QEULAH CHAPTER. NO 6, 0. E. S. ti • . , Plaintiff. County was irregulnr as regards the Meets next Friday night. The excructating pains character vs. ¡-Suit in Equity for j M rs . K a th r yn S la g l e , W. M. manner in which the local option istic of rheumatism and sciatica Olive E. Clausen, I Divorce. ! M r s . M am ie S l a g l e . S e c ’ v . Defendant, J question was placed before the vo-1 are quioklv relieved bv applying To Olive E. Clatisen, the above-entitled | jjrcu ROUS LODGE. NO 72, K P ters. The apparent object of the Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The defendant: Mee's the second and fourth Tuesday Anti-Saloon people is to uhtain a great pain relieving (rower o f the I n the name of the state of Oregon nights each month in O ld Fellows' hall. definite decision on th case as early liniment has been the surprise and you are hereby notified that yon are re A. F. L in e g a b , C. C. as possible so, if n essarv, they can delight of thousands of sufferers. quired to appear and answer the com V . R. W il s o n , K. R. S. Bill Heads. Briefs. plaint filed against you in the above- put the local option question before Tim quick relief from pain whi h entitled suit in which Hans P. Clausen QOQUILIE LODGE. NO. 127, A. 0. U. W. the Coos County voters again next it affords is alone worth inairr times is plaintiff and yon, Olive E. Clausen, Letter Heads. Meets the second and fourth Wednea- Posters. .lime.— Bosehurg Review. ' its cost. For sale o r R. F. Know]- are defendant, within six weeks from dav nights of each month in W . O. XV. the date of the first publication of this hall. I ton. Leqal Blanks. Envelopes, F red S lagle , M. W . summons, to-w it: within six weeks F. W. Smith, the fish warden, O. F. R oiirer , Rec. from the 21st day of February, 1903, the passed through town yesterday from For Sale • 31 Wedding Stationery. Statements. O ne8 hor«e power steam engine; one same lieing the date of the first publica |MPERIAL LODGE. NO. Il, 0. OF H. the upper river totliebav. He tells tion of this summon«; and if you fail to Meets the first and third Wednesday X us that there are some people catch 600 gallon cheese vat; one curd sink; cheese lumps nnd press screws. All the appear and answer on or before the 4th nights each month in Woodman hall. ing shiners under the impression M rs . B irdie S kkei . h , C. H. , X above are about as good as new, bnt day of April, 1903. the same l>eing the than it is not against the law, which will be sold very cheap. last day of the time prescribed in the I Miss I rene I, win, Rec. ft order for publication, a judgment will is a mistake. The laws have not Up-to-date Work Delivered XOSLER A LYONS. UTRTLE CAMP. NO. 197. W. 0. W. he taken against you for want thereof, Coquille, Oregon. been altered in this respect, and Meets the first and third Saturday and plaintiff will apply to the Court for with Neatness and persons catching them are liable to I t lir e s « 'n iig h s unit ( ' « 111 «. j the relief demanded in his complaint, a nights of eacli month. a $50 fine. R out . B crns , C. C. Mrs. ('. Peterson, 625 Lake St. succinct statement of which is as follows; J. G. 8 m HON IK I'lerk._______________ • ♦ Dispatch. Topeka. Kans. sava “ (Tf all cough Thst the marriage contract now exist- QOQUILIE COUNCIL. NO 398, F. A. A. ft 4 h u l l p«| llt n lli ft remedies Ballard’s Horehound in* ? ° " ',n*1 Pontiff he dis- Meets the second and fourth Thurs $ Kidney trouble often ends fatally 1 Syrup is my favorite; it has done solved; that plaintiff have judgment for ft Satisfaction Guaranteed. hut by choosing tlm right medicine. and will do all that is claimed for the care and custody of Lester Clausen. ! day nights of each month in Odd Fel lows’ hall. X K. H. Wolfe, of Bear t ¡rove, Iowa, it to speedily cure all cough* and their minor son, and for his costs and I D r . G eo . Hess ell , Pres. cheated death. He sav M rs . C h a s . H a r r in g t o n , 8 e c 'y . ‘ I wo colds and it issoaweetand pleas disbursements in this suit. ft 5 years »go I bad Kidney Trouble, ant to the taste. For a ile by R. 8 Service of this summons is made by V which caused me great pain, suffer Knowlton. j publication in pursuance of an order I p E N IR G TIDE CIRCLE. NO 214. W. 0. W. ing nnd anxiety, but I took Klee made hr !.. Harlocksr, county Judge for Meets the second and fourth Satnr- g iCone county, Oregon. lated the 14th day nights of each month. trie Bitter^, which effected a coni- $ The N e w T rade M a r k L a w . _____ day February. 1903. and directing pnb- p'etc cure. I have also found them M r ». Is»r L in e g a b , G. X. ft Mrs. M. McDonald. Clerk. o f grert benefit in general debility A copy of the New Law of T«*d« | \1 ly H eeai . d ,” a newspaper published st nnd nerve trouble, nnd keep them JUSTUS LODGE. NO SS. RATHI0NE SISTERS IN C O N N E C T IO N W I T H H E R A L D . constantly on hand, since, as I Marks will I* sent free to any one , the City of Coquille, in said Coos county Meets the llret anil third Tuesday find they hnvo no equal." 1!. S. interested in Trade Mark p t o t e c - 11 Fregón, once each week, for a peri») of nights each month in Odd Fellows' hall. six weeks. S Knnwiton druggist, guarantees tion. bv C. A Snow k Co., opposite A. J, NHERWOOD, M r .«. A nnie L « whence , M . E. C. them at 50c. Datent Office, Washington, D. C. Attorney for Plaintiff. M r s . I ne * C hase , M . of R . 8 . HAS HO SUBSTITUTE B ro w n r ig g I I HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. Win. Horsfall, M. Ü., Coquille Tonsorial Parlors, Boot & Shoe Repairing 30 60 ¿¿§ RE IHfln PPT 01 ? Alfred Johnson, Tlirfl Weil ii April! Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings Constantly on hand. Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail. W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly. JO B W O R K I C. O. DRYDEN, I