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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
Money-Saving It Came In Like a Lamb and Went Out Like a Lion. 8a W. iiptk >n Rile«: O m K U . lUOO: m i m o n t h s M u n ie , three month*. Itrent*; itn*!*co*>j. t c l* th.fs AdTetU nns Katts: Display. 1 » reut«an loch . B um iic « Notic«*, S reut« a llu * . Fot 9*1«. Kant. B ic h » m e . Want *n<l t*ay Kntertalument S ö tte*« » e-t*. • Une. Card o lT h * a k * ¡0 c l i f U‘*a Notice* legal ratet. Copy for new ade und changes should be tent to The Newt not latar tbau W edn ttda j. Official Ntwtpapsr t f tbs City ef F tilt Clt# Issi LD E very S aturday M orning Notice To Alien Enemies Under the proclamation o f the President o f date April 6, 1917, it is unlawful for alien enemies to have in their possession the following articles: ou i Any firearm, weapon, or imple ment o f war. or component part thereof, «munition, maxim, or other silencer, bomb, or explosive, or ma terial used in the manufacture o f explosives; any aircraft or wireless apparatus, or any form o f signaling device, or any form o f cipher code . or any paper, document, or book written or printed in cipher or in which there maybe invisable writing. P above referred to, and for the pur poses o f this notice, all natives, citi zens. denizens or subjects o f Ger- any. being male, o f the age o f 14 years and upwards, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturalized, are termed alien enemies. W I have been requested by the De partment o f Justice, to cause this notice to be published and by this publication notify all alien enemies within this county to bring to the office o f the sheriff or to police head quarters and to there urrender any and all articles which it is unlawful for them to have in their possesion. A detailed receipt should be given by the sheriff or the chief o f police for all articles so surrendered, and at the close o f the war such articles should then be returned. Any alien enemy who fails to sur render such articles within twenty- four hours after the publication o f this notice will be subject to sum mary arrest if such articles shall be found in his possession; and the arti cle will be seized and forfeited to the use o f the United States. In this connection, I would call your particular attention to the proclamation, a copy o f which was on April 6, 1917, published in all the newspapers o f the state. Respectfully, E. K. PIASECKI, District Attorney for Polk County. April 19, 1917. IN T H E S U P R E M E C O U R T STATE OF OF THE O R EG O N D. A. White, et al,, Plaintiffs, vs. The County Court o f Marion County, et al.. Defendants. To McNary & McNary, Attorneys for Plaintiffs: In the official budget adopted in Polk County, Oregon, for expendi tures by said County during the year 1917, $41,270.79 was named as a sum for the construction and maintenance o f the Salem bridge, and said sum is now being collected by taxation in said County o f Polk. The County Court o f Polk County now authorizes this offer o f compro mise: If the County Court o f Marion County will construct a bridge, of new materials, as recommended in the report o f Joseph Weare and John H. Lewis, State Engineer, submitted in January 1917, at the site and of the size, type and dimensions so rec- omended, within the next two years, Ihe Polk Clounty Court will, upon the completion o f such bridge, turn over to the Marion County Court the said sum o f 841,270.79, so specified in the said 1917 budget, plus the sum o f $2,000.00 in addition thereto, in case Marion County maintains a free ferry 14 hours daily, and will from and after the completion o f such bridge, pay 30 per cent o f the cost o f maintaining such bridge. Marion County is to make disposition o f and have salvage o f old bridge. The Polk County Court is willing to execute a formal contract em bodying the terms above set forth. E. K. Piasecki, Oscar Hayter, Attorney for County Court, Judge and Commissioners o f Polk County. O. K. Accepted April 37, 1917. W. M. Buahey, County Judge W. H. Goulet, Commissioner J. T. Hunt, Commissioner. Marion County, Oregon. McNary & McNary, Attys fo r Plfs. By E M M A TH U RSTO N permanent break between us. our betrothul survived it, and when 1 returned to the city all wai made up between us. It looked as if we should have April weather after this, but one evening another wind came up a good deal fresher than am thing wo had yet experienced and ended in a tornado. A certain performance at the theater was to be given that 1 wished very much to see. 1 bought two aeats and telephoned Wilbur that I wished him to go with me to the play, lie replied that he had a business j,'Ugageuient for the even ing and couldn't go. 1 asked him w hat I should do, aud he replied— through the telephone, mind you, so that the whole world could hear — that he was too busy to advise me and that if 1 intended to rely on him through life for little things like that he would carry a load. That provoked me. Before 1 had time to get over my huff I had tele phoned to Ed Tucker and asked him to be my attendant. Lie said he should be delighted. 1 had no soon er received his answer than I was called up by Wilbur to say that he had succeeded in putting off his business engagement and would be with me for the theater. llow could I be expected to know what to say to him at once aud over a telephone? I didn’ t sav anything but “ “ W Well” or “ All right” or some thing like that, aud he, being in a hurry, shut me off. I couldn’ t make up my mind what to do in the matter, being rather weak about such things, and half an hour before it was time to go to the play Ed drove up in a carnage and, carrying a bouquet of beautiful flowers, ran up the steps. 1 met him at the door and took ok him into the drawing room. I was about to explain the position to him when along came Wilbur. When he saw Ed his face looked like a thunder cloud. He said nothing to Ed, but he said a good deal to me. As soon as ho paused I tried to explain to him that I was engaged to go to the theater with both of them. At that moment he caught sight of the flow ers lying on the table. He looked from them to Ed, a frightful light shining in his eyes; then from Ed to me. He was the angriest man I ever saw, and yet I was not at fault at all. I hadn’ t even had a chance to accept or de cline the gift. You should have heard his talk. He told me that he had feared I was a very weak woman, and he had found me not even the consistency of mush. I stood it as long as I could, getting angrier every min ute. Suddenly I pointed to the door and, with flaming eyes and cheeks, 6aid: “ G o!” He subsided and started in to say something pleasant, but I repeated the word “ G o!” and said it again and again till my voice was like a trumpet sounding a charge. I be came so infuriated that ho feared I would throw something at him and went out, saying he should call again when I had cooled. “ By Jove!” cried Ed. “ I’ ve long been looking for a woman to brace up my easygoing nature. I ’ ve found her at last. Will you marry me ?” “ Yes, I will.” And I did. And so it was that my engage ment with Wilbur Ernst came in like a lamb and went out like a lion. My husband, who has turned out to be a man who will fight for his own way in everything, say# I am the most obstinate woman he ever knew. But one thing, to my surprise, he admits — be declares that no woman can make up her mind quicker when she wishes to than I, and he only regrets that I won’ t give him time to come to his own decisions before I spring mine upon him. In my girlhood there were very few fields open to women, and we were not ambitious to occupy those we were at liberty to enter. A wo man would at that time rather rely on a man for her living than on her own exertions. 1 am one of those who believe that women are fitted for the home and are uot fitted for making their own living. When Wilbur Ernst came courting me 1 persuaded myself that I loved him, possibly because it was to my inter est to love him. lie was a strong character. At any rate, he had a strong will, and I suppose the for mer cannot exist without the latter. It seemed to me that he was just the kind of husband for a weak wo man like myself. I would be con tent to let him breast the battle o f the world for us both, and that was just what he liked. I could see by the way he talked that he had very little respect for women’s opinions in business matters, and he would not be likely to consult me about his affairs. But I realized that I could not help him in this respect, and I had no desire to do so. My depart- ment would be the home, where I would have all the responsibility. It would seem from what I have raid that Wilbur and I would be especially fitted for each other. But to make assurance doubly sure there is always between couples the en gagement period. Yet, I am free to sav, sometimes, like the month of March reversed, it comes iu like a lamb and goes out like a liou. I re fer to cases where couples quarrel and break with each other before marriage. Wilbur said that, of course, after a betrothal with him I must drop any of mv old flames. I had but one — Edward Tucker— and he didn’t count, because I considered him too much like myself. At any rate, he was very lazy. I thought my fiance might have left it to me to drop my old flames without requiring me to do so. However, I intended to tell Edward the next time he came to see me that he needn’t call again. But somehow I couldn’t. It was 1 who should have liked to mate with Edward if he hadn’t been so easy going. He hadn’t been making love to me— at least not for some time— and it would seem out of place for me to dismiss a man who was not a suitor. Besides, we had long been friends. So when he call ed again I utterly failed to say any thing about his keeping away from me. I made a clean breast of the mat ter to Wilbur and saw the corners of his mouth come down and his chin stick out like the map of Spain. He made a remark with just a little bit of an edge on it, but I was surprised that instead of being strengthened I was nettled. He ad mitted that the matter required of me was embarrassing, but essential. Doubtless I would screw my courage up to the sticking point in time. I didn’t say anything in reply, but doubted that I -could screw up my courage. There wa« just a little March breeze about this, but thus far there had been so much April softness that I didn’t think the season could go backward and our courtship go out with a blast. About this time June came on, the month of roses and marriages, though Wilbur and I were not to be married till the following au tumn. He had agreed to spend a couple of weeks— his vacation— with me during the summer either in the mountains or at the seashore or any place I might select. But Potato«* a* Food. try as I might I could not make a The potato is 78 per cent water. selection. Wilbur had arranged for his out Water is one of the few commodi ing for two weeks from the 15th of ties that remains cheap. In a pota July. Just before the time to go to skin it costs very nearly 6 cents he was very busy getting ready to a pound. Rather high priced water! be absent from business, and I Eighteen per cent of the potato is didn’ t see him for a week. Then lie starch. Some persons need starch came around on the evening of the in their diet. Many should avoid it. 14th of July and asked where we Whether you need potatoes for the were going. I told him I didn’ t starch they contain depends upon your physical condition and powers know. There was a fine March wind be of assimilation. The potato con tween us. I told him that I had en tains 2.2 per cent of protein and 1 gaged myself to a strong character per cent ash. It contains only one- that I might have some one to rely tenth of 1 per cent fat.— Louisville on in such matters, and he asked Courier-Journal. me what matters I intended to take Iceland. under my own care. This made me very angry. I told him that I could Icelanders are now famous for make up my mind quick enough if I their high standard o f education. wished to, and I settled on the place Every child of ten in this remote in a twinkling. He asked mo to little land can read and write, nei- name it, and I told him I would ther abject poverty nor important drop him a line. The next morning ] wealth is seen, and crime is rare, at 6 I took a train for the moun and the latest step in the evolution tains. A few days after I reached I of this remarkable people is the my destination I wrote him where I founding of a university at the cap was and that I should be happy to ital. T u b F a l l s C ity N e w s , Subscription Bargain Both 1 year $l.uu Only $1.25 I^bxTHWBST F armstead , 1 year $1.00 Total value, 1 Year To One Addreea $2.00 j UNUSUAL CLUB OFFER Y O U R Y E A R ’ S R E A D IN G W# want * v«ry o ik « ol our subsi'rltxrs to t*ko lmim'<lUt« *«l vhuum «* ol this it real tub •crlplton b<ug*iti It will good for but a abort tlimv an >our new or renewal ettbacrlptloii at once If yon are now a v,«t. rerIber to eltber. cretin will I mp euletnleil otte year. The Newa baa been fortunate In making arrangements with the NOUTHUMT K A KMHI’KAl» whereby both m e / be offered for a abort time at only Wt-ettla more ’ hai» the I-titular price of our paper t'uwc In and pay up your subscription fur another year 75 Cents for Every Subscriber TIM old r*u*bi* NOKI1IW1.S1 SARU next month. SrKA1 * will be bigger and better than ever nt once. tliin com ing season. Its editors will devote their beat efforts In making this paper the beat tu the couutry. Kach week you'll re calve a clean, well edited issue on better farming, marketing, prices, profits, educe t toi» oltUeushlp, home and »ooliti life. He guUr .« ir e *l«n », II 00 per yrer. That’s what this offer is worth to you, but you must act Come TODAY! TH E FALLS CITY NEWS, Falls City, Or. THE NEWS PRINTERY Every Farmer, Business or Professional Man Should Use Printed Stationery. . . ■ m ■ £9 ■ ■ < m m ■ m Letter Heads* Bill Heads* Statements, Envelopes, Hand Bills* Fosters, Pamphlets, Notes, Receipts, Checks, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Butter Wrappers, Etc. : s : : : m m m m m m THE NEWS CAN SUPPLY YOU. m m m V Our Magazine Offer i .2 5 FOUR MONTHLY MAGAZINES $1 ¿ 5 And Our Paper All One Year Aiwl A n n D a n o n _ _A l l A n o V o c io Get Tbe Most For Yonr Money Send yonr subscription to oar paper at onca, and we will give yon • inbecription to these splendid magazines for only 2 ) cent* additional. The quarter brings you $1.3) worth of standard magazines. This offer it open to old end new subscribers. If you are already ■ sub scriber to any of these magazines, your subscription will be «Handed one ye«» from date of expiration. This offer also includes a FREE dress pattern. W hen you raceive your Brat copy of Today's, selact any dres* pattern you desire, send your order to Today's Magazine, giving them the size and number of the pattern end they will send it to you free of charga. Never before has any newspaper been able to offer magazine* of such s e character at this price. W e are proud of this offer and wa urge you to advantage of it at once. $ 1 . 2 5 Send Your Order Before You Forget It $ -fl ■ “ " The Magazines Will Stop Promptly WNen Tims Is Up «“ • ¿5 = SUBSCRIBE TODAY k