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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1917)
FALLS eiTY iVOL. XIII FALLS CITY OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 14. HOME OF UNTOLD W EALTH. Both the recorder and the chief GOOD MANNERS. are o f the opinion that, the sale Some persons there are who Fabulouo Rich«» Lin* All lh* Land* * f South A m irita . fight in Congross Foroshadowod by o f liquor can be stopped only think o f good manners simply as when the citizens obey the law. bowing at the proper angle at Fifteen million ounces of silver is Recommendationo of Qosthals. -ono of South America’s annual con Salem Capital-Journal, meeting, shaking hands with the tributions to the world's pocket Washington, April 9. Repre prescribed number o f fingers and took. This would make more than sentative Adamson, chairman o fi observing the other nieeties o f >".000,000 silver dollars. the House committee on inter GENTLE VOICE FAILING, Silver to the amount of more social usuage without regard for SHE USES RIGHT ARM than $ 2 , 000 , 000,000 lias been mined state commerce, today sent a let their true meaning. in the last 300 years from Potosi, ter to each member o f Congress University of Oregon, Eugene, These persons fail to appreciate calling attention to the fuel that April 7. — When a gentle femin that good manners, as we know the famous “ peak of silver” in Bo livia. General Goethal* is advocating ine voice is not sufficient to quell then, were not devised simply as The hills of South America are a change in the deck load provis the turbulent pupils o f an unruly a code o f conduct to be learned seamed with gold. It is found in ions o f the I'unaina Canal act, district school, it is extremely and practiced by rote, but as an every etate. All thia gold and silver could be which will permit the govern handy to have a strong right arm easy natural means o f expressing studded with precious stones from ment to increase its charges on and a will to use it. according to the heartfolt respect and sincere Colombia. Seven hundred thousand lumber cargoes pussing through Miss Cynthia Roberts, o f Astoria, gallantry o f one person toward carats of them are dug out of her the Canal. Oregon, in her reading circle another. hills annually. Almost all the em As the law is now interpreted, puper on School Discipline sent Manners are but the outsider eralds in the world come from there. Our famous copper mines in \ no charge is imposed on account in to the extension department of the paint on the Bolid structure Michigan, Montana and Arizona o f lumber carried above decks. the State University, beneath, the clothes which cover are surpassed in richness by those The Goethals plun favored by No. Miss Huberts did not do it the true person within. They <m the west coast of South America. Mr. Adamson would im|K»se a herself, but she vouches for the ari, but the indicator, the guide Enough silver is mined with the charge on lumber carried above facts. A certain Miss M., she an(j tag which shows what one copper of one Peruvian mine to pay decks, as well ss that below. reports was sent down to a dis may expect from the person hid all the expenses of the mining and shipping the ore over the moun This action foreshadows alight trict where five other teachers, ing behind them. tains and up to North American < to bo made in Congress to in both men and women, had not So let us try to make our man smelters. It also pays the cost of crease the tolls against lumber been able to maintain order, and nera accurate guides and not de- j smelting. carriers, and, in the opinion of had been "run out" after a short ceivers or false indicators. Let The largest steel works in Penn Pacific Coast members, will, if time. "M iss M .” bail been rais-i us employ the social usuages sylvania could be kept busy for sev successful, in time close the Ca ed on a farm, and was gifted which express what \»e are, enty-fife years with the iron ore of ono of Chile’s provinces, Co nal to lumber-carrying vessels. ssitli grit and determinatiod. nothing more, nothing less. quimbo. On calling the school to order Personally we consider it more More tin is mined in Bolivia than the first day s‘ic requested a book to the credit o f a person to eat anywhere else in the world except LOCAL LAWS ARE AT STAKE from one o f the larger boys. He peas with a knife, than to mince the federated Malay states, and made some "s m a rt" retort and about in the approved way, pro only a few of the mines have yet lake County Bounty Caoo Involves refused to give it to her. "Miss vided this knife wielding method been opened. Although South America imports Many Acts and Wilt Bo Appoolod M ." stepped up to him, and with more properly expresses what he most of her coal, there is enough a sw ift right to his jaw, sent him is. tucked away in her mountain* to Salem'. Or., April 9. Attorney sprawling on the floor. When Above all we should be sincere, supply the needs of both Americas General Itrown today said that he got up, he handed the book to making our outside as expressed for ages to come. But there are no a recent decision o f Judge Conn, her. From then on there was no by our manners, a truthful man railways to bring it out. Chile’s nitrates fertilize the fields o f Lakeview, invalidating a coun further trouble. ifestation o f our inner character of the world and bring her an an ty election on a jackrabbit boun and consciousness. ual revenuo in export duties of more ty bill, will be appealed to the than $15,000,000. The value of the JOURNAL RAPS REV. BILLIE Supreme Court in the case o f deposits must be reckoned in ten BEST FRIENDS. Rose vs. the Port o f Portland. In figures.— VVorld Outlook. Salem, Or . April ll>.— The dis that case it \va held that the patches yesterday told o f Billy "O ld friends are best friends." T H *re W a s O n * W h o D id N o t L a u g h . electors residing in a port have Sunday’s opening services in the To judge from the frequency Mark Twain once expressed the no power to vote on u. question big tabernacle in New York City with which this adage is quoted, following sentiments to a young wo under the initiative unless some Sunday. They also told how the it would seem that the new man who bad not smiled at a thing enabling act is passed. audience estimated at 60,000 got friends are arbitrarily barred that he had said during an im Judge Conn applies the ruling on its feet and howled over his from the class o f best friends. promptu reception in his honor at in the Port o f Portland case to slang. 'Vituperation, and lan But is this necessarily true? Is Bryn Mawr college, to which his daughter had invited him. All the counties. This would affect all guage that would hardly be U c r a friend to be barred from true young ladies but one were in a state county legislation. ated in the vilest slums, is ac- friendship simply because he is a of great glee during the humorist’s address; all but one had laughed cepted as the correct thing for new friend? heartily at every witty remark. Just That is not the intent o f this use in the church by this mounte CITY OFFICIALS ACCUSE as Twain finished he turned to the adage as we see it. URUGGISTS OF LAW EVASION bank. There is no religion, no devoutness, no anything that can We consider old friends best jn nn uudertone: “ You The Capital Drug store and the be called decent in his language, friends, mainly because o f our are tho only sensible one here. I Lmil Schaefer Drug store are and yet he has a vast following experience. We look back at have not said a single amusing selling alcohol to hoys under the apparently thoroughly buffaloed. them through the haze o f the thing. If it were not for the con-» guise o f jamaica ginger, pepper I f the Capital Journal or any years we have known them. We spicuousness of it I would like to mint and camphor, according t o , otj,er newspaper should use the see them in the light o f the joy press your hand.” statements o f City Recorder Race language common to Billy Sun we have shared together, or in D ic k a n i W » » F o n d of Color. and Chief o f Police Cooper this day, its subscribers would very the gloom o f the sorrow which \Y. P. Frith could boast of a long er acquaintance with Dickens than morning. properly drop it. And yet it is has struck mutually at both our In making this statement they all right in the churches o f the hearts. We remember the times any of his contemporaries, barring members of the novelist’s family. J assert they have the evidence in east. In cold type his defiance they have stood by loyally in In 1858 he painted Dickens’ por- j their possession in the shape of o f New York and his invitation hours o f need, or embarked trait at John Forster's request. | bottles with the labels o f the two for its horde o f sinners to come blithely with us on pleasure Concerning this portrait tho artist drug stores on them. These l«>t- forward and attack him. when he jaunts when peace and happiness writes: “ Dickens’ taste in dress was very curious. When ho came to my i tles were taken from boys haled knew he was fighting the air, reigned. studio he was wearing a large sky i into the police station on various ai|fj mentioned no one, is spec In short we associate an old blue overcoat with bright red cuffs. minor charges. tacularly silly. And his calling friend with the years through I protested that T could not man A t a dance at the armory, re on the hosts o f sin to face him which this friendship has been age the overcoat, and Dickens with j cently, after it was over, 11 hot- an(j be annihilated would be hu- tried and tested in the heat and great docility agreed to abaudon tles were picked up and nine bore m0rous if it was not disgusting. cold o f experience, and we ap this f a v o r it e article of apparel, re marking in explanation of its gaudy the labels o f the Capital Drug .---------------------- prove or condemn much as we appearance that he was very fond drug store. They were six ounce would approve or condemn an of color.” BUTTERFAT PRICE SOARS bottles and were supposed to con employee who had served us for T h * P o la r Bear. tain jamaica ginger or some j such a period. The animal par excellence which other article that is supposed to Hay Shortago in Eastern Idaho Causes So then the adage should carry the hunter, the amateur arctic trav Riso to 50 Cents Pound. denaturize alcohol. no significance counter to the eler and the young explorer hopes Some o f the ginger purchased ' ' alue o f the friendship o f a new and dreams of killing is the polar has contained as high as 85 per Boise, Idaho, April 9.— F ifty friend. He may be loyal, true bear. The reason for, this is the; cent alcohol and some even as cents a pound is being paid for and sincere, as loyal and true magnificent trophy which the great high as 93 per cent alcohol. The butterfat in Eastern Idaho by a an(j sincere as the old friend, but white skin makes. This feeling was, no le6s strong centuries ago than it bottles are sold at fifty cents. Unite, Mont., produce house, ac- his worth has not been tested by is now, for we read that one of the , However, the officers are helpless cording to information received the years. early Icelandic sea rovers to Green as the stuff is sold under the today by J. K. White, State P u r e j _________________ land quarreled with and killed his bosom companion because lie had pure food act, which allows the Food Inspector. This is said to i . . . . o f tha American youths slain a large bear instead of leav- sale o f jamaica ginger, pepper be the highest price ever paid for ing that honor to his chief. butterfat in the United States. Prefer t(> trust. themselves upon mint. etc. The shortage o f hay in the east the f a of ™ tnm ony than chase The only wpy they can get at M e r * Cr*dilÿ|a> Mention of th* Email estate ac the problem is to have the permit end o f the state is blamed for |the fe3tive submanne- cumulated by one of the best known to import alcohol revoked or fur the sudden advance in the price of American literary men recalls a ther permit refused by the dis o f butterfat. Dairymen in the Col. Roosevelt is very anxious story. A wife was readihg a news trict attorney. territory tributary to Pocatella to get into the trenches, according paper to her husband. “ Here,” she The gang o f boys who have have been forced to pay $35 a ton to newspaper reports. Doubtless said, “ is a waiter who is worth been making depredations about for alfalfa, with the result that the German veterans would be $250,000.” “ I don’t believe it,” said the city have confessed that they 1 cream is bringing an unusual d e l i g h t e d t o train a machine he. “ No writer was ever worth any such sum.” “ I didn’t say ‘writer.’ I secure alcohol at these places, price. I gun upon the doughty colonel. said ‘waiter,’ ” corrected the lady. and the chief is o f the opinion '\ lute thinks the people of Id a-! There is likely to be considerable “ Oh,” remarked her husband, “ I that the alcohol was the cause of ho are going to have to substi- difference in charging a German can see how that might be.” — Christian Science Monitor. them getting into trouble. 1 tute oleomargarine for butter. front and the San Juan episode. , LUMBER TOLLS MAY INCREASE Having bought out Mr. Brcntner’s stock I have established a bargain section of various items and rem nants. Cali in and inspect, you will find some excellent values. SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition”. WE SELL TH E BEST GROCERIES Today, tomorrow, or next week you will find the best that can be bought at any time or any place. SHOES AND LOGGERS SUPPLIES Prices as low as consistent first-class merchandise. with FALLS CITY LOGGING & LUMBER CO. HIGH COST OF LIVING Can often be reduced if a family keeps a house checking account. Open a checking account for your w ife and let her pay the household bills by check. There is no reason why the same busi ness methods should not prevail at home as well as at the office. This bank will take pleasure in explaining the rules o f banking to lady depositors. BANK OF FALLS CITY. NEW COMBINATION OFFER Falls City News, one year The M anufacturer T o ta l Both papers, o n e y e a r THE FALLS CITY NEWS.