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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1915)
Saturday, November 6, 1195 vTlip JFallii (£iti| Nrutu D. L WOOD * SON. Publishers. Rnt«*rv 4 • « ne«*wl c « « m «tl a» th# r«*»»*rfW • I Pullt City. P o lt Oontjr. On»s»n, un«t*e tt* Act ol Con^rsss of IMsrvb 5 . ISifc Telephon*—News Offlr*. M. Subscription Rato: On*y*ar. H t». six month«. SO can«*, thraa month». 20rant». »inala ropy. Oct*. I I AilTortltinc R»l*s nieplsy. 10 < • ntun inch Kuelnas* Votier» Otant* • Un* For Sala,Rant. I Tettane». Want anti F ot Rntartalnntant No t'co». Oct*, a Un» Carrt ot Tfcarh* 00et* ; 1 *e* VoUca*. l«f»> r»*e* copy lot » » « l i andebant*»ahcuui b« »*m lo Ih » Vaws not l*t»r tb*n Wrtnaaday. o m C IA L DIRECTORY OT TALCS C IT Y H S O r lS s . M ayot R M. Wonderly Councilman at Lars* FMUip Gettlreid H. C. Brown. C. 1. Bradlay. Councllmen I. O. Slnf laton. C. I Hopkins. F A. Titus. C. E. MeFherren. Auditor and ro lli-* Jud* Walter L . T ooj* Jr.. City Attorney Put Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L Thompson. Treasurer Ur. F. M. Hellwartb, Health Officer. I * f The New York Tribune has been depicting in cartoon American his tory as it would be if interpreted in terms o f present-day currency in politics. The first cartoon rep resented George Washington re fusing command o f the Continen tal army because* he was "too proud to fight"; and other subjects are; Patrick Henry delivering his ramous speech: "(.live me liberty or give me ‘strict accountability"'; Benjamin Franklin i n f o r m i n g George III that the Declaration of Independence was for home con. sumption only. Cenerai Grant writ- ing his memorable dispatch; " I in tend to talk it out on this line if it takes all summer". REPUBLICAN LEADERS ELA TED Illinoisans say Figures Presag Another Victory Rent Year. WAR TO HEIR LUMBER E D W A R D F T R I F S S E I S R EC O R D DE M AND FROM EUROPE. Proteatiya T » n M factored lo Bn Need to Save America From Flood ol Foreign Ooods. Eugene. Or., Nov. 8. An abnor mal prosperity for the I"uriñe Northwest, through a European demand for lumber, was predict ed as an event o f the near future by Edward F. Trefs. of Washing ton. D. C.. National field secretary of the United States Chamber of Commerce. He spoke last night at a banquet held by the Eugene Commercial Club, which subse quently resolved itself into mem bership in the National organiza tion. Mr. Trefs was made an honorary member o f the Eugene Commercial Club. Despite his predictions o f pros perity for the lumber market, Mr. Trefs declared that this country faces severe problems in world marketing after the war. The Nation, he said, must have a pro tective tariff. " A protective tariff may not alone solve our problems,” said the speaker, but if we let into this country the goods that Enrol** will send us at the close of the war, we will ruin the manufac turers o f this country. "On the lumber industry de- depends our salvation. Europe has not the lumber to supply her demands. She must look to Am er ica and to the Northwest to supply this abnormal demand. The sit uation is a serious one and requires organisation and concerted efforts on the part of the business men to handle it.” Council Meeting The city council met in regular session Monday night with Mayor G r i ill n . Auditor McPherran, Councilmen Wonderly, Brown. Titus, Bradley. Hopkins a n d Singh ton being present. The regular business whs trans acted. The electric light bill was cut from $S5 to $11 on account o f poor service. The report of Engineer Sam mons in regard to the water sup ply o f Teal creek was accepted and he was ordered to send blue print and application tor water right to the State Engineer at Salem. It is intended to push the work right along. Resolutions authorizing the col lection o f all delinquent street assessments was adopted arrd it is to be presumed that, after years o f waiting, in some cases, that these collections w ill be at tempted. The council adjourned to meet Monday night. November 15. p r o fc M to n a l C a r t« i’ ll v a i n an F. M. HELLWARTH PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON Office one door east ol I*. O. Ollt'R im i n i ito li Hraldniirr I llO llt* SU N K M 11 a l i t ) , O n «m i « IIIHnrKAt Tl< 1>R. W . L . H o llo w a y CHIROPRACTIC Will ti* *1 Fall» (illy Moiri MONi>AV. WKl'NKHtlAt »m l W l l ’ AV Allrriiooti» le e h W ie k . «u ß in c D O C a r fro iim n jf a lls C it y jI b o t d S a m p le R o o m * B a a l A e o o m m o d a tlo n a r D roao* P rop rla la r CHICAGO. Nov. a Republi HAKt.KH AIIOP« cans cornered all the comfort from Tha Council meets in regular »cation on the dr»t the elections in the East yester end third Tuesday nights ol each month, at 7 30 day. Local leaders were o f one F a lla C ity , O ra n o « ) o'clock. In th* office o l the T ell* City Sews. M A R K E T R EP O R T mind in their diagnosis o f the re At. Both Bher* yea (« a gel o Shite, flair (at. hsih I PORTLAND UNION STOCK YARDS CO. sult—that it means a return of or ‘thine S a t u r d a y . N ovember 6. 1915 Atcal (or Dolili Suoni Lowidry Republican rule next year. Hu utile» Ion*»nli'tl 1ue»d*jr »runs p GATTU NEWS AND COMMENT "T h e elections yesterday indi November 1. cate a return o f the power o f the A small run w ith steady prices Republican party in the Nation MONUMENTO Usurious Southern Banks is today’s market in the cattle and State." was the terse com Mr. Harding o f Alabama. Dem division: steers went fast at 6.60 G . L. H A W K I N S ment o f Charles S. Deneen, Ex- ocratic member of the Federal to 6.75 for best grades; cows sold 1 M A R B L E A N O G R A N IT E Governor. Reserve Board, seeks to justify at 5.25 with heifers going at 5.25 "T h e results show the people M O N U M E N T S the sending o f thirty millions of to 6.25. D a lla s , O re g o n have awakened to the evil of Government money to the South 1F0QS Democratic tariff tinkering and on the ground that Southern banks The largest run o f the season I the bungling o f other economic r t ’ N K K A I. M RK CTO K have been charging extortionate (over 6300 head being counted | laws.” said Roy O. West. Republi interest to the cotton planters. in) with a f- t ake,' market con can National comitteeman from R. L C H A P M A N “ Girard” o f the Philadelphia "Pub stituted the day’s business. Buy Illinois. " I t shows the people un- lic L edger" thus pungentlv com ers were very slow to take hold Funeral Directo » stand that the revival in business ments on the procaeding: hut finally fot together and hogs = iiu 3 ui, w,c ^.uv-uv^e,. conditions, whatever they may W « a tt e n d I « » I I w o r k p r o m p t l f . Does it square with rigid mor- . . . . began to move rapidly at 6.75 for * . j J ____J j _______ „■ A . n.;, - * amoujit • amoujit to, is to. is due to due e to exports aris- DalU» »ad Falb O ff. Or als and sound economies to do this r* ’ „ , . tops. Bulk at 6.60 to 6.65 with . .. T , ... . . ing from the European war and to thing: Lend a man $10 so that he * H the winter months coming on the will temporarily stop robbing unusua'ly K°°d crops. Altogether. hog runs are expected to be larg the outlook is promising for Repub somebody else? Is that a good er than usual. licanism in the 1916 election." way to prevent theft? Is it a SHFEP Mayor Thompson was pleased cheap way? Not enough sheep came for with the election figures. ‘ ‘ Every NOTICE “ Well, out in Arkansas a nation ward to make a market, 240 deduction from yesterday’s elec NOTICE is hereby given by the al bank has charged 120 per cent being the total number received; tions points the Republican way undersigned taxpayers of Road interest on a loan—$120 for the for next year,” said the mayor. District Number 21, in the County prime lambs are bringing 7.35, mere use of $100 for one year. ewes 5.50 and yearlings 6.00. "T h e old party is coming back o f Polk, State of Oregon, who are Another bank made its customer to its own, and its coming back more than ten pet* cent, o f the tax pay $50 and another $60 for the IU S T THE R IG H T P R E S E N T strongly. As far as the defeat of payers o f said District, that a use of $100 for a year. Don’t take chances in the mat suffrage goes, the women will meeting o f the resident taxpayers “ In Alabama five banks collect ter o f Christmas presents. You keep on fighting for it.” o f said Road District will be held ed an average of 26 per cent, and "There is a reunited Rapublican on Saturday, the 27th day o f Nov don’t want yours, like so many in Georgia 11 banks had a rate of party in the Nation now, and we ember, in the year 1915, at the others, to lie received with indif ».S fr h .- w ir will carry Illinois by 200,000 next hour o f 2 o’clock, P. M., o f said ference or worse, and ten days | Under this pawnbroker system . M_____„ TOi/1 V A „ rm rA , Novem ber," said Edward J day, at th*1 Public School House in after Christmas to lie cast aside of banking, how would you like to Brundage, Cook County manager School District No. 60 lOakhurst: and forgotten. be a cotton farmer? About as You take no such chance in giv for Senator Sherman’s Presiden in said Road District for the pur well, I fancy, as to meet a Jesse tial nomination campaign. "Th e pose o f voting on the question of ing The Youth’s Companion for a ; James in a lonely spot with your Progressives are back in the Re whether or not an additional tax year. pay envelope in your pocket. Did you ever know o f a home publican party and that means sha'l be levied by the resident tax "B ut the queer thing to which I everything will be Republican next payers o f said district on all the in which it came amiss, or of one, invite your attention is that these year. When I say we shall carry taxible property in said district in which it was not conspicuous are Uncle Sam’s banks. They are Illinois by 200,000 I know whereof for road purposes, under the pro I ori the library table or in some chartered, regulated, inspected I speak. The forecast is based on visions o f Section 6321 of Lord’s o n e ’s bands all through the year? and generally controlled by him. It is worth while to make a gift reports received from practically Oregon Laws as amended by "Then why does he permit peo all o f the 25 Congressional districts Chapter 316, General Laws of o f that sort, and it is worth while ple to be robbed to the extent of in the state.” Oregon, 1913. At said meeting to receive it, to, for The Compan 120 per cent interest? Republican leaders insist the the resident taxpayers o f said ion illustrates the best traits in "Bless your soul, he has now election result will start the pol district will by a majority vote of American life in its stories and found a way to stop it—he is go itical ball rolling in Illinois sooner ! such taxpayers levy such addit i sketches, upholds the best stand ing to take $30,000,000 of your than the leaders expected to git in ional tax (if any! as they may ards in its articels and other con money and mine, put it in these action. deem advisable to improve the tributions, and combines the prac Captain Kidd depositories, with tical and informing with the en roads of said district. the injunction that it must be Witness our hands thi.-> 1th day tertaining and blood-stirring. loaned for not more than 6 per Recent elections in some o f the I f you dontknow The Compan cent! And that is why I a3k you: eastern states is not very reasur- of November, 1915. ion a it is to-day, let us send you Names: Barney Phillips, Mrs. K. Is it right to lend a man $10 in ing to the Wilson administration, one or two current issues free, Mack, Cha8. Hartung, H. Hardt, order to prevent his picking your that "oil may throughly test the neighbor’s pocket? A man should abide the law. M. L. Thompson, Thos. Valentine, paper’s quality. We will send " ‘Why in Sam Hill,' you in- not through fear o f punishment, J. M. Valentine, Mrs. Anna Mehr- also the Forecast for 1916. ling, A. Brown, L. T. Murphy, R. quire, 'does the Government per- hut because he desires to be a Every new subscriber who Van Denbosh, Geo. M. Tice, Ella mit a national bank to charge f?ood citizen, sends $2.00 for the fifty-two week DeWitt, J. J. Sammons, D. Toller, from 60 to 120 per cent interest?’ ,, , , " I ’ll tell you why, if you will W hatwould b e c ^ e o f Portland C. L. * Hopkins, J. Lowe, W. A. ly issues of 1916 will receive free c . ... , . . ., c. should the towns o f the William- Persey, G. Fry, F. Droege, E. R. all the issues for the rest of 1915 No objections to Our Cigars first tell me why it costs the *ov- ^ Valley boycott her for the and The Companion Home Calen Lewis, J. C. Talbott, W. F. Nichols, HARRINGTON ernment mc/e to insure parcel "unfriendly” action in the rate Albert Teal. E. E. Lee, F. M. Hell- dar for 1916. |jost packages than is charged by case now pending? j warth, E. G. White, R. A. Titus, THE Y O U T H ’S COM PANION. r e g u l a r insurance companies. ____ There is a Jack for every Gill Boston, Mass. Plenty o f business men would like E. A. La Dow, J. D. Moyer, J. A. and Home one wants the articles an answer to that question. How- The meaning o f the elections in Young, A. Sampson, G. W. Brent- New Subscriptions Received at this you want to sell. Advertising in ever, it is only one of many symp- Massachusetts, New York, New Office. the News bring« results. Try one. toms o f that most expensive o f all Jersey, Maryland and Kentucky ner, R. M. Wonderly, N. A. Lunde, luxurious diseases—Government is unmistakable. The Republican E. S. Rich, Iaura E. Grayum. S. Kxtro copies ol The News arc ownership. party has come back, the Progres- R. Skeels, B. W. Brown, O. H. We are offering you four maga printed aa< h week, and will be sent “ Buthow long will that $30,000,- sive party is a matter o f history, I Hudson, John Wagner. 000 o f free money keep these and the trend o f public opinion is zines and the News one year lor to any address desired, postpaid, Date o f first publication Novem- avaricious Southern banks from indubitably away from the Demo- only $1 lh. for 5 cents per copy. 1 ber 6th, 1915. overcharging their patrons?” crats. -Oregonian. Bohle’s Barber Shops L i V