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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1915)
J /• FÄLL ITY NEWS No. 9 FALLS CITY OKEOON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1915 .. . 1 1 ■"■■■■ 1 ■ 1 " 1 ~ The terms o f three councilmen expires with December 31. They are: K. A. Titu^ H. C. Brown and w e cam yo u ! Phillip (Jottfreid. • , The people should get busy and see that the places are filled with Told by Eichanges, Reporters and Cleaned Front gixxl men who will vork to the in terest of the city. The finances Other Reliable Sources. of the city at this time are what might be termed "precarious” and into exultations over even such a it will require judicious handling substantial improvement as the to get through. I present one seems to be "W hile the situation certainly looks brighter than it did six LOST GIRL CRAWLS MILES. ! months a g o ," says W. B. Mack- Mills A rt Shipping; Surplus Matsrlal ay, "it isn’ t near where it ought T h ro w n by R u n a w a y , S h a la Loft C rtp - plsd In Daaart. [ to be yet. The new orders are to East and Middle West and Nt-cUlea, Cal — Loat lu tbe desert, small and scattering. The big forced lo crawl for mile* on her bauda Getting Ready to Resume buyers are not back in the mar and kueea during the night and Dually Operations rescued by u rnllroad engineer as she ket. th e *■>' unconscious ou the tracks, were "But it is apparent that tiiu adventure# that befell Miss I-oulse "Lumber business in Portland lumber men depend largely upon M. I‘parson, twenty-two. o f Oakland. and vicinity is beginning to im the "small and scattering” orders In (he Mohave desert Miss Pearson left Ludlow on horse prove. for the maintenance o f their in back to locate a mine In Old Dad "In fact it has been improving dustry in the future. They real mount,-tlm. Ten miles out ber horse for the last few weeks. ize that the railroads, as pur threw her. Her ankle wus so severely WE CAN SUIT you WITH SHOES BECAUSE "Lumbermen, bankers a n d chasers of the immense quanti sprained she could not walk, and tbe horse, carrying food supplies, raced railroad officials, who are accus ties that characterized their ac WE CARRY THE RIGHT STYLES. OUR SHOES away. »_______ tomed to deal with lumber, antic tivities a decade ago. are per FEEL GOOD. TOO. WHY? BECAUSE WE BUY ipate a steady and continued im manently out o f the market. SLIM LASTS FOR SLIM FEET AND BROAD. COM provement until the trade reaches "But the lumber manufacture its normal twsis. They don’ t era have taken council together FORTABLE LASTS FOR BROAD FEET. OUR SHOES look for a boom until after the and have come to the conclusion WEAR. war. and are not certain about a that their future prosperity de boom even then. pends largely upon their ability SO 0 0 OUR HOSE WEAR. BUY THEM. TRY "The increased demand for to sell their products in small THEM. AND YOU’LL COME AGAIN FOR THEM. lumber is due principally to retail quantities. orders in the Middle West. No E. A. Sterling, manager o f the decided improvement has been, trade extension department o f ! noticed in the local or in the the Lumber Manufacturers’ As Washington.—The deportment o f ag California demands. sociation, when he was in Port riculture has inaugurated a vigorous "T he export movement, on ac land a short time ago. pointed campaign for the protection of game the federal law and is aiding the | count of the war, is far below out that through their lack o f a g -' under various states In carrying out their . normal. gressiveness the lumber men j statutes. More than 240 new game laws were "Hut in spite of adverse con- have lost to the steel and the con enacted during 1015—a larger number dititions locally and in the for crete manufacturers it field of than in any previous year except 1011. F A L L S C IT Y D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E eign trade the lumber men art; trade that legitimately belongs forty-three states held regular legls- j lutlve sessions, uud in all of these! experiencing a pronounced im to the lumber industry. states except Arizona. Georgia and Ne provident in their business on braska some changes vverp ramie in the | Smailor Business Is Promising. NEW R A T E IS DEFENDED account of Eastern demands for protecting game. Tbe largest DR. AK ED OFFERS He pointed out that for m inor’ statutes number o f new game laws |Hissed In ] their products. purposes, such as the construc any one state w iis sixty-one. In North j W AY TO END WAR Logs are Ordorcti tion o f silos and garages, for in Carolina, but in California. Connecti McMinnville Commercial Club Indorse “ Logging operators, who have stance. lumber can be used at a cut. Maine. New Jersey. Oregon. Penn | PASTOR SAYS AMERICA SHOULD Southern Pacific New Rate sylvan In and Wisconsin tbe number been unable to move their logs decided advantage over concrete. reuebod ten or more. Several measures WITHDRAW SUPPORT. for more than a year, in the last '"A n d it is this class o f busi were vetoed. Including a general game "McMinnville, Oreg. Oct., 2 6 .- In Idaho, the first bill appropriating few weeks have found them ness that is forming the bulk of bill tbe hunting license fund in Pennsylva Toast, ‘My Country. Right or Wrong' The freight rate fight has aroused selves confronted with orders the present demand. Farmers nia. a bill protecting bears in Califor Denounced as Mistaken Interpre the business men of McMinnville, from mills and manufacturers. in the Middle West have had a nia and three sections o f the game hill tation of Patriotism. and at a meeting held today by state. "Mills that have been idle or prosperous year and are coming in A Washington number of bills were Introduced the Commercial Club a strong res running on part time now are be into the market for building ma for tbe purpose of barmoulzing the New Haven, Conn.—Rev. Char olution was adopted urging that state laws on migratory birds with ginning, to ship some o f their terial. les F. Aked, o f San Francisco, in the present plan of the Southern the federal regulations In at least susilus material and are getting "Mills in various parts of the nine states changes were made which an address on “ An International Pacific establishing a new rate for ready to increase their working Portland district are expecting brought the seasons iuto substantial Conscience,” before the National the Willamette lumber mills to agreement — namely. California. Con forces if the market activity con much activity this Winter. Councilof Congregational Churches California points be sustained. A nectlcut. Maine. Michigan. New Hamp "The Shevlin-Hixon Company, shire. Tennessee and West Virginia. denounced as base and disastrous, tinues. committee composed of George S. "The activity among the log w hich is building a big plant at In Illinois the seasons for all migra immoral through and through, the Sardam, E. C. Apperson and W. ging plants has been reflected in Bend, expects to be ready for tory birds except coot and waterfowl sentiment contained in the toast. J. Liljeqvist will lay the matter and In Washington for the smaller the banks of Portland, where the operation by the first o f the year shore birds were made to conform with "Our Country, Right or Wrong.” before the Interstate Commerce hulk of the -lumber business of and will begin shipping to Min the regulations under the federal law. He urged that an international Commission within a few days Uniformity was also secured by pro the Northwest Is financed. neapolis, Chicago and other Eas visions in the laws o f Connecticut. conscience, backed by a league of and set forth the views of the "Within the last six w eeks." tern destinations. Maine. New Mexico. North Dakota. the neutral nations, with the Uni McMinnville citizens, business said a cashier of a big Portland "The Brooks-Seanlon Company Washington and Wisconsin, prohibit ted States at its head, could put men, and, in particular the posi bank yesterday, "w e have been also is rushing work on its new ing hunting between sunset and sun an end to “ this devil’s work” in tion of the Commercial Club. rise. On the other hand. Delaware called on to handle a large volume mill at Bend and as soon as it is adopted a resolution opposing tbe mi two short months by refusing all "The rate question was thor of logging paper. Previous to finished will begin turning out gratory bird law, and Ohio and Rhode intercourse with every one of the oughly discussed in todays meet Island., which Had harmonized tbelr that time we didn’ t see any log lumber. warring nations. ing, which was presided over by seasons In 1014. changed the seasona ging p a p e r for months and "Before the masses o f Europe Vice-President G. W. Evans. on waterfowl this year. It months. It shows that the mills As n result of the decision of the can shake from their limbs the was argued that the rate that re supreme court of the United States on CITY ELECTION WILL need more logs. chains o f military despotism,” said cently went into effect was the Jan. lit. 1914. sustaining the alien Lumbar Movai last. hunting law o f Pennsylvania, legisla COM E IN DECEM OER tion prohibiting aliens from bunting or Dr. Aked, "they must first eman most important matter for Willam "W e have noticed for quite a cipate themselves from the impal owning shotguns or rifles was enacted pable and monstrous tyranny of a ette Valley mills since seven years while that the mills are shipping ago, when change in freight rates In nt least four states—Massachusetts. more lumber to their Eastern and Amendment to Charter Responsible New Jersey. North Dakota and West superstition which masquerades | deflected the lumber business of Middle Western customers- The Virginia—but certain exceptions based as patriotism. We, ourselves, in Fo r Two Eleotions In One Year | the Valley out o f certain channels. this land of the free, are not less on property qualifications were made business has increased substan superstitious slaves. Three Alderman to Elect "One speaker declared that it in Massachusetts and New Jersey. tially within the last six weeks. “ To this day we dgink the means life or death for the Wil "Portland lumbermen are not shameful toast. 'Our country in O w l C a u se s A u to Sm ash . lamette Valley lumber industry to Peru. Ind.—Mnrlon Dtllmnn took a her intercourse with foreign na There will be a city election held inclined to be too optimistic, how party o f friends nutomoblling. and tions—may she be always in the maintain the present freight rates ever. over the apparent improve here the first Monday in Decem when near Chill an owl struck him in right, but our country, right or ' to California points, and that this ment in their business. The lum ber to elect three councilmen. the face. Dtllmnn let go of the steer wrong.’ I rate has been attacked by certain I lumber interests of Portland. ber industry has been stagnant Last spring an amendment chang Ing wheel, and the car ran down an "Such sentiment is base in its embankment and against u fen -e Noil- “ Other meetings are rumored ed the date of the election from so long and has been treated o f the occupants was hurt. I>"! P I conception and disastrous in its re as likely within a few days in sults. It is immoral through and the first Monday in April to the man's fans was scratched by the c ' with false hopes of revival so other Valley cities.” through. claws. otten that they are not to be led first Monday in December. VOL. XII HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK su n r W IT H SHOES A N D HOSE 1 LUMBER TRADE IS IMPROVING •m OVER 240 NEW GAME LAWS ENACTED BY U.S. Agricultural Department Press es Campaign of Protection. N . S E L I G ’S