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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1922)
ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS OL-XLV ASHLAND, OREGON, WKDNE-i) Y, APRIL 26, 1922 NO. 33 7 a. Is 2 MEN KILLED o Anr iMinnrn m MAKES FIXB CATCH OP CUT THROAT TROUT j Harry Hbsler and Louis Dodge I I went to Candle creek yesterday and returned in the evening with a line catch of cut throat trout and have placed them on ice to await Mr. Richmond's return from the nortk, when they will make him a preseut of the trout and thereby prove that fish may be had at any time desired. ASK Ford Truck from Grants Pass, With , ROSEBURG'8 . OLDEST Six Prospectors Mid Their Outfit, Hit by Train 13, as They Attempt ed to Cross Tracks at Third Htreet A sickening tragedy occurred this morning at 9:05 o'clock, 3 when a Ford truck, driven by $ John Eads, and In which were $ hit sons, William and John, Frank Wllmaith, Joe Anderson i and W. J. Smith, all ot Grants $ Pass, attempted to cross the Southern Pacific tracks at $ Third street in Medford. Train Vl3, bound south, hit the ve- bicle almost square In the cen- 3 ter, throwing its occupants, two on one side and four on the oth- $ S er side of the tracks, and smashing the machine to aplln- t ters. John C. Eads, the owner of e the truck, had his head almost j cut in two and lived but a few $ moments. Smith died shortly $ S after reaching the Sacred Heart 4 hospital. The other four are ? badly injured, but at 3 o'clock $ 3 this afternoon, it was reported $ from the hospital that they had $ a good chance for recovery. CITIZEN' DIES AT 95 ROSEBl'RO, April 25. H. C. 10 BOOS! STATE GYPSIES PAY LOCAL MAN FOR KILLING WIS DOG A. C. McAllister, who lives on the I . lioulevard, had the misfortune of having his dog killed Siturday by an I automobile belonging to a band of gypsies which passed through the city that day. Mr. McAllister got in touch with i local officers and hud the gypsies ar I rested and upon being taken into H'gh school graduates of Oregon I court they refused to settle, where- ASHLAND FOUNDRY VALEDCTORY are being asked to do SOLD TO CODER R. 1 HELD within -their power to boost Oregon and assist In the development of re sources by the Oregon state chamber of commnree. Thin Minn In hntnz Stanton, 96 years old, the oldest n-ukett m 8Ugga8tio of ,,.vlng E vln. Ident in the county, is dead, follow-! ()f MMuul f ,ne dlrectorg Ing a second stroke of paralysis. The;ot ,,, gtate chamber. first stroke came a week ago. Up to j Tllft ,,, , ,n .,, ,,. , np ' ' " '" , ,w r Tlie Ashland Iron Works has everything: upon the court demanded bond in changed bands again, and the new the sum of $100 for their appear- owners, Lawrence K. Coder and ance Monday. Upon their failure to Ralph R. Hadfield, both well known produce the cash, their automobile young men of Ashland, took churge was ordered locked up to guarantee of the plant this morning.' their appearance. Mi1. McAllister. Mr. Coder Is a native of Idaho, but Journeyed to Jacksonville yesterday lias lived In Ashland for a number morning to get the proper papers 'of years, huvlng spent one year as ASHLAND BABY 'WINS ' KLAMATH FALLS CONTEST j A baby contest, which has been in! progress at Klamath Falls for some1 time past, closed a few days ago, the; i first prize being won by a baby,1 whom many Ashlanders feel belongs here. - i ! The winning baby la the child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alnutt. The contest' has been conducted by the Moes de-; partment store and the first prize. wbb $50 in trade. PEPPY" C I ATM 1 LUNCHEON I MILLARD GRUHB STARTS K1XK NEW BUNGALOW NEARLY ONE HUNDRED GUESTS ENTERTAINED WITH SPICY PROGRAM filorl ami u; til la lm u a .-.-m li a !.. nn tit a Omil.A. n..ll 1- A , . . ' " r Mm "I'v i4V ntio 11. , ill- Ul' viiftiiniv. vii ilia J I'll 1 11 CM II I U-.ll IV of 60 a d f ill fi I !i(lenlH r eraduating classes of all .fenders came Into court and offered I wrecking tram out of Ashland, and hla ' d T h ttb t (Ureni,llgh HC0,)1 of the 8tutH' aPPeal'nKito settle the demands the court ac-:12 yeurs In the Ashland Iron Works, u,oBr!.nan i ;B:t0 thnm as ,0al "regonluns, and asjcepted and they went happily ou ' bediming as un apprentice and work was known as "Uncle Hardy" to his . Ktud.M.t ,,. hll..H ,,, n Hln,v ln ,..... , .,. ,... . r- J : imii " o J i i "n " 1' ' luiviiiuii in hid B.iuu, jKtudiMits who have mudeji study of; their way, (lie history and the resources of the j j statu,-to assist in counteracting er-j oiieous reports of Oregon, circulated JESSIE IIS i Mr. Hadfield, also a native of Idn- ho, came to Ashland when a boy, and ils a graduute of the local schools. Millard firubb Is having a bunga- Enlightening Talks by Earl C. Kll low piacen on imh ioi at the corner of B and Second Btreets. Thatcher & McFarland are the contractors. The forms are set for a cement founda tion which will place the house 24 Inches above the level of the aide walk. The bungalow will have six IWrk, of U. O. ()., Auto Camp Supt. Doran and Prof. Vining, In-trspei-Hed with Music and Dancing The forum luncheon held at the Hotel Ashland at noon today was one DIED If! MEDFORD He served a two years apprenticeship EUGENE TO HAVE N'IGHT AFTER OPERATION Miss Jessie Matbes died last night at the Sacred Heart hospital In Med-j following an operation fori In the Iron works, afterwards being employed six years by the Simpson Hardware unil one nnd a half years with the Marshull-Wells Hardware company In I'nrilaml. Following this Mr. Hadfield was employed In nn Iron works at Victor, Colo., both ; in office and shop work, and after j serving In the navy during the war. I came bnck to Ashland as assistant manager of the Ashland Iron Works, The party left Gran's Pass early this morning for a trip Into the hills on a prospecting tour, and the truck was pretty heavily laden with their outfits, including bedding, spades, picks, etc. There are no signals at the Third street crossing; no flagman or gates, and Chief of Police Timothy said that in making a crossing at that point, there was no way of seeing a train; nor was there any way in WOMAN BOOTLEGGER IS GIVEN FINE OF JWio'i.y othor m tales, and to spread Infor-; ! mallon that Is correct wherever they MARVSVII.LE, Calif., April n.--', Mrs. Anna Colin, .arrested several; u it of Hip letler follows: days ago on a charge of selling ll-j "lhu specific thine which we re quor, was fined $200 and sentenced : quest yu to do vhen preparation is to six months in the county Jail by 'being made for the graduation exer- Pollce Judge Langdon. The Jail seii-ltises, is to confer with the valedic-i tenco was suspended. Itoriun lor your clans, the student Mrs. Colin pleaded guilty to the! who delivers the farewell address on charge, bhe was arrested following; behalf of the graduates. You should j a report to the police that she w:is' impress this student with the fact! retailing liquor at 35 cents a drink, that he fliould include in his fare-1 . ' ; we address a stirring anneal to his f"r1. - i 1 . i ,yr' .reiiow students to remember and to,"" " ' "- lhas been employed In the hardware 'at Salem lust year with hla horses I KLAMATH LAKE ,-reach the beauty and grandeur of Miss Msthes was taken to the dena,.tment of t,)e El(,el.g gt and performers. The show will be iincirmnl Nnnrluv pvonlmr unit u'h n -Oregon s scenery, which rivals tnat " " . xhe ,.0 workB Wllg fi.Ht estab-l given on the race truck. C' A1" of the worl.l-faii.ous Alps; Orion's 11 was k,,own tnat 9he was critically ; Hhe(1 gM om . lErlcultuiiil wealth which nermlts nel' aeatn was not expected, and AuMun, 0pit .. lla:lr i1M',.iviin' miu j turnl hnnrH whn roontlv mirrTinsor1 . it oomn ai a trraat ah nr-Xr tn hni votu.l ' I , tle g,.owlng aim narveatlng or any " - - the camp ground is located. The aortlcultural C1.0D: lives and wide circle of friends ;., MnH(1 , Brnw ,.. ,ftR iiirb, nun rei:eiYeu wuui ,,.,, ,n th ,, In. rira' one was ine aaugnier or tlie late rooms and a basement under the 01 l,le "m aen"ed in many months, rear part of the house. i There were 100 members of the , j Chamber of Commerce present to hear the address of Earl C. Kilpat- HORSE SHOW AT FAIR I rlt'' and tne olner "Peakers of the occasion. EUGENE, April 21. A nlghtl A ljBlBtlt'ul musical program was horse show will be a feature of the! rendered during the luncheon by 1922 Lane county fair, according toi"" WflrJ al"1 Wesdames Short W. A. Ay res, secretary of tho asso-1 rl,Ig8 Fuller alld Elmore, and a elation. j graceful rendition of the "veil dance" A. contract has been sinned with'"8 Pre'el Miss Velma Clapp. James McCleave of Victoria, B. C.J Mr- Dorn- manager of the who for the last three years hasjaut0 camD founds, was asked to staged his show at the Pacific Inter- make a short talk regarding the MEDKORD, April 20 len, member of the state horticul- the Rocky Point summer resort on Klamath lake, has received word here that the Ice In that lake broke up several days ago. This Is where he worked unt'l the plant was national Livestock exposition In cloned last fall. Since that time he' Portland, and was at tlie state fair THREE STRIKERS ARRESTED camp grounds. He suggested, among other things, that it would be a fine thing If it were possible to install a radio telephone set at the grounds ' or In the park, in order that music which is broadcasted through the air in the early evening could be heard by all who cured to listen. He also suggested the throwing ot stereoptl cun views on a screen In the camp, showing the many points of Interest around Ashland, Following Mr. Doran's talk, Prof I. E. Vining very fittingly Introduced Mr. Kilpatiick, wnose subject was oned water nower. which, including 1 8treet' al,d nad bee" 1,1 ller usual i rh ,... . mnlnvlrt fpnm ,',,.,. ,, ,.,.b .,.,.., "The Disaster Test," founded on his I . ... ... ........ .... i. vw iiii iJisrriidt Llio liuin mi iii.iv L II D BUI TILD RUT IS NOT INJURED REDDINCi, Calif., April 19. T. L. when the demand for such work wasl Charonnnt, Pacific Gas and Electric suited to tho temperate zone: Ore- iiirmi vr.i ' son's timber wealth which Includes '"'" iie uu wmiu,a iai-: ,... pnnllh tn nBB,a , nm h.A . m,..,.,.. the one-fifth of the stnndinK timber of,lies- P'oneers of southern Oregon, ...,. ..,, ,, ,ho ',aenana ,,m ., . .,...., latest for many years that the Ice r,.,i ,.,,. nrmin'n minorai and well known throughout ths sec- , .,, ... , . ,, . . .! . . , . . , ' ; 'He t lilted btates, uiegon s mineral, " was made to the present locution at at the top of a 40 foot pole, and has broken up in that section of .v..i,, ui,i,.h hnQ anarcpiv hsnn tion of the state. She made her home . . ,,,., , , , . . , ' , weami wiiilu nas scarcely Deen, i the Intersection of Helman street removing wires. When the last wire 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 U l (I ,UUII L J . touched as yet; Oregon's undevel-! wlth her mther at 11 5 No,th Maln with the railroad tracks. In the pastj was removed the pole fell It WEED, Calif., April 22. Three men, Whitney, Clarke and Kldd, by ! .nnl hnallli until a al,n..t tl...n n a I the Columbia river basin, represents """' "l -- -25 men, with a payroll of from $1600 car through the sent and was pre r.nn tl.I-.l nF ..11 it.. mwl nnlM.f,,l wm. r I k7UI MUllfi HOI n J D 11TTS IIMILIlCli L U which an approaching vehicle could. name- "ave demanded a jury trial on be seen by the trainmen. charges of disturbing the peace in The train had slowed down some-f16 court of Justice Bradley. All wi.i ,r ,,,,u,,..i. n, open Hniiuiiucea at ine lime 01 iroing what as the accident occurred. TheTee men are said to be .truing opportnnHe, for fu to press iireman saw tne trucK first, instantly, ' ",c uui.....r. ..,..1 warning Engineer Roy Wright, but j Pny- too late. The warning and the crash ope-third of all the. undeveloped wa-' . '" v t0 .2600 B1. monls, TUe outl)u( of from hfi 8r01inrt . ter power of tlie United States; Ore- 6reth""' "nd (,e0rK.0 the plant could be greatly Increased No hone, were broken, and the gon't temperate climate, where hur-;both 01 "y ani' sister, Mrs.iover a t ,.,,,. lf gffic. onIy harm waa tDHt tne lneman felt ... . . . . ' A7H1 Von Tlvlra ricains, Dimzards and tornadoes are; ,,nt work t0 kefip t rlmnlB full "nil ghook up." unknown inul pxtremeii nf hunt nnrt runciui ai i iiiibiiikuis had not came almost at the same Instant, and both railroad men declare that - It was not in human possibility to avoid It. The impact was something terrific. John Eads, the owner of the truck, was thrown 20 feet to on side of the track, with his head gashed open from the temple to the neck, while a few feet distant, and on the same side ot the track, Smith, who after wards died at . the hospital, was thrown. The four others, who were thrown on the opposite side of the track, were not so badly injured and they may recover. SURVIVING VICTIMS MEDFORD TRAGEDY ARK RECOVERING The four victims who survived the TRAVELING SALESMAN' FIXED $150 FOR PEDDLING BOOZE turn development, the land area be-j ; Ins larger than the combined areas , SOUTHERN' OREGON' of England and Scotland, which sup port a population of more than 35,- OUO.nou and which are the founda-' a mePiinr hPM s.t..r.inV pv- nlant time were secured. By running a I - night shift, a force of 75 men could ' TO WORK OLD DIGGINGS jbe kept busy, with a payroll In the) . KASTERN OREGON J neighborhood of $7500 a month. . j I A great many Ashland citizens HAINES. Or.. Anrll 2!i Nlnetv OSTEOPATHS MEET do not know that the local l.'onjf(Jol f pay (.t ,lug be(l fl9tlmllte(1 ' I works is tlie lurcpnt (nrlnneurtent ! . i ----- ... ( hy conservative mining men to re- Deiweeii roniana and un ,,, i,i viu,. ,n.,. RED BLUFF, Calif., April 19. l,u" l ening by the osteopaths of southern rrancisco ano is equipped to mase-mUfig goulwest of Haines. For 20 empire." j Oregon, in Medford, and plans made 'or repair anything from a railroad yea.g mllng 0)eratlong ,lnve bpen I for the meeting whlcfc will he held engine uown to me smauesi cusiing. wlm,y gllHm,llded on tllg truct lit. Ashland May 8, at which time Dr.! The plant ,1s pnrt'cularly equipped wlcl C0In neurly lr,00 acreg. .T. J. Ruddy, of Los Angeles, un eye,; to manufacture saw mill, mining and g ,.,, t0 gtart ,he 0,(, work. iear, nose and throat specialist, will; road working machinery, and while a(JHn um, ,., what wug onM Tlie Ashland high school baseball! be the principal speaker. Dr. Buddy I It will not attempt to obtrude In the ,ho . (h . .,.,, ,,,. Judge' leam Journeyed to Menioro satur-s 0ne of the most celebrated spec-ield or tne local garages, it will cast ,ng 01)(,ratOM fn p,t,,nl Oregon. ASHLAND WIN'S FROM MEDFORD; 7 TO W. W. Cross, who said he was a candy salesman from Oakland, plead ed guilty in" the superior court yester day to the charge of bringing 18 quarts of moonshine liqour to Red Bluff and trying to sell It to local Knft rlrlnlr palnhllahmantu . ..... ... ll'll' nil 1(1 U'itl tlia mintltnfr Plllna'l..l!..l- . .. .1 Tl . . 1 1 1 1 all Ifllllla r9 tini.ta fn nlilAiunkllaa I jonn r. rjinson sentenced mm to v" "" e....o iuuih uu mo rauuiu uouhi unu win "".na u( pun mi Bmwiiiuwimn.i pay a fine of $150 or serve a term from "'" Medford high team. They Oliver an address, not only of inter- catering to the local trade as well as ,tlHnrR() ,s prkpakixg In the county Jail at the rate of $S ". "1 0,ll' a "alr Dreaam.jest to the profession, but to the pun- '"in ortne adjoining country and, a day. i tilB fi,lnl 8C'"'e lu,ins 7 to 6 In favor! uc at lnrge as well. It Is hoped that j towns. It Is the Intention of the "OP. SUNDAY CLOSING NORMAL SCHOOL TO HOLD I of Ashland. any one who has had eye, ear, nose Neither team scored until the third ; or throat trouble will bo present to MAY DAY FESTIVITIES Inning, when the Ashlanders annexed hear the doctor's valilnble advice. This was followed by one In MONMOUTH, Or., April 10. The the fourth and three more in the normal school plans for May Day 'tl1 nls hy the locals. exercises havn Iipbii rn.n.ileleil. and "Until Inning "Medford tragedy at Medford yesterday, when, include a pageant on Fiid.iy, May 3, filiit tall'. Ashland In the made her came back n BOY INJURED IN EXPLOSION IN RED BLUFF AUTO CAMP new owners to make personnl calls; ROSEhUlU!, April 20. The ae on places that may possibly have tion of the city council in Instructing work which would be In their line, the city attorney to prepare an or and get acquainted with people alljdlnance providing for the closing of over the couniry with whom they lull places of public amusement on may have any future business. ! Sunday Is receiving a great deal of j comment here. The ordinance was requested by a delegation of prominent men repre senting the leading churches of the SHOWER GIVEN FOR NEW BltlDE AT TALENT train 13 nraiihAft Inln an nnln triw lf ' o . tit o first Imlf of the ninth nnd scored 1 ""."uiau, luiu., Api 11 L I . liow- - .1 11 u it 1 1 1 1- un nil i u 1 11 ii mm u run- - 1 . at the Third street cross;ng are get- cfrt on Sunday Following thn cus- two more runs. Medford ran wlld,ara n1"1"0'- lu yp M, lost a 1 J ' " Ihllmh nnl Ilia Una nf turn fin rniid ting along well at the Sacred Heart tome established last year Hip Muv in 1,1,'il' " five runners passing ,,,u'"" """ lnu hospital, and it is believed nil williJav festivities will be combined with over the plate for scores. , ami may naie lost nis eyosigiu in an j A H,ow,.r wu9 Blven Ma,tle Turner ! SEASON'S FIRST FISH STORY recover. ! Junior day In one junior week-end I" tie seventh Inning Slngler of ac(,"le"t ln ,lie ,lU10 ca'D ! even-, Orlnkc-II. n bride of last week, at the, SURE GETS THE CHICKEN The bodies of William Eads and 'celebration ; Medford made a one base hit, and lllg' x i Community Club hall at Talent, W. J. Smith, who were killed In the accident, will be taken to Grants ' OVERLAND SHOE SHOP observations of the (lood at Pueblo, Colo., lust SlllillliDC. H told nf in terrible conditions which arose when the Arkansas river spread from a normal width of about 200 feet to a stream two and a bulf miles wide, wlthlu six hours, and of the wreck-, age that was found following the re cession of the waters. Tlie part that he especially em phasized wag that the people of that city responded nobly to the tusk that was thrust upon them almost without warning. There were those who, at a moment's notice, leaped to the rescue and did all in their power to help, but who were absolutely out of place when an organization was finally completed, and could not work In conjunction with other peo. pie. Mr. Vining made the closing talk nnd crystallized the remarks of Mr. Kilputrick as they applied to condi tions existing today in Ashland. He laid stress upon the necessity for community organization in getting behind the big things in formation here as typified iu the possibility of securing a great hotel and sani tarium. He pointed out the neces sity of every individual getting be hind the project to the end that Ash land might go forward to the achievement of its destiny as the center ot attraction for tourists In southern Oregon. Cluscock nnd Williams were walked! Mr- and Mrs ChB,lM Matson, en 1 Monday afternoon. About B0 neo-' virr.ENE. Anrll is I r Hislv. thy Rush, wirch filled the bases. The roule ,I0,H lorl'a"a 1 resceni wiyjI)(,1( attended, there being a large of i20 Hancock street. Portland, and TIDINGS MAN WITNESSES WONDERFUL RUN OF SMELT Pass for burial. The coroner's Jury Is making a thorough examination Into the circumstances which led up to the accident, ln order to fix re sponsibility. 1 .In 111 e Youne. foreman of the Tld- or, of the Oregon Brunei 0mposlng roollt tetl)raPl ... ...x.-.,. 1.1. it 1,1. n... 1. ..,....... flir mhlfh moppcu iv mane lump mr ine wnifiu. :.., ...r of thn ludlen nf lli Tutenl tv u' 1 lir.lMi l.lll'llllll'.ll v - ...... ..r ..j rrl I mil I I 1 1 ' 1 ' W't '"" 1 a-f.u on.iuht o.wl Clnolnr korl,1116"' "'lJe 0 lOUlllI a bright OO- ,,,,. u 1 1 v. nn.l m.inv aphnnt .olll 1 nr..1.. M.I....J ... !,.... ., I..:. ... 1 Extensive Improvements and re-'ntarted for home, failed' to get XVlnn "TT M'ml VM E'Ch "V were fishing In a poo. Jus, Tat dayToiMsl- ness. He savs he went out to Snndr """"" " B '"'""" ornnmentul. Music was furnished by tier cutches was a 20-Inch redslde. I . . .. . can Ia.,1 i a in .k , i ; river on ouuuu iu bee uio run ui Hi.A.ii.i iH ri rs kksi mk were served ON A NINE-HOUR BASIS KLAMATH FALLS, April 22. A ! JOSEPHINE CAVES OPEN Hand shoe shop these days. A new the Inning and Medrord lost a good I. , . i . . it .. plinniia In annrn uuor is Dcing laid inree incues nigu-: " CAS COMPANY WILL ler than the old one. and new lino- e """ '""'nK "" made by OPEN OFFICE HERE leum will cover the entire front part Ashland were earned runs, while the iof the room and a wide nlsle along, mude by Medford were due to The Oregon Cas and Electric com-' the Oak street side. Two large show an error by Bush, Ashland's pitcher, pany will open an office in Ashland .cases will be placed across the room, toge-her with his wild hurling, which on May 1, having leased the room about ten feet from the'front. which partly overcame only to ho hit on Oak street recently vacated by J will be used to display goods, and 1iard by the Medford batters. He Robert Middleton. The lease is for, the old counters will be pushed to- ""owed five hits ln the last inning a penoa oi iwo years and tne room; warn me rear, together with nil tne "ul " c"u,,o;the mill of the Spragne River Lum- Is being reflnlshed and will be equip-, work benches. jRame. Ashland garnered 11 hits, bef cotnpany on 8 ne.noilr D8gg ped between now and the first of the. ' ! (,llnR the game. i wUh 25 men empIoye,, Th Bhw. month to take care of the local bust-1 KLAMATH FALLS STAGE I Tlle line,ln of tne Ashland team In ( Bertram plant was the first to re- nets of the company. EXPECTS TO START SOON. Saturday's game was: Rush, pitcher; I h game . . me i iprr pnirnnr' v nnntr rirsr nnaaw The Howard stage line to Klamath Guthrie, second; Wentner. third; expects to start operations , Chapman, shortstop; Wilde. left I'l.EADS GUILTY TO growing tendency on the part of the smaller sawmills In this region to disregard the strike conditions be came apparent with the opening of LADIES ART CLUB HAVE "DRESS VP" AFFAIR i Falls Tuesday, If the present wea:bar con-ifie,d: Bell, center, and Welsenburg- I employed, but on a ten-hour basts. a vlctrola during the afternoon, and After they had taken the fish to the I ritfruu hmonla nt (pa oraam anil itulra i .i t i i i " " "Oiei iu cicnu, u wan luiiuu iu con- , ,,.., ,i.i ua ih. taln a small chick, evidently just1 numbf(r of 8U,olnobllei, on the fah. i hatched. No one would advance the gl.olmdg md Men women theory that the gamey redslde wa;and tMAnn wire ln the rlver W!h In the habit of browsing around TO TOURISTS BY JUNE 1 nets and fishing annaratus. Bush- barnyards for his meals, but nel-her . .., b h . w were GRANTS PASS, April 25. The did anyone suggest a possible explnn-'e(, up by ,ha flsner.foik ad every camp at the Josephine Caves will be ""on for the oddity. body seemed t0 enJoy the occupa- ready to care for tourists June 1. tion. Anybody who had a net se cured all the fish they wanted. The Ladles Art club met last ev-tlnue's and no further snow flurries right. The lineup consists of new ening ana enjoyed aeitgntn time., put in an appearance on the top of men. practically, only Hush, Herrj jerry Murrow. who left for Med-i "Work on the completion of the The members were Instructed to!the mountains. Tl trip will be am' Guthrie bing members of last ford yesterday, leaving board blll'caves highway was delayed this come "dressed up," and while de-imade by Klamath Hot Springs for. V"' ' team. Plans are for a temporary camp this BEDDING PREPARING TO year, with the erecting of a parma-; tkktai iinni niiuikiw . nent lodge next season on Oraybuck! REDDING, Calif., April 19. Red- ILL TAKE IHISITION IN creek at the bottom of the mountain, ding will be the Mecca next Satur ; KN'DERA WHOIJCSALE HOUSE R. Mrtlveen will have charge of the day and Sunday for Mystic Shrlners camp this summer, and plans to be from San Francisco and Sacramento1 Charles Robertson, who recently i able to feed as many as 40 at a time, .and all through the Sacramento returned to Ashland from Modesio. valley. Calif., will be connected with the The local committee reports that ' Enders wholesale house, and Is now BEATING BOARD RILL Sleeping accommodations for several . j dozen will be provided. I behind him here, was brought back .spring because of the heavy snowfall unite information Is not at hand aSthe present, as the C.reen Springs! 1 m pi res: ntzpalrlck or Mertrnrd.n the afternoon and pleaded guilty , during the winter. A crew of men to just how each and every one was, Mountain road still has a heavy coat ""d Pa'ton of Ashland. jto the charge. He kas given sen-jwas put at work today clearing off dressed, It la safe to say that there were tome costumes that the ladles would not care to appear on the .streets In. A fine time It reported. of snow. Without further snow, it will probably be three weeks before'- Over 70 per cent of forest fires are county Jail, and was .taken to the It will hA nnHll.lA In rn avai llila Ana in human . Ctn l.a'lafl a I alr .Aft v IIIa K. rt.lAr t Tin road wltb a loaded car. man-made forest fire. lice Hatcher at once. tence of $10 fine and SO days In the! slides and completing the bridges. It Is estimated that a month will be taken In the work. The new high way Is eight and half miles long. every town ln the Sacramento valley .spending his time In Enders grocery will be here with candidates. Sacra-! department meeting old friends and mento alone promises to bring 20 getting acquainted with new ones neophytes to tread the hot tandt. Mr. Robertson will be perfectly at At least 1000 Shrlners are expect-, home In -Is new work, as he has ed here for the big time and the lo jbeen In the grocery businesa for cal committee has been advised that number of years and knows the buil- many ot them by their wive. nil be accompanied net only at an experienced man eaa know It, f I 1