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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1922)
AsitLASfij weeki tmmi Wednesday, February 24, LOCAL AND PERSONAL (From Tuesday' Daily) Talent Miner a Visitor E. E. Jennlsou, of Talent, wag a pleasant visitor at the Tidings office today. Air. Jeunison is Interested in several quartz claims near Oak flat, samples of which looked very good and according to assay reports, are well worth working. Mr. Jennteon is ah old miner from Colorado and knows the quartz mining game from A to Z. He predicts big things for his boldings. Hotel Ashland Guests The following persons are recent arrivals at the Hotel Ashland; E. Sanaers, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Frankel, W. H. Atwater, San Francisco; Paul SpliUer, biokune, Wash.; C. Stev ens, Iiostburb-, Of.; Elbert W. Allen, Sale :, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bell, ..u n. ijfore Fuiris, Red-' a s ..c.a ..1-nsfield, . . 11 .1 ... . i ..the.. Air. and . .i.ei' .'.lar- .1. .ikl'hail, A. W. S V M M O X S ; s:n County. I H. .1 ,..i;is and Grace C. Holmes, wife, pla ntifis, hr. vs. Ed ?r I. Gillette and Cora Gillette, his wife, Caroline M. McConnell and George F. McConnell, her hus band, Effie M. Merrick and Lester L. Merrick, her husband, George V. Gillette and Dora Gillette, his wife, Hugh H. Gillette and Belle Gillette, his wife, Charles H. Gil lette and Elizabeth Gillette, his wife, Delia W. Fiske, Earl Gillette, William Edgar Gillette, Delia T. Shaw and Roy L. Shaw, her hus band, Alpha Gillette, and also the unknown heirs of Almond V. Gil lette, Martha L. Gillette and Al mond C. Gillette, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants. To Edgar I. Gillette and Cora Gil lette, his wife, Effle M. Merrick and Lester L. Merrick, her husband, Al pha Gillette, also known as Alpha Gibson, and also the unknown heirs of Almond V. Gillette, Martha L. Gil lette and Almond C. Gillette, de ceased, and also sll other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or interest In the real estate described In the com plaint herein, the above named de fendants: IN' THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint of the above plaintiffs -in the above entitled court, now on file with the clerk of said, court, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby notified that If you "fall to appear and answer said com " plaint as herein required, the plain tiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In their complaint, to wit: For a decree of this court that the defendants have no right or Interest whatsoever in the following described premises, situated in Jack son county, Oregon, to wit: Beginning at the Intersection of the southerly margin of Church street, In the city of Ashland, Oregon, with the west erly nnrein of North Main s'reet ns these lines existed on the records of A. D. 1921; the wl h the southerly mar r'n o' Chu'ch street south 69 dere 24 second west 100 (oof tierce south 29 decrees .., ...rard east 38 feet: thence no-'h 5" 'e 2 r"0"d- est 1"0 feet to the westerly margin of North Main street: thence w'th 'he westerly mare'n of sMd Vo-tb M"n teet north 20 de- r- o'"t of beTlnnlng: il o fce-'nn'"" no-th SO de crees wes 27:5 feet distant from the norheast corner of lot 1 in block 4 in the city of Ash land, Oregon, as designated, numbered and described on the official map of the said city adopted by the city council No vember 6th, 1888; thence north 30 deerees west 23 feet, more or lew, along the westerly line of North Ma'n s'reet to the north east corner of the Holmes lot and known as Holmes grocery store, which lot was formerly owned by Antoinette DePeatt; thence south 59 degrees west along the southerly line of said Holmes lot 100 feet; thence south 30 degrees east 23 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of lot formerly known as the Crocker lot: thence north 69 degrees east 100 feet to place of beginning. That defendan's be forever en joined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever In and to said land and premises adverse to the plaintiffs, and that the title of the plaintiffs is good and valid In said premises. Cnder and by virtue of an order made by the Hon. F. M. Calkins, judge of said court, dated the 18th day of February, 1922. thlB summons ii served on the defendants by pub lication thereof for six successive weeks In the Weekly Tidings, a weekly newrtaper printed and pub lished at Ashland. Oregon, and the defendants by said order are re- onlred to appear and answer within six weekt from the date of the first publication hprwf. Date of first publication, Febru ary 22, 1922. NELLIE DICKEY. Attornev for Plaintiff. Pf'11"- at Ashland. Oregon. 25-7-wed Bartlett, C, E. Clodf alter, Portland; H. E. Tucker, Akron, Ohio; Dallas Hurley,. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Allen; Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Carmaly, E. J. Mundf , "George" P. Martz, Los .Angeles; Mrs. Leena.Con drey, P. T. Andrews, John Vale, J. . Enders, Klamath Falls; LenaTofley, Eugene, Or.; Mrs. George H. Patter son, William Schruman, Salem, Or.; W. S. Richards, Albany, Or.; Mrs. E. M. Toms, P. L. Toms, Chilllwack, B. C; P. O. Ostland, Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. John Albee, Silver Lake, N. H. ; and H. S. McVicar, Don Pedro, Calif. Elder H. H. Rltter Will Speak Elder H. H. Ritter, of Mabel, Or., will speak at the Church of the B e.hren, corner of Mountain ave nue and Iowa street, Wednesday ev ening, February 22, at 7:30 o'clock. The subject will be "The Vacation Church School." The public is cor d'ally invited to be present. Hiram Silth, paBtor. vtorl Improving Wrrd w's telephoned last night ' rd to he effect that Mrs. m wlio h' 8 been a patient n' t'ere for several diys, :'. ' '-".p-ot'n and with like . - ..j o.- ;113 :emainaer oi hj week, she would be able to come home Sunday. ;la!f it Quarter A. C. Wlllhlte Is the recipient of a half . of a quarter of a beef from some of his though, ful relations, and says that this may tide him over un til spring, when green vegetables come. Family 111 The family of Robert McKamey, who live at the corner of Gresham and Iowa streets, have all been 111 with Influenza, and although the rest of the family are much improved, Mrs. McKamey is still quite ill. Buys Property T, F. Smith has purchased through the Ashland Realty company, lots 10, 11 and 12 In the Railroad addition, with the residence thereon, formerly owned by John McMlchel. To Improve Property Mr. Ambrose, father of Mrs. C. W. Chattin, Is tearing down his house on Fairvlew street, and intends to build a new, modern bungalow as soon as the old house Is out of the way. Purchases House Miss Roberta Ward has purchased the house and three lots formerly owned by Anna Elvens Roubo at 266 Fifth street. The transaction was closed through the Ashland Realty company. Recovering from Severe Attack Mrs. Trill Taylor tyaj recovering from a severe attack of larynlgitis. Have Moved Here- Mr. and Mrs. Noel Taylor have moved from Hilt, Calif., to a place in the Bellevlew district. Take Honeymoon Trip- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moore left this morning tor Portland on their honey moon trip. The length of their trip could not be ascertained. Wednesday Afternoon Club The Wednesday Afternoon club of he Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday In the church parlors. All women of the congregation are In vited to attend. There will be a pro gram and a social time. The host esses are Mrs. L. C. Dunn, Mrs. John Fuller and Mrs. H. B. Plummer. D. A. R, Meeting The February meeting of the D. A. R. will be held tomorrow after noon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. V. Carter. Has Severe Cold W. C. Polk Is 111 with a severe cold at his home at 43 Gresham street. Returns from California Mr. and Mrs. James Hersey of 461 North Main street, who have been visiting in southern California for some time, returned to Ashland last evening. Mr. Hersey states that the weather has been very disagreeable there this winter, and does not be lieve It was any better than he would have enjoyed had be stayed at home Returns from Hospital Miss Winifred Watson, daughter of F. E. Watson, of Strawberry Lane was brought home from the hospital at Medford yesterday. A Correction The name of Barrett was used in yesterday's paper when It should have been Bryant,' the person refer- red to being Lloyd Bryant who was out In the Dead Indian country in soarch of cattle. Mr. Bryant snd another man with two good horses started out in earch of the cattle, but were nnable to look very widely on j account of the depth of the mow. On the trip from Johnson's Prairie to Dead IndiaH, a distance of about eight miles, they encountered snow to the depth of five or six feet prac tically all the way, and It took eight hours to make the eight miles. Mr. Bryant states that scarcely any snow fell in that section of the country un til after the first of the year, and that the first snowfall was about four feet in one and and a night. Among Those 111 Dr. W. E. Blake Is among those ill with Influenza, but is recovering and will be back at work within a few days. 8. P. Officer Visits I. T. Sparks, district freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pa cific company, was an' Ashland visit or today. .Moved to Duiisuiuir - The Hartley family, who have lived on the Boulevard for some time moved to Dunsmuir the latter part of the week. ..t-Ot y Levi L. Angle, who makes hisi""; ,.,.J ' oiiie wim his son, Orra Angle, at u Suuth Hunear avenue, Is critic i.y nl, and U is feared that he will not survive the day. Recovering from "Flu" Mrs. Rose Harding Is recoverlug from an attack of the Influenza. Visiting at Provolt Adam Beigle Is visiting relatives at Provolt, Or. At Work Again Her friends are glad to note that Miss Agnes Hedburg Is able to re sume her work at the State Bank of Ashland. Suffering from Influenza Mrs. Mary Hale of Beach street is suffering an attack of Influenza. Will Observe Anniversary All the banks and the post office will be closed tomorrow In observa tion of Washington's birthday. Visiting in Asldand Mrs. Walter Newcomb of Grants Pass was an Ashland visitor today. Returns Home Mrs. M. K. Landrum and two chil dren, who have been visiting with Mrs. Landrum's. parents for the past two months, returned to their home in Berkeley, Calif., a few days ago. Here from Portland Jack Stadifer, of the Goodyear Rubber company, was in town yester day, selling Revere tires. (From Saturday's Dally) State Delegnte Miss Mary Spencer has been -sent as a delegate to the Christian En deavor state convention at Salem. Miss Spencer Is president of the southern Oregon district of the Christian Endeavor. DOING Well Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dickerson, who are sojourning In California, to the ef fect that Mr. Dickerson's health is gradually on the mend. They also state that they are having delight ful weather now after the storm has subsided. Former Resident Visits Mrs. C. A. Barr, of Dunsmuir, but who formerly lived here, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. P. R. Merrill on the Boulevard. Former Resident in Colorado Bert Munday, a former Ashland resident, has been heard from at Fleming, Colo. He had the misfor tune to have his Willlard battery stolen from his car there a short time ago. Back at Post Miss Dorthea Jones was able to be at work Friday at the McGee store, after two days of Illness. Mr. Homes Recovering Frank Homes, who was operated on at a local hospital some time ago, has recovered sufficiently to be removed to his home. Mr. Homes' sister, who is a trained nurse, came here from San Francisco and has been In attendance at his bed side during his Illness. She will con tlnue here for a few days visiting. Spring Decorating The McGee store nas redecorated Its windows and now looks real spring-like with Its new curtains and,m Duty Again floor. Monthly Meeting Monday- The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Oregon electrical men will be held Monday evening at Med ford. Entertains for Visitor Mrs. S. M. Rhodes entertained a number of ladles yesterday after- noon In honor of Mrs. Ida Lablsh of San Francisco, who has been her guest for a tew days. Mrs, Lablsh left on train 53 last evening for her borne. Hotel Ashland Guests The following parties are regis tered at the Hotel Ashland: R. W. Weston, Mrs. H. E. Stumer, Mildred I. Stumer, Union City, Wash.; H. G. Bolton, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hogsett, Louis B. Hogsett, R. McNamon, E. B. Porter, Charles E. Schmudl, San Francisco; H. S. White, Chicago,. 111.; V. M. Powley, Seattle; B. P. Bert, W. W. Woodruff, P. B. Emmons, J. L. Gray, E. E. Ed munds, C. G. Bunnell, Frank C. Vau derhoof, Goorgo M. Robinson, Robert McKee, Portland; G. H. Campbell, Eugene, Or.; Mrs. C. A. Pauley,' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crawford, Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carson, Grants Pass; T. A. Sullivan, Everett, Wash.; Mrs. J. M'. Dodge, Mrs. G. E. Schurman, Roseburg, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Nilsan, Medford; Gilbert Wallen, Salem, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. W. L; Bathurst and family, J. G. Vand erburg, Los Angeles; Mr. Hull, Wll- Mm TTnllaw Tlllomnnlf fir Jand H. A. Harris, Oakland, Calif. ''alentlne Party The B. Y. P. U. valen'ine party held at the church Wednesday even ing was well attended and every one enjoyed the games and refreshments to the greatest extent. In Medford Louis Dodge was a business visitor In Medford Friday afternoon. Called to Medford Thad Coleman was called to Med ford yesterdny afternoon on account of the Illness of his mother there. Good Timo at Card Party The Trinity Guild card party Thdrsday evening was thoroughly enjoyed by a crowded house. A num ber of vocal solos were rendered and appreciatively received. .Delicious refreshments were served and every one enjoyed the evening to the full est. Presbyterian Sunday School to CcTebrate The rreshyterian Sunday school will have a special program at e opening hour of Sunday school to morrow. The orchestra will play a number of southern melodies, and a few short talks on the life of Wash ington will be given by interested Sunday school people, the day to be especially a memorial to the "Father of Our Country." CarlX'iiic Gas Loaded A car of carbonic gas was loaded one day this week. The plant at Pompador mineral springs will start at full capacity in a few days. Gets Decorations Gerald Gunter went up Neil creek Friday for green decorations for the Epworth League meeting. Tonight at the Methodist church. The Leag ers have been asked to come dressed in hiking costume and may visit such places as the Josephine caves, etc., during the evening. (From Wednesday's Daily) III with Influenza Miss Nellie Beaver, one of the teachers at the Junior high school, has been confined to her home this week with an attack of influenza and her place at the school is being filled by Miss Hoag. Tonsils Removed Miss Dortha Frulan had her ton sils removed Tuesday morning at a local hospital. After Effect of Influenza The doctors report quite a few cases of abcesses of the middle ear, being the after effects of Influenza. Cashier Working Again V. O. N. Smith, cashier of the Citi zens Bank, was able to be at work again Tuesday, after several days spent at home as the result of the in fluenza. Moved Tuesday Mr. Bloomfield, who recently rent ed the Gunter place on Grant street, moved to that place Tuesday from his former residence on Oak street. Plumbing Contract Let Provost Brothers have been award ed the contract for furnishing the plumbing in the Carl Loveland and Steve Erirkson houses which are be- ,lg erected by A. L, Lamb. Mrs. Minnie Lane, circulation man ager of the Tidings, who had been confined to her home by illness for the past several days, is again on dnty to see that every one receives their paper on time. Annual Hull The Brotherhood of Railway Car men will bold their fourth annual ball at tho Armory In Ashland Sat- nrd iy evening, February 18. This affair will g of equal splendor to any of the like affairs held In the! Seattle; Henry Cheery, E. L. Cassan, past, andit Is expected to be a great jLonnio Kernes, John Rothoff, W. H. success. The evening will be spent with music and dancing and all are Invited who enjoy either dancing or good music. Visiting Parents Mrs. W. R. Parshall, of Montaguo, .Calif., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, 166 East Main street. She will remain for about a week. Automotive Dealers Meet The Automotive Dealers associa - Hon of southern Oregon met at the Legion hall in Medford Monday ev-i enlng, and were shown a two reel ; film, furnished by the national asso-j elation In regard to Ideas for selling! goods. Mr. Fink, sales manager of j Blue & Wright, and Mr.' McCallan, j of Wiggins & Company, Incorporat - ert. hnth of Portland, wore the.rorce, speakers of the evening and gave some interesting and instructive talks. Leaves for California Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Millner, who , at the home or jr. Thayer m Med-j try, was in town yesterday ana re reside on the Boulevard near the ford. Dr. Gordon MacCracken will ports three and a half feet of snow normal bulldine. exnect to leave for I read the paper of tho evening, his in his locality. Los Angeles and other southern: points tomorrow morning. Leaves After Visit Frank B. Walker, who has been visiting relatives here for several days, left Tuesday morning for Red Bluff, Calif., where he will make his future home with his sister at that place. j Makes Business Trip j Edward W. Jones left Tuesday, morning for Brownsville, Or., where ho expects to look at some property with the intention of an exchangej for property that he now owns In , Idaho. Returned from Portland- Robert Warner has returned from Portland where he has been on bus iness for several days. Visiting Parents ' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Litlechild.'of Casper, Wyo., is visiting with Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Llttlechild, at their! home on Union street. Mr. Little child is looking for another location and if the proper opportunity pre sents itself here, he will make Ash land his future home. Home from Sun Francisco J. J. Fay, of 399 Mountain avenue, is home from San Francisco and bis health permitting, he will stay in Ashland for some time. Good Ila.skelball Game The First company national guard. team defeated the Medford national guard quintet last night at the Ar mory by the score of 25 to 16. The game was well played considering the small amount of practice the play ers have had. Returned from 'Frisco- Miss Anna Hargrove returned from San Francisco Monday evening. She has been in the city several days buy - lng her Bprlng stock of millinery. She states that the shades this sea son are very beautiful, and show a wide variance of color. Class Party Given The Young Women's Bible class of the Presbyterian church were the guests of Mesdames Ira Leslie and George Icenhower p. few evenings ago, at the home of the latter on Allison street, and such a round of gaiety has been seldom enjoyed by this class as the series of games plan ned by the hostesses. Miss Emery captained the winning side, which was entertained by a graceful stunt enacted by the losers. A spring mil linery sale was a huge success. Entertain nt Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bates entertain ed at dinner Monday evening at their home, 101 Scenic Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil son and Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNair were present. After the dinner hour the evening was spent at cards. Embroidery Club to Meet The Friday Afternoon Embroidery club will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Trotter at 167 Harrison street. Will Deliver Address Rev. W. Judson Oldfield, pastor of the local Congregational church, will go to Grants Pass Friday even ing of this week where he will de liver an address at the Scottish Rite club of Southern Oregon. Incident ally, Rev. Oldfield is a K. C. C. H., the only one south of Eugene In the state. Hotel Ashland Gucwt The Hotel Ashland has the follow ing euests registered: Ruth Mont gomery Eugene. J. C. Myers, E. U Gordon, A. R. Frazier, Edwin G. Cur tis, John W. Cunningham, Portland; Jonas Brolln, C. Atkln, Paul T. Kln-I nedy, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Reed.1 Colby, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rainey, Black River Falls, Wis; J. W. Sewards, Salem, Ore; F. G. Os tland, Minneapolis, Minn; Nathan R. Gule, Grants Pass; R. E. Ham, Brem erton, Wash; Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Hamburg, Oakland, Calif; Mr. and Mra. N. E. Wenten and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Daniels, San Francisco. Returns from Idaho-Mrs.- E. W. Erickson, called to her home in who was Caldwell, tho (loath 1 Idaho, two weeks ago by of uer sister, Blanch Vail, returned today on train 53. Mrs. Erickson reports conditions In Idaho as being discouraging. "Many men aro out of employment and farmers are still holding their last summer's hay and grain." she said. Both Mr. and Mrs j EricKson are memners or the Tidings Medical Association Meets The regular monthly meeting of the Jackson County Medical associa tion will he held Wednesday evening Y KJ . AL To feed for profitable milk production means that Good cows must have Gcod i'eed Many men starve good cows and Many men allow a bunch of poor cows to starve them but the men who make a business of dairying and keep good cows invariably buy feeds that will keep the cow in good flesh maintain the maximum milk flow return a profit for the time and money expended Alters Dairy Feeds will co-operate with good cows and good dairymen Sold by AsMand Fruit and Produce Association , I3E23SSE All Flour and Cerea have advanced, but we are soiling what we have on hand at the old prices Flour from $1.50 to $2.25 We now have a line of Chick Feed, Scratch and Shell t,cc iiw for (junlity ami prices on Groceries and Meats You will save money PLAZA MARKET II. A. STEARNS C I NOKTI I MAIN STREET fiiollaniaillaT mm fn frp rap ran nn rpn fn Po rl rpn ff" if a Washington and Lincoln On Thrift Washington railed thrift "the foundation of happy homes 'and noli ml nations." I.liieoln considered It "one of the first and highest virtues." Ashland, fEMS Funeral Hold Today The funeral of the late Mrs. W. J, Taylor, who died Monday morning at her home on Lincoln street, was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the J. P. Dodge and Sons funeral' pailors. Interment was made in Moiitaln View cemetery. Midfonl Visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Coffman of North Pioner avenue, were Medford visitors Tuesday. Still Hi'iaUng Record The public library is gaining In circulation week by week, having had a circulation of 13G7 for the week ending February 4. Aniither Employe Theodore Russell has been em ployed by N. DIjc and Sons to take cure of their business of washing machines and changing tires, and be fiun work there this morning. Three and a Half Feet Snow Ernest Cooper, from about 20 miles out in the Dead Indian coun- FEEDS 4 f?3" T5! fF rfl Thrift is best exemplified in savings accounts. This in stitution will welcome yoiir:t. The Citizens Bank Oregon