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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1922)
Wednesday. February H, XBXLAtiti weekl tibim LOCAL AND PERSONAL (From Monday's Dally) Chicken Dinner Miss . Jean Anderson of Holly street entertained a number of friends Sunday to whom she serted a bountiful chicken dinner with all the spreadin's. The table was laid for twelve and was beautifully decor ated with Oregon grape. The Invited guests were the Misses Hazel Bruner, Isabella Wattenbarger, Ethel Reld and the Mqsdames Gerald Ounter, Dr. Gladys Crandall, Eric Weren, Everett Smith, Verne Cary and A. D Henry. same as on Sunday except that mall1 street for the past two weeks, Is will be distributed to post office reported as much Improved. lock boxes. , Study Class Meets Tomorrow The W. C. T. V. study class has for Its subject at Its meeting tomor row: "The 18th amandment," and will also review last week's lesson, "city government." All clubs In the city are Invited to attend. Time, 2:30. Place, public library. Returned Prom Portland E. D. Briggs, who went to Port land Thursday evening has returned home. Stag Dinner Party Eric Weren entertained Sunday at a stag dinner party, the Invited guests being, Dr. W. J. Crandall, Everett Smith, Gerald Ounter and Verne Cary Gives Dinner Party- Mrs. Frank Dickey gave a dinner party to some of the Talent teachers at her home on Allison street one evening last week. The evening was spent at bridge and an enjoyable time had by all present. Taking Advantage of Our Water Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McPhail, of Portland, are stopping a tew days in town to drink the lithla water. Will Leave for California Mr. and Mrs. Steel, of near Tal ent, expect to leave in a few days for California, where Mr. Steel ex pects to find work. Business Visitor from Snlem E. E. Lavalleur, of Salem, Or., who Is a representative of the F. S. Lang Stove and Range company, was in our city for a time Saturday after noon. Passengers on Train 14 James Barrett was a passenger on train 14 this morning, his destina tion being Cottage Grove. Goes to Roseburg Frank Jordon left this morning for Roseburg on train 14. Property Reported Sold It has been reported that Mrs, Pauley has sold her property at 550 Boulevard and will make her home in Klamath Falls for the present. Here From Roseburg Cliff Jenkins, manager of the gat company at Roseburg, spent Sunday with his family here. More Visiting Relative Miss Nell PurTls of the govern ment hospital in Oklahoma, arrived here the latter part of the week to visit with her mother, Mrs. Purvis, and her sister, Mrs. Warren WI1-! liams, of Iowa street (From Friday'! Daily) Returns from Portland Mrs. G. M. Frost returned from Portland one day thlr 'veek. Slightly Improved Mrs. Brown, mother of Mrs. G. B. Icenhower, is reported as slightly Improved today. Library Receives Records The public library Is indebted to Congressman Hawley for the bound volumes of the Congressional Record extending from 1916 to date, which were received this week. Justness Visitor 0. V. Myers, of the Prultt-Myers Automobile company of Medford, spent Thursday in our city on busi ness. ' In Mulfoid Thursday John L. Oskar, of the J. N. Dennis store, was a visitor in Medford yes terday. o'clock, school having been dismissed of the party who wai driving the car early. Several of the parents were at the time of the accident could not present. The program was as fol- be learned, but the car had the name lows: America, by the pupils. Piano; of a plaster board concern painted on duet, Mrs. VanFossen and Mrs. Hen- the side. ry. Solo, Mrs. 0. W. Reld. Address, Rev. C. A. Edwards. Arrived Homo Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Swingle and son, who have been spending the winter in southern California, have returned to Ashland and are glad to be back. Junior High Basketball The Junior high school basketball team will play the Central Point team at the high school gymnasium Saturday evening. Will Meet Saturday The King's Heralds of the Meth odist church will meet Saturday afternoon at 2.30. On Duty Again c Miss Gludyse Inlow, one of the Io cal telephone' operators who was ill a few days ago, Is able to be back at her work. Banquet of Game Association Tim .lanksnn fonntv Oiimn flHsnrliV linn will hnl,l their flrt nn...l hn. I fact that they WeFe O00"1 a l'ay' trip Banquet Postponed E. V. Carter, of the First National Bank, received a wire this morning from Grants Pass to the effect that the dinner meeting scheduled to be held at the Josephine hotel there to night, had been Indefinitely post poned. The reason for the postpone ment is not known. Woixl Received from Travelers Friends have received word from Vaupel family who Is touring the Orient with the Nile temple of Shrin ers. A menu was used to write on and tl showed that In spite of the Tower Burned The cause of the lights going' out last night was the burning of a tow er near Phoenix. The local system was turned on and It was found that a fuse had been burned out and this had to be replaced before light was available. Will Visit Parents Mrs. H. P. Kervin of New York City will arrive in Ashland In a short time for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickey. Ill with Appenddtls Mrs. Cleo Mast Is quite ill with ap pendicitis at the home of her par ents, Mri and Mrs. J. L. Bartnhouse. about two feet deep, In which auto mobiles are liable to run and wreck the car or at least break a wheel. Immediate attention by the street commissioner might save the city trouble.- . ; Papers House ' Mrs.' J. D.. Crocker Is having her bouse at 460 B street papered and It will be occupied in the near future by parties who have rented it from Albany. On Sick List- Joseph Rhinehart was unable to attend school today and it is feared that he Is taking the influenza. Reported Resting Well The latest word received from Mrs. C. W. Nlms 1b to the effect that she was resting easy and it was' felt that she wsb on the way to recovery. Doing Nicely Mrs. Cleo Mast, who was operated on the latter part of the week, is re ported as doing nicely today. Civic Club Meeting The Civic club will hold a meeting Tuesday afternon at 2.30 o'clock at the parish house. It would be a pleasure to have a full attendance. At Work Again Lester Wertz, one of the drivers for the delivery system in the city, who has been ill with Influenza for the past week, was able to be at work again this morning. Considering Improvements C. M. Wisely, who owns the build ing on North Main street formerly occupied by the Ashland Trimming company, Is considering Improve ments on the building In the shape of a new front, which will add much to the appearance of the building. Train Derailed Freight train 221 was derailed this morning near Grants Pass, but the track was cleared in a short time and the accident did not result in tying up any of the trains. Visits Medford Mrs. Alice Jillson, county presi dent of the W. C. T. U., made a trip to Medford the Matter part of last week to visit the Medford Union and plan for the county Institute to be held In Ashland Tuesday, Febru ary 28. Quite Ill Mrs. James Lowe la quite 111 at her home on Second street. Removed to Grants Pass Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Nesler have moved to Grants Pass, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Nesler has been in Ashland since last November, visiting Mrs. L. M Ring on Vista street. quet at the Hotel Medford, Wednes day evening, March 1, 1922, at 7.30 o'clock. The tickets will cost one dollar a plate and any one Interested In the eame. either hunting or fish ing, will find the money well spent ! Confinod t0 Home- to attend this affair and hear what Mrs- T- H- Simpson and son Glenn out of Yokahoma, Japan, on an ocean liner, they were enjoying all of the luxuries that may be had at any place on the face of the globe. is said in behalf of our wild game. Many things' of vital Interest to peo ple of this end of the valley will be discussed and If you are Interested, it is your place to be .present and have your say. It Is the aim of the association to have a membership of 100 In the valley by March 1. On Sick List H. D. Badger Is sick and unable to be at his usual post at the State Bank of Talent. Mrs. Badger and baby have both been on the sick list' but are .Improved now. are confined to their home on North Main street by Illness. (Door Glass Broken The door at the entrance of the E. E. Phlpps realty office suffered a broken glass Wednesday morning as the result of Its being closed with unusual violence. Dinner Meeting The Scottish Rite 32d degree Ma sons will have another of their din ner meetings Friday evening, Febru ary 17, at 8 o'clock at the Josephine hotel at Grants Pass. The price of the dinner will be one dollar Instead of two as heretofore. In Our City J. W. Fitzgerald of the Southern Pacific officials was in town for a short time Tuesday In his private car number 109. Visitor from Medford Halsey Noel of the Dodge agency at Medford was in Ashland on busi ness Wednesday. JHiM tUHXM . ut sol wpfii em to , . . vant, which I ft pflf so,. . .. ,a, As - d to farmers, the bureau of Internal revenue has prepared a special form, 1040-F, for recording sales of lire stock, produce, and a summary which must be attached to the Individual return of income and expenses. An unmarried or widowed farmer or one living apart from his wife must file an Individual return for 1921 If his net income for 1921 wai 11000 or more, or his gross income was $5000 or more. If married and living with his wife on Dacember 81, 1921, a return must be filed it his net Income was $2000 or more, or if his gross income was $5000 or more. Eugene Visitor George Smith, of Eugene, was a business visitor In our city Wednes day In the Interest of the Kelly Springfield tire company. Down with Pneumonia Albert Sherald, of 1023 East Main street, has been down the past week with pneumonia as the result of an attack of the "flu." Mr. Sherald Is D. A. R. Banquet Cancelled The Mt. Ashland Chapter of the D. A. R. have decided to cancel the banquet planned for Washington's blrthdav and instead, will fittingly Improving nicely, but Is still confined , Mla( tn rtv hv meMmr with to his bed. Xew Transfoi-mer The city light office is Installing a new transformer at the sanitarium for the use of the X-ray machine which will not carry the voltage that is carried on the city lines. Moves of the Day C. O. Barney has moved Into the Gi. S. Butler property at 133 Nutley street. i Visiting Rclativ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logan, of Yreka, Calif., are visiting with Mr. Logan's mother, Mrs. Hattle Abbott, and his sisters, Mrs. Jerry O'Neal and Mrs. Amos Nnlnger. Former Resident Hoi Mrs. E. V. Carter on the Boulevard. There will be a short business ses sion followed by an appropriate program and a social hour. Mem bers are urged to be present prompt ly at 2:30 o'clock, Wednesday after noon, February 22. AH Tables Sold All the tables for the Trinity J. S. Bailey, who was a former real, Gul,d card party th,8 enng have estate dealer here, was in our cltyjbeen goldj whlch lMUrMa good inursnay. ne is now a resiuent or Macdoel, Calif. Mother and Daughter III Mrs. Wilber Beeson and daughter of B street are both unable to be out at the present time. Pronounced Cured Mrs. Margaret Applegate, was In Medford the latter part of the wek and underwent an X-Ray examina tion and her many friends will be glad to hear that she has completely recovered from her illness of many years duration. Recovering from Illness Mrs. Fales, who resides at the Col umbia hotel, was quite 111 the latter part of the week, but Is considerably improved today. Returned From Dead Indian Mr. Barrett has returned from Dead Indian country where he has been for the past week In search of the cattle reported as snowed In In that section but was unable to find , any trace of them. Information leads to the belief that the cattle are just beyond Brush mountain on the Buck Lake side and a party is still endeavoring to get a line on them. Mr. Barrett reports the snow as between four and five feet deep on the Dead Indian, which makes very difficult going. Returns from Idaho Mrs. Dollie Campbell, who was called to Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, on account of the death of her little girl there several days ago, has re turned home. She reports the wea ther as being very bad, and about three feet of snow on the ground. Mrs. Campbell reports the factories there are running and working con ditions generally good. Has Influenza Miss Anna Hargrove was unable to be at her shop the latter part of the week, being confined to her home by an attack of Influenza. Portland Man to Preach It is expected that Dr. Austin of,tlme- Portland will preach at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Dr. Austin (From Thursday's Daily) is a state worker and will have an i Left for San Francisco- interesting message for all who attend. Left for Portland Mrs. Benjamin Hunt, of San Di ego, who has been visiting with friends here for several days, has left for Portland to visit for some',,. McWilll(im8 lg qulte weii known in automobile circles, having been sized crowd. Program at Junior High The students at the Junior high school have prepared a program which will be given Friday after noon, beginning at 1 o'clock. A part of this program will be the presenta tion of the prize given by the Daugh ters of the American Revolution to the student making the highest grade in history at this school. Miss Flor ence Wilson won the prize which consists of two volumes, one being "The Life of Washington," and the other, "The Life of Lincoln." The presentation will be made by the D. A. R.-regent, Mrs. Gordon MacCrack- en, and it would be appreciated If a full attendance of the members of the D. A. R. could be had. Correction Inadvertently an article in regard to a party at the home of G. B. Icen hower, which was printed several weeks ago slipped Into yesterday's paper, and we wish to make this cor rection. IXCCBATORS Send for your fr eecopy of Cata logue describing the Standard Elec tric Incubators and Brooders. En tirely different. Combined Incubator and Brooder nothing like it. After hatching chicks, convert into a brooder no additional expense. All sizes. In use at Agricultural Col leges and largest commercial hatch eries. Write today for Catalogue. .STANDARD INCVBATOR MFG. CO. Medford, Oregon Studebnker Agency Here J. K. McWllllams has taken the agency for the Studebaker car in this vicinity and will make his head quarters at the Automotive shop Auxiliary Meets The Ladles Auxiliary of the Broth erhood of Rallyway Trainmen were entertained at the home of Mrs. C O. Johnson Friday evening. The ev ening was spent was cards. Those present were the Mesdames Smith, Hall, Huschke, Hitchcock, Coad, Kel logg and two of the vlsltors's moth ers, Mesdames Perry and Renard. The next meeting will be held March 3 at the home of Mrs. Martle Smith on B street. Leaves for the South Allen Roberts, Y. M. C. A. man of New York City, who delivered an ad dress at the Methodist church Thurs day night and another Friday after noon at the high school, left for the south Friday evening to attend the Y. M. C. A. convention in California. Pom Office Holiday Washington's birthday, Wednes day, February 22, will be observed as complete holiday by the Ashland post office. The service will be the Afternoon Dinner Party- Mrs. Alvina Bullen of the Dew Drop Inn gave an afternoon dinner party Saturday at 350 p. m., as a final farewell to her mother, Mrs. G. W. Schaffer, who left for Bremer ton, Wash., on the late afternoon train. Another Grandchild Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Brower receiv ed a telegram a few days ago from their son-in-law, William H. Hobbs, of Washington, D. C, announcing the birth of William Jr., at noon Feb ruary 17. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs. Hobbs will be re membered here as Miss Nina Brower. Stopped Over Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kluntz of Min nesota stopped off the train on their way to California, to visit Miss Fern Murphy. Hilt Visitor The Misses Zelda and Veva Lut man, of Hilt, Calif., were week-end visitors of Mrs. N. Z. Stewart, on Second street. Slightly Improved- Conductor O. A. Cotter has been confined to his home with a severe case of Influenza attended by ton- silltls, for a week. He Is reported as slightly improved. National Guard Pay Checks The pay checks for the National Guard members have arrived and will be distributed this evening. Improving Mrs. Mary Wilshlre, who has been Portland Visitors H. L. Mackenzie and W. E. Gray, of Portland, were business visitors in Ashland Thursday. Mr. Mackenzie is a representative of the Tidewater Oil and Sales corporation which man ufactures Veedol oil and greases, and has headquarters In . Portland. Mr. Gray is with the B. F. Goodrich Tire and Rubber company, and has offices in Portland. Mr. Mackenzie stated that they drove through from Port land and that at Smith Hill, north of Grants Pass, the snow was about two feet deep and the road at that place was In very bad shape, but the balance of the trip was over very good roads. Will Return from Hospital Ed Spencer, who suffered a broken leg some time ago and has been In the Soutbe'rn Pacific hospital at Sin Francisco since that time, will re turn to Ashland on train 16 this ev ening. with the load Ford agency for quite a while and Is a high grade salesman and will undoubtedly mnke good Domino Provost, of the Provost ' witli the new agency. He will con Brothers hardware store, left this tinue as salesman for the Ford agen morning for San Francisco by ma- Cy. but will handle this car lndepen chine for a two weeks trip and will take 1 nthe auto show In the Bay City while there. R. Scurman also left this morning for San Francisco by train and will return with Mr. Provost In the latter car In about two weeks. Returned from Buying Trip Mrs. J. H. Suggs, who left the first of the month to buy her spring stock, returned after a trip to Portland and Seattle, where she was able to get the particular line of goods she had expected to have to go east for, and Shopping In Our City Mr. and Mrs. Logan, of Montague, Calif., were among the out-of-town shoppers in our midst Wednesday. Sent to Salem Vernon Hooper was sent to Salem as a delegate to the state conven tion of the "Christian Endeavor which convened there Thursday and will be in session up to and Includ ing Sunday. He stopped over on the way north to visit with his sister at Eugene for a day. Los Angeles Visitor Miss Marguerite Townley, of Los Angeles, Is spending a few days vis iting with MIhs Odessa Foltz and othor friends in the city. From here, Miss Townley will go to Portland to make an extended visit with friends before returning to her home. Returned from Portland- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan, of Mountain avenue, have returned from Portland and other northern points, where they were called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Morgan's brother. Projrram Given at Junior High The Junior Mr,h students gave a program this afternoon in honor of Washington's and Lincoln's blrth- qul'e 111 at her home on Granite days. The program began at 1 At Work Again S. A. Peters Jr. was able to be In his old stall at the Citizens Bank Wednesday after several days spent at home with the Influenza, Visitors from Phoenix Nels Larsen and daughter Ida, of near Phoenix, were in our city Wed nesday. On Feet Again William Sams, who was severely burned by the bursting of a hot wa ter bottle some two weeks ago, was able to be on the streets again Wed nesday, but his burns are still rather painful. Jacksonville Visitors T. H. Simpson was a visitor In Jacksonville today. J. W. McCoy spent some time In Jacksonville Wednesday. Bon Born- Word has reached Ashland that Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mulit are the proud parents of a son, who arrived to biess their home on Friday, Feb ruary 10. dent of that agency. Transom Broken The plate glass transom over the door of the Lithla Bakery was found broken when the place was opened early Wednesday morning and It Is presumed that the wind had loosened it, causing it to fall and break. Here from Hornbrook Ned Ellis, of Hornbrook, an em ploye of the Southern Pacific at that place, was In town today visit ing with his sister1, Mrs. Charles Rose. Off from Work Miss Dorthea Jones, of the clerical force at the McGee store, was com pelled to go home this morning after coming to work at the usual time, as she was unable to continue work dur ing the day. Returned from Portland Amos NInlnger, who has been spending several days in Portland on business, returned on train E3 Wed nesday afternoon. Chnngo of Date and flare A change of schedule received late last evening makes It necessary that the address which was to have been given by Alien E. Roberts, one In ternational secretaries of the Y. M. C. A. at the Presbyterian church on Friday evening of this week bo changed to Thursday evening. On' account of another gathering at the Presbyterian church this evening, j Mr. Roberts will speak at the Meth-j odlst church. The hour 1b 7:30.; This address will be of Interest to both men and women. Telephone. Employe Sick Miss Gladyse Inlow, one of the obliging telephone operators, is con fined to her home on East Main street by Illness. NoCroupTonight No need to fear spasmodic croup. Rub baby's chest with VicUs at bed time. All night long medicated vapors arise and are inhaled. Croup can hardly develop. It does away with dosing and is equally effective for other cold troubles of young or old. VapoRub J7 Million Jan Uttd Ytariy At Local Hospital Mrs. Goldie Smith was taken to a local hospital Wednesday morning. Baby Girl- Error Corrected It was stated In Wednesday even ing's paper that Edward W. Jonos had gone to the northern part of the state with the Intention of exchang ing property he owned In Idaho, whereas the property Is in Jenner, Alberts, Canada, Basketball The local high school team that Journey to Roseburg Wednesday to meet the high school quintet of that city, carried off the small end of the score, it being 33 to 36 at the sound of the final whistle. While in Portland recently I bought BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS such as extra wagon wheels reaches, leadbars, singletrees, plow beams and handles, at prices prevailing bofore the war. Come In parly while they last. Fencing, harness and Imple ments at reduced prices. New and second hand tewing machines. Pe7's Corner INCOME TAX FACTS Investigate Our Ideal Areola Hot Water Heating System for Small or Large Houses Our New Line of Heating Stoves Are Now In Povost Bf os. Farmers, rangers, herders, dairy men, truck gardeners, vineyard and orchard owners, and other food pro ducers must compute their net and gross Incomes for 1921 and ascertain whether an income tax return, or a tax, or both are due. All gains, prof- ! Its, and Income derived from the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutchinson of .gale or exchange of farm products, Car Badly Damaged A Bulck six roadster was badly damaged near the springs north of Ashland some time Tuesday night when It ran Into the side of the road and against a post, practically demol ishing one side of the ear. The name whether produced on the farm or purchased and resold, must be In cluded In gross Income. When a farmer exchanges his products for groceries, clothing, or other mer chandise, the fair market value of such goods must be Included. Profit received from the sale of farm land, or rent received for the use thereof, must be included. In determining Income upon which the tax Is assessed, the farmer may A. M. Love I moving from B street deduct from gross Income all neces to the property on Eighth street sary expenses Incurred In the opera- whlch was recently purchased by Ed : tlon of his farm during the year Butler. 1 1921. These include cost of cultiva tion, harvesting, 'and marketing of his crops, cost of feed and fertilizer used, amount spent In repairs to farm buildings (other than the dwelling) and to fences and ma chinery. Wages paid to farm bands 112 Garfield street are the parents of an eleven pound girl, who arrived at their home early Wednesday morning. Mother and baby are do ing fine. Ill Again Mrs. W. S. Depeau Is on the sick list again, after having been able to be up and around for several days. Moving Today Dangerous Wash Out On Iowa street between Oresham and Sherman streets, It Is reported that a place has been washed out some four to alx Inches wide tad Sold By the Pound Hand Loom NOTE PAPER the beat writing paper that can be made Obtainable at th better stores This box contains a full pound of paper. Many so oalled pound paper Includes weight of box. Insist on Hand Loom Linen. It Is paper you take pride In using. The full pound gives you utmost value.