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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1921)
Wedniwiiny, Juno I, 1021. PAGE TWr ASHLAND WEEfcil tlDINGS Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday By THB ASHLAND PRINTING CO. offioal citv and county PAPER. TELEPHONE 80. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year $200 Three Months 78 ADVERTISING RATES, ntsnlav Advertisements, a o b inah One Judge Grants 138 Divorces in One Minute Shattered Romances Clutter London Courts By ALFRED J. WEST 'costing over fifty pound. In case ARREST CAMPERS NEGLECT OF- BURNING.FjRE gix Month! J "i (United Press Stuff Correspondent.) V vry poor people, a certificate may LONDON. May 28. America has e obtained enabling tnem to plead road food; Wolf Creek Grants Pass being macadamized,' detour via Merlin. Smith Hill slick during re cent rain and chains needed,. Chains needed when raining; Qrants Pass Rock Point Arch, paved; Rock Point Arch-Gold Hill, grading; road good, detours; Gold Hill Medford, paved; Medford - Ashland, paved; Ashland - California line, paved ex- !cept 214 miles, road kept open.. . I K- E- HODOMAN, PORTLAND, Ore.,' May 28. Wiai Dlv. Engineer. fs regarded as the "first blood ofj, , the (mason" is the news that nasi MIXER RECLUSE THROWN " BY HORSE, DIES AT HILT , ...). 4o. .... - - ,. , ,.eacheil tne Portland office of . inn i.m, revii-ilei) the honiei ln ' pauperis ior nuout ill-, - . ... so long been regarueu as me nomc , , Sbp. . of conviction at Bend. Oregon, of two careless uiHiinct ....ik ., ,n..n. ti,t it teen pounds. 80C .. . ... ....!.,! Tha turt ihnt tlioi-A warn over 8 flftfl Ullfl.'K 111 KIHltl . .. - . " - - . .fweZmn the word; . Britishers to learn that the divorce ' cases in the last tern, list proved Dm. le courts in London are churning out: very disturbing to the clergy and Legal Notice, each time, the !jecree9 at the rate of ono every ; social workers, and It has been al- Una 3 1-3C , . .. ... .. t ' lairad tlmt anph n nvtitAm mulrAu tit. , ti nn seven aim a nan minutes m wirvi- - - - r . u ,5 whnn thv Card of Thanks $1.00 rorre ton env. On the other hand. Forest, on May 15. When th y Obituaries, the line. ' . ' ,, ... , ,., ,.. broke camp, they kft- tMt camp campers. The report shows that B. J. Larpenter and George Ludowlts camped on the Fall River Camp Ground on the Deschutes National UUllUBltvn, ..... - Fraternal orders and pocietles charg- Further, there is a waiting list ing regular initiation fees and dues,; Rome 2,000 persons seeking divorces 'Insists that British Divorce lav STIMULATE IE regular rates. ... .i. ju-ye,, Religious and benevolent societies ne" 1110 "eH m-tii he charged at the regular ad-'spore. vsrtlsing rate for all advortislug The British divorce court is pari when an admission or collection is of ,he HRn pourt ot ju'gtCe, head taken. quarters in Loudon, and "The Pro- Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, bute, Divorce and Admiralty Dlvi- Postoftica as second ciass duui.SU1," tt9 it is railed, is run by sir matter. It :ii-n-, Duke, President ot the Divl- t jsiou, and two High Court judges. One of these is always required for ! Admiralty or Probato (wills) cases, so that heretofore there has hardly nniri nniirllT Wr ji'ver been more than two courts work nrri nDMLMI l ling at the sumo time. British Higi ULlLLUr lllLll I Ul (Courts sit from 10 to 4 p. m. week 1 days except Saturday, and tho inter- jvals between the various law terms are lengthy. So tremendous has be Vcoine the congestion that strenuous measures have had to he adopted, MEDFORD, May 28. Prospector Wherever possible spare Judges from all over' the state have beeu at- have been loaned from the King's traded 10 the hills of Southern Ore- Bench Court, the Lord Chief Justice gun by the. lure of .gold attendant, and even the Lord Chancellor have unon the' discovery of the rich Bos-1 lent a hand, working on Saturdays ilaII mine in tho Sucker Creek dis- as well. Lord Birkenhead was the trirt With the formation of the first Lord Chancellor to, tacklel di unwell Enteusimi Gold Mines com- vorce cases, organized by Medford, GrantR have time to''00 complicated and distinctly unfair SOUTHERN on the wife. A divorce is far from being easy for a wife to obtain, it and federal I iws, Later In Bmii1, before Judge Sawyer of the County I Court, they wero fined $5.00 euch. being necessary to prove cruelty, and.' Fr' tho Ok-.nogau F.irest Wanh or desertion, as well as misconduct jington, comes news of another sue- while misconduct alone Is sufficient Icessful forest fire law enforcement ground for the male petitioner. BOWERS ESTATE I case. A. L. Arneson, or luaoton, !Wash built a camp fire near In- flamable material on the National The funeral of W. H. Smith, tVa Granite street, who died at Hilt, Calif., yesterday, was held from the Stock undertaking par lors of tills city by the Rosefourg lodge of Odd Fellows, of which . Mr. Smith was a member. His death, at the age of 03, brings to light the strange story of a mining prospector who has lived for years j in Roseburg and In Ashland for the 1 past three years without forming intimate friendships and about whole life comparatively little, is i known. The deceased was not known to ltnve any living relatives. Mr. Smith's death was the result j of Injuries received when he was mcnt against Clarence A. Haien and Johanna D. Haien, husband and wife. .Defendants, for the sum of One thou- bers, Four, Five and Six, and con sisting of. the following: nmmencinff at a nolnt South 36 , lUrraaa si minute Went 10 12 amid four hundred ninety-six & 60- chalni from the Northeast corner of 100 ($1496.66) together with the Northeast Quarter ot the North- $150.00 attorneys fees, together with west Quarter, Section' 17, Township $222.85, being the amount plus ln 41, South, Range Ont, East of the terest paid, by Plaintiff as taxes on DIVIDED AMONG Forest. The fire spread and dam-: thrown from his horse and dragged aged government timber, and on May 1 j through the woods! ln Bumblebee :, 1921, Mr. Arneson paid $1,600 in'j Gulch the early part of this week, damages for his criminal negligence !i He was on the way to -his mining in addition to a fine ot $100. ' (claim in Bumblebee Gulch, when FOUR y The will of Benton' Bowers, who died last Sumlay was tiled In the county court Wednesday afternoon by Brlggs & Brlggs, attorneys of this city. The value of the property Is not stated In the will. - A son, Martin Bowers, Is named executor without bonds. To Marthas' J. Frederick, a sister. On May 19, a federal jury In Port land brought In a verdict of V-''ly against Lorenzo E. Dole, for ma liciously setting a fire on the Sluslnw Nnt'onal Forest in Oregon. Racing Pigeons Released Here For Vancouver D. A. Applegate, local agent for the American Railway Express com pany liberated 60 racing pigeons at 6 o'clock this morning which will Lord Mersey, the retired ociogen Pass and Sun ranclsco men, ' '"" nu une oi ciibuiuu the. sum of $30 a month is be development of mining Interests In'greatest divorce Judges, also came (1eathed as "long as she shall live, Jackson and Josephine counties has out of his retirement and volunteered ' t0 be .,, montny been greatly stimulated, to lend a Hand, disposing of cuses To Mildred A Bowers wife of the'fy 10 Vancouver, B. C. The birds A. M. Knapp, of San Francisco and with astonishing speed. Now as ,inceased, $1000 is bequeathed, "to' were snPPed ner8 by the Seattla member of the company, has recent-; many as six or seven courts are gnnu- bo pa)(j goon ag pog9Die after my Racing pigeon club who will tlm ly returned from Carson(Clty where ing out aivorceg at an unpreceuemed he took preparatory steps of incor- rute. Justice Hill recently broke all nisis," (The final divorce decree after llii1 statutory period ill' six months poration for the company. Kiinl In , records by "unmarrying" 138 couples corporation papers were, mailed.; tp- in on minute. He accomplished this day. by taking his entire list of "decree Interested with Mr. Knupp in l: company are the Page-Dressier n: poration of Medford; George S. Bar- from the trial, when tha divorce is ton, president ot the Boswell com-! pronounced "absolute" and pronounc pany; H. D. Norton, president of the Ing them "absolute" in one bunch First National Bank of Grants Pass.'atter the clerk has read out the and John Breeding ot Grunts Puss, names. This new concern, which will be a The Divorce Courts have never close corporation has purcjiased and j worked very rapidly, and wero usu paid for deeds to six claims amme-ally in arrears In pre-war days but diately adjoining the Boswell mine i tlie enormous increase of petitions for and extending to the Cohen mines, disolutlon of marriage is attributed owned and being developed by 8c- to the fading of war-romances, thai attle men. In these six claims th huge proportion of "undefended" men Interested believe they have the cases, proving the failure of many mother lode that fed nil the rich hasty war weddings. The. process of placer territory in the Illinois river "unmurryiug" Is expensive in Eng section. I hind, the cheapest "undefended" suit Printed Card Board Signs TIip Tiiliugs carries iu stock for sale the following cnnl -Imard sipua at l5e each, Trjuofor25e NOTARY PUBLIC PLEASE DO NOT SMOKE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS NO LOAFING CHILLI CONCARNIE 15c NO SMOKING NO ADMITTANCE NO PEDDLING AUTO FOR HIRE 1 . NO HITCHING POST NO BILLS THIS TEAM FOR SALE CLEARANCE SALE FOR RENT-INQUIRE FOR SALE-INQUIRE FOR SALE OR RENT DRESSMAKING BOARD AND ROOM WARNING TO TRESSPASS . ERS Cloth, 25c. Call at The Tidings office for any of the aJxvp. decease." The will continues: "Thelne P'Keons on tnetr arrival m van reason I do not make a greater be-lconver- Mr- Applegate will be quest to my said wife Is because i; notified by the club when the birds do not think she has treated me ln!reach thel'r destination. a manner a wife should treat a hus- A shipment or racing pigeons were band, and, furthermore, that I have released at Roseburg last Sunday by heretofore paid her Jarge sums ofitlle American Railway Express corn money, In gifts and otherwise, an'diPanr H"ent ther0 an(l ma(,e a WnB which I consider a due proportion !tlme ' eSht hours and 45 "ilnutesj of my property." i Dew een mat cuy seame, a ais- Mr. and Mrs. Bowers were recent- tlie accident occurred and It is thought that he lay helpless in the woods for about three days before discovered by two boys who were Willamette Meridian, being corner number One of Red Poff rey Claim Number Six; thence North - 69 de grees S3 minutes East 22.27 chains to corner Number Four of Red Pof trey Claim Number Six; thence South 67 degrees 9 minutes East 13.03 chains to corner Number Three of Red Pottrey Claim Number Six; thence South 69 degrees 33 min utes west 22.27 chains to corner Number Two ot Red Poffrey Claim Number Six and corner Number Two of Red Poffrey Claim Number Five; thence South 68 degrees 38 minutes West 22.33 chains to cor ner Number Three of Red Poffrey Claim Number Five; thence North 67 degrees 9 minutes West 3.90 chains to corner Number Four of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four; thence South 30 degrees 19 minutes West 2145 chains to corner Num ber Three of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four; thence North 67 de grees 9 minutes West 4.35 chuins to corner Number Two of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four;- thence South 88 degrees 26 minutes West 4.40 chains to corner Number One of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four; thence North 28 degrees 17 minutes East 23.20 chains to corner Number Fire of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four; thence North 68 degrees 38 minutes East 22,33 chains to point of begin ning, being corner Number One of Red Poffrey Claim Number Five and corner Number One of Red Poffrey Clajm Number Six, excepting there from all that portion of the above described Red Poffrey Mining Claim lying and being situated within the Stite ot California'. The amended location of said de- ' fishing in a nearby stream. He scribed mining claim Is recorded In was found in a very weakened con. j volume 21 at page 319 of the Mln- . dition and'althongh he was rushed Recor" ot Jackson C,,untv' 0re- to the hospital at Hilt he died j And notlce i8 fui.tuer given that shortly after his arrival tliere, ! all persons claiming adversely the 'mining ground, placer, veins and AtHHVn Mi-v to ATTWii ilode Premlge.s hereinbefore descrlb- AnHLAM) Mfc. TO ATTr.M jed ftnd t0i or BUrVeyed, plat- GOOD ROADS CONVENTION td or herein applied for. are here- said Real' Ptoperty, together with $12.40 coats which judgment was en rolled and docketed In said Court April 80th, 1921. Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of said execution, I will on Saturday, June 11, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the Courthouse ln the City ot Jack sonville, Jackson County, Oregon, offer tor sale and sell at public auc tion tor cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, with the coats of this sale, subject to redemp tion as provided by law, all ot tha right, title and Interest that the de fendants, jointly or individually, had on May 1st, 1913 or have since ac quired, or now have ln and to the fo-1 lowing described property, situated In Jackson County, State of Oregon, to wit: Beginning at a point 10.37 chains East and 6.25 chains North of the Northwest corner of Donation Land Claim No, 64 in Township 38 South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, which point is on the West side line of proposed Gibson Avenue and from said point running North 3 degrees West a dis tance of 226 feet to the place of be ginning of the lund to be sold;Tbence West a distance of 132 feet to alley; Thence North 3 degrees West a dis tance of 100 feet; Thence East a dis tance of 132 feet to the West side line ot said Avenue; Thence South 3 degrees Eust 100 feet, to the place ot beginning. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, May 6th, 1921. - Q. E. TERRILL, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregou. By FLORA THOMPSON, . 37-4 Deputy. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF KXKfTTOlM AND TO I'KF.SENT CLAIMS The Chamber of Commerce has appointed Messrs. G, S. Butler, chair man of Ashland Park Board, Mayor C. B. Lamkln, and Mr. H. G. End- ers Jr., as delegates to the second by notified that unless their ad verse claims are duly filed accord ing to law within the time prescribed by law, with the register of the United States Land. Office at Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, they annual Convention of the National b barr,e,d ,rom , anv lht ot p.n, . ! claim in said premises and every IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON STATE OF OREGON Iu the matter of the Estute of Charles W, Root, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Honorable G. A, Gardner, judge ot the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, has appointed the undersigned as executors of the es tate of Charles W. .Root, Deceased. Any person having a claim against the said estate is required to present the same, duly verified, at the offices of Briggs & Brlggs, Attorneys, Plo- 37-4 O. WINTER. J. P. DODGE, ly divorced.. The residue of the estate after the above, bequests are made is divided "share and share alike." between the four chlldei-n of the deceased, !milel beore reaching Vancouver. Martin D. Bowers, Benton Bowers, Jr., Jnmes Bowers, and Raymond S5. Bowers, with the provision that If any of the children "shall dies with out issue," the share shall be appor tioned among the surviving brothers and half-brothers. The will was drawn up October 1, 1919, and the wealth ot Benton Bowers was generally placed at bn- tween $150,000 and $200,000. oart thereof bv virtue of the statutes It is hoped that at least one of these ;0f the United States in such cas-j parties may be able to attend the! made and provided. convention, to be held at Salt Lake' Tn description above given is lnneer Block, Ashland, Oregon, within rit imio 'ifi 17 1001 ; accordance with survey made by theiBlx months from the date of the first my June m-u, iu. United States Survey General of Ore- publication of this notice. Representatives of national organ-1 gon. Date of First Publication; May 11, izullons and highway associations The adjoining and cou fllctliiR : 1 32 1 . have been Invited to nartlclnata in, claimants or claims are none, and' E. V. CARTER, the discussions and to bring before, tre are no adjoining claim, to the the convention anything of Interest consisting of the said Red Poffrey in tne promotion of the underly-i Mining Claims, numbered Four, Ing purposes of the association. These p've and Six. W. H. CANON, D.,1.1... Notice is herehv itlven thut thn itn- tance of 307 miles. As the pigeons, ""''"" ""rucuun 01 ai least gg.9.Wed, Iderslgued. administrator of the Es- will fly Seattle la 376 miles from!0116 EOod T0Bii connecting the NV, BseBgss-.. , n. ii i.tate ot WJlllam Powell, deceased, hus Ashland', against a distance of 500 tioaa' " RkJ.M3...lni notice TO CREDITORS. iJy" matTf'regn bnal mile, by rail. It Is figured that th. ' ' aHuch a'dminlst'ra.or"! birds will have to fly about 476 f tlon of atniobile 'ravel generally Notice is hereby given that theMd eltate aad tnat Saturdly Jun, ,Miruut5uouf uie naiioo, assisting tne - im""u nm, 1921 at the hour of 11 o'clock National Park Service in populurli INOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT m Ell SALE MADE 10 MEDFORD IN British Actors Have No Desire To Copy U. 5. LONDON. British actors and ac tresses have no desire to emulate ling the National Parks, and, in every ! way, to lend encouragement in the I general development of the west. ! Chambers of Commerce, automo bile clubs, good roads associations, as well as state, county and city or ganizations have been urged to send one or more delegates to the Salttion nereof' wnlch MaV 1921. Lake convention to take part ln dis cussions and represent their com- L. A. ROBERTS Attorney for Executrix Executrix of the estate of Joshua a. in. has been fixed by the Court as rnf,?' wt6aSedVby V'6 Coun,'ithe time for hearing of objections to .nTi.? nin?.e T"' an1 the settlement there- and has qualified. All persons hav-, of . Ing claims against said eBtute are ' T. L POWELL iu y.cueui mu nuuie iu mi: Administrator nf (ho .t tha fint atut Hnnir i., .I-: Administrator ot tne town of Talent, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified, within six months from the first publica 36-6-wed Estate of William Powell, deceased. their fellow pluyers In America by munitlea In topics that may be pre glving Sunday theatrlcul perform-: 8ented for consideration. The National Park-to-park High-! Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms aid Stock Ranches. ances. A proposal to open Loudon theaters on Sundays has Just been voted down by an overwhelming ma jority at a meeting organised by the British Drama league. 'Most 0fiexecutlve secretary manager and 11 those who voted were members ot j statedlrectors. the theatrical profession. I ggnees The suggestion that plays be giv en an Sunday was made by Arthur Bouchier, an actor, and Father Ad derley, a popular socialist divine. ' Mr. Bouchier said that only such plays should be produced on Sun days as did not occupy the usual weekly bill and that acting on Sun days should be optional. Any at tempt aj coercion, he declared, should be made illegal. Father Adderloy urged that it was a question ot common sense, not of religion, the the fourth command ment bad long ceased to be Ood's law. He believed that Sunday should be a day of recreation, and that "If there Is one thing that really does recreate it is seeing .a play." NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL . ACCOUNT way Association's official represen-j latum consists ot tne president,, a; number of vice presidents, treasurer, j in THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON STATE OF OREGON. All Kinds ot Good Insurance Ashlaid Ageita ot Abstract Co. Billings Agency llth, 1921, at 10:00 o'clock at the Court House in Jacksonville, said County, as the time and place for a hearing thereon. Any person object ing thereto Is required to file such objection on or before the time of such hearing. RACHEL GROW, 37-4 Wed. ' Administratrix NOTICE OF SALE PORTLAND, Ore., May 28. The purchase of 6300 acres ot timber land or 87,000,000 feet of lumber in tho Fourbit tract in Crater 'Na tional Park was made here by Mil lard D, Olds ot Medford la com petitive bidding passed upon by George Cecil, district forester. Tbe sale is one of the biggest made in several yours and marks an era ot increased development of tbe lum ber industry in Southern Oregon. Situated lid miles east ot Butte Falls, the eastern terminus of the Pacific & Eastern railroad, which Olds is reported to have purchased recently, the stand consists of 81 per cent Western yellow and sugar pine. The bid on the yellow pine was $3.75 while that on the re- The contract make. It necessarv 41,(1 "",e(1 Dy fonanining it after the 25th day of June, 1921, Water Street: Beginning at the tne cuniract mases u necessarj evgn greater fPrvor 1g . ..frlend 0f proceed to sell at private sale, to : southeast corner of lot 3 block 29. for the buyer to begin cutting opera-ithe actor the highest bidder for cash, that'of the City of Ashland, Oregon, ex- tlons June 1, 1923, allowing two .. ,. . ... c. certain real estate, belonging to said tending thence northerly along the years in which to erect necessary ap paratus and build a logging road District Forester Cecil said today T T . . . n-mT,. .. r,LiLA j. rat iuhsuin, XXeCUtrlX. !l Cnnnlv Pnnrt nf II an. Oregon, for Jackson County. In tllA Matter nf HiA Valuta nt V.nM- 38-5-wed i rii,m ,i,i iu winnie s. nopKine, covert Hop kins and Harry Hopkins, and all j persons Interested In said estate: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. You, and each of you are hereby notified, cited and re quired to appear on Saturday, the tilth day of June, 1921, at the Court yoora of Bald County Court, ln the Court House at Jacksonville. Jack- kson County, Oregon, at the hour of jten o'clock, a. m. of said day to then and there show cause, If any there be, why an order authorizing and licensing the said executrix to sell In the Matter of tbe Estate of George W. Grow, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has filed in said Court her Final Account as admin istratrix with Will annexed, ot the Estate ot George W. Grow, Deceased, and the Honorable G. A. Gardner, the following described real pron- County Judge, has designated June erty belonging to said estTite at ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given, that under private saie or puouc auction, as. she may deem best, for the purpose of paying the debts of said estate, the expense of the erection of the Tomb-stone and the expense of the administration ot said estate, shall not be made and entered therein, (n accordance with the prayer of the said Petition tiled therein on the 26th day of April, 1921, to-wlt: All of lot 22 In Block "L" In Rall- road Addition to the City of Ashland. The undersigned Executor ot the! in JackBon County, Oregon, estate of John H. Bogue, deceased, Service pf citation on the non- Ill, at any time before June 9th, resident heirs and devisees of Bald Georm Jtarnarit Shaw oulckly had' u lu PurB"ance or an oruer ofzi, receive at me law ornce or estate is maae oy pumication there .k i uk i .m-. Uajtne County Court of the State of W. J. Moore, in the City of Ashland, pf In the Ashland Weekly Tidlngn tne House roaring with laugnter. tie Oregon, for the County of Jackson, Oregon, sealed bids tor the purchase 'pursuant to an order of the above began by supporting the proposal duly made and entered on the 14th 'of all right, title and interest that jentitled Court, made this day. with extraordinary enthusiasm In day ot May, 1920, in the matter ot ; the said deceased had, at the time of WITNESSETH: The Honorable his capacity of playwright who want-i,h8 Mtate of Jennie Eccleston, de-!hls death, in and to the followlng0. A. Gardner, Judge of the abovo .A m. m.. i f hi. nlavi ceal,ed' L- A- Roberts, the admlnls- described tracts of land: (entitled Court with the seal of suiil ed to make money out of hlg play. j trator of ,ald Mta,e wli from. and j prop4srty lo, on Court herewith affixed on the 2th day of April, 1921. (EAL) CHACNCEY FLOREY, 35-wed-S County Clerk. If you give up your present Sun.i"r'?ln bn5 'a!dndln? .thn"..nortbriy. a'0!! . " nnumtju in me oumyiwesi line oi water aireei, ivu ieet; day holiday under the Impression 0f Jackson, and State of Oregon, par-Whence northwesterly 40 feet; thence that Sunday will be any different, iicuiany described as follows, to- southerly parallel with the west line from other days In the theater or wit: of said street, 100 feet; thence east- tbe contract would be formally . i An undivided two-thirds of lot 31.'ri in rant in the nlace of hna-lnnlnr awarded as soou as satisfactory 1 7 . " . "f ,n"IBIoclt "B" in the Railroad Addition; Timber-Unds located near Hyatt Prairie: The fractional WH of the Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Executor of the estate of Mary M. Shepherd, deceased, has filed In the County Court or Jack son County, State of Oregon, his final account as such Executor of sain estate and that Suturday, tho ' mtiAW Inr a.l'nn ...'' wnrlr than tftt ' - . i- - . , . . i.i.m..i r vi- ruj. i.i .km I " - ,io ids liny ot Asniana. ltv to earrv out th. term. n. fin I'1' then 1 ,ha" eont,nue t0 hoId' Bld' on ,ald real Property may beiNWH of section 2 in Township 39 1 28th day of May, 1921. at the hour , : . ...... .7 the same opinion of your political , mma " me unaersigneo at nis ot- south of range J east W. M. Oregon, lot ten 0 clock a. m.. has been fixed isnea. ne explained mat this ',,.,-., M member, o( the Brit-lIlce ,Th! Cltiien's Bank Building. ; containing 79.90 acres. (by tbe court as the time for hearing customary in all large timber con-. . ... . . ... . ,h a' Ashland, Jackson County, Ore- Bids will be received for either or of objections to said report and the tracts. sa, both of said tracts, subject however. Tbe expenditure of; pa't- I f PubIlcatl" mad" Ma" to confirmation by the County Court ,.,' . . .. . . .mil. 0 jackson County, Oregon. Sad $238,999 1o extend the tracks of , L. A. ROBESlTS. bld thal be in writing, signed by the railroad to the timber site l";Donr Mnla in Administrator of the estate of the bldder and accompanied by a one of the greatest costs. The total ItCfUll luaUC VII . Jennie Eccleston, deceased. duly eertmed check payable to the coat of logging 1000 feet and deliv ering at Butte Fells is estimated at $11.20. From Butte Falls the ralll connection goes direct to Medford, where It makes Junction with the Southern Pacific. Road Condition America can maintain huge arma ment and yet not endanger the peace ot the world, because the world .knows thst this country craves peace with all nations snd would not fire a hostile gun except In self-defense. K. E. Hodkmen, Pacific highway division engineer, has made tbe fol Ashland. Oregon. MINING APPLICATION NO. O13706 United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, MAY 10. 1921. lowing report on the condition of tbcj Notice is hereby given that William .... ... . . . Mllnes, whose post office address is u.,,..-., .:u nrouurs .u. Medford, Jackson County. Oregon, lauiorais state tine: ' executor of said estate for twenty per cent of the amount of any such bid, balance to be paid upon acceptance- of bid. The executor reserves the right to reject any and all bids. D. M. BROWER, S7-4 Wed. Executor. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S HALE has made application for patent to By virtue of an execution and order Rosebnrg to Myrtle Creek, paving the following described placer mln-lof Sale duly issued out of and under south ot Roseburg, follow detours; Myrtle Creek h Canyonville, grading fair detours, via Riddle; Canyon ville - Woif Creek, macadamised, settlement thereof. Published first 1921. 35-w'd-5 time, April 27.. O. H. YEO. Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed exe cutrix ot the estate ot John. W.. Mills, Sis, deceased, br the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon., and bsa qualified. All persons hav ing claims against stld estste are notified to present same to me at the law office of W. J. Moore. In Ashland, Oregon, with proper vouch ers and duly verified within six months from the first publication ing ground .situated In the COTTON-1 the seal ot the Circuit Court for the . . . . . . . . . , a . 1 U f WUUU minim UlBinci OI jsckbod. oiaio oi uitkub, tur .ibi-kbuh v,uuuir. rmin'r Oreann. ld nlacer rroundldated Mar 4th. 1921. ln a certain i hereof, which is Anril 27th. 1931 being known as the RED POFFREVjsult therein, wherein Elisabeth A.I TALITHA C. MILLS. PLACER MINING CLAIMS, Num-Smith, s Plaintiff, recovered Judg- 91-t-w Executrix.