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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1921)
Wwbic 4u', June i, 1021. AS&LAJTD wEftKL? TII)INM PAUH TURK! LOCAL AND PERSONAL ' BATl'RDAY'S NEWS Visits at Log Angeles Mist Hilda Obde, a teacher In tbe Junior high school (or the past year, left for several months visit at Los Angeles, after which she will return to her home at Manning, la. Leave lor Portland 0. H. Johnson, a local jeweler' man, left this morning for Portland and Astoria on a pleasure trip. .- He expects to return within two weeks. ! Arrives from Portland Mrs. L. Davis arrived this morning from Portland to meet her husband here who owns a farm at Rogue River station. Mrs. Davis expects to spend the summer here. Bunkers Meet The employees of the First Na tional Bank held their monthly get togetberyneetlng Thursday evening In the directors room of the bank; Refreshments were served. The purpose of the meeting was to dis cuss means of giving and improving the banking eervlce of their Insti tution. . . California V 11 tor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Katta, of Oakland, Cal., are making a visit to O. 0. VanNatta, of 439 Chestnut street. . linxmt for Mit'hlgun Mrs. Thomag Bruce, sister of J. 11. Hardy of tblr city, who was called to Ashland on account of the serious illness of her father William Hardy, returned this morning to her home in "Flint, Mich. '. Visiting at Hoseburg Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Engle, Mrs. Angle L. Engle and their guest, Mrs. R. A. Bland, left this morning by auto for a few days visit witb Mrs. Engle sister at Koseburg. Mrs. Illu ml 'will continue on to her home at McMinnville, Ore. Y. M. ('. A. Hull Game Tbe Junior teams of the V. M. C. A. Athletic League played two games again this morning, the C'-C teams "winning from the Presbyterians by i score of 7 to 6, while the Metho dlsts took the game with the Bap tlst Juniors II to 7. Carson as a committee represent-! Josephine county. The party Ing the Ashland. Chamber of Com- here Monday morning equipped for merce for the July 4th celebration, outdoor camping. They motored to t . the end of the trail within ten miles On Hiking Trip i0 Oregon .Caves and took horses to i i left tended the play Al Jolson (In Sin- tail on the .up grade climb nclplnj Ten members of the Knights of Truth of the Presbyterian church,, left yesterday for a hiking and camp ing trip to Wagner Creek Valley They will return this afternoon. Bremerton, Wash., Visitors Miss Genevieve Wolf of Bremer ton, Wash., who bas been on a trip reach their destination. The party was thoroughly enjoyed by all mem bers of tbe League. Return From Calif. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kiuney have re turned from a five months stay pass ed1 In Oakland, Cat., and vicinity. They made the homeward trip in the bad) at Medford last night. The party left at noon today on their return to Klamath Falls. their "wind" materially. The air was crisp and snappy with but little sun penetrating tbe heavy '.timber along the trail. Nenr the to .UuLe'jJome Here ' summit the party passed through 18 ' W. E. Williams, former manager i Inches ot snow but pushed on. drop ot the Pacific Telephone-Company; ping over the summit at a clip of here, arrived today from San Fran-1 a little better than three mites an Cisco, where be has been spending; hour. . Looking down 1000 feet be the last two years. Mr. Williams is! low could be seen tie little Hangar accompanied by bis son, Donald, and, station at tbe cave entrance with Old youngest daughter, Lydia. Thev Glory waving gently In the breeze, will make their home In Ashland as The time on the 10 mile trail was WAGMCK CRF.F.It NCHOOL 'that "The camel needs lotrf of foil CI.OSKS WITH I' der." Two I'ulllmans have been en- 'gaged for the trip, probably leaviim I this terminal onNo. 11, Friday eveii- throught California, stopped over m'tlimlljr car accompanied by Mr. and! Mr. Williams has business and real-'four hours. Forest Ranger Rowley, Medford for a short visit. Wednes day evening .Miss Wolf and Miss Bertha Weber of Medford drove up to Ashland to visit Rev. and Mrs. Koehler. Both girls were parishtfh ers of Rev. Koehlar, of this city in Brownsville. THURSDAY'S NEWS Eutertata n( Dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wolf entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Provost and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Grimes at a din ner party given Tuesday evening. Leave for Bnrtlrtt Spring Mrs. Harry Mathes, who piloted the way In their auto. . Climb Mt. Ashland A party of hikers climbed Mount Ashland, Tuesday of this week, In four hours and five minutes.. This is thought by experienced hikers to be very good time. Those in the party were: Otis Johnson, Leslie Heer, William tv Interests In tbe city. government guide, welcomed tbe party into his cabin and showed them Visiting at Red Bluff j every courtesy In preparing for the Miss Venet;a Burns, a member of'trlp Into the caves. Everyone was this year's high school graduating I required to sign the government reg class, has left for Red Bluff, Calif., j later before entering the caves, where she will make a ten days; a rest and lunch then the wonders visit with friends and relatives ofj0f the caves. The host, Mr. Rowley that city. . (who has-been the genial guide at the Pupils of the Waguer Creek school in the Talent district closed the school year with exercises and a program which was eujoyed by the parents and others present. The program was as follows: Welcome address Sadie Jones. Recitatlou, "At Graduation Time" Eva Kerby. Dialogue, "When Ma and Pa Are Sick" Elroy McGraw, Marie Som-mers. Piano Solo Helen Snook. ing, arriving at Eugene Saturday morning. ' These cars will -be' parked in that city, available for the return trip. Those wanting reservations should file'appllcatlons soon, as they, will be filled in order. The patrol will virtually orenpy one car. Each and every person bus influ ence over others, and conscience should direct this influence. "Star of Hope" NEW GARDEN TOOLS. Dialogue. "Juggling Verses" Six Nw Ppray p,,,. New Sprny Hose. ; New Garden Hose. caves for twelve years. Mr. Klucaid pupils, Recitation, "To a Ten Dollar Bill" Velda Wolgamott. .Tsod Sewing Machine. Reading, "The Errand" - Eva;''" l""1, A?.II?!,d Cultivator.. I Kerby. ; " soia or rented By the monto. the veteran ghide who for thirty-five f . . i , . t r , .1 Deave. Elton Ram- "CT "!" .- II Mi - -J Mir,.. I...... sey, Albert Guthrie. nussen oea...u ..m '"" year, has been enjoying the wonders .noDinson, lu.eui ,. hf-. "'.o( tn8 poti and the two. younKer Recitation, "Wash Dolly Vp l.ikei That" Ida Kerby. "Book s" Mildred Work at Silver Lake j.unuen in marr.aRB v u.o ""-. gUdes Jolinny Klncald and Clay A party or Blgli scnooi noys mi uiai cnurcu oiu.u, u "V iSparlin escorted the party In its ex- yesterday for Silver Lake wherejThey will make their home in Eagle, poration of ,he mynterln of the ln. Mrs. J . H. Turner mid daiiehter.!"1 wl rh,am worl1 m 11,9 orcn- roim. teror o( ,ne molinttilhs. More than Mrs. Edwin Dews left Tuesday, left ar,l 1,1 tliat place.-where they will ! three miles of these wonders were ar- vlsit friends and relatives. MinnvUle Visitor- Mrs. Laura Bland, of Minnville. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Engle, 534 Boulevard. Leuvew for Kuunath Falls Mine Ruby Newton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Newton on A street, bas left for Klamath Falls on a business trip. She will be gone a couple of months. WUt Visit Here Charles Chrlstensen, a former Ashland man, will arrive shortly from Llndem, Cal. the home of William M. Dodge. Returns to 'Frisco Miss Louise Gillette, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Height on Gresham street - returned this wV Ir. h.r hnn In San Pn.nei.eo. eounty next week. I Dinner Entertainment ' "J1 M"'"" I Jesse Winburn led tlie procession towards Shrine doings at Eugene, in his big touring car, huviug Dr. IF. H. Johnson of this city, and Emll ! Brltt, of Jarksonville. as super- ranged for the amazed explorer. After lunch everyone was outfit- tn. c...i..'a ..i,. ,,. -m , remain ior me summer. are: noss small, r;non namsey, ues-i airs. L,m m. nu.u ........j i.. .. . . .. .. . . 1 1 i nntt lie Meer. AiDert uutnrie. uesteivieu lasi .r jted wh koTeraiis and (lash light. ;welsenburg. Howard Hobson, Ermir.where sho will spend the summer EnterlnB ,ne fave.s at the lower level carian, do uanon. .monins. ir.. ,,,,.. worrle, jU!i. 8ti.rle(1 a9 Mfl3 , j.Cerber where she will be met by her, j., hMd waB contnllav i iuo r.nnTuun .brother, u. r. siocaton unu aiso Reading, Jones. ' Recitation, "Mind Over Matter" Audrey Steele. Piano Solo, "Love's (ireetlng" Mazuroka Opus. 327, Vera Lunch. Recitation, "Dickey Mlrd" Car Tie Calvin. The Bite" Marie ; All Kinds of Fence Posts and Fencing PEIL'S CORNER BY THR PARK The bovs LNivesi for California I Kecltatlon. jSommers. I Recitation Wolgamott. Piano Solo, Ki-rhv. ' (innn tirt tti a nrlth (ha rr.r nt Ihn . ! Th Wednesday Afternoon Clubli.m oiK-r .hler nf n Stoekton' I A Story, "Kitten Talk' - - . - - ana msisteu "The Riddle" 'Bee March" of the Presbyterian church was en tertalned in the church parlors yes terday afternoon. The hostesses were Mesdames Andrews, Brown and Poley. iMrs. S. N. Hazelton at Sacramento, Central Point Visitors ' j Mr g j Fruicy at 8nnta Marln, lr lnp7 Kprpnann nnil mniner. .... . ii..t' - ---- - - igbe was accompainen ny ner """ipniin.i Jim. oainii oimuic, u,v.Cui.. dau5nterg Josephine and Mildred ana Airs. Minnie iiodibou ot aieu-' that the atmosphere wlSommer; Velda Eva Marie studded with stars, whlje Glenn Simpson thought tbe walls moved bank. Mtavcg ior tai.iomu, ;c,0Mp together jlat a, hft lHpJ , ' Mrs. W. M. Barber left yesterday jcraw, an oi)pnnK ror taniornia 10 visu uor uausuicn,,,,, Rmvai- im A . 11.. ...... 1. ... I I. M..u , . He wll visit at ' """ ""jai Iwunty uoun l.unr.a Hnh .nil 111 ItiriPr H T-. n fnnMA hnfnni (Its nimn l . C. J', iMUUIC WOO lln JJa aome in mo rreeoeri! upiiruiiriim. iCourt this morning on ousiness con- Miss Wattcnbarger was all excited ; abnvt 1 ho place called "Paradise Dr. franflall sat upon the' "Devil', Back Bone" until all had entered the "Pearly Gates." Bebb Recitation. "The Man Who Did II ' Frances Abbott. Song, "That's Out On Waguer Creek" from Harold Bell Wr.ghl,, Out Where the West Besliis." Peanut Hunt: Prizes won by .lil-j id red Jones. Clean Abbott, and Mare iSommers. ' The work of Ethel Trout fether.; Gafden Tools The best on earth at RIGHT PltlCES. The Best Lawn, Hose. Pf ovost Bros. FRIDAY'S NKWS H. P. Official Visits J. T. Sparks, district passenger and freight agent of tbe Southern Pacific company, stopped at Ash land yesterday. He left last night. Returns to Ashland Miss Lena Provost who has been teaching school at Applegate on the Dead Indian road returned to her home here today. Her sister, Viola Provost, who bas been attending the Sacred Heart academy in Medford returned today. ', W, Herrin Returns F. W. Herrin, who recently al tended the meeting of the wool growers association, held in Port land, as president of that organiza tion, has returned to this city. He stated that the wool growers asso 'Fialon has been Incorporated and wilt handle practically all the wool produced in Oregon. Heart Trouble J. L. Barthouse is reported as suf fering from heart trouble as an aftermath of an attack of the "flu" last winter. Playground Equipped' Park Superintendent Smith bas installed the chlldrens playground in LItbia Park 'with apparatus for ju venile amusement. All of the equipment has been repainted and the layout presents a shining non appearance. As a result Lithia Park was crowded with children yesterday. J-eeve for 'Frisco San ford Humphrey and bis grand mother, Mrs. M. C. Shaw, 107 B street, have left for a visit at San Francisco. Injured In Fall Mrs. Olson, Walnut street, was in jured yesterday when she fell from a wagon and broke one of her ribs. Dr. Swedenborg III Dr. Swedenburg has been reported as 111 with the "flu" for the past few days. Visiting at Portland Otto Mikkllsten and Frank Lam bert of this city are visiting friend) at Portland. At Klamath Falls- Miss Isabella Barron is making a week's visit with friends in Klamath Falls. 'Chicken Breakfast Mrs. John Dill entertained Madame Tracy-Young and Dr. Hawley at a chicken breakfast this morning. On Legal Bunlnes Atty. W. J. Moore of this city left this morning for Klamath Falls to attend to tegal business. New Electric Sign ' Harrison Brothers, the local Ford agents, have Installed large elec tric sign In front of their garage. July 4th Committor The Chamber of Commerce an nounces the appointment of Messrs. A. C. Nininjer, F. C. Engle and O. Will Move to Klnatn Mrs. Maggie Cuulberlson, Moun- nected with the Dead Indian road. Mr. Moore Is a great booster (or good roads and never misses an np- and Farar heard of "Klncald's Dance but were disappointed when they found their feet not equiped like files. Professor Wilson could not" understand why one .of the de tacher of the Wagner Creek school I this year, of this city, was highly praised by the county school .super-; Intendent. Suzanne Jlolmes. Mis.s Troutfether Rave a picnic for all IheJ school children and their paivuls in. tain avenue, will move to Klamath portunUy or etfort in the interest of nU 'a,1 dl"US!"d s0 ,m,u,1,"v'll.ithia Park this afternoon l. ! lillfnAMPn Mia iv ca u.'.i u t'urv Im Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Provost enter tained Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce at a dinner party yesterday evening. Tour Oregon Dr. W. E. Blake and family lettjcal'& Tuesday morning for northern andi S. S. Pentz, formerly of Medlord, good roads projects. Local Plans Are Made For Bulgin I.F.AVF. Kt'GKNK KOIt ( IHtKUOWj Meetings tiered although the Ay re was verv good In I jth cave, (?) ' IsHKINKItS The entire circuit of the most In-j iterestlng rooms was made within ' j ; hours, horses were saddled and tliel ... . . ., ,' , , , I Aslilulid Shi'MU-i's have stalled lo I return trip started, reaching camp , ., . , .. , ., .. .. H leave the illy lor Eugene where lliev at dusk. After eating some of John I ... ,,-, u,,, , nigg s "r'amous .Mulligan, the non- y)CITIZENS(( & BANK J LO FASH LAN OJ I AN MUTATION I Ashliinil Man Dipt eastern points tnrou'gnoui uregon. me nin ..op ,n in. umeiary connected with fraternal affliia be at Grants Pass where they will bH'7, .... . .... ,- . , ..ui i lUB Ku u. u. ", ded AprU 2J at Paertenai CaI., atte. waras iney win vihii v.n.voii nit re was started and everyone set tled down and wax entertained hv (stories told by Ranger Klucaid and his assistants, readings by Miss Wert (Contributed.) Mr. Lewis of The BulKiu Evan-.and Ethel Powell, sonas. hv Misses tlons both in that city and Ashland, jgelistic party visited Aslilaud lastBayt Anderson. Tliateher and the Monday evening to consult with thercrowd. 'a lingering Illness. In fact he was Aioany, roniann, ana moer 1''m practlcally helpless f0r months, cared their stay being an Indefinite one.t, ,...,., ..... nn w In the meantime not only the doc- ,for by church workers of the, city iit regard to the coming evangelistic cam- near relative, Mrs. Ella W.jpgign, jur. Lewis explained the meth- The return trip to camp seemed t i be spent in meditation and thounghl- be held at that place May US. A large number have I.I L by auioniu-l biles taking advantage of the good! roads attendeul upon the recent line weather. j The gathering will lie held at the' Armory at Eugene on Saturday nft-j ernoon this week, with a parade and all I lie, features that go to make s real ceremonial in so far as the num-i u lui triBiii uu. lilt, i-iiiiiu lilt, huh- . - .... . . Hi. ,.omin. wr eremsted ti...... .j 1.1. .,,1.1 . .... ... ... . : l'r ot eanoiiiatea aim pageniry be closed " " r's. ' " ? . . , ma my,"C ""l,1Pll('e wnic Mn- concerned. Tho Imperial nolentate. in mai taiuunii chj, jers in neian ana mose preseui oiceui(gnei fatlse 0 nd soreness as th"jKi(Ij OHrretHiin of Tacnnui will On Outing Trip Pent! tors dental otltces win ne ciosen but also the family residence. Central Point VIxltont Rex Lampman and H. H. Lamp man of Central Point were visitors in ia niv innnv. ... . . .. m. j . . ramiiiar oy prenous visits, jub aoc-f nieetinR an( v () N- CnoVrHies ODeration . ,tary. Ithelr approval and by a unanimous pill.,v sat , ,(s, glon. ntn ,,,, .,, Dr. d. F. Tilton aiid his family ' nU(.tion t0 altPnd to the neoe have gone for a month's outing togaly prelmnary arrungements. Iter, localities ln northern Oregon madojK , , chairman of the Smith, secro- vote decided to proceed with tlieniBnt stenInR to songs and stories is! be the honored guest of the even', This bank has been tho depositary of many a:i Eilui'iiiiim Fund. Many h.iN paid for a good education in small Installments by begin ning early. Little deposits and i-omp o n n il interest mount up rapidly. This bank stands reailv to help 4011 build an Education Fund. Mrs. Edward .Baer who .under- , today is went an .operation here improving and doing well. Has Operation Mrs. L. Grow underwent an oper ation in this city recently Is report ed as getting along nicely. Motor to Rogue River- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ifccr. and taking .these midsummer outings. McMinnville .Visitor The following heads of commit tees were then appointed: Prayer Mrs. R. A. Bland of McMinnville, I and Mrs. Dotra Prlndell of Port land, two former Ashland girls, the former Miss Laura Pennington, the latter Miss Dotra Wlllits, arrived meeting committee, Sirs. Mary Hoy!; poster committee, C. II. iJamkii! and W. L. Evans; delegation corrsnil tee, O. F. Carson; music commit tee, C. H. Yeo; chief usher. Homer uj- mo ci-mu Kuiuti in iub jusepnine ( . Caves. Mr. Kincnid. When Mr. Kln cald would tire the members of the' party would sing or reolte or tell a story. Strange to the uninitiated Is the fact that all the songs and stories bore the stump of seriousness and the highest and deepest emotions and feelings of life. Fur anyone who loves the out-doors, this trip to Josephine and will inspect the festive surroiind- ns participate in III" business routine. The iidmoiniitlfli eoines from Eugene to the effect SAVINGS' DEPOSITS CdVM In on a nf tho Vrtrv hput Orpirnti Tuesday morning from the north.l1; Ir-rT" " "" Pe"1" fr . row rt.v. visit with Ashland i'ee'Le0 Janimerthal. treasuier F vfsUed them ,agt gea,ou ,, t ,east ,o. uo, aim ems commuiee, ,ixlem huaini people are expected Mrs. Josephine Champio; building I to ,ea tnem thg year . commiteee, n. u. uuitemeia. The meetings are to start Sun- tor a few days visit friends and relalves. 4b daughter Thelma and Florence van Jpww winbuTn to BntertaUi uiiinme, n. w. v"iuem. Tu9 , folowing members of the Dyke motored to Rogue River yes-j JeMe Wnbrn wm enertaln chll- llle meeungs aie o sian un-,LeaRUe compoged the party: Mes- terday for an outing. dren of Rogue River Valley on Wed-1 "a nisnl June anP " ,a ,l,e dames Burrows, Kltto, the Misses n.rtv nf ni week. A nroeram is!n uuicn preliminary work N1. leaver. Winifred Suencer. Mrs. Aslicralt ImprovoH ., h Ml9ap. Fran(,ig ;aha,U be done in the meantlmo. Eh,1(, Avr. Mvrtle Pll,.,.nr. iflhplip Mrs. Perry Ashcraft, who h-r-, J A greall many Ashland people , WattenbarKer. Mabel Bay. Reatrice went an operation at tne .ramw ori nm, Mrs F G Sweden..nave near ur. ...ugin in MenroruGuntnePf Jpan Anderson, Gertrude City Hospital Is reported as getting of th ci(v nn gndand speak very highly of his work.jWerU; EtjieI PowtUi HMd along nicely. . -n wH b(( ' (ree Mr WInburn ; Ooasiderable Interest has already ,, fhatcher , Hatel Powell , E,- !ha. extended an Invitation to- been aroused in the coming campaign :tner Calla Blegel. Ethel iwiuns ruiumiii i. ... . ,. , , , k'fci.iin ABiuanti, ana a successrui series i v. . . , o ... ch dren and their parents to be his' . . . ... . :Reed and the mrs. ai jienuru oi too ot:.-iini jot street Is vlstlng with friends in ' Mr. and Mrs. J, AliHiit John ItlL'ir meetings is confidently expected j n,Rnkensl)iPi 0enn Simpson, GeraM Mrs. Esther, "grandma" Radcllff, ot 144 Fourth street, Is Visiting In Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Maclane. Grandma Radcliff is 86 years old. Leave for Portland ifn nnn fliovAtiH ' iittln itnn and Mrs. B. R. Stevens leave today Iorjt his home In- Wajertown, N. Y a few days visit In Portland Perform Operation L. Hurner are re ceiving a visit from their daughter Elsie, who is attending nn art school ,ln San Francisco. 1 ' Father Dies Word was received here yesterday of the death of P. J. Radlgan. fath er of Mrs. B. L. Sullivan of this city, by those who have charge of the ar rangements ivEPWORTH LEAGl'K PA IIT V Gunther, Elmore, Roy Clary, Prof. Wilson,' l)r. Bebb, Ray Crandall. 7 STRONG VISIT ORE. CAVF.N Mr. Radlgan was 70 years old at the time of his death. Mrs Sulli van Is unable to reach Witertown in time for the funeral. Mrs. 'Helen M. Slslby, of Cot'age Grove, a former well known resident of Ashland, underwent au operation WEDNESDAY'S NEWS at the Good Samaritan Hospital iu - nirtliday Party ' Portland, where she had In: r right! At a birthday party given Satur foot removed. Reports from her tills day of lust week in honor of Mrs. morning indicate she is getting; Mary Dunne at the home of ber along nicely. A complete recovery! daughter Mrs. E. J. Van Sant, Oak is expected. Her daughters Mrs. I street, 25 relatives were present. George Kerr and Miss Esther Silsby'Mrs. Dunne celebrated her 85th were attending her. i birthday on that day and had beeu 4 4 previously entertained at a dinner Leave for Klamath Falls party In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown an.lj . famllr leave soon for Klamath Falls. Mr. Brown, an 8. P. em STATE TEACHF.HS EXAMINA TION DATE IS CHANGED The last session of the Oregon leg- ' By DR W J. CRANDALL llslature changed the date for the One of the largest crowds to ever Ju" 1 - State Teachers' Examinations visit the Joscnliiiie caves of WeBtern 'o " second Wednesday Oreeon was the Enworth I.eaeuolWont"- Jackson county wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmm A Fresh Shipment of Salted Peanuts 15c lb. Quit Kicking About the Cost oi Eating When You Can Gel Rolled Oats, 4 Ih'sf for 25c; 17 lbs.' M Best dried prunes, 4 lbs for 250,7 lbs SI. 00 Cood Coffee, 5 lbs .' ! Tillamook Cheese at per H- Peanut Butter, lac per lb.; 7 for 81.00 Jewell Shortening. 0 lb. for 1.00 Home rendered Laid, 4 lbs. for 1.00 Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, li cans $t.oo Good Red Salmon, I Be per can, 7 for 1.00 Delmonto Asparagus Tips, 2. a can, 5 cans 1.00 Best Comb Honey. 30c cake IM.a. I"'"' d.wn Full-banks Jewell Soap, bars 25 2S for 1.00 Toilet Paper. 2 rolls, 15c; 15 rolls 1.00 SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATI'HDA V Spring Lamb; Home Grown Strawberries. Come see what we have. PLAZA MARKET 81 N. Main St., Ashland party which left Ashland early Mon day morning by automobiles, pass ing through Jacksonville, Audi, down the Applegate River up Will lams Greek, reaching Stephens meadow shortly after noon. Tents were pitched, fir bough beds made, logs were brought In for a huge 'bonfire and the "cooks" got busy. I'The camp was electrified wlthantlc- llnaHnti rf Ilia trill tn MlA PIIVM All the morrow. The guides were noti fied and horses were collected from various parts of the country. The horse camp ten miles from the aves wss the scene of the camp life of the party. This camp Is a palace. of the teachers Follow- Dr. Champie, the pastor iristlan church, hag dence at 111 Mechanic street of Giant trees are'the columns, the great I history of education. ,blue iky vthe dome, msgnificant methods in geography, hJbloomtnir dnewoods the paintings, drawing, domestic art. need to note this change. 1ng is the program: Notice Is--hereby givii that the; county superintendent of Jackson j county, Oregon, will hold :lie resu- j lar examination nf applicants fnrj state certificates at Jacksonville isj follows: Commencing Wednesday.' June 11. If 21 at 4 o'clock p. in. ! Wednesday forenoon I'. S. his-t tory, writing, musje. drawing. Wednesday afternoon Physiol ogy, reading, manual training, com position, domestic science, methods In reading, course of study for draw ing, niothods in arithmetic. Thursday forenoon Arithmetic psychology mechanical course of i THOROUGHNESS ! . .. . . . . ... .. !h honmi nr Hrtit tho frMMnM. 11I111 sludv for domestic art. ill run out of the Falls this 'Christian cnurcn, n V 'V"" "-"V: " ""I" " ploye. summer. 4 Return From Douglaa Co Eugene. Andrew Redlfer and family have j returned from Douglas county, where i Medford Visitor they have been spending the winter ami have moved into the E. W. Redi fer home on Seventh stheet. Epworth Leagoe Retornai Twenty-seven members of the Methodist Epworth League re- Dr. needles the carpets, moss covered Thursday sfternonn- G:ammar, Champie Is a recent arrival from !eks the conche;. and the fern, the geography, stenography. American F . lU.P.f.iro nhvalr tVDeWrltinX. ! 'miitroirT. I " i turned yesterday evening from a 3- At-5:S0 A. M. Tuesday morning, methods in language, tnesis ior pn-j the guides came Into camp witb themary certificate. u i. t MirnrH I. in horses, nreakfast was rusnen tnrouRii rmuj lurci.i.uu ....i Ashland today to deliver brick block. wlth nd camp was broken for thepractlce. orthography, phrsicsl geog to the Ashland Lumber Co. ' anil Motor From Klamath Falls- Mrs. Jacobs, ln company with sev eral other ladles, motored from days biking Ulp to Oregon Caves In 'Klamath Fills yesterUay-and at- up trail. Some of the horses hadiraphy, English literature, cnennmrj i never been ridden by a woman but Friday afternoon School law,; no trouble was caused. They prob-1 geology, algebra, civil government. forenoon Geometry. General Mrs. John Enders and her mother, ably thought all of the erowd were, Saturday men. The trail was narrow and bard riding In places but those who were walking "booked" on to a horse's botany. Saturday afternoon history, bookkeeping. 1? Shop :f A SOUND MERCHANDISING PLAN good copy, attractive layout and Illustration, surely but ther you cannot rest coiteni. OUR CONCEPTION OF SERVICE to you require a follow-through on every piece of work a watehtulaeai to see that every detail of the printing craft is utilize 1 tk mil effective manner. THOROUGHNESS Is a fundamental with PRINTINO. ur ereed for 0 0 0 D Ashland Tidings a