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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1921)
Wednesday.' iutiuary 20, lt)2i ASttURD WMCtttY ftDfllOi PAGK THRUM LOCAL AND PERSONAL SATURDAY'S NEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith and Mrs. Summers of Lewhjton, Idaho, arriv ed Id Ashland last evening by auto mobile and remained over night at the Hotel Austin while making a tour ot the Puclflc highway. ' Tbey left this morning (or the north. In speaking of the ninety some tsminlne members of the Ashland CVsmber ot Commerce In connection with the report Issued for the past six months, some one wondered If they should be designated as "Cham bermaids." The following guests from a dis tance are stopping at the Hotel Aus tin: F. T. Llilyard of South Dakota, H. Richards and P. C. Tltge of Chi cago, Ills., Anna Surplice ot Battle Creek, Mich., and A. E.ftnzo of Se attle, Wash. The reminiscences of a missionary in China, given by Mrs. II. E. Bad ger at the missionary society ot the Presbyterian church lust Wednesday were from Carol Lovejoy, a former resident of this city, who later left for the mission fields of China. This missionary gives Interesting acrounlu of her lite among the Chinese in her chosen field of work. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Peachey have none to Portland to visit for several weeks at the home' of tbelr daugh lor. Mrs. A. Blsh, in that city. ('. F. Holmes of Cambridge, Mass. is among the visitors to Ashland from n long distance looking over this territory. I!n is a guest at the Ho tol Columbia while In the city. Mrs. Sam Gavin bud the misfor- tune to full one day this week and break her arm. The injury will in rapacltum her from her household duties for some time. J. I,. Harris of Ifeuvcrton was business visitor in Ashland fur the past two or three days. Mrs. W. H. trunk of Salem, wtu bad been In Ashland for the past three weeks, taking care of Mrs. C. J. Brady during her Illness, left to day for her home. Mrs. Jean Holmes of Weed has been spending the past two nights mid .1 day in Ashland. She came over to see her mother, Mrs. Nora Walrad. who has Just returned from a year s visit with relatives In the north. Mrs. Holmes returned to her home in Weed this morning. Mrs. Lois Baker of Dunamulr was a business visitor in Ashland, Wed nesduy, and while here was the guest of Mrs. S. A. Peters, Jr. Andrew Redifer and family, of Hlli street, left today for Eouglus county where they will make a visit for sev cral weeks. They expect to spend the most of their stay with Mr. Redl fer's parents in Drain. Messrs. Hewitt and Wilkinson, dep uty collectors of Internal revenue, will bo In Ashland, February 10 to 1G, Inclusive, for the purpose of rcn tiering the people of this city aid in making and filing their Income tax returns for the year 1920. It is the purpose of the Internal revenuo ser vice to give all the assistance pos sible to the income taxpayers In mak ing out their returns. Mrs. J. E.Rnndle received n let ter this morning from her brother, James C. Beugle, announcing the birth of a little son weighing 5 pounds and IS ounces, who was born In nn automobile January 13, at 10 p. m. half way between Portland and Mil ALL KINDS OP Barb Wire, Dandy Cedar Posts and Yew anchor posts In carload lot ar rived. Plows and tractor tools of all kinds. Holder Tractor.. New and Second Hand Sewing Machiner for sale or rent, at PEIL'S CORNER BY THE PARK VP AND DOWX Price continues to be dominant In the nubile mind. Declines can be oxpected and are In evidence when advances have been made. Just where the drug store stands in thU matter is clearly set forth In a re cent statement by a prominent Chica go "wholesale druggist: "In the first place, you must real ize that the average of all price In creases In the drug trade did not reach over 33 and 1-3 tfer cent, over 1914," he said. "A large eastern house, by analysis, found the exact figure to 27.8. Those on proprietary medicines and toliet articles, we found, only increased 17 per ceut. For that reason there will never be the same sort of a reduction tha1 there already is in other lines. In sharp contrast a report fron the Department of Labor shows that (iinghums Increased from 12 He ' 74c a yard, Muslin from 9c to 45c a yard. Sheets from 70c to $2.50. The same ratio prevails In Inany other lines. Briefly the situation is this: Wha didn't go up can't be expected t come down. Drug store merchan dise advanced very slightly and therefore only a very slight average decline can be expected. Our cus tomers will get Instant and full ad vantage or every lowerea prig. McNAIR BROS. 2Tio axeJULi Siori waukle, where they were living. Mr. Beagle stated he would have wrltteu sooner, but this event was out ot the ordinary In tfielr family, hence the delay, but expressed his delight by saying his wife and "Henry Ford" are doing nicely. . . a a The pulpit ot the Presbyterian church In Medford, which has been vacant since the resignation ot Rev. i L. Myron Boozer several months ago, may soon be filled. 'At a congrega- t'lonnl meeting held luthut church; last Sunday an unanimous call was! extended to Rev. Floyd E. Dorrls of! Portland to serve as postor over the. Medford congregations. It is not ... Known yet whether Mr. uorrls win accept. Mrs. C. J. Brady, who has been sj! seriously sick at her home on Allison street for Beveral weeks, Is regaining her health,' and hopes are entertain (S,l thnl .l.n will enmnlototir ,rvBr In a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. C. O. Lelund of Dunsmtilr were. guests In Ashland yesterday, stopping at the Hotel Columbia. Other Duna mulr guests at the Columbia were Ray E. Mclnuls and Mrs. A. J. I.e botfau. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pickery have Just returned from an extended visit with old time friends and relative! Pin Hillsburg, Ills. They were accom panied home by a sister of Mrs. Dockery, who will spend the rest of the winter here. A Thirty-five states have adopted a uniform method of nurSlng In con nection with the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Redifer are nlanniur to iro to Mvrtle Creek. Feb-t ruary 1, where they will locate on' ' " - u. ........ aay wnere g,0rt service was held ranch had sold off all the farm ma-1 by aiitomohllii ami cmiih over the1 ketlng or hay and livestock- nlomv their ranch. While It is their litten-1 wa" around, the hot springs on. his at ,6 jjasoulc cemetery and inter- chlnery. and had decamped with th 1 mountain from the south with no i similar lines and bringing into iin' tlon to make Ashland their perma-;Place below Ashland to keep the roud-; lnent W118 ma(e beside that of her 'proceeds. Mt. Hill reports every- I difficulty. i fled action all the various farmer nc- nent home, they will remain on tue'')r i1" llnK ul P01'"- ronth t rr tha nrnsanl until ihuV irnt it firmly established. Miss Sadie Payne of Kerby, who s n,ul ,or BU" "'""c's. eie .. spending the winter lu Ashland at , wl" remaln t(,r 1'01t tlm 011 bu"' Hi. h.,m of h.r uncle A S Pavne. - She was accompanied by her taken quite 111 yesterday. It is not thought to be anything particularly serious, and hopes for her speedy re- covery are entertained. Mrs. Mildred E. Frock of Monta gue, Mrs. Fred Schneider of Yrekn and Mrs. George Northntii of Hilts or fhrea C.allfnrnlA women who were shopping in Ashland yesterday . ternoon. i Bedlngfleld i. a Tt.tinr in Mr. Ashland this week from (ieorgla, for , ,, . . .,, .., a few day. while touring the on. country this winter. He expects to remain In this city over hiinnii. H. A. Dannesbrunk, T liurrcll. Win. i hoin() on MnllI!anlUi stret. Qulgley and R. If. Ellis compoRO e , quartet of Etna Mills residents whi Mrs. A. Austin Chisolm and little have business In Ashli.nd today. j daughter have returned home from : California where they had been R. C. Porter, the vpII known pnln- spending several weeks with rela tor of Ashland, Is quite sick this er;kmves and friends. at his home on Palm avenue, 4 Earl S. and Joseph Seikel of Horn brook transacted business in 'Ash land last night and today. Mrs. Frank Hanna left this morn ing on train No. II for a week's visit with friends In Dunsmulr. FRIDAY'S XRWS i P'ng over night at the Hotel Coluni Portland business men In AsMnndbia la9t nlBht- today stopping at the Hotel Colli. abln , are J. W. Graham and i:. I.. Wright, i J. L. Wilson of Seattle, I ' : I i a gue-.ll there. j The many friends of Mrs. W, It. Yockey were pluased today to see her at her accustomed desk In the Bea ver Realty company's office on East Main street, looking u trifle pule and thin after her recent Illness. Mrs. Yockey still present, the snme cheery smile nnd Indomitable courage that brought her olit "through the valley and the shadow" to her business ac tivities.' Miss Alma Voedlsch. representa tive of Godowsky. the noted pianist, who Is to appear In Medford next Tuesday was in Ashland yesterday afternoou consulting with variSus musical people in 'this city in regard to attending the recital. Miss Voe dlsch promises some fine m useful j attractions for Ashland in tho near future. She also remained over to the Chamber of Commerce banquet : at the Armory last night. A. J. Crose, of Medford, Is'onj Mr. and Mrs. C. Keeley of Tacomu i business In Ashland today lu con- are Asland the fore part of this Yesterday, F. C. Stevens, proprietor i nflction with the formation of a In-' sloping at the Hotel Colnmbln of the Overland restaurant on A' ca, ,ociety r rf 1 1 a.t i n r- with the Tnlon Portland guests at this hotel corn street, purchased the residence at 23". SavinH t Bulldng Association of ' Priei E. L. Wright and M. A. Wll. Fifth street, of Mrs. Josephine Poley. PortIl.m, BI1M,nU tn ,,,. . : iUm. This deal was put through by A. M. Ueaver ot me weaver r.euiry company in bis usual courteous and expedlti- ous manner. The deal was consumat-, n.l n..t . nA alirnaJ n i ea, papers maae out i.nn signeu up.'(or annAMli. v..--,.,. and money paid over, all within about inree nours nine. J. J, Fay, former supervisor of ' SUIrlvnit rniintv. California, hilt who nn- I. . .l,l'en. f A.lil.nrt i. T:'t0T ,UB P1"" ported very 111 at his home. Mem-',ack bers of hi. family have been called to his bedside. From last accounts. however, his many friends will bit glad to learn he Is slightly Improved. Mrs. E. H. Bush received a tele- gram yesterday stating her cousin, i """I Chamber of Commerce attend Willi. Faust and wife, were in ajed the noon forum 'uncheon In collision between an automobile and a Southern Pacific train at Florence.' . .mutt .loiinn hotvAAn Anaheim and I lo. Angele., In which the wife wa.jrary and any one wl.hlng to consult instantly killed, and Mr. Faust was it will bo free to do so. The book Med ford last evening were Mr. and ; Brookmiller's exigence, but lit a re badly burned. Mr. F:iust is the son, Is the property oftha state and Is Mrs. J, P. Wolf, Mrs. Wm. Myrcent letter to bis wltd ho states 351 of the late Willis Faust, to whose i only loaned to the library, but may and niece, Miss Hattle Hodges. Mrs. 1 Liberty street In fancy looks awfully funeral Mrs. Bush was called twoSbe kept durlug the eutiro year. weekffago. It Is thought his Injuries are not serious. ' Herbert j. Campbell, assistant managing editor of the Portland Telegram, was a visitor in the city today. A freight cur left tha truck southl of the city yesterday, causing all north bound trains In the forenoon to be delayed far several hours. !"- -' h.lfflillv liiiiirncnil fvmii hid rMennt r; - , ' , ' Illlne?" Thls 10UUBma" l",d,'eea ! Illness. This young man hud been stricken with ft series of diseases which left him lu a very weakened conuuiuu. 8. Payne, u nephew of A. 1 "J"18. nu ee ,ue lu"cl 8 UB" from Walla Walla for several days ' this week Mr Payno will stop In '"""'i- " "rui uoio mci . vmuuiuui guests at iue rioiei aus t ...... ! Ki-hv mi' hi.' return in visit : P'ed with a team from that town, tin today are H. E. Hanger and . . ... i a nrotlier Who lives there. Mr. and Mrs. Ira P.. Walker and. Miss Cella Fay of Etnu Mills, Calif.,! was In Ashland yesterday shopping, and visiting. j The roof at the building occupied the house unaln. . ,ei.fJ fl)r treatment u day or two by the Buzaar on North Main street Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Pratt of Phlla- (,KOi "It is announced thut the state ofj has settled recently , so that the delphla are tourists from the East I $ . California will put two survey crewi weight In the center cracked one rfsltlng In this section. Theji in? ' Xfllio. the little daughter of Mr. at work on the location of the hlgh-jof the plate glass show windows, guests at the Hotel Austin while In jum m,,.' c. J. Perriiiff. liar been seri way between Crescent City uud the Carpenters are making repairs an I Ashland. ' ously ill ut her bonie d.n ins the past stuto line, on the road to Crunw are putting necesRnry props under H. 0. Frohbach. secretary of the I W1ik. The Utile girl Is reported lo Pass next month," says the Cranu the building. Medford Chamber of Commerce. wus! he slightly Improving, but is still Pass Courier. "One party Will start j Paul Culley bad. business which a visitor at tho noon forum luncheon ; qUi 8ick. at the coust end of the route and called him to Medford yesterday. by the Ashland Chamber of Com- I the other will come to the state lino! and work back to meet the other Jackson county, who crossed the Tom Hill reached home this morn- Falls. Mlnu.. arrived in Ashland yes-: "All of these pools and hrganizn paity. Californlu bas appropriated plains In 1853, died Monday at her Ing from Riverside, Cullf., where hellerday from California and stoppel tions are to he formed on a strictly $410,000 for the construction ot Its homo in Central Point from heart, Was called last week on account of!ver at the Hotel Austin for the day non-profit, co-operative plan. W portion of lhe highway, . Miss Rafne, owner and manager of the Ashland Natiitorlum, left last . j niece, Miss I.ourdes Ralne. ' . . ; gwg , two busines8 men of GraBtI Li. u. r aiKeniiHKrii unu ucit, IV. Pass, were In Ashland yesterday look ing after Interests in the city. ; ' ,0. E. and J. S. Mills of Kugeti", for- ' nier owners of the Sneed Hctel of that city, were business visitors in Ashland yesterday ri.,i.a,u f,.mi, n rliBi.aiiea uirmiiltiff ui I UtW.U ...... H ...U.....-W mU.,.,a r. 1 tlle HoleI Au8tln uie: c- ' ato11 and wife of Ogden, Utah; Mr. and Mrs.1 Jordan of Mont Rose, Mich., and John, wro is a teacher In MrMlnnvllle. and WW of q , 4 ' gnd.n. cemetery. Miss Adam, was Carroll Holmes, youngest son oi''j3 years of age. l U P ttnlmn ! nnitA Ml i,l hi' ... ... . . ' H. P. Holmes, Is quite ill at his Mrs. Anna Zlgler, who recently purchased the house on the corner of Laurel and Mechanic streets from W. S. Stennett, is having the build ing remodeled and will muke of It a fine bungalow. C. M. Bulcom and wife and F. W. Fnrranl of Sun Francisco were stop- WEDNESDAY' NKWS W. A. Mills has a carnentcr his residence which he recently pur- chaser from Walter L. Smith at the' corner of Laurel and Ohio .streets, , and will have the building remodeled extensively before occupying It fori a home. ' Frank J. Neuner of Salem tran- sacted business In Aalilund today. , Oregonians stopping at the Hotel Austin are R. H. Brandy, JIarrel H.I Heller, W. H. Balllnger and C. W.'. West of Portland, O. W. Swope of t Roseburg. Guests from other stales also at the Austin are A. Mulereld yesterday looking after the interests of Seattle, W. R. Culn and J. J. of his business. Mr. Love is ne Burke of San Francisco, and E. ' A.I gotlatlng putting in nn army storo Taylor of New York. In Medford and Grants Pass. He Miss Hattle Hodges went to Gold,w'H 'so go to Hen 1 1 In In a short time Hill to spend the rest of the week to sea about putting in an army sur wlth her sister. , : Plus store In Alastka. J. H. Lewis and wife and J. F. ! Mr' Emma II. McKibbon. the Lewis of Clatskanie. Wash., are j nurse, left on train No. 13 today for spending a few days In Ashland this: San Aanonln, Texas, on a professional week, nnd are guests ut the Hotel1 mission. Sh expects to remain In Austin while in the citv. i tMf My (uT lUiys Miss Ruth Brower, a visitor in Ashland for the past week or so,' WM on j ;rMent y, K, nce)r Mrs. Geo.' C. Spencer has been : quite sick at her home on Oak street She bad nn at- of "'""en rr In the week. and on recovering went out. after which she suffered a relapse, and mong the citizens of that city to ha. been confined to the house for traln 'he,n ,0 bfl Prompt In their en several days. She Is somewhat bet-' gagements and otherwise educate ter at present. Secretary J. H. Fuller of the Ash-i,n i. . ford today. i Olson's new Oregon Code of Laws ha. been received br the nubile lib-' Miss Voda Brower, daughter of br. and Mrs. D. M. Brower, has gone' to Portland where shd hai aacepted 1 a position. Big dance at Odd Fellows Hall, Talent, Friday, Jan. ilf Good eats!' J. Ooddard of Bandon Is spending Pi"" t" three weeks. Mr. Lind Prltes! Majestic "4"! ' 117-3 1 a few days In Ashland from that city ey lia finished a house under cours J. V. Miller has gone to San Fran-jby the sea. jot construction in that town while he Cisco and other points In California' The following) Portland guests are was there. In snend a iwo weeks' vacation. Jullen Barrett, the young son of Mr. anil Mrs. J. K. Barrett, has beenR. Nowak and W. F. Sergeant. seiiosuly ill for the past two or, three weeks with a complication of diseases. He Is reported in quite a serious condition at present.- The following Portland men are topping at the. Hotel -Columbia: M.: A. Williams, F. K. Felkert, F. W. : Rosanaugh, E. S. Kramer, W. E. i Grlffls, J. R. Nusb and W. R. L len A basket ball team went down to int..i.. t,.- i?Hrn.r .,),... it..., Tha nimu wnu funt nnd deun with i, " " luif fau foi'lu hntli tnia .hnwEn v """ii w...,( basket ball class '. all through the game. The scwre wug 22 to 26 lu favor of Talent. Mrs. Drusilla Mee.' a pioneer of 'trouble at the age ot 74 years. The 'bodv was taken to Grants Puss to. husband who died more than twenty- five years ago, and who is reported to have been the first to be burled In that cemetery. Mrs. Mee's stir- vlving children are Warren Mee and1 Mrs. Laura Crane of Applegate, Miss Mary Mee of Central Point, and Mrs. Emma White of Medford. One son, , Fran .Mee, died in tnis city In ISO'l. Mrs. Mee was also the grandmother of Roy Bebb of The Tidings force. Miss Emma A. Adams died at an eariy nour l uesaay at the home of her slBter-ln-law, Mrs. Emma B. Adams, on Grant street. The dt- ceased was a native of New YorK and had lived In Ashland tor the past seven years. Private funeral , lapviiiAa will h hAii .v, ,1... "Ill UCHI WI'IIIC 111,13 ,111 Thursday, pending news of the ar. rival of her nephew, J. Q. Adams, In the report of the prize winning Babies at the baby clinic held In connection with the winter fulr, u rang injustice was done to femin ine contestants. In the result ns sent to Ashland from Salem where th scores were Judged, it stated "Paul Guiley, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oulley" was a prize winner. This baby 18 Margaret Gertrude Guiley, and The Tidings takes particular pleasure In seeing that Ibis little lady receives her Just dues. j TIIIRSIIAY'H KWS The special meetings now lu pro gress ut tho Free Methodist church on tu corner of Seventh and East 1 Main streets are moving alone well The clean gospel truth is being hand- ed out by Evangelist Shelton. Rar nt!A. Warden, the pastor. Invites all -'o attend. Word from Mrs. Anna Miller, who left In November to visit ot her former home In New Castle, Pa., state, she Is not well In that climate she was In Ashland, and unless Is feeling better she will return homo in the earjy spring. This will D much sooner than she Intended when she went to Pennsylvania. George Love of Eugene, one of 'be managers of the Army Surplus Stores in this vlcinty, was In Ashland that city for several months. Rollie Freeman is home from Den- ver, Colo., where he hss been Ilv- 'ng for the past year or so, and will ,pend ,om9 t,mfl hen w,th hg er. Mrs Mnrv Freeman Mr- ,,, M. c. E. LB, WBr, down ,o M(.dfor(l Ual Bif,ht wae,. sing the comedy, "Nightie Night," at theatre In that city. Th- Medford Chamber of Com- mere. ha. hit anon . bright Idea In establishing an "on time" campaign them on the value of time. A meet- ot committee appointed to . , i j . . : wor UP 109 nmin " nas oeen Med-'aPPlnted, and will probably result In establishing an On Tlma Week" ,om" lm8 ,n Bsr future. Amonf A.hland people who t "ded the show "Nightie Night" In Deli Acklin and son. Everett.- 0. H. Cole, the Oak street milk man, Is carrying a crippled left hand around these days, due to rheumatism 1 from which he has long been a suf-; ferer. ' registered at the Hotel Austin- C.n Nelson, A. Tompsou W. Hoffman, i Roy Bebe of The Tidings force was called to Central Point lust night byir' lorler i the death of his grandmother. Mrs. Mee. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan left Saturday for Slsson, Cullf., to spend several weeks with relatives and friends. , Miss Noun Hall was lu Medford to- day on a business visit . ... .... ....... .... Deri I. Tlininimnn um ri.,.nny.n i 1 " ', I anil Alfi.A,f lr.lA. n I .... i . ui -u niiscicn. Mrs. P. J. Smith, who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks. Is recovering and is able to be urouud tnerce at the Hotel Austin today. business affairs. Mr. Hill hud re-! seceived word a former innnnl nn n thing was straightened out before his return. ' j MONDAY'S XKWS .r.,. .y,H Demsey, better known tu 1Pr Ashland friends as Miss Net a. liarniird. is visiting Tor u few days wjf M relatives and friends in the' ,.tv. Her ho is now In St Helen, . u Hul)U,. , Portland. and .Mrs. W. K. draco of Dun were Sunday visitors lu Ash- Mr 111 ii i r land. Mrs. lien. K. Yates, t.'erk in Feign- fn"' dry goods store, is taking 11 two weeks' vacation. Her place is belli- ' filled bv Mrs. Jack Widliv..a foriuei' ' popular clerk in this store before her recent marriage. "MB.ln the Uo. .Her Is ' hlBl"' ''""" , terday a party consisting of I). 1 ' nnnnor Pivtta r'nutuMo Hurrv llm Conner, Clyde Costello, Harry Hos ier and Louis Dodno braved the chil ly wave of thut turbulent river dur ing the afternoon and leturned homo with 17 fine steelheails. Many oth ers were down to various poinis ou the river fishing yesterday nnd to day. .Miss Ruth Mars left yesterday for Medl'oi'd, where she entered SI. Mary's academy. She took up her studies today. , A A. C. Joy cuiiia homo the lust of tho week from I.Iiiii couutv. where bo had been on a speaking tour In the interests of the state and county farm bureaus. Mr. Joy was urged to accept tho position rf stale organ izer, but the Job necessitated his be ing away from home the (treat or part of the year, which did not ap peal to li i 111 . so ho refused. : The business men's athletic class- scheduled to be held in the Armory Tuesday afternoon will have to be postponed on nccoiiiil of the hot1 11 . . water apparatus, being out of order. " . It is hoped this will be repaired m time for the Friday (veiling meet-1 ,' ..,,', , . ., ti.f ' the officials of the company. Here' e' " -ports that the business men of Ash-; v ,i . ...i,i...i.i,.!land are much Interested in the well! cloudiness uud rain Is the,-'"! r determined to see this go weather forecast for the Pacific coa.t low" llnd rt tb..r..uBh test.-Med-states during the coming week. f"1''1 Muil-Trlbuu.'. The revival, at the Free! " l''1"""i"1 '"" l-lw'"";' Methodist church are xtlll attracting blgl and Etna .Mills played wide Interest. Elder F, W. Sharp of,"' "l 'l" "';- Medford was present over Sunday, is well us Evangelist Shelton of Grants Pass. The meetings will continue all this we'k with Elder P.tirnett of Med ford in charge.' A meeting was held at the home, of Mrs. Freeman. dny afternoon, for tho benefit of lie" sick son, Charles Freeman. In an opinion to A. E. Itiirghdiitf. stuto gume warden, the attorney gen eral of Oregon holds that the son of a land owner is not Required to at tach a license tug to a deer killed on his father's farm. This, it Is pointed out, Is in line with tho provision, of la nm lt,ar tv An, ill i ni OWIiem III . n,," i land and members ot their family. J. H. Provost Is in . Portland this week ulU'lldillg the sessions of the hardware convention rlich are lin ing held in that city. Mrs. J. P. Wolf underwent sir op eration in a Medford hospital la"! Friday, From last accounts she , Retting along favorably. , George Urookmlller has gpiie to; January 11 and remained in session Los Angeles to spend several weeks three days. There was a great spirit! this winter. He wrltei hack that the 'of co-operation shown uud a dlsposi weather is so cold there he Is year- Hon to go about llio-greut work ahead Ing his heaviest clothing with no de- of the Oregon State Farm Bureau ' .Ire to change. Carrying out ashes federation in sn organized and ! ha. alway. been the bane of Mr. good to him, and he wishes he had some iwhes to empty ivhilo living In, the "sunny" solith. Pharles Lindaey is bark from Edgsr wood, where he has been spending the Mrs. Charles Haener of Tuconla lb "Pending some time In Ashland. hoj Sl"'" 01 "r ir' Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Dalley, Mr. and Mrs. Sum Dalley of Emigrant, Mont., and Mrs. E. .Strickland of Livingston, Mulit., stopped off over Sunday in Ashland at the Hotel Austin while on their way south to spend several mouths of the winter, ,Oo. II. Smith and wife and Mr. ml Mrs. Webb were ii. from Med , . . .... , .... ioru last iiiKiu.i:iKiiig uiuuer ui ine ..... iKnguR r.lK Hotel Annex. Mrs. J. Henry Provost Is an liimati uf Medford hospital, which she on A. J. Nelsou uud wife of Fergus! i before continuing on their journty : : north Thev nri niakini! Hie trlnl II. M. tiuthrie and' Carl A. Wes terfield wero week-end visitors in Ashland from Corvallin. stoppinit at 1 1 141 Hotel Columbia. Oilier guests ut the Columbia were A. Stewart oil state bureau, to represent it ut Sa ItoseJiurg, and John I!. Victor oflem on nil these mailers, which will Portland. I be done not by log rolling, but by a i'i. Kaverly was up from Phoenix, Saturday, looking after business In terests' lu tho city. Haloid 111 amwell, who has been imployed In Ihe-Kiist Side meat mar ket for several mouths, left Satur day nir.hl for his home in Ocden, I'tah. where be expects to -remain. Air. and Mrs. Perry Asberufl and children came up from their home stead on Elk creek yesterday to spend u few days with home folks unil lay lu a stock of supplies. .Mr. Ashrrafl lis spending the winter trapping in the forests oil his claim uud u few dus ugo ho cuiiKht a lino bob-cut III one of his traps not far from hit home. They state tho roads are In bud condition in that lection, and It is hard for an automobile to make tho trii. Harrison Howell, i former well known Ashland boy, was In the city Saturday from Etna Mills. Calif. Mr. Howell is couch for the Etna Mills basketball team and accompanied it to this section while the latter was touring Southern Oregon In a series nf H"""1 dulilll! l,:,Ht weck' Miss Lena Provost, teacher of the Dead Indian school, (amii over Sat urday to spend the week end ut her home. She states tin roads are in u most deplornble condition over the mountain, uud nhe -mnde the trip on horseback as' far as Pompadour rock., which is as far us nil automobile can u "" ''" ',f ,nH 1)01,(1 lll,llHU w" mot " ll,ul ',oint " " "r f,om tl"' ''i,v- I , , , L, . , Svlvester Patterson of Ashland, a . ' , ... , . . . i director of the Trigonri Oil company,' ..,., .., v ,,,.,.,,, .,, 'day night, the local team was winner by u score of 3H to i.iw rorxTV fahm ih TO START CAMPAHiX Pieslilenl ul llivpin Stall' Keilein. lion nf I'a nn I tin can Will ( lo Kulcm to ltepii-MMit (liganlMlloii and Kxpbiln IIIIN.. A membership drlvo on behalf ni" the I, Inn Ci ty Fni'in lliireau will open In every part of that cotiut.v January 2 1. The biireuii Is co-opor- ,,,,. A,P,ni,MrB, col- . . .. ...... . , . (ej;e ami me i niieu muies uepuri- nipnt of agriculture. The campaign w ill be conducted under the manage-' inent of George L. Gray. ! Speaking of this new movement In ! .this commonwealth, which means for the betterment ot farm life and farm business, George A. Mansfield, pies-! ident of the Oregon State Federation j rami oureau, siuii: , The representatives ot fifteen tire-1 gon counties met at Portland on , thoroughly business-like way. In keeping with the spirit of the or ganization, there were present by in vitation from the prudent, c. E. Spence of the grange and A. It. Shuni- way ot the Farmers' union, and sev- jeral representative men front tho I State Federation of Labor. Thera was less talk and more work than at any similar meeting in otir .expert ence. "Although the state federation is less than a week old, it has an or ganization staff rounding Into shape to put on drives in tho regular Ameri can Farm Bureau federation way. glnce ,he Portana metlng we hav visited Jackson. Columbia. Washing ton, Cluckumas and Multnomah coun ties, which have each arranged a guarantee ftind to put nn a paid mem bership drive with similar arrange ments pending In other counties. "We helped organize a movement to pool under a binding six-year mar-, ketlng contract Oregon wheat, act ing In co-operation with the Farmer' union, the grange and the wheat growers, and a meeting has been ar ranged ut The Dalles, ialiuary 22, to complete the plans. "Acting in the same way a Western Oregon wool and mohair pool Is be ing organized and bus arranged to meet at Albany, January 21, to per fect the organization. "A committee has 'ieen appointed to consult with the bureau of mar kets and representatives of the Farm ers' union unil grange and others In terested in adopting a plau to organ ize count cooperative exchanges and head them up with a central or stat" farmers' county co-operative ex- change. lire planning to ormmize for farm statistic and cron renorts Hie nmr- tivllien of the state. "The legislathe committee has ex amined n number of proposed bills unci approved or rejected them und instructed me, as president of tb" dignified and clear presentation of the furnier view of these mutters to members and eoinniittees." A. C. Joy of Ibis city has been ac companying President Mansfield on this campaign in I.lim county throughout the week. Ray IV. Conover . Member otStaples Realty Agency Hay W. Conover has associated himself with the Staples Realty Agency. Mr. Conover camo from lli-i statu of Indiana about u year iic.o and purchased a home. No. l:'!l I.un i i'i street, and has after a suiiiin t unit winter coiiiluile I that ho ne t his family can enjoy life hero. ll finished a law conrsn In his nntlt.. state, being admitted to lT. S. dlsti'let and supreme court bar. Ho does not see uii opening here lor his profes sion, so concludes to ssist in locat ing people in happy homes in tbii valley. The popular agency of Staples U nude still more efficient by iicceptln.-t Mr. Coiiover'H services. Mr. Conover Is authorized to transact any.buslue-.-) of the Staples Agency uud he is coin mended tu the confidence nf tb i public. . See Provost Bros. Window Display It Will Pay You who rise higher than oth ers because they deter mine to accomplish re sults. You have the desire to save. Why not make tha; desire an accomplished ' fsct? Start an Account Willi Account Willi I tixens Bank of Ashland ' I the Citliens Bank of TfoTofy SAVINGS, roUrc DEPOSIT JCITIZENSf j y BAN K V F ASH LAN Dj I IX KVKItV WALK I 9 OF I.IKH I H there are some people fl