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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1921)
Wednesday, January 20, 1021 Aitrf.Awn vnntiiY ttdisgsi - K)n j, C -m ' , i ' IS-L-il J3 L- LLXL" . L . . 1 - ' .: IV6.UV l-OVXTV COVRT PROCEEDINGS. The following 1b a Bchedule of ex penditure of Jackson County, Ore iron together with a Hat of the elalm- a .ti.ioc nf norvlee for which the claim la made and which were: passed upon by the County Court of' Jackaon County during the month of. December, 1920. . ! The following bills were allowed, as follows with the exceptions shown: County Court & Commissioner. G. A. Gardner, county lf1 ' judge's salary 150.00 : James Owens, Co. com- I mlssloner's salary ft ex pense . . t Thus. H. Simpson, Co. com missioner's salary & ex pense Western 1'nlon Tel. & Tel Co., county judge's ex pense G. A. Gurdnor, county judge's traveling expense James Owens, county Judge's traveling expeuse pense J. J. McMahon, deputy sheriff's traveling ex pense C. K. Terrlll. stamps for office Glenn Terrlll, deputy sher iff's traveling expense. C. E. Terrlll, sheriff's trav eling expense Pnurnl Tel Co.. sheriff's telegrams 12.97 Stockwell Lock Inspection Co., cleaning locks, sheriff 60.83 16.30 21.53 20.55 10.00 98.30 79.25 .90 42.20 36.30 45.00! 27.00 j 1.50 17.00 15 60 1 17.00 14.20 14.00 j I . 3.50 6.10 7.80 13.00 2.00 13.60 1 5.60 I 16.20' 16.201 17.00 j 13.40 Total 406-95 Circuit Court. A. 11. Thompson, circuit court crier Frank M. Amy, petit juror. Emll Britt, grand juror. . . John liutlcr, petit Juror. . . IChas. I.. liergstrom, petit juror Frank R. Bellinger, petit juror John liarueburg, petit juror William Bates, petit juror.. Mrs. D. Bearks, circuit court witness II. C. Baker, circuit court witness Tom Collins, petit Juror. . . C. B. Carlton, petit Juror. . Wm. S. Crowell, circuit court witness Hiram Doubleday, petit juror Louis Dodge, petit Juror. . . Carter T. Davidson, petit juror . . . .' Fred Dorn, petit Juror... James W.Dunlap, petit Juror Geo. W. Dunn, petit Juror. . S. K. Dunnington, petit Juror 12 00 F. E. Furry, circuit court witness 2.40 Joseph Geppert, petit juror 13.40 Wm. H. Gore, petit juror.. 16.60 Hugh Gillette, circuit court witness 3.30 Jesse E. Glass, petit juror. . 12.60 John Hughes, petit Juror.. 19.40 Jesse Houck, petit juror.. 13.00 A. Hum, circuit court wit ness 2.40 Geo. W. Lewis, grand Jury bailiff 6.00 B. F. Llndes, circuit court expense 10.00 Ed Lamport, petit Juror. . 17.00 Geo. H. Patrick, petit juror 15.20 Lee PhlppB, petit Juror. . . 17.40, D. Perozzi, petit Juror 12. 601 Harry Patnande, grand Jury witness 7.00 Lewis M. Sweet, petit Juror 16.00 Ernest J. Smith, petit Juror 17.00 ('has. Strang, petit Juror. . . 14.00 Sam L. Sandry, petit Juror 16.6C Samuel B. Stoner, petit Juror 16.80 Gertrude Spencer, grand jury witness 2.50 Mnttla Thompson, meals for jury 19.50 T. A. Waterman, petit Juror 17.00 Jesse N. Taylor, circuit court witness 2.40 E. F. Weber, circuit court witness 6.10 Air. Williams, circuit court witness 13.90 A. W. Beebe, grand juror. . . 35.80 H. C. Burgess, grand Juror 35.40 Jus. Campbell, grand juror 37.80 Fred C. Copple, grand juror 38. Ot Oris Crawford, grand juror 35.00 Wm. Earhart, grand Juror. 35.00 Daniel Foeller, grand juror 43.80 Total $1118.86 Clerk'a Office. Chauncey Florey, Co. clerk's salary 166.6 Mildred M. Neil, denuty clerk's salary 126.00 Delilla Stevens, deputy clerk's salary 110.00 Ruberta Pearce, deputy clerk's salary 90.00 Helen Clark, deputy clerk's salary 78.00 Grace McDonald, deputy clerk's salary 76.00 Edna Bryant, deputy clerk's salary 70.00 Mattle Stevens, work In clerk's office 70.00 Mlda Mcintosh, work In clerk'a office . . 70.00 Interurban Auto Car Co., clerk's office expense . . . 11.66 Chauncey Florey, stamps for office 20.00 Jacksonville Post, office supplies 35.60 Medford Book Store. clerks' office supplies. . . 55.00 Medford Printing Co., clerk'a office supplies . . 65.00 Glass & Prudhomme Co., clerks' office supplies.. 124.50 H. M. & C. Co., ribbons for clerk's office 34.00 Interurban Auto Cur Co., transfer for clerk's office 4.03 Addle W. Shanks, widow's pension .............. Amy R. Thorn, widow's pension ". Sarah Wakeman, widow's pension Ernestine Austin, widow's ; pension Effie Marie Baer, widow's . pensiou . . . , .Minnie Boardman, widow's pension Mrs. J. H. Byerly, widow's pension Ella May Calne, widow's pension 1 . LAnna Laura Corum, wid ow's pension Rebecca A. Clary, widow's ' pension Susie Coy.' widow's pension Mrs. Nora Martin, widow's pension Total $1160.10 Treasurer's Office, Myrtle W. Blakeley, Co. treasurer's salary 100.00 Dorothy Bedwell, deputy treasurer's salary 80.00 Medford Book Store, , treasurer's office sup plies 3.85 Stockwell Lock Inspection Co., cleaning safe lock, treas. office 10.00 Total .....$ 193.85 Coroner's Office. ' Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., coroner's expense ....... 3.66 John B. Palmer, coroner's expense 4.00 15.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 10.00 30.00 17.60 10.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 Jail. ,B. L. Moses, Jailor's salary Cal.-Ore. Power Co., ligHts (or jail 2.2!) Fred J. Fick, Jail supplies. 24.86 Optimo Cafe, meals tor . . prisoners is. so 17.60 Qeorga Plymate, Jail ex- nense '. v, ; o.ov Effie M. Terrill, meals for - prisoners Lewis Ulrlch, jail expense. Jno. M. Williams ft Co., 1 Mary . jail supplies ..: .v. ... . n." C. D. Collins. Jailor's salary 84.00 Mrs. June Johnston, laun dry for Jail .. .' 19 00 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for Jail : 3. J5 Dow Hospital, Jailor's' med ical services it.vv J. A. Norris, jailor's back pay 6.3a I 140.70 1 9.85! Co. nurse's supplies, etc , Electric Shop. Co., nurse's expense ;,..,., Welane ft Chamberlain, Co. nurse's expense Medford Service Station . Co. nurse's supplies . . , Ray Toft, rent of garage tor Co. nurse 9.60 , 2.00 2.45 20.05 6.00 Total . , ..$ 177.10 Surveyor's Office. Bebb, surveyor's 1 stenographer C. Frank Rhodes, survey- oris office expense Road District No. 10, David Dorn, payroll, dlst. No. 10 Jack Thrasher, payroll, t dlst. No. 10 Lee Benson,, labor, diit. No,-10 Fred J. Fick, supplies, dlst. No; 10 ... Arthur Fitch, labor, dlst 509.05 78.60 21.88 27.70 expense Albany Iron Works, gen eral road repalri Modern Mechanical Sana- tarum, truck supplies, general IS.77 W. J. Burbldge, general road expense 42.26 Ralph Haymond, general road exnense 42.00 10 '.. 44.00 1 Chris Katwtck, payment labor, dlst. 12.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 Total Justice Court. W. H. Gowdy, justice court expense G. O. Taylor, Justice court fees G. O. Taylor, justice court expense -. J. W. Hays, constable fes. A. J. T. Smith. Justice court fees . . .$ 859.20 3.95 20.00 17.30 1.60 1.00 Total 7.66 School Superintendent's Office, Almeda J. Fuller, school supervisor's salary 120.00 Susanne Homes, school superintendent's salary.. 150.00 Almeda J. Fuller, school supervisor's traveling expense 47.00 Susanne Homes, school . - superintendent's office expense 56.68 Medford 'Book Store, school sunerintendent's office supplies 3.75 Medford Printing Co., printing tor school supt. . 49.25 Mra. Eugene Thompson, work for school superln- (undent 46.50 Almeda J. Fuller, school supervisor's traveling expense 2.70 Ashland Tidings, school superintendents' expense. 13.00 Almeda J. Fuller, school supervisor's expense 42.15 Total . .$ 531.03 Fruit Iiwpcctor'a Office. E. R. Outman, fruit in spector's salary ft expense 101.60 H. T. Pankey. fruit inspec tor's salary ft expense, . . 112.00 Total $ 43.76 (Sheriff's Office. C. E. Terrill, sheriff's sal- ury 208.33 Geo. L. Howard, deputy sheriff's salary 126.50 J. J. McMahon, deputy sheriff's salary 150.00 Flora Thompson, deputy sheriff's salary : 110.00 Glenn Terrill, deputy sher- iff's salary ,100.00 Delpha Terrlll, deputy sheriff's salary 93.00 Hazel Tethcrow, deputy sheriffs salary 82.60 C. L. Morrison, deputy sheriff's hire 17.00 Geo. L. Howard, deputy sheriff's traveling expense 9.60 Jacksonville Post, sheriff's office supplies 11.75 Medford Book Store, dep uty sheriff's office sup plies 4.86 Medford Printing Co., printing for sheriff 69.75 J. J. McMahon, deputy (sheriff's traveling ex- ANNOUNCEMENT The partnership of POLEY'S DRl'Q STORE having been dis solved, I wish to make announce ment of some of the policies which will be followed In this store: PROMPT AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO YOUNG AND OLD. CAREFUL ATTENTION TO DE TAILS. CONSCIENTIOUS CARE AND ACCURACY IN OUR PRESCRIP TION DEPARTMENT. HIRE DRUGS. NO SUBSTITUTION. QUALITY RATHER THAN PRICE. DEPENDABILITY IN EVERY THING WE SAY. DO. OH SELL IN-SO-FAR AS LIES WITHIN OUR POWER. GOODS OF IMPERFECT MAN UFACTURE OR NOT UP TO STANDARD MAY BE RETURNED AND CASH RECEIVED. We shall endeavor to conduct the store by blgh standarda, and bopa that w may be entrusted with a share ot your business. ELHARTS XB DRUGS. BOOKS AXD STATIONERY. H. II. Elhart, Proprietor. Total $ 213.60 Assessor's Office. J. B. Coleman, assessor's salary 125.00 Jus. M. Cronemiller, dep uty assessor's salary. .. . . 110.00 Linnle Hunscom, deputy . assessor's salary 90.00 Rny Coleman, deputy as- seseBsor s salary 75.00 J. B. Coleman, assessor's traveling expense 86.17 Medford Book Store, as sessor's office supplies . . 2.70 Total . .'.$ 622.60 Cure of Poor Not at Poor Farm. J. R. Anderson, regular In digent .Nancy Arrasmltb, regular indigent Mrs. G. R. Brobeck, reg ular Indigent A. D. Beardsley, regular Indigent J. M. & Rebecca Chllders, regular Indigent Kate Copple, regular In digent Dave Daniels, regular in-. dlgent J. H. Fattlg, regular In digent Anson M. Ford, regular Indigent Mrs. Gunn, regular Indigent Mrs. Hudson, regular indigent Mrs. Hatch, regular Indigent J. W. Ingram, .regular in- dlgent .. Viola Jones, regular lu digent 10.00 Mrs. Martha Jones, regit lar Indigent 10.00 Albert Johnston, regular indigent ... 8.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. J Kane, regular indigent 20.00 Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Keisoe, regular Indigent Mrs. Lena Lee,, regular indigent Amelia Mayfleld. regular indigent 17.60 Mrs, I. A. Montgomery, regular indigent Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular indigent Carrie- E. Miller, regular Indigent Margaret Noble, regular Indigent 10.00 Doc Parsons, regular In dlgeut Ellas Slover. regular In ' dlgent ; . 10.00 T. D. Stafford, regular indigent Alex .Wilson, ..regular Indigent Z. Wolgamott, regular In digent 15.00 Annie Watklns, regular In digent ' L. B. Hall, Indigent expense firs. M. E. Mlddlebusher, indigent supplies Mann's Dept. Store, in digent supplies . i Sacred Heart Hospital, In digent expense Mrs. Schmidt, indigent ex pense 4.. Mrs. L. Schlettlln, regular Indigent W. H. Smith, regulur ln- 1 dlgent . 10.00 Nancy Slsemore, regular indigent 10.00 B. P. Thless & Co., In digent supplies 15.00 Lewis I'll ich, indigent sup plies 800 Weeks Conger Co., Indig ent expense 40.00 ,C. S. Butterfleld, Indigent ' supplies 10.61 'Bungalow Store, indigent supplies 'Cowlev's Emporium, Indig ent supplies 25.39 G. W. Johnson & Co., in digent supplies Mary Price, regular Indigent Mrs. Jean Ross Smith, . regular indigent White House Grocery. In- ' digent supplies 20.00 .Leonard Oorthuys. in digent supplies ...... . 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 35.00 5.44 1.77 65.71 1.60 . 6.00 Total. '....$ 406.42 Juvenile Court. J. J. McMahon, Juvenile expense 8.18 James Bowers, . juvenile witness fees 3.20 Benton Bowers, Jr., juve nile witness tees 3. lit) C. C.- Robertson, juvanlle witness fees 3.20 , Total $ 62.00 -. Sealer of Weight A Measures. E. A. Bond. . sealer ot . weights ft measures' sal ary Water Master. Fred N. Cummlngs, wa ter master's salary . Fred N. Cummlnga, wa iter master's expense. . , Fred N. Cummlngs,' wa ter master's expense . . Percy A. Cupper, water - master's expense 17.80 100.00 29.17 16.87 8.00 Total... 17.98 Advertislnr ft County Printing. Ashland Printing Co., printing road notices". . 5.40 Jacksonville Post, county : I printing 6.43 Medford. Printing Co., county printing 79.85 Medford tPrlntlng Co., county printing 67.65 Gold Hill News, publish ing road notices 15.35 Ashland Tidings, printing budget 01. so Ashland Tidings, publish ing road notices ...... 5.70 60.00 2.00 6.00 1.45 50.00 Total. $ 164.04 1 County Atorncy. O.'M. Roberts, district at " tprney's office expense Dog Fund. Ed Binns. sheep killed by - dogs 56.00 J.M. Keene, sheep killed , hy dogs -. 16.00 No Fred Hosley No. 10 40.00Lyal Hartman, labor, dlst. No. 10 J. Hartman, supervisor, dlst. No. 10 Wm. Hartman, labor, dlst. No. 10 Henry Pltz, labor, dlst. No. 10 Roy Smith, labor, dlst. No. 10 F. C. Varney, labor, dlst. ' No. 10 James Wilson, labor, dlst. No. 10 Geo. F. Plymate, labor, dlst. No. 10 )J. W. Burbldge, labor, dlst. No. 10 Elmer Hull, labor, dlst. No. 10 : Tom Lewis, labor, dlst. No. 10 Roily Rinabarger, labor, dlst. No. 10 Len Taylor, labor, dlst. No. 10 .' .76 5.00 2.50 0.0ft' Total $ 488.87 Tax Refund. A. W. Brndsbaw, tax refund 3.00 Emma Bigelow, tax refund ,47 E. A. Bayliss, tax refund.. 1.64 Ceorge T. Collins, tax re fund 35 C. E. Chamberlain, tax re fund 42 D. O. Frederick, tax re- firtid 17 J. H. Jenss, tax refund .75 Y.. E. Jumison, tax refund. , .39 George Launspauch, tax refund 'ss G. E. Monroe, tax refund.. .70 Andy Nichols, tax refund.. 1.06 C. C. Pontlng, tax refund.. .48 J. L. Pierce, tax refund.. .21 W. E. Smith, tax refund.. .61 Emmn Savnia. tax refund.. .28 Frank T sdu e. tax refund. . W. II. Thompson, tax refund .54 Woodcock & Blackert. tax refund '0 Jlavid D. Wutson. tux refund .32 -R. A. Wooldrldee. tax re fund 24 Otto Caster, tax refund. ... .18 X. O. Caster, tax refund.. 4s John Grieve, tax refund... -29 .Nora Neathammer, tax re- !, fund 42 Jtogue River Canning Co.. i tax refund 2.06 A. P. Stover, tax refund.. .z Chas. E. Warton, tax refund .92 29.81 r Total I Widow's Pentlon. Lucq May Dlvls, widow's k pension Nettle Green, widow's pen- ( sion Mary R. Higgins, widow's ' pension 'Dolly Love, widow's pension JNida Oatman, widow's pen sion Mary '. Price, widow's pension Annu Prescott. widows pension Rose A. Peffly. widow's pension Retha M. Richardson, wld- ow's pension Lydia Sanders, widow's pension 17.60 Sarah A. Summers, wld- I ow's pension . . . .' I Elliabetb Sevey. widow's 1 pension '. IAoee R. Klngler. widow's j pension .Laura E. Stewart, widow's 1 pension 10.00 25.00 10.00 22.50 15.00 K.60 17.60 25.00 32.50 22.60 17.50 40.00 22.60 Total.... ...,.. 569.97 , Cw of Poor Not at Poor Farm. Dr. Theo. J. Malmgren, - Co. physician's salary... 83.33 W. N. Wells, Supt's. Co. farm salary 126.00 Elton E. Beeson, Co. farm supplies Ed Bluus, Co. farm sup plies Bardwell Fruit Co.. Co. farm supplies 14.85 Albert Crane, nursing at county farm 18. uu Mrs. Cad Ellis, labor, at county furm Hutchison . ft Lumsden, ' county farm supplies . . . Husklns Drug Store, coun ty furm supplies O. A. Manning, meat Jor county farm, Medford Furn. ft Hdwe Co., county farm sup plies William Petri, tabor at county farm Pacific Tel. ft Tel. Co., tel ephone for county farm. Paul's Electric Shop, lamps for county farm ..... Talent Mercantile Co., county farm supplies .... W. N. Wells, superlnten , dent's Co. farm trav eling expense W. N. Wells, county farm expense Whittle Transfer ft Stor- age Co., coal for Co. farm Wolter's Cash Store, coun ty farm supplies "at.-Ore. Power Co.. light for county hospital.... si'.oc; . 1 28.15 Totul .....$ Court House Expanse. B. L. Moses, Janitor's salary George Margruiter, wood for court hotwe D. O. Brewster, wood 'for . court house Fred 1. Pick, tout how expense F. E. - Zook, court bouse repairs O. D. Collins, Janitor's sal- . ary City of Jacksonville, wa ter rent for court house. Geo. W. Kearnes, wood for court house 250.00 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for court bouse J. A. Norris. janitor's aalary Total....';. ...... I 220.70 Indigent Soldiers. D. W. Luke, Indigent sol dier expense Klection Expeiwe. Chauncey Florey, payment of judges ft clerks of , election 2590.07 S, S. Aiken, election ex pense r. . . E. E. Ash, election expense Big Pines Lumber Co.. election expense Geo. Brown ft Sons, elec tion expense 10.25 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights, election expense City Treas., Butte Falls, election expense! Del. Rio Orchards, elec tion expense ,. . . F. C. Elliott, election expense Chauncey .Florey, stamps for election . . Fouts Grocery Co.',' elec tion expense W. H. Gowdy, registering voters G, M. Oilklsan, election expense Sarah J. Hull, election ex pense J. W. .Hays, election ex pense , Kelzur Bros., election ex pense Geo. J. -Kunzman, elec . tlon expense ........... Olin Knox, work on elec tion ... A. R. - Kincald, election expense Robert Kyle, election ex pense Geo. J. Kunzman, elec tion expense D. W. Luke, election ex pense Medford Planing Mill, election expense ....... Martin McDonough, elec tion expense Mrs. A. O. McCarthy, elec tion expense : Mrs. Mary Moore, election expense .............. A. MrKee, election expense Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co., election supplies J. H. Maxwell, election ex pense Samuel Mathls, election expense C. 'L. Morrison, election expense J. I). McKlnney, election expense .............. R. P. Nell, election expense Harvey Persons, . election . expense J. N; Pace, election expense Mrs. Louise Perozzl, reg istering voters . . h Mr. Prue A. Piatt, regis tering voters .......... 31.70 C. M. Ruch, election expense 6.00 Mrs. M. A, Robinson, elec tion expense '6.60 Thos. H. Simpson, elet- ' tlon expense! , 1.10 W. 8. Stancllff, election , oxpenso 1.00 E. E. -ScotU election -expense . . , . ; 6.00 School Dlst. No. 5," elec tion expense l9.00 Elmo Throckmorton, elec tion expenae , 7.60 Marlon Tryer, election ex penae .- 1.00 Vulley View Parent Teach er'a Assn., election ex pense 5.00 .Valley Fuel Co., election expense 1-75 Woodman Lodge, Phoenix, . election expense 7.60 Mrs. Webster; election ex- . pense ' 7.60 C. E. Wilhlte, election ex pense 6.00 Bedford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co., election expenae. ... .50 Emit Brltt,' election expenae 1.50 1 0.10 1 Cal.-Ore. Power Co,, elec-, I tlon expense . 1 '. 2-20 401.62 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., elec- . -" tlon expense 'Fleta Chapman, election expense Amy Dow, election expense "Ernest - Langley, election 769.70! expense iPeonlo's Electric Store, I election supplies 19.99 62.50 Whittle Transfer ft Stor-. age, election expense;'. . 18.75 f n , . . . -I . I n n 4. u. wtHierer, rimiiiuu expense ... .". .:. . .... . . " .' Total ROADS Road District No. Jack True, payroll, dlst. No. 1 E. P. Moou, labor, dist. No. 1 O: H. 'Blake, supplies, dist. 17 No. 1 Thos. H. Simpson, supplies, ' dlst. No. 1 Hubbard Bros., supplies, dlst. No. 1 ... ... 1 . . .. . 36.00 47.50 34.92 2.00 Total ' S 992.09 on contract, general 7 50 ' roads " 794.91 23 62' ral road expense j J, W. Burbldge, labor, gen- 3j 00 1 eral roads I Billings Car A Auto Wks 64.12 general road expense .. ' Fred J. Fick, general road k nt supplies , James E. Grieve, general 44.00; fad expense '. 348.41 J. F. Hlttson, general 86.00 road expense A. A. Madden, labor, gen 38.00 eral roads Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. 30.001 Co., general road sup- j)lles 9.69 4.60 1 Medford Concrete Const. Co., general road sup- 5.60 plloa . 60.75 Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. 6.60 1 Co., general road sup plies 8.88 6.60 Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co,, general road sup- 5.50 plies Martin Pellett, labor, gen eral roads 17.60 9.20 26.75 46.62 1.60 83.00 t Road District No. 11. "Wiry Baker, payroll, dlst. ' '"too. 11 1329.00 F. J. Houner, expense, dlst. No. 11 9.00 1 J, 'E. . Smtthpeter, labor, s's dlst. No. 11 ; 14.88 Total $1362.88 ' Road District No. 12. J. E. Glass, payroll, dlst. No. 12 215.62: Jack Prultt-Myers ;Motor Co., supplies, general roads., Prultt-Myers jMotor Co., general road expense. . . Holly Rinabarger, labor, general roads Tho. Roseherry, labor ft expense, general roads. R. J. Rinabarger, general road expense L. C. Taylor, general road expense Thrasher,, general " Total 180.62 Road District No. 8. Wm. Bruin, payroll, dlat. No. 2 214.80 S. E. Eddy, expenae, dlst. No. 2 3.00 F Medfor Concrete Con- ' . structlon Co., supplies, dlst. No. 2 lOl.lOt-Medford Concraie Const. ' , , Co. supplies, dlst. No. 12 37.48 5.60 5.98 31.90 9 20 280 75 11 51 15.00 52.20 .60 .$ 28.60 road expense 46.26 Geo. L. Trelchler Motor -1 Co., general road sup- Total I 261.88 piles wHrtNo.i8. ! ToU1 Zimif H'.;t: ?.reg'?r' I)uJrro"' oj . Ashland Klumnth I'.iMh Itoi'l. aisi. no. n .......... """'Jack True, payroll, Ash- J. Ayres, labor, dlst. 1 lnnd Klamatn fali, rol,i. j-jg 75 wo. iJ.... ltuu;H. O. Porker, supplies, lOSO!6?17 r'' 1BDOr' ,.n Ashland Klnnuth Fnll dlst. No. 13 16.00; roa(J M. A. Finney, "ar, Ashland Klamath Falls road . . . Total I 112.60, Total Road District No. II. Earl O. HaVB. payroll. . - ! dlst. No. 3 487.24 Edmund Plele, payroll, f.:;.' 20 Road District No. 14. 1 Austie B. Brown, supplies, ! Ashland Klum.ilh Falls 9.90 6.15 8.00 8.00 6.00 30.00 4.96 12.50 27.00 1.60 2.10 13.61 8.00 1.65 1.60 2.26 8.00 1.00 10.64 6.00 11.30 5.00 6.00 6.60 20.00 4.00 38.00 2.00 6.00 26.95 6.00 16. R0 36.00 6.00 7.00 2.60 6.80 6.00 6.00 60.00 6.60 5.00 1.00 '3.00 14.00 Eagle Point Garage, re- dist. No. 14 z&.'.b.. pairs, dlst. No. 3 2.60 General Roods. Von der Hellen Bros., sup- I Jack Thrasher, payroll, plies, dlst. No. 3 1.70 general roads 326.10 ' :W. A. Bishop, labor, gen Total $ 491.44 eral roads 156.00 1 Road District No. 4. ' Billings Car & Auto W KB., 02 W. M. Tetherow, payroll, ' supplies ft repairs, gen dlst. No. 4 123.14: eral roads Road District No. 5. . Geo. Brown ft Sons, ex F. J. Watson, payroll, pense, general roads.. dlst. No. 6 603.63 liillings Car. ft Auto Wks, 78.12 I gonerui ruuu eApeusa . . 6.00 ' Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., general road expense . . . 8.15 C. F. Carter, general road repairs r. . . . 11.60 Fred J. Fick, general road expense 16.60 Dr. G. A. Gltxen, hire of team, general roads. 22.00 C. E. Gates Auto Co., gen eral road expense ...... 2.75 J. T. Gagnon, general road expense 11.00 Hubbard Bros., general rood expense 2. 50 Hubbard Bros., general I road exnense Total.. 584.03lMedford Iron Works, gen- W. A. Bishop, labor, dlst. No. 6 Medford Iron Works, sup plies, dist. No. 6 Ends Coal Co., supplies. dlst. No. 5 Elmer Hall, lubor, dlst. No. 5 Tom Lewis,- labor, dlst. No. 5 Roily JRInabarger, labor, dUt. No. 6 .'...... Homer Stevenson, labor, dlst. No. 6 Wlllard Service Station, expense, dlst. No. 6 . . road Entlers' Dept. Store, sup plies, Ashland Klamath -Falls road 94.65 H. ' P. Holmes, supplies, Ashlnnd Klnmnth FrIIb road 25.82 Harrison Bros., supplies, Ashland Klamath Falls road 67.06 J. H. Lacey, expense, Ash land Klnmnth Falls road . 227.1 a 3.35, Thos. H. Simpson, supplies, Ashland Klamath Falls 15.80 road .' 18.30 I East Side Meat Market, 9.00 supplies, Ashland Klnm- j ath Falls road 2C9.H0 6 83 1 1 I Tltal $3231.79 5.00 Bounty. I John Calvin 69.50 3.36 Road District No. fl. Eagle Point Garage, re pair, dist. No. 6 Road DM riot No. 7. Joseph Geppert, payroll, dist. No. 7 H. L. Gregory, payroll, dist. No.. 7 ........... W. A. BlBhop, labor, dlst. No. 7 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., ex pense, dist. No. 7 Len Taylor, labor, dlst. No. 7 11.' 18.00 1.75 eral road expense i Medford Harness Co., gen- 8.55 eral road expense I Medford Concrete Const. Co. 80.25 Chris. Natwick, contract, general roads 1051.43 448.00 Prultt-Myers Motor Co., general road expense . . 60.00 J Frank D. Robert, general road expense 1.17 Thos. H. Simpson, general road expense 60.00 6.50; Walker Butler, fencing general roads r. 1.60 1.60 1.60 Total.... $ 694.92 City of Ashland, right of 33.80 Ralph Wertx John H. Heckner 65.17! John Wlnnlngham. . . . Ray Warner 6.75 1 Paul Fattlg 'W. H. Paul Charles Cushman C. R. Richmond S. J. T. Meadows Homer H. Neal M. A. Carter Anton Ring 594.78 Owen E. Austin !F. D. Hill Lnren Moore Corbett Smith 6.63 i A. Jeldness Thomas G. Spangler. J. H. Ring W. McCampbell ..... E. B. Conger Edward Johnson 50.60 G. W. Ring 96.00 W. A. Beck Road District No. 8. W. L. Van Houten, pay roll, dist. No. 8 12 Road District No. 9. R. B. Vincent, payroll dlst. No. 9 Eads Transfer ft Storage, w trucking, dist. No. 9 Jackson' Co. Creamery, freight, dist. No. 9 way 575. CO Perry Ashcraft ' Crater Lake Hardware Co., .22 general road expense , , J. T. Gagnon, general road ;J. R. Schooler . 6.00 j A. J. Sharp Ceo. W. Herrlott expense 187.90 R. 248.96: Medford Lumber Co.. gen I eral road supplies ..... 18.63 9.00! Thos. H. Simpson, general . . I road supplies 13.75 3.76 j Young's Garage, repairs ft supplies, general roads . . 11.70 Total...' ." $ 261.71 IF. L. Carter, general road i E. L. Lovett R. Lull . Spratt Wells Donald Anderson 2.00 11.00 17.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 11.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 45.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 7.00 12.00 15.00 7.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 8.00 n.nO' 3.1)0 4.00 3:00 2.00 4.00 7.00 S.oft 12.00 Total $ 242.00 CHAUNCEY FLOREY. County Clerk. mm BY mm mow co. Total .;. Road A Highway. I Joe Hoskins, ferryman"! 1.50 ; ' salary , . . '. . . ..'. . . , Cal.-Or. Power Co., light 84.00 1 at crossing .$3081.48 30.00 Total $ 97.99 County Xarae. Marie E. Falldlne, county nurse's salary 125.00 17.91 'American Red Cross, rent for county nurse 8.00 6.33 'Marie E. Falldlne, Co. nnne' travellnc expense 4.00 Total f 666.91 c. I. Gate Auto Co., The following quotations are from a letter of January 19, 1921, to us. Iy our nll and beloved Ford chief for Oregon, Mr. StellwaKen, who sa-s: "The efficiency of some of our dealers' sales organizations has apparently lieen affected by numerous rumors and published items the past few weeks. This is ab surd. .1 r :ijrn "The Ford Motor Company is one of the strongest financial institutions in 1 1n world. The shut-down of the Detroit plant is simply to make the world hungry for Ford cars again, because reasonable hunger sharpens appetite and helps digestion of sensible staple necessities, like Ford ears. "You have had written assurance that Ford car designs will not be changed, and Ford car prices cannot lie lowered for some time." We have in stock now every type of Ford car, Truck and Tractor, and can make immediate deliveries. Also a splendid stock of genuine Ford parts. HARRISON BROS. FORD and FORDSON DEALERS Ashland, Oregon