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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1920)
i'A;fc pnvn ASTILA?(T) UKEKLt TXDDfOfl Wednesday, June SO, iO'iO LOCAL AND PERSONAL !tect!onery to give it distinctive ness. Miss Myra West will he continued in the employ of the firm. Mr. Jacoby la a recent ar J rival in Ashland and is well pleased with the city. He recent WKIKNESHAY'S XKWS S. H. Moore and wife drove i down from Eugene Monday as'' j ly bought the Orres residence and iuv making a visit at the Dome,, make thi9 hia future nome of Mrs. A. G. McCarthy on North , whiIe ln saskatoon Mr. Jacoby Main street. l'r.u.k II. Rer.l of Tulsa, Okla.. v ho with his family are visiting In Medford, came over to Ashland joslerday and rail.-! at The Tid-int-i otlice. Mr. Heed is a friend di F. H. lirecr of Tulsa, a lirolher ,! H. li. Clel'l. A ? .1 u.l C .W. Watson is in Ash land today from Cold Hill calling his many friends litre. , was engaged in the general mer chandise business, and is still in terested in fanning In that sec tion in connection wilh his brother. hero by automobile, and expect to remain In Ashland until after the Fourth. Among the various attractions for the Fourth of July celebration the committee has secured a col ored minstrel troop of first class professional talent which will give free acts each day. This en tertainment will be an exceptional drawing card. J The Hurris Brothers, enter tainers, a company of five persons. Is now In business In Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Lovelnnd have many friends here who send congratulations on the birth of their young son. Miss Eva City, Hah, Shell of Sail Lake arrived iu Ash'atid Miss F.dith Merrlman of Oak land, Calif., daughter of William Merrinian of the Southern Pacific company, passed through Ashland i yesterday morning on her way to : Portland. On her return the lat ter part of July Miss Merrinian will stop in this city und he a guest of Mrs. C. M. Pierce. Talent Tidings Mrs. Richardson, who has been in cuutornia for the last year, was in Talent Saturday with her sou-iu-law, Ernest JacobBon, of Rogue River, visiting Mrs. Rich ardson's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Will High. ,lieJ Mrs. Charles Chapman with w us H her sister nnd family motored to I.AS ANGELES. R. F. McClel l,in, Los Angeles county supervis or, mode public figures he recent ly gave to Governor William D. Stephens, showing the Japanese birth rate In unincorporated ter ritory in Los Angeles county. McClellan said that in the last I five years the Japanese birth rate this ii.'ck and will make her home I Villi iier father, W. A. Shell r'.' Graiiite street. I II. (;. McCarthy, son of Mrs. The Wood orchestra will assist in l lie program to be given at Jlie box Bociul which the Bellevlew A ! district will give next Friday will be in Ashland during rourin or juiy ceieuruiiun, anu Celltral Poillt Sunday, u. u .mS ..cCaL. m iu iiuzeu reiurueu uome , th8 county outside of cilles, out the three days. This company j Monday from an Ashland hog- . ,-.,, fmm ,q , , .... ... nltal where sh him heen a no. increased Horn 1J to -!8 pel lias commuuueu Dig auuicnces , . ,r '. ., , ... . ., ucui IU1 lilts IttHl IWU 111UUIUB. .... ...I. ..,. . S getting along nicely alter un filled the opera house in Red .dergoing two serious operations. Uluff. This will be a remarkably I Mrs. William Crosby wag in fine nttmPtlnn .lnrim? tlm rpP. i Medford Saturday visiting her bration. C .McCarthy of this city, has been transferred from IJiinsimiir where he has been stationed as assistant trainmaster for tin Southern Pa cific company, and will hefcufter have his headquarters in Ashland. I evening, as a menus of raising 'their quota towards defraying the ! expenses of the home demonstra I lion agent of Jackson county. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bachtell of Driggs, Idaho, are in Ashland, c. M. Mi Reynolds of Medfor i , guests at the home of the for- vill be associated with tlie State mer's father, H. H. Bachtell, on KM-hiingo store, and has unsullied i Hush street. Tho visiors were his new position here. He expe .11 former residents of Ashland, but to move his family heie from have been living in Iduho for sev Medford shortly, ;Oiul years. ?$ t W. A. Shell Is able to keep most The roof of tho Depot hotel magnificent bouquets of roses in caught fire Monday evening at his barber shop or. Fast M iin Li,out o o'clock, presumably from street which he gleans from his! the flue. The fire department re cwn pardon. He states he liU3,sronded promptly to the alarm and 51 varieties in blossom there this i pul out tlie flames before they lei.son, and can show one of theltad succeeded in doing damage handsomest displays of ro"j to 1 (0 8ny extent be seen in the city. ' Miss Jessie Thatcher Is at pres ent employed as stenographer in the Chamber of Commerce rooms, helping out Secretary Fuller with the rush of business that is no A, M. Heaver had business over nt Watkins, in the Applegate country, yetscrday. He was nc rmnpnnied home by Mrs. Bert Hair, daughter of Mr. and Mr?.! .1. M. Beaver, who will visit with her parents hero for some time. Mrs. N'ickelson and little prnnd-il.uL-hier, Joy Dunn, who have In (-n spending several weeks In A-Hand, left last night for their liiip.e in Portland. (' II .Veghte has sold his house on Minimi street. The purchaser is J. L. Oskar of the Dennis feed noie. crmulntlng there. Sheriff George Lewis and Dep uty Sheriff E. H. Lister of Jose phine county come to Ashland yes terday utter the men held here cn the charge of robbing Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Drain loBt Friday, while the latter had given them a ride In their automobile. The men after being caught here by the local police, confessed to hav ing committed the theft, and will bo taken back to Grants Pass. A workman while decorating tlie walls of the room In the Far h.w block broke through tho coll ing of one of the display front windows tills morning. The large llaie glass of the window was broken by the accident. Mrs. May (Hick is a guest at the l.ou.e of her parents, Mr. anil Mis. J M. Heaver. C. A. 1 1 1 nil. superintendent of the Oskar Huber Construction company works in Southern Ore gon, has gone over to Klamath Falls this week to look over tlie woik by that company that is lie inf done there. J Mrs. May Hernilmi and sou Hilly have gone to Marshfield to visit with Mrs. Chester Wolcott during the coming week. S Horn Provost left this morning for Sparks, Nevada, where he ex lects to be employed during the milliner. 1 Francis Winter is rusticating (tit in the Dead Indian country I Ins week during the absence of his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. O. Win ter, who are in Portland. Tails Timber company, operat ing a mill on the Dead Indian loud at the sile of the old Reeser null, started to haul lumber tc .Midfoid yesterday. The lumber ..ill be taken from the mill by t.uckj I In i.u.;li Ashland over the I'irifii- highway. The company K actively engaged in sawing at t'ie plant, w here u wards of uO nun are employed. It is state tin- roads over the mountains aw in excellent condition Mrs. J. H. Thatcher, who bas i been so very ill at her home on Mechanic street, Is reported to be improving slowly. & Miss Dorig Sandry of Rogue Hier is up spending I he week at the home of J. L. Herr. TUESDAY'S NEWS D. R. Conner of tlie Hotel Aus tin has purchased a handsome Scotch collie dog which ho has with him at present in the hot"!, where the intelligent animal is be coming the pet of tlie guests. The dog will be taken to the Owen ranch shortly to be trained. The F. G. Alleid resMeneo on Beuch street has been pure! used by Fred Vurgus of the Park gar age, and his wife. This pale 'as nuido through the Beaver Itealtv company. Billy Mende and Mr. Moore, two young men from Putaskala, Ohio, who are touring the west, stopped off yesterday In Ashland and spent the duy at the home of K. M. Beaver. They are from the former home of Mr. Beaver, and Mr. Meade Is a close friend of Muedith Beaver. Miss Nola Kent is home from Hosebiug where she taught in the public schools last year, and will spend the summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. Annie Kent, nt the Hotel Columbia. I J. II. Priest of Ohio- street ! i uti ltiiining at bis home on Ohio Utrtet Miss Grace Dnvls, Alba, jDuvlB, Ethol Davis and W. M. , Brennan of Portland, who have! i . icome here to vibii, una win re- Mrs. F. Harley of Orleans, Hum-U'Hin until after the Fourth of lolt county, Calif., is In Ashland ! July celebration, oi, a short visit at the home of her , ., ...nsin. Hcnrv H. Voss. A numbcr ol ABmand re9"len, are undergoing extensive repairs Mrs. Kllen Miller of Albany is en their properties this gummer, a gue ;t at t!ie home of her sister, !nd more are considering Im Mis. II It. Canine, on B street. Iprovements In the near future. . 'Among those already being lin- Vis YA llaight of Yreka Is vis- proved are the home of C. Nance ini.g her bi other, H. II. Voss, and en Fifth Street, which is being t.'ihih or K h rect. and also her treated to a coat of paint, and the n.fii'l. Mis. C. P. Newton, of home of Ed Barron which Is un V.'i igliiman dtieei j.nd the Boule-1 dergoing repairs, vi.l. 0 . t, O.L. Brown of Klamath Falls Lorene Oliver, who bus was a business visitor In Ashland been Msitlng for a week with rel- over night, lines in Grants Pass, has re- 4 4' turned . to Ashland. Mrs. P. J. Smith, who has been very ill for Eeveral weeks past, is C. W. Nims is among the mem- ieport. il today as no better. It bers of Hillah Shrine who is at- is thought her condition will ne tending the convention in Port- retaliate treatment in a hospital, land this week. 4 4 Viss Marie I! 1 11 is of Grants Pass H. R. Jacoby of Saskatoon, is a guest at the J. L. Heer borne Sack., and Arthur Trout f.-jl her of in Ashland I hi. week. J!(dford, yesterday com linied m- gotloations for the purchase of; Misses Pauline Hull and Sadie Ihf coiifeetloneiy store next to Rosi and Walter Ross of San II,.- ixMtiiffir owned by Claud Francisco are guests at the home Millet. The new pioprietois will , of Nels Erirkson on Palm avenue, fame the place the Plain Con-Tbe young people made the trip Miss Verena tfevine of Lebanon is a guest at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. Frank Jordan, on Gran ite street. She expects to remain here until after the Fourth of Jnly celebration. The Tidings has received no tice from the United Press that on account of the recent raise in scale by the Telegraphers' Union telegraph tolls on our dully report will be materially increased alter July 1st. Consider ing the uncertainty of securing news print at an exhoritant price, the heavy raise in telegrui nnd the proposed raise printers' scale, looks like the aver ago little country daily will have to suspend publication until times become normal, S John Anderson, a student of tho University of Oregon, is home from Eugene for tho summer va cation. Miss Doris Hithccock is buck from Portland where she had been spending a vacation. 0 The buildings of the Ashland Lumber company are presenting to the public a fine appearance in cident to a fresh coat of paint, which is an attractive adjunct to that Bection of the city. Contractor Frank Jordan broke ground yesterday for the addition to the Ashland Fruit and Produce association to be erected on Ash street, adjoining the present build ing. Mr. Jordan has his concrete mixers and full equipment on the ground and has a force of men engaged to rush the work aloii:;. T. L. Towell returned home this morning from Crescent City with his stolen unto in tow. Tlie men charged with the theft were brought to Jackson county and are bound over to uppear before tlie grand jury. i tient for tlie last two months. She cent of the totul. In that period I in the region considered, he said, itlie Japanese births number 2264. ! In certain territory near Re- iloudo Beach, the suprevisor stat ed, 726 Jupanese babies were sister-in-law, Mi's. Meda Nether- land. Mrs. Netherlands son, Hnrold, is seriously ill at a hos pital with pneumonia. Mary Jacobs has been on the sick list for a week or two. She is staying with her grandmother. Mrs. Joshua Patterson. She is oxffActnw fvnm a iinrVAlia hponlr. down caused by being thrown! 1,0 from a horse. Mrs. Hazel Ferns! is staying nt the Patterson home, owing to her brother's delicate health and so she can care for both her and Mary. Among the Medford visitors Saturday were Mrs. Budgeen and Mrs. Dunn of Talent. I Mrs. Joe Silva has been 111 with the flu, but is reported as better. Among the Ashland visitors and shoppers Saturday were Mrs. ol.nAi Mt-a Ifalth find rlMllphtnr the heavy raise in telegraph tolls Mrg R'0jp Mrs c chapman,' in the Ethel Hazen, Camion Rose and The Social Realm Party Saturday Night Miss Gwynno Gammon cnter tuined a company of young people at her home on Factory street nity at Grove City, Pa., built un der supervision of the department, will be reproduced as an example o! what may be accomplished. Special methods of manufactur ing various kinds of cheese here tofore obtained from Europe, re garded as superior to the foreign uranus win oe given, a minaturei m-day night. The evening was factory will operate at the fair! .,, t In games, music and dancing anu serve sundwienes spread with -,tn r which refreshments were Swiss and Roquefort cliee-.) ei veil, and all present had a de- ! lifclilful time. Those present were Misses Virginia Jones, Nina Me- ins. Mildred Wilcox, Ruth Em try and Messrs. Raymond McGee, Kendrick Watson, Grover Leech, Leonard Smith and Norman j Wells. Doll's Teapnrty Enjoyed Practically every doll, chaper oned by her little mistress, at- the children's playground lu tha park Saturday afternoon. Light refreshments were brought and. eaten under the trees and a de lightfully happy afternoon wai cpent. "made in America.' born in the lust five years, out numbering the white babies born liitre in the same period. He de clared similar conditions existed near Gardena, Moneta and Monte- Keep Cool Votes For Improvements KLAMATH FALLS. Voters In I the Klamath irrigation district I indorsed by 55 to 6, entering Into' a supplemental contract for the, expenditure of $226,000 for bet-) j ferments and improvements in the; system. ! The expenditures under the contract would be for the renewul of the Henley and Adams flumes,! the enlargement of the Nuss Luke, I Pos Valley and several other ca- iiuie, anu goiiniii eAiiuiiniuii nun betterment work. . ' TUESDAY'S NEWS Musical Recital A large audience listened with delight to the musical recital giv en iu the Methodist church last evening by the pupils of Miss Hulght, tho blind music Instruc tor, whoso talents are fast be coming noted in this community. The participants handled their parts with skill nnd proficiency which reflected great credit not only to themselves but to their In structor. The program consisted of piano solos, duets and trios from the best of musical compos- tended the doll's teapurty given ers, and all were most creditably by Mrs. Homewood, supervisor of; rendered. Mrs. Hazen. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman motored to Medford Thursday. m KEEP THE HOUSE COOL illy S. S. Public Health Service.) Fill the house with cool air by keeping all the windows wide open during the night. After breakfast close nil the blinds, or draw down the shades. Do the day's cooking early in the morning; If you have a fire- less cooker, use that. Keep the door lending from (lie Kitchen closed. Do not open the blinds or nil so the- shades until after sundown. ISIG CALL EOll UED CEDAR PORTLAND. Western red ce dar shingles from Oregon are Bhipped to every Btate iu the un ion, a report prepared by tlie dis trict forester shows. California' is the hearieet buyer. About 8 per cent of the total amount goc, to the southern states. Oregon cheese sells at a premi um in the eastern markets. Universal Body Corporation Portland, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF Auto Delivery Bodies, Heavy Truck Beds, Panelled BiikAry Bodies, Express und Stuke llodies, Dump Bodies. Lumber Rolls, Cabs, Windshields, Curtains, Etc. DISTRIBUTORS OF The Wood Hydraulic. Hoist, with complete Stock of Extras. Ask Your Denier. If lie ilix-sn'l handle our Line, Write I s. S1SSON, Calif. The loss of the McCloud Country Club In the fire which destroyed its buildings on the McCloud river is estimated at $500,000. Hard work on the part of the few men fighting the flames saved the shrubbery und trees and kept the fire from the timber. The McCloud Country Club Is an organization of forty wealthy business men of San Francisco and Los Angeles. Notwithstand ing the value of the fine club house no protection against fire had been provided. President Is Offered Jobs WASHINGTON, Juno 2'j Pres- j ident Wilson, on leaving the White House, will havo the opportunity ! of taking any kind of position he Dr. Bertha Sawyer Is buck from j wants. Every day there come to an extended vacation spent in ' the executive mansion nnnibers of Portland and other points in the! otters Unit include just about north. j every kind of Job there is in ex- istence. Ho is known to have (From the "Shriue-Day Side-1 been offered tho leadership of a lights of the Portland Oregon-! score of big universities uud many Ian.) newspapers are more than willing Carl D. Shoemaker, executive! to have him at almost any salary secretary of the Oregon state fish j lie might name. Lust, but not commission, who is a member of least, more than one film corpura Iiilluh tenipre of Ashland, Ore., tiou has made tentative offers for fools quite a few of the nobles not, his services in moving pictures. femiliur with the different tem-J Admiral Grayson, his physician, plet of the state, who think that said today that he knew nothing all not of the Al Kader temple are, of a reported offer from the l'nl- out-of-town guests. Lust night he was in a local restaurant, when two eastern Shrluers came ln. All ordered baked salmon and presently an Al Kader Shrlner began to compli ment them on their choice, pro ceeding to tell them all the merits of the fish, Its lite und habits. Shoemaker said nothing until he hud finished bis tale and then told him who he was. "He knocked me off the chuir," was the ex planatory comment of Carl D. EKCEIYES WORD OF NEW ARRIVAL Dear Grandpa and Grandma: I arrived Bufely and am doing well i a fall on a sidewulk was granted and so is mother. Carl Herbert verslty of the Philippines of a salary of $50,000 to $100, (Mm a year to the president to serve as its head. Just what the president will do efter his retirement no one ran say ut this time, Dr. Grayson de clared. "The chief concern of everyone about him Is to make him well as quickly as possible." Government Dairy Show In Chicago WASHINGTON, June 29. The success of co-operation in the dairying Industry will be shown in an exhibit ut the National Dairy Show in Chicago, October 7-16, by the department of agri culture. The value to the community of co-operation of the various locul agencies wtfl be pointed out in a comparison with individual dairy ing without coordination of banki, transportation Iine3 und manu facturers. Model creameries turning out millions of pounds of butter, cheese and condensed milk from by-products such as skimmed milk at reasonable prices will form part of the exhibit, It was un-!u nouueed. A portion of the model com mil 1 iSnl t '(i ipn ipn ipt fiin tpn rnn tpn tpn if i FORDSON Number 100,000 Leaves Factory On February 21st, nt 10:45 o'clock, Fordson Tractor number 100,000 left tho nsseinbly line in the Fordson plant ut Dearborn, Mich., slightly less than two and one-hnlf years after number one wus completed. And here again Henry Ford bus set a new high record in the manufacture of farm actors via the quantity produc tion route. Although the Ford interests are very recent entrants In the ranks of the tractor manufacturers, yet Henry Ford really built a tractor of the steam type before he started work on his first gas car. And incidentally that tractor and the first cur are still ln very good running condition, und Mr. Ford occasionally demonstrates both to visitors to his farm in Dearborn. Some fifteen years ugo Mr. Ford began work on what bus come to be tlie Fordson. This tractor was really a Ford cur equipped with special wheels und included, of course, some mechanical changes. Hy l'JOS he hud a workable trac tflr; It plowed, harrowed, und did much other work on the farm. Ti.i-ii ensued nine more years of experimental work before the first tractor was put on the market. HARRISON BROTHERS Fordson Tractor Dealers ASHLAND, OREGON KLAMATH FALLS. Motion for a non-suit in the action of Mrs. Lettie Ethridge pf Dorris, Slsqlyou county, California, iigiilnst the city of Klamath Falls, to recover $2500 for Injuries al leged to have been received In Lovelund, Jr. This mossuge wus received yes terday at the homo of Henry Reed on Granite street. The young man Is the first grand child of the Reeds and Is the son of Carl Love laud, who formerly lived here but by Judge D. V. Kiiykendall The court held evidence to es tablish tlie claims of the plaintiff for damages for an Injury received In a full through a hole in the sidewalk had not been established. The attorneys for Mrs. F.thridge will appeal to the supreme court. ir.!,;n,:::::i::ii;:tiai,:: 5 ii:;;"!!!"!;'!!r i wfjrii::?.'.!! m kxm STi 'ft Special for the Fourth Get Your Supplies When In Ashland $2.40 1.00 Self Service Coffee, none better; 1 lb. pkg., 56c lb., $1.25; 5 lb Good bulk Coffee, 3 lbs. for Special price on all canned Coffee. Borden's Milk, 7 cans, $1.00; rase 6.25 Good Peas, 7 cans l.Ou Minnesota Sweet Corn, 3 cans HO Best String Beans, 3 cans 50 Cottolene, small, $1.20: large 2 85 Crisco. 45c, 60c. $1.19 2 24 Eastern Meal, white or yellow, per sack On Royal White Soap, 15 bars for l.iin Jewell Soap, 21 bare for 1.00 Citrus or Cold Dust, per package 31 All kinds of fruit, lunch goods, paper plates und nap kins. Stearns Sell Service Store 7 Main Street Opposite the Plaza Clearance of Silk Dresses and SKirts and vSpring Suits You now have an opportunity to get a new Sport Silk Skirt or a new Silk Dress before the 4th of July Clearance prices. You will be surpised at the beautiful line we are showing, unless you have already seen them. Shirts Still greater reductions on these lovely Skirts of Fan-ta-eal, Bar onette, Satin and other new Sport Silks. 980.00 Skirt) r.M.50 $30.00 Skirt f24.50 Gingham Dresses We have a lot of Gingham Street and House DresBes to clean up at prices less than the goods would cost you. Dresses Satins, Taffetss, Georgettes nnd Crepe de Chine figure in this of fering for a quick clearance. Saving of From V.'i.OO to 910.00 On These Dresses. Blouses The first reduction we have an nounced on Blouses comes just In time for the 4th of July. 10 Per Cent. Reduction on Any Silk ltlouse in Stock. Suits A lot of our best styles in Serges and Tricotines are now included lu the clearance offerings. See them at once. Savings of $10.00 to $i On These Sultn. iO.OO Voile Dresses Save the trouble of making up your Summer Dress. - You may find just what you want here. 10 Per Cent Reduction on All Voile Draeses. Sport Silk Shirtings Further Reductions Now In Force to Clean up the Bal ance of Ttaette Silks. bttU& Figured Voiles A lot of Special Price on Printed Voile. S i flic fl fx rn po r