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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1920)
V'ediicfcdiij', Juno 30, 1020 ASHLAND WEEKLY HDIKGI PAGE TORCT LOCAL AND PERSONAL MONDAY'S NEWS Miss Elsie Churchman left Fri day evening for Sun Francisco to visit for some time. i. Mildred Stevens hits gone to i 11 ll' and Lake counties and north Kogue Kiver to spend several duy J'" California. wlth friends there. Mrs. W. A. Shell, Mrs. 0, H. Johnstone, Mrs, W. M. Umber, Miss Shell and Clyde Torrenee drova to Vreka yesterday and ate dinner In the Yreku auto park. & A handsome sign lias been ercct- ed on the Chautainiua Memorial hull to designate (hut building. Mrs. J. It. Mlly returned borne yesterday morning from San Francisco where she bud been with her husband, who hud received In juries on the railroad some time ago, and was taken to a hospital ior treatment. She reports Mr. Lilly as Improving, but Is still in tho hospital. Miss (ieorgio Coffee canto home from Portland liiHt evening after wli; spend the summer with he' ll fortnight's vacation spent in the, parents in Ashland. Jloso City. $ , Practically all the Hillah Tem- (Jeorgo Penniger and little son pie members who have been spend Oi Watsonvillc, Calif., stopped off ling the past week In Portland ut Buturduy and paid a visit to thej tending the Shrine Imperial coun lioine of J. A. Kilter on Church jcil have returned home. Btreet. Mr. Peiiiilnger hail been' In Portland attending the Shrine meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Iloiace ISadger of Ifelteravlu, Calif., are guests of the former's parent? in Ashland, Where they will spend afew days. L. Gartner, who has been suf- fering from an Illness caused by high blood pressure, is much im-1 proved. At the time of his Illness it was reported Mr. (iartner had , sustained a stroke of apoplexy, but such was not the case, lief1- took possession today. Mr. Is able to be about the streets, and expects to soon gain his usual Ilea 111. A At the communion services at ' the Presbyterian church yester-fday day morning 10 new mdmbers ! United with that church. j Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Hush ami' tons, Elber and Allien, are homelaiid, both old and young, during from an extended land and vicinity. Mrs. Mabel Dockery Is enjoying f vlcil fin.., ,r ulu(m. ,,f k'rao.n ' Cilllf. Mrs. Hary S. Angle, mother of Charles Angle of Ashland, died ut tin- homo of her daughter, Mrs II. I). Howard of Sacramento, where sho had been visiting for some time. The body was brought to Medford and the funeral held Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Angle Was a native of Jackson county. A special jury has been called to meet in Jacksonville Friday, . July 2. to consider six or eight , fuses now pending. This session will net on cases now In the coun ty Jull which naturally would not come up until the fall meeting of the grand Jury. , Among mo Asniuiut people wno drove over to the Lake of t he I woods yesterday ami spem incj day at that famous report weraj H. 0. Enders Jr., I. R. Davis and Bisler, Miss Lillian Davis. Mrs. Vpdegraft, Mr. Briggs, Dr. F. and Mrs. W. M. . II. Johnson and , family, Dr. and Mrs C. F. Tilton tind family, R. II. Hiuthorne, H C. Stock and Miss Ilelene Biede. Mayor and Mrs. C. B. Lamltin find H. R. Lamkin drove over to their wheat ranch near Montague Saturday night. They report crops look very well theie, considering the dry weather. Willit Merrill, n classmate of Raymond Badger, who is spending bis summer vacation ut the ex pel imentul station ut Talent, spent Sunday at the Badger home. L. W. Campbell has purchased idx acres of laijd in West Ash land formerly owned by James L Sheldon. This sale was made by Mrs. Susie Allen. Mrs. J. R. Wick is home from Portland where she had been (pending several weeks, the guest Of her son, Ernest Wick, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Wisenbur fr of Wutsoiiville Calif., are upending several days in Ashland, irnd are visiting with the former's brother, C. C. Wisenburger. Ac companying them are Mr. and Mrs. Harris, and the party are en camped in the auto park while they visit with relatives and friend. A number of outomoblle sales men and garages are arranging for an automobile display In the faik, to be a feature of the Fourth of July celebration. Grounds are being staked out and Jato model cars will be shown there during the three days. The committee on street deco-j rationi is busy today running up the streamers and flags over,the i came here with bis family to visit city streets In prepiration for the, his sister, Miss Ruth Osmun. has fourth of July celebration. Dee-1 decided to locate In Ashland. He f rations for th business places lis now in the employ of the and residences will be left to in dividual owners, and all are urged to make an effort to have all houses and business places espe citilly decorated this year. E. F. Smith Is back from a week's business trip over ii Klain- Russell Cordell, who was called here by the Illness and death of his mother,. left last night for Ills home In Oakland, Calif. Tho committee on uiitoinoblleit have gone to Medtord this after noon to Interest auto men in thai ; city in the automobile exhibit in the park for the coming celebra tion, 1 ho weatber bureau has prom ised good weather for the first p.irt of the celebration ut least. In the report Issued for June 28 to July .1, Inclusive, the weather is promised to be generally fair. with normal temperuture. Miss Zelda Herr arrived home lust evening from Oakland and Miss Dorothy Carmihan of Oak land, daughter of Itev. II. A. Car nuhan, former pastor of the local Presbyterian church, arrived in Ashland last night and will spend a month or two visiting her many friends in this vicinity. Clyde Costdlo has moved bis burber shop from bis former looa 1 ion on East Main street and has taken possession of his new pur- chase, the shop owned by James to opposite the Plaza fountain Ho will remain with Mr. Costello until after the Fourth S Mr. and Mrs. S. I,. Sandry and d. (tighter Gladys were over Sun guests at the J. I,. Herr home from Kogue River. The big merry-go-round for the delectation of the kids of Ash ariived and is being erected on the grounds near the park. A large attendance greeted Dr. Muttie Show at the Baptist church last evening at her reading, "The House of Rimrnon," - which she gave at the time of the evening service. This reading was beau lifiilly delivered and was listened to with much interest by the audi ence. I A party composed of Mr. and j.Mis. S. A. Prose, Mr. and Mrs King, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson, Mrs. Dixon, Harold Prose and Oorge Stearns autoed over the Si-tkiyous yesterday and spent delightful day on the mountains Thev drove south as far as Hilt. SATCRDA V'B NEWS Mrs. Edna Rinehart of San Francisco Is a guest this week at ne of Ml.s x s Iiallenger o:i East Main street, Mrs. John M. Ward of Oakland ar.ived in Ashland yesterday and will make an extended visit ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald on B street. Rev. J. W. Hoyt left this morn inc for Klamath Falls on his rounds us Sunday school mission ary for Southern Oregon Presby teiy. If his gasoline supply holds out or he can secure more in thut section Mr. Hoyt will continue his journey over to Lakevlew and vi cinity. The Lyric theater which has been closed to the public for sev eral years, has been opened by Manager O. T. tlergner, and will be run hereafter, every day. The opening picture was exhibited last IliKllt. The new groceteria, located in the Odd Fellows building on the PJa7a by Palmer Bros., opened to day. The new business starts un der nusplcious conditions anil promises to be an Important fac tor in the mercantile enterprises-! of Ashland. Mrs. O. N'. Kramer and son Foss are spending this week in Portland. They expect to return home Sunday. Leo Ballenger of Sausalito. Calif., arrived in Ashland this week and will spend several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Ballenger, at their home on East Main street. Mrs. Clark of Akron, Iowa, came in this morning for ." visit with her brother, N. Dix. Miss Thclma Herr has gone to r.ogue River and will be a week cud guest ot Miss Gladys Sundry there. Millard Osmun, who recently Southern Pacific and is living In the house belonging to Mrs. C. E. Lane on Mechanic street, Evaline, tne eight flays old tluughter of Mr,' and Mrs. W. G. Noid. died yesterday, June 25, at the home of her parents, two miles ( ust of Ashland. Funeral service have not yet been arranged. . James Rudd left last night for Sacramento where he will visit for a few days before being Joined by Mrs. Rudd, who will return from an extended visit in the east. Mis. Rudd expected to start yes-i ieiduy for Oregon. ' A sale of property was conclud ed this morning through the Bill ings and Lamkln agencies which includes one of the finest proper ties in Ashlund. This is the hand some bungalow of W. A. Turner on Xorth Main street which has been purchased by D. H. Barneburg. C. W. Nims was among the first of Hillah Templur Shriners to leulize when he has enough of a fcOOumii.g.anum.sreiuM.,. uumi- j T it...l mi. .i I ...ill rum roiuui.ii. mo mud. t.e reluctantly coining duck wnen there is no more entertainment inciueiu io uo ............. council and the Rose Festival in that city. Rhoda Burnett and daughter Pearl of Medford came to Ash land Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Williams of I.os Angeles, who have been n bking a leisurely automobile tour northward, arrived in Ash land yesterday and will be guests i f- j suinn onice miltl ot the for a time at the home of Mr. f Oh!;i- Huber Construction coin Williams' aunt, Mrs. Emma Cof- .... . ,,.,,:., fpw ........ . fee, on Oak street. Oregon hus 55 varieties of com n.etclal wood. Five airplanes in flying forma tion sailed above Ashland for i while this morning, calling out the citizens to lofty gazing, and r'gbt handsome they looked. The planes were presumably the ait forest patrol stationed at Med ford, being tried out. Mrs. Earl Cochran of Los An geles is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cochran on Mcry street. Her husband, who will be with the evangelists com- ing from the Moody Bible Insti tute in Los Angeles to have charge of the evening's program on the Fourth of July, will join her here at that time. $ Glenn Owen of Republic, Mo., a l.epiiewoi .virs. r.ugenia mimaou. ,vlifn ,. H0)p(, , bp p,aC(,d 01, af,ai Is spending a few days ill Ashland, lt baMot nex( f Thpse the guest of his aunt. Mr. Owenj11es are ,j j vi(le(i KRi.ltive B(. Two employes of the Oskar llu hud been in Portland during tbeL,on collstitlltiOI1 ani"iidtnpnt andl,,ei' works got into an altercation. week attending the imperial coun cil of the Shriners. Miss Florence Mustier has ac cepted a position In the Billings real estate office as stenographer to succeed Miss Pearl Withrow, whose resignation takeR place to day. Rev. P. K. Hammond has re turned home from Portlund where be had been making a business ihil for the past week or two. He was accompanied home by bis small grandson, Jack Hammond, of Oregon City. C. Johnson and wife have just returned from Novata, Culif., where tli y have been for some time past. They have decided there is no place like Ashland and have returned to make this their home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mac- key, with their guests, Mr. and Miss Brown of San Francisco, Mrs. Mackey' sbrother (-nd sister, re turned Thursday from a two-day autoyiobile trip. It was their in tention when starting out to go to Crescent City, but on reaching Grants Puss they found that trav el might not be the best over the coast road, und due to their limit ed time they concluded it was not wisdom to tackle it, so they mo tored to Roseburg instead. Ac- Fourth! OP July AUTOMATIC Pistols Sparklers AND ALL KINDS OF NOISE MAKEKH. AT Poley's Drug Store FOLEY Jk KLHART DltlTGUISTO cording to Mr. Mackey they found the roads to that point in a most excellent condition. Some sec tions where road construction Is going on detours were necessary and required attention on the part of the driver, but for the most part hose sections of road here tofore the bugbear of automobile tourists are very good, with long stretches of paving that are a (Ileum to autoists. FRIDAY'S NEWS C. W.- Watson and (1. II. Cham Iters are Ashlund business visitors from Montague. Mrs. M. Paget, who has been a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Chatliu, left Wednesday night foi Portland. Dr. Fred Houck, wife tufd two daughters, of Anahoim, former vell known residents of Ashlund. ate In tho city, renewing acquaint ances. John Kuntz of Los Angeles, who has appeared In Ashland for , , ,h,.ee ,,. , cilurKe of lho various concessions (ne FoI.(h of Ju,y ceRl. , . na() an.lve( jn ,h( c(y s mak,g preparations to look after his business interests along that line. John's specialty Is the sale of kewpies and Is al ways one of the leading attrac tions of life celebration. Mrs. John Robison came up from Talent last night and was an over night guest at the home of Mrs. George Robison on Laurel street. A At j the mountain at the camp there this week. He expect to return home this evening. J Mrs. Boyd of St. Paul .Minn., is in Ashland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd for an indefinite visit. She is a cousin of Mr. Boyd. Mrs. Millie Wood came home today from Portland where she bud been spending the winter. The I'nited States house appro priations committee, which is on its way for an inspection of the western parks and reclamation projects, is expected to arrive in Oregon July 7. They will spend half a day on the Klamath reclu mation project, then go from there to Crater Lake national park. A meeting was called last night of the voters of Ashland to uc. .quaint tll(,m wth ,wo measures a state market commission act "ear the ottue in the city hall la-if .Mr. Murphy of Portland explained j I'-'gbt. over some mutter pertain the bills to the vote assembled 1 '"S to orders. The dispute linal and left petitions for signatures, I . which have ben circulated today. C. L. Hobnrt, a business man of Giants Pass, drove over yester dc) by automobile and looked al tei interests in Ashland. Mrs. E. E. Foss, a resident of the Wagner creek district, was an Ashland visitor yesterday. 4 Some pictures of the detail of On Savings Accounts Interest A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. HOTEL MANX Powell SL, atC Tamil San Franclscc In the heart of the Kg business, shopping H2 and theatre district. M Kunmng distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious j:n lODDy.iine service, anu Homelike restaurant will attract you. -European Plan rates $1.00 op. t . PEIL'S CORNEIl HV TI1K PARK A just lot of new Icelcss Coolers in. An airplane loud ot American fencirfg of most every description dropped down the, other day. Also some good cedar r.A.(. .... wollrln In Man, fl((rf used Sewing Machines always for sale or rent, at i PIEIS CDRNtR. m 1 t it $1.00 op. t . tg; I Maaigeaeit A i tliu Ashland National Guard company-were taken at the prelimi nary educational camp which they attended recently at Camp Lewis, hi((i are posted on the board at the city hull. The boys are (nes.seu upin their working togsout ugaiu after getting his in und make u very natty appear-; Juries dressed by a doctor. allrf. .iccui-uing 10 reports liom era- m--('k u me nurmers ui uooiu j mutteia pertaining to religious ter Luke the roads to that famous ! 2 'bis afternoon when some education, scenic resort will be open by thej"'mbers of the band from the! lid of the week. Alexander Spur-J Temple from Tulsn. Okla., were Thl.PI .,, Ashlaml citizens low. superintendent of the Crater j brought up from the station ami;nrc lne p,ii, possessors of new Lake National Park, states thut au- Played several selections on thejNo .( milt,i Overlunds, purchased temobiles can now get within a ; lUreet. The specials of the Shrin-1 fn,m t,o Overland Ma rcey coin ball mile of the rim, und he ex-ie" returning from Portland have ' ,)av. These uro C. K. liurtlett, pens by Saturday the other half ! l '-n going through ut intervals i. fj. Slock und It. C. Porter, mile will be open. lull day. ' j I iniiBia! "'!':!..' r 'Si';::' i: i: W. E. Genack, special represen- tatlve of R. L. Polk & Co., of: Ii,n'- '"'in W. Hoyt. Sunday; 1'utland, was in Ashland vest er- school missionary lor the South-. d.. arrunging details for the new ern Oregon Presbytery, while on city directory which that com- D ip to Klamath Falls, was tak-, p.iny will soon put out. Mr .Ge-!li,,: ' latter city last week. Hack hopes the housewives of Ash-!"1 knowing the nature of his ail-, haul will not be alarmed at theim,,lt 1,0 W,'1U ,l" hospital man with the green book and set ' lor 11 lew ,,avs' ,,ut Wi,s the dog on him when he calls i ,,u' return home this week, v.illiiu a lew (lavs, as his mission will be to canvass the city for the hew directory. About thirty extra Southern Pu rine crews were called into Ash lund last night from various points on the division to assist in taking i the special Shrine trains over the mountains. Mrs. J. II. McGee, who has beenj spending the past week or so in l'ortlnnd, is expected home today. Mrs. Christine Hair and son John returned to their homo in Walking yesterday after spending serernl duys with the former's pu nnls, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beaver. l-'rank Brown of Colestin was a business visitor In Ashlund to (!a Mr gllHSt Cluwsou of Idaho is a of the Conger family at thdr home on Palm avenue, llo dive over from the adjoining lulu by automobile. Engineer Ned Ellis, one of tin tin inbers of the special Southern j Pacific crews called here last nitht, was u guest at the C. li. , Hose home over night. A. M. Beaver is cut of town for' a few days this week on a special business trip to Gazelle, Calif. t j .Mrs. E. J. Calhoun, the aged mother of Mrs. A. M. Beaver, has recovered from her recent illness- I and Is able to be about the house i SPECIAl With Every Pun base of IIARMOXY COCOA UI'TTEK COM) CREAM tide We will give Free A r,0c Box of CHAUMOXA COMPLEXION POWDER While the supply lasts. McNAIR BROS. Stort if V THE TI7FN i lnTI7FMCi A vl I lLrw V BANK O FASH LAND. U I A I J VI ) I j ..... H N II A HE vor MAVIN'O FOR A HOME? rheie are many advan tages ot having a home ot your own. The soon er you begin to save for this purpose, tli nearer you will be to greater happiness and success. KlHit ii fund for a home now wild The i'lllAcni Bnnk of Anlilnud. ?rSf jatsV f Or M 5AYIN05 DEPOSITS. SALE ly resulted In blows, it Is stated, during which one of the combat ants received a cut on the bead which necessitated a couple of ' stitches, however He was not badly hurt. it was learned, und was j Ashland was given a farewell i THt'RSDAY'S NFAVS Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parker and Mis. ('. II. Corson of Grains Pass were Ashland visitors yesterday. I Mrs. It. L. Wardle has been ci' lied to Sacramento on account of the serious illness of her moth- ; er, w ho went to Hint city w ith an other daughter. Mrs. Warillo left last evening for the south. , .,7 . ,. . . i 1 l 1 1.1 I llUMUt.' ((11(1 M((UT(. ll'iescott. two students of the Cnl Ivevsity of Oregon, Inuo come home for the summer vacation, i i' Mrs. Lee Hall and little son of i diegou City, who have, been guests1:? o" Ashland friends for severellH i days past, left this morning lor 'N ,I.o: Angeles to visit with rela- Y: fives. 3 ! Miss Ethel Troutfether. who, 1 has been leaching M'hool in Pis- Iricl No. :M, in the future will be , coiinmied with the Plaza Conl'ec- tioi.ery. the store next to the post- 0"ir" "'at was la, unlit tins weeK Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms Slock Ranches. and All Kinds of Good Insurance Ashland Agentr. of Abstract Co. Billings Agency Established 1883. TAKE A TIP AIIOI T HOI SE PAIXTIXO FROM A POET The poet said: "What is so rate as a day In June'' Then, it ever, come perfect days.' The perfect days of June are favorable days for painting. No scorching sun to blister the paint, small chunre of rain to binder the work. Yes, June is the best month of the year. . So why not call us up and make a date for June? We shall be glad to ad vise you in regard to selection ot colors. PAINT 1'P. Dickerson THE PAINT .MAX Another Royal Suggestion COOKIES and SMALL CAKES From the New Royal Cook Book X THEN the children V V roni in hungry as vouinr hfiirs. here are some wholesome, economical de lights that will not onhy be i received Willi glee, but will ' ealisfy the most ravenous i ; iietile in a most whole :,tiiiw nu'.nncr. Cookiel : citi .cH. irlntiitf j 2 ci(i. j;((r r(i iidll, l, (,5.(K(n (rrfltcd nutmpir 1 Uu:)iiii vuxilla XKnct frl.-ilcl r((i it 1 lemun 4 cw. (l'Kir i fji"n Itnyal Iiaking Cream shortening and t together; :id(Uiuiik to bi . .,, 1 ,i . r,,,l. 1 Uu: )i"tii vuxilla ' XKHCt or and ttuear luiili to beaten us aim Heal again; auu slowly to creamed shorten ini; and sugar; add nutmeg and ll.ivoritig; add 2 cups liidir -,iftcd with baking pow der; ;nld rnoiigli more Hour to make slid dough. Roll out very tbiii on floured board; rut v illi cookie cutter, sprin kle with sugar, or put a raisin or a piece of I nglish v.-alnut in the renter of each. Bake about 12 minutes in hot oven. Cocoa Drop Cake 4 tt.l..'rnris tfhurt-nlng 1 cui kUKtr t VP L, i'(i, mMk Is, "-'tpe Hour ' 3 . uii Itojrat Baking l(.w (1T C((p r(p(, tc.iMpnon a!t 1 luaabvuu vanllta extract "Bake with Royal and be Sure by Jacoby & Troutfeather. Miss Troutfether is widely known in Ashlund and Jackson county and to meet her many friends at her new location. President A. M. Williams of Al bany College was in Ashland. Tuesday, consulting with Revs. Mr. Hoyt and Me. Koehler on H tl,llMIHIilillil,liriiffllliBtM - - .tm n m . .. ft T Lawn Mowers FROM $8.00 to High Garden Hose One-Hull Inch -Three-Quarter Inch SIMPSONS 37-39 NORTH TOTAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure NEW SHIPMENT of Garden Tools has arrived. Good tools are eseutial to good results in garden or field. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Ready to Brighten You Up Conqueror HATS and CAPS i Ki i '.i n feeling. that well-dressed New Spring styles. New Shirts. New Neck wetir. New u!!, Sprinv I' FOIl MEN'S WEAK BY THE I'OSTOFFICE t.iliuliiiJll $18.00 Grade 18c 20c MAIN STREET Cream shortening; add su:'ar and well-hcaten cg; beat well and add milk slowly; silt flour, baking ponder, salt and cocoa into mixture; stir unt l smooth, add vanilla, l'ut one tablespoon of batter into cacli greased mtillin tin and bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes. Cover with boiled K'ng" Orange Cakes 4 tAtitapoons ahortouiug 1 cop auirMr a cup milk leuft 2 cups flour ' I teaspoon Royal H.ikir.ff H taipoon salt lteacpoon (,rancA extract gialeJ rind of 1 or&iiga Cream shortening; add uc:ir slowly, beating well; add milk a little at a time; tbm add well-beaten egg; sift fiVvr, baking powder and sa't t -(tether and add to i:iit:urc; add flavoring and craiel orange rind; mix well, l'.a'.: in greased shallow tin, or in dividual cake tins, in hot oven IS to 20 minutes. When cool cover with orange iufv . COOK BOOK FREE jut oft th prJi and f-rT tlian ever hfor. 'I'h.i new Royal Cook Hook con taining 4iO delightful r eipta. will bo rnt to you fre If you will lend your nam and addrea. BoViL BtKINO POWDEH CO. Ill FnKmi S(rMt N.w Yk Ci( 9 HARDWARE