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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
Wednesday, March 3, lOSld Ashland weekly tidings ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRIMING COMPANY .. BERT R. GREER.. - 1 1 if'i .Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 SfBSCRIPTIOX RATES Bt MAIL On Year Six Months . . . Three Months Outside of the United gtutes One Year . . Six Mouths ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertisements, per eolumu inch, each issue, 26c. Local Readers, the line of bIx words, 10c. Classified Column, lc the word, each time. Legal Notices, 3 1-3 cents the line, each time. Cards of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, 2V4 cents the line of six words. Fraternal orders and societies charging regular inltlati.u fees and dues, regular rates. Religious and beuevelent societies will be charged fer all tdvertising when an admission or collection Is taken, at the regular sdvertisi.g nX The Tidings has a larger circulatloa in Ashland aad Its trade terrltery than all otlier newspapers combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Fostetfice as secead class mail matter. Ol It 1 I TI HK PROSPECTS Real cr.tute goes up in value be cause people want it. It goes down when nobody wants it. Logical, isn't It? Well, make Ashland so people will want her real estate and there will be no more land poor grouches in our midst. That condition does not come by accident; It cornea from design. Natural conditions don't count for themselves. It takes men to make a city worth while; that makes values. Ashland is gloriously slutted up the bill, but she will not continue long of her own accord. She Is not a sentient thing that goes fast or slow at will. She is Just an oppor tunity for the actmties of men and just In proportion as her citizens think and act for community growth and stability she will advance. That and no more. What is Ashland cit izens going to make of Ashland. We say let's make her a great watering mid health resort. Wo can do it, if we will. Tim Commercial Club is just dons Jot for fuel when we can get It for much less from good old Mother Nature? It Is time to harness the rivers of America and set free the prisoners In the coal mines. The problems of electric trans mission under 300 miles have been largely solved, and the perfection of electrical devices has made It possi ble not merely to turn the wheels of Industry but to keep house by electricity. Experts estimate that New York state alone can develop 2,059,410 horsepower without destroying the beauty of Niagara river and falls. What New York can do every western state can do and western congressmen stand In their own light if they do not co-operate hearti ly with those influences which are seeking to develop the waterways and water powers of the nation. a niece of Mrs. Ed Roblson and for the past two years has been an ef ficient clerk !n the Talent Mercan tile company store. .The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry God- dard of Wagner creek and is an ex- service man. The newly weddel cou ple will wake their home near Tal ent. Successful Dance The railroad carmen held their second annual ball at the Nutatoiiuin last evening at which an immense crowd was in attendance and en- Joyed the event to the utmost. The music was fine and the assemblage were well taken care of by their hos- pltuble hosts who had the manage ment of the affair and saw to it that everybody present had a good time. this week. They were much pleased with the beauty and climate of Ashland SATURDAY'S NEWS Miss Viola Provost, who is al tend ing school in Medford, is a week end visitor at her home here. V. V. Hawley, whp has been In California for some time this winter. has returned home. Mrs. W. H. McCann of Redding, Calif., daughter of the late Mrs. Catherine V. Sulnavo, came to Ash land Thursday eveuin:,', callede here by the sudden death of her mother. She left last night with the body ol her mother, which she was takim; to Redding for burial Mrs. I Salnave had been in Ashland fori several mouths and had endeared herself among the people with whom she had been associated while doim; special nursing, and her death has caused much grief among her friends and acquaintances. W BANK I jf?S4 i )LO F AS H LAN Djn jjgg . I ill THE ( IT1EXS BANK'S III II SERVICE ! fk tin j I I is C.ood service. M III Tt is backed bv age. Ill Civ' ! ttKJ i strength, up-to-dateness Ijl I and the "know how." h f . ...., w m jjj is lui'n account iil-ic: EMij SAVINGS! jr(iVJn DEPQSITSJ The ban on Grants rasa on account of the flu epidemic is to be lifted to night, according to reports from that city. Tlaces of amusement and the churches will be lesumed as before the ban, while schools will open once again on Monday. HOTEL MANX Stock Foods and Remedies Mr. Eben Olcott, president of th Albany & New York Day1 Line, with clues his wife and daughter, has been vis iting his cousin, Elizabeth Palmer, at the Chaniberlain-I'aimer ranch CHICHESTEtlSPILLl) BRAND COMMERCIAL CLUB COLUMN jut you iruut for cm cnns-TKR ft A Cold metallic boie waled wiih BlucvO) urin Bun mm 'vr ...-,... ti, r,,n,,uiii lHttiiiK have been launching a tremendous city building m:ehed at the Commercial Club by campaign. What part are you going; inquirers from a distance to have in the splendid work? OlMKC'iiVE VS. SI IUF.CTIVE MIND From Mrs. H. L. Deputy, 30 See- j ond avenue, Phoenix, Ariz.: i "I have a small puper and paint store I wish to trade for a good piece 'of land around Ashland or Medford Most people are i nleitnhiiug n My Mock will Invoice about $4000. tt ranger in their '-belfry" of which ; This town is on a boom and tills they know little or nothing. It ijjH a fine business. On account of what is called the subconscious mind. death of my son (manager of Many of its wonderful and interest-j the business) I am crippled und un iiiK functions will be demonstrated - uua t0 curry on the business, and should like to locate nearer my peo ple. I have a brother at Salem. OUUOHD BliAI 111. 1., !T twi-tit-fi0 ui.r. ii Ue-t. Safest. Alwavil Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS j Head the spot cash guarantee on EVERYWHERE "'he- at the Vining theater Saturday night by the Magician Hlackslone, piovid ing he is what he is advertised to be, and we have no doubt of his ability. However, we are writing this editorial not as an advertise ment for the show, but rather to You can get all the information you want from Attorney L. J. Cox. 3 15-3 lti Fleming building. Please let me hear from you." (Please communicate with Mis state that the genuine clairvoyant ' Ocputy or her attorney If interested i.n,l medininistic miners winch h demonstrates is possible for any nor mal human being. It is only a mat ter of knowing how. There are cer tain laws governing the action and controlling the powers of the sub conscious mind that are little under stood, its real power is simply in spiring and wonderful. Hut most people are so absorbed ill the oper ation of the objective mind that mind built up entirely by the senses that they do not even imagine that they have a subjective mind, let ulone training it and trying to under stand Its workings and the laws that govern its operation ) From Louis A. Znnmeister, llill Clinton avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.: "Would you put me in touch with a reliable real estate firm or owners In Ashland that will quote me prices on small farms in the vicinity of Ashland (improved end unimprov ed k." (Please quote prices.) ASKS INFORMATION' From It. E. Cuin, 214 S. Griffin avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.: "Your letter und booklet received The booklet Is very interesting and . iim 1 miii nl:i iinin? to rimiR nil there We will OlllVimi hi ulmiil Miireh 1 f run haa fur suggest that those who best under-1 myself and decide what I can handle stand its functions und powers are nut if you know any reliable real the most genuinely f ucecssful men j PHtato men If it is not too much in the line they engage in as a life-trouble, they can send me their liBts work. I would like to get a ranch five 01 six miles from Ashland, mostly ul CO-ol'KRN'ION falfu and timber land for a chicken and hog ranch and would prefer There shouldn't be any jealousy ; reaper land. I urn enclosing 6n or fatcionalism iu Ashland when it cents) Tor which please have one ol comes to community betterment. Kv- thw newspapers sent to me for the try improvement inn do In the city of next 60 or 90 days and I cau kee Ashiann, no niauer iu wnai pan, en- m toucn wuu me communis mere 1. ...., III,. Vi.llln ,,f tttl ttlA l-PHl llf u,l ...iultt lu ul1 t rt OA 1,1 t,tllf)l the city. If you have a lot of clean, j with owners and get a good proposl- up-io-tl.ue Mores or: your m.aii niu-i-o lion. it makes your residence property From ("has F. Ulack, Parsball, more valuable. If you have a lot Colo.; of well kept resident e property it- "I would be very much pleased to makes the stun s inoie prosperous, i receive booklets and price lists of The advantages and oppoitunities' land and ranches iu your vicinity. I of the Northwest country all have several friends and neighbors Ihij tune are attracting the alteiitioa who have sold out to form a party of the entire Nation The tide of t0 K0 west this spring. I have been immigration is now flowing towards through there and desire to move the neat Paiitic country. ! west in the near futur? to locate. We Ashland mut look well to lis own will want farms of not less thun Interests anil see to it that she gets too to 320 acres. I er stare of the millions that We cirry a leader in stock medi the well known DIAMOND SECURITY BRAND "ic.. j Our 1 weavel, slock food is never full of Highly nutritious Ionic und build- A RKMKDY FOR FVKIlYTIIIXd tO be Spent ill this leltiilll of the United States duiing the reconstruc tion period. No more effecthe me dium is available for exploiting the advantages of this city ami immedi ate territory thi n a modern, wide awake civic-commercial organization See to It that you do your pirt. and help A.-hlanil grow. General farming ami rtock raising, dairying etc," Mis friends are John Reed, Herb Wood, Cbns. Shore, John Meyers, all of Parshall, Colo. WEDNESDAY'S NEWS THE ERA OF WHITE AL W elided latst Night The marriage of Miss Edith An derson and Onnie Godilard of the Wagner creek district took place in Ashland last evening. The cer emony was performed by Itev. P. K. Hammond of Trinity Episcopal church, and was witnessed by Misses This is the are of water power The coal ate is nearly done " Why should men Ine underground Donna Wlibrow. Erms Kubison, Del and work underground when we ran bert Godilard and Ted Seaman. The get cufli' i' nt beat and power abotp bride and groom r well known rround? ui.,i Why bbouid we xy uh k Lon, community. Mr- Godd;ird is They couldn't be built now for twke$7l.000 When the talk turns from politics to railroads, and the traveler with the cocksure air breaks in with, "There's an awful lot of 'water in the railroads," here are some hard-pan facts to give him: American railroads have cost $80,900 a mile roadbed, structures, stations, yards, termin als, freight and passenger trains everything from the great city terminals to the last spike. A good concrete-and-asphalt highway costs $36,000 a mile just a bare road, not count ing the coit of culverts, bridges, etc. Our railroads couldn't be duplicated to day for $150,000 a mile. They are capitalized for only $71,000 a mile much less than their actual value. Seventy-one thousand dollars today will buy one locomotive. English railways are capitalized at $274,000 a mile; the French at $ 1 55,000; G erman $ 132,000; eve;i in Canada (still in pioneer development) they are capitalized at $67,000 a mile. The average for all foreign countries is $100,000. Low capitalization and high operating effici ency have enabled American Railroads to pay the highest wages while charging the lowest rates. Qfiis advertisement is published by the Association of Railway Gxecutives Tktil dtiirin inftrmatin nmtnint ' nilrtti litmlin mi) ri tiitra'nrt bj kiirmf to Tk$ Aiitcitlif f Rjilwi) iifii.-icci, tt UiMilmay, Pit Ytrt "Nearest to : everythinjtHtS ffl 1 Powell SL, at G'f arrtll San Franciscc In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious tir, lobby ,fineservice,and Homelike restaurant will attract you. ' European Plan rates $1.00 up. c . Masagtstest W. B. James Political Announcements Political Announcements. .$15 00 Political Display Adv. the in. !30 Cash must iiccoiiipiiny Older on all political iiilvc.i-tisint;. I'or District Attorney lielieviiiK that my mccessful man agement of the office of District Attorney has shown mo thor oughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson County in that capacity best, I announce my candidacy for re nomiiiatii'ii on the Republican ticket nt the May primaries. 0. M. HO HERTS. I hereby announce my candidacy for lioinin ilion on the republi can ticket for the office of Ilis trii ! Atlorroy. I f elected I pledge iuys"lf to an impartial enforcement of the law. P. P. FAItltEMi. 1'tir Sheriff I hereby announce myself a Re publican candidate for Sheriff of Jackson County, al the May primaries. Several years' ex perience in this line of woik. incliiilini; last s:ix months of 1!M!I In the tax collection de nur.ineiit, thoro'i'jlily qualifies me to administer the duties of tli ; ofi'ice in an efficient milli ner. JOHX li. WIMKK. T hereby announce my candidacy I'or re-nniniiiation for the office of Sheriff on the Republican ticket, subject to the May prim man.':!. I feel that my record as a public official rlurini; the first term entitles me to re nomination and ie-elec.tlon. C E. TEKRII.I,. Vol' Assessor hereby announce my candidacy for liie nomination for the of fice of County Assessor of Jack son County, subject to the wish es of the voters' of the Repub lican party at the primary elec tion of May 21st. J. B. COLEMAN. IX;(i-l l'OH HATCHING UKOW:.' I. lit! HORN ECC-S for hatch ins,'. Call 1II4U Ashland St., or phone 491-K. 82-4 Ol'AKDIA VS NOTICE OK SALE Ol- ItEAIi KSTATK. In the County Court of the State of Oregonr for Jackson County. . In the II itter of the Guardianship of Howard .Mcc.aH ana Martin aic Call, Minors: I'm-uieint tn lieptlce E-ranted bv Or der of the County Court of Jackson Count, Oregon, made and entered January 31st, 1920, in the matter of the guardianship .of Howard Mc- Call and Jlartin McCull, minors, me undersigned, will at his office, from and after .March 6th, 1920, proceed to sell, at private sale, to tho hiKhest bidder for cash in hand or such terms as said court may approve, and subject to the confirmation or said court, the following described real property situated in Jackson County, Oregon, belonging to the estate of said minors, to-wit: An undivided two-si xleenlhs (2-lii), 1-16 to each ward, interest in and to n tract of land containing ten acres more or less described as follows: Beginning at a point 134 j rods west und 17.26 rods north of the-southeast corner Of D. I. C. No 42 in Township 3!), south Range 2 east of Willamette Meridian, Ore eon: thPiico east 83 rods to corner; ' thence North lH.JS rods to corner: i thence West S3 rods to corner; thence south 19.28 rods to place of beginning; together with the nppur-l tennncei thereunto belonging, in-1 eluding water rights; situate in Jacksr :i County, Oregon, subject to curtesy right of Zenas Howard, sur viving husband of Famy Howard. Persons interested may inquire oi 0. F. Billings, Ashland, Oregon. Dated and first published Febru ary 4th, 1920. G. r. IH1,l,i.m;. Guardian of Howard McCall and 81-f.t-w Martin McCall. Minors. IX THE rOI'.XTY COt'ItT OF THE STATE OF OKEfiOX. Ft tit THE i COCNTV OE JACKSOX. JJ UcLJ U(j UCJ UU Ull UIJ uw mt SHoes Ladies' Lace and Button, up to size 6, $4.00 and $4.50 values Sale price 2.98 Ladies' Lace and Button Oxfords, sizes 2 to 4J, $3.00 and jq $4.00value3. Sale price tylrfJ Misses and Childrens' Lace and But ton Oxfords and Pumps, sizes up to 2i, values up to $2.50. (ti in Sale price tpl.47 Childrens' Pumps and Oxfords, sizes up to 10, $1.50 and $1.75 nn " Sale price .JO Each and every pair placed on sale are real values. Now i3 the time to stock up for the coming season. Shoes are high and are going to be higher. We are going to help you cut down the high cost of shoes. mm mm f .tli , (flt'iWW, 'fwi-T launBunsnuwM'o VAUPEL5 I QUALITY STORE Al.l, NEWOI I EHIXOS Because I advertise extensively, and make sales, new offerings come to inn daily, and from peoplo who have BOod ureeut rea sons to sell und want to sell I). idly. I liuvo sold every exclusive listing I have taken. Who's next? If my ad coi ains a listing that interests you, don't you think my office is the place to call for information? That's fair und square. Will be glad to show you around that's my business. No. 81 5-room houso, good con dition, splendid location near M. E. church on paved street, $1250. Terms No. 82 7-rooni bungalow, plas tered and on paved street, good location, lot 50x100. $1500. Terms. No. 83 Beautiful bungalow, 5 rooms, plastered nicely appoint ed, lot 100x175. Fruit and flowers. Above fiot and fog line, with furniture, $2000, without, $1800. Terms. No. 84 One of the most hand some home places In the city, on Boulevard, close in; nearly acre of fine land, worlds of fruit and shade: good 8-roum j modem house, ham, garage, etc.. Splendid value, $6000. Terms 1 Owner will take satisfactory smaller placo as part pay. No, incumbrance and none will be assumod. No. 85 5-room plastered house centrally located, one block from Boulevard, pretty surroundings, and locution, 60 foot front. $1800. Tonus. No. 86 6-room modern house, nicely located, east part of city; nearly aero land, variety of fruit for homo and some for market; chicken bouses and yards. $250. Easy payments. No. 87 4-room cottace furnished, lot 100x140, above fog and frost, nicely located. $1000. Terms. No. 8S S-room house, close in, 1 block from Boulevard, upper side; all modern, lot 50x140: garage, variety of fruit. $2650. No 273 IS acres garden and timber land faring on Lithla park, nice bungalow, 5 rooms with basement; fair barn. A bargain. $2500. Terms. No. 27 1 300 acre mountain ranch on main road, fair build ings. Alfalfa and timothy, pas ture and out range; well wa tered $8500. Terms. No. 275 787 acre mountain ranch, 200 acre3 in cultivation and alfalfa and timothy; whole tract under fence; 2 million feet good saw timber; good buildings, plenty water, .good out range. $20,000. Terms. No. 276 1 7 acres orchard and grain and timber, 10 acres good productive apple orchard, good house, fairly good barn, pack Ing house, etc ; Borne peaches and cherries; fine location; city water. $5200. No. 277 37 acres best kind ot alfalfa and grain land, good house and barn close to town, old family orchard, 10 trees commercial tipples. Elortrlc lights; electric range, washing machine, pumps; 7 head pure bred Shorthorn Derm; team and machinery. A real ranch. $10,-000 No. 278 20 acres orchard home, good buildinfis, near town, out of frost and fog zone; 200 de licious, 300 Newtowns, 150 Baldwins, Spitz and pcacher.; a money maker; throe to four thousand boxes of apples yearly. $15,000. Terms. No. 279 10 acres iu good or chard district; fair buildings; apples, pears, peaches and Eng lish walnuts. $2100. 1'OK EXCHANGE Two good farms In Washington valued at $1000 each. Will trade either or both for suitable Ashland property. In the Matter of the Estate of Sara Anderson Burrall .Deceased: j Notice is hereby given that the un-1 dersiened, Administratrix of the above entitled estate, has filed In the above entitled Court her final ac-1 count of the administration of said estate, ami that the Judge of said Court has fixed Saturday the 6th day of March, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Court room of said Court, at the Court House in Jacksonville. Oregon, as the time and place for bearing obleetinns thereto and the settlement thereof. LAURA V. STEELE. ' gl-5t-W Administratrix. , E3. 'ST. S5"37-.3PX-EIS ' Office: 63 Main Street, next door Ford Garage Phone 26 -iftV.i.UBi.-4ft (5w