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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
Wediunilny, Mui-ch 3, lttiJA ASHLAND EltLY TIDINGS PAGfi THKRF KIDNAPPER TAKEN BACK TO ROSEBURG Chief of Police J. W Hatcher ar rested u man by (lie mime of Walker luut Wednesday evening at the insti gation of u telephone niossiiKe from Sheriff Qnlne or ltosehuig. Walker, aero nl Inn to the story of the Doughs official, had had truuhle witli his wife in Missouri, and had taken liis little 9-year-old till and left the country. -A warrant had been bwoiii out by the wife, it is stated, uud the fugitive had been traced to Koxeburg, but he had left before the nheriff could act on It. Walker had gotten off train No. S3 and was in the act of nurchuHing u ticket to .Missouri when Chief Hatcher cuimlit him. II" wag detained hero until lust iiilit, when Deputy .Sheriff Dillard arrived from Kosekurg and took hi in back to Douglas county. The charge against t lie man, it was stated, was kidnapping his little girl. tinuu to be operated as the Medford) skill was unavailing to restore her. Auto Company at the same stand in 'Funeral arrangements will be made Medford, but many shop and service ! utter the relatives of the deceased improvements are being made. have been communicated with SA'ITKDAY'S XKW8 1 IUDAY'S N:WS Zenas Howard, a pioneer resident of Jackson county, died at his home near Ashland, Friday, February 2" He was 88 years old, ami his .-a!l, was due to his advanced age. Mr. Howard has been one of the familial ngures in juiksoii county tor man.1' years. He was a native of l'enii vl vania, being born in Lancaster conn ay in 18:12. After crossing the plains in 18C1, he lived for a year in Shasta county, Calif., alter which he came to the Regno Itiver valley and made his home here ever since ' I Il ls survived by seven children, who (ire: Jefferson Howard, .Mrs. .i. S. I'arker, Mis. H. A. Parker, C. II. Howard, Harvey Howard, all of Ash land; (i. W. Howard of Hornbrook , Calif , anil Walter Howard of KImi, ath Falls. Funeral services were held llii,, Saturday, afternoon at the Hill cem etery, Itev. A. (!. Edwards of the Methodist church, offiim'.ing. Mr. Howard's wife, who was Miss Famy Amick, and whom he married in Mahaska county, lowi, Junuaiy 2, 1&.15, died about four years auo. Marsficld will furnish a number of candidates for both the Scottish Itite and the Shrine at the reunion of Scottish Itite Masons and Shriners which will he held in Kugene March 6 and C. The Marshfield I'atrol and Marslifield Shrineis will bo present at the reunion, as well as Ashland's I'atrol of 1 ."i nor more who expert to be piesent on those dates Aeeoidin'-' to Frank .1. Hard ol Eugene, who has been over lo the coast country in the interests of the reunion, all that sec:on are (akin: much interest in the coming event and will send candidates and novice from North fiend, Klamath Falls, Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville and other points from the south will also send candidates for both the high er degrees of Scottish Kite Masonry and the Shrine. Caliph Orotto of Kugptie has ten dered its services to members of llil lah Temple, who will lead the Shrine novices over the hot sands. Mem bers of the Eastern Star will serve ns hostesses for the wives of Masons nttondlng the ceremonies. The public parade, with band, the Marshfield Arabic patrol and the pa trol from Hillah Temple, Ashland, Is scheduled for 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, March 6. Mrs. H. H. Leavitt is around again after an extended illness that has kept her in the house for some weeks. Chief Hitsoi has sold his interest In the Medford Auto Company to his former partner, John H. Denison, Mr. Hitson going out of the business the first of this week nnd Mr. Deni son assuming the entire management as sole owner. The business will con- NATURE'S MIRROR When a woman is well and heafthy there's a sparkle in her eyes, a rose tint in her cheeks, and she has rich red blood. There's elasticity in every movc- 3 ment and a spring in her step. Love comes to every woman who has boundine health but when she is pallid, dull eyed, languid, she has ' no magnetism nor uoes buu uppuai to any man. Rur-h a change in feelings and looks! After suffering pain, feeling ner vous, dizzy, weak and dragged down by weaknesses of her sex with eyes sunken, black circles and pulc checks such a woman ia Quickly restored to health by the Favorite Prescription of Dr. Pierce. Changed, too, in looks, for after taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription the skin becomes clear, the eyes brighter, the checks plump. It is purely vegetable, contains no alcohol. Druggists sell it in tablets or limiM. Nmd Dr. Pierre, Buffalo, Surprise Fait,,'. As Mrs. F H. Wulltcr was prepar ing her supper last uveniug, she was suddenly overwhelmed by u party of neighbors and friends, who walked Into her house, taKin this estimable lady completely by surprisn fn or der to feed the multitude pre. ent the visitors brought bjskets of good things to eat, and rrore"ded to pre pare u bounteous f last wnich wa.i shared by the husband.! of the wo men present. Mrs. Wert, wan also an honor guest, and h:d been In vited to call on Mm. Walker time, so she walked unsuspectingly into the trap set for her. About 30 wer present, and alter the dinner wero treated to s line excellent music on the violin and piano by Mr. Wal ler and daughter Helen, and Alisa Tlielma Hughes. The rest of the evening was spjnt with riiessing con tests and other dlvoiv.ioiH Not know ing anything anon'. -.he surprise lo her mother, Miss Helen Walker had invited a number of her friends In to spend the ewuiim, and tin: laiier also shared 'in: surprise when they found the large company already at the Walker hous i The funeral of Mrs "ahala W. Cal fee, w ho died at her home at 33:1 Ii. street, last Welnesday, was held this afternoon from the Dunkard church, with burial in Mountain View ceme tery. The deceased was Mi years of age Mrs. Sarah Davidson, a daugh ter, survives her. Lester liuck and James Newton, t lie champion "newsies" from tin; Ti dings office, are off duty today. Les ter has i;one to Hilts, f'alil.. to spend Saturday and Sunday, while .lane went out Willi Troop 2 ol the liny Scouts for a hike in t lie woods. Mrs. Saluave of Weed, who had been in Ashland for several months doing special nursing, died suddenly some time during la,t nUhi at the home of Walter MacAdai is on f : i-. ii- ite street, where she Wis oiiim;:. 1 ill taking care of Mr. MacAd: ms' a ,i mother. The death of S..'natn was quite sudden. She I'pred into an unconscious state, and mi'dinl Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Foster, who lately camo here from Los Angeles, have lakeu the north apartment in the Owen house on N'orlh Main street whore they will live duriir; their residenco here. Word was received In Ashland to day of the death of Mrs. i'earl llos kins, which occurred ill Klnniulh Falls Wednesday. Mrs, Hoskius was a well known Ashland Kill and was formerly Miss I'earl lioiviaii. Her family moved to Klamalh Falls sev- tt this Jears ago wnuro me young wom an was married Iiilluen.a was the cause of her death. Mrs. George Carey, who has been quite indisposed lor the past two weeks, Is much Improved and is ah! to bo about ugain. incuts. He tha water control which will be used for purposes n, preserving and improving the pas ture land. The tract embraces 2nil0 acres of land, practically all fenced in and is considered u Very valuable place for late summer and lall pas til raffl. M. M. Mom! iy Murray. Murray iivoived that hi:f nephew, had arrived In a I'delTICII Seidell A. Portland, Seidell A Murray 'nut '' n i'ie y (f serviee with the regulars, hi Inter was recked .I nuaiy p. in; . At I I and Picnic season in Ashland opened yesterday, F. binary 21 least on that date an automobile of people drove into the paik spread their supper on the ta bles near the camp grounds Whil this is considered in most pl .ee rather early for piiairs, yet in 1 1 1 - -shelter of the trees Hi,- weather yes terday was quite conifoitable for an out of door meal. Mrs, J. I,. Creeks left last night for her home at a ranch near Duns tiuiir. where she exp'-its to live dur ing the summer Sure Death to Corns 1 : -0, written noni Coblenz, Her-, many. He was with the Second 'I rand division. M. M. Murray is looking for bis nephew to come to Ashland soon and will he very glad to see him, as he is an Oregon hoy lo he proud of and has seen plenty of fighting, as lie was ill .Mexico dur ing the war there and was one of I iie lir-1 lo normally, and one of the I. st hark to the good old V. S. A. 0 Among the topics discussed at the meeting in llellevjew ye-tloi il;iy for the purpose of makiux iliv s forms, was thai of a community canning m - club being formed among the house wives of the district. The project was advanced by Miss Pool, the hum" demonstration agent, which, she claims, can be carried out to great advantage. According to her Ideas, a roiiiiuuinty canning outfit may be provided, to be used together, whei" the home cunning may be done on a large scale much more economical ly than as if each individual house hold carries on this work at home, cording to the demonstration agent, and one well worth looking into. Mrs. O C. Failing nnd baby of Vielta are guests in Ashland this week. They were accompanied here by Mrs. I.. A. Pederson, who re mained only a short time and re turned to her home. The project is a practical one. ac- IERMWS "Gets It" Makes 'Em Lose Their Grip and Lift Off Painlessly. The first thing "deta-It" doe wln-n It lands en a corn or ciillui In to emit! out tin pain. Then It shrivels the corn or cullus auti loosens It. U.S. Army Mr. and .V were guests Varbroiith i Drive. The is. Khriiurt of Portia his week of Mrs F. t her homo on See visitors wore on th .i i III hi; l V mini im, .' JJiW'i!.'!x. ism: : -y-i A oi-IC' X Are built on the celebrated Muiison last. First to make this lcsi famous the Herman way home from a three months' so inurn spent at the Hawaiian Islands. .1. .1 Chambers yesterday complet ed the sale of his llink Lake ranch to II. M. Horn of Hornbrook, Calif., who will u.-c it for a sunk Mr. Ileiu will lake os-essii.n of hi ; new purchase immediately, and pro poses to make extensive iinprove- Gea-tt'' Hprlla rinUk" for tsoon, It Is almost re.idy to fall off. You help It just a little, by lift. Init it ofr 'twlxt thumb and linger. You don't even feel It, because there ia no hurt left In It. .Milliuns have proved It (he cleanest, surest, eaf':st anil most pleasant metloxi. "Gets-It," the never failing, guar anteed money-back corn remover costs but a trifle at any drug sturo, Ml J by E, Luw ruuco Jc L'u.. ( Intuitu, n r,3 m m m m m m m m m m Wc DO Things for Everybody Without DOING Anybody Plumbing Heating Spouting Galvanized Iron Work General Repairing Sold ill A -' as the world MoXair liros. lid and liest co lllinellde 'liiedy I, shoe is known country wide You eniey your feet if Ihey're j ill Hermans. jijiJj rrr,nrli SIMPSON'S HARDWARE .Mic-nu ' fl,-"" r3fll m m m m m m m m ale' Si gj'J m m m NORTH MAIM STREET r hi is raraini ifji r, i)nirjiriain irji pa PP "i' ?$ rd:ji Iji Jl si i!; n ilL n & ji i!pi iLi i!L?j ii, ) yt'i ii; u. .tJ, :i :.. 'ij-.'iv.ilji'jc.'ij, -;irr;;;rr;i jjij, :.;pl m .ja-ili'ijil Cold in Head? Attend to it now. I'm Turpo, the only Turpentine ointment, in the nostrils, also on forehead, imse throat and chest. Hub ill well. Turpo TH! TUBPCNTINC OIHTMIMT Ask tor free sample. OI.FY'S Kit I (i STOIJK Hit IVU !??ri rrn frsn r Jj'ii. JikjbiJj ixr-nrri'ipn ir" s nifur.: pp ip rp " Ji ikJI UJUi iU iiul ikJi aJi a. ! ;ppnt r-xi r-in m fr-T Tir Tin fpri rrii T11! rT fpi rp? c-1" fp" I" 'nrpni A Helpful Seed Book ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS No wise seed buyer will think uf purchasing Ills re quirements without lirst ensu!tlnK iIim look. It tells positively of the "IiCST HCCIjs KOIl Tin; WOT.- Urini fill ot authentic Infoirmtlon and contalnlnif over 3IHI ntioto eiiKiavlims shriwlia; actual results t,,tn Lilly's S-.-eds. It is acknowlt-dti-d to ho the LHAUIMi vf)(Ti;ii. m:i;u iat.m.ou. uimi: con tm it lull I mm The Chas. II. Lilly Co. Seattle Yakima I'oitl.ind USED CAM New race U'ffrrr, lis?- -.i-.iAii 13 m m m T-l " m m m m 'it! iiin The best line oi Used Cars ever shown in Medford. Fords like new taken in on new ones will, slarler. One Paige Six Roadster, like new, $900 biggest buy you ever saw. See Our Cars Before Buying. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. -4 TANK- T YPE TRACTOR Medford, Oregon USED CARS MEDFORD Wc have a splendid assortment ot used cars, including such cars as the Buick, Chalmers, Chevrolet, Fords, Maxwells. These cars have been overhauled and arc in good mechanical condition. We will be pleascc to demonstrate and you will be pleased by our reasonable prices. mm. Medford, Oregon MEDFORD AUTO CO. MEDFORD, OREGON Franklin Buick Chevrolet While Trucks tl-.TOrIJI?7.nUE7lrnr f.i, lOu for trial pacuse. 1 1 III mB li'lUi Qflta Ml fa ia' mm,Am'lUu&mmmMJm'-i i