Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1925)
I At Applegate— Moore and Mickey Smith Can you do « 7 New Veters resolution No. 1. Xeedlved that t wtli have that long neglected photograph made at once. Stu dio Ashland. Blank Books, all Nhir Bros. Will Stop la Ashland— v Mr. France of Sacramento, Cal ifornia will stop over in Ashland for a few days visit with the J. W. Frazier family this week. Mr. France is bn his way from aa extended trip through the HafeelUng, Trimming, Shara- The poring. Dyeing; Facials. .Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s Store. 88-tf Phone 102. Cliff Payne makes drain boards. Returned Home— . Mrs. Jack Trammell, a patient at the Convalescent Home the past ten days, returned to hef home near Kingsbury Springs Sunday afternoon. _:__ __J Better elothes* for Panlserud's. less at 88-tf Calvin McClellan and Everett Mrs. 8. R. Jester, of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Randall CONVALESCENT HOMS: — spent Christmas day with Mr. returned yesterday from a few McCallan' spent Christmas with Have you a bad cold, rheuma and Mrs. Jack Beigel of Apple- days vi|it with her sisters at their mother, Mrs,. R. W. Hach, tism or neuritis? W e g iv e yon of this city. Eugene. ' gate. a good sweat, massage and vib rator treatment for 12.00, twelve WHY PAY RENT? Will, bnlld Supplies for the office— Me new home on .well located lot. Nair Bros, Easy terms. 558 Holly 8t.. Use Sulphur, Land Plaster and WANTBD: — Music pupils— Superphosphate Phone 817-L. 85-tf ttoice and piano. Studio, 182 For Hay, Orain and Bulbs Sherman St. Mrs. M. J. Wolcott. J. M. Harrell held No. 18, «03 Hot tub sulphur bajhq. Da] We can make you lntareettng ’ ’ - ‘ 100-1 m o? prices winning number on lamp at Jor or night at Jackson Hot Springs. FOR RENT: — Private sleep ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRO- dan Electric. 89-3 ing room. Phone 274J. From Marshfield— From Same V«jUcy— CONVALESCENT HOME: — Dr. Mattle B. ,8haw and son Mrs.' Rachael Perry and son We give cabinet baths, tab baths Joe of Sams Valley visited in Marvin have returned from or hot packs, according to need, Ashland with Mrs. Perry's niece, Marshfield, where they spent followed by -alcohol rube, mas Mrs. M. E. Randall, yesterday. Christinas day with Dr. H. M. sage and vibrator treatments for Shaw. «2.00, twelve for • |g8.8d. Walk upstairs to Orrea Tailor FOR SALE. — Five room mod Shop and save 218.88. 71-tf ern bungalow with sleeping porch and garage. 56 Pine St. Mrs. Our Butter Toasted sandwiches Sulphate of Ammonia aronnd Rinabarger. 100-4? are growing In popularity. Try Yonr Trees • one at The Flasa. 87-tf ~ We have a good supply. FOR RENT: — Housekeeping ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRO- apartments, 384 E&st Main. lOOtf DUCK ASSOCIATION At Rogne River— 8.8-1 Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Orubb FOR SALE:— 50 tons 1st cut and son met Mr. and Mrs. Jack* ting hay, 17.60, also few tons Beigel and son Billy, and Mr. In Portland— barley and oat hay; Mark True. and Mrs. Jimmy 41ysworth and Mrs. O. M. Frost and family Phone 14F8. ' 100-8* daughter at “High Banks” on are spending the Chrlstmap holi STENOGRAPHER WANTED: — Rogue River Sunday. They en days in Portland with relatives. Steady work for experienced per joyed a lovely picnic dinner and son. Briggs A Briggs, Attorneys. Have your Sunday dinner at 100-tf Martha's Dijmlg Roomr.—Ven Eat at Martha's dining room. dóme Hotel. 81-tf Vendóme Hotel. Open 8:00 a. INDICTMENT AGAINST m., to 0:00 p. m. 81-tl To Saa Francisco— WHEELER DISMISSED Mrs. Ted Lockhart left last Madden retreads tires. ’ WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.— (IP) evening for San Francisco to &—An indictment, charging mis New Vlctrola-Eleetrlc Records be with her husband, who has use of office against Senator been ill in the Southern Pacific Each Week Burton K. Wheeler, democrat of hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Montana, was dismissed today Lockhart * will return home To Portland__________________ ’by Justice Jennings Bally of G. A. Briscoe left Sunday night Thursday. District ot Columbia court for Portland to attend the State appeals. Teachers Association meeting tc In Fort Klsiwath--- At the Vining Wednesday and be held there. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Crandall Thursday. : FOR SURETY bonds see J. L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. LET J. L. Ketch write yonr automobile Insurance. 71-tf enjoyed a very pleasant trip to Fort Klamath over Christmas and the week end. They visited with the T. R. Nicholson family of Fort Klamath. Improviag— GOAL MEN MEET TO AFFECT AGREEMENT Trinity GnOd wUl All-rite butter toasted sand chicken dinner New Yean day wiches— very popular—Nlnlng- from 6 to 7 at the Parish Hones. er’s Fountain Service. 88-tf 75 cents a plats. 180-2 Ranting a specialty. List yqur hones with R. IS A A C CO — * Returned Ho m e finishing today Mr. and Mn. T. M. Ander son returned home yesterday from Kerby, Oregon, where they spent the Christmas holidays. Winter Ready-to-Wear We specialise in office supplies and equipment— Elhants. Home made Chill Brims and Hot Tamalea.—Nlalsger’s Foun tain Service. 81-tf WN-TINTIN cTho Wondtr Dog- I n "TRACKED tette SNOW COUNTRY* fcrmed jg fenosmUymakar XeMatti Mpywtliy cam InotudM- JUNE MARLOWE D A V ID B U T L E R z MITCHELL LEW IS CHARLE 8 SELLO N PRINCE j SSL B A Äaryky- Idward SUsghav Wednesday — Thursday FOR LONDON— A firm of elothlerc here has received aa order which will be difficult to fill. A customer who is 101 years of age has placed an «order for a suit of “light quality cloth that will last 10 years." x Waplnitia — 80 carloads bogs shipped this year. Sherwood — City celebrates completion of paved street pro gram. ; , ; YOU a New Year’s D IN N E R or any other feast during the holidays, 4 4 • ’ J we w ill have the best that the market Is Your House X Wired For I affords. Protection? PHONfc US FOR SUGGESTIONS. Possibly a few dollars spent in re-wiring your house would be a sound investment. THE EAGLE MARKET We Deliver Thank You Murphy Electric Shop We wish to remark on the respect shown us by the people of this city. During.the time o f sorrow of their friends and neighbors, the citizens always allow the funeral cortege to pass without cutting through. We know that it means a delay to those who wait for a few momenta,-It is gratifying to have thia jeflpfifit shown us- We wish to thank you, one and all Is its own Reward Pleasure gained by serv ing all clients alike, as courteously and complete ly as possible, rewards this agency adequately for the effort required. Keen enjoyment results from a day’s duty well done- J. P. Dodge & Sons r Funeral Directors IF YOU HAVE COUPON TICKET NO. 09526, Policyholders reward the ef forts of this agency by placing all their business here and re- zommendlng this office to their friends. Onr customers are convinced of the benefits re vived from Service. YOU ARE THE LUCKY ONE This is the number on shot gun, given away at Local Agency of Th« Hartford Fire Insurance Company ARM Y GQ0ÖS STORE Biggest little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel — Open Evenings Coats Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brady re turned yesterday from San Fran- ctscoi where they spent the hot- days with relatives. NOTICE The Scandinavian Society of Southern Oregon will hold Ite annual mid winter Festival New Years eve at the Grange Hall Just west of Grants Paas, Oregon. All of Its members end all that wish to become melnbers are cordially invited. T. J. BRTNKERHOFF, Secy. Subscribo Por The Tidings. bava been very ill At the home & High Quality at a Low Price "Charlee B. Neal, supervisor of the Umpqua national forest at Roseburg and formerly at the Mt. Hood national forest office here, was a week end visitor In .town, talking things over with his former associates In the United States forest service,'* says the Portland Journal. “Twenty five new lots have been laid out in the Diamond lake sections ot the Umpqua for est as sites for summer resort homes, Mr. Neal announced, and almost all have’ been applied for. “Diamond Lake is extremely popular' with vacationists,’* the supervisor said, ‘and especially so with Californians. Over half Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rasor, who ot Mrs. Robert Casey on Allison NEW YORK,'Dec. 28. — (IP) street, are Improving. J - A joint conference of coal mine owners and operators to selle protected tires. Springfield —w Tbrpe carloads 18-tt From Portland— attempt the negetlation of -an — M ft - L - F Reader has retara agvesm ea t i endin g—t he a at hsa- eepert to Office supplies— Elharts Book ed from a two weeks vacation cite coal strike, opened behind, England. Mrs. Sarah A. Say, of Payette, Store. spent In Portland and other closed doors at the Union League Idaho, le again a guest at the Club this afternoon. Subscribe For The Tidings. pointe north. Convaleecent Home. Although an octogenarian | Mrs. Say spends George Jenkins, of B street, most of her time traveling. who has been suffering with an attack of the flu, Is reported as Improving, hht is still confined to his home. E. the vuwmvr colony which yearly resides at the lake la made up of our aonthern neighbors who come to Oregon with the lake as their objective. , “ *We now have 6# lota de voted to summer home uae there, and the California-Oregon Power company, Medford, has announc ed that It will take five acres for a large aupimer home where their employes may spend their vacations.* * Supervisor Says Diamond Lake is Very Popular Thia ticket la good until 12 o'clock New Year's evening. Then No. 0M1B will run for three days. Then No. OH46H. Don’t throw yonr tickets away anti! some one has the gun. REDUCED 1-3 to 1-2 Extra Size Garments inbluded in this Clearance Blankets REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS BLANKETS Heavy Cottons WOOL DRESSES Cotton Wool - - *................................. $5.90 made of Charmeen, Twills, Flannel all Reduced A ll wool ones at < , ‘ > • - - • - - - - $10.00 and up V * ’ ‘ The Best in the Land for the Price SILK DRESSES From a south-seas island tame, beantifnl as a lyw itA fte lQ M o f the 8 as-her terrible pro- , Amid soenea of gor- rieoui tropic splendor is un- 3 in this Clearance Sale PRICED NOW $7.50 $12.95 $14.95 $19.75 Regular Value up to $32.50 BUY THEM HERE FOR LESS '