Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1925)
M r. and Mrs. C._ I. Porter re turned yesterday morning from gpokana where they spent «bout ten days on n pleasure trip. They also tisltea w ith th e ir son wboi Mrs. Jesse Sands of. H ilt, Cali fornia was a shopping visitor in Ashland Saturday. • C H R ISTM A S S P EC IA L S Marcels, >5.00 Attractive coupon g ift books. (Lim ited number of books.) The Vanity Shoppe McOee's Store. phone 108 , O. E . « . Stated Communication Alpha Chapter, No. 1, O. E. S. tomor row (Tuesday), December 15 at 7:80 p. m. Initiation. Visitor» welcome. The Installation of o ffic e r s h a s been p o stp o n e d u n til Monday evening, December >1. By order of the Worthy Matron. L E A H M. C A LD W ELL, Ssc’y. R. W . Price left today, for Portland where he w ill to for several days on business. L E T J. L. Ketch w rite your automobile Insurance. 71-tt Madden retreads Urea. 58-tf •A good Siskiyou county farm to trade for Ashland property. B . T . KTAPLB8 A t same old stand Hotel Ashland. 88-3 Just received Nero Navajo H a t and Scarf sets for winter nt Mrs. H . Simons, 2« S. Pioneer Tea set« màke finn glfte.— Darllng's A rt Sture. 81-tf Perfume bottina, >1.40,— Kl- harte. Havs your, hroken. «tedows reps ir ed. Larga stock o t gin n an band. Jordan Saab and Cab- tast Works. Pitone 111. 86-tf Hero B atu d ay—* . James B la ir was a visitor in Ashland^ Saturday from Weed, California. Our line of g ift boxen are d iffe re n t— Darlings A rt «toce. 81-tf CnU 180 for poweU’s famous apple older and we deliver. 18-1 mo. 60 per cent reduction in glass ware.— Holmes* —__L2_:----- j ------ Mrs. Elm er Bryan and three children Ibft today fe r Doris for a few days on business. , Toilet water tor gifts, >1.00 hottie.— E lh a rt’s. Come to Bellview, Dee. 18 and help boost the Community Honse. 0 1 f t ' eats for men.— McNair A. C. Anderson spent Sunday Bros, w ith his father T. M . Anderson A f it guaranteed. I t costs no nt Hungry Creek. mors. P s n lto n id 'i tor suits and Guaranteed delivery ot Per over costs. 86-tf sonal Engraved Xmas cards at M oved— " . Elbert's. E . B. Brining baa moved from or night nt Jackson H e t Springs. • 88-tf Remington, model 10, pump abet gna. 18 Stogo. given 86 Union Street to DoVis, Calif. B o x es filled from yoar selec tion from stock at Candyland. Roy craft copperwnro.— Darlings A rt Store. . , 8 f-tf Renting a specialty. . L ist your honse w ith ASHLAND BMAIZTY CO. F or Sale— M. f . Linseed barrels. Swenalag A Gear, Bros. Complete line of 88-tf Christmas candi«« nt The Plnsn Confec tionery, 1 0c per lh., and up. 87-H H ere Last Night — A. T. A ran t' ot M yrtle Point spent last night lh Ashland on his way to Grenada on business. Gifts tor all-— D arling’s A rt Store? 81-tf plays In the “ Strollers Orchestra” jVe are going to.nee the Boton fam ily aboard ttm P o dfin k U n i t ed. B ert TOpipaB— F a rm e r Boggs; ' Minnie Barron—-Mrs. Boggs; F red Home»— The lrfe - aponelhle Tommy; Helen Johuaoa — L ittle M ary, nt Bellview school December. I I , nt I o'clock. E L K S TO « P E N D « 8 0 0 ' ON X M A S C H A R IT Y W O feft Styleplus clothes nt Paulaer- ud's. Our suits are guaranteed.! ’ $ 5 -tf (Continnsd trom pa« Ottici W alk upstairs to Orrea Tailo r Shop and cava >10.00. 7>-4f case w ilt to brought to th e at Smart new models in topcoats., tention o f a member o t one of Paulssrnd's. > 5 -tfi W )th each 50c sale we a re ' these committee» fo r investiga tion. Thin w ill prevent dnpHca giving coupon tickets, good on I tions,, and also nsenre only the >75.00 la prises given away.— needy families obtain relief. 88-1 Army Goode Store, structlon. work - w ill • t o started during the current -fleonl year on two fleet submarines, two light cruisers., and rtx river gunboats for duty in Ching. The battleships Texas and A r kansas anfi Florida . aye being modernised, and three others w ill be added. - • “On account of the expense In volved," the report .stated, /'t h e material work on the veesels of the fleet has been confined chief ly to repairs. - and I t kas been necessary to lim it the authorised alterations and *lmprovemehts to those for which special allotments of funds were made. As a gener al result the material condition of' Use Snlphnr, Land Plaster and Hero YustelMBj ' Chnrtee ;R . Ountker of P o rt Superphosphate " * " land was a-visitor In Ashland yes For Hay, Grain and Bulbs W e earn make you interesting terday afternoon and last n ig h t 84-tf C liff-P a y n e -m ak es hall tree«. dio Ashland. Now is tha time to have that B nt at, Martha's dining roon,. mdome B étel. Open 8:00 fi. portrait mads.— Darling's Studio. 8 1-tf to 0:00 ». OÍ. 8 1-tf Accepted Foeltle»— F ran k -Hamilton has accepted a position In the F irst National Bank. Buslnees Visitor— H. C.. Menchem o f T ra il was In Aahlnnd today on business. Higher food prises and deplet ed w ar stocks of clothing wiH In-, ershse expenditures next year, ac cording to the report, although th e .ra tio n cost, for .(hie. year In creased only four percent com pared w ith the nation-wide in crease food prices of IB percent. Reporting on new .construction, W llffur said the a ircraft carrier« Saratoga and Lexington would be To OhUoquto— completed by the end o f 1888, W illia m Grenbemer and 8. K. and the submarine tender H ol Barnes were among the Modern land • by next spring. Besides Woodmen who motored to Chilo other auxiliary craft under con- quin Saturday evening to organ ise a lodge there. Twenty two beneficiary candidates wars taken characteristics. of «five been achieved during proeent year, and It la hoped that before the conclusion of next year -okf fixpeMmenlg w ill result l o g (a « il bettpc.lype of plane." ^ Ì u P/ j F-RV1 C 0 ) « P / y V s h h u & s • p c ^ r s bfr ries l/f lh K ll/O T O /i r « F E s TO P P E N i S H W A ;> H f - the J W fighting and observation planes abeyance.” While doing your Xmas shopping, have that Oar Sarrioed • at the Lithia Springs Garage What to give? How much must I pay? Where to bpy? OF THE XMAS SHOPPER ARE ANSWJERED FOR YOU HEBE. Just a few Suggestions Smoker’s stands in Mahogany pr Polychrome finish . ?..$2.50 Cigarette and Cigar Holders «nd Pipe s e t s ..................$6.00 Stick Pins In white gold or platinum, plain or cut-diamond set. Many pobby designs. Gen Leather Wallets $1 to $6 Console sets, vases, rose bowls, Bridge and night sets in the latest colored glass effects. A complete line of hand painted and gold decorated china. She Want# a Diamond Buying the Cut Glass Cream and Sugar $1.50 "ring A*11 rely - absolutely on our Judgment of q u a lU rf1’ . . Glass Candle Sticks $1.50 pair. W rist Watches We don’t only wish you a Merry Xmas, we make i t Don’t forget the free grab and chance on a diamond ring with every $5.00 purchase. They are going big. , , , .C h a s. f l. t d h i t e ' ( UNDER’S BLOCK . a m o CLUB SUPPER . IS'SA ID POSTPONED Mrs. Gordon MscCracksn, prest. dsut of the Women's Civic Club, announced today that the cov ered dish supper, scheduled for Tuesday, had been postponed un t il after tha holidays. There w ill he no club meeting on Tuesday, Mrs. MacCracken said, but the executive board w ill meet at two o'clock, la the ot- fiee of the club rooms. The Three Great Questions Gold Filled Knife and Chain “WILD, WILD, SUSAN” > . . , .See the Phantom,.. with ^ts tremendous east of thousands . . . . . marvelous The cry rang ont from a settings. ...^beautiful women thonsand threats — then all .......and the wildest, weird- w m silent! Lights grew dim 1 eat most wonderful story r . . . strong men turned oo.w” pver thrown upon any screen. «id s...... beautiful women grew fa in t.. . • what did the phantom eeekf Who was hef ADMISSION .Why did thousands fear him. 1 Ohildrea Sto Adulta 60e “ The fo r the carrier» «eye been e to tled and these .planes- y 111 poon be under construction. I t la tor llered th a t In a ll types of copibat- ant planes very definite results Returned H o m e - the ships in and ont of commission Dr. McFadden has returned to M A N Y ROADS OOM PLETHD B Y S E R V IC E D E F Y . as a whole, has been somewhat his home in Talent after a five improved, but many alterations (Continued from Page One) weeks visit in Los Angeles and of m ilitary value are held in San Diego.. , into a first class mountain road. W llhar's summary of naval a ir A musical treat— the Ortho- A road from Fish lake ending in craft plank follolws: i phonic .Victrola.— The Rose. the vicinity ot F o u r B it creek Mrs. Ambrose of 5,08 F a ir- was -also completed. view w ill entertain the M . E. A tra il, seven miles long, from Aid Society, Wednesday after Lamb's mine to McDonald Gap, A B $ A L B O Y , If taken- a t noon, Dec. 18. < A ll are cordially around the south, and of Ashlapd once, 1924 M a x w e ll, Sedan.— invited. mountain, was made and 28 miles Llthla Springs gnjfnga, , 88-4 C lift Payne makes stands. on this tHbntartea- ot tiro North Books for children.— Darlings Fork d l Rogue r t to r F em com F O R H E N W P n r tl; ly furnished A rt Store. 8 1 -tf’ pleted. . E igh t .and onâ-foùvth three - room house, <7« ,B St. 20 per cent reduction on to miles of new tra il on the south '88-8 Phone i n - Y . ’ ' ’ bacco. Save a little, buy it of and middle forks of the same Woods.— 875 E. Main. FOR S A LE— Becqpd band river furnishes a much needâf 88-eod-tf doors and windows w ith frames patrol route to a hitherto Inac if desired. - Also other build«» ~ Hunting — c e s s ib le region.- Ten miles were Fred Taylor, H a rry McNair and mstsrisl. Qajl nt 851 Avery at., built near the Lake of the Woods Bert M atters, le ft last evening or address « . J. A rgnt, .Ashland into a country o f many scenic to enjoy a duck hunt nt- K lam attractions as w ell ns tim ber re* ath Falls. sources. Thirteen miles wore F E M A L E H elp wanted — a Fins Stationery In g ift boxen. completed on the K lam ath side woman o f business a b ility to — M cNair Bros. of the Cascade divide near the take up w e ll’established business. Vietor records the beet Crater Lake National park. Thia Address Bex 880. Medford. Christmas gift.— The Boas. —. r - - -------- -- <8-1 mo. tra il, when completed, is to Join, Oar Butter Toasted sandwiches the middle fork ot the Rogue are growing la popularity. T ry W A N T E D — Sm all set of books trail. one nt The Plaea. , 8 7 -tf to keep'evenings^ F . J. Leonard ’ « standard lookout house, two W h y do y o u . pay Sawing Ma 800 Liberty St. . 88-8« stories and glass enclosed, was chine Agent» from >180 to >180 erected on Herschberger moun IN V E S T « 1,000 and keep busy tor sewing machines, when >on tain and Is expected to be of g this w in te r .. My garage fo r sale. oan get the W h ite hers to r >88. Em il Pell. .. 8 8-tf raine In fire detection In thé t t- r Account of other Interests. Bulld- per Rogue R iver district. The lug rents > per month. W rite material was packed by mutes Box X Y Z J « Tidings. 88-8 Jack W hitney of K lam ath Falls over a tra il tor a distance of up- —— — •—» was a visitor in Ashland yester- proxlmstely 10 miles. A log cabin fo r the use o t the fire guard at Union creek was also 8 7-tf completed. The' cabin was erect FO R R E N T — 5 room FO R MOBB AND B B TT H B ed by the guard and the logs Were with bath- gatage, chicken cut In the vicinity. CROPS , and > • * « ., Also garden. During the spring and fall, two 178 -/dkidtnòrik in filtro Sulphate ot Ammonia around creWs of laborers were engaged Tone Trnsn W a have a good »apply? in maintaining several hundred ASHLAND F R U IT A N D fR O - miles of road w hile two gfldt. * DFCH ASSOCIATION ' tlotaal crews' worked on trull 88-1 Me. maintenance. Maintenance work, It I t u n d e r sto o d , , was unusually A r t Wilson o f Talent was a heavy this year because of the Shopping visitor la Ashland Snt- windfalls from heavy wind storms nrday. of last winter. Coffee w ith real cream served at Nlnlngere. 7 4-tt UL m W Ä L L W IT H " ' ' A ll onr confections horns made N A V Y , BAYS W IL B UR end fresh dally n t Cnndylnnd; «..i..- -• ' \ Crystallise tob y ways, child (Continued From 'Page OneX hood, youth lu a portrait.— Stu rnn8Hnra tonight BEBE DANIELS “ Tfie bureau of aeronautics during the year ha« continued de velopment work in an effort to produce a threetorvlce .plane available for the new aircraft eer ier». T rials have been; made of such planes and the bureau re ports that by the first of Decem ber it w ill be in 'a position to de termine definltelly the exaet char- acterlsUcs o f th is'ty p e of plane to be manufactured tor the air craft carriers. .. A LOT OF‘ YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SHOULD BE FINISH ED THIS WEEK. Beautiful Beaded Bags from Belgium $2.95 to $9.75 Silk Umbrellas $4.45 to $11.50 I,‘ i- Allen A Silk H om $1.50 to $2.45 U n d e r a r m styles in Kid Gloves 91.95 to $5.00 Keyser Slipper Heel Bilk Hose V $ 1 .9 8 -1 X 2 5 Modern eqntpmeat. Prices r ig h t i 14-honr service. W e invite your patronage. MAKE IT AS EASY AS YOU CAN BY SELECT ING GIFTS FOR WOMEN AT Miller’s Toggery MHab>a-dash-InnM V i