Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1925)
H ♦ Al Hu ' ▲ goodly -, 4 The next meeting *111 be In the second Friday at the usual hour. Jaanaty, number t a n O. A. arsione, inarch r l é than ë l t chnpgod to & n k mothers Wsto fradMA utfle e tq h a M tSh N I n a two groups, o f high tohF w f f i S k a , we Xall received. A dditional Bovlety X tteetjng, a o a t the eighth bt December at the home o f Mrs. Frasier on N orth M ain .treat. Mrs. MUe -Galbraith waa A fte r the business meeting, toss , a t a daUghtfni.4l*M t a Which included our adherence tot, at «high um eompnmeated s the W orld Court In the minutes wan her father. F h lU fc J . f t o f ' 9 » pretlqss meeting, the .The funstion aommgmef iyogram «up tgrned over to that Ms eight» eevogth > f r t t chairman of the mothers’ meet- which oqcayrpd Tuesday^ D h lag M r * . Frasier» bar the eighth. W n g « W 1 Xn excellent program on ■ ad at six o’clock, w ith covers “ Motherhood" wao rendered. tor the foliowing guests: Mr. Two find papers ware furnished Wa.- W B n d K » f< W a. ■> by Mrs. B. L . Powell and Mrs. the honored guest, M r, K t 1 : <L Mergier. The th ird was and the hostess. Mrs. Oaibi a carefully arranged and splrlt- and her son Harry. W ' . W privato bath, heated. Algo sleeping itd u Apartments, to BOB fÜ B ÍÍ$ --> nicely fe ra la C ad rooms and kKelenetto. Hdi and cold water, and gas plate. I l l Laurel. AU» fdrnlaked house. >4-tf pleasantly BP®4 , friends, non^ enjoying It M gg, than the one whpse birthday was celebrated so-happily. Lodle. Aid Meet»—. p .. The Ladles X ft of the BraeBh tartan chu rib held its nstau in the Juh^or roojp. T here were the m ajo r|ty of the members present to go an w ith Auxlllary to T rin ity Guild Meets the w ork planned. Mrs. N. 8. Simpkins end Mrs. • • * 3. R. Edwards a rt h ostesses at Lithiaas E n te rta in ; A t the social evening of Auxiliary Suoccesful Function— • One O e most aUrsctlve aftd to Trin ity Guild, which moots Wednesday evening, December successful affairs ever given by the bithtans occurred Wednes the sixteenth. Cards w ill f iynlsh entertain day evening of last week, too ment. No doubt many w ill into fo r pubUcation In T h u n - bring ' their Christmas needle- day.g work. - This function wáÁ given Refreshments are served as Qj thorn recently to a pleasant close by the hostesses rl^ j i t h .tr m entorship. 4 In charge. complimented guests ' being meeting famous free to b heating atove. 163 Union ÖJtfJ». S A L * — Boar FOR B. 3. Nutter, ¿TB4. pigs. Cal’ « -> * good rupher. Terme. Inquire L ith ia Springs Oarage. H a lf block Booth UUÜA »pringo Ho tel. A ' »Î-« Wood, Fashing, irfi. f c n r t i o t FÓR ÌU L B —^ g s . pise. 1 M " •B Leonard Qerthuya, T sisttt . or call l i t and read' much about this f a mous Rice Ruptufe Method and the woaderful cures sands have reported from It. New, you have the chance to find out a ll about it— *e have It personally applied to yoUr o«m rnptnre and learn just What Jt can and w ill do tr» YOUR OW N case. Just call at tba hotel and thia Expert w ill give you bis personal attentioh, best advice and* complete d«moB- stratlon entirely free. Granite lt-t« heating stoves from 11.00 to «10.00. Bugle Braas Foundry 140 Oberlin Bt. »0-1 mo.* FOB g, coaling, Ufa a but- hen H B B » e t o act. eases, train- ml direction ahd Mrg t . Jackson, lam», N . and upg Y oudgaad amoas R ,l« a aa M r»„D a n K s y hto Mathon. w a r, latrt fn r n e j * * ^ ’" “ M t 'a h e hundred at ah elaborate t neaday and QO«t aefvsd k at ’ the L ll and 17, to gprfngs $otel. V, D. Miller 1 nation and gided ag toast master. T1 tad painless wh0 rM pondad 'iff. the ; elgvi »<-r Medford «veqiaaa- Phone 1 « son officiated ng the e e w u R i t Dr. R , la f u r d lq WS* best beat mag and M r. and Mr* O Jackson * « u bride and groom. This occasioned meek ^ e n > ment as did many an qther btt of 1 «. tb»t had blase. to thn W gram of jo llity and dancing which rounded e a t an evening, conceded by all present to be one of the moat delightful at the many delightful ones gtvsto by this organisation. An Innovation thia evening however «as tba privilege ex tended tba membership a t la- vltlng another couple to enjoy with them the pleasant affair. Those oh th« committee ar ranging thia successful banquet' and dancing party warn the Messrs. M illard Qrubb, Jack Ed wards, W . M. Briggs» V . If. Mills, 0 . A. Robertson and Cap tain C. A. Malone. Much credit is due this com mit tee for Its suocessfql ae- complishmeat^ 8 A I B - Two y to r eld P A IN T IN G A N D T IN T IN G grape vlaaa.; Tohaya aad other I t you' appreciate a O ne dam varieties. Edwin P. Hughes. Job of painting or tinting figure Talent. S0-1 mo.* w ith 8 W B N W N O A G EAR , the Dependable PataMtog Oowtractors. BUŸ MT Corser Pkoae « 1 I-B . «1-1 too. Beach St. t|-l W ANTW D— Mao on ranch to do chorea and eat wood. Apply 31« Almond St. S«-tf N EW M A N d Advisor Uhristlan of Portland, S Circles Wednesdays, and Snnday» J p. m. Fridays i i ../» i ■ «■» »s. i ■. 1x5 nsed tfre. AUo for a Cadillac, m geno and sum m ering Mountain. Oregon. W illiam Bfigge, JR R. fedwarde, Hsnry Baders and H h l< M 4N s lr. No banquet • program .B com plete w ithout music, a n d -a spo- ciai aaxtotte, sung > y ‘ the 4 newly weds, directed by Dsn Kay^ w ith Mrs. R. L . Bardic s i,th e piano» brought enthusiastic applause. The number wus the *!®»’ popu lar “ Home sw eet Home.” An especial courtesy wee' ex tended the complimented guestil by M r. R. W . Price, who In vited them to be bis guests a t his New Y e a r’s Bvs Dinner and; dance at the L ith ia Springs ho tel. . A fte r the banquet, guests sd-l jonrned to the 3apgneae Gar dens at Memorial H all. Aa an ’ R e d , W A to fy ¿ y e s You w ill ' be astpnlshed at, the qntsK reaultq ttom sito pie camphor, witchhasql, hydrastls,' H m m « !» r s i s t ote., aa mixed in tavojM lk eye prgyata. , storage and long even operations have failed. I t waab, one smaii bottle Lav^j la modern. up-to-the-minute, distance baultag. abreast of tba latest scientific optik helps any case eora, or watery eyaa. Bye cup free. developments. I t Is the one McNair Bros., Druggist*. Rttpture Method you are not isked to take on faith alone— • the one Method that Is positively demonstrated to you rig h t ofl yonr own rupture, without any charge whatever. Boq't let thia g re it opportunity Notica is hersby given that get away from you. Your call the undersigned has been duly appointed 'k d g iln ls tra trlx of the on the Rice Expert Is sure to Estate ’Of James F. Denham. prove one of the best things you ever did. H e w ill he there only Deceased, and a ll persons having gj,tate w a Two days then yonr opportunity, Remember, you nt them with w ill bb gone. required to« do not spend a penny unless, w ith in six progef T<” * after having a complete demob- date, to L. A. atratiOB' you decide this Is the iy for said M e th o d 'fo r you, and you— foil alone— are 'the sole Judge 6t tima &nn linber 7. 1935. GORA D E N H A M , A dm inistratrix. 8 8 -4 Mon >1-9 FANTwh-Mfubacrlption solic- ; permanent if yon bring re- g. Apply Tidings office, land: 98«if ceased, claims ai Phen 'A, Hawks. De b it persopa having attendance at H. », 0#m to and enjoy. The dirla áre taxions tor ever# «od interested in High school to be »resent Brida# night r t the »fSMhtntlon of their p#d- ¿ ■ ' • 'J Thil H rtnighfiy Bridge W il met Saturday evening, with ftrs. W aiter Bevington ea hosted», frw lig to t t e fact (hat h hum her of tba Membership d e n out of town but two tablee 61 bridge were played. A moat delightful ttio-eouM« luncheon served b# the boSte« b fo ttttt to a close a very happj Those present wero Mrs. O. W . Long, lir a . A. Oyfud Mrs. 3. R. McRae. MTÎ. Btonh Mer rill, Mrs. H . F. G illette. W rU C. W . W lnfle, Mrs. O. W . Hod- burg. and t i e hostess, Mrs. Bov- E A Desk WALNUT - MAHOGANY WICK furniture CO. JUST A FEW DAYS UNTIL XMAS SO VOuA 8XOTHM0 MOW ,We have a fine Hue of practical and uaaful gif,ts and you get coupon tickets with each 50c sale giving away Betnington Pump Shot Gun. lngtob, LsODB gW-ntw, first prisa ahd Hts. C. H . Had berg consolation In tba garni Played. Trtto ty Guild Thursday of this week Trin ity t u n a holds ____ w Its social afternoon^ . There w ill htf pleasant plans foi tiie afternoon. A food sale II also held the shmo afternoon probably In the roodt ferm arli occuplsa by MTS. S u p r» M illiner] store. Announcement w ill fi made later however as to plac« The Basaar and Food Saia ■plveh | ÿ W â ^Hlda M t t * 8 * Clal Circle waa an unqualified success netting the organisation a good’ly sum. The room where It was held e ¡,5 ; T T a was a bower ol loveliness, and A looked as if tbs ladles wato held lie medtlag last Bridai tin’s own assistants, from the oust and vaMety of the er a s suiUble for gifts which b i gtere o vs*«»»'-— displayed. < j ip Booths had been arranged to h eld the gifts, which had been augmented by articles sent from gUamath Falla and other places and many hours had been spent In decoration— the result being a u tifu l display room. On one ( of Which were the articles a— Christmas gifts and on the A Complete Lfne of «that* the food for aale. Early In the evening everything dls- » lated had been eold. There Oppolite New Hotel — Open Evenings lately demonstrated here by Mrs. Humphrey Also Crown Feeds BABCOCK’S GIFT shop RE a ■ Christmas Gilt Stationery FOB «HIM» . loose His Gift from Use- i . things- The kind of fts men really warit. WHY NOT Oeser’s Ashland Service Station WE HAVE SOME tire bargains also a large assortment of beautiful a. Got ow prices before buying. Christmti Cards Hand-operated -Starter Switch (or your Ford Let U t Explain It. KANT - KICK tHIB IB 1 0 O O T 1 O D FLAG BTATION "Distinctive Bl Discriminating DB. W. OÉBER, Prop» A Vacuum Bottle Parker Fountain Pen , Gillette Razor CESALE CARS! . Big Ben Clock la th is Springs Pharmacy ■. Vhott Iti TXSSX (M IS À U snoOM BmoM SD AMD O VASAM W » e Wai PordTouring . . . . . >100-0 j I»s syyt»»» ISA ««M a a n» IMS Vord Tomin» SCOOTERS Call any time from • to 18 m., 1 to 6 p. m‘. or 7 to evening. Simply aak at the he desk for the Rice Expert J he w ill do the rest. Don’| m seeing tyis Rich E xp ert.* ; i INCH WHEELS AND, WM. 8. BJCB, Inc. Adam -, N. (minted , Estate o f and the home Small • 8«ddl08 for e nsadv fo r the firs t «*< ■ and fencing. I h ate a f< te »owing M a c h in e 1« '. W ill doso thorn ont I 0« s w «, at Hardware Winchester Stere ~e Cleveland Touring, Nash Tow ing, Btovèns Teufislg, at Sale Prices,