Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1925)
O rtta» Historical •• A uditorial ‘f. Newspaper <F«r Neariir Wire Servies) o Leave Chicago Judge Would Repeal Volstead Act It A ch ICA ò T “^ > 37- Judge F A. Davie of foe" municipal 0>urt yesterday stated frdm the bench 'that if *8e prohibition lUwe wore enforced 75 per cent .of Chicago’s MOP.OOO persons Would 8 he io Jail, that the Jegta- 8 tutors responsible for the 8 condition pre hypocrites 8 and later stated here- 8 after he would publicly 8 advocate repeal of the 8 Volstead act. 8 “Let us either have A T H iN B , OoC 37— <U. P . ) _ 8 prohibition or fra a k l/ ad- Gtoeee has defluttety ordered 8 mMf that it Is a serious her troops to. evacuate Bul 8 mistake and can not and garia, In accordance with the it will not bo enforced," rulings of the League of Na tions council’ 4 Tho Greek fron 8 said the Judge. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tier guard at Demlrkapou has boon re-established, this being pact of the . agreement ■ reached between Groods and Bulgaria iu connection with the Roumanian » 8 8 8 8 8 8 Frisco Crack Train. Sunny land, Leaves Rails in 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 RECITES M EM PHIS, Tenn., Oet. *37— (U. P ,)— Hurtling from the rails wHIie traveling at top speed along a straight stretch of track near Victoria, Mtoola- I toppl, the Sunuyland, the crack Frisco railroad flyer, was wreck ed today. / Fifteen known dead had been Saturday, to Mr. ami H. Bowman of Street a daughter. / Willamette, at Albany and Har- , George risburg. almost completed. Cysfl lifgyrat, 33,. on eecape from the atate insane asylum at Salem, committed frdm Mkrsh- fleJd, was captured by the* sher iffs office Sunday, three mile« shove Bybee Bprings, where he had taken possession of a cabin Mod by W. J. and Jarnos Oden as riding headquarters in round- JlfJ njr IWVl. the insane * ms«« did not lay the rifle nway. THe isheriff and two deputies ware then summoned. Arriving at 11 o'clock that night. Sheriff Jean Inga, with Deputies Lynn Forncrook find Lewis Jennlngy, not knowing whether Blegyrst was still Id the cabin, threw . several, rocks on UJWBJIBI W«al WV taken to Salem today by an asylum attendant. According to tho sheriff's of- ftao,. Slegyrst had threatened to shoot tha Oden brothers when they returned to thtf cabin Sat urday aiyht atoef riding range that day. ; first. Sefcyrst w is totting on tho oObta porch leveling at Mm a high powered rifle , belonging to tho brothers. “Come ’ pns step closer,’’ the Insaos man yeHed, “and I ’ll HO you.” 8 r . Oden than left. ▲ short tins» Inter James Oden arrived. To him Siegyrat made tho sumo threat, hot waak- eood whoa ho noticed that Odon carried • gnu also. However Difficulties CONDITIONS Over S0C IA LI8T 8 * D E F I E D Apple Week riaux (liven by J. H. Puller, Secretary of Chamber PARIS, O ct 37— tU . J M ~ The Groeo-Buigur oonflict was deemed today as dpfUUtoly spd- od. The League of Notions council notion Ih calling a halt to the hostilities, with drflnlfe proof Thursday that firing had ceased and that troops were back Probably a ll hope of holding a on homo territory, whs held ,hor«J phautauqua program here next- aa settltag the incipient -war.” w u Vest last plght,, whouj Insofar as the continuance of following tho announcement that the offensiVeq was etyteerned. B meeting of tho members of the Should both 'parties to tho southern Oregon Chautauqua an? dispute retire to. their respective N a t i o n for last night, hut owe frontiers, tbe problems from u „em ber, prssldsat of tbo ssaocls- loague stsndpolst becomes dlf- tJon tn addition to Henry Oaley, ferent, for Bulgaria appealed to appeared at the scheduled gather- tha league on the ground that lnR Oreese bad Invaded her territory. A representative of an orgaal- I f mutual Invasion ceases to e*- „^lon Which furnishes tklent for 1st, e k h ir Bulgaria or Greece thBBe Chautauqua programs was must ask the council to modi- lh e - clty yesterday gnd last tote on the causes of tfie con- nlght. He Interviewed a large ftlct ' sad bring In a solution „ „ „ h e , of the leading members calculated to prevenjt fresh out- of tha association. However, he breaks. gained but little hope from these Should' either party Insist on interviews, most of the members a council Of inquiry to deter- wbom he M iked to signifying that mine tha ‘responsibility tor the they were not interested in such outbreak. tbo cOuurtl may vote B proposition. to send a Specs1 commission to - However, the meeting had been tbe Macedonian frontier toToves- canBdi and this representotive tlgate. hud hopes of at that time poo- Tho Oroco-Bulgarisn trouble Is Bnadlng th< members to go ahead regarded IB lehgue circles as all w|th the prOgram. When but the tho more unfortunate and un- prBBjdent and one 'member of the timely as hopes wars entertained association appeared a t the moet- that tbe Balkans would follow ,n& tt was definitely shown that the greater powers of Europe In there WBB no desire, at the prps- eoaetruetlug a Balkan security ent Bt for such a program, pact, oq which Greece had been There is considerable dtacuddon taking the Initiative sod which ot » h o m e taldnt Chautaaqua, to would Include Greece. Bulgaria, he,d t h u season, in order that Jugo-Siavia, Rumania and phs- the aaooctation's record for a pro- slbly also Turkey. I gram each year may be inalntaln- DonbtlomF efforts w ill be A number of members Of the made not only to settle the new a8SOC|ati„ n have expressed thsm- frontler conflict but also to on- g»^», jn favor of tho Idea, and It courage the creation of a Balkan ta prohable thBt o,e matter will pact, rendering simitar disputes ukBn up by the body within u n lik e ly I a yery abort time. Partita Highway bridges across I Dr; Doughty is Speaker at Forum Luncheon Today mediately tho Insane man flrad the rifle through one ot the windows. The men decided to wait until daylight and at that time ad- vaneqd to a rear Boor and knock ed. After whiting u short in terval Siegyrat came out un armed and surrendered himself to the officer*, who thou brought him to Jacksonville. The man stated bo was going to Washing ton to harvest wheat. However, ha tons taking a southern routs to reach that horthasd slats la the county Jail Stegynt resigned himself to his fats and nt times talked Intelligently and at other timet does not. Ho is not -vfo- mcarthur irmy “hall cat.” | Gen. Summor- e court, is corn- army's Second lesdqnarters nt N. Y. The m Robert L. r, Second Corps Ihlo; MaJ, Gen. ¡r. Eye witnesses to the accident told of tbo aeone of horror whM» ohsnod when tbe cars, wh^eh they spid loft the rails while the Ryer Was making mors than sixty toiles sn hoar, piled up at the "bottom of the thirty toot embankment. The stretch where thq train left the tracks la almost in tha middle of a straight stretch more than eight miles in length. Tbe train was late and was hurtling along at taster, than a mils a minute rate In sn effort to make up time. An investigation has been started Into the cause o f - the, crash by the officials of the Frisco line. I t ta believed that some obstruction was placed up on the rails, since the rails them selves show no signs of spread ing at the point where the train le ft*)h e tracks. G. A. R. Members Mourn Loss of Comrade Lindsey VOORB commander »a. Baltimore; aves, commnad- jkrea, Chicago'. Min A. Poore, tii Corps Area, let. Edward L . t Army Service Bn worth, Kaa.; “I come before you with u feeling of exultation, of * exul tation because of the lives we have saved In the Near East," said Dr. W. 8, Doughty pf New York, one of the general secre taries of the Near East relief. D r . Doughty was the speaker a t the chamber of commerce fcrum luncheon, held today at the L lthia Springs hotel. “The greatest th rill In the world is the th rill of saving a life. The only greater th rill I can think of is the saving of many lives, and the Near East relief work has saved a million and a half lives.” Doughty said during his talk. “ Of thgt num ber, all are the pick of the na tion," for the strongest physical- ly. and those mentally ulert sur vived the trying period In those ravaged countries,” Doughty con tinued. 'For that reason, he pointed out. the nations of the Near East w ill, within a few years, grow to strength they have never known before, be cause a foundation of the finest of the youth of the land Is being PARIS, tie r« a r t the captains of tw o of the best foot t a il teams In the country Fred Ih'iulerson of Chicago and Joe W ilson, Pennsylvania. T hey are dus 1« lend th e ir eleven s ag ain st Oet. 17— ( U . ? Pih— The French cabinet resigned fhto afternoon. Thus Premier Palu- ieve and his associates brought to a climax the dramatic fight which has » labted for aovX^hU days and which centered la the removing of Finance Minister Calllaux from power. President Doumerquo accept ed the cabinet's resignation. T he cabinet issued a statemeat saying its resignation followed the con viction that It was lmp »soft ls/y> carry out Its program without the certainty of a stable m a -, jo rlty. This statem eat waa manifestly a suggestion th a t ra c k Slhvr In ’the ( r e a l In ia rs e rtto n e i but lin n i P h ila d e lp h ia . B a tu rM t) lu a k «salvrs play ta c k le peaKlon« i t * » S ervin ' Is tha one a t I he ta g oi < ! « » • la y o u t . Dr. Doughty brought a prom ise that the Near E ast' relief 8chool. Ft work would not «require many rail try BriMiffwt' more* yeafs o f* effort. **l eaw McCOY promise that within" two yehr«, the children we 'have In the Hard Times Dance to be orphanages over there w ill be Held Thursday Evening, CRUISER SEATTLE IS able to take rare of themselves. Smoker Nov. 21 SMASHED AT BALBOA A fte r that, we w ill continue our post-orphanage work, ■ or anr Starting the winter season of W A SH IN G TO N , Oet. 37— (U. work of supervising those w h o , entertainment early, Ashland f P. ) — The crutsL’r Seattle, the were In the orpliaiingeR, until j Lodge No. 94 4, B. P. O. E., ' flagship of A dm iral S. Robiaon. they are able to take cure of win hold their first dance Th met - With a slight accident on I her trip from Ban Diego to Bal- themselves to oAr> Hattsfaetloii. day evening in the club ro< “Then our work w ill be done, and The dance will be a hard tl j boa, the navÿ ¿eparlipenc was America w ill have completed the „rfair, featuring the H allow natiflsS here lodpy... , T *e > ■»«»- greatest humanitarian act in his- season. Old clothing, the o tory,” Dr. Doughty declared. the better, w ill be in vogue. In his talk. Dr. Doughty t o ll cording to the members of of Incident« of' how the Armen- committee. Pumpkin pie Ians are bring instructed In cider w ill be served as refr ' American methods of agrlcul- nients. A ll Elks In good at Hire, and how these methods are' |ng and their ladles are- In« Far from satisfied with thei producing results never known I to attend the dance, showing his team mads against before In the Nenr East conn-, | n addition to . t h e ' , ll Klamath Falls, when they took * tries. 1 dances, several of the old I a 30-7 trouncing at the hands Invitations were extended to ; dancer,. Including t h e , sqi of 'th e PeUaaas, Coach W alt the members of the Ashland i dances Wlil be givsu. chamber to attend the Golden | on Saturday night, six cs Hughes gave his men a tough workouf lust night. Speed, the Rule dinner, to be given in dates w ill be given over to basis of both the offensive and Medford this evening, in the initiation committee fo r a w Interests of the Near East relief. J i nK over. The members of the defensive work of the lo cal' eleven this season, was lacking Secretary J. H. Fuller of the committee have arranged a t throughout the game Saturday, chamber outlined the plan for ( warm reception for those At a regular meeting of- Burn and Hughes put his charges the observance of Apple Week are to he on the receiving side Pqst 33, G. A. JSL. the fol through a lot of work last nigh' next week. He explained that of the various In itiatin g devl Farlor Coach lowing preamble and resolutions which he believes will develop . the forum next week would fea- and promise the candidates were adopted: WHEREAS, iu Tho latest in standard built 1 ture apples, and that apples an d , interesting evening, view of the loss we have sus _— , • . , . So far thio season, Ashland parlor eoaches was added to tho apple products would make u p 1 tained by the decease of oun has dropped two games to Klam POrtland-Ashland n p on Wcd- the m ajor portion of the m enu., To I-ecture— Throe new members of tho I 8. Atiyeb w lil lecture Comrade and associate William ath Falla and tied with Grants nesd^r by the Oreion Motor Lindsey, and of the still hoarier Pass. Not a very Impressive HtaOM. A feature of this job chamber were reported by the ( “ Rugs and the O rien t" Wed loss sustained by those who were record, but an excellent mark is tho Westinghouse sir brakes, i membership committee. They : day afternoon at 3:30 at nearest and jlearest to him; considering tha material Hughes the equipment being th e . same are J. L. Ketch. C. B. R ichard-, Llthia Springs hotel. therefore, be It RESOLVED; started the season with. The us is' used on a modern loco That It Is but a just tribute men who reported for practice motive, Tho only - difference is to the meniory of tho departed at the opening of the year were that tho brake shoe grips the to say that in regretting his re light and inexperienced, and inside of the brake drum on moval from our midst «so mourn Hugbea has had plenty of hard thq Automobile, instead of the for one who was, In every way, work in bringing them up to outside of the wheel as oa a worthy of our respect and re where they can give thert-emain- locomotive.- The brake works gard. der of the teams In the Valley on alt four rear wheels, and if RESOLVED: That we slncerq- a battle. instantaneously applied with all ly condole-with the family of our The next tussle scheduled tor Its force, will almost stop the SALEM, Oct. 27,-(IT .P.) comrade on the dispensation with the locals is with tho Roseburg bah In Its trucks. More than one hundred mem — Ellsworth Kelley and bers have been obtained In Ash which it has pleased Divine high outfit. This game was Safety la also enhanced by Providence to sffHBt them, and- originally scheduled for Satur elimination of ail doors save the James Willos were found land for tha Oregon State Mo commend them tor consolation j jnrilty by a innr late yester tor as toe tat lea, according to In day, but at tha request of the front entrance, which is control-] day, after 51 hours of de formation given out by B. C. to Him who orders ait things- Roseburg school otfiotals It hss led by the driver. This also of murdering McHenry, field secretary of the tor the boat, and whose chaatise- been moved up to Friday. The speeds up loading and unloading, liberation, tussle «rill be started M ’ t o’clock. as fa this type the driver can Jtrfm Sweeney, prise» guard association. Who Is here working sensational on the membership roil. Mc (* thirty minutes later than usual, lollest fares while moving. This, during t h e i r break for. liberty on August Henry stated that he believed >r in order to allo«k the students to type, of equipment may uitl- 12. The two men will be within a week, the fifty addi w attend. * inatety result in a reduction of sentenced to hang, Friday tional mombors needed to assure ,y Roseburg ta In tho same pre- running time on long trips. afternoon. Ashland of an office In tha as ,y dieamant which faced Ashland Intovlor appointments are the sociation would hq obtained. vary, latest. Bach window has at tbs beginning of the season. The nop members of tha or- The Roseburg men are light and a Shut curtain and such pas Thm ugh Atoilatol— Mr. and Mrs. Bari Farm er were gantaotioq are: C. L. Swenoon, inexperienced, end the Rossburg senger rtdss Iu un Individual car ooach has had a tough time sent, heavily padded with an through Ashland yesterday oa, Harry A". Stearns. Elmer C. working a team lq|o shape. How air cushion. Small luggage may their why to Willetts where they fetagol, A rthur M. Peters, J. ever, .ho hhs them going nicely bo carried 1» overhead racks, will «pend the «rin^Or. Mrs. Far Floyd Pluoo. Eric R. Weroo, and they should put up a real while baggage ta carried oa mer was formerly Miss Reta Ad John R. RdWUrdo. F. C. Stevens. tho roof In specially built racks. amson of Aiihland. battle hare Friday. son, M. W. Htoaokor, Arthur 8 The Roseburg gams will be the Tha roof ta high enough for most Humphrey, Milton A. Blogol, woman .and short men to walk 8 final tumlo for tha Ashland erect While Inside tike bus. Guy Barnette has purchased a V. Gillette, P. g. Provost. W. 8 squad before their first game Chevrolet light delivery truck Jackson, V. D. M iller sad F. 8 «rith Medford high, which will from tho Automotive Shop, tt Aklstrom. 8 bo staged ot Medford on A r woo reported today, Tho Plata CMdootfoaorf il mlstloo Day. the members of the chamber. Calllaux is reported to have yesterday fla tly refused a request by Painleve for bis resignation. Calllaux said be had no Intention of being made the scapegoat for tbe whole government, which Is equally responsible with him for the present situation. Ho declared he would not be re signing and let It appear he woo In any way accountable for tho 1 ministerial crisis. I Speaking before tbe electors , of his own department of Barthe. at Chateau du Loire, Sunday, M. Calllaux declared uasqulvocqHF against .a capital levy, thus1 sot ting at rest rumor that ho bad bowed to Ms will of tip social ists and extremists of tha radi cal party and that his financial program would embody their wishes. Kelley, Willos Are Found Guilty, Face Hangman THE WEATHER t been selected as the official A. A. A. rA tauraat for Aabtaad, McHenry announced. O. F. Franklin, local hiker, was probably tho first ms m bs r slues tho drive started, ta take advantage of tho tw o towing service ot tho association. Franklin was «out driving a faw days «go, ho reported, token his car'refueod to funetiou. Af ter trying M r asveeu| minute« to gat it to start, ho Ifovo the matter up so a bud fob, and called tbe official A. A. A. tow ear. Slightly over Blue nsEsu