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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1899)
.J j . a . i r ;C, - ASTORIA PDBUC ITBSARr AS50CIJS7702. OTIOK! Books, Periodicals, Manuring. &J., Arc Not to be Taken From The Library vviliiout :Miiivjio'. nny Cno .tu guilty of mcli offciibu. A' T1 1 VOL. XLIX. AfflUlilA, 0J.KQON. TUESDAY WJttMM. JULY 11, IBM. .--5 LV . . . - 1 ' 191 OUR Stoves " Tinware Improved Alikado andjTEACHERS KILLED ocpdiaiurs. Arc net niHilo from llio scrup pile or in h kindergarten otIhmiI. I Frightful Rail road Accident to Excursion Train In California. ISclipse Hardware Co. Wodlvc Trnclltitf Htnttipn. BOOKS... Utank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... TWO LOST THEIR LIVES m I Aci Thirteen Injured, tut None Seriously and All WW Recover. STEAMER PARIS GIVEN UP I JV- I" New Crape and Typc-wrltlng. Waterman Fountain Pens lion IVcurtitrd lesr !! Kll VclM"lr C!'- I An J CcpMla Watklis' License Is Suspended for Two Yers. Thar are lha Blmolral and muai rflnUm Separators mal. For sals or Foard & Stokes Co. A 5 tor la Your Wife Will Ilk. II : so will lha cook GRIFFIN & RBBDhtnr Kntate Iinne natitry til wao uss mem. u.ceesful physician 0 this dty. Bh was iln widow of Judg Kdrnondt, lat of I ho superior court, and av two ton and a daughter. Thw latter, Mum Annie Fslmofets, who U a teacJvr In Berkeley, and on of her son, frank W. l-VIiiioiida, who twu bean (enacted witb the United Btat-t g"od'.lo survey fur years, la now In Alaska, ller other son, It. Harry Edmonds, la a vhyaklaa prac llcliif in Fresno oounty. CHRISTIAN ENDEAV0REI1S RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Break fat Food ll.i r ley Food Select Bran Co. on '.' Arm (ilalro Farina. Acme Whnt Fli.rMiui S sn'ird Kullrd Oal AT A. V. ALLEN'S ASTORIA CASH GROCERY Tenth unci Dunne hitrottH. Loot nt flio following Prlvun. If your baiter half doea lha tonkins. lhat la an additional reason wh ther hould b a Biar Kaiaia Rang la your kiii hrn. in uaa or lham omenta worr and dtMppolntmant. W. J. BCITIJ.T. Ant. 411 Rood Btrrat. WcNicm Kcllncry Hiignr, 18 pomiJa for !.. Kiinnt (U.(Tkc 10 I .(Ml. ImmkI (.Mwllt) Tc I ..k. KollcdOuta M " IS. IkuiiM It) " ,'J.V Japun Klc 4 " :2S. ;.mk1 Ouullt)' Flour I Muck .7. OyNtci-M I2C.IIIW I 00. Tiiinntoci It " I imi. .Country Produce HougHt. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Hailder I Ilouse-inoving Tools for Rent. Andrew Lake - .UNCOMMERCIAL T. NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Gbatasl .:..Meixhaot Tailor... Chas. Heilborn & Son. ' KTJN. fal, July l -A Uurlm loll a;H-c.'ul train of mile ixjiu.)le un Ita May rr.Mil lit. I.uu.a tu m Anilca lu.J i-d l li tu1ii'i. 10 uUiijJ Uv Nutlutial rJ'luintWiml A-.l.iUun txiiivrniioii, now in a.1 Ia Aia-I. iTnanM into u, frriffit train w M iiln ra of tti i'jut at N.-xiiiim S.n(-utiii ruuiity, tlii .lurnl'Mi. with the rru:i ttiiU two UJ.'a r km.-.l and li tirn Injuied. t-Vllua-ma l tlir li.t of klll'd and In. iUtvdi KllUJ-M,f. Ad.liv HajTli. St. LuUiO; Ht. I.ti llamiiiutid. Hmiri Kalif, X. V. Iiijiit.l .Mh.i -Iat Mir h 'tiib.. Hiltlo I'r-k. Ml.-h.; Mi. Kl a-J.Ui Whrir, ill." Ua ttm'rr. Ml KiIim Ktflhh, M.ita 8.1 1 It.- It. t nil lit, Ml tnPtiu-lr RiUn Mine Luilb A. V.imiT. WlwLn l. I.uik.-). nil of ti. I,.u.. KjImtI J. Mllla, lkf rxtf,R. 8. It ; Mi M. I. M..r, of l1illa.Ui.hlB; ialvlii Kullurk ril. Willi tho . io-1'l'on Hf ItuU-rt ililln. wh.i km lnjunil about :ht h -u.l ltniih nK faMlly. noni" irf lit,, ixhrit ar Injure MiYluua. the ( urt ouimift. Iiik of allrlit truliwii or rm-rvly hIwh-Wh, Thf Mwlal train wa running at the rato uf 0 nilli-a an tiour aiul thr reutlu train wn taJcJng wt.T on the main traik. Ttf frrltfht train knitk-diatdy t.xk Are and an entity Moh and Win flat cmra wcr burned. Thora wvr no W'tfaw ntra btwwn the louomtlve of tb and tho tourist al-'pr. ao tlml hia rh cnudt came h tuiMier of the locuniollve cr-i-Oifd Into liie alentwr, Mlllntf two tadha In the forward berth and liijurtn 13 utfii-r ootuimiita of (0 ne tr. None of other coax tv- rt the tract TUB HETI.KN1.VKJ HULlJlEllB. 11m Tratanwrta Newvwrt and Otilo Now Daily xpctad at Han rrwodacb. HAN KKANOWCO, July lo.-TJu trana. iwrta Newvurt and Ohio wKh the Ongon volunlwra vn bcaud bad nut arr.vcd up 0 an early hour ' thl mrnlng and It a puaaibW Rial tbey may not reach lure "11 II SVrtlneiwJay. All day yvtrday tb waurr Iront waa '::vw-ld with poplr wm:lilii(j for the vesaela. It xtrvnrly doubtful nhrrhrr the Orw Kon truyt will be ailowioj tu Uixl m all. Ur aa the lual guartvroiaetvr' dc rjnciii at urt-atvu Itnow.. lth ruiii.jHrn will br ord.-rr u Portland or, a aoon it ttivy tuve pa.xd uiMiitii,.-, and dl.cluirg.ij any aoldlrre ! ma) bring that btrl-'bg tu Other r-g. iminu. HtH'.lur tht-y land or not. how. ur, vvry jinvajalwii baa brn made to ri.vive li.-m and It tti y are outnptlled uj iiowln uu iftniNjuard dur'ng Unlr aUy Hny will Uc iliiiiirully w.-rendid iioin tugboat, :aunvb and tii!cha.l. Uaiilp.. .i,ruw. hjia. and baiitirr will bak tu llitlr naUve land md If alley get a-ortr ttiy will be f. atJ tiy tile bvuVre of tlu, Kd Croat mU n:na.ntd by the citlin. Hold a Great Rally Which Is the Largest Ever Held. SEND PEACE MESSAGES Greetings to President Mckin ley, Queen Victoria and tbe Peace Commission. Will NOT arbitrate! United States Will Not Consider Riot Claims With Austria. I'" ItrXXNiNIZE Hi'AXlSH COSSVIS. WA.SHIX.jr.iN. July iu -Act in under iniru;ion frotn the prt.dcm, Adjuiant j. ixi.l (Vrum haa aent tlrgraobic In- 1 tui liu.K 10 Ue'irrul Urwke, iotiuimnd 'k- In ful. and Otirral Otta in th ltiiii...nm, and (J. m-rl Lkivln, in I'urto tii'.i. to i.- ptovUlonal rvtrnition to V diuiilh i-onnuiar olttoera of thone - Th-y have bern notified of ttia i!'lM'.m.'nt of the vartuua connular of. n or !iatn x-r.ltrd iu the TnllWary 1-iunmmtit under their Jurliafirtiun and : ;.--J to tirniu lhn to exrelse their 'ltv..r..Ue consular fuiHtlona. ai.ion r.-jut entirely the report M i: '.bo I'nit.n) State government had bullnid to iue exequateura U Jose Pll l-l Z.itrirlo a.4 Sixinlah Oonnul general it Ha van. Rapaliing and C1nlf Natly Doaa. Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices THE PROOF K ALSTON HKALTH tHK)DS In great variety : fresh from tbe mills. ; AKONATIC SIMtXS, aunrnntecl the finest. TILLMANN'S tTKB RXTKAL'TS.n i'HASB SANUOKXS ICOITCCS are an rivalled. Together .with n host or other ' ijimkI thine. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Ileal Zealand Fire Instance Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Tliomaa, Mgr., San Krnncinco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF 5HAREH01 DERS. Sulwcriboil Capital . . . $5,000,000 Pnul-Up Cnpital . . . 1,000,000 Aiwotfl ... . . 2,545,1 H A wets in United States . . 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders . 1,718,702 Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Const over Twrnty-lwo yenrr. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Renhlent Agenta, Astoria, Oregon. OAPTA1N WATKTJtS fifSrKXDED JfBW YORK. July W.-The report of Vltw1n Walking of the atrun.linK of the mertMn nttTnih' l"rie waa nude t'tamir toxiuy uy we lorwl toard o. attain Perfect I'll Guarantccit. Low I'riccs. ,MHt inwor- wtkm mak,-, nn ailomiit lo evadg the renonlblllty for th. ao.-l.Kn. but on the puntrary, ty frankly Uiat the stranding of the shtp w,ti the reeuli of an uiMvcountuible irror on hln part. The accident, he uya, w no due to any want of thought or anxiety about hla vmcI. but reaulied from a mlKtuk,. he mude In calculating the ponl'lon nf the itlilp. Loral InsjHS'tora have atisneniKtt Cap rain W nkln' llv-enw mair of ocn meun)en for two years. Oa.praln Watklna la still charge of ihe Parla and Is it.1ng In the Interest of the underwriter, to wihom the alrtp w-113 lurnett over y tbe American lino of. Ik In la. of Um paddtwg at ! tka aattag itl Mm 9ot of Uwm IS IN SAMPLING ..... Tkat'i as arrnnMBt that'! eoav clualva demooitraUoa. Oiin will atd tka taat. HUGHES & CO. MM ASSURANCE SOCIETY; OF LONDON. Eatabtlatied durlnc th ralya of Quaes Anna, A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. gubacHbad Capital llMta Aaaata ,. M Surplua to policy koklm tMJBt N Kseinalvt ot paid p MptlaJ Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. 8uberKed or ruanuitaad oat. Hal IT.HMNN Capital paid up LW.I00 M a,ui.w m Catton, Bell & Co. Oenarat Aftnta; Ban FraaoUe, Cat Samuel Elmore & Co. Reaidaat Aetata. Aatorta Orwgoa. ADMfRAL DEWBVS SWORD To Up rreaented to Him on Behalf of Connren Hy Secn-tary Iyng. NBW YORK. July W.-A sivtlal to the World from W&Khinir.oi My; A letter ha been aent lo Admiral Pewcy, through Secretary LnK. telling- him of the pro gram of the cillaen of Washington have arnitiKed for hla roctfUlon. Vvretary Lotij will present to Admiral Dewey, on he ajt front of the ovviHtol, In the preei'noe of ttw. president and eKIiena of WaahlnRton, the a word voteii to him by cunirrc. The pres dent has npprovetl the pro((rajm, TANO rjKT AN AND STEET IRON .ATI.E. July 10.-Colone Jlmmla i ' a well known New York pollttoia I menilier of TaTnnrany ball. Is In tills city on hU way to Alaaluu 1I aa- crts the rank and file of Tanwnany Hall will be "solid for Bryan," TVtien aj-k.-d if Ttmmuny would stand Ihe fre tiv. r plunk, he promptly replied: "Tarn. nmny 1ll ,.nlorse and follow Bryan anyw where, even If the party were to put sheet iron into th platform." DRYAN ON A MOUNTAIN TOP. SUMMIT OF PIKE'S TEAK, Col.. July III. William Jennlng Bryan came up to- lay fr-m Col.rado Srings. The entire .isrem of the peak was one continual ovulion. The canine bWmr d.keit nut in the national colors ami scores of ploasuro eeekers from all over the coun try blnir lined up alula; the track W "lieiir the silver leader as the train imsHi'd. niO. BID FUR PRIZE FIGHT. PAN FRANCISCO, July 10.-The man- aser of Olen Park. In this city, have raised their offer of a purge for the Jef. fni?harkey nvtu-h to Mu.000. If thy K't the ' cht they propose tu make he a.lmlwion $1 and at that rate ex- P-'t the attendancw to be 100.000. Tho iteht will he held In an open air arena. UKTHolT. July l..-Tbe eijhleenih In. UTna-tiorial cunventio of the Christian Endeavor cloa-U lonla-bl amid acenes of tmpreiwivs aolejiiiiiy attendnui the utter. antes of 'The Lujft Word" by the prrti- dent and the secretary in eah of the 4-reiat tents respectively, following re- iponvi from each state and country rep. reaenud. Tbe foilowlnc telecmma and cablegram wre re-eived in boih tents. the readtraj of the cablegram from Hon. Andrew D. White, president of the Am- kan pe.e co.nmiisiMers ai The Hague. bruax'ng out storms of apptauie. Tbe fol- lowing cabkgram was sent to the Peace commiarSjoners. '" ity-et0'h( thousand Americas and lallaiory memurea on tho part of Aim. irlw or lo a conflM between rh two Puwora. , Om mi papers oonstder Mi anU tr will not t dropped. 5J-O..JJ -..1.,'ja TUB VKTRRAJI VULlffTJSyl. t mmmmm Ten Tiwwand Retnll In tb Phlllpplneo Under O-oeral Otis. WAam.Vtro.V. July U.-UDeral Otis ai,iiMi tbe foilowlnc; "Tho vstenan rKlmnts aawurwl, win enlist about 10 W men. You oan appuiot It soond lieutenants for First aad trine tor 8nn4 adamant lo rsorult lo tn United Mtatts. AU utW ofooaa art niled. R'tflmentsj aro atyled fVst sod Second Philippine Unll-d Stages vtteraa voluo. t tnfastry." Adjutant Oanerml Corhio osMed On ral Oia I bat Bhe dtstf nations oouWI rt be allowed for Phlllppino rfwlmenta. and in order to save confusion, fher woukl b called Tbirtj.iiib and Thirty. . seeeMhl frfttetj States volunteer InbiMr. AT TAX' JOUVER BARRACKS. Pretiaratlons Being Jlada to Recefvo tb Oregon VoJunteera. VANX)UVBR Wash., July 10.-Erten- ilve preparations are beina; mad at Vancouver bnrra. k. for th receDtioa and accommonUUoo of th Oregon vriun. eers upon their return from Manila for muser out here. Company fcwrrwck and itcets quarters being repairsd aod put r. order and a larg Dumber of aervtc tents are being erected In U gror In the na' of tin barracks for tb accom irKJa'ion of a portion of th regiment. There it barracks accominodatl.Mu for '"Thl uumpaniea. InHudlng on company f the Tventy. fourth Infantry now ner. THAT GHASTLY EDMONTON TRAIL. SEATTLE July 19.-M. Fleming, of Philadelphia, who wrrlyed ker tonight from Fort Wrangel, Alaaka, on tbo steamer Rosalia In a mot wknee of th euffrhng of the prosipeotors who rushed Canaditn Chrntlan Endeavorers now as- 1 ,0 Yukon gold lieids over tho Edksoo- amo'ed In Intermaional convention In Iieurult, reaireek'nt t.i.0ili eothllsl.xsU for I ton route, lie baa gone through graatt physwul and mental suffering. Th sua. peace -and a rtirt ration. A great peace jeetwiTe- attacks of fever, rorvT, neo. meeting h-ld. All wash you God speed." Kblkralng is the cwbtegram from Min ister Whke: "Am-rloin commit Ion to peace con ference sends sincere shanks for metsage and congratulates you and all friend of uac for ch sujc.m achieved, providing for permanent tribunal of arbftrution." The following meaeage wu sent to Preskl. MuKlnJey: "Twentyirht thousand American and Canadian Christian Endeavorer assemb led In International convention received Kith heany enthusiasm your kind mee- a-- and pray for God's richest bieaains; ipon you, your administration and the monfa and dropey bar left bin In a cit- .il conkcion bolet pfaystcajly nod stea. taJly. FroD his rambling sentences) It la learned that In February, M9R, he started for Dawson from Oalgary with a party of 14. which was mavdy op at Calvary. The party had esghty horse and It was captained by John Jtadon, an old CatW fomtan. Mason was drowned in th Net- son river. A Bulgarian named Waller wua accidentally ohot and killed by a Fren man. Three others of the party died at Dvas lu-ke of scurvy. Flexninar could not recall their name , neither could he give th names of any members ureal reptroll-of whk-h you are the chief I "f lh party. The surviving members TO RECRUIT AT VANCOUVER WASH TNG TON . July 10-Lleutenarvt oloiu'l Plummer. who was appointed to. luy. has been ast!ffm to the Thirty. Ilfrh Infantry. He will reoruit and organ ise this regiment at Vancouver, Wash.. .Hid conimnnd it until It arrives at Ma nila. This is the regiment to whldh Vloin'l Kottbe has been assigned. JXVCTOR DIBS OF FRIGHT. SAN FRANCISCO. July lii.-DtWi called Dr. Mary y Adm', : well known phyeklan nl tiia city. In tniKlo fashion at herhomeX 1 Bush str.K-t. The invliliitul setting off 6. a burglar alarm wrought tl her nerves to such a strain that she suffered death by fright. She wvnt to a wlnkw mid blew a whistle. Help cwme, but Just as she Ihe fninl door Hhe totterrd and fell d.'iid. Ads. Kiliiwiitl was very 4alented and A STEAMSHIP WRECKED. HALIFAX. N. 8., July 10.-Th steamer P rtU. froiu New York for Halifax, was wi.-ikd during a dense for tMs evening on Flyiins Islatid, off Sanbro point, about 13 mil.s to the eastward of Hilkai. The passi-ngts and crew. 115 all told, landed .'u fie Island In the ship's boars and all i r... cimfortably housed there. No loss f life W reported. A BUI TACOMA COMPANY. TRENTON. N. J.. July W.-Th Tacoma A Development Company was In. o:ii irt-?d here today with an authorised capital of in.OM.iWu. The Incorporators arf William P. Chapman, of New York, Ath-rt RWIey. Brooklyn, and George Earl of J.tfsey City. ottsc-jtive." The folloa-ing waa sent to her majesty, Jueen Victoria: "Tens of rhotnrande of Canadian and American Christian Endeavorers, In In ternaticnml oonvenition assembled In De I roll rejoi.v in your long and glorious '.gu and pray God's constant blessing uioii you. Thousands of Endeavorers next July will cross the ocean to the nwntton in Loudon with love and rev. reiK-e in ohWr hearts for you," The following statements, as to attend. anee. etc.. was triven out ! Secrelarv Buer: "Wltinut doubt the attendunce a.t his convention has very much exceeded liut of any dirisrian Endeavor conven- ton ev r held. There were IS.0UO En leavorers In attendance. Including De mit cVJegateB. WILL NOT ARBITRATE. WASHINGTON, July lO.-Offlcmls here contlrm the advices from Vienna that the l'lan of arbitration proposed as means of se:tllng the claims growing out ot he II melton, Pennsylvania, riots, has Nvn rejected by the Unhed States. Th Jury at Haselton tried the sheriff on a hunge of murder and he was acquitted, whereupon 'the Penneyh-arua auoborltes that they could not recognise th '.sponsittlUy whkh the Jury had held Jid not exist. The state department t"ok a similar view, whereupon Austria pro posed arbitration of the claims. VIENNA. July 10. The American re. fusal h caused surprise and disappoint, met here, especially In view of the pro ceedings of the peace conference at The Hague. The Allegemolne Montags Zel. tung adnilra, however, that th legal itanJiwlnt adopted as a reason for the refusal deprives) the cms of offensive or VisMe character and says It Is Inoon. cable that the reply of the United e government should lead to any re- aiosni Vte. cut a trail for 50t miles through the underbrush. For four month they lived on short rations. Nearly all their horses died and much of their equipment was lost. WINTER WHEAT OUTLOOK BAD. WASHINGTON. July 10.-Th monthly grain crop report issued today by the de partment of agriculture says: The con. dwJo.i of winter wheat has further de clined during th month ot June, being t3.( on July 1, as compared wKh 8S.7 on July L ISM. 811 at the oorreeponding date in iKfi. and S2.I mean of July averages for rhe hut 10 yaers. The average condi tion of spring wheat la il.9 as compared with 91.1 one month ago, on July 1, 1S, 91.1 at a corresponding data In 1X37. and S8.T8 the mean July averages for the li'rt 10 years. TEACHERS GALORE. US A NOBLES, Cal., July 10. It ts conservatively estimated that toidglit there ar 8000 teacher In the oily, and when the president's gaval falls tomor row at the opejing seselm of th Na tional Edjraitlonal Association conven tion thla number will be reinforced by large delegations from the far asst. and one or two from the middle state. When the registration is completed It Is probulble that there will be Che names of . 10,000 te-aohers In attendance. LETTER WRITER SENT TO JAIL. SANTA BARBARA. Cal.. July 10-Ida Addle etork. tho writer, was today sen. tenced to one year In jail for writing anonymous letters reflecting" upon certain prominent people of this city. A motion for a new trial was denied. A man la absolutely without tact who tells a woman how beautiful he thinks another woman. UVr Mf-vJa I Makes the food more delicious end wholesome VffVsH aVTMI TXrTWsl O., IkW WW, i J '1, n . ( t V l if ill i i." 1 I ''.'it ..I - if ; t 1 .if W I! 'it r n u i