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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1899)
TUB. DAILY ASTOfiiAN, WKtWKSUAY MOltNLNG, MAY 17, 18W OUR SPRING Is now complete and we new iwell doubls-breasted BLVK SERGE SUITS, with silk fsc Ings, equal to any 130 garment, our price All wool gray 8ootch tweed Dark gray halr.llna easslmere, guaranteed pur wool, round or squar cut English black clay wonted, U os., la Tour costume U not complete without COATS which we are celling at 7.K, Used with a heavy Italian lining, and Th surprisingly low prices at which With our reputation- that of being the GIVING ttouea in Astoria. Wa earnestly aoltclt a ahre f your THE FAIR, SOC3-508 Commercial Street Purses and Pocket Books .....10 Cents to $3.00 AT Albert Dunbar FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE U K. BELIQ. Lease and Manager. Wednesday, flay 17 ONE N1QHT ONLY. The manaawment ben to aanoune that ho baa perfected an arrangement for the appearance of the eminent comed ian Roland Reed Accompanied by Isaadore Rush AND A SUPERB COMPANY. Under the direction of E. B. JACK In the brilliant comedy TheWrongMr.Wright By Geo. H. Broadbunt Presented In the same manner at at The Columbian Theatre. Ban Francisco Marquam Grand. Portland and Btjou Theatre, New York. PRICES. Referred seats.... Gallery ..1160 .. .75 Beat sale opens Tuesday at t a. m. Griffin & Reed'a. at UEXT WEEK! FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L. B. 8ELIG. Lessee and Manager. Beginning . (Donday, (Day 22d, '99 Miss Jessie Shirley Supported by her own company la a repertoire of plays new to Astoria. Change of Program Every Evening Uniform Hand I'ai adc and Concert Daily at 1 l.:iOa. m. Tickets for sale at Griffin & Reed's. P. J. Meany fflerchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. Highest Cash Price Paid for Fur Bklna. Tenth and Commercial Ste. Astoria, Or, ' fo ' v- STOCK .OF CLOTHING can suit almost any taste. $14.48 6.24 9.68 8.98 round or square cut tack one of thoe nobby TAN COVERT TOP. made of an all wool KocUaa covert, in every respect a 110.00 garment. we eel! our clothlnt are only In accord LOWEST .TRICED and BEST VALUE patronage. The Place To Save Money ROCHESTER SHOES BEST MAKE Li lies' Lace. Vesting black or Tan $2.00, $2.50, $2.70. $3.00. Misses, same as above, $1.10. $1.3.), $1.50. Mcas' Vici and Calf. $1.50 ,$2.1M), $3.00 Quality and Styles ihe best for the prioes. THE BEE HIVE. TODAT'S TV BATHER. Clearing weather. AROUND TOWN. Drifted Snow Market. flour J3 50 a: ;he Pat Rooms for Rent Apply upstairs. Good, man Buildinf. Best lS-cent meal. Rising- Sun restaur- snt. CI Commercial street Fresh supp:y Gunter's chocolates and bon hons Just received at the Parlor. The Tarana. recently chartered, com menced loading at Portland yesterday. The Columbine crossed out yesterday on a trip to Gray's harbor and D'struc. tion Island. Those who hare tried the Ice A earn served at the Parlor say It Is the best In th city. FOR RENT. House of five rooms, fur. nlshed or unfurnished. Apply at 157 Ei- chanfe street Best California wine 10 cents per gal lon. Alex Gilbert sole stent for Astoria. Talepbon SL The towboat Emma Hayward brought down a rock barge yesterday for the Gray's harbor Jetty. J. E. Braillier tiled his bond wtth the county clerk yesterday as Justice of the peace for Seaside pr-clncl. The drill of the Oregon naval reserves was postponed last night. The battalion will drill tonight at the armory. The Alliance arrived In yesterday from San Francisco and way ports. She had a big freight and passenger list. On last Friday right It was so c Id a. Helix. Cmatilla county, that water froxj and the growing grain was seriously In. Jured. Cream Pure Rye. America's finest whiskey. The only pure goods, guaran. teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sole agent The British ship Glenllnart has nearly finished her cargo in Portland and will be the next wtieat carrier ready to sail from the Olumbia river. The young ladies of St. Agnes guild will give an af ernoon tea at the residence of Mrs. H. G. Smith, on Tuesday, May 18. Ail are cordially Invited. Parents who desire private instruc tion for their children during the months of June and July may consult Miss 11. M. 8ayre. at "The Stevens." The pilot srhoon-r San Jose will aro to sea today, with pilots Staples and Matthews on board. She has been de. layed in port completing her crew. Ramoler and Ideal bicycles ror sale or rent. Repairs and sundries at lowest rates. Can at cyelery. 533 Bond street Columbia Electric and Repair Company. Gold medals to HARPER whiskey at New Orleans and World's Fair. Chicago. Try It, you will endorse the Judge's ver. diet. Sold by Foard & Btokes Co., As toria, Or;gon. The young ladies of St. Agnes GulM will give an afternoon tea at the resl- jdence if Mrs. H. G Smith tomorrow. Thursday, afternoon, May IS. All are cordially Invited. After May 5 the Astoria Wood Yard Company will deliver Knappton Mills lab wood at your door, sawed, for 12.60 per cord. Leave orders with F. L. Parker or at the Astoria Wood Yard. The dredger Ladd will commence dr-'dg-Ing the river abreast of the O. R. & N. dick today. The present depth of water 'there is but 12 feet, but It will be In. I creased to So feet If possible. It i.i reported that The Dalles 'an. ncry has teen ov. rhuuled and put In first class repair for operation, but as yet there has not been a sufficient number of fish presented to Justify F'artlng the machinery. ieuy s iransier wagons deliver b x wood to any part of the city on short notice. All orders left at Zapfa furni ture 3tore, 630 Commercial street, will re eive prompt attention. Telephone ZU4. The new Creamery Restaurant, Bond street, near the alley between 11th and 12th streets, esrves the best 26-cent meal ever set out In Astoria. Everything Is new, neat and clean, and absolute satis. faction Is guaranteed all patrons. The steamer Eassalo, the O. R. & N. Company's new flyer, has developed a speed of 26 M miles an hour, th fastest time ever made by a stern wheeler, Th lime was made with the ileum, between 3D and 15 pounds ot the pressure allowed, which Is 1JSI pounds. The Htissalo, aa soon as h Is turned over to the oper. atlug department, will be put on the run between this city and Portland. Mr. Maxwell, a coal expert, Is In Coos countv In the liKerest of the Santa Fe railroad, Investigating the coal resources. It Is said that he Is so much pleased with the outlook that he has sent word to Ihe superintendent of the rd to com there. Notice Plano.ownera can have their Instruments thoroughly cleaned (preven. tlx- of moth used) tor U.00 Other re pairing and tuning at moderate charges. Call at Grlffln A Reed's or at Spexarth's store. Si Commercial street. T Frederl. kun. Fredericksburg Music Hall, corner of Seventh and Alder streets,' Portland. Or. High class entertainments every evening The oi ly family resort In that city. All kinds ot refreshments. All delicacies ta season. Admission free, Louis Dam. masch. proprietor. For the anniversary meeting Baptist societies to be held In San Francisco May K41 the O. R. A N. Co. will make a rate of 190.00 for th round trip. Tick. eta on sal May lTth and Cnd, For fur. ther particular Inquire at ticket office on O. R. a N. dock. Wanted Man with little money In every county In Oregon and Washington. to sell th "Best" Incandescent Lamps; make own gas; 100 candle. Cheapest light known. The "Best" Incandescent Lamp Co., 1SS Third street, Portland. Or. HuKgins A Squlrr. Managers. The steamer llwaco ran Into the launch Ilanthorn yesterday as the former was leaving her dock for llwaco. The Ilan thorn was backing out when the llwaco came along, striking her amidships. The .,,.... tuwf .if fh lltt' ,itrrte,l Ittiv but otherwise no damage was done. The lighthouse tender Mansanlta left out on her nor.hern cruise early yester- day morning. The steamers lying along the dock gave her a parting salute as she steamed, down the bay. She will call a: Seattle on her w north, and will be absent Itt Alaskan waters about two months. Peter Johnson, who died of typhoid fever at St. Mary's hospital Monday last. ! was not a resident of the Lewis and I Clark. The deceased had recently lived ! at The Dalles. He was eiigaue l in n-h- j ing this spring, working on an up. river seining ground, where he contracted his t'atul Illness. W. A. Gaines' private stock whiskey, j handled exclusively In Astoria by John j L. Carlson. Is one of the most popular 1 beverages sold. Its pur.ty and quality j are guaranteed, and It Is especially rec. ommended for family use. It Is sold in any quantity at the corner of TwelaVh and Bond streets. It Is stated that Walla Walla, with l.T'iO registered voters, has a showing of St.Titf.OtO In bank deposits, or an average of tl.bQ to each voter. Over a hundred new residences are In course of enstruc. tlon. w:h several Industries and other buildings. Not a tenantable house or business block In the city Is vacant. Such Is the position of one Washington town, whose age has given an oppor tunity to realise upon accumulated har. vests In the grain belt. The Empire Transportation Company, which was organixed in New Yor last yr to enter me MomiiKe irao-. i preparing to start another trans. 1'ai ltl st.-atnship line running from I'liget sound to Orl-ntal ports. It Is said that the i line has the backing of the International Navigation Company, of Phliad. Iphla leneral Manager Hiidiee. of tne Kmplr- Company, has chartered several v.sseis to handle the Yuk'-n business this sea son. The American bark George, of the Sewall line. Is reported coming t't(;r,,n, Army of the Republic f the Columbia rive to load lumber in- .Stetson Is well known here. be. a us- ot the Amos Stone case, which was recently ended In Ihe I'nit'd States court. She ls,.r.u lllh ,,,, support of the civic at present at San Francisco, where sh- societies of our city. It would not be pos. arrived April 1 with a cargo of general merchandise from New York. The Htet. son Is now In command of Captain I'at- ton. a -kipper well known among t ti- shilling men of this port. The case of J. K. W. Macfarlane. charged with operating an oil factory within the city limits contrary to the Ity ordinance, was postponed In the p. lice court yesterday at the request of the attorneys for the defense, until 9:30 o'clock this morning. The following Jur ors were summoned to try ihe case: J. II. Mansell. C. 8. Wright. J. M Kiln- worth. William Kdgar. G. O. Moen, Jltnry Sherman. A number of wltnees have been subpoenaed both for the defense and prosecution, and It Is probable the hear. Ing of the case will last all day. Two local expressmen, between whom bad feeling has existed for some time, met In East Astoria yesterday at the yard of the Astoria Box Company and agreed to settle their dispute. Itoth be ing thus equally willing, no time was lost In angry words. After fighting for a short time the combatiants clinched and backed up against a lot of box shook stowed away In the yard with such force that the whole pile fell on top of them. This ended the melee and Inflicted more punishment than tn-y had administered to each other. The new Insurant,, law In Oregon will lie in effect on and after May IS and agents 'throughout the state are pre paring to meet the demands of the law, says the Tel-gram. One or the Icatur-s of the new law which affects every lire insurance a;ent In the state is that or requiring each agent, to be registered with the state insurance commission. After May 1 any agent found s illclting In the mate without the required license will b- subject to a heavy Urn. Tills ap. plies to each man in an office who so. Helta, regardless of the company or the agent who may employ the solicitor. Chung Chlng Hock, and others, cmstl- tutlng Ihe AVah Chong Company, of So. attle, havi filed a libel In the United States district court at Portland aa:ns: th- Oriental steamship Columbia. Just In from Hongkong, to recover damages In 'he sum of " 830.25, and Interest, and alHo I"o0 as legal expenses, the cost of i tel. .gram, etc. Llbeilams allege that In I January, JJ.0S. when the Columbia was plying b'-tween Tacoma and Hongkong. they delivered to her agents for shipment ; to Hongkong some 250 tons of nour. The steamer took only a part of this flour and did not return to Tacoma, and that the prl'-e of flour declined and llbellants suffered damage aa above stated. The vacancy in the pastorate of the Centenary M. E. church, Portland, caused by the recent death of Dr. Thoburn, has been filled by the appointment of Rer. U K. Rockwell, Ph. D of Rochester, New York. The new pastor I an unci of Dr. Thoburn, and was one of his most devoted friends and associate. It la said the call was extended to Dr. Hock, well thtough the sumtestlon and desire of Mrs. Thoburn. Ijtsl evening the offi cial beard of Ccntrnary considered the matter, and then, with the concurrence of Dr. Hue, presiding elder, sent the In', coming pastor a long telegram explnlnliic what had happened. In the sudden death ot Dr, Tholnirn. and Inviting him to be. come the pastor, An answer came Ihe next day, accepting the call, ami stating that he would Iw with the congregation of Centenary church on Sunday, May 31, and he I expected to arrive by Bst unlay, Roland Reed, tn "The Wrong lr. Wright," will he the attraction to night at Fisher's opera house, Mr. Wright Is a wealthy San Franciscan whose confl. dental clerk absconds with l'V0 After cfferlnst a reward of .VH (or the fugitive, Seymour Sites tMr. Iteed) concludes Vt cheaper to play detective himself and save the $,"sM. In so doing he visits Old Point Comrort, as Mr. Wright, and (here rinds his wealth niece, who Is also In. fognllo. her maid masquerading as the mistress, In order to ward (T heiress humeri. , It will he seen th:t with such a foundation a siicceswlon of laugh, able scenes Is bound to occur. To make things even more Interesting, beautiful l-adore Rush, as a brand new woman de tective, on the trail of the forger, strikes "Mr. Wright," and l certain she has her fimn. Ills actions are auspicious enough, for he falls ln love with the fair detective, and iin.l. r the Influence cf rupld he be. comes a spend. thrift, when as before he miserly, Ot course everything turns cut ail riiiht, tun fcr three acts he la tcpsy.turvy. Hesldej Mr Herd and M s Kii'h. then Is a very well balanced com. pany. Including Mary Myers. Olias A, .tlv. Sheridan Tupper. Julian Heed, Jss. IVUKias and others. Seats on sale a: ("rittln & Herd. j j Loggers coming to the c:y from the t various creeks on the lower Columbia t .- that the camps are all runntiu: full t, so far as the Inclement weather ! permit. They look for a scarcity of nien this summer, and ..von n 'W riper, ; j, ., -.., han.U are dilllcult to obtain, at. , ,., ..j, lrtVt, n .ivan.ed to a 'point far In excess of that paid In late yars A number of new camps have I n started up 'his and it Is estimated that doubt- the r.liKI:y of Ions will it... put into tide wa'er In ('a " county tills year Four camps are locafd on the Lew!, and Clark They nr. well MU'p't-'l with the la' s; con .lit. n.vs and llu-ir u:put for the year will be largely increased F.iiiMnce or horses are moat I. v ns-d In hullng the logs S.m- of the new .-amps ate u'ii.g oxn but this Is considered an o'd fah:onrd method by Ihe older loggers Neighboring farmers suffer by thes new '.changes In the Industry, as the ra tie I formerly used consumed Immense tiantl. ties of hay during the year. Three times las many cattle are required to do the work performed by horses. It is believed th,. present price of b'gs. V' SO and V"i will remain at that figure during the summer, notwithstanding the certainty of an Increased output, as ihe ship, mcnt of foreign lumber are Just as great as at any time since the boom commenced. MEMORIAL DAY. ASTORIA. Oregon, May 15. K3 To the l'ulillc: mice more the w-lcome flowers and ch' lcst hloosoms of spring are with us. and "Memorial Iy." the grandest and noblest holiday of the .ar. is near at hand, the day when the sur- j viving ni. mb. rs of the Grand Army ot the Republic, the Wnman's ll'li. f Corps and their lrend. which for th.s grand oc casion, nuiins . very man, woman and child In tills community, and without wnos- kind assistance proper rp''t could not be shown to the m-inory of th s.. w io have passed away ?i The people of Astoria have ulw ,.rousiy rsK'inded to the call an, :o -niMby observe lhat day ,, nib-rs of Cii-hlng I'ost. G. A. R.. are m nutnoer. and without your K,-n- j sji,.. for ,j, u, appropriately comment". , ril ,, -Memorial Day." I During the last week in May a d-iall . fr,,:rl tb,. Craud Army of ihe It-public , w,n Vi-li the s. bools of tne city and a"k tii,. nation a hope, the i hlldren, to a- i..,t pe-iratlon day. We would call ! , ,),, parents' a t-ntion to the divine com- ,nan.. 'Surfer the childr-n lo ome unto us. and forbid ihm not," as It Is they who tnak- the day what It should be, on- long lo be retnemh-red. We ask the t.a. h-rs of our city schools to assist us in Inculcating lessons cf patriotism anil love of freedom In those tinder their care and Instruction. Very respectfully, THOMAS FANNON, Attest: Post Commander. TWOS. DKALKY, Adjutant. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. A Pleasant. Simple, but Bafe and Effect ual Cure For It. Catrrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to Incurable. The usuai sympthoms are a full or blondng sensation after eating, accom panied with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases causing a pressure on the heart and lungs, and difficult breathing; headaches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. There Is oft-n a foul taste In the mouth, coabd tongue anil if the Interior of the stomach could be seen it widld show a slimy, Inflamed condition. I'iic cure for this eommon and obstinate ( ir(1(, u f)ljn jn tr(.atment which ! oau-:es the food to h,. readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surface of the stomach. To secure prompt and lie.iity ingestion Is the on- ne-eshnry thing to do and when normal digestion l secured the catarrhal condition will 'in v.. dK'ipp. ar-d. According to Dr. Harlanson the safest and lest treatment is to use after each jmcjil a table t, composfd of Diastase, AS- l - pile. Pepsin, a lltil- Nux. Golden Seal land fruit a ids. These tablets can now , be found at all drug store under the iname of Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets and j not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that m alHiy appetite will follow their regular after meals. Mr. N. J. Itooh. r, of 2710 Deaborn St., Chicago. Ill, says: "Catarrh Is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold In the head, whereby the lining mem. brane of the nose becomes Inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom pass, ing backward Into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for me three years for catarrh of the stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot find appropriate words to z- PULLING 'EM IN! 7 T.OOk AT OUR t t iIiiikIhoiiw IHiic StroitK. Hiowii iltttircJ Cliclt ut I trout)' , Wik or Hliw (liy t Catrslinci'v-, ( licvlot i nd Wnttttcd Sullitiif Mii ltiiiH deset lplln at l ft' Tlic mum griblc of tfixvla oatiimt In' doplicnliHl nUewhrre fur nnywlicro ncur tlicw llgiircs. HERMAN WISE, BOYS' CLOTHING The Assortment ol Noat Clothing, for Boys, which wo havo gathered this spring is the most comple te this town has over teen. Our rapidly growing BOYS' CLOTHING BUSINESS aided us on to greater efforts, and wo never showed a more comprehensive line of Stylish Clothing, that will at act! icvph usape. before. Hoy's telece double breasted Reefer Bull tailor made, sewed not to rip. colors- navy blue; ages 4 to I. per salt ....Ml Shanahan pr'-ss my good feeling 1 have flesh, ap. P-;lte and sound rest from their us." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest as well as the simplest and most conven ient remedy for any form of Indigestion catarrh of the stomach, biliousness, sour ima' h heartburn and bloating after meals. , und for little book, mailed free. i .ttiiu "r lull. uvw.. ". nn iiTiiich troubles, bv addressing F. A. mI1Pi rv. Marshall. Mich. The tablets i un be found at all drug ftorei PERSONAL MENTION E. Lund, of Portland. Il In the flty, visiting for a few days. Contractor H-uston left on a brief busl- 'ness trip to Portland last nht. I Hon J. J. Ilrumbach and Mrs, Drum dm h, of Ilwacu, were In the city yesler. 'lay. N. J. Illsgen, the Portland lumberman, : was a passenger down on last night's ! train. I Mrs. V. McCullough. of Portlnnd, Is In the city on a visit with her daughter, 1 Mrs. George Rounslow. j Sergeant Hendricks, who has been pur. chasing supplies In the city th psst few days, returned to Fort Canby yesterday evening. NORRIS BROS.' DOO BHOW. AND PONY Norrls Brothers, th noted animal trainers, will exhibit their company of ,100 educated Shetland ponies and dogs under a large water proof tent at As. New Neckwear Techs, I'uffs, Hows Fancy Manufactured Heai and Hobby Line of C. "sAaSaSssasSjessBss4astsitlatBtslasi()e There nrc clolMng merchants ? on Chatham Mrcct, New Voih; I'aclfli street. Snn IWIsco, nntt the North Knit, I'orttanrf, who will pull In the country hiivsecd, ami If perchance they notice mna with a liunillc hoiht clM-wherc they iuli him anil tell him how he hits heci wlinlh.l ami how much cheaper they could have sold him hi outfit; but such tilth wont do la Arstorla. Ke pull our trado by offerlau KRAI HAKCAIXS. niich our H.50 SI IT SAI.K on it present. IN MEN'S SUITS Scrn" 't The l-tcllotilo Clotltlvr uiul Hotter. . Hoy's all wool Suit, large sailor collar, I braid trimmed, nice dark mlxd color; : agrs 4 to I; per suit I1.H Hoy s All Wool 8ull. black elay worst- , ed. doubt, seat and knee, warranted not , to rip: a v.ry drea.y suit; ages I to H: , P' ,u" SM ; Roy's All Wool Bull, Invisible gray ! mixed plaid; we recommend this suit ' to wear ws.I; ages I to 14 yrars; per i suit MOO Hoy's Knee rants. SVc Kc, B, 40c and Wo each. ; Roy's lilouse, made of best quality per. I cale. the wall made brand. o c. and - a. eh l Youth's All Wool Iirown Mlg.d C.. I mere Hull; long pants; tailor made; per i suit It 00 lYouh'e All Wool Bcotch Tweeds Bull; nice mixtures, the most perrect ntling j ault: we recommend the wearing of this I ault; per suit VMO Youth's Ime I'anta of all wool: nice 1 mixed colors; per pair II jW'e have a large assortment of raps of 1 all descriptions for boys and youth fron I B cents up. 'Hoy's Buspenders; good elastm wsooing; nice pat'. P'"" .10 , torln Monday, May I'erformaneea at 3 and it p. m. This class of show la 'b.-i omliiit very popular throughout th 'country. It Is refined and of a high moral standard a"d seems to appeal to no particular lass or creed, but Is en- Joyabie to all The animals are handled i very carefully and treated with the greatest possible kindness, and have been i mined to Imitate their human superiors In a great vsrlety of ways. There are animal actors, niliiica, acrobats and downs. In addition to the handsome Utile ponies and dogs a number of com ical monkeys and goata are Introduced. The etstlre company will bo seen on strmt parado at 11 a. m. HOTEL ARRIVALS. OCCIDENT. George Htokee. Portland. Itenn Hllrtison, Portland. '. W. Hlgglns, Portland. M. J. Davis, Portland. , A. llerg. Portland. J. A. Hutton, Portland. N. J. Itlagen, i'urtlnsd, II, Gersoii, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Grosser, Herlln, Germany. J. J. Ilrutibach and wife, llwaco. H-nry Foster. Monteaano. P. K. Bobolker, New York. 11. D. Oroshang. Humlngton, It. !. Kerg, Lsm Angeles. Henry Green. Chicago, F. U Tucker, Han Francisco, PARKER 1IOUBB. James Hush, Seaside, J. C. Kennedy, Nasel. trius. Nyman, Tacoma. Albert Pye, Portland. Oskar Erlrkson, Portland. L. Ilniipfer, Chinook. II. A. Miller and wife, llwaco. Boys' find I'our-in Hand Knicker Leggings, I'OK IflCYCLK ISR. liv J. imd I), MiGeonjc, Dnnfrccs, Scot In nd. SUSPENDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, JVIake H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria 8.'50 vALS H AO H ptl M nl N 5(1 Notions. .Half gallon heavy gla.s pitchers . tJj (nVr, f00, lly p,,, u M ft)bon, .t, .oiora. j lo yard, for le All silk vailing, all shades, p.r yard., le ' l-adirs summer corsets, good and j strong, pair Be large cake of caateel soap and wash fag. per cake le J l"'n violet flowers for 1 T lUr" buBch lnrh w,r ",lr plM each Hterlltig sliver thlmblts each la I s iUtin hmtl, ,nJ ,jm fof Children's fsat black hose, pair I . Is . to . I Large bottle vserllne, per bottle.,, ' Htatity pain, good gold piste. for. i Pompadour hair rolls, each I os. carpet tarka, per parkags . lo Bros. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Win Uieenliind (i) Ihe Astoria Com. pany. east half of loo hw.-st quarter, eclloii I, anil eat half f north, west quarter eh.ii U town. hip 4 north, range s we.t. ii n-r-. .. fA James Iwiwl.-n to Aaiorla Company, west half of southeast quart, r s'C-. tlon t. and west half of not theeat puarter section IT. township 4 nrtt, range west, inn acres .... Mary 11 Llen.nweher to John A Ran. nells, lot I, block I'll, Adair's. J I'nlteil Stales i Levi Mallog ir.i acres In secitlons ?l find pi township T north, range t west; patent F. M. Warrenion and wife to Frank I'nlton. trustee, Warrentun annex;, j J. B. Ferguson and wife to J W. Surprensnt, lots and 5 block 4d; lot 4. block 71. MrOlure's; Henry K. Kindred to Alfred Ft, Rab. bldge, lots S and 6 bio. k i. Kindred T,': DO SHAKE INTO YOI'R SHOES Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. Tl cures painful, iwullen, smarting, nervous feet, and Instantly lakes the sting out of corns and bunions It's the greatest comfort discovery of Ih age. Allen a lc0. ,;, mutt t Isjcta t or new shoes feet easy. It s a certain curs for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach. Ing feel. Try It today. Sold ny all drust. gists and shoe stsres. Hy mall o. In stamps. Trial psckags free. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Clothing In Kafirs mid Vestccs.