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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1899)
THE ' DAILY ATOKIAN, WKDNIMDAY MOftNINU. ViAY 17. im. An Kxcclloiit Combination. Tim li'iiMitit iiu'IIiimI nml In iiclli liil flTncta of tin1 well kiniwri r.'ini'ily. hnu i or I'M", iiiiiiiiiriii'liiriMl ly tlm 'i,irHNU Km hviii'i i'n llli.Htrnt.. tlm value of oIiIiiIiiIm,; llif luxu tlvn ii'liitli!i' of iIiii.Ih t li n to hit tncilicliiiilly liixiillvn nml iiH'M-Mintf tlie-m III tin' furiii iihikI I' fi i" liliiy to ilm tnato nml eoiitiil.i' In I In1 lcin, It U tlm nrm iirfi'i'l tivii(rtli nlny limit' five, cli'iiiiMiitf III" avMi'm i li'i'i'liimly, (11imIiik wilil i, lii'inl.ii'l nml ti vi'ik Jfrnllv i'l TiUiiillv i:iil riipldliig mir to ovi'ii'oiiui linlutmil i'iiiiilii'llnii prr mnticiitly lit perfect fnctli.tu (ruin nTy iiiiii'tiniiiiliiii iiinii nml i li .tntiiu, mi. I It nrlliiir nil tin- Idiltii'VH, Jlvi-r mill limn-l. uHln.iil vm'mIii-iiIiij; or Irrltiillni I In-ill, niulie It I lie Ideal Uimlvo. lu til) proof, of liil.niifiirluriiijf trk re Un'. I, n lin y nn jilt m nnt to Ilm taato, lint tln iiii'illi'liml irt4 lit of tli rriuivly itrv .ililtilncil fniii actum m ii-I other ic iiluil. l.y n mc-t IkkI known to tlm Cai.ihimma Km stun Co. only, In otilir in p t Itn liriiflli-litl fTVcla ami to nviilil linlliilliiliii, lrn' rrini'iiilMT Hie full iiiiiiHMif tlicl'iii.iiy printed on lh front of ovcrv -lnir. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. am rMAnui-o, cal. LUIril.l. H.Y. KKW YORK. W Y, Mlf by U lngglal a-l'rlt (iv. k loiiltt ll l!rlt l'rllr..f Hthl ill D IH-.t mania" aa a nun ' Iti.atie il.lrn In (my woman' bill. riakea the Hlr trow. Clear the Complexion. Soften and hltcn.. the Hands. Preserves and benutlflca th akin o( In fants and Children. er4 t!4i)MI. ae. aMUalalf aMalletM. aarpwalF .1 ' I . MMB A. I at t MM. aaia,. a4 knauk 4.,l rnaa o. la.r, ha. 1 WE HTANK ll.UK OF EVKItY 1'AIIl OF MHOKH. H .iiio people ute harder upon th.-lr hoc than other.. ftonia are apparontly hardy upon them. That' whin lh ah'W haa omeililug to do with It. It' raty to ba bard on a poor ahiH ihard lo b hard on a good cne. How much longer will on ihoa (go. i.l) laat than an other (tiJ)T Jutt twli- In moat caae, Tlial perhap (urprlai' yu. EXPERIMENT. THY Ol'IIS again! tiny other you can gat In town. Compare In other rcwct-ll reaped too. Petersen & Brown. I.oi uf peraon In tlila world are wait. Ing for limplratioii when what (hey re alty used I a gimd hard push. Water and Lemonade Set Day IIiindicilN of decorated nnd fancy Itnlii'MiInn nml cryntnl rIuhs water anil li'moiniile scl, Iniinetisn vorloty. l'tlcc never o clicnp. riotiu uitlclca cut tin per cent. (toniu nttlcli'S cut TiO per cent. 0I ANII I .!, II 4I.t' IMJIt JC. Great hmrlm ImpDrtig Tea C?. 671 Commcrclnl Btrcct, Astoria. PHOl'OSALB FOIl VVi:U ofllco of C. Q. M., Vancouver nnrrackw. Wiislt., Muy i, 1S'J. Sealed propua . I' Mrlpllcnte. will be received here until U o'clock a. m.. June 2, IMtt. and then opened, ftirnlahliig find nl (he v etiil inllllnry p ! In this department for flacnt ymr commom Ing July 1"'. ls!l!'' Information furnlahcd here or by quiir. icrimislot nt post. U. 8. reserve right to reject or uccpt any or nil proponnls or any part tln-rcor. Envelopes contain. Ing pnipomU aiiould be. marked: "Pro oiianla fur Fuel at ," nnd addressed to unil, I signed, J. W. JACOHS, tJ. Q M BUMMER NORMAL. Teachers not employed during the sum. mur enn llnd opportunity to make addi tional preparation for their work, or to review for clllur state or county examinations, at the summer term of the Stale Nornam School at Monmouth. From J.16 to $10 will cover all cxponsos for the ten weeks. Term beginning Tuca day, June 20. Kuil information sent on application to the secretary of the fac. uliy, Nirmal S.'hnol, Monmouth. FOR BALE. Pish (ran location for sale, No. 293 Haker' buy, mil from White' Point, ticura 0 1 X T tvf mm Apply lo Ros, HlBglti" & Co, HABEAS CORPUS CASES ARGUED Question of Release of Boyle and Sthnson Under Advisement by Judge Maybevv. APPEAL MAY BE TAKEN Believed Trui St-ie Military Author- Itlcs Witt Iffnoc the Writ If It Is Urintcl WAI.l.At'K, ..ili... May l.-Judg M i) iu llaicmd nil ily in argument ll Hi.' ..ilmli,n tr it wrll of liabcaa iiua for 4'oiiiliilaaloucra 1 1 It- n Htllllaoll. he aigiimclil wa cliail.t:Ve nil lilt., citation ii I ii it u .In hark In Ida ll) I'.llgll.h IhW, Kill I Hilling u I In- , If. i III ilolr, 'I ho judge the nutlcr under advl.rniciit mi, ll Iduii'iik 1'nin rruo . If llir writ Im dented, lm aiiiioum;. irirnt la nu ll' thai mi appeal will be taken I" the Idaho aiiiiri'iiia court, at nit If ilm lower mil mi.lailli'l llitrr. u the t'nllqd Huu- atipteinv ruiirl. If dtmilnl, Ilm iiliiiiiii l common Hioi ilm ini mil. in wither will Ignoic iIik wrll,,Uy afternoon w . oii.iini.d by A 1 1 TIM lt"liel.oll III lirravlllllkl d." M-ii. Hhl.h ha batea the application for a wilt of halieaa i-oipua for t'ounly I'liiiimlaaloiii r ll..) l.i and Htlniaoii. Tli.a morning ho la allll aigulng 'ln aiate a u ii i Ikii 1 1 it will Iw prca.'iilrd fy A tlm my. li. iii lal 1U) ,air. The . at Ilea turn, tnmir.l i.i ihow tan., wh) the wrll aiiould in, I lp la. ued ate lleii.-tal M' rilaitl, Audi. I. r Mliu ialr and ' "lonrr Kraiire. They . a... ar.. only l,y attorney. Judge May. j lie la li. ai lug the aa in ihamlieia Kii ili me pai k.d coiilliiually by eagi-r Hall m ra I lll. aa lb UIK ln i'Ii i liappetia. .Very i lllllie III the I'ueiir d Alellaa rlc. pl (lull. k.r lllli will clo.r down Tliura.Iay, Kvrn I lie .rna..ia . iiipi.) lug frtun on to five Hi. ll wl.i reaic I'UKrtKNT Knit I'KWKV. Huh. i il.:lona lnltei to llulld Home In Waahihiitoii for the Admiral. WAHItl.Mi liiN, May l -The iialliinnl '.iinilii. e of the ery home fund con. llitig uf Flunk A. Vaiiil.rltp. a.aialant j.r.ii'tary of (he trraaury; Charle II. ! Allen aaaiatatil anteiat) of the nav) ; ieirinl II f I'orliHi, I'eiry 8. Ilealh. in. i a.. I. lain poelttiaaKr g.tietul and Klli. II llotxrla, Iteaanrrr of the Clillc.1 I Hint.-- have la.uvd an addreaa o the j p. -'in.' or I lie I nilrti Htaiea Inviting u a.lli;loii tu 1 Ul a h 'Ilia In Waahlhisloti tor Admiral Iir.y. Hoi... rlpilona may br aeiu at ono to I tie trrwaurcr of Ihla fund a; ,he tr.a.ury ilriiatittietit at Waalilnglon. An Imtnedi. I ate will enable the national lottimtli.e to convr) to Admiral U'-wy. at aooti aa he land., a uracil, at evidence that the Anirrl.att people have provided for him home at the nat.n a cupllol. I he com mil lee Invliea the new .patwra of the country and Ihe govi-rnora of all the alaiea to co-owtte In the tnovrtllrnt. I'NPEIl NE MANAGEMENT. II:TUiIT. May l.-The Free Pre a)'.: "C, J. illldden, uf Ixiwell. Mat., and hit aascatra. who recently secured loiilroi i f th Michigan Telephone Com. pany. have acquired a contrulllitg Inter. eat In hc Wlaconln Telephone, Com pany, capitalised at H. .(. The Iran. aactl'ina place under one management the leli-phonv Intereata In Michigan. Wl. Minnesota and North and South Dakota. Thn anine management con trol, the Cleveland Telephone Company and (be Houthweatern Telmraph and Trlephone tympany, which haa an ex. tenalve. ayatem through Texas and Ar. kannaa. 1IAYTI ACCICITH. NEW VOItK. May Id-A dlapatih to tlie Tribune from Porta Plata. Ilaytl. ay: The Hayllan government accept the dellmliMtlim of the frontier by Pre Idem lleiireaux. uf IXinlnlca, and the prr'ldent of Ikith republic will me'( In conf. r.-m-e at Mole Ht. Nlcholti. Pre. I. lent llercitux' vlall throiiKh the coun. try have calmed the uple by hi per annul gtinraniee of redumption of paper In July, and his popularity continue. The export dtitlc have Increaaed. rail. Ing ll."" nmra nvemie for the year. The Dominican congreaa will declare Henor Jlinlnet an alien. .AMERICAN PRESENTED. LONDON. Muy 11. In spite ot tne showery w.aiher, large crowds of people ii 11 ilo red In Ht. Jumes Park today to ace the carriage c'lilulnlng people bound for the queen' drawing room at Kttck. Ingham palace. Mra. Clumlc, wife ot the Culled Stale ambassador, presented Mrs. Aifivd Parish, her sister, mid Miss Jennings, both of Philadelphia; Miss Norn Kcefi'. of Chicago. n't Miss Mary Htlllmaii, New York. In dlplonuvilo clr. cles r'f s. Chonte proHciitcd Miss Choatc nml MIks Ellxalieih Clionte, niece of .Mrs. Choiile, ami Mi's, utid Miss l.i'sliniiiii. wir,, nml daughter of Dr. l.eihnmn, Culled Slates nilnlntcr to Hwltxerliind. AN EPIDFMIC OF WIIOOIMNll COl'Oll I.tiHt winter (luring an epidemic of whooping cough my children .contrncted the dl.icuse. huvliifr severe roughing spells. We had Used Chambrrlnln's CoiikIi lleniedy very succes.fuliy for croup nnd mini rally turned lo It at that time and found It relieved the cough and effected a complete cure. John E. Cllf. ford. Proprietor Norwood House. Nor wood, N. V. This remedy Is for sale by Chnile Hogcrs. It Is c'.ulined that America has the best iltesHcd navy In Ihe world, and when the men bi'bltid the guns strip down to the natural huff It Is ndmltted Unit th w nrn the best tighter In the world. The ancients believed that rheumatism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who litis hnd an attack of sciatl or Inflammatory rheumatism will Area that the Inlllctlon is demoniac inough to warrant the belief. It bn never' been claimed that Chamlvrlnln' Vain Ila'.m would cast out demon, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear test I. mony to the truth of this statement. One application relieve the pain, and this quick relief which It affords Is alone wnr;h many time Its cost. For sale by Charles Rogers. AUMIHAI. WATHUN HAllM. a HAN KltANCIHCO, May l.-Ilr A1 mlml Jiilui O. Wlon, will rdli-v AiIiiiImiI In-wny In r'Miuilirflil of the 'A- Ho iUniriii, DHlliil for lila pot on tlia alKiinT t'lty of I'rklnit thU aftarnoon. Ailmlml Wmaon I m?mmnlil by Ida ii'riiiiil aUff, Mi-ulrnunla Marlil nl HiiiwJii'I, Tltt'HT INVKHTIOATION. WAHlllNtnviN, May l, - Atiorm-y llmii riil MnnnHt. of (rtilo, wa liaf'irt th Imlii. trial iuinnil.alii mnf at a wltripaa In Ilm truat Itiviailjfatlnn. Ilia tiiatlni'iny inlnliil ulninal rxclualViily to Ilia H'uil'l. anl nil Iruat, HKalnal Willi h In- haa limn in hi i i I hm In Klil'i, i:aki, (iv HTAi-ruifu Kii-t.KU. I,iiMi.V, Muy ID-'I'Iii- Uarl of Hiaf- 'mil, who Mra, Hmnui;! J, Col- Hiiln In Nw Ymk Inal li'irinlT, wava inainmly kllM tliia vi-imm I I'nltr'a 1lr, hy Hit' 'utolrJ.latn raini-aa, Hi'lll'U. IJK'IH ANOTIIIJl lKvl!i;K. M.W VOItK, May l -J' urn- .....i uill u.K. it.- Ii.iiu., uru il.'uri'M tit .1 I l J . U, !- HI"' ! - I. I. 1). iii 'ail Hrliiit. on ioiiimiciii.. inetil day, ll haa already rnvlveit Una .lea., 'n. ii llurvatd unlvi iaily and fiom Ui unlvirally of Ml'wuil, IHiWAltn K. HI'llAtll'K HKAI. N K' .VUltK, Muy 16. Hi.lugue, an arllal whoan !aid plilurea m.irliiejiinl nnval t'f" In a iii iiilhly mag aallie haa altrai'led alien., ailddenly In ihla i I'y of ion, .11 llljl lu", ageA 31. MAJfill HAVAiir. finmiiiMi. WAH N'iT'i.N, May i uicnaiii l....i 'ri,.,M.u. l Hint III Fifteenth III' ',,'j.i. , - .'rr' ' "" " " a.-rv,i. una rruinie in .... J..r K. K. Haviine, i;ighth Infantry, to l- Itrill. mint roloiiid, AN'oTIIKIt TltANHI'iiHT KAIU HAN FHA.Wim-ii May 11 -Th. nali.- t en tell it la . i amain r.agie, ni. large an Hi, I for the I'litllliplnea Willi a t aigo of comnila.ary ami ijiiarterniaatc' a aiiii!.t Hhe carried no aoldn-rt or oKier pnaactlgrt I'ltoMINKNT HTOVK MAKER DKAJ. Ni:V VOItK. May U-Wllllutn liepew flouihard. one of the Ix-at known toe nianufai turrra In the I lilted Htaiea. dleii t hi. home lu iVekaklll. N. yler. day. aged U er. AIM'utNTF.Ii To ANNAI'OI.IH TAiliMA. May l -t'oiigreaaman Cu.h. man ba aptiolnted Harrell Palmer i. k. rahaiu. Tacoiua. aa cadm to Atmapolla and Fred J Wliltak.r. l'loue, alternate. KW I-imiN t'lTY TAKF.N. HiNiiKNl. May 1L Part of the troopa arm to Ihe d.altirlied t.r rltofy Imve returned after taking . aeaalon of Kow lam city. The I'lilneae garriaoiia were dlenrmed. The Hrl.lch II .m urn holai.'d without diaturtiancr. VKNEKIl WdllKS llfltNKl'. I 4,HANl ltAI'll. Mich . May l -Hre ''"W1 Ir,", lul,l,,,, Vrn"r hVur' "" !-- concern of the kind In the rountry. !oet, 1() oi, lnurance one half. HEAIMjI AItTEIlB CHANCED. I'ETItolT. May K The headquarter of the ord'r of Hallway conductor will hereafter be loiated at De Molne la.. luatead of Cedar Haplda. which hat been the hcadquantera for a number o( year, , - -r - - i. 4 n n. n a -ft. tv 4 ! You I need not lose flesh in summer 31 if you use the proper means to prevent it, You think i ; vou can't taKe ;r , ,p V J liiiii fiAM l 1 it. AMy tith, lKi. at e o'clock p. m.. for the LMUUlUiS in nOt Weatner, p purchase of th entlr Stock of drugs ' but vou can taKe it and di- i J n"J'n'- a001" ni1 merchandise. ' . . , I. . Ji a i shelving and trad fixture, except. 9 gest it as well tn summer as 4 , , 0uiy two mckei p:;d show case m ; in winter. It Is not like the ?;" lh'reof' contained m that 1 . j ! .. 1 . . 4 certain drug store formerly owned anJ plain COd-llVer Oil, WhlCh iS J iB CUpll.d by the Estes-Conn Drug Com. I difficult to take at any time. 1 '" N'' 5"u commercial tret. II you SIX Kimj llCSn, 4 - ociiveij. All u.ui .must uc .vwili.Riiiru YOU are losing trOUnd and ? W certified check or deposit of to00.0u J ' ' .. ..J ('nr b.d will not be conslder.d. If bid I $ yOU ntCU not at.wPi,a deposit will be Immediately Scott's Emulsion 1 Z MA mild hav it in kttntin ! 5 . r -r .. your flesh and strength. If f 0r ; you have been taking it and I prospering on it, don t fail to 3 . nnl.n.i. tie.4.1 a.i. jiai 4 etne ? J Continue Until yOU are trior $ contents of such building, excepting nx- ... . .. siiori'. Terms, cash on delivery. The 2 oughiy strong and well. j )0C. and tl.oo, all druggbt. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChtmUtt, Ntw York. J H.F.PraelTransferCo. l Talephou U. 1 DIUYING AND EXPRESSING i All Goods Shipped to Our Care TV .11 Receive Bpectal At'entlon. No. KM Duane St.. W. J. COOK, Mir Asturla, Or. Re. Tel. Ill THE PROOF of the pudding m In the a'iii. and th proof of llquon IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's n n elusive a demomtratlcn. Ours will stand th ten. HUGHES & CO FAVORS THE HAGUE MEETING Archtlsbop Ireland Says All Civ ilization Favors Principles of the Conference. APMIESTHEBAPiEOFEUKOPE Their Support Hasfteachji the Strain log Point - not an Advocate of Peace at Any rTice. M;VV VOItK, May M.-A llaalfh t llnr J'Urmil fiij AJvarlla'T from l'aria 'in. Ia Ari hlilhoi Ireland aa aaylng; j "All ( IvIilaaUmi favota tue underllnn prlncitilea of The Hague conferen' . "All Intelligent men reiognlge, that In- i. rnailonal rtlffeimiea ahuuld e etli d upon an In.elliTlual baiK, whenever poa. alhle. K. ; "While I (Mimot ahtlelialv Ilia work of of the del. galea, and while It would III liciome me jo offer auggeatlvna to auih a illallngulaheil Intellectual body, I am fiee in tuy that there la no other work 'an wrll calculate. to bring happlneaa to 'nil nation aa that with which thy are 'confronted. i . j "The piling up of huge armlea It the . . ... - ....... . I r.arni'il ine airaniini .oii.i in ii.. ic. act, and unle.a a remeay la ,,,r, dily, irretrli val.le ruin alar. a them In ,,, (.'ivllliallon and Chrlmlanity utr concurrent f-rcca which could and ellotlld be made to alop th upectacie of nailona aimliag themaelvca to the teeth fur the purpoav of dealroylng emii other. "M,nd. I am not an advocaw of p. ai ""' price. Tliera are '.Ime when war I unavoidable. ijccal'na may even ari.- wh.n a war la ax lawful, as right- e.oia. a. holy a any of the war of the . ruade. When I wa. In It' me. found t very body In favor of pence.'- f)E. TIIK IIKKITAOE OF DEWF.Y 8 t BCENIMNT8. ; , The document wblih the preldnt of .h. i'nii. u.... ....... f'..m...... n..,.. . -in i.. .... .... .. IHH.ll 'I U .' III. uri"irnrjiiw, ll will be paed down from generation to I l.-ll him to wait a day or two and he generation. It will become aa famoualwould learn aomethlng ihai he evidently and a valuable aa the great atomach remedy. Iloatetter't Stomach Pltier. whlrh guarantee h.alih to all U.ert, ; which nmy be panard on from generation 'worth all the profee-loii" of the ret of a generation. At a fl ah.bul.der. a nerve ' the world. tonic a blood purltler and appetlaer It l s iduip.y wonlerful. If you feel tired In j THE LOl'VKE CONCEItT. th.' morniCK. If there' a bad ta.te In j our mouth, try lloa-.nter Bumaih Fvllo1iig la Ihe programme cf the Hltleft. He you man or woman, be youriAmme Orchestra at the Louvre for the ailment c ntlpa:lon. lndlgetlonf Inactive 'week bglnnlr.g today: I ver a kidneys, the Illttere trill cure you. All druggist sell It, 1 "halrman Jonet haatcna to aa.ure the 0untry he ha no- thought of re, "ignlng nia poaltlon of the democratic tommttee. HI. health la omewbnt Im- palled, but his reason haa not been en. tirely dethroned. WHEN NATURE v. . , . , . , Needs assistance It may be best to render It Drimotly. but one should remember to ;use even th molt perfect rerr.edie only , when reeded. The best and most simple and genii remedy n th Syrup of Figs. .manufactured by th' California H Syrup Company. j There Is good ground for the removal of the state capital of Pennsylvania from Harrlaburg to Philadelphia. It wou'd save John Wanamakrr a pretty trifle In the way of railroad fare, and enable hltn to mark down his goods a little earlier l the spring. i NOTICE! isuTirE! NOTICE! til. la tawlll K. rr-mtvA k haw un. I'.ts kihmI, at No, lit and No. 148 Fourth ..uvery. AH bid must be accompanied teturned. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Illds will aiso be likewise received by me at the same time and place, (cr the Pachas of that certain two-story frame , building situated upon the west Ed feet n' iha north half of lot S. block 39. In What part of the city ot Astoria as laid '"p and recorded by John Adair, In Clat. eountv Oeepnn toa-i.thee with the wo.slory frame bunding win be sou tibjeot tJ a mortgage thereon. Dated April 2S. ISM. Tlu fewer persons you take Into your contldciice the les danger there Is of future trouble. . STATE TREASURER'S FIRST NOTICE SALEM. May 10, ISSS.-Notlcc Is hereby Kiven that there are funds on hand with which to redeem all outstanding state "XTJtZ! r.,.n,' with the exception of those drawn on the swamp land fund, the state scalp bounty fund and those drawn on the general fund for conveying insane to the n.'.vium since February 26, 1SSJ. and Ihat all such warrants, properly en- dorsed, will be paid upon presentation i this otllce. Interest thereon censing ,, . allj fler th date. C1IAS. 8. MOORE. State Treasurer. Few grown-ups can appreciate what Utile children suffer at being made to wear what their mothers consider stylish. I conplder it not only a pleasure but n duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain's Code, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few desee of it effected a permanent cure. I tak? pleasure In recommending It to others suffering from that dreadful disease. J. W. LYNCH. Dorr. W. Va. Thli remedy is sold by Charlea Rogers. We a! a ays regret the most the ihlngs t!;at w. rnme the nearest to getting. WEBT SIDE NfTEII, Ml ial Jrwltl, of Portland, w a vlaMor at 'aal!li H iiilay, Mmitaiiant garratl, of Kort Cinby waa a vlnltnr In At"rln Hunilay vnln. Mutrrlal for t1' nrw chunh at Ham. niond haa arrival anil work will htgln lhl w'k. John O. William", of llatlTy M, waa iranafi-rrart lha Ilo.ltal orpa at fori 8tv-na Tuwday, A hlrth'luy iarty and i1nricf will b Klvn at Konl'a hall tlila t-vnilng In honor i;f Mlaa Winnie Abriim. O'liiral W'lln, commanillna; th n- kIiict lorj-a of lii army a gi:h'd at Korl Bti-vrna n't wi"k. Mr. ilurman, of VarrTiton, At nmodel InK hi. nrw ilor pu that li can put natuarant umlir th lam. roof. New to.k of WM, HIIMKS. Ill'll. I'.KH CrillN'i, nil all anrH of Kiali .1 fin ii k rui.ll. at 1W t'HH'VM. io to Mi Ijilly'., at lliiiiinoii'l. Mi'a Jiiila, I'rrnil.a arrlvei in Aatorla frmn M'-Mlnnvllle ll Friday. Hhe left Halunlay mornlnk: on a aleamer for Bad ille mountain where he haa an enaK' ment to teach i'liix ilurlnK 4h aumemr. It-'. E. II, MlKhell jireaihed to a i rowded houae ! New Aatorla Bunday levenlng. Mr. Mlioheil never fall to draw a good er-iwd. Ilw will preach 'again at the ame plaie gundny evening th 2i!h. The nilnatrel (how and danie g'.ven by the Kort Htevtna Athletic i';ub at War. renton laai Haiurday night wan an un. nuiiDtled aucreaa in v.-ry particular. Th" wrK, crowd In attendance allowed how the pe p!e of that town apprnlate uch thlntf.. Kach rn'mlx-r of the thow acted hit part perfectly. iiectally Mr. Cooler. Iwhoae rendition of th "founler Jump. (.r brought down the h'-u.e. At an tn- ma." keeping me people in a in ot laughter all the lime. TTie "Flag With, out a filaln." a aung by Meara. Herh"ri Wllllama and Mar.-h waa full of melody and feeling. Dancing commenced at II p. m. and continue! until a late tiour In 1he morning, when the people returned t) their home thoroughly a tin fled In ,h Hy lney were entertained by the i tidier. j IMPLICATING MAVOU VAN WYCK. I i 'K WYOKK. May l-ltefore the Ml ix committee. Mr. Moaa ankel Mayor Van Wye k a qtientlon which Implied that th mayor wa financially inieretted In the pool romii which were alleged to be running here In violation of the law. Mr. Van Wyck denied me , im.i.ituilrin nA rha'teneed Mr. Mom to I :eir. evidence. The onlv .all-factlon .... -oi.M .l.e .he m.vor waa to (lliv f, , .knew nothing about now. The h .neat affection of one person Is PART 1. IMnrch. "The Chautauqua" ....Cirlng :-Wa!ti. "I Iive Thee" Wa'.dteUfel 5 eKecilon. "Poor Jonathan". Mlibiecker Plka, "Trav.-stt" Wohanka i Dane den Sullatv Polak Daniel fr-ledley. "Memorlni of Tara"..DeWitl ; Wall. "Kroll' Itall Klaenge".... Lumbje Pe'.ntlon, "Ernanl" Verdi -Polka. "IJbre Alure" Fahrbach j PART II. l-March. "The Handicap" Roey U-Overture, "Spanish Comedy I K'ler.Beia 13 Walt. "Southern Roses" Straus W iteuiey. American College Sng" Moses ilt-Seiecllon. "Der Vogelhaendler".... Zeller .16 Polka. Kriandlses" Wohanka 'l&-"Meln Llebe Helmathland" Jungmann ll?Wli ".I Vellowa" Vollaledl j is Finale Re: ween trying to please the recipient and suiting one's owne purse, the birth, day and wedding prenents are difficult of selection. TO CCRE A COLD IN A DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggist refund the money If It fal's I to cur. Sc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by Charles Roger. OP LONDON. Established during the reign of Qu;en Ann. A. D. ITU. FIRE AND LIFE Subscribed Capital J liSO.&JO Ou Assets 16.401.450 W Surplus to policy holders 4.061J3S 00 Exclusive of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Ufa Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guaranteed caP- lln! .. 7.50O.0OO 00 Capital paid up , l,Si60u 00 at.ia.u3o tw Ussct Catton, Bill & Co. General Agents, San Franctse, cat. Samuel t:lmore ci u. Resident Agents. Astoria Oregon. THE NEW 'North-Western Limited" (:oth Century Train.) K-iween Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, is entertainingly iiescribeJ in an illustrated billet, which will be fur nished free on arrlicltion t0 W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt 218 Wathlngton Street, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. PARKER. Cim. Agent, 500 r tru Avenue, SEATTLE. WASH BY i WSEl Paine'sCelery CompoundtheOnly , . Spring Remedy Endorsed. "I heartily recommend It, and am g!ad to give It my hlgheat endorement." fk write Mlaa M. A. Arnntrong. th government mlcroacoplat. after making a painstaking examination of Palne'f celery compound, the one remedy that ha with, i 'tctKl vrr conceivable tent lnce It wa nr u.aooverea uy ariroouina greai phlclan.profeiior. and It formula ub- mltted to the acriKlny of the ablet prac tltloner In the world. Thouaand of letter have been received by the proprietor of the remedy from men and women In every community. l,"ln' on 'xp-"ence-ine immeaiate rp"" na trieci cure eneciea oy thit remedy. The b-t physicians openly endorse and recommend It, authorizing the public use of their statement that Paine' celery compound, in case after ease, cure rheumatism and kindred diseases, purifies 8 99 KNOX SAILOR HATS For Ladies. In Black, Navy Blue, White and Brown. Every Stylish Woman Wears a Knox Hat. BUFFUM & PENDLETON Hatters and Furnisher. 94 Third Street, Corner Stark, PORTLAND, OREGON. iviffWiMm I astoria Meat company Tetephona No. 32 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4g CajDHierctal St.. Mat Palae Rettaapaa-t. W. F. SCHEIBE, A full line f Ptp. Tabacc, nd daMker' Aiticlc. 7 Commercial tst. C. -J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping:. Stop and Think! j Are You I The Best Meals, ! The Best I That can be had tn the city? If not, I It I B-'cause you have not visited Kor thos who require a genuine feed. May get there with economy all that they need. Thousands who know It have freely confessed That of all the great caterer "JEFF Is the BEST. F.ook for t! aiim of "JEFF'S" ami false no o!Le.-. Established twenty yeart. Set.d I-cent stamp to pay pog FISHER BROS, j Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardtuare, Ship Chandleiy.Ete. Can Save Tou Money on Estimate of Material of Every DeccrlpUosL R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Estate Dealer oi ASTORIA, OREGON Wrik' fur Information and Pani'ililct. ' Coimnc ci::'. Sir tt the blood, regulate th atomach, llrtr, bowela and kldnev. and relnvenat. Ka. fagged:out nr dleaed nervou lygteot, when everything else fall, ' Paine' celery compound, upon whkh no much prabie haa been betow4, fct within th reach of the humbleat Jamllw in tne ina. The Incalcuable amount ot rood that H la doing In making ilck and even deapaJr. 'ing people well ihould compel the attn lion of every judlcluua perion wno out of health. Palne'a celery compound Invigorate th nerve, mage new Dtoon, a route hearty appetite, reguhitea the bowel nJ brings about a normal action of the Uvr. The nse of Palne's celery compound; make alt the difference between lmpur slutjgish blood and tired nerve. ajt4 healthy, energetic bodily condition h. tween sickness and health. aggrr -' " - -'Ass. nufacturee ol Alwaiyai Reliable "La Belle Astoria" Clfar Scttclbe's Opera Star Scbeibe's Special And Other Brands Custom House Broker. 'ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent W. F. 4Co and Faclflo Express Co'. Getting Liquors, Or The Beat Beds Jeff's Restaurant. aad get a Ttd Tabl for Wl. General Supply House for Familv Groceries.