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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
THK DAILY ASTORIA N, FRIDAY MOKMNO. MAY 5, im ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. tav " Astoria (Dally) I Arrlvo" JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. TtUphoM No, . P 11 Pi I, po ? low r I i am TXRMI 0 lOBBCMPTIOIf. DAlLT. Bant by alL per Tr H lent br mail, par month M tcrU br carrier, pot wont KMUWXBKXT. tent by nail, Pr year. rreo...a.OI Postage fro U Moscrtbara, Ail communications rotenoaa for pB eatton ehould be directed to tba adttar. Business communications of all ktnda Ml remittances muit bo addressed to Tbo Astorlaa." Tho Attonan guarameee to no advar tl(r tbo largest circulation ot aay newspaper published on tbo Colombia rlror. Advartlalw rtM euMiKM ape eatloa to tbo buatneaa maitaae. TI DEJTA BLE Ma v, 1899. Won Tuo Wed Thu Frl , 8at , Sun Won Mon Tue Wed Thu Krt . Sat , Hon Won Tuo Wed Thu Krl . et . Sun Mon Tuo 4 n: 4i 1 l'7 61 im':j: t SI I 0! 41i oo t i it it 04 :iil it lit to ,. .. ICS Sid SIS 1 si t! 1M 11 ... tie i7 7i 10 J s , 11 15 SI 4M t04: ... 7 illia it; sio -61 ... t ,ll;7tl 01iHl7 L. . ... ( ... t 11 WJ hsj:!i fix. 10 (4 11 0 4o'tl 1SS74 7.11.10 1 Till tS ..10 ..11 ii,i ai 1 4 IM'Ifl 3 01 7 I 1 15 8 H5 1 1 ISS'.OSI I5S 111 ..II ...11 1 Ivl 1 144 Till l 001 fS 11 4 XI T 0M III Si!l0SI ti ..14 ,..15 ..16 .17 ..IS ..1 tl7l 4 OUT 0 4 W th SMC II t55 t II 1 0 ii ill tJ:4iil0M 10 :U11 14 i 117 ViU HI ! T 0071 T47'7t I S3 7 5 16 T 9 All! II 1. 1 SO 1 i 1 04' 1 1 I 117! t4i! 159! 15 1!0I IS I IM1 17 41v, 10 S 47; S S IK' Oil 4 S5M 10 IU;-8I IT! 11 14 tl .Zl'10 11 C 4 10 03 S J ,S11067'10MS6 ,!3.UMi7 0!!ll0 ..(. .1:11 4S71 Thu .. OWJl'l 1S74 I 7 10.-1 i TOO 11 04SS1I ilT!TM41THtl 115J1M t 01 7 111 j-l 1'! 141 to to; Is.7l asU'l tad is tlS 4K7nlOUj-0 6 lOKj IS 41IOtO 110ll0 0i;U4lt S24.7 C 22 8 li.U &7 0 S i.. ..I.. . Frl Bat .... Hun ... Mon ... Tu ...a Wed ..U THK 80XO THAT BROKE H!3 HEART The fallowing Utile poem, of unidenti fied authorship, but attributed to a Ger man iiJmlrer (?) of the subject,. William the Talker. Kmpcnr of Germany no of f,ne bring Intended by referring to the Hohenxollern a a "subject" 1 re;r- duced as of contemporaneous interest, bearing an It on the events of the day, even at th risk of committing "majestat belridegung " lew majesle. disrespect 10 '"God a annointed." and all that con of thing. If is-the ong Cap. tain Coghlan. of the V. 3. S. Raleigh, re. peated at the dinner of he Union lVaitue Club In Manhattan recently, a presuma bly private affair, and which wounded the aeosibllltlea of Wllhelm. The gal lant captain is to receive a perfunctory reprimand and to have another ihip. but the president han"t apologiied to the Kaiser yet. Here la the song: HOCH DER KAISER! Der Kaiser fon das Faterland, I'nd Gott und I all dings command; We two, ach, don't you understand? JlEINSELF-und Gott: Vile om men sing der bower divine. Mein soMien sing "Die Wacht am Rhein." Vnd drink der ht-alth. In Rhenish wine Of ME und Gott. There's France, she svai!'rs all around; fihe'a ausgespielt. she's no ai:gound; To much, we dinks, she don'd amound MElNSELF-und Gow. She win not dare to fight again. But If Shi should I'll h"W her blain Pot Elsass und in French) Lorraine Are MEIX-by Gott. Jres Grandma. 'Hnk she's ntcht schmall bier illt Boera anA su h h Interfere; She'll lenrn none owns (lis h-mHptre But ME und Gott. Sh dinks, g'io.1 frau, some ships slip's got. I'nd soldiers mil rnu juarlei goa-i. Ach! We could knock 'em poof like dot MEINSKLF und Goit. In dimes of peactf brebare for wars. I bear d-r helm and jiear of Mars, I'nd care not for den dousand Ctars MEIXSBLF-und Gott. In fact, I humor every vhim, Mit asMt dark and visage grim Cott pul mlt ME-und I mit Hlm-MEIXSEI.K-und Got. The )0 m. althouxn it will be consid ered somewhat Irreverent by some, l conceded to be such an at Uike-"!T" on the Empercr s exalied Idtas of his func tions and importance, that the irrev erence Is pardoned. Pears' Pears soap is dried a whole year. That's why it lasts so. Steel smokestacks are bfing placed upon the locomotives of the elevated railroads In Xew York City, thus re ducing the weight from about 800 to 10") pounds. P2it08 lti Mtu, nU pu!) sill ""ea VlUOiSVO 'A re than JO0.0U0 sewing machines are made. In this country annually, which Is 90 per cent of the production of - the world. Some of the results of neglected dys. peptic conditions of the stomach are cancer, consumption, heart disease and epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure pre vents all this by effecting a quick cure In s'.l cases of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. . . ,.Jrv . AVcgctiblc Preparation for As similating Uh; Toed and Rcfjulv tiiig the Stomadis and DowLi of rromotcs Dicstion,CJcTftJ" ncssandRcst.Contains ncillur Opiian.Morphinc wt Miner J. Not Nam c otic. JmrJhm Sml JtxSmnm AxUUiJt - 1i i is I io n , Sour S torut: u , L um ivxa . Worms .Cortvul ; i.1 ns.l 'cvr i sh nens cnJ LOSS OF SLEEP. lac Sin.' Sigrwilurc cf tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Men who are apt to think that thty can always get tho best of womn In bui. ness deals frequently ftnd themselves "done," and that by the most Innocent appearing of her sex. The inibecilitv of some men is alwav inviting the embrace ot dtath. It is the delight of uch men to boat of what "tough ft'l lows" ther are. teli how thct rwork them- l-es and how ther neglect little sorders and little illnesses that put other people on their backs. It mav not sound nice to sav so. but it is a fact that the average man is just that kind of a boastful, cheerful idiot If his bead aches, it isn't worth paying any attention to: tfjie leelsdull and drowsy ilnring the day, it isn't worth serious consideration; if he is troubled with sleeplessness at night, be doses himself with opiates. When he suffers from nervousness, be Walks into the nearest drug store and or ders powerful medicines that even a phys ician prescribes with care. He is a very knowing fellow, but without knowing it. he ia bugging death. There is a wonder ful restorative tonic and health baildrr that will keep the hardest working man in good working shape; it is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is made of pure native roots and barks. It contains no minerals, no narcotics and no opiates. It simply aids nature in the natural pro cesses of secretion and excretion. It tones np the stomach and facilitates the flow of digestive juices. It makes a man " hungry as a horse " and then sees to it that the life-giving elements of the food he takes are assimilated into the blood. It invigor ates the liver. It drives out all impurities and disease genns from the system It is the great blood-maker and flesh-builder. It is the best of all nerve tonics It cures bronchial, throat and lung affections as well. " I had indigestion acd a torpid liver." wnles Mrs. A. I. ('lbbs. of Ru".llnlle. Logan County. Ky.. " Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cured me." If constipation is also present, Ir. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be taken. They never fail ; they never gripe. Drug gists sell both medicines. Th-? past year was a fairly prosperous one for the Gloucester fishing Interests. the value of the total catch being t9.w, tsi. and the codfish receipts over H'WOoa pounds. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds. croup and whooping cough readily yield io One Minute Ough Cure. Use the remedy in time and save a doctor's bill ..r the undertaker's. Charles Rogers. A distinctive peculiarity between sharks and whales lies in th- fact that the for mer have eyelids and the latier none. Mokl Tea positively cures sic neadaeho. Indigestion and constipation. A dellghtlul herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a per.'eet complexion, or money refunded. 2S and M cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The word "resurr.-ctl"n" sems to con centrate the history of the universe to whl-per the secret of th life of !od. YV. '.'. flannett. J. D. bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says: "I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. I: !s the best remedy for croup I evfrr used." Charles Rogers. Truth is the offspring of unbroken meditations and of thoughts often revised and corrected. Woliaston. Acker's English Romewy will atop a courh at any time, and will euro the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 and 60 cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The wiser a man becomes, the more he will read, and thoe who are wig'.st rad most. Hans Christian Anderson. Don't think you can cure that slight at:a' k of dyspepsia by dieting, or that It will cure itself. Kodol Dysp-pela ',ur will cure it; H "digests what you eat," and restores .the digestive organs to health. Charles Rogers. In India, the native barber will shave y.m while asleep, without waking you, ISO light Is his touch. Ci.SrXXlI.i Beari tj,, a 1 Kind you Haw Always BougM Is there any more distressing sight than the would-be tailor mado girl who doesn't know how to arrange her neck tie In genuine mascullre style. am I JiL-j.WTi. and Tor Infante nnd Children. I The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature cf The Kind You Have Always Bought. mo mim Somo people who aro too conscientious to He right out ahve a wonderful way of distorting the truth so that It l scan-ely recognisable. NERVITA VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AMD MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy.Nisht Emiton and wastinsr diseases, all ciTecta of self- abuse, or excess ana lnd .rutlnn . llflrl'A f nil It 1111(1 J. J V . L1UII . . soot pins giow iu iaicv.'ii i JNW restores the fire of youth, if JSK Tv ."Oc per 1-ox: bows lor UCJ-'JO; with a written ptiaran teo to cure or refund Uio money. NERV1TA r.'CDICAL CO. Ointon A Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL. For Sal by Charles Rosrrs. Druggist. Did you ever notice how shy women are of the calendar? Time Is always rpre. sented by a man. OASTOniAi Bsantaa f im ;cl1 ,w We are- told that kind worU are n-v.'r lost, but ft seems as though they were often mislaid. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets arc sold on a positive gnaranteo. Cur hoartborn, rlslnsr of food, dlstraaa after eating, any form of dyspepsia. On Uttis tablet gives Immodlato roller. S and SO cants. For alo by Kstos-Conn Drue Oo. The (Varlnir sleeve at the wrixt Is the dlstinrtive loin h on this season's snirt waists. It you suffer from tenderness or full, ness on the right side, pains unW boulder blade, constipation, bi'llousnets. lick haadaeh. and fsel dull, Seavy and .-p your liver Is torpid and con gested. DeWltt's Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, pl'asantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing -the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. Charles Rogers. House banting, houie cleaning, house breaking s-ms t-i be the ord-r of the day. If you have plies, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that ilni. ru- remove the results of the dlsehse without disturbing the disease I'.self. Place your confidence In DeWItt s Wil'-n Hasel Salve. It has never failed to cure others; It wlil not fail to cur you. Charles Rogers. The oiiKi'ial cas- of ground rent heard of In cnnnwtlon :tn the first earttMiuakei. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kini) You Hate Always Bought Bears the Signature of The self admiration of some people proves that there is no accounting for tastes. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Broroo Quinine Tableta. All rdugglsts refund the money if It falls j to cure. 25 cents. The genuine has U B Q. on each tablet. I If a man has a bright child he at once airs his belief In the doctrine of bored- ny. P. E WARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely d'-rang" Ihe whole system when entering It throuh the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the dam age they will do Is ten fold to the good jmu can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toldo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Iniernally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the syBtem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally, and made In Tole. do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. field by druggists, price T3 cents per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. AW psi m m m a I A ij Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at The Daily Astorian. Kopp's Tbo North TariHe Brewery, of whieb "r..Tohn Kopp is rrcpH'trr. rnaki l)r for doruen'io anil exp.rt traJe 'hf 'iy frm 4orth Pacific Brewery I Ti-c IMPERIAL Hotc THOS. GI'INEAN. Proprietor 5 rX.od.-. Portland, Or. I THE Seventh and SHASTA MINCKAL KATEK. t'EN'EK. XWJLE. HICK0KY AM) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHEK LK.HOKS. WINES, BEES AXI) CltiAKS Herved Day nnd INIffHt. AUGUST KRAT2. - - ManoRer ojoijolojo3o3 Motmon Bisnoos' Pills of Kil-lfcuM, tli.-'e1'"". .M.v. tl, - The long vacation Is bt the larg.' ind small stJenti are now planning f'" By allowing the occumulaUons In the bowels to remain, the entire system l poisoned. DeWltt's Little Early R sers regulate thu bowels. Try them and you will always use them. cnas. itoger.. i Faiih In human nature never lives un ill we grow up. I It makes nc -Unvrenee how bad the wound Is If you use DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no scar. Charles Rogers. j This1 much may be aid for hhi n that be has given no story to the niag;i- ZlleeS. FLA1 BD OtJT. Dull headache, pains In various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of tba atom, ach loss of appetlto. fevertuhnes, pimples or sores are all positive evidences of Im pure blood. No matter how It became so It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood EUzer has never fal' to euro scrofulous or syphilitic pol sons or any other blood diseases, it Is certainly a wonderful ramany and w sell every bottle on a poartlvo gaaraate For sale by Estee-Conn Drust Co. THE NEW "North-Western Limited" . (20TH CfPITl'FV Tkain. ) I hriween Minneapolis, St. Parrf and Chicago, is entertainingly described in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished fpce on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Atf., 1218 Washington Ktreet, POKT1.AND, ORE. F. W. PARKER, r . t.'om. A fent, ... 'KJflKlrst Avenue. fVC SEATTLE. WASH VCVl.V.f blir;ft'.Sdach. Ufim to pss of FT V?g! SHiUte.lh. tau. ud . cinwn. y- . .! " r."''i m m.mrw rr1 n ' b.Jini. Addrosa, r"ho BemoOf Co., Ban FranolsoaklHil. V r sale hr Oiariaa Rogers Of Any Description "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. I Bottli! Lev: tor family iw. or kf M sttpplitnl at any time, .l!ivry to LOUVRE Astor Streets r" ,'"s " M .rr.rf iw-.t;. CU'SI kOSt SS a fin OOO. mood. Is inla, Palna nous Do VfABO.VIC. TUMPLS I.UKOE NO. 7. A V. AND A at. Regular communications held oa th first and third T'lesdar ntn of ach. month. G. TV. LOUNrilLCRRY. W. M ; B. C. HOLDEN, Bei-roiary ATTORNEYS J. Q. A. HOWLBY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office. Bond Street. Aatorti, Or. li T. UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL i UK 'North. W stem Limited" tui'.ni. : el.rtrlc llgh'e. t'lrTighout. t . t h In side and out, aiid steam heated, arc, I without excep.loi:. ttie tlio-.i trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Pleas f'.r comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered trie traveling public, und altogether nr.. th,. most com plete und splendid i.t'odin tl ,n of (lie car builders' art. These Siil-tidM Tr il'H Conned with The (irtat Northern The Northern I'ai ifit iin'l The Canailiiin I'atific AT HT. PAt'L FOR CHICAGO ami the liAST. No extra charge for these superior ac. commodatlons and all classes of tickets ar,. available for passage on the famous "North-western Limited." All trains on this line are protes ted by the Interlocking Itlock system. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE. Oen'l Agent, T. A. Portland Ore. WiOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS The-jr oVArrom Wlfni. Irrg t iarltv am uirilanlon,iiiortvAc wtot and Bum ah "btina of menwtrusv tlon." J li-y am Mfe Nvja" (fiuiin'rtol'u.irai)ari4 tnjy. linftwri ramrrlv fur Wdliii'fl t-lAaU t lie m. ( amnoi dn Imrm rom a pirA-tir-. al r Imix ; V IS S mull. UttXA hy dtuifil , TIMII 5CMII0UI.IIS Kmiu I'lirtlaud IlKI'AKT Asatva rt Mall It p. in. salt UVe, I Oliver. Ft Worth, Omaha. Kan city, hu Uiui. t'lilcai. and r aU Kt Mall t t I" Wslla Walla. Hmikaiie. HMikan rirr t lo . in Hpokau Klver .to a. m. iMlltltti, MlUsnkw t'lili'iuiii anil-Kml, r'tuin Anuria OCIMN ri!AM5HII' I AH HnllliK l't tub' Jm'I to I'banse. I I for can franein'o. Mull I April A s, IS. it, '' ! 7 a mil mi uduv Colrftihla Itlvor NtMitiiera To Portland aad Way lndinga. tinriMu li day Ktni I'ortlntiil. Wlllamvtt Hlv.r S a in 4 : a. in. Tui'a 1 lint' Iiici, 1 imr and galoni, Alaaiiy, forval I "' ! Ila ami w liulllis Willamette and Vain- n m) n ui, hill Hlvsra. Hoii.Ved. 7 a. m. I'liei.Tlmi ail r'rl. ami sat. wy U,idtufc eae .11,' JaUso. 'ftaU J.aia. m. Illimrlato I.ewLUm. " ftmn I'urtl.n.l ... lUaMKITKItlVKIl w K Stin.lai Oreiioii llf, Nvwlwri. K,,Hd, Nil. 'in ,V W sv..aiid . O. VT. LOUN1HERRT. Agont Astoria. W. B. UURLDURT. Oaav P, Act. PortiaaA. or. "BA1Lpoihts east! Through palaco aafl tourist slsapera, j dining and library obMrvatlon sara. RCEOANT VCSTIUUt.R TRAINS, ' No. I Umlted ! Portland at t it I Limited arrives) Portland at a. n. Kor ratoa, ata, call or addra (i, W. UjyNBUKRR Afoot O. R. N Aaic T. orla. Through Tickets -TO TUB- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA PULLMAN PALACV UtlPEM. TOURirr SLCBPXM aa4 TRtm RicLimna chaih cam -Daly to Salt Lake. Denver. Omatu, Chicago, Kansas City and otbar Cast am c4Ut . Bacgago ohaeked through to dasUnattPsi, union Uepoia. raai um, ioi Ptoisa HmhL aa all imr. Tat raiaa and otbar taTormatloa eall or O. W. LODNIDBRRT, Afjw aatorta. oiraaoa, LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVi OVERLAND EX- 1'llh.HH, for Balam, ItoMhurg. Ashland. ' it P.M.iAacramento, UK-lea. !: A.M. Ban rranulscu, Mu. tave. Loa Angeles, :i Paso. New Or leans and tsw Kaat I k A. M Roseburg paasenger Via Woodhara, for Mount Aagel, Hit verton. West Bclu, BrownvlHe. flprlng tttll and Nation..,. H:D P. at Dally tept undar Dally except Sunday 1 t7: A. M Corvallta paaaeager (tt:M A. M Independence pass' t:l& A ll t:U P. U lMlly. tDally except Hunday. Connecting at Ban Francisco with Ocol. dental A Oriental. Pacific Mall and Oce anic steamship lines for JAPAN. CHINA, AimTltALrA HAWAII AND THK PIMLII'IMNKS helium tickets on sale daily omneen Portland, Bacrnmento, and Ban Francis, co. Net rata 117 firm -class, and 111 sec-ond-claas. Inclitdlng sleeper, Ratea and tickets to Eastern points a no Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia. fan bo obtained from J, H KIRKIAND, Ticket Agent, 134 Third at. R. KOEHLKR, C. H. MAHKHAM, Manager . F. P. A. Through tickets East for lowest rates Call on C, J. Trenchsril local agent, Wells Fsro Company's ortlce, Astoria. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains I5ETWEKN THE EAST AND WEST Only lln operating Its own through trntna between flt. Lou la. Louisville., Bpiingneld, Cincinnati and New York, via WaffhlngUm, Baltimore and Philadelphia, The traveler over the B. A O. Is permitted to catch glimpse of the greatest scenery In America, PETER HARVBT. Paolne Coast Agent, Ban Francisco. Room U. Mills Building. 0mMt X suwitT -n hi" IDA. I uad poiaia. i r . la m a am. m M Vk HI H:liViU0'l Atbsrl li-.-. .i. ni wow"i rttnsV tiunfr.' W Hrt flat Aatona to a1aalda J. C. MATO. a. r. 4 r. a in WHITE COLLAR LINE Columns llrrsr ano ruget ou M (Btloo Company, Tolfbons laves) Astoria dally. "l-l-oVriand Aadlr 'wbMalv.llar Una 'f '"r3VC Klaval. ll. "O"''-' Mc,, Nahixilta. A j f ATI d-t. twasrJrtt Are You Going To St. Louis? i ' ' l " ""'ba ,-. ' I'tiei, ah lb '" ar.ti S .tilw-.n P. H'- tl' l ant l.i ix'.l i'U at'.'iit lb it'', , ..k i. nit'.'! r ..ribo via Ullilnss a"d lha lurllngt.'M l"ll . K iuri: a t'i ing in in no tin" ati.l Icn.per KrcuiiJ II. k( are a , M'f'l a"'1 ':' ''r' I .. rr .ni !; lian. Ilrlca I Mn'lr 11 I. !'"' A. C. BllBUXlN. (Iw'l Ant. Portland. i)ra ; I I A CCW INTERESTING FACTS ' When people ar. cH.miitlivg a trtav hthr on busma or ptwMmra, laws naturally want th. tt ervia vb talrwbl so far aa eod. cmirort aa4 aafvry Is i-oncrmit. Krophys o tka WIHC0SIN CENTRAL LINKl ara uald to srv th pubrlo and our Iraio aro opera t ml so a to ma a aloa ooo wrth dirwglng I at aA juncrtion poiiiia. fullnian I'aisc. Hlsvptng and Calr Car on through tralna IHnUig tar rvlr un.clld Uai swrvvd a la carta. In urdrr to nbta.n this flr( claa aorvlJa, a.k th. I i'kt agent 10 you a lie- over TheWIsconsin Central Lines. and you will man itrv cietlm at flt I'.ul for Cblc.g), M'luauk and all po.nt Mt. Kor any furrtnr liiformatlun call on aa ticket agont. ur rirrfpMid with JAH C. PON D, l)n. Kaaa Agent, or JAH A CIM'K. Ullwsuka. WIS (Irnxml Agwit l Btara at.. Porilan4 Ore Dyspepsia Curo. I Digests what you eat I ItartlflclglldiRrtN the toot) tofaidA jKnttirn In Mreimttn'iilng and recoo BtructlnK tlm eitmusied dlKWllva or- (fans, j I Is the latest tllscovered dlgeste- aDtantl tonic. No othrr preparation can Riiproftcn n in r nhoii'ncr. it ia Htanily relieTraand imrmancnUy curat Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Iloartburn, Flattilonra, fiotir SUnnarh, Natuaa. SlrkllMidiichctiastraUla.Critrnpa.aad all other results of ImrxTfecttllgrstloa. Prepared by I C. DeWItt Ca, Cblcooo. Kor nam by C1IARLE KOUICIU, iii .. i. a nnq .pni'S"'!. t- ti....,i r leiheir u- , i-e-., s per maiiir I tir , Millie, 4i. rlinrg,.., ,ir suf lun.nim iieii. vr ui.-r. pninll HHUM, linn ,i mliroil. sneisi ItHilinuOiantiiCa fii-MtfiDri. .OCissn.0.n b' DrmnttM, rM kala by DragU l" nr la al.ln wr.j 7 li. m, er Uilil... p. ' l lrcgl.r Mat us ri rwuMti BLANCARDS I 111 IODIDE OF IRON f"tANf:MIA,PONI!5.'soflbrll.(M)l, v.orxs 1 1 1 i lONAI. Wi; AKNIibS ICIMH'III A. I'le. N'lllriteiiiiliieuillrs.slKiird "IILANCAHIi'' A . . U I KTM . I!. I'Ol KilittA A CO. , N. V. Agts. lor U. 5. taaTIIIL a aAta miij M m o m id ma ivianey fins W 1T- w, A, 1 I., ,11. J 1L. M nun iu (.-Miiiit ru uini'Um'B U VHOr Klitiipy bi.iI Urinary Oi'ifiuiN. Have A yon nc(flcc:U-il your l Ulmtya? IIuveT . j ... . win -- fiia n n ar Jim.. .....I i ti ii. viil' iivHrivoruitii irtiit vtn rri u u iai j- wiiu fjuiirM-ii bitMiniu wim your k puhm In tiio IoIiih, Hut bui'k, irroirih M .mi )iltiit.l.H4 II...,,. ....A n. i.r... . A I I . 1 W ' i.ii iiimu yiiii a jiu'.nv u k r'aninco uf tins fnfn tru..i itiilw undiT Uio cyon? Tio fiWintiU; J i kItm nilllat fl mi 'J Wll lt.1....'l I 11 H Will lninurt niew flu. LU. af awil orurm. tonn up tfca nyntoml .and mitko a nw mnn tJ t... K..T mull BO cent per hex. f 1. luulANN En rti. I tl.. l'eori. r'l-en. I li For gala by eTEA-CONN DRUG Oft f iiuii.,.j . ML M w Wi.r. l V"1 i .... -N n l