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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
Hit I'AILV ANTOKIAN. HiiOAY MOflNLNO. WAY 5, IBM. KB bMr mm An Excellent Coiubliiiiilon. Tim ftNHMitt lui'tlimt mill Injudicial '(Tret iif llu wHI lituiwn rruirily, frr nt'i or l''ina, niiiinifiii-liiri'il ly Hi Caijciimnu rut H v nt'i- ( ii,, IHuHlmttt Mif vuliix of olitnlniiitf Hid llitllil luxit- tivo llilll'lll' of lllllllla known U 1)0 Incillclniilly Imiilivn miO iircM'iitln,; tlii'iu lit tlm form on ml refreshing- U llm titi" mid Bi't'riitiitilB to ayatoin. It In thn otin iH-rfeot atrviitrHii'lillilf liixa tlv, rlraiialng- llm avabslii 1'ITVotimlly, IUHlliiir wiliU, lieuilnclu'a Hiul ffver viMitly yi't promptly ami rtialillnif one to overcome hnliltunl eon! lul lui x-r-iiiancntlr lu Mrfct frei-nm from very olijnelluimlilo ipinlltv mul aitlr Uuue, mul lU actlnif on tlit Uliliiryx, llvrr mill liowela, wltlmtlt weakening or Irritating llirin, iiihUk It llm Ideal laiatlva. In thn prM'M of iiiiiiinfaclurlnir .lira arc ual, aa tlirv art1 lraanl to tlio taale, but llm matlMiiMl iiilllli'uf tlm rtirnrtly ara obtained from aenna mul other anmiatln plnnU, Iy a mcllusi known to tint CAi.iroNNU Kio hxHt r Co. only. In orilnr lo ifd Ita IwnrlU-lnl affecU mul to avolil litiltallnna, ii-bm remember thr full nam of the Company printed on tha front of rvnry parkag-e. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM rAMCICO. CAU LOUHVILLB. V DW YORK. If T. rul Ml If all lUugglaU -l'K ft. pel Usllla II.M-h 1rr Kauai" ems to b the l.riiii il r( of Cog blan'a burden. TO CUIta, A COLD IN OMI DAT Take LaiaUva Dromo Quinine TaMm. All drugwlela refund lha moeaf If II raua lo cura. St e. Tba nuina bai L. B. Q. oa eeoa (atrial. For aaU by CtMftaa Hoftm. Tha people who have lha flnest homaa epattd Ilia Laat lima III lhm. THE FIGHTS AROUND APIA Lieut. Caunt's Brigade Has Been Doing Steady and Valu able Service. MATAAFA TO BE SUBDUED Lcatflnf Citizens of Samoa Think the FlfhtAfllflStUIni Should Be Pressed. Cytscum REMEDIES THE SET Cwshttat af CCTKtlU SOAP, u ckjiwt flit itta. Ct'TiaHA Ointment. Ii lal tic tils. ui anCl'M ItSOlVEXT. It Clot ISC Wool b na ufiuesi t are tbe am lorTuine. tfiu Onrtac skis, voip. u4 Wood limon. mho. taiarvBl IrrluOocvtia da tf stir, wscs & lot psjsldm. u4 in stla rcscdla tUL MmnM m,TitM ti.CviiftM b. tw , o.f.n. m niMtttn ik4il m ru.m Hr laaa Ca art rnw, Mnaa, ar'Mn ML'ar aan,rr . Ii Alk'KUM, M. Z, Max 1-Ai1vlci rouolvtxl lioia from Apt lu April 17 aiala lliat Ilia rvbal luaa by tlia alilllnf of ilia AUiuafuii airi'ligliulJ at Valiaml uy ilia Marhia uf llival liruain ana ilia IIiik. p1 Htalva waa gulla Iwv. Many uf ll.a ivuvla iv wounded, 'i'lio licui In Ilia lata K'ibvrt IaiuI Hlvvviiaun HVuil Ma iiOJImJ wllb alialla. Un April ii ilivrv waa a aliaip akliiulali vrtwaaii Un rUvla slid Uouuiiaiil H. A. Uaulil'a l-iaOo, liuir Ilia luu uf Vullauil. In t lit nga:MMm auine uf Ilia Malaafani ma klllad. Tlia Una uf Ilia frioliilllaa Mia aiiai-kaj In 4tia darkii ai two ImiIiiK bill nulla of llmm i klllnd. tpril 2) Ultra waa auina buah llgljlli.a l.iiiuliiaiil liaunt'a brlgatla, uuinbvrliig n iiivii, aJvamJ under a hut lira. Tlia ciiviiijr lout aavaial Ui"ii, li bell' a uf ilia (IobiI bln( tlraggvi! away. Uf lha in nJlloa una waa killed and lliraa wub. lv. llrliiah l.uuiauania Innraa, Hick man, bulr and Cola, Uiutom iaunl, b'ad 1'ia loyallit Tlia Sw Zn. UnJ Huvarmiiant altanur Tulatu kal had arilv4 at Apia Willi dlapaii'liti a'uniuni'. Intf tba raua( uf Ilia Infriiatiuiial com- mlaalunoia thai Ilia InliabllaiUa ("atv. fully aul( Ilia arrival of ! tominl. lonvra. whi ato n on inair way iu ilia Itlniid fnmi Han KraiiclaOM. A llirrllna; uf Ilia lll'ca i'illill. III Vlrw I Hill mi.r Waa lit I 'I, I'M I Wlllulllt i,'iull, lh (Vrmun email) illnnriiiHiK from llm proivillloti of Hi" oilier I wo . im.uli Admiral AHx-rt Kauia and iUr Bplalti of lha llrlllali iiiii.rr Tauranfa llaialrhrd a Ill'-waKo Hil'muli llir Krriii li 1'ilcat lu Mataafa. t. .1 . t lrij linn ! null ilraw hit f.Mrv iiiii lr ul a liiiv lu mil' l.tiiK and all ltill I't xt Maianf I'llad dullaiilly. i- Iu litf u Hlilxliaw un. Iraa the Jrmiiii i . - I and II. c.ipU.i! f Ilia Omnan nuiwr K-i iii' "l Ad miral Kaula a'i.1 i .nt'i Hm.H itn i, . upon flit "ii nil malum tu MMuf4. :lit.'lrnlli liliu ' "Ui-1 lli- Willi. I l-awal of lila r..i..-a In ui'i'iul "f llil iiitlniuluin a nun uf ,n Ui.n .lnl'1'd' i Uill J ' l.i. ui. iiii( Haunt lulaa-li w .ti'n-' ' mtiriird and a ln-av un a liii'lr.l. 1 and ar lw kfii wrr "l In ir.t'lthra lril lnfortlir.1 of llir.' itu. liaiatM.iia M.naafa madr a piuini'l ( .lt. aKi'.li'll lu wllli'lraw Imni' ,liul.l mi Aptll an lni"nanl nirrlUia; of llu kmi and hla rlil'-N waa lild Thr w.r. liifoniird ir III ! Ihal hal Imtii j L.aru h h. Iltlll.ti and Aiiitm an natal ' n.iiinian.lrra. ad aa" II a'tiral apirv. ! ,il 1 .1. ul no in (UiiiH'a lir!(ad la (Ml. ti lima tin- irr''rU-d ar-a Tliv kma mm lHrl Admiral Kaui and Cai'laln ' Minail on imr.l llu- Am-rltan aiul llrll. i-ll llla. and Wia IT.rhd W.lh 111" iuluniiy aalula un hla arrival and dr. ..irinrr llufua.-l iiiaiiag.r of lh- p a", j'li.ii uHn lh,. alia'k waa madr 1 I.) llu- MrllNh and Ami rl. an a.illora. rr. 1 -u'Mn In lh' dmlh of l.lnilrnani Frrr. m.i n. uf tin- llrliiah navy. I.Luirtinnl ;'.r and Kl-n John II Muiualiait. I ..f llu- I'nllml Mmira rnil'i r I'lilliolrlphla. i nml I a. i ..lh. r. la a-111 rti lalii'd on lioard ihr ilrrman .rularr Klk 1 Thr ami c arriaa.- from llir I'lilUdi-lplila 'with h waa lual at lh' llmr of Ilia m. uaa.-mrnt. Iiaa l-rn rrrovt-riil. lull llu null la allll In Ihr liaiida of llir rt l. jnm.lala an' Iradma rrald.nn of Hamua ,iir uiiIIp-I In ayuiT ilia! Ihr .-ha'ara ..f Inliumiuiliy anairi'l Ihr llrliiah. whli-li I . ir mad.- by a man nann-d iJirorh. arr iinirnr A nmlrlt of Ihr InhaldiiiiiU VKf aximrlpncul, Tby wr aalonlabad by lha mantmr In wliloh Oajint'g lirlda iiaialiird lla poallhrti, In tha fa of a roiilliiiiiMia (Ira. Tiny war alao aatnn. lahrd at thai alu-lllng uf Valiaml, by alil'.h many of ttiat rM wro bavlly woundrd. CAIlNI'ilK Til ItlCTIIlK KHOM TUB TKHf THA 115. II. ('. Krli k and llm Hlandard Oil Com. paiiy Will ll In ( onlrol of tha toinlilii". Si'AV VOItK, May f-ln llciialii( 1 1. ill and aliu-l 1inl.i rondlllulia, lha Iron Atfn will uy tomorrow i 'J tin ai. i-l iradn la iln-ply ai(k al'd uv-r llir at'iluiia iii"lnln'lia lioW piOgcaa Ii K wllu Ii liuail a v III mi I w tlli'lru wul of Alidivw 'in ii.-fctio f I' -in Ilia lii'iiiatiy and tlia paaalny of control lo ll. r, Krh'k, with wbum will ba ao luiid l'i Hiumlurd oil Cmpany and lli Iradtua of lha National Mlocl Company and lli. lr alllnl Inturiala. To what xt'it Hila movi inriil will aipttiul, ao a to liu iii'l' Ilia y'dd-'fal Html Company l not ihur. It la ulidxralood that ollirr laign con. iiitiia huv been approunhrd. It ahoilld hu dlallni'lly alatod, liom-vr. Dial tlu. uiulrrlaklntf I Hill In lla liilllliy iug a and II may or may not u llir'uch. AtKKlivr coiiaolidalloli whli-li la laklnK a avlloua turn, la I lint of h V.t Kii.-t Mllla, un whh h oplloua ur.- now lx-lii ouiiriul, Tli movrtnt nl la lun ki d by tha Mooie lnd rral. Tha lubo mllla and l. 'rk havn rtailud tha point wh.-ra thn wrk liv rt' clvr.l Inatriii tloiia nut lo l"'"k orOi r hvyohd J mu- I. (me f.alura of I III con. aolldatlon la lliat lli undxrw riling luiik. era aro lu keep alolula (untrol of Hi- pniriy fr a p'rlo.1 uf nlnn moniha In tha aaaUrn Iron trad'-, T. II. Wana. makrr la accurln optlona ut a iati prlcn on a number of rollliiK mllla. All tlirao llrW UlldWaklll, loKrillrr Wltll aonm of lha ulhar conaulldatlona Ilk'' Dm Itvpuhllo Iron and Hl"-I 'uinpan' whli-h ar not ytt In full workltin ui'lrr. hva had thrlr -ffr. iiui III.- vdumr f rilrrrnt tiualflr.a In l llir mul llnli'd nialrrlal. An lmiriant far I or In lh .-ii(ial alt- uallon la lha growl'tn airriia-lh of I in- ferritin markrta, whirr our own poaltloii la hrinaT arndually fallDil and til fnr if A no 1 1' an com J.'. It Ion la I'-ax-iiInu lniiiHii la ov.rwhHmad with work In all .1. . irirn. u: und Knidan l la dv I. upliiK an u'l,iitr.iiic trriilrii.-y, pig Iron i liavluK hj'l a n-. ailta'iir of II X durliiK Ihr J4- Ku ilua Wi lonllmir ti do i. il III' "I' ll lu aV) a' air III Ihr litli'V furnlali.'-l lima, t.r l.lttc iiiiii.rinl am In Ihr alia Inidr a.iha Hifiir.-KallnK alx'iit In mi Inn. f.i, ihr Nta m k an- r' l "rir Hi an .I'll all. r of I; ,rr 1. 1( l .oka aa Up. UKll i i.ll.limililll l Ihr rntltr a, iii I.I lui- ' n liiadually t- x m i'-) it if on. Ill II lui Ink. n up all Ihr al.u k mal.ii a . i-ii . iiy and ih.iiiuh r. inun.'ia'lvr ipil. .- ar ,iiitr.l Tin- latter, an it our iw it . uiut r la roiir.-rnril. n.iul.l Ih ... I.'a. l iirv if r til l ii"! Iiavr a -. 1 1 r m toiy in Hun No I'M luiKi- liaiiaai tl'ina arr iti TliM ft ulll Ihr illlT'-r lll linxllli na .-rltlrla. W nuy n ilr. liumtiT llu- of aiMiiu iai uiia of llraa.-m.-r pij Iriin in llir i-.-nli,i weal liy on.- nrm. 'Ihr l.-.l llialkr.. la air . . Ilic . hill thp vollltllr "f lilialltraa la nMlrra.-. Kuat.rii mllla r.-uirl aoiiir liualruaa III al.-aH ralla. llir Inula.- aliopa arr r iorli-d a iM-irg . .' lui.) and thr main .-omplalnl nl nil tin- wh'ilr lliu- of a'ru.'tillal a.i'ka la ihr aiari lly and alow l.-lv.-ry of man rial, tiolahly platra hi thr m al Iradr, i-opM-r mnllnura to .ii.-.iil aitriiii.ui, Humiah i)a. movrmini I lull. ii I u i u .- part of Ihr productive 'apart! y undir onr manaicmi'nt, In allir !lr rlar runllnura, and thr Ml', aotirl and Kunaaa orr miner haw again puah.-.l up prhva. U-ad la alao nrmnr Tlin I' d'Alriir ou: i a it i-tiia oft an HAVANA CUSTOMS RECEIPTS LARGE Collections it tbe Fort far tbe Year Will Reach Ten Mil lion Dollars. ENGRAFTING NEW LAWS Old Spanish Criminal Codes to Be Done Away With -The Reform Welcomed by Society MJW VOIlK, May I A dlapan h lo th Trll.uiir from Havana aaya: It.-.rlpia ai lli Havana ruaioin hoiiar for April jua. llfy tha pr-dl'ton that tlw rollntlorn fur I hla port for will r'-h fully 111,,.,,),.,.!, The April loial l glvn at wir,i. Thla la a derr.-aa.- of Pi'"i. J'lal one da lull" rlluiia, frJfn Ihr llgurea for Mareh. hut an Inrnaae of .M,ij ovrr I'elirunry ai.d W3." over J.inuary. i..t- r.-nlpia for lh lira! thlrrj of thr ar arr HZI2''l. V'aterilay H.'i") waa roller lid at thn diatom hour-. The lapld How of Aiiu-ilraii iurr.-n.-y lulu i'ol la haal.nlng the exportation uf Hpalllah Hold and al.V r, WDoae 1 K II t ami i mliuil viiluallon la fjr below ei ther II I kal or market value In rlpatln. I Twenty. alg Ihnuaand fl'dUr III Kpatilali i.-.-ea arrived t'ly from H.iml., where onlv Amerl'an money now pa. a fur ahlpnieiu abroad. , I'ollllllelitll.g tli'n the dei .e . liKrafll'lg roipua upon the criminal roi. i the Hiaulh edition .f I l.oi n ea t.ela); "Kver lidy h'iii!il n-Joli . al thia great reform whlrh la going to he a'.orn-j pllah.d In our Uw. There are not la k- j lug, lieer:h.lea. peraon wno view trial wlih lha Amrrhan and llrliiah eonaula 'n thn proclamation for lha auapanalon of ho'lllllliji until tha arrival of tha a. moan c'inmllori. I'nder the clr-um. ataneaa oftlrlnl ara at a Piaa to aecoimt for tha pfaa report that ha Oarmana refua lo Join In tha prorlamailon and ara ln llnr1 to atlrllnila It to anll-dcr. man Innuenrai, WATCIIINO TUB IIKKi'lH CAK. NKW YOKK, May f-Tha Kphv-oiial clergymen In tha rtlocaaa of New fork who huv, been guiding a movement of proleat agalnat Hi ordination of tha Itev, lit, Charlea Allgil'tiia lirlKK. a prleat In rhelr ctmrch. will probably uk no Immediate action, aa H ahoj. Tofer ha not yel rve.ild hla Inlanip.n. They are wal'lng lo If I'r. Ilriitg will withdraw hla applhatlon lo lie ordnlnnl or whether 1llhop I'ot'er will refu lo '.rdnln him i-Vjrt taklr.g any aeilve atei a a whole. JllXiKKH' KVAHIVK KKI'I.Y. rrl.YMI'IA. Waall., May 4 -In rply lo n-'iueat for an opinion a lo what meaaurea. in ni jmiKment, wouii iiv the problem of lawi'ne In lh t'tuer TAIene mliu. fJoveriior KKra aaya; "A In mot .ill other matter, preven. Hon I mii'h f-n-r than an attempted rure, afier Hie (rouble 1 allow. d lo ripen. Cor a long lime affair there ha been In aii' h a condition that an ou'break waa due at any lime." Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable Frnlt MANUFACTURERS OF CANS spice Syrcp Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco, Csl. Astoria. Ore. Write U for Prlasc Fairbaveo, Wasb. W. F. SCHEIBE, rtariHfaictMr of thai Alwaya) Mwl labia) A tall Una t Pltwa. a4 AaaaJura' ArUdaa. 4 71 Commercial "La Belle Astoria" Clfar Scheme's Opera Star Schelte's Special And Othwr Brand "HKAT IN'f'IANe) AflftKHTKU rSKA';VAV. Aluka May l-KIht Chll. kal Indian who were ob'irucllrig lha loriKtrurtWin of a trsll by white men from the Halriea' Mlaalon 1o Klukwan. I.ave le-en arr.-ate and aenlenee to 30 day Imprl'onni' nt In the Hkjtway J.ill. No further tr'uiMe with the Indiana la apprehended, Jame U Q'llnn atarted a report that a rh.h etrlke had been mad eight mil.- from -the Iak Cabin, and a etamped ha fulloe,J, SKItMAN MTHKRAN BY NOD. HT. l-OI'lrt. May 4. -The r rman Kvan. , K'llinn l.uiheian ynol ha aecrpied the r. pur. ofthe rommlltee on for. lsn ml lun and die board of foreign mla'lma wa emixjwi red lo end two mllonarl' a i THE OCCIDENT Astoria's -Leading Hotel Mcglcr 6c Wright, Props. aS Commission, Brokerage, ! Insurance and Shipping. Cualom House Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON, Agent W. T. Co- and PaelBa Expraat Co'a. pro- I with illf.ivor, but llil la due In India to ll the f ur already th-r. lo the vl'luiia liit.-llecluiil eluallori whlrh they hava rer.lved. v.ip!. a-. lUM.iinr.l lo n- irn.-rii'-'l tru.y ianri"t oiuelNe of a l'-m of pro.riliire In ahl.h the K)er m-fl'i-i II ruif without piejudl.v to Individual right, 'or without heaping tauma iihii tlie ur. rii. l. II I raid Ihal thn haliea corpu I Will . He the Ute ilefelll-ie and will augment rrlme. but thh wlil not happ-n Wltll ,l K"d leill-e aua;all"l by the lion.: rl.'tii.nw whbh foi m Ihr ma. J.rity In every anilely. Wr have fai n In tlie eii .-i a of the reform w hi. h tne ..ii:.' of Culia will web onie a the an. pri nie gii.iiunt'-e of the r e'hl of the : iltla.ii." I Th.- In.iilnr ral.ltiet ha pr. par. d a pan f'r the tl.ihl!rhne!it of a board uf viiirlnatlori. which I lo have gill eral rhaige "f thla Important brain h of puli:i hygiene thr. null' ut the I'land. Tlie bureau will ftirnlh vlrua f .r all Hi.- iiovliH ,al aiatluiia. and keep record uf all va.rlnatluiia made. Wlih the In- atliutlun of cumpulury vaccina. Ion the .-plib lllli- of emilllpog Will aoun craae to be.oiiie h public menace In l"ut. and , Ihe harrier of quarantine can be low ierwd aunii lriilly Ui a l'W travel to and ' from the t'nlted Plate to puraue for ' the greateat iart of the year It natural 'and nominal cnurar. C.u-tavti Ilork. the representative, here of ihe Henry flay and Hock Company, cigar Hirer, will aall for New York In the , negotiation now well advanced f. r the I merging nf the Henry Clay with the Action will be taken Ina'.ru -t na the California and Or-gon district to In. veajgatr the condition of Ihe r rmna ; on I ho Kandwhh l.liind. with a vn to -a!ah.l"hing a mlaalon mil l.g them. FATA I. OHKaiOX CITY ACCIDKNT. iltCilO.V CITY, tire.. May 4.Jaoih Kturkey, of Needy, received Injuries this morning thai will likely prove f.ilal. I While crolng the New Kra wagjn a paKalng train frlghuni-d In I horwa and they barked off the bridge, falling Z feet. Mrs. Htutkey received g fractured arm anj nveml bruls-a but will recover. "Russell" Automatic Engine fi Imp irt.iiit producer. Tin hua aguln rl.-n In sympathy with lmdon. Ilav.ina Commercial 1'umpany. NK'.VItAtll'ANH lUHI'ttHKIl TO HiNOItK MINIHTKIt MKRKY. It. . Ill tile Pre. -Iicr of lli De. tiuii M.-ni to Protect Atn.rlcan In. iltialrlea from Ihe Kiartlon of Torre. I 'CI UK Foil TC-HKRCT1.08I8 IU8 HKBN PISt.'liVKItKD. Subcutaneoti Injecllura nf Ihe Remnly Have Cured One Hundred I'eo. pie In llnly. I'ori. ap.iii.l. nee uf the Associated I'res. i M A N AJC A. Nicaragua. April 12 'I he ofllclnl and ' inl.iiftl iitl newapap.-i at , this capital Ignore Hie arrival hi r on i April M uf I' Hliile Mlnll.-r VI. Hum loiwnni'.' Meriy. This I n.nub.-. I...I.I.. .n... ll.n.t.1 Mrlll. thr .-raaallou They . Mutaafa a l- al. " ' ' ,' " ' , 1 "' alio an -,ne illlll-wilni ur uf h.iallllltr Vim STAND BACK Or BTCRT FAIR or auoES. Born a paopJa ara hardar upoa tbalr akoa than otbara. Bom ar( apparanily hardy upon lAarm, Ttiat't whan tba ahoa baa ocatHblras to io wllb IL It'a aaay to ba bard aa a poor aboa bard to ba bard oa a (ootl on a. Mow nuoh longtr win ana tboa ffood) laat tbaa aaolbar bad)T Juat larlca la moat eaaaa. That parkapa aurprlaaa jroa. EXPERIMENT. TRY OUR agalnat any otbara you can ett In town. Compart In othar raapacia all rtapacia too. Petersen & Brown. cuurti!.- new of Ini.rnatloiial Inlereal. In some quarter till omlsalon Ik attribute,! to i the fun thai the government of the l',it.l u, a... ..... llll tin r cartridge li.ll and them' , ., , , un " . IVii-olt to lllilellrhl lu make nn Inv all. .ii now, and Unit the Irouhle would all l.r en. l.-.l In a we.-k w.-rr the advantage niiahrd. The rebel are di'llght.'d at the ... .i.. -.i.i.-i. miii tfieM iltti lo re I Hi'int win, i. ... a.--.- ' NKW YORK. May 4-A dispatch to !the Wnr'.d from Rome says; Trof. K. U'crvella, of the university of I'almvro, claim to have dlscovereu a radical cure for tulwrculosl. The remedy consist of the suhctilane. ou liilc-tli.n uf a snlistanCe called "For. mullna." Out i f a hundred patients. Prof. Cer. vello I snld to have cttred tK. and the ii thi rs are ld to be Improving. There has not been a death in me liLTAIMO) FOR HONOl.ri.C, SAN FRANCISCO, May l.-J. M. John, son, chief clerk of the railway mall aer. vice at ! Angele. ha l--n detailed to go lo Honolulu to take charge of of the transfer of mall at that port for the Philippine. Australia. New Z. land and the Orient. Hy thia arrange, ment ihe dispatch of mall matter fp.m this city will lie enix-dltrj by thra day. 7 WOI.COTT GOING TO CARLS HAD. I'KNVKR. May 4.-8enalor K. O. Wo:, .-on announce that In company with h's brother. Henry R. Wolcolt. he wl l have this m -nth for Car.abad. for a six week' atay. They will return in time to anter. lain President McKlnley while on hla western trip. C.RKAT FIRK AT RIO JANEIRO. NEW YORK. May 4 -A dispatch to the Herald form Rio Janeiro say: A great fire on Wednesday dentroyed about .10 house around the, market place here. Four persens were killed and the '.os Is estimated al t.00 contoa. r i t Write for Catalogues of Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. A- II. AVEKIUa, RVSELL 4 C0V Manager. Portland, Oregon. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and Pamphlet. 535 Commercial Street The anclenta believed that rheumatism wa the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of aclatl.- GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Sealed proposalt will ba received at tha Italy. mui's frit It I ihe g.tieral opinion u.i lun and proliH-t cltii.n of the I filed thill the l.landa will W uiilnliHlilte.l en. I ...... ... V 8TII.I .. . ...t,,....,. t,.,li,aa . '-" " aa....i mi, ip-, H.11111S null IM-II1 1 tills ceiil fur (l. rinaii and I-renchmrn mile i . . , , , , . ,. ..j... 1 "f Oa neral l.irre. who s. by ih- ait. Miitimfa and the rels-l chief are .-v .-rri ........ . ' ... j , ..,e. . . j ,., 1 i rut f.itmjn, rt'n i'iiik pl'SIIINtl THK INSI ROF.NTS. NKW YORK. May 4-A dlstch to the putithi'il. 11 i mm. .inn ......-I. ... - - ,Bi,rn part of Nicaragua. Koine three subject will give much evidence before nr fIU(. V(.H1.H ,.,,.,,,,., tyt ihr Inleriiallonnl iummlaslnn, owing U K,,v ,.r,ltna , of t fl(V-l lie fear thai lo cl'f'' Ihein'elv.-a can. mil to cmplnv To, re huh in un di.lly wi.iitd liilerfi-rc with trade rdu- I , ,. A,n!,. ,.(U1,; ,,, .vu-arggug because 1,011. For ihl. reason the evidence before ttt ,.,ii.ige,l with permuting and llu. i-niiiiiil 1 la likely lo be one.-ldcl. ,,,, , , fr(im N ,. )f T1U- aliilemi-iil ny inn .i.-r.iin.i j.hh,,,,,.,. , ,.mrgv. f foreign arruir. I Ihe dictatorship at lllucilt-ld and lu the THE PROOF Huron von ltu.low. Hun M.iln uf.i wit" iinnnlinnusly electe.1 king, I ilctinunccd In Suninii. The rebel Hiltnll thai 4he rcHUll of the battle at V.illiinil ii 1 he grniiest rcverso tffey at the pudding w la tba aatlnf and tba proof of llquora IS IN SAMPLING 1 Tha fa an arfvment thafa oon clualve a damonairatloa. Oura Ul atand tha teat HUGHES & CO. L. LEBECK Ctirpontcr nncl llMllclor CJenornl Conlrnclop HOUSE KAI5IN0 AND flOVINO A SPECIALTY HFPrael Transfer Co. TataphaM SB. DRAYINU AND EXPRESSING All Oooda Bhlppad to Our Oara Will Racelre SimoUI Attaattoo. No. Ut Duana 8t, Aiturla, Ore. W. J. COOK, UfT. Raa.TM.UI. 3RANDMA HAD CONSUiMPTION vid I am afraid I have in nrited it. I do not feel veil ; I have a cough ; my jngs are sore; am losing !:sh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take care of "1,v'1 ? """.. n,,d w, 1U . ' , J j 1 trtl iinlcsH Pi'i-sldent y.cliiya ;'irseu ana utc yiam miuui" 1, but you can't take it. Only to strong, healthy person can ,ke it, and they can't take it pp.. It is so rich it upsets the lumach. But you can take SCOTT'S EMULSION It is very palatable and easily Hasted. If you will take plenty if fresh air, and enerdse, and COTT'S, EMULSION steadily iicre is vfry littlf doubt abou. your recovery. Them ar nypophosphltes in it ; they give strength and ton up thr nervous system vhile the cod-liver oil feeds and nourishes. r. and i.i, ah J'Uaiglala. HOWPh l.liniii, hew York. a colonel In ..elava'a iirmy. who wua charged, with murdering it cltlaen of (hi- I'nltcd Slate III K.I Ilia. Nil .11 UK tin . I'lcslib-ni ZeUya has rvcently pttr. 1 hiiscd from Mux FIcKcnschmlilt. of l.lrgi.. Itclgliiin. two biiiterles uf six cannon ..gch, ihe wcaiuiis being Hutch, kiss rapid lb-,, Held gun iiu.l h large iii.iiiilty nf ti 111 m ti 11 1 1 11 111 . paying nti.iut tl.ii In gold fur cadi battery, he ha also . lib-red through a teerman cum. inlssluii house u lurge number of tele, phone and several Mt graph Instru incniM, 11 uiiaiitlty of copper who ami tel.wiapli supplli. 11,1 has already iibotit :li.ii worth uf rllles, Iteniliiglon. Mau sirs etc., iiu.l hIi.mii fifty nieces of Held artillery of various kinds, and a large supply of mui'.lil. ns of win-. The occasion fur llu se expenditure Is nut apparent. There appears to h,. no Inleiit.on of a revolution In Nicaragua against Pies. Idem and llu re up pen is to he ir ma. antic'- pales a war wllh Cnstu Klcit and wants an extra supply of anna to dls riluile amuiig rln dlsaffecleil nailve of Costa Una. President Z. In yu. Is to aend bis prl. vale sc. re la ry to Salvador on a secret mission. The object of thla la apparent, ly lo make an effort to imtsiiihIc the government of Salvador to form a ae cret alliance wllh Zelayn and Ihe prei. dent of llnnilurna wltll the obj.'i t of keeping; each of the executives In his present position. ANOTHKR CALIFORNIA FltKAlC. SAN FRANCISCO. May 4-The grave of Julin W. Hi-own, who Ohd on Apr I :'4, IsSl, has been opened fur Ihe purpus" of removing the remain. It was fcunJ that they were In complete) h:bI of preservation, und their condition Indl. catcd that petrifaction waa. Impending. F.vcn the clothing waa Intact, showing scarcely any evidences of decay. 1 H.ra'.d from Manila says: (Wneral Hale Is pushing the Insurgents toward San , Fernando. After a severe engagement, itleneral Wheatrn's brigade entered San ito Tomaa Hits morning, the Insurgents j lighting desperately. The Americans found Santo Tomns burning, j (leneral M.icArthur moved forward at 'S o'cl.M-k wllh tin- Kansas and Montana I regiments along the railway, and the 'I'tith battery and Nebraska. South Pa. I kiKrt and luwa regiments rn the right DEATH OF I.IEI TKNANT JAMES. 8AN FRANCISCH. May 4 .-Lieutenant William H. James, V. 8. A., while awaiting an assignment to duly, has died f pneumonia at the Presidio, and his remains have been forwarded to his for. titer home In Kentucky. THE PASSING REDMAN. OI THRIK. O. T.. May 4 -Keokuk chief of the Sac and 'Fix Indians, is dead of smallpox. The tribe now num bers but 315 fu'.l bloods. PIS having died from smallpox. EAC.AX OFF FOR HONOt.l I.C. SAN 'FRANCIS. O. ,May 4 -Oeneral ithe fiscal year ending June 30. 1900. or Inflammatory rheumatism will agree office of the Lighthouse Engineer, Port, that the Infliction la demoniac enough to 'land. Ore., until 13 o'clock p. m.. May I warrant the belief. It has never been jlK. and then opened, for furnishing and claimed that Chamberlain s Pain Balm jdellverlng provisions for llghthousa tea. would cast out demons, but It will cure .der Columbine during fiscal rear to cad rheumatism, and hundreds bear testl. June 30. 1900. In accordance witb speclfl mony to the truth of this statement. One Icatlc-na. copies of which, with blank application relieves the pain, and this Iproposals and other Information, may quick relief which It affords Is alone be had upoa application to W. L. risk, wonh many times Its cost. For sale by i major corps of engineers, U. 8. A., en. Charles Rogers. glneer 13th Lighthouse District, CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all partita Charles P. Kanan, prominent In the army (b received at this office until t o'clock UJ rJKNJJrJ.NT PROPOSALS WANTED. Custom House. a"s7oTi.. Or., collector". h!d'nfo C"W"Z Vll.W-. Aftll Stf, ,V. .v-.ii.u vessels Sealed proposals for supplying ship chandlery, rations, and coal to res. . seU of the United States Revenue Cutter I service in inia couei-iiun oisinvi uuru . .r n vr tqmc i will I " 1U , .M.hi Tlia. ana. to tha county treasurer at bis office, 1M i Tenth street, (or payment. Interest ceaaea I after thla data. Dated Astoria. Ore., thla 30tb day of beef scandal, sailed today for Honolulu. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Sealed bids will be received by the un. dersigncd, at No. 144 and No. 148 Fourth street, Portland, Oregon, up to and until May 33th, ISO. at 3 o'clock p. m., for the Then- was a severe engagement at a , purchase of the entire stocjt of drugs bridge, four miles this side of Santo and medicines, goods and merchandise Tutnas. wln re th in force. Sumner's brigade of Uivvlon's com. inand Is now advancing northward to- u rii Maasln. Insurgents were found jail shelving and trade fixtures, except ing only two nickel plated show cases In the rear end thereof, contained In that certain drug store formerly owned and occupied by the Estes-Conn Drug Com. pany, at Nos. 510-312 Commercial street, Astoria. Oregon. Terms of sale, cash on delivery. All bids must be accompanied ANOTHER 11ST MORTEM WUhfW. p. ra. of Thursday, May 11. 1899. at which I Tne country orchards look Ilka tm. time they will be publicly opened. The men9f bridal bouquets, coal furnished to be anthracite or bl- i luminous of best quality; uniform In ; WHEN NATURE character; to weigh 3,340 pounds to the t ton; to be delivered on board the vessels jfeeds assistance It may be best to render at such times and In such qualities as j. promptly, but one should remember to may be erqulred. at localities readily ac. use even tne motJt perfect remedies only cesslble to said vessels, and to be sub- wnen needed. The best and most simple Ject to Inspection as to quality and and Kentie remedy is the Syrup of Figs, weight. Bidders will name the price manufactured by the California Hf both for steaming and stove coal, and g)rUp Company, also their facilities for furnishing the : vessels with fresh, water, and their j TEACHERS EXAMINATION, charges therefor. The right Is reserved ; ,.,. to reject any or all bids. Blank forms Notice Is hereby given that the regular , ' ... . , h.Hiorw and ra .Teachers' Examination will be held at Ul ll Jliroio 'ui aui . i.vai.o.v. - . ..i,h .h,,ie. ..i.ehed. mav b. :the county court house, commencing at Ul",r"' u u ",u" "'l""o -. -- -. ---. - ... m T.--rtrlp.dav. Mav 10. 1899. SAN FRANCISCO. May l.-Tlie Chron. by certified check or deposit of jmOi) had upon application to tnis omce. cep. -"V", ', "" ' " " ... to.,, aiiya two suits wl v Hied today or b.d will not he considered. If bid .rat, bids wll. he received at .the same ' of the la.o Julius not acccp.ed. deposit will be Immediately : time ana piace ior luoricauin a-.u against Ihe estate U Franklin, a lottery agent and former returned. The right to reject any and fur trader in the northwest. In behalf all dios reserved. luminatlng oils. JOHN FOX. Collector. f an alleged Indian widow and her children. She Is said to have been the i;..year-olil daughter of an Indian chief dwelling' In the vicinity of Fore Dong las when Franklin met and married her In .nv Pauline Franklin. Franklin's widow In this city, is made Ihe chief de. feniliint lii the suit, along with her chll. tltvn. The property Involved Is valued al about tctial.uai. CANAPA WILL UF. Sl'EP SEATTLE, May 4. According to the latest Alaska advices a syndicate of Rti aliens who wen? excluded from Atlln has been formed to hrinsr siiW against the Canadian government for llfi.OOO.Oiiu. Dam ages are claimed for property lost by the exclusion of the plaintiffs from the fa mous mining district. Each alien clulms JlT'i.flOO damages. They consider that a fair estimate or the profits they would have gained by :he development of their mining prop. ertles. GERMAN CONSCL'S INSTRIC TIONS WASHINGTON. May 4. An official statement at the German embassy says that strict Instructions were given the German consul at Apia, Samoa, to Join Rids will also be likewise received by nie at the same time and place, for the purchase of that certain two. story frame building situated upon the west 50 feet of the north half of lot S. block 39. In that part of the city of Astoria a laid out and recorded by John Adair, in CHI. sop county, Oregon, together w-lth thel;ne disease content of such building, excepting tlx- lapells. We tures. As much business is done by check us by check. amlnatlon. I Dated this first day of May, 1S9S. ! J. T. LEU.. County School Superintendent, Clatsop ' County, Oregon. AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING COCGH Astoria Public Library Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted i READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. having severe coughing . had used Chamberlain's ' Terms, cash on delivery. The 'fiou., Remedy very successfully for Opu every uy from 3 0 Clock to Ittt two-story frame building will be sold croup and naturally turned to It at that ' ana 1:30 to 1:30 p. m. iibj, ct to a mortgage thereon. tlnii, aruj f01lna lt reiieved the cough and Subscription ratea 33 per annum. LOUIS BLUM ACER. ;, comnlete cure.-John E. Cllf- Weal Cor. Eleventh ard Ouane Btraau. jford. Proprietor Norwood House. Nor- wood, N. Y. This remedy Is for sale by j Charles Rogers. 1 Pated April 2S, ISM. SEALED RIPS WANTED. Some very hard words can be written with a soft pencil. Scaled bids will be received by the Co. j lumbla River Packers Association, at Its office in Astoria, Oregon, up to Mon. j dav. Mav 8, 1S99, and opened on said day, for the iabor and material necessary to I consider It not only a pleasure but a reconstruct the wharf attached to what .duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about Is known as the "Kinney" cannery, at the wonderful cure effected in my case the foot of Seventh street, in this city, by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, The drawings and specifications for said Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was improvement mav he Inspected at all taken very badly wllh flux and procured convenient hours before the date fixed a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of for letting the contract by applying at It effected a permanent cure, i taice the office of tha association, on Bond pleasure In recommending It to others street In Astoria. suffering from that dreadful disease.- The'rlght to reject any or all bids is J. W. LYNCH, Dorr, W. Va. Thls remedy reserved by tha association. 1 Is sold by Charles Rogers. : arl0 HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. aa sua. ui am iuih SHtrtuia wauuk ar hoi' airr 850i 53.25, ih aaul at latukM laat rataU al Sl.uO lo SS.IIU. nilR I1PFFR. ( ul UiW ad out atlll Rivl aainiiu. ul Lit! aziat atiitl. WSliUsl. anil cut II out a near th root ma mini! hie, Incloae aair aMlal Brie. iu4 aaa I aaala .ilea (a pay poeuuee, filta a win aiaa. 1. aw a altk roar hair .net, aUbl at-lid to you by mall, poatoaid, and II yuu are not perfectly aiimied, return ltaodwewlUlmuMluuly relund your itinner. OarSaeilalObrrrlaaaanitlawai S-ot. twitch SMn. long, long iu.iu, 6901 abort lUin, OOCI -o. Mn. lonu, ahiirlawm. gl.2S Uit. rJ-la. long, hort item, fl.SOi '-" ' flB.long,horltein.$a.2lli-o-s-. ,t lonr. abort stm, $3.25, iuaui 4H a I.UB mo uixnt-a irr""w ww www market. Oearaa. aaal Iksa. aaaalal artraa. Il memtj raurMd II ar Mt alaaaaa. Wrtta for Kraai Catalogue at Hair Hood. Addna. ' SURS. ROEBUCK k C0.(lne.) Chleaaa, aawtwaaa.afia...aiiiriaii., iiina..