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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1899)
T1IK DAILY ASWIUAN, TlKSDAl MOKMM APRIL 11, I8M JOHN T. UQHTltR. Editor. Telephone No. M. TERM8 0 SUBSCmPTTON. DAILY. Bnt by mall, par year UN ant by mall, per month .60 Varved bjr curler, per month M S-UL-WEEKLY, tent by nail, per rear, n avance...rj.0 Postage free to tuoscrlbara. All communications intenaeg ror puoll atlon should b directed to the editor. Juf'nfM communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlaa." The Aatonan guarantees to na adver tisers the largest clrculauon of any r,wpaper published on the Columbia river. advertising rate cat Te on apll eatlon to tbe business manager. TIDE TABLE April, 1890. DATE HIGH WATKS, Ij Low V AYKK "" a." r. M. a a. ij r. m. Oil BLOOD POISON. Bsvara of tho Doctors' Pacific Sheet Metal Works "V V sa x - - MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetatlc Fruit and Syrup Thre i not the slightest doubt that the jt.Mt.m d. irniM harm than Cixni ill trentini! pAintsffiout Blood Poison: many victims of! this loathsome disease would be much better Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. DalitkiunrL. Vfil Pot, this loathsome disease would be much better rfllCIlHQlK; lOll Udil off tolsT if they had never allowed thorn- , franciSCO Oil selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the "mov.u. vai. Pnra Ynnrcolf at U'm on'y wmedies which the doctors ever give lor UUIO IUUIC6H 01 IIUIIIUi blood poison Astoria. Ore. Krlte U for Prices Falrhavcn. Wash. Ii.mfu!;h.m,ft, iih.ui.ft. I.h.miu s T"ii6 -oitiio, so 11 jllSul 9 1 11 4oj SI T 30 tK70 'liW! f s lot: si i ' oi t: I Til ill 0 4 S 31 J 1 I 4 10' 0 4 4 S 1 S i 1 oO; 0 5 Bat .... i; 4S0 Sun ... 2 4 41 8 6 Man ... Si S48S Tiie ... 4i TWSO Ved .. f IS f 0 Thu ... I Jo S 1 .10 24 S Y Frt .... 7 10SS1 11 10 S 5 Sat .... S U i 4 '11 5 8 S i i Sol 0 I t 45. 0 7 Sun ... ,.. ..I. .) 12 19 8 4 ! 19'. 0 ( Si 10 Mon ...10 0 J.' 9 1 1 15 S 2 I 75 .05 I It 1 S Tarn ...11! 1 1 3;l 1 kv . 7 Mj.0 I 7 4J 1 Wed ..13 1 4S 8 1: I 7 4 S t- 5 I 8 l S S Thu ...IJ) J S3 8 t I i i 7 0 i 1 18 -0 S I Hi S I Frt ....14; S 02 8 4' 4 II 7 .10 Oil 0 1 1 M S 1 : Sat 141 i SMI4 h" 4t 0'14 13 , .... . ...... , . H ti . 1 Moo ...1TI t X t 7 SI, 4!.. .. .. .lilt Wj 1 1 Tue ...18! t S6 5, S 00 6 5 :l 1 0! S 7 1 1 7 Wed ..! 7!sJii 60 C 14 1 I w is M4 I f W i J 1 1! I 111 1 ' pro y ffeihor. Its fhlrpr co-operated i:h l: ruilnwds. They prevailed uHn cor-nres for fair law. They guarded their rlhs, they made fresh advance. th-y ant lot. pat.xl and defeated th ohms of rha' communltle. IVrt:nd wen; ahead. It Judge Taylor's statement of he city j ur"w 'u" lu " " ' and county Indebiedmw disriotet a state nfaotuivs. It wuUtlon A-mM. lit property nwe. it b.vame the metr.'-poils Thu KTl ..,.21! 4! 10 19 7 0 4 Ml I S S 57; I Sat ....2 10 7 10 54 $ OH 4 48! 1 I 4 40! JO 6un ...S3.ll 24:7 J: 111 S4i tM I:! IB' Jl Mon ...W!.. .. . .1 IJ 7 4 il J 5; J J Tu ...25 0 01 $7 IS 51 75 j $45 J! J S4 S3 wed ..jsi esso: is7:i 7$5,-0 7 is; u Thu ...2,1 114SSI J2175.I 8 "s J! 7 ; 2 Frt ....IK: 1 54 9 2 ! J 10 7 S I $ 53 -0 J ! t 4H S S Kt ....2S S 2 1,: 0 7 2 I -0 7 i S 25 SO Sun ...3u SSU:8 8i! 4 5T.J l.ilO Si -0 4,10 JS SI If a man pakj and ao!j his con. meiu-e dlotates. he Is ciHed a crank. NERViTA of the cva?. BcsVlTAL!TY, L03T Vlt.OR AND MANHOOD Cures Imj-otcncy, ninlsic:is and trsstln tiiscascs, all ctTt-cts of self tibicc, or exce?3 lnd! 1 trction. Anorvott'iilcuntl fcyfl blcHMl litiiMfr. rrlncsthe V yff r:n): r'.ow tarrl: c-.Tk?ar of sffalrs that well merits the atttntioni and ftudy of all taxpaMns; citnenit. if j ' i .. ..... ........ Sewnd: He will ay tfca:. having j en; iv ciiiai.-Kt:u.u t..-j s.tum A full lint ul pipes, Vutwcce, and .tmnksrt' A'IIcIm. T4 Cnmnirrclnl SI. "Li Belle Astoria" Cigar Scheme's Opera Star Scheme's Special Ait, I OIIr llrmola Th dttctors are whollv unable to Ret rid of i - - this vile poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the . . . . r p, disease-the mxnt and eruptions This they do by ;drivinR the po.son .nto the A h . S,( HMKh ilTXZVXK.'iLn. system and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of jvUsh ; V V 1 vJVl 1L1UL, the ai.s. ifeiieMe Ja The mouth and throat and other delieate parts then break out , into sorts, and the fight is continued indefinitely, the drugs doinjj the system j more damage than the disease itself. .... ... . . , Mr II. L Mvers, 100 Mulberry St., JCewark, J., says: "I had spent a ; hundred dollars with the doctors, when I realised that they could do me no rood. I had large spots all over my body and these soon broke out into running sores, and I endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as a last resort, and was soon greatly improved. I followed closely jour 'Direc tions For Self-Treatment,' and the large splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my self at home, after the doctors had failed completely." It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors toura Conudous Blood Poison, for the disease is be yond their skill. Swifts Specirle S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD acts in an entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely, llenee it cures the disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat ment Places a cure within the reach of alL We give all necessary medical ad vice, free of charce, and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity. Write for full information to Swift Specific Oo., Atlanta, Oe. C. J. trenchard, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Cimtom Hoiiao liroker. ASTORIA, OREGON, Agent W. f. At'o., and I'acltle Kiprni (Vs. Kopp's "Best sv- -' ; a i . " A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. V ywV r:n': C-w t3rK c Vek?ar.l Wr--'f""' 1 "fboxci r!,w Sn,h rUr n-ewery, of which Ifc.ttle.1 Iwr f.r family use, ir keg -l X v-V. I Vr ' "hn "PP i proprietor. efr bi-T stippi-ed lit any time, delivery ir 'or ,l,oMii r.n.1 ciirt trailf. lie my ftvf. the enormous um of ST'.W-OOO dollars, in- i volvin an annual Interest charge of SSJ.-,1 devekimnt cotrlr.p, and re.t.nelj NViiA ZZC?.. CO. w 4 I f ft Q where. There may be a differ, nee of opin ton as to the proper remedy to be applied, but there can be no dissent as o the 'importance of the utmost economy fOt-l ble In all departments of the city andj county government. Judge Taylor W A man has to have a prrtty siron pub Wn a ta-examln!ns p'rt. t-ut It lost that. A quarantine !tatin had heen ,r- to equal that of a dull rat'r. ! dered for the O'lumhia i!ver. but no-; hxly :ooked after and th? project? I ctruv tin t, nmred lr-!f imnotent to o: . - . - , ..... gu.un secure trade, to attract manufa turers.j of quite right in saying the matter Is not; I to provide employment for larser ponula. Tfte ,on(;0r man f.(KW( th M The IMPERIAL, Hotoi niTBtCIAKi. DnT"Ai.ruBD KiNNOT-orrtci at resldsnre, Cominerrvlal street, near Bllh, Offloe hours i klornlnt until 10 1 all aftsrnoon until I; vnlns until I o'uleok. rn. o. b. Rarm. rntaiciAH and Hurvon. flpeolal attnnttun to dlseasea of women and stirsery. Office over Psnilnger's store, Astoria. Tel. No, St PH. JAY TUTTt.K, I'll YdtOIAN AMI DiMseon, onice, rooms I and ll'ythlan llullillng. MIH Oommerrlal street. Heel dente same. Tclcphona M Acting as sistant surgeon Hulled Blales marine hospital service. MAHONtO. TKMPME l,UlOK N' 7. A. K. AfM A M -Hesulnr ciMiimuiilralloti hsU on the first and third TuasSay evt-nlng of each month. (1, TV. MHINHUKUHY, V. M : H, C. IIOURN. Hei reiary. ATTOUNKY8. J. Q. A. rtOWLUT. ATTOHNICY ANU CnUNflKMm AT tW. O til re, llond Slroet, Astoria, Ore, TXTT OJ ft I T""" in i ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave Aslorla (Dally) '"" Arrive"" a in pm ! I'oillamt and Aslnriaia.iit p.m. 7:40 :0(iKl'to IrrtH'a vUU;HJtOi!f Knapiia, t itnin, ww- pori, "iiaanwi IHoum a in p.m. I oiiiieHion at loble fi Ihe" P ni a m, Kast ans I'ugei d polnla. U.3J V:iH Aalorla, Hea.lde and 4;l Jl4f s, via War ran INew Astoria Taasiinier rain, via werreiiiwii nd ISlavJ. I Kiin,ly llimlsrs' spec- liraliie, vl . ...1 laiavn iv.n lal Aalorra lo Haslrte J, C. MAYO. o. r, p. a WHITE COLLAR LINE Colum.ils Hiver and Tugst Mound N art gallon (,'omeany. Telephone leaves Astoria dally, toatw ie.i-JrTi.nd dally uada, at 1 a. m. While Collar line lifkcls Inter, bsngeabl oa T. f t'otlef, and M. IV Ihoiupson (or Astoria ind all warjbowja. KUvol. leo. Seslsw. UWI Heath, aae Nahl,'"- A. ) TAYIW. l-raaldent. Te'hon Ho. U. TIM II 5CHi:i)lU.I!5 liKI'AMf iff,,,,, Portland Aaaiva rt Mi S . in ll Uke, IXMiwr. f ! Wntlli, Omaha. Kan ' !.' ... lily, hi Umls, . .,.,, r!an!;lr-- - r"rum Anuria (XI! AN TI!AM.MIIP All l-Klllns Pale mil jerl to I'liantf, Kor aii KtaneiK'.i -Nrtll April J. , IJ, is. AW fames mi t'olr tilde lllver iameiMo, it, l) fllumwi lids; ! To I'orilaad sad Way Landtnae. , S. li.' ,,,. Tup. Hum Wllleasette Hler. wt, Ikur ,l .-.t Jtaleiu. All.inv.lursl j and ."at , um Mini ws) lauding, ' WSlMHrtl. ,u IM. . m i bin 1'Ues JTIlltl) em! lesire d!) - 1 XI n ui. Mil Mirers. ainn .Wed. eitv, ', n, A: and Krl. 'aainnits. a subject for levity or Indifference; and If tjie Taxpaj ers" League can succeed Inl I tlon. The Jobbing and transportation the farther they gt ahead i him. iniere'ts worked at cms purposes. Ifs: If you have a nougn. throat Irritation. i k.,.t.. nni ...j, K-h.r'a iiimatf '.weak lunsrs. oaln In tfte cneat. difficult arousing public attention to rne conauion. breathing, croup or noarsenesa. iet as I Consress Tilaved with 4t. rival rommu.' ... w of affalra. It will have accomplished a' ' .suggest une a.:iu! -"ua - ( nlties defeated Its plans. It paved a few ways reuao:e ana sate. mnfs Kogers. good streets. Mm they cannot be moved.; ,f whhe. wrre mu, b,Ktlr It tut up a few good buildings, but they would get kicked off the earth. mission hKh it "was high time some body had assumed the duty of perform. Inc. wnuio not pay tor trannportarion to an AckM,f En,n,h remey will s:o A report of the chief of the bureau of inhabited rnrion. So they are there yet. cough at any time, and will cure tbe , , . ,. rst cold in twelve hours, or money re states, just made public, covers the Portland s needs are not all peculiar t0 fum!ej. c cenf, ana 50 cents. For sal exports of the principal countries of the It. I; ha needs In common wHh the; by Estes-Conn Drug Co. would during rhe decade 1SS8 to lJ.j whole Paciflc slope. And its future tie-' Tn poijen ruV measures rxao:ly U Tbe report shows that a decade ago pendu very !arg-iy r.n the effort It ron- Inches to the foot. France. Germany and the United King- tributes to the Joint necessities of this Thit tbe blood should perrorm Its vital THOS. OI'INEAN, Proprietor Seventh nnd Wnsihlngton Stss. PnfflflMH. Of. i 5ruruvvvruiAAAAnj-tAAAAAnnru THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Street3 dom exceeded the I'nlted 8 ates In their, whole section. If the Nicaragua ranai 1 functions, It Is absolutely necesssary rt SHASTA MINEKAL KATEK, rtlTEK. X01RE. HICK0KY AXI) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIO10KS, WINES, HECK AXI) CKiAKS Served Dny fis-id !NIht. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Mciiiaer usiianju'ji tsBHamr -attt enrvwaea ' ould not only be pure but rich in life. I ! exports. tKse of the United Kingdom! is ever )u!lt: if a trans.Paoine cable Is giwiiig elements. These results are bent 1 .itlMl hv tht. tit thai .-rl..lin..wn . being more than double our own. In 1ST, ever laid; If a big Pacific navy Is ever , ,.art Aym S!ir,4pa. CD OFo wSj Q E jj 0)lFC3SfC3l O inutf m ine Liiuni wrir (Si1--. ' l' , vu,,,-- 1. , j than those of France -r Germany, and (lone by the United States throuzh th Mjn-y talks, but. unlike men. It never' but 2fi ier cent less than those of Gra:i Pacific ports as a base; if Asiatic Im. 'Vt" l:se,f a "' study of the commerce carry them and i-xw. trade to Ata to ,orm ' dyspepsia. One little tablet gives I Immediate reMef. 25 and 50 cents. For i tiens from 1SSS to 1i7i flourish-then th-s things will come ge hy Estesonn Drug Co. I Britain. Now our cx;on of domestic ports are ever accorded tariffs whloh Acker's Dyspeps a TaWeta are sold on, ! a DOIltlve ruaran-(? rii'. hurl ruim merchandise exceed those of Gr-at Brit-, will enable th-m to come in. ships to rai,lng of fl3od dstrw, ater etlng. any aln. A derailed s of the great na tk.i nnna hu n,i. ain.i, rniiil all ut tiecau-p nh-n the :rueit!e came Good lui k Is the tnot p pular brand prcgrrfs In exports as the United States, j n Oreaon was ther- in her war-paint nrvt. f(X((i. but that in most cases they have . and with her quiver full of arrow.. j ne,c.. anfl pefml. creased their imswrts much more rapMIyi what o be dore atiout th se nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleas- l.k'n...i ii i, i , , ! nt nero drink. Cures i onstlpailon and than we have. From 1 to 1897 our ex-. ' And. aha. is ..ulte as Impor-, ,ndlKe,t:on make, you eat ,ep WQrfc ports 1n.'reased 51 per cent, while thost' ""' th ' to J' It? j and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or iciuiiueu. to ana so cents, ror j sale bv Es:es-Tonn Drue- Co. XatsV of fhe United Kingdom fell off 'i per cent; France showed an Increase of bu'. 10.8 per cent; Russia a decrease of 8.1 pe rent. Germany showed a Kain of 13.5 per cent from m to 17. In Impor-g the United States Khowed an increase of but 5.C ner cent from IS4 to 1W. whil,- the United Kingdom showed lfi.3 ppr cent, and Russia 51.4 per cent. Germany showed an incre-iSj. of n.s per cent from 1501 to 1S3T. China Increased her imports 1S.4 per cent from lS to lVSfl. and Japani Increased hers 121.9 per cent. (. Tl-.e t;ud is m.ire eas i'v l,:i-htfd than he hted than tbe j P nury is oft.-n the unexpe-j,, wi,g s ot I ,U'rt A . ' ' Mormon Uiicua J'lilu k'0 M - ' u.-U' uiii. M.mos Otsfh . i i.. i i . i'. , i i .. - ,i .. , i ii. 1 1 f ff., .isi. of tx.l'AlMte, ct..;M'..n, .tte -v, of r-. ,,,... Clrt Lost MinhQOd. Im poteoco, Loet Power, i)kHt-tos's, 8r)jrmaiorrho Inaomnlo, Vairte ,n Dck,C II Donifs, Sj.mi.nil f nlsuro-s, Irtm, ieo, Hsmoue o bllltr, Nandnche OoCtnsa . to 'aTrnr, p, ot Jjs emen, Vnrlcoojie, or i on loniioo, I lias Quichne-a or On- Irf I chares, Ktons Her voue Twliomns ol trmio. ' ' PyJ Pse iT. . - w cti, fjni,.i. 1. .." tfel i....f. T .,1. S .ur. 1 .1 I. l. 1 K'.' ,rtll. it I'.!"! 4 I1M, SrlmlM, lh Uu iud urf, cwilm. V- , .. SI I I, ,nl. r..l UWaa A wtll. fNwi.., Incvl MrfKiM, ,u . u.fc iu.uuj, bo aiio'saf, s'tinoi sirsov co,, eon rrsnoisco, vsh Kr sale !r Ubarlee Roger-, 5aeae llr. RHarlali l ewl.lnn. ...... j r P.,itl,id s..m. lLi.M1H.i:ii w; f. S,ll..l;',re" 1(11,, NowlM-lf. :, H,ud. ' ' !iem A Wsjr-Unii's. ' O. W. LOtTNiHKftHT, Agent Astoria VS. It. UUIUJILHT. Oesa. raa. AgL rarUaad. Or. fofAT TICKBTS plSPOWTS EAST iMiii The Rate Is Lower. (lo cast via I'.il and the llurltiigton llouu and ye rwb -.ur ilrsllnatlun MOt'ltM ahead "f the man wko lakse ANY uthar Una, Mare. Yon save money. Tbe rate via Hillings la Omaha. Kaaesa (Iky. and AM. otfter kiuthoro ci(i Is frotn H t H lose than via sny other route. Vrll and 1 will ttl you how inu. h lre, A. HWICI.kON, ilnnl Ageiil. Portland. Ore, SISSSIIIMISSSSeSSUHMmttMSISSSSSSSSSSSSS A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Through pVsce and tnurtst sleepers dining and. liitar$ etsssntrftan ears ELEOAttr VKBTTilTUrR TnxiNi Na S t.lnlil luvea PnrflanA si l ie I 'n J United arrives rortiana at i:W AgwM O. A. k N.. Asiorla. a! B. C. DttlTNtaTOM. M C. P. 4k T. A.. Portlaad. Or. Through Tickets TO TUB EAST AND SOUTHEAST Th-re are n'w over 5.'i avocation Jnl' V, r hik thai hi. "Tour "f llo ..-n lo wimnn. Une Is marrt:ig the others ar of minor Importance. U,.il,l h. KurVv Im" has b.-" worth ,.i ii it,,. -.,riH tlnMier.. II., go Ihe n. I. on !ii,-h th book t. Ui,. 11 o-amih.i; .1 ;i.. i ... r-r d.iv Mr Wh.n people ar. contemplating a trip, hber on lius tieaa or ploamirst, they ni urn 1 1 y nt Ihe best eervtoi ob. toJtialils an fsr as esewl. rumfnrt and eatVly I. oncrniwl. Knisioyea of the WIHi'ONttlN O'.NTUAt. I.INK1I are uald lo ss-rvs ihe publlo and our trains are opwulvd so a to make cloa coa ikhhiimis with diverging I ne at ail JllO, VtliXI Irth!s Pullman pslace Nlrw4ng snd Chair Cars on through trains Iilnuig r wnl, uncelrd. Maai snrvis) a la arii. In order to ltam litis first cUm svrvtos. auk ttis fii koi asm.! io s--ll you a llckt ovnr The Wisconsin Central Lines. land you will make d-rix-t wnrn-cllons at St. I'iiiiI for I'ht.iigi. Milaaukse and all poo's . For ajiy furttier Inlortiiniinn call on any t llckrn agent, or cirr.apMid with J AH. ('. I'ONH. (i-n. Pass. Agent. , or JAM A t'll.M'K. Ml' aukev, W:a tlrtnrl Agnnt 11 Burk Mi., IVirtlend We. PULLMAN PA LACS iLKEPSRS. TOURIST BIJCEPXRB aad FRKB RECCIK1NO CHAIR CARS -Daily to- mum Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. Happy Is the man or woman who can eat a good hearty imal without suffering ''i ii.-, , l rii. ii , - I o'. l i,i i i. ;ii - afterward. If you cannot do It, lane ( '' " "''I'.U'. ri. yen iki. re. atrnctlninlin ., liI.,.ilv nsw Kodoi Dy.pep9ia cure, n digc.i. what P-ru ,d . f.-. ,. fr hl. ..bjco. , Salt Ute, Denver. Omaha, i .Ll' Itartlflrallv(liui'slstlipfoos1anralda Natuni in htreiiKilioiilii nnd reooo- t-'p c? o.wo io:. r f f ', V ' '' n ' 'r ' i more i-f.s-y fej - j i yi ic. weakness ' the pen. A 5IATTER OF CHOICF,. TO fT'PF! A rriT n tv r,v c- nw J A.ry ;-v- . (ek L ly wav t!un ,ht is after ' Tak Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. W Vl" f 'J' '!le :ir ''": 'i healthy Aii rdugglsts refund the money If It falls &j2"U womaiihoil. ThtiH;,n! .f to cure. 23 cents, 'xbe genuine bas L. B i-n have their Vvt Q. 0n each tablet, l ei! by troubles of this , heat'- description be- UM 0f people marry money, but the TyAI t.!r 11,"nB'- ay made our under another i ir mothers. ! name- Wh-never the wander- j iv (lemon of ill - health I O V, S V O 3!T I .tuls a ship alr,ft upon B . Ifo Kl-.tJ U Ne AlMW BCIiflll toe sc-a of ignorance, he i V steps t,n board, takes I Bignstme the helm, and steers j of straight for the macl- i strotit of death. The vouns woman who has not been u -wht the neres- ! 1 nfl "n-nvi-iuai wno dlvv to the bottom a J7 wo' m Ml' WW a I you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia be l n n.i n.o r of the enrn., and Indigestion. Charles Rogers. I I April shower, bring May llow-is. As Ihe seasoa o( the y-ar wnen pnu , monla. la grlpne. sore, roughs. I colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troob. "Give me a liver regu:ator snd I ran ' are 10 K'nrd-d ngairst, nothing regulate the world." said a genius. The I a fln" bstlti)te." will "ans v.-r the druggist hand'd him a bottle of D' Witt's l'ur P"se. or Is "Just as good" us One Little Early Risers, th - famous little i Ml,lu, C'oiigh Cure. That Is the ono In. pills. Charles Rogers. i.umo.e remedy for uli lung, tdrost o- uroncnial trouhli-s. Insist vigorously site of takintr care of her health in a worn- of pleasure brings up more uravel than . I anlv way is a ship adrift upon the sea of j pear'.e. The ur. gonian. ignorance. Di- iM Mhat ill wreck her flit j A few years hence somebody will be urc liappiness will simii as,i-iie cominand. i Before the discovery of One Minute i Vnini' u-ort'en it 1, n t,,(V.r fr.,., ,i'p'i'vt,. . n u f.. .. , I ."' ..v...... .. yufiii uir, iiiiiiipiers were greatly ais. WrULiOft lilt, Alliiu.n jl i A' lilt. I.UUI.I O.l auw , . . 1 .1 1 i , I ' a terrible nervous velopment. He will nave one of two, eca.,e death art lnsamtv. J he whole nervous s-.-mem is it to their sex hve 'Under turbed by coughins congregation eC;,"? brined U.S i Ch"' s. No Rogers. .1.1 n . .t- iiis.iu.i,. jiic ce,rtam inc. . 'v w affected by the constant drag and drain Oregon, the Columbia river iasln and: upon tne oe, irate and ftniininc organs. the city of Portland. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preserittion is the one perfect and unfailing specific for every deraniremi-tlt nnd di.oo'er r,f litis dr-sprio. First: He will say that early In the, tjM1. t f,N a woman ' for wifehood and motherhood It is the best of all known It or-oa"IO!ialIy happens that a man dislocates his common sense when he falls in love. Gray sib-de Is Ihe mo.-t fnshlonabli thing for mens' gloves. For frost bites, burns, Itido'.ent sores, eczema, skin disease, and especially plies. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dishonest peo ple who try to Imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good ar. tide. Worthless goods are not Imitated, Get DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Charles Rogrs. I'jvcrybody wonders how anybody could lie afraid of their dog. upon having It If ""nomeihlng eis.-" la offered you. Charles Rogers. Chicago, Kansas City ii nl other Eastern olllat Haggnge checked through to destination, t no ri, lit pots, fnMt time, loweat raiea. Pintsoh light In all cars.. ui r.its 4 no oihor information call in or address 0 W. LOUN8BERRY, Agent, U, H. a N. ("o. Astoria, Oregon, ml H liOTHROP. On. Agent, 1A Third eu. cor Alder. Portland, Or. ant ami tonic. No other jirciiaratloo can nnprourn 11 in I'liicictify. it in stantly rclle vr ami KTiiiuiiintlcurea Dyapiimiii, Indigestion, Heartburn, Klniulcnco, Sour Strnnarh, Nausea. Sli:klIcailiii'lip,(iiislru!lii,('rAtnps,ana all ot her rrsultittifliiipi'rfi'ct tlltfestlon. Prepared by E. C DtWilt A Co , Ctjlcaao. For Hule hy CM A It I, KB ROOKUS. Th- ipi.'Mlon tins often li.-en n-k.d - ha- It ,-ver 1 n Hi.sweriil; M is nni,o(h found out y,. i what bwnmee of all tli plus? YOUR FACE. J. Sheer, Scdalla.Mo., conductor on elec- i trie street car line, writes that his little war with Spain it .becam manlfe that nerve lomc,. ,t is ,,. di.overv of one of laughter was very low with croup, and the United States had rediscovered the the most eminent and skillful specialists ; her life saved after all physicians bad I in disease of women. failed, only by using One Minute Cough Pacific ocean. Things that students had I was troubled threev-ars with female weak-i Cure. Charles Rogers, ne.s." writes Miss Ellen utev. of Bedford Cilv. Jkdford Co.. Va ' I had two physicians, bt't neither tf me nilt vr.rfl I wat lr,.ttl.lH will, pains in my left side an the time, when it was with the manufacturer when the latter time tor my mtaiiiny peiityis i tiioiit'nt j would j ,as to carry mm. die with pains in eiy bnclc and stomach. I fliso had chills. I could not get up without fainting. j . Pinnliv I took three Intths of lir. Pierce's Fa- I - -1 'A. i vonle I'rencription and two of his Coldly Med- ! Bears the lll8 Kl(ld YtlU HaiB taVS BOWTiit I leal Dtsroverv ' I do not have anv pains at all . . and m in lietler health now than I ever was Burnature f . V W ! , s iom"'"-" i a Jwfa How to preserve health and beauty are told in Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser. It is j A foo, may ,nsu)t an(, llk. , ... a in..utc,tu " rJi,'. . one-cent stamps, in cmer matliiis; only; pointed out, things that Dewey and Otis did a't Manila, awakened the world to. the future of 'trans-Paclflc trade and mad? H evident that upon this Pacific slope was to be the base of America's1 operations, strategical and commercial vpon ithe teeming millions and uncount ed resources of Asia. A1 this time the city of Portland real'zed the Importance ' of tbe crisis. It saw .chat to the alert and farseelng would be the advantage, In rhe struggle for trade. It rose to tho emergency. Its business men pulled to. Shows the state ot yvar feelings and tne state of your health as well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and saiiow complexion, pimple and skin erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a heajthy appear ante you should try Ackers Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap sarsuparillas and io-caiied purifiers fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on a The reiail d,-aler doesn't mand well ' positive guarantee. For sale by Estes Conn Drug Co. cloth binding, ti stamps. R. V Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Address Dr. Luxorlant balr. or unrrorm color, is a beautiful head covering for either sex. and may be secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. but a wise man gives people credit for what they are worth. For a quick remedy ana one that Is perfectly safe for children let us recom mend One Minute Cougb Cure. It Is ex cellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling In I the throat and coughs. CHA8. R0Q2RB. A moralistic failure Is a man who gives you advice about getting on In the world, then winds up by striking you for a loan. CASTOR I A Fr Infants and Children, The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of I Stale of Ohio, uiy ol Toledo. Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F, .1. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid anu mat said lirm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of f'atarrah that cannot be cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J, CHENEY Sworn to before mn and subscribed In my presence, this cth day of December, A. D. lii. A. VT. (JLEASON, (Hoal.J Notary Public. Hall's Cnttarh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the b'.ood and mu- ous surfaces of the system. Send r testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, Hold by druggists, 76 cents. Hall's Family pills are the best. I I 11 sow" r O CCDF"4 3iASTA iEAST via mm) shut as!-4fi 1 K' ' ta a nnn-r-iisetifi'is r s'i ( " '" """"it,, ri lJHK "t i i. Hr-itf ml,,ril,.i , 1. 1 1. 6 4r.. yl Willi,". Ulih slur.l tit.. I i,,'n'"C. '' snr Infl.iiiuiv sm w ,i.,Mr. Htm, irrlutitti, ur nl,rit. l'r.,..u ntMa, p-'ll "( m a e it tl . iitnii rmtimCMIM'eiinii. "' Miii Miriiirhl. LtliSCiSSHI.O.jril Ha4 hf "r'"a, St A t " -'I'l-'r BSl if eipreM prrpuhl !! ! II III. ttr J Imttlra, ) rt. as I'lrt uUr out ui, rntiura. In the Girinan arn.y'.y lOZrt car rier pteeons are used. LEAVE 8 00 r. M 1 A. M Dally except Sunday :!W A. M b:W P. M PORTLAND ARR1VR OVERLAND EX PKKHH. for Salem, Koseburg, Ashland, Sacramento, Ogden, Han Francisco, Mo lave. Los Angeles, Kl Paso. New Or. leans and the East. Rosoburg passenger if BLANCARDS :I0 A. M 4:M P. M Via Woodhurn. for i Mount Angel, Hll-1 Dally verton. West Bclo. 1 excm.t Hrownvllle, Spring- Sunday Held and Nation.... Corvallls passenger f6;M A. M Independence pass' t:! A.M OK IODIDE OF IRON forAN4iyilA,l'OOPNi:Mof,rltl.(tOI), ,i, a i 1 1 1 nirMi, v l:AKM:SS SCKOI lll.A. I!lc. None genuine mile,. iKI.s "Iu.ancas ii" Al.f. IIIJI'i'.iLtc'rw p. f 'in kii u. -i, u i .': . .. .. - is. i . ngis. ior ii. . , -.4. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Ope- every ,-ay from o clock to 1:10 and l: to 1:10 p. m. Subscription rates tl per annum. Wast Cor. Eleventh and Duane Ilreeta, Dally, tDally except Hunday. ('onnuctlnir at Hun Francisco with Ocol. dMitaJ A Oriental. Pacific Mail and Oce ania steamship lines for JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA AND HAWAII. Rebate tickets on sale dally between Portland, Sacramento, and Han Francis co. Net rates $17 first-class, and til seo-ond-class, Inelifllng sleeper. Rate and tickets to Eastern points anfl Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu, and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B KIRKIAND, Ticket Agont, IM Third st.. K. KOEHLER, C. II. MA RICH AM, Manager. O F. P A Through tickets Fast for lowest rates. Call on C. J. Trenchard locsl agent. Well Fargo Company's office. Astoria, tho 4 Wllllam'6 KIdnev Pilli Has no 'Mini hi (1Im,ims of t rivi.uicjHiii.d uriiiuryorjfmm, lfavo 'oH negletdolyour rldiievN? 11iivU yoi oviTworlied your -lervoiK, y-i ' t-in mid eaiiscil triiiil.l.i, ...... .1 LKidiievs nnd liliulili rV Ilnvo you pains In tho l,i, Mil,., i,m.i ..n'. iiidiln-V llaviiyoiiulluMiy np peaninc.) of tlio i.t-e. t.rH-clallyl un.lur thu oyi-nV TiMifrefiimntd.!-, Mm pnsHi.rlmiV William' Kl.lneyl I il In will Imimit new I if,. tri... ax. 4 "ased oi-arm, tone tip nyHtemJ an. mull,) ft new man of you. liv 1 mailftOcenlHrxTb-x. i Wll,UAMHnlr;.f'o..Pron ri... . I r 1 r- .'.,.,u,niiu,u, "www -r - Tor sal by BHTES-CONN DRUO CO.