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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1899)
1'IIK DAILY ASTOltlAN. TI'ESMMY MOUMNO. APRIL II, IBM. mrmk An ICxccllml Coinhltiiitloii. 'I'll!) ll'ltNlllll llll'tllllll Mllll llCllclll'ltll ttfTucIs of Hit' well known ii-iiiciIv, ciyiU'l or I'Iun, iiiiiiiiifiicluitl liy llii' t'Al.inillNIA I 'Ml hVHVC I"., lllli.lllllc vulunof iililuliiliiif tin' liipilil limn 1 1 v iiinelii's of pluntit known to I m iiii'ilii'liuilly luatiti vk nml ii'iM'iitiiif tlniii In Hi.- form unmt rcfiraliliio; t- 1 1" 1nt Mini Mi'i'i'tilulilo to tin' aialcin, It In tlin one. n i (, i t ntn-iiKtlii iiliiK Inxii live, t'leaimliiif llin mnIciii circrliuillv, illkHliif t'oM't, lii'iiiliii'lii'h nml frvi'in cfi'iitly yd promptly nml riiiilillnjf our to overcount )iiiitnii i'iiiiktlMitloii per iimiu'iitly. It perfect fncdi.iii fnmi rvi ry object liumlilci cjuulllv it ml i I itt.iimn, ami It Mrllhif on Hit1 bliliii't-a, liiir nml iHitvi'U, without .'U iiiiir or Irritating lln'tii, malic it tin- liicul lit thn irM'iH of tiiiiniiiiii'luriiifr IW' arc iim'iI, n thrv ir plcnsniil to ilia tti lint thn iiiinilctiinl Onlittt-x of tint remedy nrn iilitalnoil from M-nnn uml oilier HMiiiutUi plant, by n iiikIIhmI known to tlio (i irniiNu l io SvntT o, only. In order to if el l' Im ih'IIi'IuI tlTei't mnl to nvolil Imitation, pli'iir rciiminlN'r tlir full nittiiK of tin l ..inpany printer! on tlin front of r-vrry pnc knifir. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN rMAWCIHl'O. OAU LOUIBVILI.K. KT. MKW VOHX. W T. ful Mlt liy nil lni((li I'lUf UK. pet liulllc. I" 1 i . THE TROUBLE IS FAR FROM ENDED UOVERNMBNT HlOI'OHAUl WANTEH 1 )iMnxitla f.r Krah llcef and Murion: olfl. chief rommtaaiarr, Vancouver IMrrsrks. Waeh, April 1 IM. flaalrd proposal tor furnishing tin dailtrrni fmh bef and frb siutton for ls ; mnth beginning July I. inn, will b re. -clvd ti and at orrwi of oommla. I rici at Kot Hlciolia, Ornvon. II. Uo . Il.rrarkt and Kurt Hhertiiah, Idaho, Kurt j Canity. ftkn. Walla Walla, Vnivu. , vr lurrarks anil Now Kort Mpukaiia. Wash .. and Dyr and ftl Vrsil. ! AUaki. until u o'clock a ro , .May 4 Int. and U'on oiwno.1. nr,ri'iallun fui. ' i.!lin mi callon. Knve'.upra tun. , 'airtliiK fruputala nhjiilit In,l -"l'r'iHM: fur Kroh and Ifrh .VI j I ion" i,J a!.lrro1 lo undcta (umI. i r in riiiin!4rr at -t l b aup. 1'iir.l. llliNHV 1. M CAIN, Flrat IJputnnl A. C. C. American Officers Think the Up rising In the Philippines Will Continue. NEED OF REINFORCEMENTS Not I nouffh Troops There to Make the Conijucst Complete Volunteer! Want to R. turn Home. .MANILA, Aw II 7, via ll'iig Kn,i, April ID Tliuimh lint,, t Klll.ini ,, Lilly n'Minilim ilmir liom.g and ar kalrnun or ri'niiiiiliiic n.ari-rii iuriilla and tlliHiiili llin iroiUnial, alIr, liy III- t'lil. Hml.-a lt.llltiiin MinmiKaliiu liaa gh-fii an lniil. u Oil. nmnmoni, ' ! I" far frm miilvd, On of Hi f.irniiupl AiiiiT,an g-nrala .ul, ri'iinl. ly: "Wit will .. Hfi wililirra In Ilia rhll l,,lina lirfnio Mm Ann II, . onir,, liv laUmla," aiHl a niajurlly of ih Mrmy oftl. ma urn or lila , 1 1 1 1 1 ri. Il la ' inr,l) on.i,.rr, tIH( Krrl, InfoMwmi-iiia ar, nnraaar)', there lint 1. Ina a auniclant ihiiiiIm r ,4 Ann rliun (naifa In lint artil.rg i n,ak nm. nf i h Un, of i.uaon and hol'l llman ia iii.,, and II la IIioumIii dial I, ouM ti tDiraiH'r In thn lung run ami liuva a l.fli.r rlt it, -t mi lh nvra In t iu'ii.i Aliirilian auini'inii y rff, riijally Itian lo i'iiiH,iiii, iilt ii aour of rd-fl. llolia. All tlir ali rlra i,l, ,y ,rl..n, r. a ., filrihll) imllvi.a arc in t t Hrr( i In i u nmtorlly of I he Inaiirvi'lila ..ill, I, kI"'I i.i iull nati'ing, Inn (h4i Hum., arf riuniuli ,iof. .i.,,nl r , liiii,itii.ia jfi to Infcal Hin i-nuntiy with nf luin lirda nf in.-n and lo 0 . to , I n I iz t,n. it, ., f ir raro In nunc. H.illict limit Aim i . ana .rl, r linn lr itnt'i rilllK n ,.ll,t il.ii. m.iiii) in l.inli'K off A'ili,a... n. I M. rll,iic if nlltnii4lit K),ii,ia rWrltftirra in Mniilla llilnk ilc Aim-rl , ana arc inn iillntltlr na to lh rff i tl nf t lie iriM liiinallmi. Tlwy av Dial th " " " , "i miiiH , mil nr. in lur j Ian Unit din no'lv, , have o .ihk ,. lf lilt lint Hi' inlanl. ihai ihry ar unai-l -1 l.i r.llar nut lla Murda niran ;ili, ttiali THE CUBANS ARE STILL RESTLESS Have No Voice In the Government enJ Are Dissatisfied With Existing' ConSitlcns. THE NECESSITY TOR PEFCPM In criwIU ar axirdhiKly nirvnna and try in Jimtimt t1imrMlve hy wotting I'm ralna nf dlwuuiit iii g llill". A yet hy havt not td'in yery ufxcfij, but w limy ki I -wlihln Hi ti"tiflii"rhniHl of l"' Hunk of Kngland rui In another wifk almilld 4n mnrkitla cMiwli"ra hut cnl'" down. HrkiT -wi.ra IHdlng out for 2 nir cent yeoj'.eriliiy ulUrrtuttin on on inonlli'a Mlki. flualiiem la In a Utn of aniflcd an liniillmi on I tin alxi k rx' linnga. Ih" tinkler linlldaya Iniernnilid It and f liiivit iml really r'-aimied, Kvi'fybndy l nliliiK to how llin aetlh-in-M K nil ii, i wi i k l.i fir.i lii'Khmliig atinl'i Ii h II in- a dlOViill nnu alih ,ui:ti y u I I n I an' ainli nt-n-ri ttuiml riilia for miii'i-y iii.ii"d in ur IX'iid'"n i h inarm II" ).illla li ri' Ill in At li Willi r nf fan!, money tut beenj ni from lx n I p r ieni for yina on( rim ri v ut niir mln" ah.ii.-a. and tiii'u.idy! lu, liimiif i anyllili'K abnut '!, When nun fi Cow hiin i;rei i f iing tie rill l mil and nll'witl the. next mini to have Ma linn. Hut Jut now Hut illfll'lllly !e In Dure 1uIik nu inxt num. Tlin markn: la rhok 'd u whh un- va niil,' aiTtirllli'H att, we all are, In urn-. aniii' i-e. vry t red, Tln-reln Ilea our SVAV YOUK, Ar m.-A dlapatch to iliinnir, We ran curry on and hold up i,,e Heii,i. from Wulil:urton ai: In- lirli -a ii I'hik in no very aliarp pu'l l! tor (;-n r.i Itrecklnrldgi), who ha : I- ilium ua. Inn in any ntiiitr market' j,,,, r,.tn,e,i ffw, t,,, n,,,, trip In aiumlile and nut nut a ham to graap aljrut,, ,,,,1 ,,r, K;iy, BI) (n:ervl-w na.lMlari'e hern ami wit alt ill I hava all (he iim.Ii" of overt' d e ulaiora trying. -. m,. I.'n'.f! Haie Ita. tm n In M i- pe at i.tu... It aii'iura ua It in" w.nM-ttiun ut ful.u. th comtitl- n of ih. iik.-r tl' cniitlneiiial murkela re,tnjr rBrKj (, nalurally Irumraaura'dy In. tliN'Ollle. The aimilgef Ihcy ae.-ril to b'eveil I hv. r,,. 1,1,.. iliera Ih No! for vara ha money been an ,,ly ,Mn(t,.r t,f nuire:1ln aKitlnat the on the I'arla tiourae aa It waa al f(! fnltt-al HUUn. The mlnd of pfOpI werk a end. the muntli.y aottletnent lrno, ttl n,a moment are. on Hit rjU'-g.lon o! and I mil anaured that Uie a'tju'tm-nt ihe mviwm nf he K.unmi i ,. Ca. t a'i'iuiit waa at1enlei l.y no amall! Mn nurgent. If Th'ngs Cot true t it Present lie Progress of the Island Will Be Seriously ReU'tSel anxlely In dlrerllnna. It nni'te Ini itlffi reru n In iiilul.iiia or lo Ih (inin r of Ihe. Kn iM h at"" ullr. A Muae ie urre Ih.i ail.e we were h.ill lay. It'll bul on Krtday I'arla reaume buy. Inir an t ran KM Tlnlim ahuna ui to I.",, equal ,i M, fur Ihe old 11i'und aharea. Tiny iilao liiiiiK-ht uih Afthan ahari lo a mull exleiii, and yet no money mnrk. l In i:inie la in a umre u tlghi. eneil i,alll,,n A alKUinmlil ill n I hut provea our inar. ke la llkinkine In be quite a hiavlly bur- I, li,. I aa . your ."Mi Willi undlKraled i ai'lliilldii'iina. la the ri ilui'l Ion our niu. i,l lall:l l uve in auhmlt to In the lrl' a! h:,'h Ihcy ran aerl ihelr new l-'lfii-eu uioitiha tic,' Ihe of I,1v.i ;km, fiiil'd In ilm e al per i ' "l a I'.uti hl.'h Ii ,ilT.r, al ii 'minimum 'f 1" ll now i oinoa f,,rtir, with lw. I ihe amount then nir. red and aka I only Tlila la only one of (he aui-' I I mi i it lltt r ve have Ih en g"lnf too faal. "After Ihla Jim 1een aettled, thi'y will d vote IheinaelVi-a to a duaiua.l'jn of Itw kmd of a g .vemmeni C'uha ahull hV; after Ih American tro.p have l-en withdrawn. There will 1n no irouhle from Ihe Cuhaiia ua a people du lug mill lary x upatlon. hut J feel ur that afr our tro'fl. have he n wlihdraw.i t tt-rt- will he diiKttirl'iitn ea. "We urx not going ai'oul the matter ' f . tiling Ihe Cnl, una for a'if-governmrlit In) Ihe right way. It ae.-ma to me lha: th Ural Drug we ought to do la to have an eltlon ty Uie (H-ople of a convention to draft a rottatiiutlon. If that onmllu. Hon la nol a.r.laf,ic..ry we can net I: iii-H- lint we oiiuht to find ou: wha: paaned Saturday tvenlng and Hurntay at their tummer cottagaa at fleaild, return ing bom on ytaturday morning' train. Mra. Woodruff, atemagraphur In the A. C, office, fiaaxrd Haturday and Bummy at tht bof h. Mlaa (irace Short, of Aatorla. wi vlxlt Ing In Warrcnton laxt waek. Hh aa'liti'd In th ntrtlrmint gtvn 1y"tha a'rhool flnturday ntght. Mr. Amaley Houghton haa fturnerj frwn Qu'ni y, ner h haa bcn mp1oyi on th g'.eam ahove!. 'He will go to lh lnwn hogging ;itmp thta aeaa'tn. The dam factory la averaging a daily output of tfr box'-a of clama, Mr. Albert Hill la hauling the mtaterlal for William Ioml' new houao In C'at aop gafdena, VA. Taylor, of Bkipanon, haa txtrntu farmer again and 1 on th old Taylor. 9 Third Street, Comer Stark, BUFFUM & PENDLETON HatterH and Furniahcro. ranch for th aummcr. Alher' Uawaon and wife am expected hoirnt ihla w" k from a four nmniha' vis it to Kngland. flaa 'Kin ma Amua, ut A"orla, vlttd Mra. Henry Harrlaon, of Warrenfon, 8utf. day. lt. Alt. rt If III and Mra. K. A. Maaon pent flatunlay rhopplnff In Aatorla, Or. Skinner, of Kort Stevuna, waa In town yeaterday on bualm-aa, Jrr. Ou delivered an excellent acrmon In Warrenion 8unday He prtacbed to a fu:i houae, Mr. Maaon, after an aienc of nearly four weeka, r:unied -to hi home tn Warrenion laat Sunday. Mlaa Irene Johnaon. of Aatorta. la vlaltlrtg her a urn nt Kkloanon, Mr. Mcl'.tre haa mad c-xtenalv palra lo bla hotel at He la look Ing forward to a heavy aumraer aejaon. Mra. YA. Sherman and her on, Manter Item, of Warrenion. aprnt 8unday veil ing friends In Aatorla. Mr. and Mra. Frank Cunningham, of Now A "for la, will leave today for h'lr new home at Vancourer. Wah. Mr. It. ('. Kindred, of Hammond, waa In Aatorla HMunlay laat. trying to o tain Ittformatton tva to .the) time the j '.ranch of Ihe A. & C B. K. will b I ti nde.1 ihrough to Btevena. lie waa gtvtn l no J, finite anawrr, but a gentle Mnt waa ' dropped that the work -will commence n ' aiiout two tritntha, If -the arrival and departure of trains Gloves, Jleekmear, Jlosiery, v 'irA f 4 ,4 , jj .... 1trn wwuvrriuwr. uiiijJiOHaJ, LU. MWYonK Hfilrtf4 Made toOrdor, Sole Agents for KjNOX HATS. PORTLAND. OIIEGON. PacificNavigationCompany HTEAMEH9 R. V, Elmore W. II. Harrliion ONLY DIRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK GARIBALDI DAY CITY HOBSONVILLIC Connecting at A'toria with the Oregon Railroad k Nayigatlon Co. for Ran Franciaco Portland and all points east. For freight and paasen. trer rsti gpply to Samuel El more St Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN" 4 CO., Ag-eoU. Oregon Railroad k Nstigation Co., TILLAMWK, Ore. TORTLAXD, Ore. Setid 1-eent stamp to par potUg asd . a Tide Table for 1JM. Ihe i. nil. .n. ai:i!n ati I ..!. I Al,. n tn Deaaiue vnr.rn.-rt lee priuicu in v.- i, i. .... !,-..! i. i i... ....r.! Aat'.rlan. It would be of reat bneftt liii aol'llera. i-nforvlrg Mpanl.h Inwa, o'l i.i iitMi -i:srfin;i, N'.rit'i:, AKTOItlA II A TION. AtTtilllA. April . f-Vj- To the ato. k lioldera Aatorla llutldtng and I,an Aa the ptireill nf ta promlttca la Mylhg loll a erial" A majority f -the I'mied Hat. a v 1- vnt'-eta are nut.-r lo return home; a ml I. AHHut'lA. "f 'ltd ri"l etiliai In light nluKcra" la a . f mark thai la ronlaully In-anl. Will hrait-r wnrk than they are doing la tin- t,al'le lo llll.t. they cotia,1er lhat t'l'Te la .mill gl.ny In KU'-rtilla, w.irfate. lite wnlailon: N't Ice la hereby glten lhat iluHf-ia ami hai'l.hli'a ,if hirb i-ann,, the regular annuo) IliealU g of lha slock h . dcra of lha A'tona lluildlng and Uian A,.,,. Utlnti will ha held May 1RH being the first Tucattay afr the flrai W'dti'aV day in Mav-ln acoordam wtth Anltie IV. rt.-wlona 1. and I of the by.lawa f "r the al'i Hon of i.ovc4om and the W at.i'-, Intel at home 'he vlunleera i-nn.lrue ihelr eiilhlmetil "In ibe i !"' if lite war" lo apply lo the with Hpalu. end lh o Ih- relieve,! y igu Ura. The Hpatil.ti ayaiem t.f nVfcmllng Ma. nlla by a tine of llorkli"Uaea may tic TA'Xi.MA. April 10 Or.-tt advl'.s atate that a m-iialori has been rauaa a: 1'fking by an ejh-t uej hy Uie em. pn-aa dowag'-r a- i imlng 1,1 llutag Chang arid t'htihg Jutii'-I. governor of Hian Tung, with gross extravagance. Ikth a" aeverWy rcimurral for the rxtravagaril manner In hhii Chang Junni haa enter- l.tlned 1.1 Hung Chang at Chinanfu. whle i Uie lotr was en route lo the fhll dl.trl'-la along Ihe Yellow rtv.-r. In his 1 1 up.ui:y of ImiK-rlul lilnh coiiimla'.on,-r of ! rlvi-r conservancy. h'h are engrf.vl Amerian I.I -as, the result hellig rontua.on. "iitir con'ltuton guarant-s to iV-ry n oh the rlkthi tu a fjlr trial by a jury ol hit p..r. at ihe pine r.'.ire the ciime aliall h.ivc been omrnlt led. An offender ' aM.ilni-t the law In Cut haa n ucl i I'riv.h K . He ts examlr.rd by an orfl ' i-lal who r'-pri .-hla what might tie c 'm j.iir'd our grand Jury, and If his re port la unfavorable, the If br iie-lit lo fore a Judge f"r examination to many people on the Weal Side. The lte of the social entertainment at ;he Sktpanon i.-ll la changed from the l.'itn lo . rtuay evening, the Hth, on ac count of Chaplain Uati-man'a lecture at Niw Ast r,a on the former Uatt. Mr. William Iiracn. of the Lewis and Clarke, was visiting In Varrtnton Sun day. Mrs. Crt-y. ut Sklpancn, la on the sick ll:. THK BEST IN THE WORLD. tianaaetlon of am h oihar busiuras at adopted by ihe American auth irlilea here may roine bfire said msellng. At I p, during the Wet seaaon. aa It require few. m en th day of said incsllng the ahar. rr n,, ,,e trench degenaea and le.a- ena ihe chatiti-a of ah khcaa among th ' iH.ldera will iNinahter th rstlMeatlon or reJ.Kttlt'n of the action of ihe board of tlliccturs tn a.-ceiing the proposition of thn ICquitable, Havings and laMn Awn'O'a il ii of I'lirtland-for a transfer of ii bualiieaa and aawta of Ihla Association M the Kuuitable, WM II. HAltKKIt Aiteat: W. I. IIOIIH, I'rraidint. Hecretary. dufcndcra. IJeulrtmnt Hleunent'erg. of the ilati' I'liUnent. a brother sf the governor of I biho. baa to-rn ,U. '-. on t rial by r'url umrtlal for lulling Major Kiggltia a m. ard In the procure of hla company. It a ep"-ted lhat lie will tie dlnilaac, from Ihe service. TWKI.VK MINKIW KII.I.KD. A1TTIN. TKX.. April In A mining diiiter In wtihth 12 tnen lof. their live" a T'liort'tl fnwn ihe fti-rra Mcjeda min ing camp. iawcd In the slate of Coa- bulla T. In the Vcd Hit a silver mine, and before all the miners cnild got lo the surface. ho ivri!lc him to an urn at court 8lx month ha be. n taken up In t!ei-fe yt believe Chamberlain's Cough Rem- oM-ruuona. Heanles, the pr soner may j ly is tile best In the world. A few weeks sent for trial far from tne potm where; ago we sufficed wlm a severe coid and a the crtnie waa i niiiiUied. j troublesome cough and bsving read their "I 'ureal i-rles Culm bevau-c ttiei auvcriiacnients :n our own and other pa- penpie have no voice In their goveren. pars we purchased a biKtle to see if It in,-nt. Thoy know that the Cnlt-vl States' would effect us. U cured us before the cannot at present take the l"iand, no mat-'bottle was more than halt used. It Is i ler how much we would like to do so. : th best medicine out for colds and ' I am confident mat if a vote were taken coughs The Hera.d. Andersonvllle, Iod. I In Culw today on the question of annex, for sale by Charles Rogers. atton to rhe, I nltcd States It would be vti'd 2 to 1. The SpanWh element pre fers annexation, and many of ihe Cubans also, for they do not know after the ex- wli; be received by lb county plratUn of the I'nitiui States rule! court of Clatsip county until tn Srd day NOTICE FOR BLuS. Jlexno. jo mile souin oi i r. auiio j m r , furm,.r ,unfent will rule An exi.lo-lon irf Ami gas occurre.1 . . . ulli,.r ,h,v. the neienh.-. Will. "I have served oil the plains many I the dry IliicVr were on lire, 1 ilaiipa barring exit. the fierce of May, Uf. for th board of prisoner confined tn the county jail. The food must be of good, wholesome quality, two meals a day, and delivered at rba Jsil otiii wuy to; between the hours of t and o'clock In Itl-.MAitKAIU.K Cl'RK OK HIIKl'MA TIM. Kcnna, Jarkaon Co., W. Vs. About three years ago my wife hud an attack of rheumatism wlUrh mnniied bet to her bed fur over a month and rendered t her imnli.n io wa.k a step wIiIikui aa. laume, her lliiiba being awollrn to t' ui'le ihelr normal aise. Mr. ti. Mdd"X Inaisted un my using Chnmherialn'a I'.ilti i II ni. I purchased a W cent bottle and i ui'd it ai'i'ordlng to the ilircllona. and th next morning she walked lo breik- ' fas ( without asslslanre In any manner and she has nol had a similar atta.k since. A. II. I'arsons. For sal by Charles Itogtrs. Thn brhle always says alie wmild not Jel her hniliAiiil dn whiil iniiiiiiini s frbuda tin-. niids tin. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE PAT Take 1-axatlve Ilmmo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund th money If It fa, la to cure. D c. The genuln haa U R, Q. on each tablst. For sale by Charba Itogers. KKlilT IM HTItAINKH HY MANY NKW l-:N'i....I'ltIM I 'aah H arce In Iaindon Mnaniial tin lea and Iv.ilera Are Alarmed -Quiet on Ihe Hl'tk Kxchenge. NKW Yt'ltK. April In. -The Tim" laitsb'ii liiianclal corr.-atHindetit t-ab'ea: Allhotigh our nt. ilk -I la not plunglm,. nlxnit a youta appireiitly l. we un itOl wi th, hi i mir anxb'tba. M'tiiiv ti.i. not talb-ii in price In ihe way It was an-llclimt.-.!. and the market la still In the hand of the bank "f Kllglaild. What s K.iHut In happen I iiiiumt quite say. so iini.ii ilopi-nila on y I'll and from the con tinent ' 'f Kverywlure cmllt Is strained by the lM-cd with whl' h new enterprise have Ih-cii placed upon the market. All cn. lers irf crclll, therefore, require mote ,uah. and the I'tuslc la, with moat of ihiin. how to "i li. In tln'lr cfforia to i line by enough, one or two of them will have to Insure iiuialdcrable biases, and iihul we have to fear Is llial wo mn.v ; iir.swu Itwu the vortex. Our dealers IIOTKL AltltlVAIJt. OCClIKNT. i harlea It Martin. Sn KraneOoo. William Munn. Hun Kramisco. K. H. Kdwanla ISirtl'iml Ueiirge K. Kulbr. 1'ortland. A It. I.ekenby, I'oriland. li.torge I". Kaiser. Nrtland. II. W. Klnca'tl. P'rlland. C. II. Harrlaon. Pnriland. A I,. IVaae. rorllulid. Mra J K Aahfnnl, Month Ilencl ike li' v. Maker City. J. ti. Mcgler and wife. Hr'Hiklleld I'Al.ixKH IIOH8K. It. J WHIIama. Taioina. limrlea II., iMrllund. J A. .M.tltlllcU'hlv. Mont'tano. Wlllliim Itvati. Tillamook. John iNcrleear. telle, J unes M tickle. tt. Helena, WHEN TRAVELINQ. years, and I llr.d the i unite airte was by effect. rig- I'otiipt j tn forenoon aind 4 and o'c.ock In the . commiiiilcitloii. Krt'ulr.g the provinces 1 afternoon. Bidders ar to state the i of I'm-rio iYliuiiw and Sumlij de Cuba; price per meat I lao'.aieil reurd their development. If! By order of the county court under the term of the Forukcr amend.! H. J. WHERITX. County Uera. niciit a rat.road camut be then I goon roai.a snoun. ur ouui. sre iiu- mnt very nelghborh00(1 ther4 s iK-rlrlng the Cubans by glvtrg .hem r- one wh0M ,lfe hag ben saved by thill. "The const riictb n of roads would per mit thilr ciiipioyuient at.d wouid soon i make t l.i-ni self supiwrtliu. Further- ' II. HI'-, tile building some one Chamberlain's Co'.lc, Cholera and Diar. j rhoea Remedy, or who hss been cured of chronic dlsrrobea by the use of that mciidne Such Dersons make a noint oi n.i wvum reuu of ,elllng of lt whenever opportunity of- in .!.' return io cirvuiauon o, more man ; ,ha, ,t may the me,M ef ; ti mi.n. n u.-.iHia ....-.. oc. n vo.iicu 0,her Uve, For ,a,e by Charles i .11 I'.t.wncui oi iui'. 'Rogers. i i.oni. x oca res io oe me it-'.uvar i.ii i'uIm. in,, I he kii'ws that lo tn; such the j Island mufl Ik- In. I l indeni. II- la tne tiiiian unny and li s word is the unan.. i metis wish nf li s sulwrilinaies. lt may Whether on pleasure bent or business, inke on every trip a bottle or Syrup ef, t-'.gs. aa It art most pleasantly snd ef- j fci'tual )' on th kidneys, liver, and bowl.: els. pieventlng fevei. headaches nl j olher forms of sickness, Fur ssl In cent bolt lea by all leading druggists. Man- ufiicturcd by th California fur syrup Company only. m r-rvag-i o LACE CURTAINS. Mra. K. Rasmussen Is prepared to do up ciirtslns In satisfactory style. Good work guarantee,!. Leave orders at Or. go:i Bakery. a ri a imi a I -e ma w wr x I PW ft & mmy& ft i A IMho'h Curt' tor (NinHiiinittion Im ii pruWHH miilicinn i ?M , i . i i.i.:.. .i .. r... t.-.u.L-M .lio. Xi inr 1 1111111. x unit, it iiiiin me .r.i ..... fCT's V SVS 1'iiwml niiiitlii'r point in Itn luvor, nml tlint is: it In KtfgS I ytZ it HI'ltK Cl'HK tor I.A (Jltiri'K, if taken wlion tho W T llixt gvmptouiH un' m.llril.-V. A. Uii.uiiiman, No. KR.Vi V 43 lliwliut'll lluililiuir, SSiiriuglloM, 0. .Jan. li,18HS. W f, 'i ik-sOihynikij (kltfei V lnTasim iiiasl. HsiitnlliiiuKI 8l5 i W Pannlil hv Imimriata. M fT ? ftfy The Plan riniinny. Warren, Pa. tJ a'l'itl I'ImIswiI'IIjiJ V mmmmmmmm I . , WlfWWrtiVV.VViV.Vrt "i 1 a aaaaat aas as aaaaasi !h V 5 Tk ArB N Irl ar" 1 5 i Irving Taylor, the lltis'klyn boy who j He Improvements, haa ciiitfctw'tl lo selllUK Hit's b.-caust'l he liked Wli' cXiitciniMit of Seeing Ihe .i s.-nes run. Is now tim-tcd of having iMiiscil the d iitli of his broilier and sis. j ti r Id. h h'. iii nil l iiiher midtlwr'y nboiii t-lir tlK-'. Ill' is mil ipiue in ,ii-,n-5t iii'i. be HcciiUtd. thcr-fore. that he wi I op pose with all his strength the annexation of the Ifland to tic I'nited States. I d not believe that he had uml-.-r his t'.asT during the Insurrection lo.ovnj men. prac. tica"y all of whom were negroes. 1 "The pe.-ple arc much better siUMtcl ' from a climatic point of vie a than Vrf t those of Cilbii, but It Is evident that un ! b-ss ivngress takes action, under whli'hj I the iirolticis of the Island may find a I market In this country, there is grtai ! duitger of stnivatlon. The I'orto Itlcans are a contented hmp1i and Uencral ILnryl I Is doip; all he can to aid them 'to earn ' a livelihood by spcndiiig money In pub- Lovely belt buckles are shown of sHlver' In the new French or Bray fin sh, or g id one In ihe rose or Greek finish. A' ataw' WJ JSr ' VWK NAKItOW KSCAi'l. OK A PARTY OF SOLDIERS, Face Humors Fimples, blackheads, simple rashes, Cam,. ..Nearly Losing Their Lives whliej rerjf rough hands, falling hair, and Itiiurnlinj from ChliuMk Notes . . . .1. j v rsm ..rm mm ' sV . at s n. : Ki- . i f .v J Betom a. sSr 3 Bator Uslni Cutloura Soao X Using e..,,ir,ura ftAan Cutlcuiasoap Astoria's Lreadiiig Hotel Mcgler iftf WrJltt, Props. The Palace Cafe W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to tho Preparation of Banquets. Consumption is robbed of its terrors by the fact that the best med ical authorities state that it v is a curable disease; and one of the happy things f about it is, that its victims i rarely ever lose hope. Vnn treti-ita IKttM nt ll art f A Q IUU lIIVTT IHUV HIV MIS v X secret nostrums advertised to cure consumption. Some make absurd (i- A . lit . 1L.1 it l.L m .1 claims, we oniy say ma. u idRtii , in time and the laws oi neaitn are properly observed, SCOTT'S . EMULSION will heal the inflammation of the o 1 I I I.U J tnroat aim iun aim nouiisii anu strengthen the body so that it can throw oil tne disease. We have thousands of testi monials where people claim they have been permanently cured of j) this malady. V. and, all druggist. l SCOTT & UOWNK, Chemiats, New York. I from Ihe We: SMu NKW ASTlHIA, April ltf.-(Spe-'lal cor- rcsionilcUce. A party of soldi, rs, con sisting of Sergeant March, Privates Turn er, Cooper. 1'lt-ts and Italllngfon. sallnl over lo Chinook In a flshlKiat Sunday 1 morning from Fort Stevens. Tloy sta t d, for homo nt 5 rp. m.. but It was .-oon found that they could not stem the lido and the s-.rong gale that was blowing from the soutliwcKt at The saim time. When about half way across the t'l-ntcrhonrdj In some way was broken and tn taikns & breaker nearly aubmerged the boa:, and but for the prompt action of Scr-i scant March In cutting loose the saU. Ihe !nt would undoubtedly lave; swamped. The boys then ti.ok to the ours and after four hour of hard roiling . managed to nturn to Chinook. The party returned safe and sound nt H'j o'clock the next morning. At 'ihe Seaside grove a delightful plc-i nlc was held Sunday by a Jolly crowd I from Astoria. The plcnlcera came downj on 'the llutvter's train and. lifter slh. seeing and ronniing .through the ivooilsj they repaired to tho grove and sat down to a bountiful lunch spread on the grass. The parly was composed of Mrs. A. J. Mcgler. Ml-'s Jistslo Jewt-rt, Mrs. J. 51c Oulre. Messrs. Thayer, MeGuIre and Glrard, all of Astoria. chanlaln C. C. Hateman, V. S. A., will lecture next Saturday night at Ford's hall In New Astoria. The lecture will be chiefly on .the battle of 6an:lagj. Sergeants J. E. Mac and Harry Haag. of battery M, will leave today for San Franetsco. to form the nucleus oft;e new but lery -pro vldeil"'hy "the army b II. Mesnrs, F. P. Kendall. C. H. Cooper and George Noland, with their families, baby blemishes prevented by Cvn- cvra Soap, a sure preventive of in flammation anil clogging of the Pores. Sold thmuliiwl Ike ToeW. rVvrrsa Dara .so Csi. Caar., frop... Uoatoa. Uow to Priraul aw Uiuaao, fnw. FISHF.R RROS. j a m m awe Aa m y w i General Supply House for Family Groceries. Builders Heavy and Shelf Hardoiare, Ship Chandieiy.E.e. Can Save Ton Money on Estimates of Vat trial of Bvery DeacrtpUcm. Stop and Think! Are You Getting The Best Meals, The Best Liquors, Or The Best Beds That can be had la the city? K not, It is Because you have not visited Jeff's Restaurant. For those who require a fenulna feed. May get there with economy ail that they need. Thousands who know It have freely eonfessad That of ail th treat caterers "JEFJT Is the BEST. Look for the sign of "JEFF'S" and take no other. Established twenty yean. Large Invoice BY Baby Carriages Just Received. different styles; Prices from $5.90 up. 50 C. Heilborn & Son Napoleon was the world's great est general. We aro Astoria's leaders in Stoves - Ranges A carload just arrived, lower than ever. Prices W.J. SCULLY, Sole Agent. 431 Bond Street, . Astoria i ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. 33 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 'S 415 Commercial St.. next Palace Resiaarai.t. 5 The Quaker Cabinet Vapor Bath. Testimonials of Its Value. MRS. P. BARKER. I have tried the vapor bath snd think It Is especially good to have tn a family particularly (or breaking up a cold. MRS. MART MACKE. Midwife Af ter a full trial, I consider the Quaker Csblnet one of the best Inventions ever made for baths. No family should be without one. HENRY SHERMAN I have had rheu matism every winter for several years, but this winter, since uslnc tne vapor bath, have had no rheumatism. My wife also recommends It very highly. MRS. R. E. SMITH Having used the cabinet I consider It excellent, especially for bad cases of the grlpp, which was effectually cured by lb F. W. NEWEL!. One using of ths vapor bath practically cured a femala member of my family of la grippe con ditions. REV. W. B. HOLLINGSHEAD.-Ws have used the Vapor Rath in our tome for some time and freely recommend lt to the public. GEORGE RICIIMOND-We Bare need the Q. V. bath and cheerfully recommend It O. W. 8MITH-I Ilk the vapor bath very much, MRS. JOSEPH PILCHER I am greatly ol eased with the Quaker Vapor hath and freely recommend It. te my sea eeoedaliy, DR. DUVALL, Agent ASTOR HOUSE