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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1899)
THE DAILY AST0R1AN, FRIDAY MOKN1NO, MARCH 17, 1899. All roads lead to of our goods and W uk for your eomp'.tt. stock In hr, and w will th m goo is for than yoo eaa ct 8TRICTLT CASH bargain In a day Be circular for ANTWAT. THE FAIR, The Place to Save Money S06-508 Commercial Street The BONBONNEIRE. P. J. Meany va merchant Tailor and Exporter of Furs. KSght Caah Prlo. Paid for Fur Skin. Tenth and Commercial 1. Astoria, Or. T0DAT8 WEATHER Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. Money to loan Ftrgvaoa Bros. Th tasr Reacu left up the river yes terday tor Fortlaad. Best ILeant meal. Rlatac Bun raatanr at, 01 Commercial (treat Beat California, win K cents per (a! Ion- Alex. Gilbert, sols agant for Astoria, Tlphon 1 Walland coal and cuke u tbe best for domestic purpoaea. For sal by th As. tortm Gaa Light Co. Th British ship Falklandbank waa towed to sea yesterday, carrying; 112.074 bushels of wheat, valued at 167.100. A four-roasted lumber schooner arrived yesterday and anchored In the lower harbor. Her nam could not be learned. H I' Juniper Kidney Cur has cured hundred of lam backs In this country. It may yoo. Try It. Charles Refers, drug-gist "Chime of Normandy" tonight by the Metropolitan Opera Company at Fisher's opera house. Secure your seats at Ortf fln A Reed's. In th county clerk's offlc yesterday Simon Cervarich, a native of Austria, declared his intention to become an American citizen. The Parlor now manufactures all Its own chocolates. They are made only of th finest materials and are th most de licious in th city. County Judge Gray yesterday united in marriage Charles Brandt and Miss Carrie Flcke4. County Clerk II. J. Whtr Ity acted as best man. At a meeting of the directors of the Astoria Football Club last night three nerw members W. E. Tallant, A. Winters and C. Davis were elected. Gold medals to Harper whisky at NewiJ. Petty, I15.M; Astoria wood and coal Orleans and World's Fair. Chicago. Try tt. vou will endorse the Judge's verdict Bold by Foard & Stokes, Astoria, Ore. . County Clerk Wherity yesterday issued marriage licenses to Charles Brandt and Carrie Fickel. both of Clatsop county, and Cornelius T. Crosby and Julia Kopp. Peter Dour!, Kenney & Gribbler and Alex Gilbert were granted liquor licenses 'last night, and William Bock waa per. mltted to transfer his license to his new place of business. Union revival services will be held in th First M. E. church tonight at 7:30 O'clock. Those who made a start during .th Crittenton meetings and the unsaved ar especially Invited to be present. ' --if' mm C. H. COOPER, Sole Agent for - - Astoria I THE FAIR. I s s - " . s . . . . . . , . , . , - in r.i Now Open for Business. TUB FAIR, and th public U cordially Invlt prte. trad becaus w on HTt money. V th. nous, but you will b pretty iura to liter th. buying qualities of your dollar by giving you LESS money and better Gooua ror lswbra. ArsD ONB PRICE than orwJIt do) hi i to all. and rmtnbr a month. torn of our prlcaa. but If you did not Astoria's leading Confectionery Store. Finest in Oregon Lowney's Chocolates a Specialty. Page Block, ASTORIA' - i Wanted A girl for general Housework. A small family and flrst-Cass wsgc paid. Address M. Astorian offlc. Th launch Hercules, belonging to Max Skihbe. was sold yesterday to Dean Bros., the consideration being :S0. The Her. cult will be used as a cannery tender during the Ashing1 season. The fioor at enpiae house No. 1 Is in i need of repairs. Chief Stockton requested ' th council last night to authorize the 'necessary Improvement. The matter has been placed In the hanJs of the publU" 'property committee. I W. A. Gaines private stocx wblsky, I handled exclusively in Astoria by John jU Carlson. I on of th moat popular I beverage sold. Its purity and quality ar guaranteed, and It Is espcctaily rc ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at tbe corner of Twelfth and Bond lire: Today is the 17th of March.. St. Pat rick's day. snd. though universally c-ie. brated wherever sons of :he EDierald Is! ar found, will be quietly rbserved In As. toria. Green ribbon and Imitation sham, rock will be plentifully worn today by natives of the old sod as well as many others, who like to follow the popular custom. The revival meetings Inaugurated by Evaneelist Crittenton are still beniig held at the Methodist church. Rev. L. J. Trumbull delivered the sermon last even ing. Th attendance was quite large and much interest was taken. Several per. sons expressed a determination to lead a better life. The sen-ice this evening will be conductd by R-v. J. h. Homings head. Mr. Goodln has commenced the work of improving Astor street. The griding of the street to a level with the crossings will occupy several days and it la prob. able the planking of the thoroughfare will not be begun before the mid. lie of nert week. If no delay occurs In the de. livery of the lumber. Contractor tj.xdln expects to finish the job by the litter part of April. The property owned by B. C. Kindred at New Astora was sold yesterday to Ferguson Bros., trustees fur ri. The sale includ-s th west half of the Kindred donation land oaim, with water frontage. (except 30 acres owned by M. J. Kinney. ian.1 comprise the property knwn as Kindred Park. The real purchasers are a syndicate with unlimited cg;ta an many Improvements will be male on th" property ills coming summer. The following claims -r allowed by the council last night: Griffin & Reed, P'l Remington Typewriter Co., $5.20; Evening News. 1:1. M: II. H. Scheel. 110.22: yard. Wil.r.; G. V. Marl-n. M10; Astoria Hox Company. 16.3; F. Salz, fu'; Fisher Bros.. IZ7.H); Bremner & Holmes. I13.K; Budget, 13; Astoria Street Railway Com. pany. $5; C. A. Leintnweber, fc; West Shore 12S.9. Mills Company, 1; A. V. Allen, Yiaterday the sun came out In all Its glory and shone brilliantly throughout , the day and put the chilly weather of the preceding days to tl rht. The ther. 'rnometer howred between (6 nnd 70 and ia mild breeze Fwept over the brow of ;the hili back of rhe cty. which made .outdoor xerc!se an enjoyment Kveryone 'was on the sldwa'.k, wn! h were rowd. ed In many places. Business, waa brlk In all the stor.-s and It win a day that ghoppfs pronounced delightful. NewSpringGoods Ladies Shirt Waists Nobliv, Stlih and l - i - to - Manufactured by the Famous Trojan Manufacturing Company, Troy, N. T. Theae WalBts are considered the finest made In America for style, th and work manship. Colors guaranteed. to an Injection have not as yet a find what you want th mum monr CASH get mor rotv on. COMK. Fishermen ar beginning to move from different town on th coast to engage In Ashing on th Columbia river. Th steam, er Columbia brought party of 14 yes terday from San Francisco. Th nun state that many new llkctmfn would ,-ome to th river this yar, at It ws re ported prospects were very f.ivor able fcr a successful season. They were tKt acquainted, they said, with th. new rtshlnn laws on th river, but would com. ply with whatever It quired of them as soon as they had determined from which state they would fish during th season. iufornu legislature, which disposed to put th newspapers out or business If It possibly can do so. yester day passed a meuure making It nee s- snry "artieles hi. h are libelous up.'n their face to b signed. This l. per. haps, th "warmest" law that been pa-wed for the guldum- of newspaper publishers. If nn artlcie Is l.behni th person interested has rati for an a.-tien acainst the p.iper publishing the srtlee. The. California law. however, make, it necessary tor th writer to d tcrmlne whether or not the article Is libelous be fore It appear In print. Verily, as as suits for darrairea for libel are c, n cerned. the courts have little to do The Metropolitan Ojra Company opened Its engagement before a g.Hxl. Sized audience at Fisher' las: evening, presenting Audrun's masterpiece, "La Mascot te." The company as a whole Is very good, being particularly strot In ctmedluns. who kept the uudlenc in good humor from the rise of the curtain to its fall. Mr. Maurice H.tgeman, as Lorenzo XVII., prince of Plomblno. was excellent. It was Mr. Hngeman's firs: appearance before an Astoria audience and he made a hit. Mr. Eddie Smith, as Rocco. thei farmer, won th house by his clever comedy wvrk. Mr. Smith has been seen her befor with the Orau Opera Company, and also with Eddie Heron. Miss Blanche Aldrach as Bettlna. th mascot, was very good, and her rendition of a solo In the second act brought her a hearty encore. 'The Chimes of Norm," will be presente.1 tonight. It Is an excellent opera and th house should be packed. Svm.. !lmr ago a youmr woman In Au?. traiia. wishing to establish a t in a MKbourne hospital for homeless children, started an endless chain, asking persons receiving the. letters to snd nit leas than 10 cancelled stamp. Letters from this chain were received In Astoria during the past wvek. Tne l.ters request that per. sons Tncelvlng them mall one to each of three friends. When letter No. ISO 1 re. celved the recipient Is to return the letter to Australia without sending out uuplt. cates. Some time ago C. E. S. Wood, a well known Portland nttorney, re elvd one of these b-tters. and Jent a duplicate to his brother, who Is In the employ nr the Union Iron works. San Francisco. Mr. Wood wrote back to his brother, telling him that h could not nr th" letter, as h had figured out that, were the chain not broken, the letters which would pour Into Melbourne would com. pleteiy stagnate mall facilities. The chain however. I" not yet broken. Tb following from the Telegram Is evl. dence that th" pc ip of Portland are determined to make 'he present seven, foot fr-iliet in the Columbia go as far as possible. After the accident to the Perry, however. It Is to be feared that the navy department will not trust Its precious Iowa to the uncertain depths of Portland's waterway: "Judge W. B. Gil bert, of the fnited Slates circuit court, who returned yesterday from San Krsn. Cisco, where he was In attendance upon the circuit court of appeals, express the hope that some effort will be made by Portland, to secur- it visit from the United State battl-shlp Iowa, now In port at the Bay City. The Iowa, having come around the Horn. Is to 1e s'-nt to the sound som to have her 'bottom cleaned. Judge Gilbert says that this magnificent ship houd by all means be detained in Portland a week or 10 days en route to the sound. In all probability some action wli; be taken upon the sug-g.-silon." At 1:5) yesterday afternoon Mr. Cor. noi.UH T. Crosf.y and Miss Julia K pp wire united in marriage at the residence of the bride's . annus in Eaut Astoria. l)ate. f, (ffiA : Hi Th hoiis wna handsomely decorated for the occasion with Dower. Utile and myrtle predominating. In the parlor, whr th ceremony waa performed, an Immense weeding bell was suspended. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. O, H. Prael. and Mis Muriht Gilbert was bridesmaid. The bride looked charming Ih a drew of beautiful brocaded silk. In, trlmmvd with lovers knots of cream satin rUdxin and muslin d s l. On her htwd she wor a wrvnth of myrll. Mlsa Gilbert wor a dress of blue s lk, with oversklrt -ovcrvd with whit or. gandl and irlmmed with valenclnrs lac. She carried a Ixvpiet of whit violets. Hev. Father IMehuan ivrformtsl the cere, mony while the happy coupl under th wedding WI while they were being mail life iwrtnors, ltefrshmenta were served during the) evening while Mr. and Mrs. Croaby were th recopjenta of many congratulations, Th couple left on th t o'clock train for IVrtiaiul Inst night. utey wer accompanied to th station by large number of frlemla and hosrded the train amid a shower of rlc. On their return they will b at home to their friends In one of th new Tag resldemy on Kleventh atreet. They wer th clplenla of many handmun present. Iiu eluding many pieces of great vwlu. Th teams of M. It. ltosorth and James Klnlaynon flnlshel this week's series In the four-men team contest last night. The total madp by . II. UtHSWII's team on Motulay-tK -waa not Iw'sted. Ho, orth's team scoring MS and Kltil son's New teams were seie. ted last night, as Mlowa: Team It IV It. Sovey. M K. Hardest y, K. V. frosby and vlus VohIs. Tctim O Herman Wise, Thomas 5inoer, It. V. Christiansen and W. C. Curtis. Team I V. C. U, C. IVivls. K. IV llaniblet and K. H.itis.n Team K-K. Woo,lrleld. 11 It. Sacry. II. W. I'lnneM and V. Hanklna. Team K-J. ttnlason Itandall Uitvl. 'harlrs Castner and W. A. Winters, Tvam il-J. Straus1". IV Cnmpbell. (ton Wise. K. A FUher. Tam III V a CiHper. tVsar I'rael, Charles Wright and H. V, Allen. Tetim I M It lloorth, W. A. St Inc. 8 Normlie and . ITaboll. Team J - U It llitrrouhs C. J Trenchard. It. Iturkholder and tv Iter eml.s. Th winning teim Is nn.le up .of K. H. (i.HMell. J, M, '... IV It M.-lK.n. nell and X. Sch Hi !. T'le Itwug I'lub I A. K C. contest takes plaee tonlitM at th Irving Club. Tbe vis fug t.oin will !e mad., up f Iin. Wis.'. t'.p. r. rough.. Illotln. ui.l S..ey The Irv tig Club will be represented b J A and it. C. Vitotl Cliutter. !eorge. li.iln ir.d 1 ..urn ii. The cotit-.t prml s t'. ! In. tere'ting. as the teams arc cm!y matched. JTIIi: CoCXTY WII.l NOT I CONSTUl iT TH V. AIM'Ri ' V H ji'iMin.-ll and County Court Full to A,ve . p itie .f the Fuituns of the Y-'iin Hay Improvements J The f.,low;ng eommuiiiiatlon w r-ad ii council m.mng last night rrom the county court with reference to the Younst's bay Improvement: . ASTt'ltlA. IVre.. March U.-To the !,.n. jMiiyor and Common Council of th- City of Astoria. Oregon: Gentlemen I nm di. rwti.l by the Hon. County Court of this county to inform you that they have re. celved a letter dilted the 17th day of Feb. ruary. 1SJ9, from II. E. Xelson. auditor and police Judge of the city of AstorU. notifying the county court that the fol. lowing m. Hon was passed by h.. council: "That the city auditor notify the county court that the city will give the county the necessary right of way oer the streets to construct the approach to ihe Young's bay draw bridge." I The county court has mt asked th I privilege, of building an aipri.'a-n to ski ; nru h is no d-slre to as.ume ur encroach upon the duties, re.ponslM'.ltles. 'or obl.gitions of the cmm. in -uncli of I Astoria now. or ut any oth r time, j Several months ago the common eeun ctl was requested to estal.lHh the grade !at the north end of said bridge So fir no definite action has been cuiimiifi:. ite.l to the county court by the council. In connection with this matter of pub lic Interest to the p.opl of Cla'sop 1 county, the county ctiurt further desire, .to call your attention to the fact that j In accordance with Section No. S2 of th jlaws of Oregon a majority of the legtl (Voters of I'iiitsop county lettiloncd lite ; -oun;y curt to build a draw bridge. aT"ss Young bay. I That in ompllame with said petlinn I tli.-re Is now being constructed a first, jdasn ste.i draw br.dge; and the up . proa dies on e.i. h side are being con. ru.'ted to or Unary h gli water mark and the county ci.url In fully satlstled they have no l-gal right to expend the j public mmieys of (iatsop county n build jopproaclns nji- n the street! of the city ji-f Astoria, ihe miin'y ceurt again d-s p s I to call y..ur uttetnlon to the fait lhat H.Wi-Z for the year HOT. and V,r..M) fir 1 1K. makliw a total of 111. 17.1 .V, in two I years, that has been diverted from the county pd tax collected in the city 'by a questionable Interpretation of an j amendment of the charter ii the city of Astoria, by the legislntur: In me year IKju. Two hundred dollars of this funo c certainly be applicable to Improvements of this kind, v,z: connecting the city of Astoria with tho Young's bay draw bridge. By order of the county court. H. J. WIIHKRITY. County Clerk. Councilman Goddard movc-d thut tbe communication be llled. He said the coun cil had received the opinion of the city attorney on the matter, and that th- ciy could tako no action except tu make a general improvement. The Eighth street I improvement was made by the cliy to I connect with the Young's bay bridge, the 'construction of which was undertaken by the county. After building Ihe street, It .was found that th; north approach to t,c .bridge was a block from tins end of the 'street, the plans fur the on.Jtriici.,:i .,r the bridge having boon changed. ihe question is as to who shall build the blok of n'r.-'-t to make the bridge and Elghiii street connect. The city can do It, but the property owners have ..I. reiiiiy been taxed for the linpn.v 'nr nt and It is considered unjust by the coum II that :h y rhould again be taxed. The action of the council last iiiitht means init the city will not bul'd the .street. If the county court h' iils to the attitude assumed in the communication, there will be no approach to the bridge. The cr,st of th.i Improvement 'h about ?2tifl. TO CURE A COLD IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the money If It I fails to cure. 25 c. TrSe genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by Charles Rogers. NOTICE OK ADMINISTRATION. Notice is hereby given to all whom It Itnay concern that tho undersigned htw ibeen appointed administrator of the rg !tate of Frances Tryon, deceased, and that all persons having claims against ,the estate of said deceased must pre. sent the same to th undersigned, duly verified, at th office of Fulton Bros,, at torneys, in Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this data A. A. CLEVELAND, Jr. Astoria, Oregon, March 7, UN. We Give And HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier and Haberdasher. PERSON A I. MENTION j Joseph Grit-blcr has returned fr-'m : and. j t " Brown visited at Hvensen ye. ; t.r.iay. The Columbia sailed yesterday for fn I'r ituis'0. John W. William of Knapp. was tn the c:ty yesterday. Mrs lleardsby, of Fort Htevens Wis ,i Usitor In th ctty yetnlay. W. Hood, reprraentlng Maon, Ehrmsn A Co . of Portland, la In tb city. II. II. Itorthwl. k. tn Gobi, lumberman. was a piwengrr d'twn on last night's ex. press. D.puty County Clerk H. (1. Smith la confined to his home, suffering from a cold. .Mrs J E lllggins. who has been visit ing frleii.U In Portland, returned home last eietilttf Mrs William Wilson, of Portland. Is In the .ily vUlttnsr her daughter. Mrs. I. . A Kicked. c.oie.'tir of Customa Fox, who has been In Portland fr a few days, returned h.. me last night. Mrs H. II IiikhIIs and Mr. Gcrge II. .ul..w left vesterday for a brief visit with friends In Portland. t'h.irl. . Tangen. of Chinook, and G.nrgo Cirison. of North Shore, wrr In 'he city vulrrday on business. County Judge Gray Is suffering from U grippe, but was able to attend to Ih duties of his office yesterday. Sh.-r.ff l.lnvtl; returned last night from I'-irtlund. at which plac h. turned Ih Van liureti b" over to tho car of the lt.' and Girls' Aid Society. ! A. R. De Fluent, editor of th Journal. ! Doyirstown, th!o, suffered for a number ' of years with rheumatism In his right shoulder and side. II says: "My right arm at time was entirety useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was surprised to receive relief almost Im. mediately. The Pain Balm ha been a j constant companion of mln ever slno ' and It never falls." For sal by Char! Rogers. LACE CURTAINS. Mrs. K. Rasmusaen Is prepared to do up curtains In satisfactory styl. Oood work guaranteed. Leave orders at Or. gon Bakery. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE U E. 8ELIQ. Lmm and Unagr. Thursday and Friday, March 16-17 The Musical Event of th Season The Metropolitan Opera Co In a Feast of Melody and Mirth TIII'l!S!)V--Aii!ii'r's Comic Opera "Fra Diavolo" FKID.W-I'lauqijfille'.s Tuneful Opera 'Chimes of Normandy 99 With an Efficient Mai and Female Chorus and Elegant Costumes. PRICKS OF ADMISSION-Reaerved Seats, 79 cents; Gallery, W cents. Seat Sale Often nt Orlllln Reed's, Wed n is. day morning at I o'clock. Positions Secured We sld those wfto want government po sitions, (6.000 place under Civil Service rule; 1.000 yearly appointments. War creates a demand for 7,000 employ) with in ( month. Bureau of Civil Service Instruction, Ifl Fifth Strt Wsshington. D. a Trading Stamps! Good Valties. givo Tratlinn ytaiiiw nixl Soil MfiiHShooH nertli 11.76 ntfl.10 WK wll Men' Sliooa worth I'J.aa ut $1.10 tuul (tivc Trmling SUmpM WK nell Man's Sluws wortli f-'.ftO ut $1.(15 ami (iivo Tratlinjj SUmpH WK givti TituliiiK Slaiii ami Men's Shot'. worlh $.1.00 t f-J.OO WK soil Mon's Shots' worth $.$ .')() at $J mid tiivo Trailing StumjiM Sllppcrn, Slip In the Smut Wny. Send l stamp to pay po!a FISHER BROS. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardoiare, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can 8av Tou Money on Estimate, of Malarial of vry Dssorlstsoa. C. HEILBORN & SON. The Olclent Hoimc In Antorin. Tin' LiirjfNt niul Only Carpet and Furniture House in Asturin. Tho lurt niul fiiiot Muck of Curj.t U iind Furnittirt' t arn l by any hotisu in Orr.n of Portland. West Shore iVIills Co. WOOD Slab Wood $2.7, Cut and Delivered. Greatest Opportunity of the Day... Kvt rvliodv is talking about the GREEN TRADING STAMPS And Articles of Use and Ornament That can b obtained by collecting them. Th STAMPS C08T YOU NOTIIINO consequently OUR OOOD8 COST YOU Nothing. Th only thing rwiulrwt of you I lo trad with th merchants who display th sign "We give Trading Stamps," and when your book Is full bring It to our clearing bouse snd you may havs the choice of our tock. If you havn't got a book your merchant wilt glv you one. W sell nothing. Remember this. Trading Stamps are a discount or rebate for caah wiles. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. TUB KOU-OWINU KlltMS ARB ASTORIA SUIlBCRIIlKRn. Will Give Trading Stamps. POTERflON & I1ROWN, lioot and Shots. HERMAN WISK, Clothing and dents' Kurnbihlngs. ECLIPSE! 1IARDWARB CO. Stoves, Tinware, and Plumbing. MRS. M. M IvKNZIE, Millinery. GRIFFIN & RI5ED. Books and Btallonery, This Is a clearing house, nut a salesroom, therefor no salesmen ar employed nor values planed on ihe urilclc shown. The extensive und valuable line Of goods carried are simply on exhibition at R. V. Allen Co.'a, 80S Commercial street, for th public to select from. All you have to do Is to ask for Green Trading Stamp from th merchants who dlaplay signs reading "W aiv Trading Stamps." Tha merchants sre sll provided with these Green Stamps, and ar anxious to Increase their buslnee by giving them to you. You are entitled to one green stamp for every lO.ient purchase you make. Th Portland Trading Stamp Company Is now supplying every family free with a book giving you In. structton so plain and simple that a child can understand them. If you hnv not received one, ask for a free book from any of th above merchant. Every resident In Astoria should get on at ono. Portland Trading Stamp Co ISAAC STERN, Mgr., 345 Washington St., Portland Ask for GREBtf TRADING STAMPS. asd g Td Tabl for IBM, (lcncrtl Supply Mouse for I-amily (Iroccrlcn. Mi'ALLRN A McIK)NAU), Dry Goods, Etc., Btc It. ECK STROM, Jwalr. THE nONHONNIERB, Confoctlonerr and Ic Cram. WILL MADI80N, Cigars and Tobacco. D, F. ALLEN A CO.. Wall Paper, Paints and Oils THE WONDER BAZAR, Fancy Notions, Toys.