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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOfUAN, TUESDAY MOltMNti, SElTKMItEK SO. m : ' ' ' ho THE t The sen tin in-nt in iitlciuns l llrar day TODATI WEATHER. tuiiUMirl ft. AKOUND TOWN. Colonel Biotie, of Knappa, U In the city. Will .VaOlton returned lt night fronj i Th. Klmore loft out, fujO Mng for ' Tillamook. j, n The BritUh hlp Ante leave. Up for Portland today. Colonl George ft Mndll. of 8n Fran tl o, U Ih th city. "'.nr,... C. It. CcMirr wa. high al the club alleyi yesterday with ei . . . . . 4 tan J. MaWkty. of rortland, la in th city on Ifgal business. V. J. parry waa a passenger from Port land on lint night's, eipr. W. T. McQreajor Imvn tonight for Port land on a ahort bulnem trip. The British bark. Glenbreck and 611 berhorn left up for Portland yesterday. A barg loaded with lumber, waa brought down from Gobi ye.terday by the Ilelshaw. Th s-monihs-old daughter of Sir. and Mr. Trrbbl. of Toung'a river, died yes terday morning. Mr. O. Bovey returned yesterday from 8easlde. where he ha. been vlsttini for tha put week. Tha ateamrr 8outh Portland, which aalled for San Franc-loco Sunday, carried 15.0 sack, of wheat Dr. Finch faaa removed hla office to Fourteenth and Commercial street, cp- Foard A Btokea. Tba .learner Alliance, with freight and passenger, from 8an FrancUco and way porta, la due today. Every person who bellevea la saving money thee hard tlmea abould read Her (nan Wise' moving prlc ad. Tha Brttlah ahlp Area, which arrived Saturday from Antwerp, baa a cargo of cement, gl, and coke. Daniel Rleraon. of Vine Maple, and Jut tic of tha peace for that precinct, ta doln business In tba city. Fish Commissioner McGulre leavea tbla morning for Pillar Rock, where be will procure a number of live aalmon for the display at tha Portland exposition. He Steep your tea; don't boil it Directions in every pack agt of Schillings Best. Moving Prices MEN'S HATS Stiff and soft hats. In all shades, worth from tl to S1.2S, now SO cents. Stiff and soft hats. In all shades, worth from ILaO to tlW, now L7j. Stiff and soft hats. In all shades, worth from CS to (3.00, now IL75. Stiff and soft hats. In all shades, worth from $3.25 to M OO. now S1S0. Our hat mock for both men and boys Is so laive thai It is Impossible to partic ularize; every hat is reduced. flEN'S UNDERWEAR Regular MoTlng Yut rrlce Grey cotton Shirts or Drawers t 50 t 35 Natural Wool Shirts or Drawers 123 SO Camels Hair Shirts or Drawers 75 43 Ribbed Woollen Shirts or Darwerg 1 00 70 Our underwear assortment Is too large to mention In detail; we have underwear at from iOc a piece lo 17.30 a suit; but they all share the same cutting fate. HEN'S SUITS Before deciding on this removal we pur chased an enorn'.mm assortment of ulta in all colors and styles, made up to please but every one of these splendid suits niust bf Hold. Here are a few figur.s; Kes'llur MoTlng Price price Men's Black Clay Suits $10.00 $ 7 15 Men's Mixed Wool Cheviot.... 10.00 Men's cheviot, blue mixture... 12.50 Men's Cheviot, brown mixture. 12 30 Jlvv',s Satin Lined IllackWors- 15.00 Men's li..,, r)ay WorH,pj 10w Men's mue. tlr;l nne M Men's Grey Clay n Men's very fluo fani. suits. Men a extra nne Worsted x.a ClieYluis fcw.uo Vjji) Dozens Of other eradi s. to J23.UO. reduced 'In the Hei will return horn from PllUr Rook, The R-vemMe bowling alley, now lo- cated at Seaside, for aale at very low price. Inquire at Sherman Thinga, Don't lake the time to g home when you can enjoy a fine merchants' lunch al Hartley'. National, iiper or coffee served lth lunch. Puttier anj mother, aee our new ar rival of boy1 and children' clothing: lust the thltw for .chool. Our price are ali( right. Slianahnn Droa, Mr. C. U. Newman, a first claaa dreaa maker, would Ilk to ew In famllle. She can be found at 1 Twelfth or adJreaiel t( tferrenton. . W I Yesterday' rain wa A boon to the farmer of the county. Their crops have been aerlously Injured by the protracted dry spell. 8. Normlle. who la engaed on the con atructlon work of the government lock at Lafayette, thla Mate, came down Sun day night on '.he Salmon flyer. A double aulte of room for Ihrre or four gentlemen or a married couple, with or without board; also light and pleant single room In "The Rucker House " The steamship Brnemar I on the way down th river. She wilt take on SW ton of coal at the Flavel roal bunkor. Th velocity of the wind, reported frvm the cape yefterday, wa M mile an hour, with a heavy fog prevailing outsMe. The UrltUh ship Lady I'abelU. UC tru. Captain MoKinbw, day from San Pleeo. in ballast, arrived In yesterday. The lug Relief went out to meet the British ahlp Hugoraont, from JP-n. whk-h waa reported otf the river yvstor day. All the ordinance passed at the last meeting of the common council were turned by Mayor Bertrman on Saturday, and are now law. A special meeting of the Woman Re lief Corp will be held at I o'clock tht afternoon, at Camahan'i hall. A full at tendance I desired. Contractor Clinton state that the build ing material for the Young's bay bridge will orobably be on hand today, when work will again commence. The British ship John Cook will prob ably sail for Queenstown or Falmouth In a few days. 8he carries U1.SS4 bushel of wheat, valued at IM.SOO. The funeral of the S-year-oId on or Matt Furney waa held Sunday from the family residence, and th remains were interred In Ocean View cemetery. The tug Sampson, having In tow the barge tVashougal, rock laden for the Gray' harbor jetty, attempted to cross out yesterday, but returned, the weather being too rough. I I Gold medals to Harper whisky at New Nothing Convinces people more than prices. We might assert and talk until doomsday and make no impression, but when we leave a lew dollars jingling in your pocket, that's different . , MEN'S PANTS Pants Is something that everybody knows all about, and yet tne stylos are so varlel that an adequate description l Impossible; we have regular sizes, extra long, extra short, extra waist, extra One and extra cheap pants. Pants wear out quicker than your coat or vest; you will soon need a pair of pants, come to -e us, let us leave a saving of 11 or 12 In your pant. Boys' and Children's Suits Have hardly anything left In cheap Cas slmeres and never k-pt shoddy satinets, all we have Is a large number of the best grades of Hoy's and Children's Suits, but since we've cut the price you mlxht as well buy your boy a fine suit and make him feel good. MEN'S OVERCOATS li'ihr Moving Pries Prlc- Men a Men's ODD SUITS SUNDRIES 7.15 9.25 6.2.', 9.75 7.15 12.75 S.90 All M'-n'n 50 cent tl'- now 33 cents All Men's 25 cent ties now 15 cents All M.-n's 50 cent socks now 33 cents. All M-n's 25 cent socks now 3 for 50 cents All Men's )' cent socks now 3 for 25 cents All Men's 10 cent socks now 5 cents RUBBER MACKINTOSHES We h ivo only about three dozen men's .Mackintoshes left, but the price will re duce them to zero; rather a cold state ment, l.ut these are hot times. Trunks. Valises. Shoes. lilankets, In fact everything In our store hns gut rnovlny prices on and they will move beyond question; we urn not BOlni? to pay f:Uht to Portland on our stock if prices can ' help it. . ' mixed .50 12.23 $10.30 Worth frnn. .- r . same proporfi.'n 'man Wise I Orlean and Worlda Fair, Chicago, Try lit. you will endorse the Jud;.' verdict. Sold hy the Foard ?ioKt' Company, Astoria, Oregon, I . - . ...-.s. Huslnrs men should not fall, thl wl 1 weather, to take their midday lunch' th National. Mr. Biirtley tela the Finest I lunch that can be had In the city. He makes a specially of sabuls and other j dainty dishes. Beginning Sunday, Sept. ISth, the A. C. Iv It. Winter scneouic m nio effect Trains will leave the A Astoria at t a. m . arrlvinn at P.riin.t at U;15 p. m.; and again at . p. ni. ar riving at Portland at 10:tt p, m. He iWnet 1 all. which had Ulch scan.laKms time coming down, the river, Is lying In the stream ready for sea. She has l.l;,m feel of lumber, valutj at tl,. . Of thla amount of lumber Stf.W) feet waa taken on at Alri. The Oarnet ltlll's cargo la consigned to Tnku. Japan. Superintendent of Street Llnvtll re spectfully reijuest the owner or tenant of property fmntlng on Oommer-lal and Intersecting streets to drive down the spike In the sidewalk fronting their prem ise. Manr complaint have recently been mJe concerning this annoyance and It I hoped that the united action of all will remedy the matter. Ijhi rlnc former Postmaster Wise made a reset ui-n th ptoltlce depart ment f.r an electric candling machine, and the department promised him one ...n ih no- opiToprtatlons me avullable. Postmaster M.'lVnald has re civU notice thai sikIi a machine would be Installed at this .itHee b.for long, and that representative of the department k.iuM Ih her to sH It up soon and ar- ranite for pwer. The OriNt'Milan says that articles of In corporation of the Portland and Nehalem railroad mere filed in the county clerk's omce at Portland yesterday. The capital stock Is ll'.l. and the Incorporator are R. V. Pratt. J. Thornburn Ross, and K. A. Wlnstanley. The object are to con struct and operate a railroad and tele graph line from a point on the Nehalem river near the boundary line between Washington and Columbia counties, thence to the city of Portland by some route to be hereafter selected. Martin Foard and Gu Hlldebrand have returned from a trip through the Nehalem valley. They left here a week ago, going by way of Clatskanle and traveled down through the county as far a the north fork at the Nehalem. One of the most remarkable features of their visit, they state, is the contrast in the county road of Columbia and Clatsop counties. When ever the dividing line of the two countle was approached, the superior roads ot that county were In str king contrast to those of Clatsop county. On the north fork of the Nehalem, where the settle ment Is entirely compose.! of Russian Finns, the people, they state, are poor, but supremely happly. most disgruntled people being the substantial farmers, who are anxious for better rood facilities. Many of those are In favor of a portable sawmill to Improve the county roads. For CASH Only IWht overcoat I 4 50 black cluv worsted 11 30 t m Men's lila k. finer grad 13 ( lien's grey wormed It 'rt M"-n's (rr;y ribbed, very fine... 10 (1 Men's brown kersey 1.1 59 Men's brown cheviot 13 Vi Men's chocolate color melton. 10 0) And we have others. 11 40 10 K, 12 m 11 15 10 50 8 00 We have about Si men's suits, mostly small sizes and light colors, worth from tlo to 115, but you c;in afford to k-ep one for next spring, or even w. nr one now lor everyday use. m the ridiculous pr of $4.73 it suit; nothing th'- matter wim lhm exo'-pt th-y are small sizes; that's the small man gets In. Thc Keiiable Clothier THE 81'DPEN DKATH OF A WKI.Ii KNOWN MAN. Alfred Olbbotis, Formerly County As sessor, Succumb lo I leal I Fullur Sunday Fvenl. Alfred tUbbon-, one of the lot known men 4 th'a ecuon of Oregon, and for merly assessor of Clatsop county, dropped dead at hi home on aJrn1 avenue Sun day evening from heart failure. Mr vllb bona had Just entered his room when he fell to the floor, striking heavily. l'hyl clans were immediately enl for, but th IJ gentleman ha.l passed wa,v before they could reach th house. The news of hi death came a A sur- pr!o to hi many friends, a b had been around town all afternoon, and seeming ly waa la good health. About o'clofV: n left the office of ttjo Aatorlan and walked rapidly to hl home, and it I supposed th exertion brought on heart failure. While al the offle he conversed for over an hour with several of the employe of the paper, but made no complaint that he felt III. IVeeased wa one ot the finest account ant on the Pacllto coast. He cam origi nally from New York, of an old family, and wa highly educated. When a young man he came to San Francisco, In which City he associated with many Influential men. Ho always commanded a large salary, and It 1 aid of Mm ho lived up to his Income, lie wa one of the most popular young men In the Hay city, and for several year was prominently Identi fied with the Bohemian Hub. About IS years ago he came to Astoria, and had since resided here. He had a ran. h near tho Walluskl. on which he spent consider able of h.s time. In 1 he wa elected assessor of this county, holding office two terms. Since then ho ha been employed a accountant, for several local llrnis. and for the past six months had been book keeper on the Astorlan. IVsplte his .w he was remarkably accurate, and mud dled accounts, which other experts had given up In despair, were eas ly straight ened out by him. He was about W of age, and unmarried. So far as 1 known ho had no relatives In tbW pari of the country. CAN BY I N PK PEN V il NT 13 SET RKJUT UN ASTORIA. Nobody Oppose an Open River. Hut no Ship Channel 1 NeeleJ Pat As- I tort to Portland. ASTORIA. Sept. l.-Edltor Atorlan The "Canby Independent" states that th Astorlan "demands that there be no more development pf the Columbia or Willamette rivers." Such 1 not the case, but the Astorlan does object to the con version of the Columbia river Into a ship channel for Vi or more mile. Just lo en able the O. R. & N. Company to get tow age out of every ship that come to our state 10 tuau grain. Taking u for granted mat money is spent every year to keep the river rJ up for wheat laden vessels, who gel Ihei,, h. mw.lllf ,hll, lne two commercial benefltr-the farmer; no. All the benefit rg.lmgi,ti wor. m.,r, harmony In that is derived from uch an expenditure the future, and It se-med to m.t the Is derived only by the o. It. N. '"m-1 unanimous approval of all those present, pany In towage, etc.. and by a j, la nk-ly committee, w:i b appointed pool having Its headquarters In the city t ,.,r tht. purp.,. of c-nferr.,, un this mat of Portland. trr. The farmer, through the government, j . pay his part of the bills for k-eping the Commissioner McGulre came down river open, and then ha to take less tor from ''nland yestrrday. I'robably no his wheut. In order to enable the grm ' ul whoever held office In Oregon ha pool to pay the extra freight changes de-j" m"y trWnAt a Mr. McOuIre, and manded by vessels loading at Portland, (there I a determined effort to ecur hi When Astoria has. terminal rates, ves- sels will be glad to. come here and take''" """J- There Is not th slightest our wheat, flour, lumber, etc., at the same l,l"ub he mind of hi friends that he rate of freight that ihey would from 8an aln b for thl. Important Francisco. ! position, for Astorlan would not tolerate We are not surprised that the Oregonlan be hb-a of allowing him to be retired, contains editorial every day criticising ' "l,r 'w0 l"urs he has watched out for the our "preemption" In demanding terminal interest, of th. fishing Industry without rate for A.lorla. The wheat pool and "alary, the legislature having failed to the O. R. & N. Company realizes too well ,mak PProprlatlon, and the commend that It will be a sad day for them when!al,le Interest thus shown hould not be .hip stop at Astoria and load Instead of;1"0"1 tu unrewarded. Mr. Mc.lulre going on to Portland. Hut there I. one great consolation for the people In Port landwhat they lose In shipping will be more than made up In the Increased trad, of the farmer, for with Increaaed price for product, will come Increased expendi tures for the necessities and some of the luxuries of life, which, on account of the "low price of wheat" the farmer has heretofore been compelled to do without. The people of Albany, N. Y., have long since given up the Idea that the govern ment should dredge out the worst places In the Hudson river and keep It open all the year, so that large vessels could go up and get the grain, etc., that ought to stop there on It. way from Buffalo and other point. In New York. So will It be with Portland. New York has Its eleva tors, Astoria will soon have her. FACTS. Tho Hrltlh ship Hllberhom, whl'h left up the river yesterday, comes from Liver pool, and has a cargo of Are brick, fire clay, pit? Iron, salt, and earthenwure. Bhe also brings a quantity of liquors, iter cargo weighs 2321 tons. Eugene D. Hamblet heturned Sunday from a few days' visit In tho metropolis. The report that he was spending his va cation In Aldcrbrook was Incorrect ; he went to Svensen, and from there to Port land. Ask tho captain of the Oarnet Hill what he thinks of Inland seaports, and listen closclv to what ho says. His ship, three weeks from Portland, Ib ready for sea. Her cargo la worth only about 1B,500, nnd the delay In making tho passao Inland cost nearly half that amount. But, of coure. snips muHi sunor uus inconveni ence, to keep up a few Portland concern, There should be a display of salmon at tho Portland exposition. If tho packer have riot displays which they can send those at the rooms of tho Push Club should be utilized. Fish Comml:; doner McGulre hn worked hard to put a minia ture hatchery In the building, and I. now procuring live salmon to add to the at tractiveness of the dUplay, and the in- BOYS' A New Department in We have just received 500 suits from the larg est eastern manufacturer in boys' clothing. Never before was there such a big assortment of boys' fine clothing in Astoria. Every garment brand new; high Class novelties in Boy Reefers' Suits, Boys" Sailor Suits, Vestee Suits, Boy's Blouse Suits, Boys' Overcoats, Youths' Clothing; all new; most handsomely made and trimmed; at rea sonable prices. SHANAHAN BROTHERS The Cheapest Store on Earth. dintry could bo extensively advertised If j fly advertised If xhlhlta of canned ltd be given th the Darker would send rxr goods. The matter should ! Immediate attention of the fisheries com mittee of the Push Club. , as the exposl- tlon opens Thursday. j At the meeting of the chamber of com- meree last night there were many mem- j ber In attendance. Apropos of the ar rangement made at the last meeting of j the chamber, a large delegation from the Push Club a a present. The Joint meet- j lug proceeded to a discussion of the com- ' ninn point quest'on. and much Interest a as manifested In th' roost Important subject. The meeting adjourned, lo meet again tontt'ht. that statistic might be ipres.-ntej for the edification of the mem b , fur,n,.r Ilvf, r 4 u,lr of the matter. The suggestion wa made reappointment to the position ho has so Is now working hard for th. passage of the bill providing for state aid for the ar tlflcal propagation of salmon, and he has hope, that the measure will pass with out trouble. "The great difficulty," said Mr. McGulre yesterday, Is that the peo ple of the state do not realize the Import ance of fostering thl great Industry, and we must educate them to the necessity ot state assistance, not only In protecting salmon, but also for hatchery purposes. It menns millions to Oregon, and the state pan get bigger returns from the money thus Invested than for any other appro nrlatlon which might be made." NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Wharf nnd Tretle Work Atorla & umbla River Railroad. Col- Healed proposal will be received by thc undersigned at their office. In Astoria, until noon September 23, for the furnish ing of material and construction of a wnurf, warehouse and trestle approach on the depot grounds of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Company, In Astoria, Plans and specifications may be seen, and blank forms of proposals ob tained at office of undersigned, llonds will be required, The right to reject any or all bids reserved by tho undersigned. s'ORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION COM- PANY HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWH7 The Bouthern Pacific will give you a rido to tho Oregon Htate Fair on any of their lines In Oregon for one fare for tha round trip, good going and returning' any time during tho fair. The Slate Fair Is the people's Institution and shou.u be pat ronized liberally. Come and see what resources Oregon has. One fare for round trip. THE LADIES. The plenshnt tffei.t and pnrfec safety with which Iodic may uho 8yrup of I'Iks, under all conditions, makes It their favor ite remedy. To get tho true and genuine article, look for the nume ot the (,'allfor-, nla KIk Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of the puckuKe, For sale by ull druggist. REDUCTIONS IN FHOTOURAI'IIS. Snodgrass, tho Fotographer, will make raWnet photo, for 12 per dozen for a few days oflly. Come early and avoid th. rush. Air work first class, a. usual. - CLOTHING FOR SCHOOL I . A ! STANDARD K- AT ROSS, HIGGINS & CO THE BEE HIVE has just received another lot of ladies' walking hats. We have ever3rthing de sirable and new in this line. THE RAINS will soon Commence; Interview us with regard to umbrellas and mackintoshes; We have a good line of both at very low prices, This Week 99 c. will purchase you a pair of our $1.25 Kid Gloves. Albert Dunbar, N. P. CORSETS TRY THEM. mmmmMrwRmimmm i 'A in' SoU Ajrents for the DUN LAP MAT. Our Store ARTICLE It I ilwlts bot to fjft stsodoril article of gruxcrlc They re more reliable ind cat lie depended upon. 'c niadlc only the bc.t Maodnrd qualities other hraad arc too eipca Mve.ciea though they hell for less, became they cot m Cus tomer. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA Robinson & Ccx. MATTERS,. a8y Washlnuton Btreet, Portland, Ore. will be Qj ' . x work end lt f.