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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1898)
'TILE DAILY-. AS! OHIAil, TUESDAV MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1898. HOUGH SHOES FOR ; LITTLE GIRLS Schillings lies is a pub lic as well as a private good. It means such' OCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3CCC") ssr ssr w sw ssv 'sw eer OAK TABLE Top 24x24 ONLY $2:00 fleilborn & Son baking nowilar 0vont(ilrwis (wl mna tpKM as you and your neighbors want at fair prices. Pot mIi by Rom, Hlgglns 4V Company (tr r. . vvfer.. SOllID () pi'' ! A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries,.. Fruit Jam nnd Jrlly Cila'j. : With the Fruit 1ko tlniu jft Price Lower Than ICver.... W..F. SCHEIBE, 'saowrit FINE CIGARS! 4t Cmmrell t. I KRCEJVKi) IN Till MUJABY. t OBAUUAB AND aUUXittsJO ORADKM THE SISTERS OF TIE Conyent of the . ; . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. 8"i1li I'UpIl, m(uI I' Hit tclioi ek. tlf 0uld, HiiuUtf Mh. For reUe, to., address the Hupertoreae INMTRO- MElfTAL music; PA1NT1NO . AND voica CULTUkl roM A SPECIAL 1 DKPAimiBNT J '. 1 . V : 1 - . i . - VTlAAAAAAJ UUVUVUVUtnnAAAUU uUWUUrfUUVWUVnW UlVAAA Orlcntnl Curlostlllc-s nnd Toy. Special 3 ...Sale Wc mul rocluco as lock nnd Hall RegnrdlOMt of Com--- Wing Lee & Co. '(Biiiucrciul Slrevt nenr Cooper's Dry Hoods SUr. s inl Estes-Gonn Drug Co. Leading Druggists of Astoria :.;r Try ProHtoio'. sore mi pleasant core for. the Headache. WE EXCELLENCE Of SYBLT OF HGS If Am not otily to the orlfrlnallty ami simplicity of tho coiiiMriiitlon, but also to the euro uml skill wiili which it In Manufactured by hclentlflo processes known to the CauroiiNu Fio Hyuvp Co. only, nnd we wlnh to Impress upon All th lrinx)rtaiic of purchasing tho true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fljfs la manufactured by the -CAuroHKiA Fio 8rpp Co. ouly, a knowledge of that fact will assist on In avoidinir tho worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high lUndlng of tho Cam tounu Fio Hrhtr Co. with tho mcdl CAl profession, and tho satisfaction which tho trnuluo tyrup of Fljrs has fflmn to inlllloiia of families, make tho name of tho Company a guaranty of tbo exodletux) f It remedy. It la for In Advance of all other laxatives, as It acta on tio kidneys, IJrer And bowels without Irritating or weaken ing them, And It does not gripe nor nauiK'Ate. In order to get it beneficial effects, pleaao remember the name of tho Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. n nuxtice, ro. LeriSVILLE. It. KW TONK.IT. T. HomiitliDMi, piynlly achool t!m-, thy iiwsl tlin; Kood, rnny onn, but strons nl hurt to wwir on I, A for th hoy, O, w nymiMt'Mia with you nil h yKit UirrMtKh, for thu y r a grcut tux on Iim.iI, tK-itrl and pwkt booli, tmt rlKM hT Mir lymiuith ttUo a (m tl l turn. Have you 'f n our iru tUt tor Urytt Petersen & Brown. P2EJLS FOl BHIODS AID 1E170U8 irBoauoi uh as TM and rain la ths Btomach, Ut'UluMW, JuIum aftr to"l. Um1 artA lne.lnnM, Irowilneaa, t'luablnxs ( II not. Ixwa of AppetlUV OhiIIt.B' lll-Hch 00 the (Ufa. Gild Chills. turtMd Blep. Jfrufbtful Iirms and all KrrrouS and Trambllng Hvnsattotih THB HUT S06I WOl OITB IE LIU II TWESTT KIK7TC& Every oafftref Will Sck00liUt Lbaat to U A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. d. vill4alrklrrtor YvmslM to com pUHe bMlia. Thr promptlr remove bbtiurUonsorlrmtfttlrtll of the f re turn ab4 ewrv ftlek HeeJeefee. J0t A Weak Stomach ; Impaired' Digestion Disordered Liver IN MCN, WOMCM ON CMILDNIN ' Beeeham's Pllli aro ' Without a Rival L'ArtCCST SALE ml eay relent M4He4M la ike Weefct. 11 Ma m all Drw KNtres. The Choicest Table WmesL Tor Faaallles Also for llelleb aa4 OoeklJif Pert ins Prlvete Stock, Crwua Rjre, Otd HkMmy, Pride of Kentucky and Hermjce Ee eoM California. Breodjea. Carlson's Family Liquor Store m TWELFTH tTRZXT THE PROOF ef the poddlnff Is la the eetlne and (he proof ef Uqevi IS IN SAMPLING That'e sji argument trust's eeev eros:ee- defDonetmiloa, Ours will stand the test HUGHES & CO. Astoria Public Library READING! IIOOM FTtEE TO ALL Open eve7 dsjr from I o'clock to IM te JO p. m. NetMrHirrton rate- V per annum. W, lr. E)eoUi and Duaae ttraets. A CRITICAL TIME During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OR WELL, i HlStl'MCdT ID DAT THE PACKERS AT THE BATTLE OF 8ANTIAOO VB CU1a WEKB ALL HEKOE8. THEIR HEROIC EFFORTS IX urTI'INO AMMUNITION AND RATIONH TO T.IE FRONT 8AVED THE DAY. P. E. Butlfr, of pack-train No. t. writ ing from BantUgo de Cube on July n, ny: "We til hsd dlrrho In more or li vlom form, and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor, for It wag a cae of runh and ruah nltcht and day to kcp the troop supplied with ammuni tion and ration, but thank to Chamber lain'! Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, w were able to keep at work and keep our health: In fact, I locrely believe that at one critl.-al thne thin medicine wa the Indirect savior of our army, for If the packers hud been unable to work there would have been no way of retting aupplie to the front. There were no road that a wagon train could une. My comrade end myself had the good fortune to lay In a supply of this medlc-lne for our puck-train before we left Tampa, end I know In four cases It abso lutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturer of this meulclne, the Chamberlain -Medicine Co.. Dee Molne. Iowa. For sal try Charles Rogers. unnuviAnimvinnAuvrvuuv ivuartp The IMPERIAIHotel 1 . r 1 g THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor 5 vvoh7ngtondt8. Portlatide,' Or. I rriAfruwiAAAAnAAriiAfiAJinjvirw ' 1 5 'iTl k eV'iVt-iwViVvWrViVvWMvViVr THEOGCI DEMT til i Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcjslcr tfiiWrlsit-e Props. f iiF';; If Kpp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE i Tbo North rsolflo Urcwery, of whiql Mr.John Kopp is proprietor, mnkes btei tor domee'lo and export trade. . k. . . i Bottled lecrj for family or kok beer supplied nt Any timo, dulivery it the city tree. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Oregon Industrial' Exposition OPEN m ..Portland, September 11 i CL0SU5 October 22, 1898 The Finest ami Greatest Kxoofition ev hi-M in the Northwest. HORTICULTURBL and ACRICU'jTURA l'rolucts of OrcipiD aiul VMl.iin:tin will w Iih,ho. iu vtouilerlul protusiou, Including more vnrir-i ib iIihii evr lefor j.nihorel towel h er in one xhiolt. Cold. Silver and Bronze MiJab will te Awarded. Marvclously Rich Specimens from cur Cold. Sliver and Other Mines- ..Bennett's Uenowned Military Band.. Has bete fngsrS for th staton. Astoui.'.lng Aerial Fet and Aero!"" batlc Perf oi mantes. 1 ASTORIA MEAT COMPAnVI 5 . 5 i Telephone No. 33 Handles Only the Choicest Meats ! CmoircUI 6t, asst Palace Restaurant. Chas. Kan & Co. a7 COMMERCIAL STREET Manufacturers of IaJies' UNDERWEAR and Wrapjfrs, etc. The lowest jiriccs in Astoria. We also carry tint? twk of Jajmncse Fancy Gxh1?, fine ( hiiinware, Notions nnd Toys at wholesale prices. Astoria Steam T Tk -4 -mm r WHITE LAliOR rCRPECTKQKK SATISFACTION-Gl'AKASTEED. Very Low Rates on all Railroads. Admission '.' Cents. ChiUlreu l.i ( e THE PARKER HOUSE NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Four Hundred Different Patterns ' VA '; '. ' Wah Sing & (Jo, Mcrcliunt Tailors, were never better prepared to serve tlio iublio in their line. Gents' Furnishing Goods cf nil kinds. Suits mndo to 'order quickly. Largo stock rcady-mado gopds. Cleaning und repairing. Rctnottibor, Prices Tolk. WAH SINQ & COc'c'lst. a- J . -i OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL . -. r f i ..i ' . ' ', 1' , - t I '. Monstiosith, Oratron " A fRAININd SCHOOL ( FOR TEACHERS Kesnlnr Nermal Course of three yeats.' .! BaslosyoKT wholly nifcssiensl.f .l'mlnliiir (tMiianment ol nine irsdes with U0 chlMr.ui ru.Lrlli.l llli. trulll Ha Id Jmia..Ib1, ... -f iem), and Vocsl Mimic for bubliosrhiMls Ths Norma, dlnloma la rvcngnlsed by law al a 8TA.TK L1FK CKKT1KKJATB to tcaoh. i Jim. sinen.. i union, books, board ana lodging (a pmxlmsirly), SlM.oo iwr ysr. Himleuts boarding themselves, 1110.00 per year, AohHoihIo urndi'H aoHed from hlh schools. Oatalopiss ehnnrlully sunt on spiillostl.ui. Adilrou e, L. CAUPDlbU President, or ' W. A. WANN, SeoretaryofrMul First-ClasB in Every Respect. BAR A1D BILLIARD ROOM C. Jf. TRENCHARD, Commission! Brokerage, CuB,0,t1 HoM8e Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON. nsur ance and S hipping. Agw,t w. F. .uv.. nd racmo Kipr. s. co-.. Special Rates to Theatri cal Parties A. J. MASON, Prop. ASTORIA, OWK. ' T ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. a.m. o.m :i0 8:80 ASTORIA. tueuy.i ' Portland and As-i torla express trains via rtnappa, Westport. Qo war atatlona. Arrive. a.m. am. UM 10:56 Take Speeial Jiotiee of This Ad. WE BEG TO NOTIFY THE ENTERPRISING PEOPLE OF ASTORIA ri HAT WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, ELECTRICAL AND GAS SUPPLIES. MANTELS, GRATES AND TILING, ANDIRONS, FENDERS AND SPARK GUARDS. ASTORIANS WHO INTEND BUILDING SHOULD BE SURE TO NOTE OUR AUDRE33 AND WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Frank Holcomb & Co. () o Better than CJoId ' ' mmmmmm t and better than any other chewing tobacco ever, ( ) made: YOU are not obliged to dig for it. t PLUG is the largest piece cf really high grade tobacco, and you can get it anywhere in the United States. Remember the name vhen you buy again. cccccccccccccccoccccocccu The Pat Market j Flour, - Feed - and - Hay f B74 Commercial Street. SOfJIEBODY SAID. SsCmIX Goull around the Shoe fctorei in the City, examine their Stocks and then fpmp IjicJc to uf; satisfied, that we keep a better Ljiifj ffll pt a lowtr frice then any of then). But if vou wish io av Jd Fueh Trouble, come here in the fiit jlace. Our Shoe, Stock, is telectcd with a view to J'leasij, jj , -Us, l'Jit cur I'ptrpPf Th? rpH p? Ufag lb a Shoe here ...Ml 1 . .' ! ! - 5 I ' . jt 111 I . r - nin ik eusjcion-; uie rerun ol using wiii D6 cawsittt; Jry, and even inying for them will be satisfactory, -JOHN HAHN, The RellobI Shoe Dealer THE RUSSELL Compound Automatic Engine 345 Washington Street Portland, Oregon :S0 6:40 I 5 II U:W 8:60 12:0S Astoria, Reaaide snd :u rwaw Asiona Dassen ger tralna. s Flrst-clase tralna leave Warrenton for . Flsvel and, Nsw Astoria at 7:46 1:16 and 10:61 a. m and 12:50, 6:06 and 6:66 p. m. and returning arrive at Warrenton at 1:06, 9:30. U:06 a. m. and 12:40. 6:16 and 7:06 p.m. Trains leave Seaside 7:00 a. m 10:20 a. m., 4:30 p. m. dally for Astoria. Portland trains leaves Seaslds on Sunday at 1:60 p. m J. C. MAYO. ' O. V. 4 P. A. uTjnAfiruuruxrurururuvuvinAnnAn THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant Everything Strictly First-Clems. W W. WHIPPI P Prnn t s nil i s-ess i V( i 5 ' U minium l t Strong and Kconomicnl. " Write us for particulars. . ,' A,H,A JuRlIJ .' . ' RUSSELL & CO., Afannger. ""!'! Portland, Oregon, J ' ' in OiCjgSetUp The Born Steel Hange Every One Guaranteed. W.J. SCULLY Sole Agent, 431 Bond Street. THE LOUVR Seventh zvA Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MIXEKAL WATER. I'EI'I'EK. X015LE, K1CK0KY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES- ALL OTHER LIQIOKS, WIXES, X1) CIGARS Served Day and it&M. AUGUST KRATZ, - Manager Pacific Shet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Fruit . CANS spice and Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. , Falrbaven. Yfas'' Sao Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. irul Write Us Ifor PHeer " juvriAAjuuvruvuxfurui; a