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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1898)
n-- .I f f V , . J 1 n ' ,.' I I ,1 1 s i ' i M '1 III k u: t Vvlil y . ... THE ASTORIAN has th larfet circulation of my paper on the Columbia ftlvtr THE DAILY ASTOP.'A.I Is t!) fetfgest and test paper oa the Colamtla River KUI,L ASSOCIATKD PRESS RKPORT. VOL XI.V1II. AMTOKIA, OltKGON. TIII'HSIMY MORNING, JUNE 2, IMS. SO. 130 WR AM! POSITIVELY - HEADQUARTERS I'OW, TOVM IIANOK8 TINWAHB COOKINO UTENSIL IUON I'H'H tub nucicn Ann iucii ai to make it expen- SIVII TO IlUT BLSnWIIERB. Eclipse Hardware Company diAwicr old Subscription Books at One-half Price . . Ttwvtllerttnn of John Bherman, forty Tr in Cnngr II to Blnrr ot American HamUm 1 10 I' of Daring by th AmMlnn 0ol- dler t Anecdote and Incident of th Rebel- Hon 1 T Naral Haiti) and Our New Navy.... I.TJ lrtlv Patties of Ida World 1.71 Th Btory of Cuba rtvte1 in 1I,. 1 SO Konwl and Jungle, br P. T. Harnum.. I Do (ViiMMintf tha Wlldarneoa I M Th Kin of Myaterte I Illustrated Hook of alt Religion I W Griffin & Reed. CIGARS. CIGARS. CIGARS. MANILA CTj? cicarj. m u r i r - . ! . ;j- r Ezf tit"0 CHARLES KAN M.nufartorara of I TTI A p 1 T? LADIEB- AND OENTH1 U 1M I 'vHIXm Japan Oooda, lloalrrjr, N AT RKABONA W. F. SCHEIBE, I Pipe aa4 5aMkr' Article. 474 Commercial . HTIU J M 1N8TRU- .,Krfsn,isiM'wn,rs.H,H MENTAL received THE SISTERS OF THE musio, Convent of the ...Holy Names CULTURE AND ASTORIA. OREGON. FOrm a AOADKMIO HAVE OPENED TIIKIIl IIOAKDINO ANP SPECIAL GRADES ,,AV HrillMII DEPARTMENT For rnton, etc., ndilrotts the Buporloronn :( . - J uuuuuum re ft El n ni 'if it ran eh no a afc ATE A at riTTINOI I'LUUUINQ BIILKT IBON WOWC rrc. biaND) T.lvtnaT Thonghta from Pot, Baca and Huniortil I.TI Tha Complete If'ima I K l.lfaof Jam- O. Illalna I 00 Phutographa of Emlnnt Btalmn and I'olltlflan I 00 Farmer' Encyclopedia I 00 Magner' )lra Book. I W Mnrr't Hlandard lloraa and Htork Hook t 10 people' lllualralad Allaa ot (ha World 1(0 Wcbater't Dictionary, HOI tdlllon I TS It w not uand to tha brand. patrrjr'a l-lnch ilomcallo mada him Wi hava not int ihrm qulto a long. ut lon( tnouiih and food enough for any- liodjr. WIIOI.KHAl.B ONLY. Foard & Stokes Co., & Co., No. ,17 Commercial Street. otlona and rumlahlnc Oooda llt.R rillCES. Manutacturar nd Dealer In - - FINE CIGARS! Kopp's "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABS0LUELY PURE The North Paoino Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp i proprietor. nikti txef tor ilomtw'io itml export trnds. IJottlei! leer tor fnmily tme, or keg Utr atipplitnl t Btiy tirut delivery in tha fity tree. NORTH PACIFICi BREWERY Mount Angel College MOUNT ANQEl Marlon CounW OREGON ThU la Jiiat tha place for your boy. Dallfhtful loMtJon, lana bulMJnga nd rroAinda, rood meals, plenty of healthy aiardaa, axoallant teaohera and oaj-efuj tralnlnr- thla la what they all My ot UT. ANQEL COLLEGB. Bend for CU kloaru and aposial term. P. F, PLACIDUS, Directsr, SCHLEY BIG EVENTS EXPECTED Crisis Looked for Every Hour by Those In Touch With the Situation. THE SPANISH REPORTS BomtarJcl ty Americans Wbo Were Repulsed-Damage to Forts Not Reported-Insurgents Peady. BAK OF SPAIN TOTTERS Spanish Finances Have PeacheJ the F.nJ of Their Credit and the War Wilt Be Ended From This If no Other Cause-Hostcn-lnr the Campalen. CAI'l; IIATIKN. Haytl. Junf 1. .-.,,. pyrik-htrd K ly thi A.vifl.ttrd 'n- )- Th,. dully l.uH. iln !i'l by thf W ni h riil.Ii' romp.iny h r.' t nluy nplri-nlly (inrirma ili m- "t !iiinlh nrlRin In tin- .rr.rl Uint n l.attl.. h.i.l 1hti finiuhi iH'furi- S nul iK il- Cuba. Tlio bulli I ft U an full: "tfcintl.iK-i !' Ctil'.i. Xt.iy 3l.-To,l.iy ai ; o'rloi k th." Aiin rliim rWi -"m- l .1 uf f.iurtr.n lili. of which on", .l to tw tin' Nrw Vrk and lb w tht" Rub uf Admiral Kumpaon. inl a f.-w tiirp.ibi l'.ii, ox ni'd flrv on thi" furl and on lh" nwnlnti ad with heuvy i:im. Th lire of thi- Anu-rlran op IMNirrd to In" dlr','li'd prlm liilly ujMin tht roatUlrad and on th fort of Morro, S.m iini and Punta Oordu. "Tim iMtinonadlnti waa very brink up to 3.C o'clock. The eholla fell In the bay, but did not reach na far a a rho town. "After S:Ij the cannonadlUK weak ened and rannon hot were heard In the ortlnir. Thu Americana completely eeaard Drlnir after 4 o clock In tho afternoon." OHKAT KVKXT3 EXPIHTKD. Cape llaytlen, llaytl. June 1. A apec- tal from Santiago, conllrming yeaterday a boinbardnieiit. any that grent events are expected hourly there. The American warahlp nro In front of the Imrbor. The Inaiiiventa are gathering on tho hills. The Spanish have taken extraordinary precaullona to guard the harbor entrance. HUAVi: EVENTS, Port mi Prince. Juno t. 1:15 p. m. (Copyrighted IV.'S by the Aoclated Pre.)- The American equnilron which left Santiago waters nt I o'clock yesler- lay afternoon returned In front of the entrance of the bay thla morning nnd fired two cannon ahots, which Is believed to have been the signal arranged with tho CuUin troopa massed (i.CH) strong three, mile from the city. Everybody expects grave events. l'UOM MAl'lUD. Madrid, June l.-The following undated llspatch fiMtn II it vn nil ha been received here: Tho American squadron, commanded by Commodore Schley, composed of large Ironclads nnd cruisers, attacked the for tlllcntlons nt the entrance of Santiago do Culm. Our Ironclad, the Cristobal Colon, closing tho mouth of tho port tind sup ported by the tiro of tho forts, repulsed tho iiltnck, causing damage to the enemy. "MANTlCltOI.A." Admiral Miinteroln Is tho otlleor In command of tho regular Spanish lleot In Cuban water. THE NEWS AT MAOItlP. Madrid, June 1. Captain Aunon, min ister ot marine, this afternoon In a visit to the queen said: The American squadron has bombarded nnd tried to force tho Santiago forts, which replied vigorously, Tho Cristobal Colon advanced to tho mouth of tho har bor, exchnnglnff hotH with tho enemy, who fired aeventy shots against the forts. Tho damngo done Is not reported. The Colon hit nn unxlllnry American ship, damaging It. The Colon was not hurt." Further detnlls nre withhold. CONCEDED AT WASHINGTON. WaBhlngton, June I. Naval officials IS SURELY FIGHTING That the Battle Has Begun Is no Longer Doubted at Washington. SPAIN WILL NOT ACCEPT OVERTURES. NKW VOItK, J in 1 -A World dlpat h from Madrid aaya: On IruvliiK lln.lrl.l to r'um hi nmbaMndorlal dutlta, Senor Caatlllo waa told by tha queen, genor S K ioUi and Duku Alrn' that In the prvaent atate of publlo opinion no overturea by European powera or by ihu I'nlt.d Hmtea could hv entertained If they Implied the loa of territory In the Wet Indiea or tha PhlUp. plni-. Tb Rov.-rnrru.nt hn decided t pay the couKn Uobta of Bpuln, Cuba and the Philippine In either allver or note. Tim aupply of k'iM la exhauatrd. ' soooocxxyxxxxx)oooooooooooxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo huve hem fmbb-i'ally myatllbd tlirouirh out the d.iy by report of an enciremenl nft riiillno. CorrolMtratlve evidence iMinliik' from many quartrra. Includlnx announcement from lliv.ina and Mndrld, led the oltli lala to ronrnle late In Ihe d iy iw enitaKemeiit hud taken place, nltiiouifh tby did not rK:rd It a a arrloua one. HANK 'H' HPAIX Ti TTEIW. Jlit'lrid. June I.-The nltintl.m of the pill. lie tml.iy la al"irliril In the condition of the II ink of Siln. shbli la consid ered mure aertout than any ri-vere nt tin- r. ItiutniiH h na the lmioililllty of the bank to help the ttovi rnmi nt mean the ImiHwalblllty to continue the Till: I'ltl.i: OI IIS Washington, June 1. The !aMiunl In Madrid. In what aeemed t i be an nlinoat ntl-iiflli liil f irm of the .irutm. of tne atrliig'-ney there and the dam InMm.itton that the Hank of Spain, end consequently Spain, waa nearing the rnd of their resonrorn. waa r K irdi d at the atate department tic of more real a.gnlfl' nncv than many of the aturlm ot Uittlin on lait.1 and aea that have ben conilng out the call- t ir the paat few weeka. The effect of th.a notlc,. may be to h.isli n oHT.itlona nviirat I'urto Rico, but ihe pr! attp from our grasp through a audden nnd unexp.-, ted termination of the mar. evidence that an actual forward movement of Ihe army and navy ha a begun a glvi n In tne aet..n of the foreign mival and military ohservt rs. They have been milourn ng In Washington for some tune, hut In the last week all "f them have Martial for Florida. THE PLANS PI HUSHED. Washington, June I l or the first t me since the beginning of hostllitl. s there iipptiircd to be something In the nature i f an official statement of the campaign of the flitted States government. Tills Is contained In a . iter of Secretary Alger to the ieakcr f the house trans, muung certain recommendation and statements of a general policy which dis closed the purposv of the department to send 7".ii nu n to Culm. J'.i"l men to start at once and the remainder Just aa as itu-y can le made resuly for de parture. Th.n there waa nn estimate for establishing eleetrlml communication In connection with the army In Cuba. Porto ltlco and the Philippine, showing for the Mrs: V:v.c ofllciatly an Implied In tention on the part of the government t land troopa In Porto Kiev 'Ihe three are to gn together. Cuba, Porto Rlcw and the i illlpplnes. and pass Into military occu pation of the Cnlted State troops. MORE TIUHU'S CALLED FOR. Washington, June 1. An order was la sued by the war department today which provides that the organlxutlon mustered Into the f tilted States service under the frst call for troops will be expanded ivilh the 7.".i! men asked for under the second call, so that each regiment will consist of twelve companies. DISABILITIES BILL PASSED. Washington, June l.-At today's session i f the houe the bill called up by Jenkins (republican, Wisconsin! to remove nil po lltlcal disabilities Incurred by Ihe Third a.cllon to the Fourteenth amendment to the constitution gave rise to notable speech.1,! from Ctrosvenor (republican, Ohio) and 8"ttle (democrat, Kentucky) liHitl the obliteration of all sectional feel ing and the reality at last of a reunited country. The bill passed unanimously. Sl'OAU AND OIL TAXED. . Washlntn, June 1. .Marked prgress was mado by (lie senate tday tward the final dlsMsltlon of the war revenue t're. Oirmnn's nmen.lment levying n tax of one-quart, r of one per cent on the gross receipts of all corporations doln; a business exceeding J.r.O.iHtO per year was by a vote of :!l to Ti. White then amended (lot-man's amendment levying a tax of one-quarter of one per cent upon all corpora Hons engaged In the refining of sugar or petroleum, which prevailed bv a vote of "il to 2ii, MONADNOCK NEXT ValleJ.i, Cal., Juno 1 It seems to bo well understood nt tho Mare Island navy yard that the monitor Monadnock has been ordered to Manila and that the gov ernment has purchased the British ship Whltglft to accompany her. The Monad nock Is now on her way hero from Puget sound to bo docked. TKOOPS TO MOVE. Vancouver, Juno 1. Order were re ceived hero today directing Captain 11. J. MeOrath, commanding troop E. Fourth cavalry, Vancouver barracks, to proceed tu San Francisco with his command. Ho will be accompanied by Lleutennnt Leroy Eltlnge, second In command of tho troop9. The troop, It Is understood, will leavo here next Saturday. After tha departure of Troop K, the only troop left here will ' the third b.itla!l"o. ' .t.n)(toii vol unteer, with Colonel WhaUey in command. THE SPANISH 6ICK. Iindon, June 1. Mall advice from Bar celona to ihe Daily Chronicle any: AIonRaldo the Ironclad NumancU, or- " , " d.ra to hurry the preparation on which , ,i.,e jus, oeen , ,.e. u.e . l . lH.nga of the CotnpanU Trane-Atl.ntica in... Her maat and two funnel, have l . n painted black and .he I ready to go to (adlx for h. armament. The I.U Panay. which I. unloading, will be the next prepared, and after her will eme ; the Jover Sierra. A. additional defenae ; at Barcelona the HpanlnHa are haa'ily re.,,,,, .,.,ai,.t.i,, have Juat been mounted at Barcelona. Three hundred engineer are constructing ' new batterle. at Badalont, Juat under Mont Jtilch fortrea., In a corner unob served from the harbor. Platform for three enormou gun are being erected with nil apeed. The guna will cover the oaroor a mou.n wun a range oi yaro All Barcelona la hearthy lck of the war. The people regard It aa merely a continuation of the Cuban war. whkh ha ' paralysed buslnea. for three year. Re- L,,,,, of Anu.rica. anu once more gently the government called upon lh g , wl ru,e ,he worll as ,be did ln manufacturers of Barcelona voluntarily ; ,h h da b ;to cotrlbuto 12.000 for the k-rn of vva ana con s,onOTr-- 'the town. They replied that they had! ' 1 nlready paid moat of the expense, of the j GENERAL lA)N(j STREET TALKS, government for the defense of Spain. ' au.ilnr: t New York. Juno L General Jam "If the Yankee admiral come here we . Longatreet. the aged commissioner of ' ht Invite him to dinner." railway and former confederate officer : I and minister to Turkey, la staying at the THE SPANISH SIDE OP IT. New York. June 1. El Progresao. a ; rw. nnl.ll.U l II...... . of which ha been received here, In an editorial May n contain the following i nl'r,'t he repeated that he was ready to summary of the situation from the Sran- ! lve his 'rvl'le anJ regretted that be Ish press point of view: j cauw ne wus b,''0"J ,he age th rould A month haa gone by since the cowardly "'"J 0l"'Pled: Yankees proclalme.1 war against Spain.! """rf"!"' ,f 5"'? temt0 They then declan that they would an-1 he, alJ- follo.w ,h nihllate ua; that they would come and ! of S,nlsh force, from the Island. I do take Havana and level our fort, to theil"" hln the lniuent government will ground. We now see that It was but a ! be lsfactory r stable enough for any cowardly boast, for not one dastardly ; of ' and'ne Ia4ck J wl" Yanke has set foot on Cuban soil. They dare not. for our brave soldier will re- pulse them and drive them back to their: own shores. Have they taken Havana? j Not one gun has been tired upon our i forts nnd their ships, which pretend to maintain a blockade, fear to come with-, range of the noble gun. of Morro jit would mean their destruction. Tankees ' are cowanls and can do nothing but boast 1 of what they will do. and then do nothing. i oo.i n. ., nt i. anxiously awaiting the appearance of the Yankees, and w will then ahow them how well a Spaniard can fight and that en A mor hn rwv.t "Wherever Uie Rhlpa of the enemy have approached our shores they have been driven back with disastrous loss, and i their attempts to destroy our forta have'1" ",e "'"" an? ,rum uPi"'". resulted Instead In tho destruction of j he saia- "l don'1 8e h,ow ,her can 8tand their ships. Our brave aoldlera have ! 11 more ,han slx week or two month. I poure.1 shot and shell Into the enemy, nnd j 1ul " "e nl embarrassed for food ' noblv stood by their guns, ana upon every j "d ammunition It seems likely to be a ! o, caslon achieved a gallant victory. prolonged conflict." j "Wo have heard reports of the enor mous army which was to Invade our sl and and conquer our army. What has become ot It? They do not dare to come an, meet tne crave i-pamanis. Knowing full well that death will be certain to I nwait them. They tried to starve us. but on the contrary they are starving them selves, for bread and meat are higher In ' New York than they are In Havana. We have plenty to eat. while the Yankees , have been compelled to open free soup l houses In the big cities to feed their poor ' and the people die of starvation. No dog even goes without food ln this capital, but dogs are better than the dirty Yan - kees. Beef costs 50 cents per pound In New York nnd a loaf of bread 25 cents, How lon can the shopkeeplng Yankee who thinks of nothing but dollars standi will servo for the purchase of comfort that? not issued by tho government. Colonel I "They aro already sorry they have be- Jones of the Idaho troopa has received i gun war against Spain, but we will give 'from citizens of Blackfoot a handsome j them cause for deeper regret. It will not I sabre, which he greatly appreciates. I be long before our victorious army will j The Washington volunteers have re ! cross over Into their territory and do to,retved their uniforms, underwear, hats them as they would like to have done to j anj shoes and about half of tho required I us. Wo will glvo them some of thel"- j number ot canvass suits. They expect to I own medicine. receive the balance of their clothing and "Already our gallant fleet has bombard ed their city of Boston and driven tho In habitants of that place Into tho Interior, compelling them to flee for their Uvea. Next we will movo upon New York and no Yankee ships dare attack us, knowing full I well their Inability to cope with the for midable Spanish navy. Already there. Is tumult and Insurrection among the Yan kees because of the failure of their arma and the people nre blaming President McKlulc.V. A mllltnrv Cliard Of IMA mil- .Hers surrounds his palace to prevent an assassin from reaching him. He never goes out nnd It Is expected dally that news will be sent out of his death, go enraged nre tho people "because they , scent nothing but defeat In their war against Spain. Civil war Is threatening among them and may be looked for at any moment. The wealthy Yankee of New iork and Philadelphia have, barricaded thelr houaea and armed their ervant, learlng the atta'ka of our force and th moba of their own people. "Such la the condition that exit In America today while our noble army and our government under the brave and good Captain General Blanco have uc ceeded In pacifying all of Cuba, to that peace relgna upon our ahorr. "Bpaniara. we nave noining to rear , lh. ,M,V Yanlr,. v.-. "Spaniard, we have nothing to fear j r!ujy , v,,.,or, K,aj woullj , enemy, ,ue tnf ph,pplnMi j whlc wen rnortw, o,t h8ve n j rfanedi lf ,nrt,, th,y w,r9 ,w out of ur pww or in danger of belnii loat. The ,hlp, of Tankt.e corr!maner hav( I erl deatroytsl with great loa of life and j lhf ffM forcf havj unUfd wUh M j BpRalth t.!llen, , dr)vlnjt lbe yankM., from the Island, and have reorganlxed their government under the equitable au tonomy. uch a exist. In Cuba today. "Brave Spaniard We will not be con tent with compelling the Yankee to ue for peace; we will Invade their territory, capture and destroy their towna and force them Into auhjeci.on. Spanish valor I i Mm t(hlay ,nat waJ , ,he dayg ;of 0,d and we ran )w.e , near ,uture jthe d o( g , a?aln anoa, apon every tea and planted again upon the I Empire hotel for a few day upon busi ness matters connected with hia office. j Before the first call for volunteers the , TCnC.!.! aiUlOUIHTO UM1 OI KmOB at the disposal of the government. Last result In a demand from American for Its annexation to thla country. Why. the autonomist government was superior to wha I believe the Insurgent will provide. Pcrto Rico, I suppose, we must hold, too. The people there, however, probably will j 've us "ttle lble "? ' 18 ' ,ric,hl f"! coun,r- V 'WPP,B - uo no' now mucn auo"1 fnu " 1 v" re"u I 1 " h P8" " a Und of great resource, and as such wll I no' a drawback on our government." I whn ho" lon thou8h" I ar wou'd ,aat" Gfnerai -on-wet MM he a( llttle mfans -udK'n8. but he thought that If a policy of .tarvatlon waa adopted It would mean only a matter of a few weeks. If the Spanish armies In various parts INSURGENT LEADER DEAD. j aviin., Juno ,.The nsuTgvM . Jler Gt,IUT;1, JlntaU.s, who wa9 W0Und.M , on gun(lay nt,ar s.RUa ,a chk, provlnoe of Santa Clara, has died of his wounds. NEBKASKANS READY. . Sin Francisco, June 1. Colonel Brltt 'of the First Nebraska has reported that his men are in condition to go to the front at a moment's notice. HI men, however, , lack light duck uniforms suitable for use ; In the tropics. The t'tai. artillery and , cavalry have received il.M from citlxen I of Salt Lake for the benefit of the men j from that city. This Is to be added to at the rate ot $1 a month for each man ami rifles and ammunition 'today. Private Stevens of Company M is the only cul prit brought before the Washington court martial. He Is charged with using abus ive language to an otllcer. It Is not thought that the second Manila expedition will sail before June 9. TROOrS HEALTHY. Snn Francisco, June 1. Notwithstanding I,. . nf alnmnrh tmilhln MMOil j by undue Indulgence ln delicacies, the health of the troops encamped hero Is dally reported as excellent. Only a few of tho cases at the hospital are serious. Arthur Thomas of Utah Is Improved so that he will be discharged from the hos pital today. Many members of tho Seventh Califor nia are afflicted with a form of cholera morbus, but none are ln danger. EARNE Si HONORED BY BLANCO Paglier Knlghtelfor His Ser vices to the Crew of ' the Maine. FIRST STORY OF SANTIAGO Wasp Si.btel tbe Enemy Last Wednesday at Clenfaefos Good Work of Texas Sunday rUgbi. WAITING FOR THE NEWS Schley's Friends in Washington Are Anxionsforthe Outcome-They Say Re Will Make a Clean Job of Santiago Be fore He Stops. HAVANA, June L (From a Spanish - correspondent.) (Copyrtrhted 1898 by the As sociated Press.) Governor General Blanco ha published an edict announcing the award of the cross of the dvH and royal order of Benefi cence to Pagller for hi humanitarian service rendered to the crew of the f . S. 3. Maine on the night of the ex plosion. A Spanish schooner with a cargo of provisions ha arrived at Neuvltas from Barcelona. La Lacha publishes a picture ot Fort McPheraon and an Interview which lta reporter had with Colonel de Cortijo and Surgeon Julian, who were recently given up by the American warship In the exchange of prisoners. They ex press themselves aa very grateful for the attentions of the officers In whose charge they were, and also for the kindliness of the American people whom they met. On the other hand they complain that the government treated them as criminals and not as army officers as Is done In other coun tries with prisoners of war. Colonel de Corn Jo said; 'Ve were placed In a cage utterly unworthy of our military rank." FIRST SIGHT OF THE ENEMY. New York. June L The converted yacht Wasp was doing scout duty oft Clenfucgoa Inst Wednesday nUsht. From the outside of the harbor the Wasp could ee several topmasts sticking up Just Inside of Morro castle. They looked like Spanish war ships and the commander of the Wasp determined to Investigate. .1" nder full speed the Wasp entered tha harbor and went within two miles of tho city wharves. Here Is what proved that the conjecture had been correct, for sure enough the topmasts belonged to three Spanish cruisers. The Wasp's officers are sure the cruisers are part of Cervera'a fleet. Why they did not fire on tho little American warship and blow her out of the water Is a mystery; but they did not and the Wasp turned and steamed back out of tho harbor. FIRST STORY OF THE FIGHT. New York. June 1. A dispatch to tha World from Port Antonio gays; The first engagement between Commo dore Schley's squadron and the Spanish ships of Cervera took place Sunday night (Continued on third pare.) The Royal la tire higaect arwle bakiag powder fcaowa. Actual teat ahow it gaaa third farther tha any ether bread. fsT"f Absolutely Pure aovu. MKiaa aowoca eo., mew vcmhc pa ' Mr i 1 I i