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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1898)
TV ' " v V'." THK DAILY ASTORIA N, TIU'KSIUY MOKMXU, JINK 2, IWUl i i gaUu SLotortaw. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Kdltor. Telephone No, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent br mail, per year, W.W nt by mall, per momh H ftorved lr carrier, pr month WEEKLY. fnt f mall, per year, In advance. ....00 Ioata free to tubecrtbera. AU communicallone Intends for puhll cation should b dirwlcd to the editor. Bualneea comniunlcatlona of all kind and remlttuncoo mutt bo addresseed to "The Atturlan." The Aatorlaa guarantee to lit adver tisers tho largeat circulation of any news paper published on tho Columbia river. Advertising rates can bo had oa appllca- j uon 10 Vno Duaiiics nftnmirr. Ttio Yekly Astorlaa, tho aoconl eldeet weekly In tba ttala of Orrgott, baa, next to th Fortland Oreeonlan, th largest weekly clrcuUtloB tn th out. One or twic for about a year the Evening Telegram ha revived th ghost atory about the O. R. A N. being ab orbed by th t P., and now. In Itt lsu cf Tuesday, It tayt It has more evi dence of th truth cf th story. 8trang that with all of the "absorbing" the O. H.4N. docs not seem to absorb. TIRESOME FINANCIAL CRANKS. Th labors of th Vnited States senate, j In making provision to meet the expenses i i . ' the war. are becoming tiresome to the country. As a ru'.e, senators who were j hotteet and most hasty for war. are pro- j foundly moved to wearisome ivvh making against all measuris tint have . the stamp of the common senc of hu- , man experience upon them. Such svnM rmnts as nre spread out thlik and thin In the largely prevail in the house, but there are way and mean there of cutting short harangue. If it were not for this mercy there would be but one consolation, and that Is no busi ness at all could be done. It would as tonish tho majority of our professional currency reformers, who think the coun try has been captivated by a few phrases much repeated at the money centers, to make a study for a few days of the Con gressional Record. They would find masses of speeches made in supposed ref erence to the needs of the country that has entered upon war, to do something toward paying; the current expenses, and they contain voluminously every rank and ridiculous invention of cranks that .has been spouted from the stump ever since the days when an important class of our statesmen presumed and pro claimed, that the debt of the United States that became colossal dur ng th great civil war, could and should be ex tinguished by the unlimited use of th printing press. Substantially the nr-st strenuous urgency of a system of finmee upon the people of the 1'nited States since the union was re-established by the force of arms, has ben that w should adopt the Confederate policy, great number of our follow citizens A do not seem to be dear In their minds why the debt of the United States f r war bills of expenses should not have be. n raid and wiped out Just as the Confederal" obligations were disposed of. It Is curi ous that since the Confederates are again decidedly our countrymen, they should not unanimously reject the idea thit swamped the Confederacy In money. Many of them, however, would like to try their recipe that succeeded so well In a part of the country for wiping out debts upon the whole of lu There Is not one of the old fanatic heresies of finance that have sirouted out of the soil of Ignorance like ragweed in a barnyard, that Isn't being flaunted here now; and yet everybody Is a professor of "Immedi ate and adequate measures" to pay for the war while It Is on, as largely as It can be done, with an Intelligent regard for the general welfare. THE OREGON'S GREAT VOY.VIE Chicago Times-Herald. The remarkable trip of the b-ittii-slilp Oregon from San Francisco to Sand Key, Kla., Is acknowledged by naval author ities lo be without parallel In th hl'ory of the modern steam navies of the world. As a feat of maritime prowess and tue ccssful naval engineering it will rank ns one of the notable events of our pea c r,n lllct with Spain. This record-breaking voyage covered a total of 17,459 roilca in SI diys, without ac cident or mlxhap, making It the longest trip ever made ty a modern battle ship. The continuous run without a single stoi of 4iOO knots, from San Francisco to Callao, in the niot remarkable feature of the voyage, never equaled by any other battle ship. The nearest approach to thin record Is eald to be the run of a BrltlHh flagship from Ent'land to China, a dis tance of 2,600 miles. Whatever long distance may bo claimed by the Euro pean navies, however, It Is not possible that any battleship of the firnt class, of equal tonnage with the Oregon, ever cov ered a disttnee of IMt knots at an av erage, epeed ot thirteen knots, which Is a purl of th Oregon's phenomenal record. Captain Charles K. Clark, commander of the Oregon, has rt vae for th maritime record-breakers that will prob ably stand unchallengid for a good many yrt The achievement la notable not only from an engineering standpoint, but as a proof of tln superior excellence In naval construction and of superior riii!)inrnt nml training of American na val commanders and seamen. The nation Is proud of the Oregon, Its commander and Its gal'iint crew. TO 11F1.1' THi: l'.VKMKItS. The wotfc of tho O. K. .t N. Co. In a'd of the d. v. lopm. nt .' the finning In ilustriis thronulvuit the state Is meeting with suev'. Already a number of con ventions, fruitful f ,o,M results, have been held In K. iti r:i Orvgon, mid soon on--will be held In Astoria. In carrying out these plans the cmpany not only sug gests, but It employs an expert scientist, Mr. Judson, under whose direction sev eral experimental farms are being carried on to test the best grasses and grains to be grown In this climate. Already seed has been planted in Clatsop with a view to ascertain the best butter making grass suited to this particular locality, where peculiar conditions exist. The fol lowing from Tuesday's Oregonian shows some of the results of the Walla Walla experimental farms: Industrial Agent Judson of the O. R. & N.. yesterday returned from a trip to the ixper tn. ntal stations of the railroad cmptrty In the Inland Empire. At the Walla f irm he found everything In the finest p.'s-:Me condition. Of the more than C.'- varitics of grains and gr.i.s sown there, only four or five have .'a o-l to g--nn:nate. At the Stv.tad fru.t farm, at Hillocks. wl.iro the. O . K. N. is conducting ex-! Kri. .. I Sat. . i r:ri. r.t.s in frt.ts and many irrigated Sun. . Mon. , P"..n:. Mr. Ju-lsoa s.-t out g) of tho Tun. . I Wed. stme kl ls t .Ku-co plants that helThurs. trans; '.anti d at Walla Walla. They were ! Krl! '.. jSat. . grown at the same and had reached JS'in. . I Mon. , the stag three 1-aves to each 'Tiles. , Wed. , plant and the results at harvest time are iThuis. ! Kri. .., expected to determine wnicn loiaitty is the b. tter for tobacco culture. Ten thou sand more tobacco plants will be set out at IiU'.ocks. This is considered remarkable, in vt w of the fait that the seeds came from nenrly all lands under the sun. Mr. Jud son took 2 trays of young tobacco plants from the Il-lglan gardener at Pendleton, who had been entrusted witn the work of growing them to the transplanting stage, and s,-t them in the field at the Walla Walla station, thus finishing all planting tit that farm. There were tjlS plants In the l"t. of three varirllws Comstoik's Spanish laf. Sumatra and Havana. At the Smead fruit farm everything promises th t--st r-sults. President C. R. Smead Is putting in a three-section eva p-Tating p'ant, having Urt trays and a rapaoity for handling 17.'0 poundj of gT".n fruit daily. The drying room is MxVi. and workroom 2xr) f.-et. It will be a model of its kind when completed, which wiil be within 31 days. It may be ready f r work in abatn two week.1. Mr. Jit. ihri-juh oi ion "ir;s crop prospects Kmplre .'is of the a big yield last - ! til l rid l" .-t. 1h-r.- .i l ut on ail h.inU v- this season a still i lore "if-!. I is promised, and the chances try .in- lt .wing slimmer every day. of .nj'iry "I never said .Mr. .iw .-u-'h crops out of doom," J il.-ori. "and I nm told they have not the y-ar. s.triiai-sed nt this time or in this favored land." LI7 CHANT IK LA VICTOIRK. 1 Yankee Isr-wey went to sea, ' Sailing in a cru!s'-r, I He took ,'ilor.g for company, i M--n and gun-, a few, sir. I Yankee L' w- y. ha, ha, ha I I Iiewey, "you're a dandy," With men and guns and cruisers, i You're c-rtainly citiiie handy. too, I',- sailed nwny to the phirppines, With ord.-rs for to snan-li tln m, And thris-h tii- Si.-ni irds right and l. f "vVle r. v. r i.r e vil. catch them. I And Y:t;k.'. He did It .-o vv y did it, too, niplete, ?lr, outing ship is left 'l'l. at not a l.lo'ii if ill that Spll. h licet, sir. .', you're a pc-v h, V r,l;. .. U' w A r y, V.. '. V. e f.i tar. sir; .-letht," in h, til afar, Bir. u i. ll nf of r oi 1.-' yo'i v La .1 We gr-i.-t you with thr-e rousing che-rs, Fur you anu yur brave crew, uir, For the duds you've 'Jone ;ind the vl-tory won, For Yankee doodle do, sir. Yankee ' '.' y k" ji It up, You ert.iirily nr..- hardy 'lth men tir.d guns, and cruisers, too; Ohl Ij'.wcy, you're a dandy: , Montreal I'ress. JTRY TRIALS. The outcome of murder trials all over tho land at present evinces clearly en ough the unwillingness of petit Juries to find criminals. Indicted by a grand Jury, guilty (if the worst offense ugalnst the law find society, namely, premeditated murder, nnd the reluctance of Judges to pronounce its extreme penalty. But there is no escaping; the penalties whlih nature exacts for disregard of or deliberate vio lation of her lawa. Dyspepsia, born of Imprudence in eating and drinking, rheu matism caused by needless c-xpoifure In inclement weather, dangerous organic troubles resulting from unchecked inac tivity of tho kidneys, and all tho formid able outgrowth of so called minor ail ments and their neglect, are curable with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, also a com petent preventative of malarial ailments. This medicine is also an Incomparable appetizer and elocp producer, 1 The short cut to success with ScuVings te ctTr taking powder fUtouHt: riiuctt snd pi,e is to money-back them. Km mV by Koss, Merlin ok Company PPlNGWMiRHf -tlj . . MARINE WOTES. The Columbia crossed out yesterday for San Kranclsco. Th Hrltlsh ship illenbank will leave up r IVrlland tivlay. The llrlttsh ship Olenarvl, Captain Tur ner, K8 tons, 11 days frim San Kran clsco, arrived In yesterday. The State arrived In yesterday from San Kranclsco and discharged fruit and vege tables for local merchants before pro ceeding up. The Yukon dredger Uvvelle Young, lying at t- O. It. & N. dock, will be taken north tho next trip of the Albion, due today from Copper river. Tide Title for June. 1898. Illi. II W AUK LOW W AII.H I'ATE A M. I'. M. 1- ili.iiiltt. li.tnia. h.mift. n. m ft WtsJ. Thurs. Krt. ... Kri. .. Sat. ... Hun. . Mon. , TlliS. Wed. 1 !) U 1 10 U 5 4 20 e s i 1.. 0 il v e ; , 1 1 5 i. 1 11 J i 4 11 u S S ... 3 . ... s . ... . ... s ... 6 s ...ii ...12 ...It . ..!. . u vu . .J. . 121 s 6 :; t '' it : ;iii ; i s : l e s tf 5. f 1 U'l 0 ms; so; s i t .. ; i :i'2 'i 9 i I li' 1 j ,c' ; 3 f I-; i i . ' 4 .'I T 4 M ' 2 " 1 I" '' I rt ; i pi : o :. ii j IThurs 6 iH T i 11 .i' I 1 .. . s T i: ; ;, s n 7 s i sr s a I 12 ." 1 ..s 1 f 2 4111 3 41 " S 4 .1 0 3 : 2.i ' I e v) t 1 .'.' ...14 ir. la m i ui i j j l- u t; i a v. s s 17 .. .J. . 12 i .. ..I. . o is s i 0 0-1 S U ia7 U 4J ..ia 'V.I i u s ; l 122SS 6 4 - o i 7 '.Vi ' 4 . ii 2 s S' e ll s .'.I " 2 'C5 I. .1 '.' 7 2 I ' 1 1 :i s i .' .; : si v.' '. :- :i J 3 21 7 1' 3 V 1 7 3 42 7 4 ..241 j:'ju 4 31 i i ,'s' i.l I' t: 2 s Sat. ... Sun. ... Mn. . Tues. . Wed. . Thurs. 4 21 3 10 it p i i i n j: 2 4 S 23 i I 5 A 11117 V 2 0 12 -2 2 v: 7 67 5 4 42 J 1 4.'. 1 5 12 ' ' t I i lit 5 4 J42M 2 .V. v V 2 .. .1 i-WJIS;. 42' 4 "1 0 2 3 2". 3 9 VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. Mld&a. Mesaengor, NagasakL Alexander Black. Br bk. 132 ton Dunn. Br bk. tons, Antwerp. Forth Dank. Peteraon. Br bk Oerfhariti. 1333 tona, Joseph Pulltter. Hanrey, tons. New Tork. Clackmannanshire. Thomson, Pr sh. 14S2 tons. Newcastle. Sllberhom, Gibson, Br bk, 1771 tons, Liverpool. Argo. Maclean, Br sh, 1490 tons, Ant werp. Castle Rock, Jones. Br itr, 1.73T tons, Hlogo. Lombard, Raiaon, Br str, 1.653 tons. Hons Kong. Ounford, MacPherson r in, il tons. Hamburg. Patriarch. Breach Br sh 1339 tons, Ma- nlha. Les Adelphua. Lebreton, Br bktn, 13?j tons, Freemantle. Poseidon, Bush Br sh, 1703 tons. New castle. Gertrud. Illnke. Oer sh. 1Gi3 tons. Kobe. Lauriston, Latta, Br bk, 2U3 tons, lllo Janeiro. Howth, Martin, Br bk, 1103 tons. Cal cutta. Emln Pasha, Chrlstensen, Ger bk, XXI tons, Antwerp. Wallacetown, Motley, Br sh, 1126 tons. Antwerp. John Cook, Magee, Br sh. 17Ii tons. Hlogo. Stronsa, Barry, Br sh, IMS tons. Yoko- hama. Heiensburg, Jefferson, Br sh, P33 tons, 'shanghai. j Gltnard, Turner, Br sh, 17S6 tons, Ban Kranclsco. cls o. Forest Hill, Scott. Br. sh., WJO tons, Shanghai. Argyll, Ward, Br. stmr., IMC tons. Hong Nertut, Schulte, Ger sh, 171! tons. Hum burg. Wasdale. Fisher, Br. sh, 177S tons, Ant werp. Heiensburg. Jefferson. Br. sh , 17.'J tons, Shanghai. Forest Hall, Scott, Br. sh., V.'J tons, Shanghai. Nereus, Shulti, Ger. sh., 1703 tons. Ham burg. Port Klgin, Renncy, Br. h., K2S tons, Antwerp. Andrada, Adams, Br. sh., Zitil tons, Antwerp. Lu. halhurn, Forbes, Br. sh., VM tons', Newcastle. Arthur Fltger, Denker. flT. ph., KM toria, Yokohama. Vasco iJe Giuna, Ttrtrum, '7 Sydney. . Trade Winds. Itltehie, I!r. fill Hh, 11. 1!, Han Francisco. Mooltan, Kelk, Br. bIi., 10PJ tons, Y"ko h una. Itroderlck Castle, Ferguson, Lr. 1717a. Shanghai. Kdnyfed, Jones, Br. bk., p.l tonn all. Han Friinclsco. Thalaasa, Hcllmege, U-r. bk., l.'ITb ton" Hamburg. Colbert, Iyjrvau, Fr. bk., 1218 tons Tabl' Bay. l'tnrhyn Castle, Lavles, Br. bk tons, Han Francisco. lnvtrcauld, Jackson, Br. bk., I'M tons, Han Francisco. Yolo. Pannlculck, Br. sh.., 1I';7 tonn, I long Kong. Christine, Warncke, Ger. bk. l0 ton, Hlogo. Ijaurelbank, Lindsay, Br. bk Shanghai. Windsbrout, Haase, Oer, bk. Yokohama.. ton i. 12;3 ton. LUMBER FLEI2T VenselH on the Way and lu Columbia Itlvir to Load Lumber. Omega, , bktn, rn2 tons', Mollendo. Viking, , nctir, lZi tona, Han 1'ran- Kong. Whltglft, Uowllng, Ur Btmr, iao tona, San I'rancUco. Mary K. Itusa, Nelson, echr, 121 tons, Han Pedro. Albion. Daniels, atmr., 2fl tons, Orca. Luxuriant hair, cf uniform color. Is a beautiful head-covering for either aez, and may be gecured by using Hall'i Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. we think that we are over- AN llNTl'.Ul'HISlNa MUMCIST. There are few men more wide awak and enterprising than the Mstct-Coim liug Co., who spare no pains lo incur th best of everything In their line for their many customers. They have now the valuable agency for lr. King's New lisoo,-ry for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This la tho wonderful remedy that Is producing such a furor all over the country by lis many startling cures. It absolutely cities Asthma, llioit. Iillls. Iloarsi nes and all unvcilon e( ilio, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and ft bottle dec or a iikul.u- s.te for W cents and ft. viuar anted to cure or pi Ice ritnndcd. w on n v. h I to ini liiii I -i Hi l. r t':-.-.! ri. w i 1 1 1 n' r l'l.'l b- .! lie, p. f :!.,. b. li , s m, . i.OlU 1 ll. lo-; of . I' Co- of C . fcv. II -lltli-sl. .i c c d. n. s t. 1 !l.. It be. i'tnip r oii s .ti e b: od it imii vd li. al:!i r failed ;i p . f b: od No C line so obt.i'll gi lias llcv purltl, d III ol di r to V. k. I s lliood K'iMr cure scrofulous or siphililu- poisons or any oiber tdooil di ceo It l certainly a woiidciful reniedy and wo sell eveiv boitlc on a positive KU.iiamec. tir sale ! I'lstes-i'onn I'rug Co. The shirt waist ritsliiiiic hii-mcss loiiiiicts are d.i'iii: u headache absolutely and etit'.y cured by using Mokl Tea pcrinsu A pleas. ant herb drink, v'ures coiistip ation and Indigestion, makes .vou cat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 2i cts. ,md W cts. Kor sale by llsti'S-Coiin lrug i'o. The Is a p. I'Xagger.tted p islttvo Insult. 'litem ss of some nletl lv spepsia can I llyspcpst.l Tatilet I be iisliiu V. 1.7.1 s .;, ,. , ,' "' null' "li'ii. " ' ' K.vo Immediate relief or nionev ret Sold In handsome t n !na, at .j i t sale t-y Ustes v.'or.n I'rtiu" I'o. 111.. 'I . ! il' 1.1 s I IV ll It i trvtng to p".-e as p.. llp. r'o tic t 1 tlllitilsll lo 111- il ill .111 colds . r i roup. Sli" i ! itnlit. d;.l r i f tn.'liev I i ;;d 1 ' cts 1 , oi 1. f HI l.l d to RI, I'll.g V I The or in ll .' ,'f VV ' 1 t . 1 That the blood should ferr.irm Its vttai film lions. It Is ut'soluti'iy necessnry It should not only to pine tut rich in life giving elements. Thea ri suits are bosi cff'-cied by the use of tint vcll knowfi standard blood puriller. Ayers Sarsa par ill I. , CHIEF OK rul.u K SALE Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of n de linquent asaessnit nt for ttie lmir ov.-nn nt des, ribed a follows The Improvement of Thirty- third. Thrt)-iiftli streets and Harrison avenue, in A. lair's Astoria, duly issued by the And. tor and police Judge of ihe City of Astoria, by direction of th Common Council of said c.ty. sa. 1 warrant belli- dated the ll:h dav of Ann!. How rarely estimated. pfs. ',, nio directed, utid lllo ass, ssinini in 1311' which specified ainount me to the sum of !J(.ie with Interest thereon from .no li'.n day of November imv a' per .int p. r annum, being the following named ji'Tsnii, low ii, rv.iran i . rnormttn. owner in .the following properly, lo Am sch, fl1"1'- hU block 3S, Adatr's Astoria. a nu ttirainsi s.uii iieserinen property, au.i which warrant commands ni" to levy upon and muse sale or salil ileseritieil prop. r'y. In order lo satisfy said assessment, th Interest thereon and the costs and en pens, s of sale, I , 1 1 1 1 oil the f,tl day of May. l:et. duly levy upon Hie anove de. s.rib.d real property, and I will on 'lo s'h day of June. K-v at the hoar . f J o do. k. in th.. ifteitioon of si. I dav, a I th- Court House I . ,r. in the city "t ! Astoria. Cotiiitv f Cats.-ti, si'aie of i ir 1 (..ii. sell sold ab 'Ve d-scrdu d property .it putu.c .no tom to the hglost i.i td.-.- for Ica-h. I'. S. Hold Coin, to satisfy s i; I it s -j ...-.--;ii' nt, the inter, s' thereon and th" ii'.s's and exp. n-. s of sac-, and a cruitik- l-Ot. 1 at As', ria. .l iy, l-.'i Or-gon, the li'h d iy of i: ii vi.i.iii-K. of Astoria, i ,f n- Chief of P City Cllllir Uf POLICE 8ALK Notice Is h-reby given, thit In I tile do- of a warrant for th" collection of a iinipient assessment for ttie Improv im-nt d-s, ribed as foltoivs- Th" 1 iiiiirov.-iii, nt of Thirty- third. Thirty-fifth streets mil ll irr.son uvi-nne. m Adair's As otli, duly issue, by the Auditor an I I'o". -Jinlgy nf ihe City of Astor.a. Ly tlire.-tioti of th" I'.'iiimon Council of said c.iv, -.el warrant betr.g .t.i ! th- ll'h .1 iy if Apru. I-''", t'l ni" d reet'-d. and 'tie il.Sses-tllelit in which speeitleii amaiint'.ng to the sum of law with Interim th'Tion from th" ll'.'i .lay of No'.'.-ii ber. l'..7. al Iv p- r . .11: p. r aiir.'im. l.'-.tu; :ii-1 us: (he foi.owni n uiie-l person, ton it, Mb-nor Soy y. uvvner or ih" following ip -or, lied prop.r'y. to wlt. lot I'i, bl. 11 k 41. Adair's Astnr.a. and against said d'-seritied proper'v. and who h w ti rant 1 .inim iriils ni" o p vy up"ti and make sale of said described prop' r'v. In ord' r to sat. sty said assessment , th., Interest ttn-reon and th costs and ex- p. -ris. s ll Slay, l'l" of S.lle, J ,1 n the '.l'h i,,y of luiy levy upon th" above .1". ribed r.-al properly, nnd 1 will on th" s:h iliv of June b'.s. at Ihe hour of li orlo. k. In 'he ft"t 1 n ..f 1- ml day, a' th" Couri Hons,. In ih nv of Astoria, County i.r Clatunp, H'ato of Ore gon, sell an Id above deserib'il property al "ill. lie miction to the h.ghesi bidder fur cash, 1'. H. iloi.i Coin, to satisfy sild as sessment, the Interest thereon and the costs und expenses of sab-, and , cruing costs. Iwted at Astoria, Oregon, the S'h day ot K. HALLOCK. Chief of Police, City of Astoria, Oregon. CIIIL'K OK POLICE BALK. Notice Is h. r'-by given, that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a ib - ll.nn.uent nHM ssiiieni for Hie Improvement des. ribed .is follows: Tin- improvement lot llond street, from ihn west, I n of Ninth street to th" west lui" of blocks 11 and 17, McClure's As'ona. duly Issued by the Auditor and police Jij'lm ol I lit. (Iiy .if Astoria, by direction of th" Common Council of aald city, stud warrant bene iln'.il th" ll'h day of April. Kt. to mo ilm ei, .1, nnd thn iis.-eivm.-ni In i wtioh :-pe iln d iiinoiinling to tin: huih of Klaa wi'h Iniere t :p i' "ii I ' ci ll." J' n day nf January, IS!, at S per c in per annum, ,,. in- ai-.-nnsi Ihn foiiuwlng n um d pomon, lovvit, W. W. ParkT, ooiici' ol ui'i iio.oiiu, tn M-rilieu Tirotiei i y. lo-ijj,,, r.'llon ili il wit, lot 7, inn. k 14, McClure's Astoria, i w ,t p, ,i,,( k and nuiniiM laid des. -rilied prop'Tiy, nndl.,r,,' .-, j-. I n I , ui I e " o .nil . 'I oi ot .no , oo mrnj lllioo , .alio mum; suio or hh hi iieserinen properly, i ., in orijer to siitisiy salil assessment , inn Int'-rest theieon unit tho costs nnd ex peroiM of h ilc, J Uni on (he (jtn day of I Muv. 1-li's. dulv levy niori tn, aboy; tl. is'Tlled property, and 1 will on the I luh day of June. KiK, nt the hour of 2 I o'. lo. k, In 'he afternoon of said day, al the Court. House, pour. In the City or Astoria. County of Clatsop, Hliile of Ore gon, i-ell hu lil above described property at public miction to thn highest bidder for eai-h, I.'. H. fluid Coin, to satisfy Hind tis M'fHiiiont, the Interest Ih'reon and the eo.siH and expoiue-n of sale, and accruing COStM. lulled nt Astoria. Oregon, thn 5th day of May, li8. l'l. HALLOf'IC. Chief (Jf I'ollce, City of Aalorla, On-goli. CHIKI'' OK POLICK BALK. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for Ihe collection of it oe- li!io.uent iiHHtiHi'iri' lit for the Improvement lb s. ribed ii h followa: The Improvement of Horid street from ihe, west line of Ninth atreet In .Do west rue of blocks 16 nnd i" ire's; Astoria, duly Issued by Ihe Auditor nnd police Judge of ihe City of Astoria, by direction of the Common Council of salil clly, smil v nrriint li'-irnr dated the lllh (lav or April, Wig, to me directed. Hnd tne HHS"i,Hinent In which Hpeeiili'ii amounting to the Hum or tn.C'i with Inter -xt thereon from tlm Mn day of January, lVifl, at 8 per cent per annum, biung ngaliiHt tho following named person, towit, V. VV. Parker, owner of tho following described property, lo wit, lot 6, block 14, McClure's Astoria, and against said described property, and which warrant commands me to levy upon and make sale of said described property, In order to satisfy said nseinnnt1 the llllerest thereon lllld lllo eoslii mid c peiisin of sale, I did oil inn Will day of M.iv IstiN, only levy upon tint iilmve ile cubed leal property, and I will oil I lie Mh day of .Inn" lvH. at the hour of o'clock. III the afternoon of said dnv, at the Court lloilxe poor. Ill tile City ot Astoria, County of Clatsop, Htale of tire, gon. sell said ii hove described property at imbue an. lion to dm highest bidder for cash, li. t Hold Coin, to sitliafy mid as sessment, tin interest theicon' iiiut me costs mill expenses of sale, and accruing costs, Imied at .stoiin, Oregon, the t'lli day of Mai, ito.l K II At. LOCK. Chief of 1'ollee, City or Asloiia, i.iegoii. CII1KI'' OK COLICH 8AI.K. Noti.e la li of a w.'iiiaui r . I given. I hat hi v Ituie for' tlu eolb'cttoil of a 00. I lupicni asHeinnii I. I ! d lis loll HI tor llie Itiipl'oviMtictii vvs: Hie Illll'l"V.'lii''lit I' 'it.t sireei froni llie vvesi lute Ninth stieet to ttio we-i hue ocii ti! and I.', Mel liire'n Astoria, s-iii.i hv the Amlilor and I'oltce tc, iM.'gO Of 'f lbs C. f the Oily of Astoria, by due, non OIIIIIIOII V'ollhcll of Slid i'lii, said vi .il l .ml l-lllg ilaled the I lih ila I ol April. ; I ' lo IIIO d 1M ll il. tlll.t IIIO .IS O SSIIIl ll III I Vi tin tl iH'c!M.O lllliolltlllnit lo (tie solll ot j r;1 wi ii iii!i-i...i i i i.i -li i hi ten id. iv of January. Is'.iy at ti pet cent per annum, le:n m. tliist tlio foiiowtni! naineit piiiion, loivil, vV. W I'aikcr. owner ol (he follownu' ilescntieil piopeiiv. to wn, lot , block tl. Mci'Hiie Astoria, and nitaliist said diwcnhi d property, ana Winch warrant commands ine lo levy upon and IliiiUe sate of said described propi rtv, III order to satisly said assessment i no int. let thereon and ttio cosia and ri pell Ma nses of sale, 1 did on ttio Still day of PC'S ilil.v lew lipoll IHe above de. ritud real property, uinl I will on ttm S'li iliv or June tvN. at the limn of 3 o'clock. In tne at tei'iiooii ( sat. I vl.iv, ai the Court lloiisri loor, In ihn I'm or Ashum County of v'latsop, S.ale or lire son sell said above ileseritieil proiierty at "Ublie inn lion to the h i, tost bidder for cash. I'. S Hold Coin, to sai sty siot s. sosmcnt ttio Interest thereon and me costs unit rxpciisc of sale, and a cruing Costs. 1 Mt is i at Astoria, Oregon, the 9th day of Me. i: HAi.i.tx'K v'lih f of I'oltce, t'lty of Aston. i, iinnon. ciiiia-' oi'' roLtcn h.vli: Notice Is herei-y Kivrn. that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of s de luiijii'itt assessttient ror itie Iniprovemeii I des I. lied as follow Hie I llipi "Vement ii'f Thirty- third. Ihn tyltftli strems and 1 1 i rr :seli ali'lllie. In Ailsiru Aston. iltl.v issued by lite Auditor lllld 1'ollee ! Jiolite of ill" city of Astoria, by direction i of the Common Council of saiii eity said I ii an. i lit t'eiiifj dated the llilt day of April, i . . n . .'ii i l-il. ant I tie as s' isaieul tl ' ii h.i ti -p. iped j i.ii'uiit iim to the auin "f j J t . csi vi :?i interest uii'ion fuim Ihe llltl i.ln cf Nov. nib. r 1M'7. u: i .r i "ii: per 'annum, bo. tin a i'tist the follow ng naun'd p. i oi. tow u. Krank ration, trustee, own . r i'i 'he f '.loiv ng described prop. rtv. to. !:t, !.t 33, I'l'tk 6". Adair's Astoria, . .el . in; slid described properly, all I W l' .in tut eoiillll mils nie to levy Ul'Otl on 1 it o v. e hale of sild ilrscritieil property, l'l .OC-1 to s.ri.l aeSnn,'t ttio i .i. t (hci.uii and thn costa ami ri- ; . lis. . . f site. ,1 1,1 on the , (y of V'. 1' s .lil.V levy upon til" above de. ! ' proper V . dii.l I w III mi t he Mh of J Hire. K". Rt the hour of 3 a the al'tern km ol s vol ,la. a. li. i'. ui- II mis,. l..or m tho city of i A- ii a. Coi.ntv "f Clatsop. S.a-.o of ( re. il l iii'.vve lies, r be.i property at : .oi to the h gri.-si bid.l.-r for s i ; :. v'o.n. .ii sf' ivs t'.e inter, st thereon mi l tile ,p. uses of sale, mid a. vrulug A-! . IV ri i, Oregon, thn 9'.h day of .l V , 17 HAI.I.o-'K f Astoria, nies i-h'.f r City CIIIl'K I'K COl.lCt: 8AI.K Notice Is hereby riven. lht bv virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de l ii'iu- nt iissessni. nt for the improvement des ribed us follows. Th" Improvement "f Thirty, third. Thirty-fifth treeta and Harrison avenue, in Aila.r's Asiorla, duly issued by the Auditor and police JmU'e : . 'ti of Asior a. bv d rection of ihe Cmmon Coun. il of aild city a.. i W IT! .lilt t'eil'tf d t 1 id ih.- 1' ii .i.i .t v in , ls'ot, to ten dir- et.'il. nnd th assessment In VV tllch st.eiilieil aui-nint tltf to the aim of I.i "' w.'h tit. r- st th. ie oi from 'h.- llth i iv of N.'V. ii I" r !;. lit V l"r .fill per annum, b" ng ac 'inst ihe follow .ng n mied pers.iti. tnw.t. l.'.iiiof Hoyey. owner of the roilowiiitr i pr.iert). to- wit. lot 31. Id I. k 41. Adair's Astoria land it i.ti" t itescrit.til nr.itiertv and who h vv.irtiint i-.,mi' ls me to levy upon 1 muse s.ii,, of s.iid d-'a. -riii.d property, onlcr lo satisfy sa..l mi'tttiirnl. th.- t 'Mere'iii a mi tho ,..sts and r- - of S lie. l-'v duly .1 pr. v ..f Jun k. Ill ..iirt Horn il. Cio.fl!) .. ,1 ,,; .I d on the vth d iy of l' l V Upon tile ,I,,V e le. petty, nnd 1 win on tti" -. I"s, at the ii . ir i.r 3 . :' r:i n of s i. l ,.i . ,i' 1 In i he r tv .,f .f i 'iat sop. H'.at e ot I ir iv.. ,tea.Tilie,l property al the A-! u ' to the ll K. st 111 del for 'h. C S esiiotll. I s'S .I'll . 'id on. to s.vt sf stoi as Intetest tll.-reotl and Itm . :i.-ea of s tie, an,! a ""rla . 1 i r. gon. tho Sth d iy of ll IIALl.lx'K. ' ' or Ast ii 1 1, on g m f ot P i HUH'' iiK ; HALK N'i'l, " is hen by given, 1 virtue r a de. Velll'-nt if a warrant rr Ih" co, lection 1 In. po ut issessnniu r or the Hnpr, b s r.l.e.l follows. The llllpr. .r 'I h i'v- 'h id I - fir tii s-re It and r a. II 1 1 1 i-"H mi", in Aoair a Ae u. d by the And. tor an I I Ju.ic of It'. '. :ii i'i y of Astor.a. :.y d rettlon I'otiim'.n v ouncil of aald ci'y. itm .,11 ni- 1.. .1 1? il i'. . the ll'h day of Apt il. js. o tne ilil-cteil. mi, I the , S S" SS He II '. Ill in ti " Jo d .1 ii.' 01 n !- 1 . . .in a ,10 ,1.' in yi. with Huron from the ll h i of Nov. II, lor IV.IT. it! ll p.!' .''ll- ,. t i.iiui.i, I,. ng ,is' 1 .11 he follow in g named ' rsoli. '."Ail. I i eo Watson, oyviler iif li" f '.. '.!!,r ,. scr be, 1 tiropeitv'. to. .V t, In I ,. block 41. Adair's Astoria l'l I .1' lllo" V ti.. li w itr . .1 lid III 1 l.e s 1 111 ..I I. r to .titer .-t ther (., u-i s ot s "' s 1; 1 lb s ribed properly, and r .'ii i o.'iim .mis ui" to vy upon s ile of s ild described nropenv. fv s.i,,t assessment th" and the iosis and rx- I did on the tl:h d.iy of I'l.V levy Upon th" .llHIV" ll". I proprrty. and I will on th" .luio iv. s ui tin. hour "f 2 t lo- i'i' t noon of 11, 1 ,1,1 y . ,i ll.uie lioor In he Citv of 111' y .,r Clatsop, Hta'e of ( ir,-. I obove d.'serilie.l prop.-r') at i"ii 1 th" high, si bolder for M.iv. -: S'h ,.,V of 1 o .'lo' K. Ill th" oiirt 1 A.-liif ;i. Co Ig.'ll f ell SO I public .HI I 1 eiii'h. I ' rt. I I o, tl, to satisfy a ild 11 s- "e.-SNO t. tile eosls :. I ex;e euMt S. IMted lit A-to May, ifllift .rent s of ih'reon iiiid the s.i and 11. cruing !a. Oregon, tni! li'h day of K. MAI.l.O 'IC. of Astoria, or. gu dill f of Poll-- CI I ILK 'iy OK Pol. U K BALK Noti.e Is h of a wiiiiant 1 fit 1 1 1 ' n: iis-i.i lies, ribei) US r.'l.y given, that bv virtue for the culleciloti of a tie intent for ihe liiuir oveineut follows: The Improvement or It. rid street from the west line of Nllllh Htreet the West llnu ..f l.e ,i l.i !; uml 17, McClure's Astoria, duly Issued by the Auditor nnd Police ! ,lu U 1 of Ih. ol ill' i ' ' 'otllllii nt lo .in' 'ii 'orl.i, I y direction "iinell of sal. I city, said d the 11 li .In ot Ainu I. nnd the assieisment in in uriiing lo the sum ot it i hereon from ihn Mh l'l, 1. 1 H .T relit i er nut ih" following naiueit W. Parker, owner of riiiil.'-il properly, to ll, McClure's Astoria, I w 1 1 p:m u. ,. I ... h , Ii , . . i ),, ,Ap, ',., r,'. I ,iu v "of Janunry lunnuiii io- i,-.i ' p, rnon' tov. i W d'-H'Tibetl property, ami miU'illtlH me In lew noon i I,,, I, u, I, run r), n.i" of nibl deserllieil tinui.Tty. In ortler lo ii i ' oify salil Iissesstnent, the Inn lei't. Ili'-n on and thn niMIs nnd ex- penstll of s.lle, ,., n the 'Jill ,ny of M.iv. i lis iiuly levy upon the nbovu ile S'Tlbetl real property, nnd 1 will on the sth day of June, is'ni, at ttm hour nf 2 o'i'loilt. Iii iln- it fterniiori of said day, nt tin- Coin) House I loor. Ill the City of Astoria, County of I'lntHiip, Hlntn of Or" I'on. mil h.i UI ubove deserlhed property at public nm lion to the highest bidder for o.'ihIi, I' H. Hold Coin, lo satisfy said ns-secHm.-tit ih.. interest thereon and the oa' a niid xpenm ft of Male, mid aecrulng COHIH. Hilled ill Astoria, Oregon, Ihe Ot h day or At ay, 1W. IC. IIALLOCK, chief of Police, CHy ,,f Asiorla, Oregon. CIIIKK OK POLICK HALK. Notice Is her'bv given tnnt. by virtue of n warrant fur Hie collection of a de lliuiii' iit iiHioKunitil fur the Improvement del. rlhe.l iih follows: The Improvement of Thirty- third, Thirty-fifth streets nnd ilarrlKoii avenue, In Adair' Astoria, duly iHHiied by tlm Auditor and Police Judg i ol the City of Astoria, by direction of Iho Common Council of Haiti t'lty, suld wnrrnnt being iliiied iho Ihh day of April, IMS. '') m 'hi' t ied, ami the iiHO HHineni, 1:' which Hpecllleii iimoiiutlug io tho sum of fill. IK. wlih Interi'it i hereon Hem Ihe iKn ilnv of Tvtoirntdl.,." 1V'7 nt 0 .no. .ii.r iinnum, being Hgai'riHt ilu following named pernon, iowii, ii. i'. orennon, ownur or thn following described property, to wlt, lot S, block- (11, Adulr'a Astoria, nnd ngnlnst mild deacrlheo nrnnertv. nnd which warrnnt commands mo to levy upon unu mane sine fir aaiu uescrinea properly, In order to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thru eon Itnd the costs and ri pellaes of sale, I Hid oil the lull dnv of May, Ui duly lew upon the iilmve de scribed real property, mid I will on th Mil day of Julie Is'ig. nt Ihn linur of I o'clock, III the nh ei noon of said dnv, at the I'oint House kmr III tile Cllv of Aslni ln, Ciilinty of Clatsop, Hlule of Cue. gon. sell so hi ii hove described property at public it il v-l lull to the Initio st bidder for cash, I'. H Hold Colli, to satisfy sild as. sessmenl I ho Interest thereon lllld th" cosis ami eivpeiises of sale, and accruing eosls. I '.i led nt Astoria, Oregon, the tuli day of Muv, hiii IV II M.I.OCIv. i lilef of I'ollce, t'lty or Asioiin, viunon Clllllli' Ol' I'OI.ICI. H 1.17 Notice Is hereby given, tint lie vlllm' of a ii il i, nil for llie collection of a .b loiiii. lit usaessmeiit ror ilia Hnpi ov i on in des I Ltled lis rolloivs This I llipl o V ' men t "f Tinny, third, Ihlily llflli .ne.u mid U.iilisoti ii v line, in A .tin I a A-ioiii, duly Issued by the Auditor mid I'ollc.i loo" of the v'lty of Astor , by illreciion of ihe Common Council r m-v i.i . .ii mild ll il I in! I il it lied I tie 1 1 ' tl d I V ol PI 'I. IV'S. Ill mil direct, d, lllld ttle.i-is lit In u h eh speeltled .1 moil 11 1 lug lo lite sum "f 2 Willi llll.l.s, III. . oil H. on Hi. Ulll lav of Nov ember, ivi,-. i d nee u ni i minimi, be. lift nnallisl ihn rollowtnit named I'.lsoii. low II , 11 ' I ( '(iivixi. mi mi or Ihe follow nig described ptoperiv In. nil, und I, o I block id. Adair's Astoria, mid against siild deserlhed piopirty, uml Wnicli vi a 1 1 a n t coiiiimtnds inn lo bu y upon and liuiku sain of su, .h s, i iln ,t ito.,ilv, in order to satisfy said iiss'ssmeiil it Intel ,t Ihereon and Ilia eoms mid ri pciiscs of sale, did oil tlm UUl day of May. v.'S. duly levy upon tlm ,.bovn d . ritud leal property, mid I will on the sill day of June yd. at thn Innii of 3 o'. lo.k. Iii ihn arieinooii of sn, day, at Ihe i 'on el House Iwr In tlm CHy of Astomi, I'olllllv or Clatsop, Htnto or Ore 4.UI nell said alnlvs describi'd pi oil. i ly at imbllc mil t ion to ilm lii(iH-st bidder ror cash. I'. H Hold Coin, .i salisry sild s.Msimnt ihn Interest itiereoii and Ills costs ,tll, etpena. a i,f mil,., and . crillllg Cost S iMted at Astoria, Oregon, ihn Kill day of May, istit. II II tl.l.ix'K. Chief of I'ollce, City of la, lU. goii, CIIIKe' OK POI.ICK HAI.i: Notice la hereby given, Dial hv virtu of a wniiant ror the coll, -ell, . of a ,n lillipii'tlt usai-ssmrnt ror thn luiprovnmnltt d. a l died ns rollowa 'I'll.- I mpi ovemenl of Thirty, thud, Thirty-firth siteeis mid 1 1 at r is. n nveniii. pi Adair's Astoria, diilv issued by ihn Auditor nnd I'ollea Judgn , r thr City iif Aatorm. Iiy direclinn or the Common Council of said viiy aniil wauatit being dn'.id llie II h day ol April. ts''i. to run directed, and thn nam satmait In vvlliitl htieeltted n moll ll I tUK lo I fits auin or lii .VI wi'h iniiii at ih. icon fioiu i'o- llltl .lav of Tvovemher , i I a per , ent per nnniim, I" i' n unat thn f pelsoll, low It, Helen I'" liri .ilowlllg nattiril itiani, on ner of ttin rollowlll,, descilbed ptoiielly. lo Wit. lot , block r: Adair A. tons ml iiii.Hiist said .P a, lib e. I propri ly, nnd w huh w ni r ant v .miii.imla nte to lev y upon and makn aaln of n.tld dea. tibed property, 111 oriter to saltsrv- aalil aaa Illli'lesl thneoll and IhlV c. th la ami ei I.ena, a of sale, I ii, on til" vth diy of j tiiy. Kiy ttllly levy lipuli thn utHiVa ,e- I a. ril.e.t i. u property and I will on t!i i sth diy of Jiiiie ImK, at lint hour of I o'clo, k. In ttie afternoon of 1 1, ilay, at ! the I otllt 11'Ulae ss. In the Cily of ,Woi . v'ounty of clata.'p,' ot ore. Koli -.. .! a, il.t above deaciltie.l propel ty m pui'llc auction i.i the h kIi i.i.l.ler for .ash. I' S ii"!,! t'ole. to aatlary sild as. I aesaiut'iit. ihe Interest thereon An, I lha I coals and rtpeiinea ,,f ail ', and accruing I Costs , iMtfd at Astoria, ong. ui. tho :h day of Mv ivr I' II Vl.l.n.'K. i h ef ,.f I'ollce, Clly oi Astoria, Oregon. CIIIKK UK I'OI.H i: SALIC Notice Is hereby K.vrn thai by virtue or a warrant (or ihn c illrctioii of a do. I tu ein aaaeaamelll for thn Improvement d' S ribed as follow a The Improvemnllt r Thirty, third. 1 h.rty-llftli strrota and II irrlaon avenue. In Adair's Asiorta .In v isaueil by the And lor and I'nll.a Julg'i of tho i'lly of . by direction of th" Common -ii.t city, said w ainilit lieiriK dated thn Itih day of A;irll K's. i.i mi. ip.reeirit. and thn .! ni. nt In which aprclfled s moillit Ilia In tho r un il lu no with Interest nor. on 1 1 "in trin llm .'. iy of .November i ,. "".r ""' r.''P"'S'S ol nlle ! ,, mii the .III ,Hy nf st Hie f 'l owing namo.1 ,Uly , , , A. II: . owner of i. :.. ... , , annum, p. iik agatnst peraoll, loll, j. th" following described protmily. to. wit b.l , block 81. Adalr a Aalorta ui I against aald deacrl ied protieriv. and w ..ii n w arrant comma n.1 a mn to levy uisin V . ., i .,"i-i'. iii .r o r lo o-tiisrv aivoi aaaeaaitirnt. inn Interest theteon and thn coats and as- , l enses of Site. 1 ,li on thn l ,,ty of I Slav. His duly levy upon Ih" iiiiovo de scribe,! real property and I will on Ihe ! 'h day iif June Js-ts at I lit- h.ntr of 1 o'clock. In the afternoon of aai.l day, at I the l''lir H ill,,. III 'he c ty of I storla. County ,,f Clataop. Htnto of Oro- ' K'Oi sell aald above ,ea. f:tie,l property at : public an. lion to tho bidder fori ash, I' M Hold Co n. to aaiiafy aild a- a. sauo tlt thn Interest thereon nn. tn I eofa and evpenaei of sal", and a truing sts l-l! 1 at Asiorla. Oregon, the ji h , iy ol Ma.-. K1 II M.I.' Asl.u 1.1, 11 'K Oreg 'III. f of Police, City of CHIKC OK pol.h K HALK Notice la hereby given, thai bv virtus of a warrant for Ihn collection of a do I nipient nssessriunt tor ihe Improvement d.-a. tlt.e.l ns rolloivs '.r Itni.r .vrtneiil f Th'riy. third. Thirty-fifth atrneta and Harrison avenue. In Adair's As orla. duly issued by the Auditor and Police Judge, or the Cilv of Asliiria, by dire. of tlm Common Council or said - ( v . Hon aalil arrant being datesl the ll'h day of April. IS'lt, lo rnn dlr- l teil, 1111,1 . he 10 otiii 'it III wh eh st.eeiiod almoin 'iik to the sum of I'.t'ti wi'h interest iln rt-.ui Inon llie lltn tn of Nov.-niber. l'i; r ..o , .nt r niiiinm. being ng ilnst thn following named pera..n. lowli, 1'iank patton, Inistne, uwn- ibed pr A.l.ifr' I w h. bo ri. hi. 1. k m Adair's Astoria 1 and hit ilnst r.ii.l ileseritieil property, and jwh'i h vv irnini comurinds ni" lo levy ution l llld make aaln of Slid described proper'V. 1 111 ot.t.-r to nitiefv said asseasmeni. thn j In'erest ihereon and tho eosls iimj ex- II" Ni.. or a, lie. I .lid o'l th" lllh tl 1 y ol I M iv'. IVS duly levy upon th" above lie. s.r 0.1 r.ol property, mid I will on the th il.v ..r June. I vi. ni the hour of I I ' U In 'he afternoon ,,( aild dav. nt I'he Coint House . oor tu th" City or 1 .Vaioiui c.oniv of Clalaop. Stale ttf Ore con, -eil Slid llliovit tleserltieil property at pulls iii-etion 1. 1 the highest hiibb-r for ei-h I" S Cold Colli, lo satisfy aild as-ise-siiont. the Interest thereon and the cos's uinl expenses of sib , and morning COSIS 1 1 1 red nt Astoria Oregon, the nth day of .11 IV JVM K liALLW'K. Chief of police, city of Asiorla, Oregon. CIIIKK" OK POLICK HALK Notice Is hereby given, thai bv vlrtim of a warrant for the collection of n dn liti'lii'iit fisseasment for 'tie Impiovonient described ns follows: Thn Construction ..f a drain In MeClure's Asiorla. Ill i.tsueil by iha A ur1 1 Im and police Ji I'ltn of Ihe Clly of Astoria, bv direction of th" i otninnn Council of said city, said warrant being dated the llth day of April, lv:i, to me directed, ino' the assessment in iv lil'-h speellletl amounting I.i il-n sum of 11.1 i) with inteit i 'pel-. mi r i ii 1 1 1 ihe 2i'lh day of lecemlter, Vtl7, III S per cent per milium, being ngalnsl the following mimed person, town. Margaret Klhlayaoii, owner of th" following described property, tn. wll, lot I. block !MI. Moi'lure'a Astoria, .im I ngalnst sahl described property, nnd whb h warrant commands mn lo levy upon and make sain of said ileseritieil properly, In order to satisfy Haiti assessment , thn Interest thereon and the costs nnd ex penseu of mi lo, I did on III" lllh day of May, lSl'S. duly levy upon tlm above dn si ilhi tl renl property, nnd I will on the uh day of June, lMis. nt the hour of 2 n clock. In Ihe afternoon of snld day, nt the I 'nun House Inmr. In the ( lly nf Asiorla, County nf Clatsop, Hlnle of Ore gon sen said above described proiierty nt public miction lo the hlgheHt bidder for dish 1'. H. Hold Coin, to satisfy said us. sfssiiieril , Ihn Interest Ihereon nnd the cosIh uml cxpcriHca nf sale, nnd accruing costs. Haled nt Astnrln, Oregon, the 9th duy nr May, lhl)H, l'l, IIALLOCIC, Chief of Police, City of Asiorla, Oregon. CHIRP" OI' POLIcK HALK. Notlco Is hereby given, thai by virtue nf a warrant fur the rnllectlnn of a de. Ilii(iient nssessinent for tlm Improvement described ns follows: The CoiiHtrui'tioii of a drain In MeCluro's Astoria, duly Issued by tho Auditor nnd Pollen Judge of thn City of Astoria, by direction of the Common Council of said clly, mild wnrrnnt being dated thn lllh day of April, IMiS, lo ine d recie I, nnd Ihe aHMi smrieni In will '! ).( rilled iinioiiiillng l i ll.ti im ol 110. IK) with Interest Ihereon from tlm 2oth dny of Hecember. 1KH7, lit 8 per coin per u ii ii tl in , being ngnliiHt thn following nnineil person, towlt, Kellcla H. Worsley, owner of tho following (loHcrlhcd property, to wlt. lot 4, block 71, Met .'lure' Astoria, nnd ngnlnst said described property, nn.l which warrant commnndH mn to levy upon nnd iruike sale of snld ib'siTlheil properly, In order lo miliary suld Kssessmont. the Interest thereon nnd Ihe cosia and ex penses of sain, I did on thn llth day ot Mny, 18!l, duly levy upon thn nbovu An. scribed real property, nnd I will on tlm 8th day of Juno 1WI8, nt the hour of 2 o'clock, In the aflornoon of said day, at the Court Houae Dooi In Iho City of Asloiia, Ciiiilily of Clatsop, HUla of Ore ion, sell s.i.l above described piop'rly at pllhlll' lltli'llolt tu Ills lllgllisl hid. lei for cash, 11. H. Hold I'i"". I" s.vllsfy an Id as. aossinelil. I ho Illli'lesl lllnleoH lllld III cosis uinl enpelises of sine, nnd . CI lllllg costs , . latil ill Astoria, Hiegiiii, the Dill day lit May, Itiim. i) IIAI.l.tiCK, Chief of I'nllce, I'lly of Anlolln, lliegon. l llll'lle HI'' rnldCIv! BALIO Notlen Is hereby itiveli. thai bv villus of ii waliam ror lb" loll.ciion of a it"- lll.lelll nsnessiii, ill (n III" Itllplovnlltom .haclll'iil ns follows lllo t '"million. U( or rt ill l' l lil Mi l line s Aaiorla, ,1 ,lc by Hie Ainl'ioi mid I'ollea Jll.lue of the Cllv of Aslollll, by dlli'ilblll i.r llie Common Council or ail. I city smtl vv 1 1 I o n I In inn dale.t III" lllll day of April, is il. t l me i'i ' I'd. Hit 1 I lie I a o a mi lit III VI bu ll Ap. . Ilhd nllioillll 111 1. 1 Ihn auin of i.i isi wuli Inieiesi in. i. on :i mi iliii '.Hill ,1.1V ,.r v.! l K i,r cent per sniiuiti, I.eiiiM nii din following ii'iineil peiaoll, lonll. loaon l VAusa, on llnr llf Ihn following d i ... I 1 1 i.'d plop.'lly. lo- w ll. lot I. block ( M Cliun s Asiorla. illi.l .It lllisl sil.l .b . HO i d plopellr. kill! VI ll 1 1 Ii ll it I iilll i . i III 111 it llita HU' In levy lll'OII . ...I .. . i .. ... . 1 1 ... 1 i I v Mill to satisfy ,lld US a. Hiielll in hiiensi ll on nnd I Iln nnd r- i.. lis. a i t ail''. I .I'd oil tlo Kill day of Slav, I VK, duly lew upon III" nbovu d- a, til ed (ell po.eIV. Hl I wU, Ol III till day or .liltie Ivs n I Iln ll'Ul nf I o .lo. k. Ill Ihn iifl.-i noon of said ihlV, at Ihn Coin I llolll.' 'lour til llm Clly llf Asini.a. I 'nun l y of Clalaop, Hiai" of Dm- got! sell a, il.l ill, ove d I iln .l pruiieriy al public mil lion to I tin h'ctiist l, I, I, lor for mill, C It Hold Colli, to sal.afy aild aesnmetll, Ihn lllleleal llleleon mi.i Ilia I'.i'in mid tpennea of s ite, nnd ai cruing coats paled nt Aslniln. lliegon, lbs llltl day of May, IMN i: iiai.i.iiciv". Chief of police, i Hv of Aatoiia. iin'ipm. chuck or I'oi.icn kali: Not. in Is hnreby given, thai be virtu nf a wnirant for Ihn collection of a d- llmiuelll saaeaamrnl for thn linprovniiinllt ilnscrlhrd ns follow Th Construction of a dmin tn MciTuio Astoria, duly lasiii'd by tho Audilnr mil I'olle JiblK of the I ..) i f Aaloiia, by illicctlon of th Coiiiinoti Conned ef mil e i. said w nrrnnt beiiia; .bii . i ' : n day of April. Hum, o m,i ,1 1 r -.-1 -.1 mi l the i , ui. m Ik wine, i apeclllrd nluollllltUit to thn rum of u hi Him in i oi f i .on -it Jim day of I leerlnber. IHV7 at per I rill per nullum, be. iik a ilnal ih following nanid pria.oi. town, 0. Waa. tiwn.r of Ihn rollowlng ileaerlhiil pii'pnrly. lo wll. lot J. block kK. McClurn Aalorl. nnd nn-tlliat aald ilea tibed propetty, ml whi, ti wniinni i omiiuimla run lo levy uimn and mnkn aal or aild ,!. -ribr, I ttiotierty, In order t.l avllafy aivl.t daaeaaumilt. Ih luiereal iherron nii.1 i. in imii ami vi- . I.ena, a r a.lle. j Si iv, W'l duiv I ,ld oil the VI li ,tiy of levy Upon Ihn atlovo ,1. i-'lbr.t leal property Mlid I w'tl on Ih mh day of June v"l in tlm hour of I iltli'ik. Ill thn aflrllliion of aal. I day. l 1 I lie i"int lluisr pool in Hie city of ' Astnrin. County of Clatsop, Hint of or- sell a.ll.l ivbov d (ill. lie an. II. Ol to de Ii at ti. I 1. 1,, lor for 'acnli .mil, I K iloi.i Coin, In aatlary aalil eaamrnl ttio Inlereat ttlereult and Ih coals and rkpeiiata of oalo, and a- cruing I 'lata Ouleil al Asloiia. iirrg m, thn lh day of lav. st V. II tl.l.ix'K. Chief of poller. City ot Aator.a. uregoh, CIIHir UK POLICK hali: 1 Notice la hereby given that by virtus or a waiiaiit r..r the loilr.-tion of a do- llllili'nt uaa, aamelit lor 'lio I ill pi ovr llielit jdeaclihrd aa followa Tho I 'unat rucl mn ; iif a dt'iir, in Mci'iuro'a Aatorta. .duly laaiird by Ihn Auditor and I'ollea , Ju.lgi of thn city nf Asior a. by direction iif ihn I'omiiii.n r.oiii-ii ..f I e.iy. said warrant being dalnl thn llth day of April, , W'., tn mn direetril. and llm aaai ano-iii In ! stiti tl atn-i lite, I n III "I li ' 1 1. II '. ' Mm a.ittl of illicit with Inlereat Hi, -i. on from ihn 'th ! ilay oi I ie. emt.rr. I1, al her cent por atiiiiim, tie tin ai; ilnal thn following namo.1 peraon, towlt, irl.t.'t Allen, owner of ttl" f .tt'i IV II1BT des. rlbe. ,roperty .- wll. lot I b.o. k I '7 M'-i'luro'a Astoria, and aitaintl s lid d r.Oe.1 tirojieitv and w tn, h a i r a ii i eo ni m in la me to n vy uiKn , uml lii ilio s ilo ef a il I d.-a, rlhe.l toopetty, til order t.i a-ltinrv aald as, a a men I , tho tlltertat thereon and e toata alio et- ,,,,'... ', ,,' ,1.,, , ... a ,.,, k , ,h afletii-.n of s v:. .lay. at ( ,t, , ,,,! ,... r In tho I Hv or I t .. u, , ,i... I non, ac,l a i Ol iil.oin ,1 i, property , public mid. on lo lb, . h th. t bi.l.t.-r f ,r I. I . avliafy ajl, SO- t 'tiorron and tha r a n.', and a ruing h, C H t C aennmeni, t! I'l'eT coal a and el t" ria cat a IMt'-.' 'll AS' lt;l May, K" i ii eh-,in ihn ', h ,.iv of i: iiAi.i.o.'K. of Aal'U : , i ir-1 ' Chief nf Police. CI!)' CIIIl'K OF'l: HALK Notice Is hereby ell. n thit by virtus oil' . lion of 4 do ' '11' liii'.r.'Vem.-nt The Conatriienon I ..r a warrant lor t he . 1 lillipiellt itaaessuiellt r! litracribed Ila rollowa or .1 urn!!' 111 m 1 oirn a Aa'.tria, dillv isaue.l ,y Ihe Audit ir and I'ollea ol ih, C tv or Aator a. Iiy dim-lion ..r ih" C. .inmon Co me, 1 .,f ,.,i. ,.ty. aai.l vv nt. ml I,. it,g ,tie, ,,e Itih div ol Vnlll. IciV, lo mn ,1ln-ct'd. ,,1:1 'be ass, salio-tit III Which apei llie, I mo 1 1 n 1 i ng ,, the a.llil or fij ixi with ini. reat .hereon n nu III" im itilV i-r I le., s'.l,' v per iCIlt ter milium, l-e ng .i, v r. t the f ciow mg n imn.l peiaoll toltll. Ilrlilgi't Allen owner of thn following ilea. r. lie. I poi i. It). wit. 1.. I 3 bio. k I '.' M.Clurn . Aottiria I mil agonal and .I'a.ll.e.l ploi.ei'i and ; w to. )i s until coiniu i n,l, me to lew noon and mike a tie t.r siid .les. til.. . i pr p. riy, In ord' r to aillsfv a il.l .laseaament. trin Interest then. 'll and Ihn .iii'a an. I ri- K.: ' Hi f s "f Slle I ,,, on Hie Jll, ,1.1 y of I't's duly levy upon ihn ,ii,oi.. ,n. fill proi.ellv . lllld I Will on Ilia i: Mh ,1.1 y of June , th.i Iln III of I lo. k lu the afternoon of a il l d iv al Ihn 'mil' linns,. k,, h, ,1,,. Astotot. i oiintv ,,r ris.ia .ti Htato iif oro- , gon nell n.i lit above .lea. ribe.i property al I public no -thill t.i Ihn bidder ror i cash I' rt Hold Com. Iii aaliary a il.l aa. S.-nsiio lit tl. Interest Ihereon mid tho costs an. I c" ns' s of sab', and ruing st s Hili it at May, Ast., pus rla. lliegon, the Dih d iy of I" II.M.I.oi'lv. .f Asloi In. t II ego Chief of 11, , CUV CHIKI' OK PoLli'i: HALK Sullen Is hereby given, ,y vlrlua of ii warrant for thn collection ,,f n ,lu assessment f,,r u,n impiovnmint described as followa: The Coiisiru.iion ;f a drain in Mci'lurna Astoria, dulv issued ,y the Aib ltor and Pollca Judge of Hit. Cy f A lra ,v ,lrn,-tnn of the Common Couiu II of snl, c-lt v. said warrant being ,li,ie, t,n Ihh ,ay of April, HH. to lllo din etc.!. ill. the a asessilielil 1 1. which speellletl nm. .untlng io the sum of I.l.'. .() with Interest thereon from thn ;Mth day of licccinbcr. lvr; m i, ,.r ,.t per linniim, being g,iint t), following n imed person, low It, ( oisiiiva Krb kseii, owner of th" following describe I m- .riv t. wll. mi .1. I, lock Ml. MoC urn's Astoria nil, iit Hlisl aald t. a, i ibnl 1 1 1 v. ami Wh t h warrant comm mds nn to , vv upon uml make rale of snld .h-a. rihcl prop, rtv In order to salinfy n,it, assessment thii Inlel'est thereoll ami the ui.t. ... I" IIK, f Slav "I sale, I .11.1 on the ilh dav of l-'V duly lew ii i il i....... a... s. rioeii rein properiv. mid I win , sib day of June. Is'ih. nt the hour of 3 '"clock. In t o. nrtct ui of said dnv, at the t oiirt House Hour. In ihn City ol Asiorla I iiuniy of Clatsop. Htnto of Orn gon. m il mi lit nl. oye ies, l lbctl prolierly ni public auction i th.. highest udder for 'ash. II. H. Cold Coin, lo salisry said as sesiim.nt the lot. nsi thereon and tha costs nnd expenses nf a il", and sui-rulng I m led nt Astoria Mny. piUH. Oregon, the nth dav of ,,, , , , , R HALLOCK. ( hlef of Police, Clly or Asiorla, Oregon CIIIKK op I'dUcK, HALK. Notice la hereby given, that by vlrtim of a warrnnt ror the collection of a de 1 1 tup leii i iiHHi'SHiui'ii i f.,r tlm Improvement "scribed ns follows: Thn Construction of ii di nin i McClure's Astoria. Inly Issued ,y tln Auditor nd Police Judgi! of the Clly f Astoria, by direction ""' ' ""hell of said cltv. snld yviii'i'iint being dale.l ilm )tli day of April. ! ' '" ilU' clt il. nnd thn asHi'SHment III "" !,. "I"'''111"'! I'inoiiiiling io ii sum of m'J ,,r i.h 1,1 ',''"'1 ,'h m It on Hu, :lih dny nf liiceiiilier. 1k'i7. m u ., Illllllllll, l.elm; nguhiHt , ftdliiwliig named ''rsi.ii. ow l,(l,,s,v Krlcksen, owner ,. ..' f"lwltur ilescilhetl prniHiriy. In- .i. mi i, iiioi'K Ml. McClure's AhKiHii n id ngnltiHt said iIohoi'11,,.,1 properly, , which win i nut cntiimiiiidn . t vy ' nnd nuke n il., or a.ii.i .I..-....U....I . I.'.. In order to mitliifv sabi ... '.'k X InloiiM thereon ,,nd Ihe costs ami ,''". i,".1 "i","' .' " lh dav of t . K',1'1'?' ""V '"Vy """" nhov . d" s illi'd real property. , will on thn Ml, dny f J,,,,,., m ,,. !,",',"""; i.. i S.'.;." 1. "f,,,'"""n of sa d day, nt . ?"r!. """'. hi the CUv Aalorln. County ,,f cii' a,...1'1. Ye... io in an n mh iii i i ' '.""""P, Htnte nf Orn I,, n, sell m Id libovt. deserlhe,) properly lit iimvn (iMHtTtlMMl iirtini-rty lit . (lolfl fn Itt I.i iii.r u soHsment. Iho Interest Ihereon nnd the coh.h u, ,'xpee f ,lllt,( linJ ttcVrul..i ,'i'Clfty,Alh"!80l,l 0rK',n' lno ?lh "' 0 Clf cf of Police, Clly ofVslormSon.