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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOUIAN. TIUKSDAY .!OI,MX(i, MAY U, IUMI gaily otovimn JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. M. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall. Pr ye' nt by mall, P month J" erred by carrier, per month WEEKLT. ent by mall, per year, In advance. . I'oatas free to aubacrlbere. .COO All communication Intended for publl- r.tinn .hould be directed to the ecuor. Rn.lncs communications of ll kinds and ..mifimi mum be addressed to "The Aetorlan." Tha Aetorlan guarantee) to U advrr- tleere tha largest circulation of any news- paper published on the Columbia river. Advertising ratea can be had on appllc- (Jon to tha business manager. Tha Weekly Aatorlan, tna second eldest weekly In the state of Oregon, has. next to tha Portland Orefonlan. the largest weekly circulation In tha atate. The president's call for iS.iM additional additional volunteers will be answered without the slighest difficulty or delay. The rtwn to the first call was so magnlflciM and unparalleled aa to excite ware of admiration throughout 1h en tire world. War department record show that more than TW.iYU mon offer! themselves, and the limited numdor se lected resulted In widespread disappoint ment everywhere In the country. If the government had at that time isk.l f r a million men th;it number would now be In the ranks of the volunteers. Whole reglmems of brawny volunteer who were chagrined because there waa no pwm for them under the first call will now hasten to tender themselves as sovn as the enrollment posts are designated. It la Tinders! J that no will be shown to the national guard organ. ia t'ons this time, an 1 th? tens of thou sands of willing patriots, not affiliated with any military organisation, will thus be afforded the coveted opportunity of serving the government in whatever quarter they may bo required. From all pans of E istern Or. Ron the newa cornea that Mr. Moody will -H the vdeg of his people without regard to party. He Is known throughout Wasco and Cook counties, and his business rela tions with the majority of Its people has g-Sven him such a standing In their con fidence and affection that his vote is expected to be very large. He knows all about the Interests of lhat scvtlon. bolnc both a producer and a shipivr. His business as a shipper at the Dalles has made him know thoroughly well the neM of an open river. On all these grounds the people of eastern Oregon are support ing him. They prefer to vote for a man who knows their interests and whose own Interests are Identical with theirs, to voting; for a man who only pi'-duts himself to vote for a monetarv plan that would probably send the present hieh price's of their produce continually down ward. For the same reasons, the voters of Clatsop county ought also to support him regardle.'s of rwrty. He will be found to he a big enough man to take care of the Interests of the whol,- con gressional district. The volume of money in the largest In our history, within 11 cents of the larg. circulation is and it yields i'l p'-r capita circulation on record. On May 1. the total amount of money In circulation In the Vnlti-d Slates not counting that in th treasury wna l."ijoC1.4l2. This wis a net in. rcase of $.7"2.7: -7 for the month of April, and of that f!4.!i.7iW was in go d. The bureau of statistics tsiimat-s the population of the Pnited Stales, on May 1, at "l.KisiO. Tiiis gives a per capita cir culation of 124.23, whie-h is but 11 cents less than the hlghi-st figure it ever reached, in when the estimated popu lation was only iX.i.tyi. Such a per capita circulation for such a larire popu lation has never been known in the his tory of the world's finances. The coun tries which have a larger per capita and the-y are very few, Indeed have pop ulations much smaller ours. Fur thermore, over one-third of our money circulation Is nold the exar-t llgures be ing f'U7,W;iO. And every dollar, whether of silver or paper, payseg current at Its Kold value, and will buy as much as will gold coin. And yet there are- traitorous men in the senate who are laboring to destroy this condition of affairs; to force all our silver ond paper down In pur chasing; power to the bullion value of the sliver dollar a little over 40 cents and fcrcii this lingo mass of gold coin out of circulation, making It a mere commodity, to be gambled In by speculators. OUR NEW NAVY. "Fifteen years ago." said Representa tive Boutelle, In the debate on the naval appropriation bill iho other day, "the Star Spangled Banner was not flying on ft slnjle modern ship - war, not one. We had not a modern gun afloat In the navy of th United States. We could not moke ,ton of armor In this country. In fifteen years, while we have not done all that we ought to have done In lhat dlnvtlon, we have nt bust novumpllshed a notable work, for the character of which c have no reason to feel ashamed." Looking tick In tha llirht of the splen did achievement of IVwcy (n Manila bay, one wonders that any American could ever have been so unpatriotic ns to op pise the building of a new and mo,h m nivy. Yet those who nave attention to the 1. i:!nnltig of that work. In the clos ing congress of President A'trtur' t. rut. w'll n-memb-T the op !'.l. t which the The Arthur .!.'.! in ntoj.-et then i neoiltltered n.l 'it'n rat ton. however. authorising the building of the gunboat polph'n. said to be y, t one of do 1""' Nuts of h.-r Wast In the whole navy, :!' Posloit. which t'ok su,h a prion tn n: part with IVtt.y. and the famous Oh:, - ire. now having her tngiii.s r titled at the ltrooklyn navy yard. These ships note the nucleus of the new navy. It Is to the credit of tjtvwr Cleveland that he made Iletiry C. Whitney secretary of the navy. Mr. Whitney was nnd Is a democrat, but he was never the kind ot A democrat we are familiar with In the west. An Intelligent and educated man. trained in business moth.ds, he tvalnod that a revolution had come In naval con struction; nnd. more, that the nation which had not a good navy, no matter how scot's It might bo on land, could never win In warfare with nations pos scssing mlern hips and guns. So he set to work to carry out the plans and protects of ...s predcci-iuor. The win-grass and p. nny obstructionist in congriss were estopped from opposi- lion, bii-ause It was a "P.mmycratic" minis: ration. So th- new navy was 11 imd. r way by Psi', and the work was in:c!I .gently and carried ,m hronrh the II in-ison adm'n.str t'.ioii. Th- !.-.-or 1 CI. v. 'land adm.mstrai and when SiMin's thrashing we had a :o ,lo the .-mid g vsl s 1 r K from g re be no longer r-vnc..l. , navy, though a small one. :o Mr Itouti'le, in the 1J de l a'.V'Ve, gave tne following nt - restir sume of the work done and .beng in these tift.-s'n y.sirs: In that peri'! the total appropriation for the naval service of the I"n:'.-d S:at- that Is. for the regular expenses service and the construction of and ordinance, has to $7 including the nresent bill. Purine that time we h ive Inctvas. of th-shln-s d the authortiatlon of vessels of the new n.tvy, including those in the prs'nt bill, by 1V.014 tons. The appropriations for the Increase of , i period, including I the navy during that the present bill, have b-en fl'l.I! The Increase ,.f th" nnval f .re, of ,-n- listed men ilurim the flf;,-l-n 5."'ii men. y-ars has j i f '-' I Wh-n we c me armament of th. "taring fpim the not a sing!. m-,1 to th- in nrivv n "rc!i:liin wh rn gun a:l ..i - had i I 'i.e. . h ivr I i ."!'h!:n th- bill, a n ivy j put aSoat and au:hor:z. .1 provisions of this pr.s,-r,t .-ap.H, ch.irii of throwing at ,-v full .lis- I f Its guns 122.2"i pun.l ..f m-t Th', number proportion. W yi ars" tini" 11! df torpedo h. f ships sl.ow.-h.iv- hunt :m:l if- -'--s.-ls of al! o iss. its and .1-.-'ri.yrs :h-r. h.s We lie-, n in iiu'h. r.z. .1. d.d not l-'srin 'he w.rk t. s-e.n. If .it:.. '.hir;, e istfe.n perhaps, did not pu.-h 1 it t..o 1 it fa-; whn we did h.-ir;n. o; th- .-y-s of Hut thi' h" people Ihes.. diy w ir Is n " j .ih'1'.ving :h-m that in tton must bo on the s: as. dignity ami :..' will 1.. :. t.-rth :.. ; able to cop.- with any o'.h-r if It d-sir'S to maintain I'-4 honor. And th- A-nercati ma.1- in powerful iny -. ik upon MANY CTRIOCS lNVi.MTOji.S The officials of the patent offlce say that tiny have never lo-e-n so both-rcl as during the prestnt tlscal v-ar by apph. cants for patents whos.- rrlalrmr upon In vestigation prove to have ri-i'h r novi.-i'.y nor merit, and which ar- simply crazy 'lull's, sci to speak, construct' d fro;,, r... ally valuable material that at ihe prod uct k of truly Invntivu minds, iin,j wni. li have long since Ins-n u'i.,z-i. I'.ut am ,:ig ail people who inve-hiigate. and are sus ceptible of conviction by proof, th-r- -;,n be no doubt that Hostett.-r's H onrnh Bitters is a discovery of sovereign m..rl one of the finest tone s and r- guii.-.or.s ,,r the stomach, liver and bow. Is in .-x!.":-ne--. Nervous subjects, the bilious and malarious, those troubled wrh inat-ivity of kidneys nnd Id older, the ag-.j, delicate, inlirm and eonvul' S'tont lir.d in this rip !; ' ine of unbounded populari'y nn i sni-ialn-irig p.'jwer a most reliable jiux.iiary of health and preventive of dlH..ase. Until the prop upon whi.-h you lean it. suddenly taken away from you, you n-v-i know how absolute-ly ili-pend' nt v.,-, are. The woman with the cr-pe theater Is or..- of th- sights men look upon all feminine , artllieiul. V'-il al Hn tiia: nial'.i motions a.- was the first maker of sticks of soap for shav ing. Pears' Soap es tablished over 100 years. Pears' justify you in goin tn the tnuihlc of asking your grocer for them ami of get ting vour monev Kick if you ilon't hajien to like any of them. For by Koss, Hicins ci; Coiiummv gUlPPlNC-MRRmf AARINE NOTES. The Maiuanlta lert up f.r Tortland ye--tenlay mornlmr. The sie.inier Harrison, from Tillam.iok. arrived lit yesterday, Tlie Itntlsh ship louden Hill. tons. iVpt.un Crulkxhiink, day ftMm Hoyai lbuils. In urrlved tn yesterday m tow of the tuic Wanderer. Tide Tatle for May. IS98. ui'.a w r.K inw irt.ii lATK ,ii. unit. h. m II. n.m.f;. n.m it Sun. ... M m. .. Tue ., Wed. ., Thura. KrL ... , 11 S1 l0 IW17i i 9 w j in it i a, j i i ' j i. i .' J 10 l SlOW SO: 4 4- 1 2 4 . : 0 4,U t;,; D.U M b i. 6 34 0 SI J 3e J 1 . i I.. U J. i Or 6 21 1 I 2 i 0 tl ; 1 Id 7 0, 7 t ; T '2 .' s Sat. ... 'Sun. ... 1 Mon. .. Tue .. Wed. .. I Thurs. Prt. ... iSat. ... Sun. ... '.bm. .. , i'Ui S .. ed. . . Thurs. Krl. ... .Sal. ... j Sun ... Mon. .. i Til. .. Ird. .. ' Thur. I KrL ... Sat. ... Sat. ... Sun. ... , Mon. .. ' Tues .. .... S .... 8: ....10' ....ll: ....12 ....Ui ....U: I StSlh S id S 4-ia .JJi li S 4, 1 51 i S 11 0 5 D .'t .M J Is S 4 4 4."- li ! in 22 i) 2 In 3 4 4 IT 7 a. 5 4J ti U W 01 11 PJ1 i .iJ'44ii.. ..I. . lllJO' i : i s: 7 ; i i u n : 8u2 71 31 7 4 1 CJ 2 J 2 11 I S ' Uli'ii 31 7 7i JUu 1 S, j II 2 0 ....I'i 10 11 7 0 in IJ SO ...17 a is, i o u is s : ...A 11 o; 70 11 Jo S 4 ....! . .,11 41 li ....:! oust i ....21 0 4-8 31 i iO 7 4 14 1 1 4 0. 2 J 4 jT 0 ii i is1 ; j I 6 " " j s 2 : ; li . 0 J d S 2 1 7 0 4 llllji 7 4T u J 7 4.' J ....22 1 W Ml 1 44 6 6 21 0 I. !i 2.. 3 S ....2.1! 1 51,7 Mli 5- 4il i'2 i ...24 121 i 5- ii 5 ft. 0 41 4 0 ....' 1 01 7 1 4 J" 5 y. u 1" 22 J .... i&t 5 li 103' I 1 U if 3 7 ....21 4 4.J 4 md C li U o 1 6 .. . .;. . ....2$ i 51 0 i 4i 7 0 0 01 J 3 .. . i. .1.. ,.. . li:-4 3 0 .. . ...., 5, 73573 I U 2s 12 51 2 5 ....'i '.;. lis 21 lill ....111 37 5 S tiiil 12216 2 5" 31 VESS EI aS BOUNU TO ASTORIA. Cl.tuHir.k. LetivuM. Ur tk. 1351 tona, i d'eutta. ! Mldr.s. Meeaengcr. Hr bk. VX1 tona, Nagasaki. Alexander Black. Dune. Rr bk, 1391 one', Antwerp. Forthnank. Petenon. Br bk, U31 tona, OerghntL Audaman, Winter, Br bar. tS ton. Alcoa Bay. . Joaeph Pullfler. Hanrey, Am aoh. 73 ton. .( ior. Clackmar.nanahlre. Thomson. Tlr ih. 142 tons, Newcastle. Sllberhorn. Olbaon, Br bk, 1774 tona. Liverpool. Argo. Maclean. Br ah. 14W tons, Ant- wrp. Bcgst&dt. TborbJorncn. Nor atr. 12W tons. China. Castle Rock. Jonea. Br atr. l.TTI tona. Hlogo. Lombard. Raaaon, Br atr, l.CS tona. 1 Hong Kong, iunford, MacPhera-yn. l!r sh. Sl-S tons.' Hamburg. Patriarch, Breach fir sh. 1335 tons. Ma nil. a. !. Adelphua. Lebreton. Br bk:n. l.tji inns, Kreemantle. Poseidon. Hush Br sh. 17"8 tons. New castle. Ocrtrud. Hlnke. Ger sh. i;.'3 tons, Kobe I I -aurlston. Latta. Br bk. 2123 tona, Klo i Janeiro. ' Howth. Martin Br bk, 216 tona. Cab I cutta. Emln Pasha. Chrlstensen, Ger j tuns, Antwerp. bk r7 ! Wallacetown. Motley, Er ah 1'IK tons. I Antwerp. ' John Cook. Magee, Br sh. X". tons. I Hlogo. j ?o. e tra. Harder. Br bk. llvi tons. 8 in i Francisco. b'.ronsa hams. Barry, Br ah, 1JT9 ton. Y"k j- Hel'-nsburg. Jefferson, Br sh, 1CM tons. !' Shanghai. lilenard. Turner, Br sh. 17S6 tons, S:in j , 'runclco. ; i I CIS o. ; Kor-st Hill. Scott. Br. h.. l'rj tons. I shanghai. Argyll, Ward. Br. stmr.. p0 tons. Hong N-mis. Sehulte. Ger sh, YJi tons, Ham burg. Wasdalc. FlBher, Br. sh, 1771 Ions, Ant werp. Helens-bunt- Jeff'-rson, Br. sh., l'lJ tons, Shanghai. I'".,r,st Hall. Scott, Ilr. sh., K'j tons, Shanghai. N-r. us, Shultz, Ger. sh., V7j tons, Ham burg. Port Klgin, He-nney, Br. sh., ICi Antwerp. W.-tsda!, Fish'T. Br. sh.,17",'i ton.-, tons, ,ni- Werp. LUMBKR FLKKT v st--:,. on the Way and In Columbia Itlv ir to I.oad Lumber. Omeca, , bktn. Ktf tors. Mollpndo. Viking, . sclir, l.i'j tons, San Kran- Kong. V.'iii'gift, Bowling, Br stmr, P.Sa tons, .San Francisco. Mary E. Buss, Nelson, schr, 221 torn, S'-n Pedro. The woman w ho h is a molhi nr'.h'H gn-al"st treasure. r pos WHOOPING COUGH. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from n attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after Klv ine him a few dosea of that remedy I noticed an Improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It Is the best cough medicine I ever hail In the house. J. L. Moore, South Burgettstown, Pa. For hale by Charles Bogc-rg, druggist. Tint wenth rain habit seems to be one r man seems hard to break. the Mokl Tea positively 1 urea sick headache, Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Hernoves all eruptions of (he skin, producing a perfect complectlon, or money refunded. 25 find 30 cents. For sale by Kste-fl-Conn Drug Co. Thn darkest reom l artistic, but Is also, s a rule, very dusty. It l sincerely to be teurettid that so many men have taken up the fad of cook It'K. Since they coii.pi. r. d a fi v ch iiliK dish ttselpis their WlviH llll.l lire less worth living Hum ever. Loose clothe and downv cushion biiiiu only h n.'natiie sort of comfort to the woman who Is suffcrinir with some ill. ease or tli'iaimetnent of ,,ie oim.iiu dis tinctly fcmllilne. Some . lollies illd s.cllle lsliloiis make the pain and the discom fort hiviii less, rerliai's the nerves nie most affielid and Mil in turn diitiri tll.l dlKi'Stlotl. N'otllim; , , , ,om- plclily r'llei- Inn a ra.ll. il i mo. The -l.ll t of so-c ill. k "feui.llo cotnplalirs' m iv be a very sluvht (limit Ind.s-d. It may I'e thai In Hie I'i some small In ! III. m. Wllle-. ou;. I st.'l t'le u'"ll'l' '. Vl.lilll a I tills time, a lull.- te; of the r !i! me. lie. iu . I rouble I'cvuu .ni, I'm t:;i it Il'i.l 'top It llei, the . hard, r l" cured I r. II ii! i.i.' . . . hat aotcr. it upon. II "tiian . ho'-i' I ft Mil Cll- ,'t i . in i hi I n .p. ns tr N V.. and o 'Ci.inin.i'i te! ! raor. l0;o ( 111 il. ,'Vu.i'. 1., '.lr.i llio.l. sl b k.pi li S iid W 'C.I 'i 11'Ml lio a I'll i ; it A--. '. I. Ml. ill, I'l- Celt . s .dual Ad.-- tu-i I llii"- si. The man ho k' ius I ke a the .low ntall of j lunomer b.i yeliin; do. s not pi illcny cat as In the art ot to death when li.' hlmci; ;' tuilllolis heap oltl); peel oh the Sl.lonalk h down In an ikiio. to a sulule I' inaiia Many oid oldters now feel the effect of the hard service (hoy endure! dut'luK the ar. Mr. Ceo S Anderson, of lt,.. vllle. York county, 1'enn ,vlui saw the hitnlcst kind of aervice at the front. I now fre.piently troubled with rt-lima. tlsm. "I hud a severe atta.k lately." he j says, "and procured a bottle of Chamber. lain I'uln Halm. It did so much iiood that I would like to know what yotl would charge tne for one dojen hollies." Mr. Anderson wanted It both for hi own use a r.a to suivly tt to hi friends and ne'uhliors. as every family should have a i bottle of it in their home, not . ., , . , . . . ... rheumatism, but lame b.n k. sprains. swellings, cuts. bruises nnd burns, for which Is une,,u.iled Kor sale by Chart. , . ,r. , ''"ir" 1 wh.-n drugiclst. i on. in k ni in. i' i ic r h. r in 1 ' ,l'l . II '..I'e. k. to the p is PUT en I win I . I) a V. t. -he h l fur'l i. U'.l . t ' Luxuriant b ..i:if!i h hair. '.nl-C ; uniform color, iTiti for either Is a H'l, .ind in. iv be able Sicilian i 'cun d by using Hall s V. Hair li. newer. w . te. ill . k I IMKK OK I'nt.n ll S VI, P. No Is b.erehv it, (hit bv virtu. cf a warrant for th 1 ti.i'i. til as- t'sri'i r: fo ib s ribed as follows- of '1 h rtv- th r.l. 'I ti 1 l.irr;-..n avenue, m ibilv ;u.-il bv th.' A coll. , tiotl of I r 'he nni-r et The liupr ." at - h al ri ids A la'.r's A tl'or and P lent II lid J ' .llie of the (!V i f the I'l'tlittli'tl C .f Aston, by direction onneii or sni city ,,:,'l I w Tram bung ila i-.l the li ll dav or Anr p'-s, to me directed, and the assessment In uMi-h sti.-cl'ii-d nni'.'itrihif io the stun J'liii with interest 'h..,iii from , n- llt'i d. y of Nov ml r. n. r ,.-nt i- r a' num. h.-ng ac tins' th-. fo'Iow Ing name p., ti.wlt. S ir ih C. Sherman, owner of the fillowimr .('.-r'.b. o property. lo. w.t. lot a. block 23. Adair Aatorta. a'i-1 .-u-iins; sal-l ,1. s.-rlh- d property, sn I w '- 'eh warrant commands ni- tn levy upon and make sale of said described property. In or-bT lo satisfy said ass, ssment. lh ' tr'erest thereon and the ,nt and ra I p- ns.'s ef sab , I Slav, lv'.s. dlli le, 1 ,li, ,n th" 3'h day of duiv levy upon the a'ioVe d-'- 1 real property, and I will on th I IV of J'ltie Kei it the hour of 2 k. In ih- 'if. i foot, of . aid .I"-, a Court Houe poor. In the Ct'r "I r a. Coit'ity of c. itsop. Stale uf or- ll . ib ue ib's.-r'bi-d proper'- n' o the h i-h i ' led I. a f-.r h.-r-by g of a warrant for th 1 itMii' nt is. ..oo nt i. rile d as fo! i .'. s Vetiiei.t : Th rty. th.rd Thirty-fifth strie:, nnd I! in I'llV n.n :.vnii. In Adair'', ,ei,e..i. ssipd bv th Auditor an I P '!. . of the c.t of Asior .i, l y : ,m J l nf th- Ctun'ori I w arrant l -ieg i ' :?. to him , .-, i hieh Sf-l-iiied 1 W v: h in', i 1 i of .No-, ml el "I . lid e.'y, s lid hi' 11 h da' ..f Ap, '1. i.l -h.- ,is-.-.s(n.-tit ill lltl'lK' t i the "tlfii of r. tl f:o:ii '!i - '.I'll !!. Illl I p. , ti' :i::ur ni: tw it. ue ih"f" .'. 'ii; n i m-l i n. Kleimr .! -si r: iivcy. '.wner "f ':'..) p-....i'y to. tl Ad ilr's As'orl i. ' i .b. d prop' ri , and i lids tn.- , - vy upon wit t ll.o, k Oil dc e 'Hill Of S I and ak-i .us: si h h .v i; t.i'. i md m:ik" - id' m or b r 'o s i Inti rest th'-rt "i p. r,,. of s il". May, !. duly si r:l" '1 r- i pr 1 ip s r p. t pr ip sa d ass. . itm nt nd tr, cists and I d on :h" '.'th da th- . v upon tip- .il.ovi' ,1 r'y. and 1 will mi t-l-"v at th.. hour of 1! : tti.i'iti : t i d i'. a h ' t - 'on -M : iy of J t," II ''IS I ni'ir, ' I 'lat i Ir: .,.. c of Kl ate of I ip-- d ,-.ii. r'y at -i I'l.Pbi- for Conn'' ,n, H-,l .,! I'dte, n sh. c. ,s ii..: i" tl il g'l' I Co, t! . to .11 ' I -f ) soil a s. SSIIl'Tt, t i-'s .ihd . Inti ri t thi ri on n rid m nn s of s .1-. and in cru'.ng Dated at Aso chief of p-.:;i cm hk rl.i. 0r gon. the '"h d 11 K. HAI.Ii' rC. -. city of Astoria. 1 if -g nl fiK B SALE Notice Is hereby glv of a warrant for the linipi'-nt assessment f described as follows: en. that by virtue collection of a 'I--r th" linprov"in-ht Th" Improvement (.1 Jiornl him a from the west ine of Mn:h street to the west line of blocks IO and 17. MeCluro's Astoria, duly Issued by the Auditor and police jju le oi iln (.11 of A.uona. by d'rectlun of th- 1 oiiiniori Council of said i I y , said j w,irr;ir, li. .Mr tinted lh" li b r'nv of Apr. I, i Is'-H. to mo ilf -i '. tl. ii nd til" ass. 1 sir,, nt In 'ii "ti. iiie! mounting t" Ihe sum of "t .2 'ih .fl'-r.'-d 1 ri- r- .11 f-.-i tl,- .".Hi .lay t.f Jiniinry, P''S, nt p-r cent per .111. '11 1. ... in; .i-',;,,.; foooising naliie't pi-rs 'in, lowit. v. V. I'atlcr. ov.ner "t fo'io-.'. .11 d-.-'-riii. d t-rote-riy. !o lot 7. li!t If 11. M' f lur" s Astoria ,'K.iifis: v., , (o-yci.tii il ptop-rty, and l'h- 'Alt, ill i'l nil.' a ml aliati' ti llltlallil- in 'o l"y ll'toll lie ,r,if. ,,f N d,! ib scrlb-tl tirori-rty, in tir'l.-r to Mot.Hfy vn.d asseesment . th- inn r.Tt tln-rioii nnd th" co-its nnd x- t"-ti."i 1' of file. I da! on til" llth day of M il', IV.s. du'v l-W Upon tile nbov- tie- scribed 1-.1l prop'-rtv, imd I will on' th" ill day of June, pli,, at Ih" hour t,r 2 o'clock. Iii hi. nfti-irioori ol said day, nt 'he Court House Poor. In th" City of As'or..'i. I'ounty .,f Clatsop, Suite nf Urt gon, f-1 1 sild above described properly nt piibllo nuetlon Hi the InghiHt bidder for ' ash. I'. H. Hold Coin, In satisfy said as sessment, the Inli-r-hi ihenon nnd the costs 11 rul i-xpi-nses nf sal", and tieenmig costs. I un d ni Astortn. Oregon, the Dth day of May, IWi. E. II A I.f .Or K. Chief of Police, Clly of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF- OK I'OI.U.'E 8AI.E Nolbe Is hereby given, that by virtue of u warrant for Ihe collection of 11 ile-lintiii-ril. iiSMi'Ssmi nt. for the Improvement d-S' riled iis follows: The Improvement or I'.onn street rrom inn wesi line of Ninth street to .he west line of blocks IH (ind 1 " 1 Astoria, duly IhkiiiiI by the Auditor nnd police Judge of the City of Astoria, by direction of the Common Council of said clly, sind v nrnint being dni.-d Ihe 1lih dav of April, lWW, to mn directed, nnd tne assessment in which specified iiiiiotintlng to the sum 01 01.12 with Interest ihei-on from the Mn day of January, ISM, at 8 per cent per annum, being against the following named person, towlt. W, W. Parker, owner ol the following described properly, to wlt, lot li, block 14, MeClure's Astoria, and against said described property, and which warrant commands me to levy upon and make sale of said described property, A -to w. i. 1! si'. -.IC .1 11' ' l" ' - - i i -y. si. .ia- put he an n '.th- s'iot.1. tti' in'-r-"' ''. -'.n and ' h ' ,i-h C S i ; . , 1 , 1 , . . . n s it-d .-xti.-n-'s of s i, , .ml a cru'h.- .Hiii.-ni th. lu'-r- M -' , ,s's at. i . -t- of 1. ...a rl ur-(.-on, tin- 'i h ,1 i- o' , Mi', iv- ,,,,. 1...;, I c V"o:.. ureg.n i ,. f ,,f Ci'y of : .r. i. nfgon : i h f -I P '! i . C) . -1 1 1 1." ic .I.. .. op o r r- - ' ClllllK il ... ii -ii,. a- v i r -u' .. eolbetl'in of a .!." for th" I'ttt-- . .-tii. nt I "- I i n In order to allsfy snld esment. the interest thereon mid the nnu nnd in pelises of ale, did on the 1Mb dav of Slav IVS, illllv lew llnill lite above iln. serilii'd real properly, nnd I will on the Mh iliy or June vk. at the hour ol 1 o'clock. In the arteinooii of said dav, rti the Court House Poor, In the CHv ol Asinrla, ('oiinly of Clalsop. Mnile of die. iti'ii. sell said above described property ut iml'lle niicilon to the hmlfst hidder for cash. I'. 8. Cold i nt. lo satisry said s seosimnt t,e Intercut thereon niid the coals mill rl"'t!e of sale, nnd necrilllK cost. iMite.l tit Astoria. Hii'non, the tuh day of Mnv, S!iH. VI. II M I.UCU, Chief of Police, Cltv of Aslorta, Oregon. CIIU'T Ol' POI.U'K SM.I1 Notice Is hereby Kiven, lhat bv virtue 'f a warrant for the collection or n .te. I nt asse.sinelit for the Intpro eineul t.iea ribr.t as rollows: The Iinnroveiueui ''f i on I street from the west !ne jof Ninth sireet to the west Ini" .'f bleeks lit and IT, MeCluro's Alona, . 1 1 ' 1 v is.ned o the Audllof and Police I , Indite of I he City of storm, bv iHrectlon i.'f lb' Coniinon Council of s il.l I'll-, said I w air ant heme d a;, d the II li .1 iv ot April. 'e'.s to ieo .in . . . , mid die a fluent In j i Il eh sneel.led a nt. ut III Inc. I o die -.'I'll d Si-'. iT ii t: li I"; a .' h e t he to li i .lav of .lanuaiv. 1'wi at i. r cent per !anntt'H.; ae I'll..; the f-'Morttni; llallli'd j p. i son, town. W V Parker, owner ul j li lolhintnc de.eril' A ptotieil ti 'wit. lot S. block II MeClure's Astoria. I itid -iK ilii'M nai. I described piojicrtv. and .w.i'eh warrant cotiini in. Is in to e v uiou j and ni'ike sale o said descrllu d iroiel tv, , In order to sat'srv saM iiss.-s .tuenl . tfi1' inierest thereon and the cost nnd e- pi-use of sale. I .I d oil the Slll day or Ma IVI duiv e up Ol tne nl.o,.' do- s.-nbi'd real property, and I will on th" vh ,la of Jane tvv at the linn of o'clo. k. In t tie afternoon of slid d i-. u: the Court House poor. HI the Clt. of Vstori.l Count' of CI its. .p. S!ate of Ore-k-on. sell sal. I above described proper!- at lll'lle anction to the h ell' si bidder f..r cash, P S Ib'ld I'a tl lo s ltist . th as. isttirn!. the tntere.t thi'i.-oti and me costs and rxoenses of ie, ,m.l a.-criiuiii .'."IS iMle.t at As'or'.a. Or.-s in. iie Olti d iv of Ma'. p:' P II U.l.ii''K, Chief of Police, City ,.f st.ll; I, i.'on. CHI UK OK I'Ol.lCi: svi.i: i!!ee Is hereb of a warrant for tilupiciit assesstni d. s, rihed as foil, of Thirty, th'rd. l' given that be Irt'le the collection of il de. nt for the liuproveiuen ws; Tin. lnipioeinen( Thirtv. fifth, stre.'ts n.l Harrison avenue, tn Adair's Astoria, dill' Issued tv the Auditor an I poMce Judge of the Clrv of Astoria, bv direction otlly fori. lnr oiuinon i i il il . 1 1 01 s i in coy sini Sil ini roil! luuni I if .III i' .I1.1 ' ..,,. d " , t, . , i . he -.smcui i'i I which s..-- tied .it.ioc.nt.n,- '. 'he i i n or ' - v " tnier.-st tncio-i r , -ii.. ntn -I iv cf N.'venibi'r. ivC. v i r ; p.-r anu.i.'i . I is.r-d he f iw .ng n mod person, te it. Krank Pal ion , truste own- 'f i h II. nving descntic.1 prop. rtv. t i .it, block (to. Adilr' AstorU. 'Wit. ,IT' I lot ni: i 11 S I des. rlb.'d plopert V. tt 111 1 i war I 'Hike -tr-b r i. .t.. th itlin iilii. in- la I'vv If "it sle "' sitd describ.-d i.t..i rv. Mil. --It ..Hi, III.' . 111' II I 111" ICI..-II lfl. the costs ml. I SH- sale. I .11,1 on tb" 'I'.h ! iv of d:i ! upon ihn il ,- ,1" 1 1 'i 'O,, r ' a ,i 1 I will op t 'o f .l ine K.ei. nt the hour of 3 lis, s . f I'l'S d r. 111 th.. -ilternonn of Sid illl, ui : ll "is,, poor m i tie. '!' of ll. Coil!!' of Ci.lls Slate of Or 11 si -I a!..,-.' ,!.. i ln-.l prop-r'v I! in te. n to th.- st '.' I b - f 'I- P S i :-M Com. s ii:.f . el as- tl1. Ihe Itlt.-n si thereon IP I the and ,-'.. r.s. of s ib'. an I a cruiiot lull.; . i-h. As' 1VI I'I. on g"1 th.- s - h ,j i ll U.I of p .: CIIIKK Cltv , I tip PI I .n i-; g m.i: No! ce t h. of a warrant iriten. thit In vtrt'i Hie collection of de for I loi'i.-ni HS-.I ss't. d s rib.-.! as foil bt f ir the union enieiit ,w si "1 tie Imp! .. etuellt Thirty-fifth a:re"ts tl I f Thirty- third. II irri""ii i i Venue, by the In Adair a .st oi l. Auditor .in I t'o'..'.- duly Issued Judge i: :h. i-i of Astora. by .Predion i of the Common Council of s.n.l c.:. a a a w ai r int being dati-il Hie I ' ii I . n v.t.. K'"i. to ni.i illriM'te.l. and the assessment In which anci!!e, .iniouri'iiu " me "'on ''t ' J.i'. is' with I'lti-ri -t th.-i.--"! rtoni 'h. ll'M -la of No .'lib. r IVi, tit tier . ,:u . r , annum, be i:g ug iin-it thef' low .tig n mi' -I pi rson. lowit. pi, nor tt 'ii-v, r of Ittp- foll iwing ,. -cr!i. i i-riimta , i Wit. lot 3t. block tl. Adair a Astoria, i and awalnsl and des, i.ln-,1 uropert and w h'ch tt arrant , - in ei .i rids ni "o !'' up n j sil.l make sale of said des. ril'e.l pr-p t'V. in order to aut.sfy and ass.--t.nii.nt . th !nti'ral thereon and th" .osis imd n- "I'.si s of sab'. ' .I II on th" ."'.ll il IV of 'May. I. duly lew ui-'ii th- !.- ,' s r. Ini real property, and I wa; on !h 'ib .' iv of Jure 1- s at '.'!.. !i ear . f 2 o'clo k. In the 'lit' III., il, of sil t di. a Hi" i "iln llo-a-i' poor, lu Hie c-.: of tur n. County of Clatsop, Slate . f I r. -K"'i. i-i .1 tl above described prop, r: at h gin '. bidder f .r to s,it..fy . i d as- . Ho -ri on .md th" i s ib . and a crulng j Hie yh day of : i K'K. f Astot . i, g- pi-i.ici; a i,k Nott is h' r. by gt of a warrant for the l. til it by .llectlon of the Itupl.tV I'.M.IU'Tlt us le.'Olli nt fo nb. d us folio ., s- 'Pin- Inipr ivi of Tliii ih id l rty-tifth s'.re. li:iir.-.m ae i. i. V a. ll, .1 by . in Ad. - And I-. P Ji..g" ..r t i f .1' Ci of A-toria. i v I rec:lon i .'utiitiiiifi loijtp :! s i -j ci'v. a i i , i 'ft 1"- .. i 'tie l n i or tr 1 1 1 ''"!, 'it tl.e .11 t ! d. and t.'l. ..,.' .son til il, v ii h - '" i .to d a too in so ju ..: !!' w. with interest th-Pm from the 11 h .. v i f Nov. inleT p'.-l. .1 i-r inn per i tut u in, la- ni: ik 'itis: 'he f iimw ing r. lined p, pun, tow.t. ib. i. Watson. o,io r of 'hi tollo' described prop-ny to w.l. lot P.. bloik 41. A bur's Astoria. and . ll I I. iiid r V i ti-' .a.d ,1- s. rib, d propel,, ,jud wurratit e oi. in iii-ls m to ! vy utioii aiKii sa'e i.r s'id deseril'i'.i tit'opi r to satisfy 'ini iiss.'-smi-nt the : thi-icort and the msis and r- of s t!-. I ed on th 'j'H dav ,,f d'l.y lew upon til" a l" I ,' lie. M a "r:l. nl rial property, mid I o on th" Mil nay of June l o. at the pop of 11 i c . . k. in ih- a.t' i noon of si tin- I'.-urf House poor In 'li A'ot.n. Countv of C'.its'ip, S'a .Idi of ;-n .. .1 snd iiliove .b-- r bid prop it at public nib tloll to the It i"i. .1 bid lo' for h. I S Hold Co,n. lo satisfy said us- nt. and . st tie ;e..ti and (he of . U-, and ., i ruing Me st S. I liii'ii.l a! As'or'.a. May. i.js. Oregon, nt" lull day of M. HAI.I.OCiC, llv of Aslo'-.a, 1 'Mg -tl. ii'h: ' f of I He-. CHIICI' OK I'KI.ICK. hai.i: Notice Is hereby given, that bv virtue of 11 warrant for the collection ,,( .1 ,1,. , Mtuitii'ht assessment for the Improvi'iucm lb-si rihed us follonn: Ihe linni'ivi-no-M of pond street from the west In Itif Ninth S'reel to the West litis . f blocks II mid 17. .MeClure's Astoria duly Issued by the Auditor and police ilulr-i ol tha Cd; 01 ,i ti,r,,i. ly direction of tli Common Council of sal. I city, said e 'trout b' llor ila'i'd tli- II h nay ... , . 1 1 ,1 P!'V, to nie tl'reeled, rind the as-o'sstneri' 111 '.hah 11 Iii, d , 1 tn ' 1 1 1 n 1 1 11 k to the sum ol !''.; Hi! with Inii n-f t 'lnr-on from the J'h day "f .liinuiiry. ,:A, nl ' r er cent per iiriiiiiin, le lfig iirnlnst the following n ami''! b'lsoii, town. V. V. Parker, owner of li" following described property, to. wit, lot 11. block 11. MeClure's Astoria, uiul iigalnst said described property, and which wiirraiit command m- lo levy upon and mull" Hale of said ilescrllu'il property, 111 order to satisfy said assessment, the interest thereon and the costs nnd eg. li'-nio n nf mle, I did on Ihe mh day of Mnv, 1 .'.is, duly levy upon Ihe above de scribed real properly, nnd I will on th" 'th day of June, istis, nt Ihe hour of 2 o'clni k, In llie nftiTlloon of said 1I11V, lit the Court House lmor. In the City of A i'oil.'i. County of Clnlsop, Hlnle of Ore eon, sell salt! above described property at public auction to the highest bidder for c.'iiih. 1.'. K. liold Coin, to satisfy said ns Si SSir.l lit, llie lllll rest thereon tl 11(1 the costs 11 nd expenses of sale, nnd accruing costs. puled nt Aslorln, Oregon, Hie !)th day or .May, isirt. E. HAMICE, chief of Police, Clly of Asiorla, Oregon. CHIEF OK POLICE HA I.E. Notice Is hereby given, that by victim of a warrant for the collection of 11 de lliuitient iissessment for the Improvement (les rllietl ns follows: The Improvement of Thirty- third, Thlrty-nrih streets nnd Harrison avenue. In Adair's Asiorla. duly Issued by Ihe Auditor and Police liiilgo 01 1 he i ity or Astoria, ny direction of the Common Council of said cilv. salt! warrant being (In lei! the lllh day of April, pil8, '..1 me dlri eled. and Ihe iissi-fsmeiii lo which stieciiiet n mourning 10 rue sum of EI'lOC with Interest thereon in;m the 11. n . M.,1,i.h 1Lfl7 n. U Oi'.y Ol I,",' iin" 1 , niiii li, 'J l i ' "in i' l 1 iinnurn, In Ing iigalnst the following named person, town, ji. r. nrennon, owner or the following described properly, to wlt, lot 8. block ill, Adair's Aslorln, anef against said described property, nnd which warrant commands mn to l vy upon and nuike sale of said described properlv, In order to satisfy said assessment, the Inleresl tlipieott and Die coal nnd i iielise of sale, I md on til" Milt dav of lav. Iv dill' lew upon ilin nbovn de. scilbid leal properly, nnd I will nil the Mil day of June, IV'S, HI the hour of V o'clo. k, ill III" nflci hiiint of said dav, Hi ihe Court House. IkMir In the City of Aiilorln, .in tu y of Clatsop, Hint of Ore gon, sell .lid above described proiii'il nt pilblle iiuetloli lo the lushest bid. lee for cash. P. 8. Hold Coin, lo satisfy said n si'ssininl. the Interest thereon nn. the coals ami i M" uses of sale, mid nccrulnn eosl. Paled at Astoria, Oregon, (lie Dili day of Mm, vi IV IIAI.I.OCK, Chief of Police, Oily nf Asiorla, oii gon, CIIIKK OK POI.ICK HAI.H Notice l hereby given, th ll bv vll lile or a ii i t a n t roe Ibe l olleeitun of a de liu.iient assessuient for the liniiioveiueul d.Si rihed as follows ''he I III 1 1 1 . i' i it.-Tl I .f Thiitv. third. Thlrly-ilfih tiei's nnd M iiiisoti incline, m Adair's Asioiin, dill iKsind by the Alb blur nnd police .In. h o of the I'll of Au., in, bv direction of ihe i 'nt, mi. nt Council of a. it,i ,ilv said i i'i ml being d in , I ihe II h dav or April, pel. to lllo dlleeled. nil, I III., a i. . . , ,, . u I In w hi. ii spccuicd .iinounilng lo Hie mini ol 1J Willi lllletest Ih.r. oil ll. Mil ll.. UNI da of November, ivij, H S . I cent pel' annum, bemg aitaius! the following n lined pel s. . u , towil. II P. i i'lllioll, ownei id the follow lug ilescrlb.-d lo wit, UK. I lot I, block id, Ailalr Astoria, and ng ilnst said desi ribed piop.-it, nnd which ii in a ant coiiui inds nie t.i levy upon a II. I ui the s ue or said ilesi rilled I.I on. i IV In lo sai'sfv sat.t assessment. His unci,. i tlieiemi and the ,"sis mid r Pel,., Slav. or a lie, I did on tile V'.li dav of Ny duiv lew llll.lll ihe alio,, it... seiibid real iioierty. mid I will on th Mil ill of June. Ivei. at the hnilr of 9 o'clo. I. In Ihe .iflein.iou of "aid dav, at llie i .nut House poor III Hie C IV nf Asioria, I'otintv of Clatsop, Hlsle of Oro- ..ll. sell sal, ah. ll p dcscl'lbeil propel ly l public miction to the high, st iiidd. i f n cash. I . M liold Co, u, to salisry sil.l s.-,suicn the Inierist thi-reon nti.l th costs nib I capelisr of al-, uhd n vruilig COSt. t'atid at Astoria, Orison, the Dth day of May, l;i4 K II Vl.l.oi'K. Chief of Police, City or Astoiia, Oregon CIIII1K OK Pol.lCH 011,11 Notice la hereby given, that lit villus of a warrant ror (lie collection of it Htlijui'tll naseasment for the lllipriivellient ,1. s ribed a follows Th,. Improvement 'f Thirty- third. Thlrly-llftli atreel and Harrison aveimt., m Admr's Aaiorla, lulv issued by ihe Auditor nnd Police Judge i f i hr City of Asior:. by direction I Hie Common Council ot said city, aii'iwit. lot 3. Inn. a M w al l ant Iji'llig ilted tile lllh day ot Apr, I. i: s, to mo iliiected. an. I the a" iii, nl III wh.eli npri ltli-il ninoiinting to the auiti of U ill Wl h IlltetiSt llinlcoi, (loin Hie 1110 .la of ocinln-r p..;, f.i a p,-r cent pi rtnnuiii, being ag una! the for. living named pi-isen, town, llei.-n K ilruhaiii, owner of the following .lead Itied tiloperty. to. wit. l.t I. block 112 Adair Astoria -in. I aK-l.tist s a ol deacllt.ed liioitcrly, ll, which wan ant I'litiimatid in., to levy upon in. I make a ale or 4l, described plop, rty. in older to satisfy assessment th lll'eresl tlleli'OII j ii it the ,oata and et- , ii, . of b.i e. r sale. I did on Ihe tuh day of M.iv. ivis. dii. lew up. ill the ahoe de. ribed real propel tv mid I wil. on lh h day ef June ICS, at the hour of I eio.k. ill (fie aftel noon of aat.t .lay, t i in i l.use ss,r In the iity of .'u ii i unity of I'.also,,. Htate ur ore. ti. I sai l above deacrlbrd property at , an. lion to th bgh'si bblder fori P S Hold Coin, to aaliafy aal.l aa. ic nt, th., interest thereon mil in' 1 1 -1 .ipi tlsr of ale, and cru'.ng ' ! it l.torla. lireg.'ii, the 9th day of Me l: II l,I.OCK . I of P. I Ity ni Aston i, tueg i n. Cllllll' nl' pnl.lci HAI.P. No f a inpi be Is hereby given, (hat by virtu w ai rant for the collection uf de nt assessment for th iniproy.niani .hrd n follow. i I'll.. Improvement ..r ii.i I ti rt- '.h id 1 hirty -tifth street and i - .ti rnue, in Adair A.'orla. I by ihe An l l ir sil l Polle g of the City of Astor j. by direction I J . ,,r , of 'tl" i ouiuiiin e ouncii ul ..ii I ciy, ui w .ii r nit being dated the lit h dav or April. 1 o t i tue .1 rectr.l, and Hie III sli.di specified amounting lu th nun if pa i w 'h Interest tti ti.itt Hmii llio llifi I dl "f N"euilnT IV.,' t . o r --IH per itroi'". ag tinsi the f '"owing n ims.1 1. noli, town, K. A. Hill, owner ol h" following dracr.tied pr"priy. lo- .'. lot 4, block bt. Adair a Aatori. ..ti.l at: iin.t sab! ,lincribe.i tirotirrlv, and .. . h w arrant coiiini md ni" to levy upsn ae I ttialie a! nf aabl de.crllir.l tir.'perty, in or.t. r to aatl.fy a ild aaraatiin! , Ih : thereon and thn costa nd , of sale.. ! .I d on th xh dr "f IV'S duly levy upon the above do. I r"nl properlv. and I will on th I' ,1,. Sla. :! .1 . of June !.,. nt the hour of I . In (he aflen u i.f sa l dav. at th te .'it- ! i - i ..- I "or ' n iiie i : off a. County of Clataop, Hlat of Mr, .-.I si'. I .ilsivs des.-nb-.t proti.-rty at --.I.!;, i-h an. Hon to tho h gh.-.i i,ul,..r for I S iol. Ciltl. lo .iti.fy said nt, thn inti-re.t iher-on and lh in i rvp-'iise of ib-, nnd a I v .Ma.'. f of I As'orla 111 Ong m. the !h day of IIAI.I.i "'I. Astoi 1 1, tin g in 'y of CIIIKK OK Pul.tCK. HAI.K N' i'i e la hereby given, (hat be vtrtu 'of ,i warrant for the etl"eilon of de-liniip-nt .issessirii-nt for Oie Improvement I il-. rlt.,.1 as foil iii s I'p. I ntpri e iu"fil .rt ie ,,. 'i,,r.). th rd. Thlrty-nfth street nd a de- - Harri.ori avenii". In Adslr's As'ori. Pi'"' 'duly iss.-. the Auditor and poltc '"' 1 Ju bre of thr Citv of A'or a. by illrx'tlon i an I , f the 1'i.iiirniii Cmiiu ll of sai l ,'itv, naid mint lirmr dated the Uih day of Atird. 1 'o. t - nui I ra : eil, a nd l.e t . ,m u ; in Hn i . h specified altnilin ng to Itlnrlllll of o I h interist 'hit". ui from 'I'" IPh I. or N'ovmher P'tT a" p. r i u er ii'i-riin, be ng iif.iin.t 'h" following n irned peia .n. i iiii', Krnk Patton, tru-ie", own er of 'he f illi.w'ng ilescrilo.'! protn rtv. to. wit, bo n, i.i.irk isi Ailalr Aator'. and sai l describe, I property, and who i, warrant t-oiniti.-itid m- lo P-vy utM,ti ; .m-l n ike sale of sal, I descrlbril properly, I 'fi or . r lo satisfy an'. I assessment, tn tit.o. : -hereon nnd the costa nd ri I'll" . f sale, I did on th Kill day 'it I v "'. Id. dlliy levy upon Ihe above el", Ti .. .1 real'V uiul I will on the b dav of Jtine !H. al Ihn hour of 1 i i. In 'h- afternoon nf raid ill', t 1 i-i' .-ri Hon.. .nor In 'he Cltv of ,' ... a County ,,f Olnisop, Htate of Ore- , oi. -e, ..iid above i.-scrilied prop-rly (it die iintlon lo tb" high'! bbldiT fori on. I H liold Coin, lo satisfy aild - .'!; ti' th'' nr. r-st thereon mi l th el i pi-fisi-s of sub', nnd in iTultiK 1 1 I ' A-Oi ia Oregon, the ut h day of K. HAI.I.oi'K, . city nf Asiorla, Oregon. M 1 v ' if I Il CIIIMI' OK P11I.ICK SAI.K No' ice la hereby given, that bv virtue 'f a v irrant for the colleciion nf a de. I 1'IUI 0 tl! assessment for Ibe Illl proyeilient I ib i Titn-.l ns follows: Thn Conairiictlon or n drain In Mc( liiro Asiorl. di!.- isiicl i,y th Aiu'llm and police .1 'I'" of the City nf Astor'n. bv direction of 'li., 1 nininon Council of an Id cltv. said .' arrant being dated Ihe llth day nf April, P'.y. to ic directed, and the nssi sstnent In utich "pcclMed iimoiintlmr lo ihe sum of l". ii with Ini-'i ai iheiciti from thn 2Mh dav of In, KfJ 111 S per cent per .'intuitu, le- ng nitatiist. the following niimetl p' rem, towil. Margaret Klnlaysoli, owner of ib following d"i I'died properly, lu ll It. I'd I. block l"l, MeClure's Astoria, and iitalliMl said described properlv, nui v hi. h warrant command tne In levy upon uiul make sab, of said described properly, in order to satisfy said assessment, the Int. r-i t therein iintl the coats and ex-b-ti'iu of sale. I did on ine lull day of Mny. I '". duly levy upon the above de-st-i'lbeil real id'operlV. and I will on the Mil div of June. P'iK. nt thn hour of 2 o clock. In llie afternoon of said day. nt ih- 1 unit House poor. In the ( Ity of di.iorin. I'ouniv of Clatsop, Htaln of Or. gon. feu said a'hoi'e described nmpcrlv nt public tine tlon lo Ihe highest bidder for ' .i-h P. H. Cold Coin, lo satisfy said lis ssitc nt. ihe interest thereon and Ihe cowts and expense of sale, mid accruing COHt S. Iiaie.l at Astoria, Oregon, the )ih day of .May, 1 Mis. K. HALLOi'lC, chief nf police, Clly nf Asiorla, Oregon CHIEF OF I'OMcE BALE. Nollen Is hereby given, lhat by virtue or n warrant fur Ihe collection or a a- lliinucnt assessment for the Improvement described ns follows: The Construction of 11 drain In MeClure's Astorlil. (Mil v issued bv i h'i Auditor and Police Judge of Ihn (Illy of Asiorla, by direction nr Ih" Commnn Council or said clly, sum warrant, being dated Ihn lllh day of April. IH'tS, to me tlirecie I, nnd Ihe assessment 111 V, 111 '! fiatllleil illliiilllllllllt io II. j sum of lin.iw with Interest thereon from Hi" 2th 1I1.0 ,.f li 1iaf7 nl 11 tttir itt.r annum, being iigalnst tho following named person, lowit, Felicia H. Worsley, owner of the following described property, to wit. lot 4, block 70. Me'-'lure' Aslorln, n ml ngnlnst said described properly, nnd which warrant cnmmiinils mn to levy upon n ml lo.ike sale of said tlescl'lbeil properly, In order to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thereon snd tho costs and ex penses of stile, I did on the Dth day nt Mnv, lhO.H, duly levy upon th" above de. scribed real properlv, and I will on the HHi tiny of June, IMiH, at the hour of 2 o'clock, In the afternoon of suit day, ai .he Court 1 1 on. ui uooi In the City ot Aliirl. Countv nf ('lalanii, MUla nf Or, ion, M il iild above ileaerllieil iroiii'i'ly at inilille nncllon to lh IHgliesl lildder for cash, P, M Hold Coin, In altfy said esstiieiil. the lllteie.t lllnieon 11 lid tha coat iiiul mpeliae of ain, Hint i.i'l'lllll eol. ..... Puled nl Asiorla, Oiegon, tha Vlh day of M""1W M. H.U...,.CK. Chief of Police. I'll? "' Asiorla, Orcsjun. CI1IICI1' OK I'oi.lCHI MA 1. 1'! Nntlcn I hereby given, Hint bv ylrlii nf a wainuil for the colleciion of a de. Ilnilllelll iisaissinelll for the IIIMll'ovelniillt ilesi l lhi'il a fiillow' Th" Cinati uetlnii f n i'i iii Meciiiin Aaiort. dale lisiinl by Ihe And m. I polle Judge id III- I lly of Asloi a. Ill' illleelloll of Hie Cnninnii Cniimil of all. I city. nl W. muni being ilali'd Ihe lull dav of Vpni ls.K, i inn i'.i. i ml. u ' Hi.- is.eiiaiin lit III whl'eli spc. Hied ,iu Uliig lo ihe sum of J.l.'l III Willi IllleliSI lhi...ll 'il.o.l ihe '-"' ll day of pecemlier, Peal. Ill pel' cell! per minimi, ig nt iltial the following named peison. town, lusnit I' Was, nwimr of Ihe following d.'.illb.d pi opel'lt, lo. ntt lot I block vi. M Clure Asiorl. ml tin alnsl sil.l .1 s. niie.l piopriii, mnl which n ii i ant . oiuinniids m- in levy upnit and lllllkii sale of n ...I o . I lb. ,1 plopel IV, III oi b r 10 satinrv aal.t ansessiiient . Ill lutcnst iheiioii nnd ihe iosi mnl vs.. , or nie, I did on III" Ul day of ln. I1 du'v I, tt upon til" nhovu de. ., iiluil nil li-'l'.i'i "'"I I will oi tha nil day of June P'V the hour nf 1 ocloik. Ill Ihn aflnnoon el aaiu out, i I Hi unt n r In Hi" I'll y in A.t.ii in Countv or i i us ip. niaie oi i irs g"ii I pul I i I nluii ., it, s. ' 1 1 in n pro pi ri al mil lion in His li bidder for to aal.afy aid -llli-lriiti mid IP li. P 8 Hold Coin. ..alin-nt. lite lllti lesl c.isls and i xpnise f a il", nnd n. eilillig c.iMla puled al A la oiegon Hie Dill day of May, ivii i: ii vi.i.oi'i. f A si.n la, CM ,'K" ., . . 1 "" ' ef I ,. iL- ( ll V CII1I1K oi pm.ii i: ham: No,,. la hereby given Hut tn virtu nf n will rant for Hi" collection of a ,1. Illl,lli'lll naae.sllii lit for Ihe llnprovi'llinllt deacrilird n follow- The CuiiirUi'tton of n ilrniii In'iro'a Astoil. dul Issued by the Auditor and Polle Jll.llte of l'.e I I , y if Asloia, by dliecll.lll or Ihe Coinnioii Ceum-il .1 sill cb. su wrrnnt bring ,i.i" ' ' i li ,Uy of April, Puis, to lllo dllecl.'d, and the i mi'iMinil III wtl.e.l aprcllli'd a lll"lltl I ll li to Hie e u ill ot IL ID w ih l.t-. oi 1 1 .on he Hll day nf lleormlirr IV' ! per ten! pr t ii ii ii ii, . lining iinai th f allowing; nni4 pitaou tonll, T'la.n l Waaa. uwinr nf ihe r.iltoM inn dr. ell I l'H'i rty. to. ,mci itir,. a Asiori. ib. d pn.pei i , . ud I ami as Hint a ild it" W h!. ll n ii I ant i oiinn 1 110 s in lo levy upon and nuke .ale If aild de.. rllfd Plop, r'v. In order lo aatisf .aid a..e.meni, th lull leal Ihcleoll Ill l i " iot Slid iviis.s of sale. I .1 .1 .." '' .1. of lnv. PI'S iln I, tt up .ll Hi" above do. . ibe,! teal to 'p. tt .md I will on th I'll iCi of June ! "t 'lie hail ..f li , lu. k III the i f '. I I 11-... II -.1 il l .'.l. '. the I "III I 1 1 "I 'e I 111 'hi- Citv of Atoila. County ..f Clatsop, MUte of lire, goll .ill .ad all. ne d'.er.biil ..In I t y at public miction i (he li i-ii ' i l l I' i f .r i-a.ll. I ' H Hold Colli, ti sat sty attltl ae.snniil the ttnleii, and III co. la and nip. ii"-. ,.r am, mid a.criling n. , 1 1, I at Ma' tstoili. (i IMS i ih )ih Jir nf II 41.1.1 u'K P i hlel ef Police I il r a il.l' tell dot :.i i ll f Ol i: hii.i: I HIPP nl" 1 No'.'. ,- Is li. n l' ' of A Wilt ..Ml !.-r the i I'ttipient in .-it.. 'it f-e ibscr bed fo 'ows triil tn v it I II lli-cl.oii of de i ' n nnjiro e,u. tti Hie Con 1 1 r in i ion ' of ,4 .trao n M lur As' '.In I b the Auditor till Pol! J ii Ign ,.f ihe City of A.t ir . by .llrectlolt , f til- I 'Hi ri.. n , " , , , I : 1 I . I .aid wailatit bring dated the P h da 11 IS. (o lnr .t'l. , te I .11' I I'" .ls. , f 4;i.l. In in h :. . i n "'' .. !. - in of Hi 'O Willi Illl. list ' tl. I tlolli I'lr Jl'.tl iliiy Oi Pecrlltirr pa.' a' Per I'll' P' niiiniiii. I.enii,- asi'esl thr f .Cowing niiiie-t petaoii. Insil, liridg.-t Man own-r of th" ' ,...w no: ... i r ' t pi .p. i ' to wn, 1-1 4 block l-'T. M -i 'lure a.i irl nd gainst aabl dr. rn.e.1 pt .pem and W ti ii li wan .lit c .'inn in 1. lnr to e y upon and in ike do of ii I .b s i it.r.l IV. Ill or liT I'l sat . sty .aid .1 s.e ssuien t , (ha Interest iherron and e costa no et. io n..-a of ... l.iy. v do le, I did oil th" jth d it of l. V levy mi. in HI" ftlio it. ribed real propeiiv .."I I win on th 'h day of June im ,t Ihe h ull of I o'eloi k. In the afternoon of said .lay. at th Curt Mouse poor In 'h i nv of A. tori County of Clatsop Hint of lire. ..n. sell .aid . .i i.'. rlif.l pr.ip.-rlv t nib tloll to (ho high- at bidder f o cash. P H ibd. I din, .t .u .f) ., .1 a.wnnni! (he Interi.i thereon n.l Hi coat ami rvpeini of iie. and . , ruing ltu..i at A'"rta l ir, got the ll llaV of ! May. 14 chief ,.f police. City " ll VI.Lim'K. Astoi 11, I lrg-i CHIHF OK I''K HM.K Nof'.e Is hereby given thai by virtu of a watl.tttt for th, ' e. -tiot of ,fl. liniiirnt mr.1,,1. n: f.r 'to- lutorovciip nl d.airibnl aa follow Tho Coiia' ruci Ion of , drair n M-i'iurr'a A. 'or!, duly laaiird ,y the Audit ir an l Polle) J.i.lge ef ihe C ly of Astor . In dir. citun if the Common I'm lei t . i I i i y . nd n instil beltig dated the ti ll ds ol Volli. 'S, to III" .IT- ete.l a-ll'IO' is... .u, .ill ill Will, h !"- itied it ''I "io' ' 1 1' e i-i llo- "HO of Iii is) with interest in. icon inon in.- run d.lV of In-iembrr. ps, ., ' -r Kill tier linn u in. I" .ug ay i .us', (he f . low in n lined prison ti'W't. plil"'' Ali'lt owner of Ihe following ib set. he. I properly, lo wit. lot 3 b.o. k P.'. M.-Clur"'. Asiorl. and iigiinsi sill d-s. t ( I piopntv. and which wariaut c ittitn nie to levy upon II nd III ih,- aie i.f n . I le... I I pro (I'l ' y. III oidir t'l sit ity si.d ass. .sinent Itls llltelist thi t. ..ii nnd the mil nnd r- of i-lie. I di,, mi the sih day of l'i dill '.cy upon the -ib. i.. dn. s. r.b "I r. ii propiin. and I will iiii the -lb ,1 . t .1 ii - 1 - ,' tb- It -ir ,,f i o e!.i. k III lh- i". lli-iiill ..f sil l day, a: tile 1.1111! I..ll-c l'... In 'h- I'll' of ..'o,a I o'linv of I'l itnop S , I'e of I He. gon. pub! II .a d !.. e des. ribed property t iliololl to 'he h'glliSt bidder for ish P ft liold I '.iin, lo satisfy .it, I as. a-senn-ht. the iriierr.i thereon nnd th Mile iiiul it. i of aai-. iind n i ruing 'est I lmie.1 al A-'. it I a i ir. g.n. lite J'h day of May, pis ( hi. T of poll, i eltll'l'' H I A I.l . m 'K . .f Asiona, in. g"tl OK Pnl.ICi: hai.i: I Notlie Is hereby given, by virtu of a nai rant for tit eolln-titin of a d liiiou. nl asii-siiini nt for ihe linpiovi-uii nt 'decrlbed n follow' The Construction i of a drain In M. i'lnre' Astoria, I illllv Issued hy ihe Am Iter nn I Police I Judge of lip. City of ,stirla. Ill' direction I of Ih" Cotiimiin Council of aild cltv. said ai rani being dined the mh day of Anrd. PH. to mo iln a en -. i, .nai t he nasi'.aiiieni m which spcolllcl illiinitilliiK I,, Uic sine i f t "i.tsi lih Interest then mi rrom lh" ?nh day of In tuber. oi7. lit H per cent per nnntliu, b-mg nuainsi th- following named person, lowit, (iiisiavn Ktlcksen, owner or Ibe following describe. 1 )ii opi-ri y, to wit, lot 3, block Ml. Mci'luro' Aaiorla, and iigalnst said ili-Nciitied luoperty. and which warrant coiiini uids m- to lew upon and make sale or said .loci iln . I prop, i t y, lu order to satisfy said assessment. Ihe I'ocrcst Ihi'tion and the noli imd P-IISIS id Slle. I did Oil till' 'Jit sl.IV of Mav, pus. duly lew upon the abo ,e. serlb. d real property, it in I I will up tha sih day f June. IVis. nt Ihe hour of t o'clock, In the nfliiiioon of said -lav, nt th" Conn Huns,. r. p. the Clly ol Atilol la. County of Clatsop, Htllte nf ( IP" gon sell mid above described priitiei'tv nt I "'- ,."o io no- li.'lel mtliier im cash, I . H. Hold Coin, to satisfy said sishiinnt tin. interest therenn nnd th (osts ami expenses of sale, nnd iicciulng coals. Hated ul Asiorla, Oregon, ihn lull dav of May, , E HAI.t.OCK. ( h i f of Police, Clly ,,f Asiorla, Oregon. CHIEF OK POLICE HAI.E Nolice Is hereby given. Ihftf by virtue of n warrant for tl Ilecllon of a de. Ilmiiieiit for Hie Improvement dcticrllird ns follows; Th Conslrucllon of, a driiln In MeClure's Aslorln. duly Issued by the Auditor nnd Police Judge of the Clly of Asloriu, by illriictlotl of Ihe Commnn Council of said cllv. said warrant being duled ihe lllh dav nf April. 1W8. to mn directed, and Ihe iissessmeiu In which stiecllli'd it 1 1 ii ni ii 1 1 tK in thn sum of III.VIK) with ut or -si ih ui (run the llllll day of In-cetnbi'r, P,H7. nl H per t nor annum, being iiKnlnst the followlnir named person, lowit, Htislava Erlclisen, owner of Ihn following described properly, tu wlt, lot 4. block Wl, MeCluro's Aslorln, lllld Iigalnst said described nrm ,, nmi which ivuitiipi conn, inn, I ln ,,, levy upon .ino niiini- nun, in n.iiii tiescrilli'll )lfiipertV. In order to satisfy said nsseasmenl , th" Interest Iberetin and the cosls unit -ileuses nf sale, ,ii, ,,n ihn llth dav of May, I'M, duly eVy ,M,n Hit, nbuvn de Hcl'ilietl real nrntiet-tv mnl I u,lli r... n, slh day of June. IhiiS. nl Ihe hour ot 1 oclock, In the afternoon of said day, at Ihe four! House imor. In tho Cltv of Aslorln. t.ouniv nf Clutsnn Rim n. gon. sell snld nbovn descrliied property at public nuetlon tn the highest bidder for cash, If. H. (loin Coin, in uiir .i.i sessmenl, the Interest thereon nn. I tha costs nnd expenses or Male, lllld net-rilllliit costs. Pateil nt Aslorln, Oregon, tho Oth day ot may, inuo, Tt! Hlllnnir Chief of Police, City of Astoria. Oregon