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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
V ' . THI1 ASTOHIAN hos the lirfctt circulation of any piper on the Columbia Rlvir THE DAILY ASTORIA Is tti tlegest mi best paper on the Columbia River VOL XIAIll. () wire IE m-TAMf ., : KUI.L ASSOCIATKI) PKICSS RKPORT. " ASTOJUA. OKKOOX. TIIIILSDAY M(timiJ UAV yf. t. ... ' """" M.124 PA ll Mhl DDrDADiaiP Tn our rnn nrAnr ui niij i.uvv i HL niiiiuu iu r. r r n rrw ir --w. w w w vii bai i y wr ami; iosiiivixy HEADQUARTERS HTOVKII II A Ni l KM TINWAIIW COOKINO I'TKNBIIJi lllliN I'll'K HTKAM KITTINim I'l.lIMIIINO HIII.KT IIIHN WuKIC KTC. TUB I'lUCKH AUK BtJCII AN TO MAKE IT KXPRN HIVE TO HUT EIJHCWIIlCHiC. Eclipse Hardware Company! UIAWKH' OLD H...NIM THE SPANISH (MM IS STILL BOTTLEI Subscription Books at One-half Price , . IUr.llrcll..n f jhn Hli-rninn. Korly l.lviiw 1 !; Ii t from PoM, ;,. ami Ttar. In Contrraa I! &n llumoriat ' j -j Utory of Auinrloaii i.roain I to Thn I'liinplrln II .inr .... ,7.7. I i) Iwotta of Daring by th. American Bol- uf JammH liln rir '. , orj l,l"r ; rii"i"Kii'li of Kmltinfit Huirmnpn Ann-.blr and Inrldonl. of lUlwl- ami point. l.,n, j ou ""n II I'rnii tin. -yrnmU .... 7 7 ' J 00 Naval Haiti. n.l Our New Navy.... I 71 Miigti. r Hon to.,k j fy, Declatv. Ilaitlr ,,f th. World I Mi.n.r. NLndaM llorao ami " iitoc'k Th. Hlory of Culm ltovlac-1 to lulu..,. 1 f i'k I w Torwl sn.1 Junl. I.y I'. T lUrnuin . 1 IVopleV lltuatratr1 Aliii 'of "llii Connur1iif i do WlhlrnM I W World io Th. Kin of Mi-alert. . ... I U iMriluiwry, ivm eiciill'on 77.7. I S Illuatratod II.H.k of all lliit !! I to Griffin & Reed. All Aboard for St. Michael's and Dawson City... Schley Will Guard Cervera While Sampson Takes Porto Rico. THE CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS President Wants 75,000 More Men-Spanish Terror Sails-Rejoicing Over Oregon Newspaper Boats Can't Co-Fight at Chickamauga Park. SPAIN'S SQUADRON. NKW yr;HK. M iy S.-A Hr. alii iM-clii. from Waahtnit tn anya: Klln'a Hying o,tjfulron will fly no lonif-r. Ifa rac la run. Cw..yl up In th hiirtK of Huntlniri at f'ulwi, lia'-l.n or muttim la en-aldi-rd l.y o(!lr((ial h ro to bo rw-rHy a in.iti.T of ilini-. li. fora th harl.r ar ih urriior-. Inila of thn Amwlran diivy rwidy lo kIvp (.utile A'lmlral Vrvwu'i alilji momml th'-y ptt Heir noi out of the rhunnxl. Ad vlr.a arinoiini:liiK lhne to xt lha poal tl'.na of ili Hii t w-ris r'lvfd by tho invy i. i.i.rimi-tit laat nlKlit from tha i f th Amrrli an fort-a. It w.ia th-.. alvlr-a whli h wruiMcd th il piirim.-nt to ltiy rrnjhatlrlly th? r port that n union had oc urrwj In llo W'tDdwar.l paaMay.. iwdiil niih thn pirn h-rr th- Iowa lay. Mini a r lwi U Ina laid at o(h-r haruora of I'urio Kl. 'oruul Hanna la vi-ry ntr. K-tl'- and popular h.T-. ISQUIETiUG NEWS FROM ADMIRAL DEWEY AND WAT I"OINTi. w yon ritEiaiiT AND I'AIHAIil AM'LT AT Foard & Stokes Co., ASTORIA. onEUON. !.. Mrljr In Way. ASIIINcrnN May ,l Uin . I...... i.f ?i .lav m th navy .I. j-nrtrni m llm iiun. II n .. ! !i. fl..ta. boin Aiioi.. .ill un.l 8paiilh. n pr !!) 11 '!! tH'.rr.iiia;. .. far an lhi m. i.iia ih. ,,iiiy n.i' i,.T.-r- t i inn !i a'; .irim :r rn:li' n.nir ..f c ..nti.l.-n. i. ..f :.,. ..mi laU In ''' r I., ll. f tlial i n i niUAdrni) la l'!n In SaiitluRi. hard t If -. t.-r.i n at mi i.Iv ..t'.i(o Hnhii-at ap- III.' . III. I.lla ?. .1 !..! I',. IT. hrnapin of u Ti V T' .l't fi-"tn tli- u'i!.- :n Hi. r Sp .ri'-h .j i ..p. ti ! No. .If7 Commercial Street. CHARLI3S KAN & Co., at.niifactur.ra of TTA.Tii-VTxri-saw I.AIIM AND OKNTH' U i I Hi, l 11, f l Japanra. Oooda. H'.airry. N ollona and Purnl.hlnf Qooda AT HKABONAII1K I'MCK. W. F. SCHEIBE, ra-rrr- FINE CIGARS! Molt. I M . i - i i 1 1 r it 'i.k '" ll SiM! "ra '' A II i 'InlllK to III III t..i- of all n i ,i,p ,1.1 i...Ml im I i ju. iin. a h 11 if. !: . ! , id ! ill'- it it I" at:. ii k - opy. 1 pr.- i - i oinflriinM. 'ff'-rt that I'lPti mm4 aioatra' Ailkkt 474 Comm.rilal fat Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE l... II IV1I.M1. 11.11 U. M i r li: i l.v lv. . : i A rumor. hirli r.iitiot ; U i-itf iilatinar ti. rr i :.. Iin- Spaiii-h i'n... V. r.l.. .ju.ulroii. un .l' r Admiral Vrv.-r.-i g. n.'rnlly utid. r .hd t, ) til S uit I.ik , .),. I'ut. i la now at i-. ufii. xoa. Madrid. Mav -A dl-pn. h h.i lut iH-iti MiM!ahn kIvIiir th.. .I'MaUi of tliff arrival of Admiral iVrvi-rna ipladMii at RitillaKTi d. CuImi. ll !ayv At S o'i lo.-k on tlio of May 1!' Ihr Itiratitn Maria Trna rnlrr.-d Iho lirt of HanlliiK.i .1,. I'ul.a. fiylna: lh fins of Admiral CVrvrra. Jh fol-l"w.-.l nlmoat Inalantly l.y th Vli. -nj-.i. Alnilraiii.i i kti.n.lo. rriio..i Colon and iIik lorpi da Ikuii ,1. ir..y.'r I'lutoti. H.hmi uft'-rwurd'. thn torpi-ilo .o;it i.-. Htrov.-r Furor, nhl.h had h.-ui n-ivm-ii.ilti-t-liv. arrlv.-d. I lat.-r lnii tin- campaiirn fuily und.-r I ay. 'oinlna thua utnm-ollly, tin. war dv partiii. nt had n-iR't no pn-par ilKoia for ciititiir a .all and It mil I..- .,iiir ilay Im f .r.- Hi,. d.-I ills nr.- uoil., .1 out ;,r to thr ipi .ta from tho atutra. and Dii. raila to tli" ri-apn-ilvn Kovrrnora of the atatoa, iiiiint. run; -i.rilM and tho a. ni-ral i,t of i-ii. .-ntrntion. All that la a. tlll thua far i tli it tho rnliatni.'nta r in he thrown "jx-n and an- not to l.--.irU-t.-d to th nulilla and national :uanl ontanlaatkjna. V lull. th adjutant a.-n ral a otllce haa not undi rtak.-n to mako up in quota, of III.. . .-ral atati-a. I ho following k.v.-s th approilniate of tho I' li ltl.- slat.. uiil.-ia: altforn... pc: i,;,ii.i ; 'iroif R.i Wuahltlirton ....To! Th" tu fonv will r.-nulre. .th. r hy .MOH.tnim. -nt or l.y oih.-.ra already ap point. .1, Uir.-n maor (." ""'rala and alKiut l-iit) -four hrmad:. r g.-n.-r ila. 'oon'ia. I:ii'. n nit i'i'iihi'Ii, minora, raptaltia and It.-iit.ii.iiiiH are upp..nt.M l.y ttio K-ivorn-"f tin. various atat.'h. Th North IViflo lln-wory, of wliicli Mr. John Kopp ia proprietor, mnkca lx-i tor ilnmra'io ninl riirt trmln. SAMPSON S PiiSITirN MONDAY. On Hoard tho Aaaoi'l.ill 'ri'a IMs Wiinda, oft llavan.i. May ::t. vl;i K.y V.-.t. Mav " n'opyrlKhti'd 1S:'n Itoltliil liwr for fnmily nao, or kt' ' l,v Aa,.,-int..d Pr-a iai d iyiuvtik Ikw ...rpli...! ut ftt.y tin..., .Mirny in ' 7vlru!7 "'"r" "mlT "i" " ' ' it. I lwar S.umi.on was v tiir d - tho city (rw. r. rtly opK.t.l:,. th,. , ntr.i'i,-.. to Havana h.irlior, iili.uu t. n mll.-a off hor NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY I movk u..w HICCE1VED IN THIS PK1MAHY. OHAMMAH AND AOADKMIO OIIAD1W J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the . . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. IIAVK OI'I'.NKI) TIIKIll IKIAIUHSlI AND DAY SCIKMII,, For nitna, etc., ndilroHH tho Rupurlurtnw INSTUU- MENTAL MUSIC, PAINT1NU AND VOICK CULTURE KOHM A 8PIWIAL. DEPARTMENT I t'hli-iiiio. M,iv j:., , ap.-.-!.il to Iho N.nv.a j from WnsliliiKtoti cays: . I'ori.i Klro a to I... tak 'H. Tho pf'-nl-d.'iit lum ,l, old,-d that Siimpaon shall Im- ; m.'dltiti-ly mov i i.i.i' Wl.ind whllo ' S.-hli y Kiiiirda C.-rv.'r.i. At Irast 2,,.i i troops win i, f.rnt and nnoihor army Is : nt tho aiim,. tlmn to cntor I'liha, tho plana i now liolnir roady. l'Voin n rnl'lii.'t otlU or it la liiirnod that I Iho h:ito In ofdorlnK' (rootia mid ahipi to Porto Hi,-.! is oiilim- io tli,. fart that tho t hiii l.'aino.l that iho powora ,1110 pioparliiK to nak Souln lv por nilltod to wllhdi-aiv trotu I'ul.i and tillow pi.n-o to l. d.-rlan-il. Tho proaldont fi-ari'd ihnt wh, n Spain lost nor nVi't alio , would mi, for 1.,'tii-,, l for,, th,. rtiilo.l Slatoa hud th- Island. Ho atild It wonin ho niii. h li.'tti-r to havo Poi-io Rioo whon tho noifoil.'itlona hoRnn. t'AT.l. l'OI! MOItl OI.PN TKKUS. . mrti . uuuunuu U U E U U EH 12 P . . . int il . :vT V- I .r. tiv 'if nt Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEl Marlon CmjuN OREGON Thia la Ju.t the place for your boy. Dflljrhtfu! location, large bulldlnga null (round., good moala, plenty ct healthy xanilM, exoellrnt teaohora and oaaafut traJnlnir thla la what Ui-y all aa of MT. ANOEL COILI'XJ15. Band for CM alogue and apaolal hmu r. F, fLACIDW, llNwtor, Wiishlnmnii, Mav I.".. Tho I'vont of tho ; dtiy III tho war situation was Iho Issuanoo of a piMi-lainailon l.y tho pr,-sld,-nt i-nlllnrr for TS.imi inoro voluiitoofs. It udilod n now and stlrrltur phaso to tho loili.irh-U' condi tions whlih havo pr.'vallod of Into ntul I'limo wlih an almost stai-illiiu- un,'-iiM-tislnosa, ovoti lo miny of iho IiImIi otlh-cra In tho nrmy. Thn proclamation moana not only tho assotnhlinir of n lnixo forio of troops, but also Iho appointment of n tiuinlior of mn Jnr Konornla, colonols, majors, staff unci Hold oilU-ors. It ilt.ol.iiod that tho mil wiih not duo io nny latont or sorlotiM onii'i-Ki iii y, hut whs rathor In tho lino ot Kottlmr loKothoi- a lartfo foody ot nu-n to ho drilled and soiiHoned, and lo oonHtl mto a soi'oiul rosorve to bo drawn upon PUk'IvADKS STI1.I. . ONT1NPK. Im Hoard tho Ai..,itn,.i pr.-s, li.apati-h I! ".il W audit, off H.ivan i. M-ty Si. via K. y . nt. May ,, i.'.io p ni ti'pyrii;htod lvv ! tit.- As.s..,iat,l l'r.a.i-Tlu- situation "ti tho l.. kado from t'ard. naa rast of Mat. int. is to Marlil. W..-.1 ol tho city 01 Havana, r.-iiialns unchani!od. Tho Amorican a,uadr,m continues to maintain a utri. t lilo.-kado and for the I laat flvo daya th. ro has bt-on no tlKhtlnc jat any m.lnt and no Incident worth noilnt:. i .-.-pi mat ono of tho lariro crulH. r rlro.l thru' shots at a achoonrr off Havana Sun day niorninit and hrounht In r to. Sho lo I.,- an Amorican vcaaol anil aftor sho had ln-r colors alio aa p.rmltt.d to pio,-.-.-d without any ono havinu hem ni on board to t-xumlnr ln-r pap.-rs. Th.- liKh( of Morro caallc. which It la aupiH.sinl has r--i-ntly bi-vn burnlnp at WII.I. HTAItVK f KIt EIIA. Waahlntflon. Mav r..-Th that aKltaii-I tho navy department (hla morn iiik wna whrth.r tho Spanish auadron und.-r Admiral (Vrv.ra la at HantlHgo ill Cuba. Tin- d. p irtm- nt hon - and laHlv.-a It ti. hot ao far It la not In iiaaraalon of ac curate Itif-.rma'lcn on that point. The departnint .ifhcala. ;icc.-pi!n- tho view '.hat Orvera la In Hantiaco harlor, are of thn opinion that he I. likely to remain th.-re for a lone time weka and mon:h, ftorhapa. A atudy of iho W. nm- of the harbor and the topographical f-aturea ha. con tin. e. the uperta tht to undertake to carry the plaee by atorm from aa and to ntlaek the fleet while It 1 under the pro tection of the forta would Involve o -reat a ha of life on our iirt a to be en t r. ly uiiw irtatii.-'l und.-r existing clr- eumataiKea. An effort, ther-fore, will I proUihly l- m id.- to keep cVrvera Inalde Saiulauo do Cuba harbor until starvation caua.a the aurr.nd.'r of ih Sjwnlah ipjadron and tha fort, of tUnttmtn. That lh!a can be done la not doubted by navai ixs-rta, a. the narrow channel connect ing the Inn.-r harbor with the aea, r- iiirlnt; the SKinii-h ships to envrjee ali.sly. would expose them to almost cer tain destruction ut iho hands of a couple "f armored vcsa-la or monitors command- Inp tho entrance. Troops and Supplies to be Hastened to His Assistance. PHILIPPINES TO BE RETAINED Permanent Occupation by United States'As-sured-No Dependence Can Be Placed in Insurgents-Spanish Red Book Received. SAMPSON'S PIRN'S m" mm . m N- w York. May A Tmus special 'Tti Washlnnton nays: l.-it.m from Ky Wmi nrr;vinir lately! nv-y the Information that anything that . an steam, nil ..r be towd has bern r. .-.1 Into th EW YORK. Jday SS.-A Time. ofK-clai from WaahlnR- ton ayi: Important and disquieting new. hajt b-en received from Europe and Dt-wey. It repulred an Immediate ana .trenuoua effort to be made to hasten the forwarding of troop One republican .entttor who dlacued th Philippine situation with tha president said: -Krom the preaent outlook I do not exect to see the Monterey In these waters araln In ten years. If It be comes a matter of deciding whether troops shall be hurried to Manila or Cul-a. they will go to the former, as the situation there Is vastly more" PHILIPPINES WIU. BE HELD. N'-w York. May iV-A Herald special service to assist Admiral j from Washington says: Sampson and Comniodoro gchloy to box I Maj r C.-neml Merritt. who is to go to up Admiral c.-rvera and force him to l t ho Pli.llimines as ml.i-.ary governor, is Kive lull!.- If he has not .-a Not a wonl of the elahornie preparations, ex-i-. pt by way of round a.t.ut hints has oomo from Key West, the newspaper cor r sHnd. nts havlnt; ti-n on their honor sador. abroad forwarded br Minister Gullon March 22: "The news from the I'nlted State, can be considered satisfactory, a. McKlnley and hla government have allowed the tide to rise considerably and M la doubtful whether they have the wish or power to withstand It. In the course of tblj week . we shall know whether the president ha Uiken upon hinuelf the power of an execu tive in international affair, or ha placed himself In the hand, uf the chambers, submitting to them the report of the MoJne disaster, which will probably be without foundation in fact and hostile to ourselves." Nearly every dispatch hae tome passage omitted, which presumably If published would not have been of advantage to the Spanish cause. March X Cawtillo de Sirtbe. an Interesting interview with Hanatoux. "I told him by ao:ve co operation we wished to secure European concert as this crisis has reached aa acute stage und requires prompt action, Il was the moat efflcaclou. at the present moment for France to Invoke the tradl- I tional International policy with reference to Cuba alnce the beginning of the cen- not to give Intimation, of operation, that can aaslst tho enemy in tho .lightest jairtlcular. All the talk In the cab'net mftln.r today Indicated the confldenee of tho administration In the early receipt of kivh! news from Admiral Sampson. One cabinet officer who expressed great eager- tiiis to h.sir from Sanuwon and Si'hley ind who has no doubt that the news when It comes will be '-great." admits that the outside limit of time In which It was ex pected that the vessels must meet had paused and that official Information might nrrive at any moment either that Cervera " I l.i ..r.l..r ... t...,, U. r..-..- e to govern them under martial -' " " law until congn-ss dee-lde, what shall (In- 1Un"";u aw"1UJ ,hi!t ally be done with them, toere I. very ,M " r time to consider the . . . .v . m k ,,i mutter before the council of nun sters." little doubt that rtiey will be permanently . v ., . .... c - . ,,, Merry del al. the Sianlsh ambassador u.-i'l iir- t mii-u jiai. i.t , w w j Jealousy existing among European na tions many senators and representatives! think It will be more difficult to relin quish control of the Philippines than to hold them.. In this belief, consideration I at the Vatican, wrote March on the is already being given to the problem of a civil government for the islands when the war 1s ended. Tho extension of the system of the I'nlted States to the Philip pine is out of the question, aa It will be many years before the Inhabitants are capable of slf government. The propo sltlon meeting the most favor Is to hare the islunds administered by three com- N DEWEY CAN HAVE ALL HELP HE NEEDS. KW YUKK. May 2T. A special io the Tribune from Washington says: Olliclal advices received from Admiral Dewey, while contlrmlng the belief that his supreme control of Manila harbor is us firm as ever. Indicate that the necessity for reinforcements with a powerful military force is dally Increasing und Is not safely to be delayed throim-h any ordinary diitlcultles that may bo encountered. vlelieial Morrll's force, of Ki.OOu for tho lirst expedition, and scouring the president's promise that 25.00 additional soldiers would be cheerfully furnished f required. Is Indicated in the opinion of military authorities, and through the the day the efforts to expedite the departure of the remaining force was hurried by war department officials.. Tho reference In Admiral Dewey's dispauh to the forces being organlxed by Agulnaldo had the effect of disturb ing iho equanimity of officials whose Ideas of permanent occupation of the Philippines by thv United StalVs forces have developed definitely in Iho last week, and the benefits to bo gain,-,! through Admiral Dewey's amicable relations with Iho Insurgents were clearly recognliod. No disposition Is manifested o place too mu, h reliance in this sort of asls-anee after iho discouraging experi ence with the Cubans, who were unable to fuliill tho promises made in their behalf before hostilities began. A deter niinatlou was expressed on all Bides lo make Admiral Dewey Independent of all foreign assistance nt the earli est possico time. night for tho henctlt of tho Capo Verde Hoot under Admiral Ccrvua. was ex tinguished Monday nignt and has not since been lighted. Till-: SPANISH TKlilUm. St. Pierre, Martinique, May 25, ti p. m. iCopyi lghted ISI'S by the Associated Press) - i ho .Spanish torpedo noai destroyer Ter ror Mulshed coaling from the Alicante, whoso disguise tu an anibnlanco ship was virtually taken oiY yesterday, early mis morning, and left Port do l-'raneo, taking a northwesterly course. It is rumored she goes to join tho Spanish squadron. Three men-of-war. according m Uc .oiinis of llshcrnien who arrived here this afternoon, were seen Mondav near tho north point ot the Island. The fishermen assert they were Spanish warships. was bottled up or that his licet was at nilssloners, two civilians and ono officer the bottom of the ocean. of the army as In the district of Columbia. "I do not look for unofflriM informa- j When the number oi Americans in the tion." said ho, "for the reason that tho islands Increases sufflclontly, a very llm- j commanding officer of the Vnltcd States 1 ited form of popular government might he can get along bo Introduced, to bo expanded in tn u- quite as well and Without so much possl- ' ture. Tariff taxes are to be collected by blllty of Injurious observ.itonl if he ex-1 military authority and are to be turneit PttOTECTlNO SAN JCAN. New York. May 25.-A Herald dispatch from St. Thomas, D. W. I., says: Private advices which have reached I'nlted States Consul lianna from Forto lileo show Unit new mines are, being laid In Hi,, harbor of San Juan. Torpedoes are being placed In the exact epots occu pied by our vessels utirlng the bombard ment. An unusually heavy mine Is eon. dudes newspaper boats as he h is done." The administration has ilcicnniiied that if Cervera will not light, nut manifests a determination to get awaj and return to Spain, to fodow up and "kill" his tleet before It can reach Its own side of the Atlantic. To do this might require the sending of coal ships along with the Vnltcd States Meet for somo distance, but If any accident should happen to any of the Spanish vessels or tho cool should run nut, Admiral Cervera would havo to run the risk of destruction or else aban don a disabled vessel In the hope of get ling off wiih iho others, or perhaps be overtaken by single ships until the whole licet was gobbled up. It Is calculated by naval officers (hat the Spanish licet has now nbout exhausted Its fuel and that it cannot undertako tho difficult task of re treating, into the treasury of tho Untied States. As the war progresses the same system ot collecting taxes Is to bo applied to such Spanish territory as may be occupied, thus compelling tho territory to aid in defraying- tho exivnses of the war. Until such tlmo as congress shall take action forniully annexing the Philippines or other conquered Spanish territory to the United States, all goods coming from such territory will be taxed at the United States custom houses Just as goods from other countries. THE SPANISH RKD HOOK. -A World dispatch New York. May 25. from London says: Tho first nvallublo copy of the Spanish red book has been received by tho World The only honorable outcome to I correspondent. It contains somo lntercs'- Spnln is for Spain's ships to try conclu- j ing unpublished mutter regarding the ne slons nt one whllo the coal bunkers and I gotlntlons between Madrid and Washlng the food supplies nro not completely ex-1 ton and between Madrid and the great powers prior to the war. Following is a (Continued on third pae.) circular dispatch to the Spanish ambas-J great Impression my information had upon him. He approves the answer your ex cellency proposes giving to the American government and says it Is calm modera tion. Our government agrees that It should try to persuade the European governments to use their Influence at Washington to avoid war. tie has per suaded France, whose form of govern ment can not call for objection hi the United States, and which Is animated by a deep feeling of friendship for Sain, to act. He assures that we may rely on the good will of the Holy See." The reply of the British government to Senor Rascon was noncommltal, merely expressing regret "at an event that might disturb unnecessarily the good relations between Spain and the United States. Mr. Balfour is telegraphing the ambas sador at Washington to inform the gov ernment of the conciliatory attitude of Spain," From a dispatch from Count Hoyos, the Sanish ambassador at Vienna, It appears that Austria recommended on March 27 that ' the report of the Sounish commis sion on the Maine be published as an off set to tho American report." There are two gaps in this dispatch which from the context would appear to contain submission to the Uniud States demands. Count Muaravief, according to Senor Gullon, on March 27 showed himself full of sympathy for Spain. "Ho assured ma that the emperor was animated by the same feelings." Senor Maxo report March 27 from Romo that the Italian minister "Informed me w ith very visiule conviction that his gov ernment, animated with as frUndly feel ings towards tho queen as Spain, will net in the direction Simln suggests. On leav ing he repeated that deep sympathy and good wishes toward our country." iae Spanish ambassador at St. Peters burg wrote on March W. "The foreign minister told mo he had (Continued on third page.) The Royal ia the highest grade baking powder kaown. Actual tnsu .how it goe. oee third further than aoy ether breed. fiOYAl W Air. J PQWHER Absolutely Pure OVAL MXiao www. oeJtm