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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1898)
THE DAILY AHTOItJAN, 'J'L'KSOAY MORN'tNO, MARCH 1, MOT. TiiePowerVdehind s B .,- THE ar m W. VSIItrlANK t'lilraiu. HI. l-'H". N.' Vila. I hin t talk f yr private afTuIre In reaiauiunte ir tho pi'iamia t "'at labia limy oon know a muili ulmut llinii yuu liu yuurlf. TO CVHKA fol.H IN (INB lAl !ao I.klvr IfitttiK gulhn Tslil'1 A drugs ktai Kf'Hul llm lii.iiu'y If l fall to otire; l hy" Chart lUajer. Willi what eaan wo ran P'llm "l defoi'la ami liiiirfi 4-llniia In iithfie, nml how ilimnilt II I lo dlomvcr Hum III our selves. sir, M, II. Kurd, ItiKMnll'i, HI., suffered fur elshl yeare from iflV and chronic ruitlialifi, and u finally r ur-1 l.y nan 1eWllt' Little Karly ItUnra, id faimiue little pllle for all t'in ai-ti ami llvor trmitil". Hi. fUser, llapt'lii'M cornea In a woman liul owe In tier llf". and alio I wli If alio k'epa clot hold of II. 'pMlly ruiiira iiili k( Ilia men Iiiihi livrr In In imh1 con.lllkin. IeWtlti IJttte Early HUoca aro fainuua III Ho pHM fir ciiatlllii, tillloueneee. IndlaTootluO nil all alomai'h ami tlvar trouble, fhui lUfor. lud you vr nollr how Iruly htipy om jiroin look whn limy have had now lo loll. MIm A 111 lliwttra, N'nrfllk, Va , friihlfully tiurtd on lha fact ami rwrk, j I'alu waa Inatanty rollovn by lclll Wll. h MaiH Halv. hl"h hralmt Ilia n iuy wlihuul li-avln a arnr. II la lb faniKia pit rattwdy. I'haa. ll'ior. In Ihoao dav. whon everything la ar-I conuiliahod on th thoory of "a word and a Mow." wo grow If ih. mr. I, .oy dora not arr.v. b.f..r. h.v. Mn?ovU ur hand from Ih. call. , A. l-ikli. f Anti,,uliy. O. ... M 'hlriy rr nrr.lio.nljr lorturod ly phy I, -Una fur Iho cur of n'loma. II ... ' " - - qul.kly iMirnl hr uaing DrWttfa Wllrk l!oi-l Kolvo, ) f wm hoaltng alv f.r pil.t and akin dlai-aaoa. Cha. RogwrL A woman duran i Ilka lo l 1llv1. hut ah diwa Ilk lo h ymimhU-4 with ritMIIKIIUAIN 11MTU1I IlKMKIM AI-WAVH HltoVII KKKrTU..I. Thrf ar no brtlor mMlclnca on lha maikot tlian (fiamliorlaln' W havo uar.l th fii-li ll'mrd Hn all olhora, uimI lii .-rry inaiam-o n ii". rr.-liial Aimooi orniy wo in-o.r lor of Chamliorialn'w rrmtlr i-!o:lol ty lli.wo who havo iiaed lhrni. Thla I ri.rt n nnpty iiff. l'd fr al ao mu.1i a t Hn. Iml l voluntiirlly giv.n In g.l (J'lh. In lh hno that Buffering humanliy may try thi-oo rnio.tlni and. Ilk Ih wrll.r, bo nrnir.t -Kr..m tho lllnvlll. W. Va I rlhflndT. for onto bv CharlM It'Hf'r I'lutilil llom.'iiilirr that mor fllr can he ratiglil ; with m.ilnaai than with vltirgur. i TiinK A HKVClti: COU) AFTKH 'III". HIU KlllK. i Aftor Ih big Itro III Cripple Crta-k, I t.iuk a very evrro cold and Irird many .iino.ll.w wlllio.t hi-lp; Iho cold only ! i coming iii.Mo iulnl. Aficr ualng tnroo' oiinalt b.Htlca of Cllanilirrlaln'. CoiIKh . 'Itrmody. both Iho cold and oouuh lafl mo, and In in la high aliliuito It luk.i a iiirrliiirlmia cough rnncoy to do any gnod. . 1 I .... ...... LMli.. ll.llu IiIUpP II. Iiniiiriwwn, rn"i I' llaor, Crlppl. Crork. Colo. BJ l.y inanoa ll...-ria, liruggkti. It la hud lo full Into a rovcry whi n you aro i iirllng your hnlr with hot toK. Mi. Mary Hlrd, llinrlnhurg, Pa,, y. "My rtilld la worth million lo m; yt I miiil'i have lii'it her ny croup nad 1 not Inwatrd Iwrhty-flvn rant In a botll of ... - i.nii.,h r.,,M ri MiiMa itnuho fliw ..iinuip vwwun . ... . . - " w.. . ...i. .... -it i -i..nd immiUm ' cotua biiii n inii'i. pitm iuin . rh , Cha. Roger. Ni-iuly ovi-ry wnmiili hua at onie Hurt In hr Hfo boon really tgo lruck. to ci:rk a coi.n i onk day. Taka lmllv Hromo Qiil'ilno Tahli'l. at mImiuI il... ninnnu .f II fallal to euro: o. For aalo by Chacl. a R.wrg. j U I nld that the dream you hav after daylight will iiroly como true. Frank Hherwood waa down town today, iIia Ural Hum Bin,. ho had bla luaah. with cholera morliu. II ny h dmv Ihlny mil.) afli r tie wna tiikun, nml never aim bo near dying In III III", After thla when i do gnc out In tho country tio will ink a. botll of Clinniberliilti' Colic. Cholera and IMurrtinca Roinedy with him. MI- wourl Valley (Iowa) Tluit. For al oyi Oharle Roger, DrugsWt. rromptnea I ft Jewel very few women apparently conalder fiiahlnnulile. In a rocent letter from Wanhlnirion, l) C to an old friend. Major 0. A. BtudiT, ror twenty year United Btiitea conanil at Singapore, ay: , 'While at Dei Molnei tMcamo acqiuUntiyl with n llnlmont known aa Chiunborluln'i Pain Oiilm, which 1 found cxoellont agftlnt rhoumntlnm a well aa nirnliiat loroncH of tho threat and cheat driving mo much ennler breaming). I had a touch of pneumonia early thl week, and two application freely applied to the throat and ohoat relieved ma of It at onoo, I would not be without It for anything." For wile by Charlc Rognra, Drugglt. It Ih perfect iinimi'iiHO to ni'ifile on til nubJiM't nf love nffnlr from n tieranniil Mtiinilpnlnt. n every Inillvlduul hna Idniik m Hint anhjeet Unit cim never be under hIiiimI by tho nutNlder doing n lot of epecu Intlng n to the renaon nf the very pnl liuble nt I motion, Adversity It th trtol of principle. DrkRirisj Wlmt Ii y trrhKtli Ii it -Imilii or lituwii mi clean by lnal nr do you ti' Unit M - a., i.. i 1 invent ? ! yon mm! f tint Lilmr saver f If you i umlccMi'd which U tx l try f i Washing fSi 11 Powder KJ KK(OMIAHV, l?PlV ""'. riillntllil Mi I Iin.iilii k Hill I ki olililn m h'Mln. III in inn 1 1 in I h r voiiili. Tn i 'i ti ci li ik III! n I will m r din. I nml :i.i rul Tu mini' hm'ii ililhlrin, In niit lirlnmng iil . Hliuk"iii). Mr. Kllaha llerry, of lh pi", aays be imvrr luil aiiyUilntf lo 4o Mm ai niuct ihk1 bjhI (lv aurb quick roltof froti rheiimalloni aa '!imt.Tnliri I'aln Halm. Ha aaa ImllinriMl giuily with hoodnj ,.iiii fimn lii in knoo unlit ha ua4 lh wlili affiled prompt rIUf. rt. r. Ilaknr, drulal, Ht. i'arla, Ohio. Tor Mia tir Cl.arir ltKr. ilruajliL 'l lir l Ilium vrll la I tin l.ilinl lllln. iimt la of ii n.l.wi l.liy Ini i , cri-.ieny wlilli' 111 Inn TUB UHEATKHT t'lHCuVDIty VIX W. M Iti-I'lno. rditur Tlnkllnrn, HI, '('lili f," a.iyi. "V won l hoi p liona wltlimil I r. Kliin'a Now ICxnVi-ry fur niliaiilliptliin, fiiucli .Hi't rnlila. S(nrl iiiiiitnl wlHi in a ii v ollH-ra. Imt nrv-r got I ho Iruo romnly until wo uarj Ir. Kin' Nbw Plai-ovrry. No oilier rirnrdy ran Uko II I'lnro III our hurro, a III II wo tmvo a mum uiiil auro tuio lor routfli, ii. hi. hiMiiliif iuiikIi. oiv" It I Idl lo riprrlmonl with oilior rminiu, evn If tin y ro iif"l on you a Jual tia gmBl a Iir. Kln Nw DUcovery. Thoy ar iml a Rood, iH-rnuio thl ri moily ha rormil of nirra and bral..-a la guaran lrt. II novrr full lo ailafy. Tilnl bot' Itoa al KalPa-Cuiin Iirug Company. Ii ! i) riiMiKi tr a wiininn lo 1l lliilm. hi roHf All ho Ima In do I l r,ir i. n- nf On- I lilt k lilmk vrll up In I. il' niiiiirnliiK i tmaldiT fiinhlnli. A CI.CVKIl TIIH'K. ' .,,,.,. i.., i. "'"' '"' '' ' " ; " A" ' I "r II ha. Mm- .... k and wo.k kid- MmlarU if ln-rvmi troublr. 4 t .ni4 kg. . Mii . him tilmHf rlifht MWftV tV ' ' ,,,., 1 Inking KlKtrlc lllllor. Thla modli'ln. iiii I ho whulo t''in, (U a a .,...t at. lii'HS H...l Ll.lnt'Va la O KlIIIIIIIUIIl Mir " - ,(,M inirlflrr and iiorv tonic. II euro iniaii.alhin. hrndnrho, f.ilnlln ioll. alcrplraanma and tnolalichnlv. It la purely vrgotalil. a mild latlvo, and rcitorc Iho avail m lo Ha naluriil vliior. Try i:ir.-trh- Hlltrra nnd I cmvlncod Ihal lhi.y aro a mlr-irlo workor. Every botll guiirnntoril Only hi coin a botll at I'.aii a l'imn Iirug Company. Muik't haaknl look opoclally trnipl lug Ihrao dny. HliM hk nnrua.tla tmtlf HltfM nrrMIII trnphul Moeauina. HiMVKTT MKKTINOS 1 1 Ml I. r. i.ulnlk. NO I, A. K. aa4 t M -lugulor cuimnunh'atlon held u n. n.n and ihlid TuooJay vnlng at k io tn. O W UH'NSIlKKHT. W. Ii. : i" Hiil.liKN. IVwroiary l liHl-i.nninN Al. i Aium (.'ItilHIltf A fTuMNKT'AT-I.AW CommcnMaJ atiaol. milAl I I.IUIITI.Il. ATTOHN KT - AT-1. W (iffi-a, uiiai.lra, Aiioiian Hulldlng I.MiWKIt. ATToiiNKY AT UAW lIunoVriMin Hu l ling. Aalorla, UK ii i. Ml' Kb. I-IIVMH'IAN AM HI ItC.KON Hiolal aitoiillnn lu dleoaoo of womoi . ' a nil auraolf. Qift Vtrt.t,.rf lir AalurU rolrphona No U. I Vi A IUiLhV ATTUKNKT AND ClilMIKUIH AT LAW flffli on Homl irl Aitnrta. Or 'hoairr V lolih Hlrharil Nil. liot.flt A NlAliN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW I'nrtland. Ongon, R !V and II Hamilton Hullillng All IrgM and rol r milllll.ill uumtmp .... . ... iiinn hiiain oo nmmiitlv attond'id I " . I Claim agalnal th govrnmnt a l , (U1(f . !iii JAY Tt'TTLK, PHYSICIAN AND PUROKON Otnc. room i nml . Pythlnn bulldi MIS Comuirrclal Pt. Iti aldonr aam Tclcphono M. Acting aaalMant .urgaon IT. H. Ma n',",,,ul "rrvlc'' AH1C YOU OOINU EA8TT AKIC YOU OOINO KABTT AHIS YOU OOINO RA8TT He sure and that your ticket read via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 1 IK NORTI Vir.TKRN LINE 1HK NOI'TI I - W F 8TE RN LINE The CH1CAUO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAYS Thl I th . GREAT SHORT LINE Detwn DULUT1I, SAINT PAUL, CHICAGO And all Point Knat and South. Their Ma.'nMcont Track, Perloa Vattl ' bulwl Dlnipg; and Sleeping Car Trulna and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" Hav given thl road national reputa tion. All cluiaeg of paaxtwertl carried on tho veatlbuled train without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel owr thl fimou tin. All ngent har ticket. F. C. BAVAQE, T. F. and P. A. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, Ml Washington St., PorUoad, Or. Antorln Irtn WorlcH Kronl Biroat, foot of Kourth, AaiorU. (IICNKIUL MACIUNirm AND HOILF.R MAKEItl Und and Marina KaIim, Holl"r Work, Ml m boat and Caanorr Work a ap olally, Cnailrif of all dawrlptlon mad to (irdar on ahort nailo. John roi ..Praaldant ami Hni-rlotfidnl A. Ii. Fn... Vloo I'raaldanl 0, B. fral lUwiar Alorla Itavlnif Hank Trurar WHITE COLLAR LINE I'nliinilili f CI v-i' iiikI I'iiki-1 Humid Nuvl- Kill lull I 'UllI'Mliy. Miiiimi'r 'ivii iiliimi' i'va Al'irl ilully, i.imi Hiiinliiy, 7 p. in. iHVna Curllii ml dully, rfi Hlllldny, 7 a. in. Ti'l'l'lniii" llikri K'Hiil mi alnsmir Tllollli"M It. II. TIiiiii''iii Hi ki'la ifnud on 'JVI"- lilinni'. tJ. II. Hrritt, I'naM' iil. I!. A Hrclry, Ani-nl 1'iirllunil. C, W, HIniK'. AK'-tit, Aal'ii'lii. Tr''ihnn No. II. Hi TO TUB !;A5T OIVKH CHOICE OF -2- Transcontinental ROUTI35. Oroat Northern Railway rU Spokaati UlnMapolU and Bt. Paul and Chleatyt. Ontrn Short Lin via Bait Lax. DaV rr, Omahov and KaruM Oty. Lowest Rates to All East ern Cities. OCEAN STEAHERS ahi Al"rl fur Han Krun' laco vrry four dnya aa follow: Kiuto of California, Hutunlny, February y.ih. Cnliimlila. WMlnrday, March M. Hiiito of California, Hun.luy. March (th. Culiinilila. Thura.tny, Murch loth. Hum of California. Monday. March lull. C.ilnmlilit. Friday. Murch llh. Hlnlo nf CollfiirnU. Turailay. Murch Ed. riiliiinhla, Huturdiiy, Mun h J'th. Btat of California, Wrdneaday, M.iri'h Ih. BleaUTMw monthly from Pordaad I Tokohama and Hnirkon. via tt Norib- rn raetfta 0tamJp Company U e- nooOoo with 0. R. A N. For rate and general tn forma noa io ar addraa O. W. LOUNBBRRNT. Agat W H. HURI.nCRT. Oon. Paa. At.. Porwaad, Or. rM-inwfn-i.. rARiJiLi. co. Oon. Agt. N. T. 8 8. Co.. Portland. Or. HIST ,u .SOUTH I.KAVK. I ORTLANU, AKtlVK. 1 tiVKKI.A.N.i KX- j PKKHs for 'olcm. , KoM-buni. A.hlaiul, IW I'. M. Mcrami'Blo. Orion, JOA-H han Krauciwo, Mt ; Javo, 1 Anrlr, I hi Paws Now ir- , ' Irani and Hie Kat. ' A. M.' ItOM-burg paaaruger 'lf at ! Via Wmalhuni, lor ll.llr Moonl Angel, "II- ! '''y ceei I ctloll, Weal Sclll, C.WH Min.lay, ! Hrmuivllio, Hprlug- ; Sumlaj. i fli lil and NatMii , i i7:.D A. M.' t'orrallla pawnger. IS W I'. M II .VI P lj lnde.iliice paaa'nr A. J " 'tlallyr" tDallj exvcplMinday. Connect lug at Ban Frandc with Oc cidental A OrteoUl, Padflo MaU. a4 Ooeanlo ateovmabip line for JAPAN, CHINA. AUSTRALIA. AND HAWAIL IOW FARES, EVERT DAY PORTLAND TO BAN FRANCISCO tt.00, Second CI; $10 00, Flrat Cla; Including berth. Similar reduction to Lo Ang!, Fraano and other California poinU Raggng checked to destination. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. O F. and P. A, Milwaukee THIS RAILWAY COMPANY Operate III train on tlx famous block ystem. Light Its train by electricity through out; Cca the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Run cplvmlldly equipped passenger trains every day and night betwean St. Paul and ChlcAgo; the CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A ST. PAUi AIho operntes steun-heated veatlbuled trains, carrying tli laWt private cam pnrtment car, librnry buffet smoking cars, and palace drawing room alee per. Parlor cars, free reclining chair cars and th wry beat dining car service. For lowest rotes to any point In th United Plates or Canada, apply to ticket ngent, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agtmt, J. W. CASEY, T. P. A. Portland. Oregon. Br or iuwAIm Ml - - -a4 i VM- li v3 w il. a3 INVlTi:S AfJTi;NTI()N TO ITS V 0) y II Will. I 111 YOU Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Cards, Shipping Tags, Envelopes, Handbills, Labels, Eeceipts, Tickets, Blanks, Etc., Etc. rv kio' ALL AT Lowest Prices Good Stock, and Best Work. '.J I I 'I i t! - - """' " . I UnlMiy JjSa CAN GET Mar sliall & Co. s e wine Fresh From the Mills FOH- 1898 Fishing EYERY BALL GUARANTEED REPORT IMPERFECTION , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS EVERY BALL MUST BE MARKED MARSHALL & CO. SHREWSBURY MILLS MANUFACTURED FROM Flax Selected Specially ; For Columbia See That Every Ball Bears the "Marshall" Label 6, 7. 8.-9, 10, II. 12. 13 and 14 12. 13. 14. 15 and 18 Ply 50 s 7. 8. 9 and 10 PIy-30's 482 Elmore, Sanborn AGENTS' I) River Fishing Ply-40's S ii toeecoo Bond St. i