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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1898)
THK n.VM.V A'fOI.IANft TIKSIUV MUHMXH, MAHl'II 1, 18 ToDAT'8 WEATHKh. Hum; Rule on comt. AROUND TOWN. TUESDAY. Th RKgrntrnto happlnc of aoclcty. hlch U bent promoted by the practice of a vlrUioui tfUcy. In, or ouuht to be. tli end of nil goVTrnment.-Vahlnion. Try Schilling' Heat tea and baking powder. Ice rmm today at th rarlor. MidwifeMrs. Mary Make. WJ Exchange atrect. E. A. Ptfy, of Portttml, I visiting In the city. Choicest toek of candle In tha ctty at the rr)or. Mr. and Mm. 8. 'T. Maddork went up from Sea aide yesterday. J. O. Bpcncer, the eanneryman of fin ton. Is veiling In th city. A little un yesterday livened the Ct'y to nemhlnno of ummor. Mr. F. M. flunn returned 8undy from m two weeks' flslt In rnrtlamV. Henry E. McGinn. th able lawyer and lurlut of Portland, la tn the city. Mr. A. J. Moglor pent Sunday at nrookncld with hla brother J. G. Megier. The bU-ycle season ha opened. A few enthui:ts rode to the Vacn on Sund:iy. A. C Uttle, of Aberdeen. nh commt aloner for the atate of Washlnon. ta In the city. W. J. Heckard' full-weight creamery butter and buttermilk and thick cream at the Parlor. Griffin Reed have Just received the latest and beat pocket map of Alaska. Aak to It. P. J. Mean, the leadlnr merchant tailor. 1ST Tenth street. Tha hlgheat price paid for fur akin Vew crop dried fruit, new cron ralaln. fir and mworied nut 11 extra fine qual ity. t Ro, Hlrirln A Co. A larce number of fishing boats were out yesterday, the lart day before the bc Ktnnln of the cloee eaJon. The tusr Relief wa dragging for the an chor of the SI. Enoch Sunday mnmlnir. but did not lueceed In finding It. A laree carload of salmon from Cook' cannery at Clifton wa broimht down y -trrday morning by the Ocklahama. A marriage license wa Issued In the county clerk" office yesterday to Mr. J. W. Hume and Mlaa Magt Davidson. Go to the 1Mivre. for fine whiskies. Pep per. Ovrua Noble. Mamolla. MeBrayet and all tha leadlnr brand of whiskey In tock. Imported sausage, cheese, Hamburg eela. Holland Herring, lobster, tongue. Scotch herring, RaratarU ahrlmpa, etc.. at the Louvre lunch room. The Columbine returned yeaterday from Tlilamook Rock and the lightship, having landed supplies and provision and re placed a bar buoy on the way. A. E. King. B. Seaborg. C. H. Shubbe. II waoo: John Fureey, Warrenton: A. C. Little. Aberdeen: H. 3. Welgartt. Nah cotta. are registered at the Occident School Clerk Ferguson report that he his tauten the school In all d trlcta exceM Vnlontown. and has found an Increase In the number of children. When going eaat trarel on the North ern Pacific railway. Quick time and the only line running dining car. Train leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. Stop that ttckMng In the throat. Our own tablet for hoarseness, Ir ritation, eore throat, coughs, colds, etc. Price, 10 cent. Charles Rorfer. druv-lst. Gold Medals to HARPER whiskey at New Orleans and YTorld' Fair. Chicago. Try It; you will endorse the Judge' ver dict. Sold by Foard & Stoke Company. Astoria, Ore. Frit Re, a plain drunk, wa fined In the police court ywtrdny. He is a rail road hand and sentence was suspended on condition he would go Dark Xi work which he complied with. If you have hides, wool. furs. rags, botut, or any kind of Junk for sale, ship It to R. M. Gaston. 106 Fourteenth street. Astoria. Oregon, or write him and he will call at your place and get It. He pays cash. largest and most complete assortment of alr-tlgtt heater In the city. All the kind advertised In thla paper may be seen and compared at our store, then your selection will be satisfactory to you. Foard & Stoke Co. Revival service will be held In the M. E. church tonlgnt and Wednesday nl;?ht. The lnteret manifested In the meetlnKS Sunday were such as t. cull for at leas! two peclal servhv thl.i week. Tonight the pastor will preach about "Excuses.- rm. xr-arti... ,i r-.i I kh. better known a "Bin Domingo were i appointed boatmen for the custom house by Collector Fox yesterday, tnd M. Knudaen, of Vppertown. was nppolm-d Janitor. Their appointments went Into 1 effect at 4 o'clock yesterday evening. j ... I u Va T. t V T; . , . " will be held today at U o c.ock from the miio.y rremcuir, rciroarn ueu.g nem lrn- ; meuiuic.j- BuctnuiuB ki cnurco. 1 The Interment will be at Clatsop, the lunerai irum icaivug ine iciepnone gock " ' Northern Pacific railroad trains leave j Portland dally ut 11 o'clock a. m. for Ta- ! coma, Spokane, and the east CloBe con- ! nection made at Spokane for Rosgiand, i Nelson, Sandow and British Columbia mining camps. For maps and Information call on or address C. W. Stone, Antorla, Oregon. The Brltlfclt ship Ulenpartc, Captain Irish, arrived In yesterday evening from San Francisco after a passage of eleven days. .The captain reports experiencing a strong southeast gale after leaving San Francisco. Captain Irish waa fortunate Ly ing baking p.vvJer. and m ncy makin. have gone IianJ-in. kio! for years. Schillings Best, the one teaspoonful baking powder, gets along without lying. m on arriving off th river, being ob'.lgvd o wait only a half hour, when ho to, pilot from the tug Relief. At the A. F. O. alley IakI night U Knllliut and Trout broke fven, ejeh dii retting a game. The first game Votwcvn the Tncot and Salmon was a tie, the svvond game being won by tha Tomood, Tomorrow night the Crnti, p,iy S:iint the Flounder and the Oyster ttgainst the Smelt. The Progressive Association M Its meet lng lust tilKht tratiMcted a boikI ural ol buslni . Communication were lead from l"lih tNnmilMloner MHiilr relative to tho pniwg.t'on of stvlh Mil and atiir peon. Other Important tuittters cam up for discussion and aft-r the regular rou tine of hustnes was dlspMcd i.f the meet lng adjourned. Fharca of th Alaska TransportiUloa and rvwiopment company of Cbkatro r rbe mont doirctl Investment befor tti public. Pfer thi, tavjng) bona an ' K- lr at..W l V int l(t-l.l. Sharw one dl)ar Fr nmatlon ad. dr W. I. PudUy, gwneral agent, H- ler txilltlln. Seattl. Waatu PujwrtntendeM Mctlulre- report that the Clifton sll.le ha been removed and such work done a will probably prevent a recurrence of the dlMster. Th boy vrorkeil hard for several Onv. but finally overcame the "dlfllrnlty. Only about H miles more of tratk temxln to be laid nnd It I reasonably certain that th line 111 be completed tn time for the republi' ran state convention. The Rrltlh ship !reduk arrl-ed Id es. terilay after a vise of JT days fr. Kolie. Captain jwrence state he ex perlenced a suivessloi f sjal" nnd ha a miserable passage. During the storms f. w nalla were carried away now and again, but did not otherwise meet with accident. He arrived off the river Thur' day and too abourd Pilot dtuple from the Jessie. One of the prisoners working on the itrecti broke ground yesterday at the noon hour. He had been working during the morning and when takn luck to Jnu at noon skipped. He wa one of the garni of vajrs that were reovuly sentenced to a tine of ITA sentence being susp-nded on condition they would leave the city. No atttempt wa made to raptnry him a he wa free to leave th city at any time. Mr. Petersen, of PetTn ft ttrown. on hi trip to th eat came In personal con tact with many sf the larger shoe dealers In the country and visited the principal factories, where he nrq.ialnted himself with the style to be In vogue durlni; the coming season, notln Innovations, and selected stock of rood which will afford his customers an onnortitnlty to chooae from a variety ri .-aline anything found In the metropolitan tovs. The llchthoue tender Manxnnlta re turned Sunday from a month's cruise on the Sound. While there she rhtnged every buoy In the district. 47 In number, and visited and landed supplies at all the lighthouse. Captain Reiter. Inspector for thl district, accompanied the Man tanita and Inspected the lighthouse Cap tain Gregory says that Seattle is simply boomlnr In everv line of business. The steamship Australia. Just arriving there for the Alaska trade, waa passed as the Manzanlta came nut. At t o'clock yesterdy iftmoon Mr. John V. Hume, of Seattle, formerly may or of Astoria. ws married o Wis Miry Davidson, daughter of Mr. George David son. t the family renidenc by th Rev. Mr. Bollinger. Ml Davidson wa on or Astoria's society favorit nnd received many handst-me present After the cer emony an elerant loneheon wa erved and the happv coonle took the evening boat for a tour of the Sound c'tle. where they will spend sevral weeks before set tling down at home In Seatt'c, The British shlD Romanoff which arrived In the harbor late Sun.lav night flvlng a quarantine flag. w In chire of First Officer Marsden. and wa day from Sydney, with a cargo of coal for Port land. The came of th- flylmj of a Hag of distress was the slckne f Captain Morran. who received the new of the death of his daurhter Just before sMIInr and ever lnce ha been In n tate ot rrelsnrholla. The ship had a fair nasstge! until reaching the Colmnlda. when she encountered severe vale last Monday. nd beat tin and down the coat until Sunday evening before neoorlng a pilot, once reaching as fur north as Destruction Island, and see nil times being off the mouth of the river. She left un for Port land last nlrht. " 'Come around when we nre busy," that I what a big Chicago shoe holme said to me when I called on them the other day. They had CI clerks In the store then, wait ing on 50 or TO customers at once, and told me they employed y, men during the hol idays." said O. I. Pet?r.ion on hi return from the east yesterday. "I went east via Ban Francisco. Not finding what I wanted there I struck out for Boston, where they make shoe, and I tell you 1 saw some roods and got some pointers. Talk about busln"-.; we are not In it. Chi cago. St. Paul, nnd even Spokane are liustllnr flare. no'it".l Astoria Just the same, wherever I went, bvt round few people who knew much about ui nnd a less numW kn'-w we were getting a railroad. The pleasan'est part of my Journ. y was between Chicago and New York on the great Lake Shore limited train, fitted with Its magrulcent eepers. lil.rary ars, bath, barter shop, stcnog- " i"" r :ne. mning room and every- ,h,n ,w hea" ",ll' ';h- ,r 10 th" passenger on the train. It was different from what our fathers experienced In exopslrg the pllna In 1M7." The lumber schooner J G. Wa'l from! San Fram-lsc... for Tillamook, arrived In Katurd-iy evening nnd anchored In the ,,. ,,.,r! or n TVa ,a, , ,)ff Ta. mK f,,r ;,i,0,t three week. belnjj un- nje (r , merrhaul Sr. and cr.rrles a cargo of i.nd a fiiantlty of Inch pipe for h it port. CaptMn Hlgg,iis, of the tor -Marrie, of Ni-hal-m, which also ar rived In Saturday evening, Rintes that h !,w 1l,e V.'all iKutlng a'MUt outside about n wr, k ''i'0 ' ut could not cross over the N'-hab-m bar to tow h ' In owlnc to the ' -'ndiiev. of the weather. Captain Hlp- (;ins :iaya that tno other lumber schooni-rs from Srin Francisco are due, namely. O.e tjr Vorte. for .Whalcm, and the Arthur I. for Tlltamoo;:. The Arthur I. W purpled to be r,ff Tillamook awaitlr.B the weather to moderate to cross In. The Del Norte m r, .lays out and has not betn report tl se.n tinco she left Him Franel.o. Fears art- i-nterialned that die may have foundered durlne the recent etornif. At the meeting of the chamber of com merce List nlicht there were present H. Van Dusen, president, Jameg W. Welch, vice prc-Kident, E. C. Ifolden, wretary. Measrs. J. Q. A. Bowlby, F. J. Taylor. JudKe Gray, J. K. Gratke, O. W. Louno berry and J. S. Delllnger. The committee appointed to prepare an Astoria-Klondike advertising enrd for lettterheadg nrd en velopes submitted a copy which was adopted and the secretary Instructed to order 500 envelopes for tho use of the chamber, and to furnish every business quest that It be adopted for general use. i The committee on revision of the constl- txillon an! bylaw presented a report tec ommendlng aevcrul Imiwvtaitt atnemt ntinta. In accordant! with the nib's th adoption of the report vas laid oxer for on mouth. The convni't. .ot judicial y and h'lilslatlon and oin, r.'e nnd navi gation Were given furt:i"r tun.' to report un matter referred to them i.t Inst meet, log. The secretary read communication forwarded to Witshlngion. l. C, on tin Itortant subject since the lust meeting, to which no answer had n yet been re ceived. The cloe e. mn for salioo't c nii'.'ii. cH t.xlsy and will last till April til. wh.n lite Mrlng senson oens. The few Imais en- gnge.1 In winter nhlnit were reimrbd a having Increased cntc'ios vcslenlav. The naollne launches enitawd In buying iwn for the cold Moraite plant have been very busy lately owing to the coni'llun of the Portland fish dealers. As no sa can be bought during close season the fish dealer recently raised the price to f cent. The cold storage buyer met th first raise from J to !lt cents but did not meet the latter. One of thi in remark ed yestcnlay that If he h id paid ( cent the Portland dealer would raise the price to T cent. They can afford to pay the price salmon will !e retailed In the Portland mark-is f.r I". cents a pound, or perhaps mure, tie fore the sorum season open. Their oblct was to lav in a supply to have froi, n for retail i'.. consequence1 of the ral.e the g:Noitne bot were steaming up and down the riv er yesterday rnlllp o 'h ilihlnc h n The majority of the flsh-rm.-n delivered their salmon to them at the lower rite In many Instance tt tve,l then seven! hours' work to null nshor to deliver to the Portland sgent. One roll storage nuyer yesterday said V had Ivoa-h' 1 pound and that the chin. v... w,.r. rim nlng better the past few dav. News was receive!! from Wan-, of. in ves terilav morn In ir that i . hunt nmel Steve Dxvl.lson had -committed Mlcl.le- bv rutting nU tb 't with a rwr The deed was romieitt.-.l at the h.uie ot Mr. Ivnsmore'. the siv'b.n foreman where Davidson h i t Wn hoai-illns- The man bad been drlnkl tc t ir tw t or thn-e day, but not h-. nll. yesterilav morning while In lied ne orlernl a run of coffeo bnierbt up to blie, When the c-d-fee was taken to him he wis f.m-i I h -inir with his throat cut. evl.lenilv having r"m mltte.! the ds-.l U the inlrn.r. M..t- leal aid wa Immediately summoned but hi work waa thoroughly don- an l no as sistance could be rendered h'm. For nne day previously he had "en Hiking sui cide and Imarlneil tliat some one wanted to kill him. Watch wa i.i-c.l on blm bv Mr. Densmore. as It was thought his ninvi was becoming unhal-ine -.1. f w under stood that Insanity wis he.i-.llt irv In the family as he wa known to av that hl mother died In an asylum. He was a na live of Pun. tee. Scitai.. an.; nbt.iit vear old. He came here a vo ir air.i last Novemlier s e-wd mat "f the I'Uti-h ship Iten Ie and worked .ir at.i'it tw. month for Jack Furscy at the toll stor age house at Warrenton. lb- claimed b nave a cousin lung In Portland named Sandy S.-ott tn the emnbi.- o' Balfour Guthrie Co. The body was brought to thl city In charge of Coroner I'ohl, and arrangements will be mad-' for the funeral today. THE MODERN WAY. Commends Itself to the well-informed, to Ho pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In th crudest manner and disagreeably a well. To cleans the y. tern and break u cold, headache and fevfr without unnleasant after effect n th dellrhtful liquid laxative remedy. Svron of Fig. Made by California Klg 8yrup Co. CIRCriT COt'RT CASK'S. D. K. Warren, nsslgnee. v M. J. Kin ney; sale confirmed. W. F. McGregor vs. Charles Hrlnkotf; leave to amend romp' t'nt granted. State of Oregon vs. Wellln-rtin !. How ell. Jointly Indicted with II. I. Ward: on trial. Stale of Oregon vs. Dr. John Sletner: demurrer overruled and plead not ga'lty. Case et for trial Marrh S. A soeclnl venire of twenty Jurors was drawn vetrday for the W. U. Iiwe:i case. The Jury wa eomolete.l yesterday afternoon without much difficulty anl the court adjourned until 9 this mo-nlng. The following Hre the Jurors who lll try the case: C. R. Higilns. James Cimi-k W. H. T-ewl. R. R. Cale. C. A. Mathena. A. V. Ros. Z. Anstensen. John Anlfy. 8. fjipadura. V. H. f off. v. It. ftrang land and J. V. Turn. "DAYLIGHT IS D.U MM! " ni-1'eht Is dHwnlna." said .1 T. Rons, the well known Astorl-i grocer .-man yes terday. "Not onlv nre the p-.-.b. vying with each other tow in their (fforts to secure a park or parks, but they have awakened to the fact that thee have pot to stand tngethr c-n every matter of ,uh He and private policy If thev expert to see the town and county develop In this rentury. The time for moss-lwri' rtilf Is past. We ar -- ' a ih - fom- munlty to a higher plan of r Ivl'l. a Hon than ha nrevalled i" 'o-tr.-r vears- ttur efforts in the nast have ).-., i ted. We have lieen hmbllne- 'mm eff.-1 to cause. We have onb- ti'.l.l attention to the present moment ."sr. I'ardln.j entirely the future. The cnr. r.f Astoria has lieen the anathv of o t.rnm.e.. oiener end th" esse i.'1. ' u -. Iilng fOUid be mn.le here. The time for the ro -re .e nendenre op the ii" f.i nh lias passed. Competition his entered Into the question. Columbia 'iv. r salmon Is not now the onlv fish on 'h- mnr't. t. Ilrdlsh Columbia. Alaska nn.l th Sound n-e turn ing out good flH ' i.H -e than the Columbia river. Co :nie-il!lon n:ii?t be nv t hv Astoria, as by oilier trade cenit. We mxmt ,!lk' "r ",,'ir' "f ,h" ''I'-"''"1'" the day and ' - tho nurvlval or ine tntet. v the railroad we will h. "omoletlun Of ubi'-eil In elo.e touch with the hnl.hlng of commerce as reflected In th" t-reat markets. Our natural resource" fur the building of a great harbor and the nursing and rear ing of a large foreign and domeulc Hade are unsurpassed nut we cannot sit bark on our seven hll! and when a chance In vestor come along, make him a prb e on ti town lot and then mite It rn rvr cent when he returns In 1." minute won the money, and expert the wo,i:d-be sitlbr to blow a tromnet extolling cur virtues. Tt Is not the lllnir of ren estate nlonnt thnt .brings prosperity to a community, but It I the atlon of a demand for real estate that - ak'-s good time, fle. mand cantu be created bv the increase In tho price of property, but may be en hanced by 1 he Improvement of properly In uch ft nay as lo please (ho eye and Strike the fancy of persona s---eklng op portunities for business inv Mments. coupled wi'h a comfortable and aitrictlve spot f'.r a home. Farmers from the rant, notwithstanding our fine climate nnd the fertility 'of the land In our v lbv., will not easily be persuaded to settle !.ero M long as the grnnd resotirei i,r nature are annulled nnd the land In not I' vinue boating because of the lack of food roads. If he farmer has not the means or (!nt tlnjr to market, even though he raised gold n (ggets. It would avail hltn little. Push Improvements on all line ai.d the future y 111 be all right." Braided wire bustle are being gold In all the shops. j m.c;. J Hoth the tncthoil am! results when Syrup o( r i" in taken ; it is lensant ami refreshing to the taste, ami acts cently yet inniilly on theKitlneys, l.iveraml Howels, cleansesthcys tfineltct tually, tlispclsrolilsjicatl achesaml fevers and cures liabiiual consti).ttim. Svrtipof l ijjsisthc only reineily if its kiml ever pro ilueeil, pleasing to the taste and ae ceptatilc lo tho stoniaeh, prompt in its action and truly bouelicial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have matte it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Tis is for sale in 50 tint bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Po not accept any substitute. CAuroMiA no srnup co. M nt4X'9CO, CL louaruu. tt. um tout, at Pleasing the appreciative.-:- If you want meats that will plea you satisfy you, itrrngthen you. ther la no better place than our. W give you the best and at the best price w can make. Tou see where w do you good for we make good meat sell for ordi nary price. Such a lln of price aa theae waa never seen for tha quality given hosj, ihqqins co. mm "What Style? Many people find ItldlftVull looblMin perti-el fit III D Footwear Millie require a high ludep, D to others u uiirniw nhue Is u K nn-essliy. 3 Ueure In busliirst loNerve U all. noil uiuke a Special StuJy of Individual Wants. Petersen & Brown. vi.rjarmrsicfrrTrr?77iy HOARD AND ROOMS. I nree or four rooms, with board, at reasonable rate. Table boarder can be accomodated, sir. E. c Holden, corner Ninth and Duane street. AiMIONKE'S NOTICE TO CKKDITOKH Notice is hereby given that the under signed ha this day b.-en appointed a slgnee of Rebecca Hurnua, an Innolv.-nt debtor. Creditors of the said asuUnar are hereby notified to present their claims under oath to the umlerslgn.-d within three month) from thtn rate at his plac of bimlne at No. 675 Commercial s'reet. Astoria. Oregon. In!el thl 11th day of December, IW. N. HtJHMJSSKL, Assignee of Rebecca Straiss. an tnsolv r 11 1 ib btnr. nrsT of am. To cleanse the system In a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Horlnt; tlmo comes, ue the true find perlect rem edy, Syrup of Figs. liny tho genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, nnd for sale by nil drug gists at 50 cents per bottle. FL'NiatAf, NOTI''K The members of the Pioneer nnd His torical Society of Oregon are ren iented to nttend the funeral of Mrs. 1. Boelllng. a pioneer, on Tuesday, March 1,, at 12 o'clock from her lale residence; thence to Grace Episcopal church, where service will be held. The funeral train will lenvo the Telephone wharf station at 11." p. m. for the new city cemetery. Jly order of president. It. N. CAUNir.N Secretary. The plnnei Neplune which had fot routines ages revolved In the heavens unseen by any one on earth, was rtlscov- red simultaneously nnd Independently In 1M by f'rnf.-ssor Adams and M. r.everrler, the two moHt brilliant astronomers of the day. Common sense Is, an a rule, most un common. ill 4yi unit's' asotitsmnexs Underwear Minr. Tooitnrit UlFt Styles Thorough Workmanship Prices Low James Murphv 420 Commercial clal Street. J. 13. WYATT, Phsnt N. S Aatsel. U( Hnnlwnrc, ShlpClmndlery, (.roocricH, I VovIhIoiih. I'AINTM ni1 OILM. ll Altll fl I fll kl SEASIDE SAWMILL A complet stock of lumber un baa In th rugb ur dreed. Flooring, rua tic, celling and all kind ot flulsh. niuld lng and (hlnglea. Term reasotiabU and price at bedrock All order promptly attended to. ortl and yard at mill. II r U UKUS, Seaald. Oregon. froprletor. Tlie I Choicest Table Wines... For Famlile AIo fur Uedlclnal as ' Cookltsf Purpo rrlrat Stock. Cream Ry. Old Hickory. PrJ of Kentucky and llermtvf; R 1 oM California Rrandlea. Carlson's FamilyLIquor Store IDS TWEMTII 8TRIUCT iti97 1071 oils t,shfr brothers ASTOWIA.... A SPECIALTY SKLL SHIP CHANDLBRT HARDWARE 1 IRON AND iTCKL COAX. j OROCBiUE AND mOVUlONt ; TLOVn AND KILL rECO I PAIN 19. OILS AND VARNlftBa LOOOER8' BUTPUn FAiRBANK'8 SCALES 1 DOOIta AND WINDOWS AORICULTVRAL IUPUQISNTt WAOON8 AND VEIIICLM rilK ONLV DIMNU-CAK BOl'TK FKOM P0Rr.NUT0TIIK KAijT. rilE ONLY KOI TKTO I1IK VIl.mWSTOM. N A I ION A I. I'AkK, LiWK I l-ORTI-AND lARKIV'. ' tVI Msil Inr Kslstna. I nllft L. I VlilrMllM. No. I? Hoiitli h'lid.Molitessano No I. Abribfli. Uiruiiila, l, HVtip. Vhioflu. I'ort Towiisenil, Kllsuji. burr, Htuikaue. Kimlsiii) M. C: Trail. II. t:.; Neb ..... t. . V, : - .in. ... i-i, urn.!.., Ait 011 a. Hiitie. AiiiniiuU. II: A.M. H.-l.-iiH, Ht. I'sul, Min-I V 00 I", M' iieniin, Khiiwi ( IIt, Olii.ihs, Coiincll Hliins, M. I Ailll. ,1,1111 HKO, 'll liiKtou. N.-w York, I'!. 1 1 -'b-lilil,lli".bih, mil l M,lul lis.t .nil .viutli eNt. t DAYS to Mtnneupulla. Omaha, Ko & City and Ht Paul. IS DAYS to Milwaukee and Cli.;o. DAYS to WashlnKton, I'hll idelphU. New York aiid llosloi, aod other Kastorn point. HoKKaKe checked throng h to diatltutlan of ticket. For nloeplnu-car rnsenatloni, ticket, mafm and full Information, .'all on or nrlta A. D. CHARLTON A. t tlnn'l ln. AksiiI, r.irtlau.l, Or Itnil ,M..rrl..o Mi., t or Tblr.l, C. V. HTONK, Astoria. WHEN GOING EAST - Use. a (lrHt-rbiss lino In traveling Ixtn'een MlnnenpoIlM, fit. rani nnd CIiIciiro, nnd Iho prim -1 1 in 1 towns In central Wlscoimln. Pullman l'uliice Slei-plrm and (,'lmlr Curs In service. I'lio Dlnlnff curl are opernled In the In tercut of Its patrons, thn mont elegant service ever InatiKUratcd, Meals nre served a la curto. To obtnln first-class servbo your tb kot should rend via The Wisconsin Central Lines. I-Mrect connections ot Chicago and Mil waukee for nil eastern points. Kor full Information call on your nenreat ticket ORcnt, or wrlto JAB. C. POND, General Pna. Airnnt or JA8. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, 246 Stark street, Portland, Or. 2 ITuuaunu uy 4 tjQnciinaQB P.'f n n n n m 11 r- ! Hir5Tl ; I. . Tin; lightest store iiJjVsti WISIvS customers see what they buy ...PRESENTS... CLOCKS nJ Ouadruple Haled ..SILVERWARE. W'uii i:civ ilaltl The Best Assortment of Mfltt'c inA HUH 0 (U1U j 1 The Lowest Prices and Presents Free. Htllllllt. Herman Wise THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER Tha man with th larcMt hand I al ways th ona to wear whlta alovrt when ever Ihey ar positbl. TllKASUHEltB NOTICK. Notice 1 hereby flven there re fund In th city treasury to py all war rant drawn on th ceneral fund and en dorsed prior to July I, IWJ. Interest will cease after this date. F. J. CAltNKY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Oregon, February IS, lhej. riarble and (Jranlte M.?.5.V.?.l.!.!iT.?.. inHorp a minar, I Kl K. Murtlwin St., Portland, Oi I .Jsl.1. KINIM (iK CKMKTKHY V0ltK... : THE PARKER HOUSE,' CENTRALLY LOCATED. . r .. 1 .. . 1. 1 a .... ut t ul..t.. . Guests Received on American or European Plan. f 11 I'M K-, KM's Umbrellas AIo -II I lull! Mic'lillmry. C. II. Orkwitz m ni'ANK, Repaired C'l.ll It I imhI 1 II I'Mi l liii". Beware of Imitations T10 JOHX OUNCAs'l Mai, !, M VOK. Mount Angel College MOUNT Mull Mane CwM' 0BIQ0N Ibis Is Jut lb plac for four boya. )elihifiil oi'ihm, lr. bulldlni and) ,10011.1., nil insal. 1'lenly Of hwllhf er, s., ielleiit leacher and rrfu4 trnlnlti- thl Is '" f 0 MT. AMIKI. Cttl.l.KUK. ml fr Cat. l.i(Ue and iell term. p, F. PLACIDUS. Diroctor. lILwJ' l I'uiiii.i- Dnir'c Wair UUV 0 TTtOI. A Narrow Margin. U all w r aakla) on our stork of I adles' and Qents' Boots and Shoes j Our food ar wrrant4. q Commercial t a street Hahn... . Emjl OChaCht ARCHITECT Kooms 37-.1i8 Portland Saving Itnnk Bldf . Portland, Oregon. !THE PROOF I of th puddlnc in tha mUj. j and th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That' an ora-umont th4' cluilro dmontraton, Our will iUnd tha tsat HUGHES & CO. CASlORiiT For Infant. i.nd Children, ' Jim nrr