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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0U1AN, THIUSDAV MORMNU, JANUARY 27, 188. - JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. telephone No. . TBIIMS OF SUUdOIUPTION. DAILY. Scot ty nH. Pr rear ,..$. Bent by mail, par moot JK Served by carrier, per month... A WBEKLT. Bent by inaU, pr rw, la advance. Poslag freo to ubacrUxrt. ..Hit AU communications intended (or publi cation should b directed to ths editor. Business communfcattona of til klndi and remlttaiKosi mutt be addressed to "The Atorlan. The AstorUvn guarantees to 1U sub scrtber the largest circulation of any Ltrsvapr published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates oan be hd on applr cation to the bumess manager. The Weekly Astorian, the second old. set wkly in the Mate of Oregon, he, mi la the Portland Oregonisn. th u,t werklr circulation In the elate. John F. Handler Co. are our Portland gents, and coplea of the Aetotlan can be had every morning at their stand. 1 Third atrett. 0NOKtMN"G HAWAII. Hon. John W". FVatcr. evcrctary of atate under rrvsidont Harrison, pn-nta the real point of the Hawaiian car wuh Ktval force and lucldltj. It Is thie: Tie day la paaalng when email. Independent .tale., 0,-upymc v.vantagvou. comnwr cial or atratogic poBlliona, can maln:ain,He ,M j, grtiy Wln hoot!n ttnir Independence. The procce of ab- rsin, trytm hip to knee until he used thje eorptlon by the gtvat commercial and military natloi of ie world lilt brsun. .1.1 nr,wl until .11 barbarou and nnl-clvllited landa, and the amalliT in rtependent oounirir. will all hav waskd under the control of some on ot the dominant natkin. The white in Hawaii the mon o conijio fh pttwent re(ublican govern ment and lt uppj.-tv- fully reallxe this fact. They undifstand that the maintenance of Hawaiian lnd. pendence. under any form of porernmetit, to on lm poaoibility. They bow to rhe inevitable kic of evente. and understand that Ha waii' manifest det'.iny I to become a dependency of aome one of the world' great power. All they can do, therefore. 1 to have the island republic fall Into proper hands. Tholr first preference I for the United State. They have done all they can to promote thla, and the matter now lie in our hands. W may accept or decline. But our declination does not mean that the island shall remain independent. They will pws Into the hand of some other country: and. after us, ih prefer ence of the Hawaiian government la for Great Britain. The only reason some other power has not absorbed the Inlands before thU Is because the Vnikd Stales kn ago took Rie position that any interference" with Hawaii by any other nation would be re garded as n unfritndiy act. Hut thin would not hold In case Hawaii v.)lun - tarlly placd hersolf in the hands of an other nation. WV could only acquleve. The Hawaiian bl.inds are of vast com mercial and strutriric Importance. They are the "cross-roads of ' the I'acifl :" on the lin of travel from any point on cir western coast to the Orient, and equally important n the half-way station be. tween British America anl Australia. India and Great Briiain's f'oiyniwan dependencies. Tacy gis-e the coinman.l of the Pacific to any great maritine pow er whloli may obtain possession of thm. If we decline the offer of annexation Hawaii will pass into the handri of tn j greatest nav.J and commercial nation In the world our greatem rival. Great Britain. The whole mass of rubbishy talk pro and eon is valueleB as argument on which to base a devbion when we realize that fhe simple fact of the case are these: Tfcat Hawaii is determined to place herself under the Mag of some first-class power; That her preference is 10 become an appanage of the United States; That if we decline, the same offtr will be made to Great Britain and we may tie sure it will be accepted; And. finally, in that tas we will have no right to Interfere with Hawaii' volun tary act. The treaty of annexation should be ratllled. If it Is not done, lh day will come, in the live of men now in active life, wihen those who reject il now will tie gilltd by the indignant public opin ion of the L'nlted States. , ' Trade In many section of the wet ls, reported to bo seriously lnterlerid mltli hy the bad conditions of the roadj. Lesls latureg refuse to enact laws for the im provement of rural higtiways because the farmers who object to increased taxation bave a habit of retaliating at the next election. Farmers In Oregon do not e.m to realize that they ere Imprisoned on their fanne until the mud drlirw up; that they are Jeprlved of the benefit of h!'h prices by the annual mire blockade, ar.rj that those who handle farm produ :e a"- forced to remain Idle for a large por tion of the year. It is singular that tne class moat affected by impassable roads refuse to consider (Hie money to be made by tsklng advantage of the higher prices in the kite winter and spring markcia. The only road enthusiast to be found in the vest axe the cyclists, but the farmers re too aihort-slghted to see that pleasure riding Is not the only benefit conferred by proper road law. The Lodge Immigration hill. n rcter. tno to which made In his column yesterday, once imsoed the honse an.) sen ate and was vetoed by President laml. The ground, among olher, whl.h Mr. Cleveland assigned fvr his refusal to approve the bill w Ihnt It presented a riuli. nl departure from th traditional pol Icy relating to Immigration, The result. of which pulley. Mr. Clewland said, hsveixiu of a nature lo arotsse sciilmctit In It defense, for, however It might have been rvrdod at an original tvhat(lon ami viewed a an experiment, It acvom pllshmcnts are uch that If It I to be uprooted at thla late day lie disadvantage shonll be plainly apparent, and the sub stitute adopted should be Jual and ade. Huate, free from unvertalntlca ana mwixlcr against dlnVult or ctHirv-ssive ad ministration. J. A. Perkins, of AMIc,ully, O.. at t hlrty year needVwly tortured by phy. eli-lant for the cure of ectema. He woe quk-kly enrol by uointr tVWItt'a Witch Hic) S.ilw, the f.tmoua healtnc aalve for plle anil kln dlew. Chaa. Rorrca. WTiiit a !ts;r. s nir n'llr it . 10 conn m- plulo In-ill In I l i;h itu wtmhk i rix'ii, luit how t'K In.lhkluala l How ihclr at fv!f.ins In ti4 r:rhi plji1.. R Is easy to catch a omM arid Juc a ' p' " " ru r-'mmenoe early ' M" l'"" Cure. It cures M- bronchia, pneumonia and all threat and limit trouble. It ! pieaa ant to tak, Mfe to dm and ure to cure. Cha. Rouen. The orMw frti n,!. , ;x riiiiiv at havlim n Im alM sv away H Uis.-ly It m.Te, by a rt-n.!' of rvl. f .it U'.nit rid of itn'lr 'h.innic.ililirii. Mr. E'Jsha Berry, of tfi place, aaya he never had anything to do hJtn eo tnuca 1 ivw Niu si.w vut.a uiu reuec rrom - , u c.., pwjn ci . liniment which afford prompt relief. B. P. Baker, drure1t. St. Jarl, Ohio. Fr ! by Char'.ee Rore. druU If you have a cv-l i!rK.m.iker tl, k to Iht, J'M not he !iu-v4 Inio the U-ii.-f that ,m "awfully itap" on. of whom you havehvurd wiil form: y,Ki tit.s.' -tlon. If you are troubled wlrh falling hair, dandruff, ccivma of the salp, or In clined to rraynew, use the beat prepara tion mad to corrci-t and cure Hail' ilair Kctwwer. It I very harrowing to th? feminine mir.d to have two or three pretty evening frock lying idle twvaue tie. k bone have utanetl on an npiorimt uU'rlmar chrouith the rkln. Read Ayer Almanac, which your drug gist will gladly band you, and note the wond.Tful cure of rheumatlam, catarrh, aorofula, dyspepsia, ecsema. .debility, humor and aorre by the use of Ayer Sarsaparilla. the only aarsaparllle ad mitted at the world fair. There are two ovcaskins wtien a m.n think he can with Ingsinlty call a young woman acquaintance "dear" when he too old to be ronsidrre.1 Jangerou or she I too HI to resent it. Prosperity cornea quickest to the man whose liver 1 In good condition. DeWttt U'.tle Early Riser are famous little pllla for constipation, biliousness. Indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. Chi. Roger. THE GREATEST DISCOVERT YET. W. Xf. Rapine, editor Tl-k lwa. Ill 1 Chief, says: "We won't keep house with out Dr. K.'rg New Dlecovery for Con. sumption. Coughs and C1 Expert. mented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. Kin? New Diecos-ery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as In it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs), colds, whooping cough, etc.'1 It Is Idle to experiment with ofher remedies, even II thry are urged on you a Jut as god Dr. King's New Discovery: They are not as good, because this r-m-dy has a record of cures and bond- is guaranteed. It n-s-er fails to satisfy. Trial bttl. at I Kstes-Conn Dru,' Company. Why Is It wh.n one n f. ling brti, there is always u man l.y who whistle conttnuotisly Jim the tunn that has the I gT.-at.vt wer to awaken sad tnemorl It Is easy enough to convince any one who wants to be In irass.-H.lon of reul facts bin 1 set opinion 1ll n t waver bofore all the jiosltive proof ki tiie world. Despite all tne talk aom a definite Htyle of coiffure it eeenw that a sort of Kw-as-you-pLaae mwle prevaiK Anything Ijeing acoetable so !or:g as It Is bevomlng. I Modern Treatment of A it I ireaiment or aiu&scs, written y , hy forty eminent American ; physicians, saysj "Cod-liver t f, oil has done more for the con- S ,.!- t.- tf it X 1 4) wiiijiuit man u uiutr rcine- a. 2 dies pot together." It also says: " i ne nypophosphites of lime and soda are regarded by many English observers as spctuits ior consumption. I Scott's Emulsion 2 contains the best cod-liver oil in a partially digested form, X combined with the Hypopfios- J $ phttes of Lime and Soda. This ii . w remeav. a. stanrlarrl tss a TI " - " quarter of a century, is in j exact accord with the latest w views of the medical profession. I Be sure you get SCOTT'S , All dnifrchti : oc.sndli.cM. i SCOTT & BOWNE, ChtmiiU, N,w York. uonsumpuon Before Retiring.... Uke Aycr's Tills, ami jou will sleep better and wake in better condition for the day's work. Aycr's Cuthartic Till have no equal as a pleasant mul effect ual remedy for comtipatiun, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyar.iesexpcrienced in the rse of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Aycr's Cathartic Tills. When other pills won't Lclp you, Aycr's is THE PILL THAT WILL. MARINE NEWS. Tlietatte for January. 1398. KHiii warKM tow tti u lTK . A M. h.min. r. . A. M. r. . ii.iu n. ti.m ri S.ilunlav.. 1 T .V 7 .1 H SI , . t IS .1 a I J I !i xi'.vY. 3 1 1 ; t iot. 1 1 : i.i j : . 3 i .' Monday.... 4 o;t. 11 10 i ; 1 -il: I .' ;ui. Tinlav . ! T ll.vtno1 t J.'.'cil; Wetnt'y. a In e. 7 s i A 4 a o 1 riiurH.iuv. ii i ii ii ; s i: t c o 1 1 trldav. ... 7 1 1 1 at 7 I.moim J 7 t ; o I H;itur.luv.. i it ru I.m: ' 7 i 7 .'i' t j 'M"iiliv.'lt nU i:'Sa.4, ;V.::n; Tue..iy ,sn ;!'. 77 I vol 2 oio.i ' W nlnsd y I-' U M, .1 ;.' 7 1 1 W il s ri,..r..l.v ii ii'.i ...: iii i, I. io i.i I t ;.ti in i i lu ii i i r rldav ) 4 s. Sittitritas ..l.i . (.i ' HI'NUAY I li .L'H 4 a to sh i: .is i j ii i s I -tlii MlMI.UV.. 17 7 ! I 'I 4" s I n'.. Ii S'7 ,i iis I0S.11I 1:1 4 1 17 o I ; W'-hi..l y ;t n . S i. II Vi n 4 .1 4 I Thursday si 1 1 '.- s ' .j o I .1 II I I " 1 3 Krl'lio 31 0 TO j s lil 1 I l.SS'. I Satunl.iv I I ' T , 1.' 4'. 7 lot 5 0 siMi.iV ;i 1 vi ;, id-: 7 v i 7 I I'. .. Moii'Uv. . :i asj ii.: st.ji TursdaV . . ii iit' i .'IOi7 7 .? I 1 Wiiln.l y.j. Jltsi. :ic:3 i 1- I Thurxlay .; 4-m It.'.i' II U" 17 10 .Oil Kriilnv I.V17sl hltiil UMil? 1 1 1 D 0 saturdav. S S i lt .4 i. 12 .'iti 17 II 4. IS srxii v Ji 7 ii smi n 1 1 1 7l47.'i i.irt 0 .t 4 i i04l, ASTORIA'S OR UN FLEET UT. Whetil Vessel and Flag I - ttt Value 5 .. . I iMii-halliurn. Br h. liii-iwlvaii, llr h t'rolKerne. Hr h frown of "siilland, llr h .. liodlss. Ilrli Hlvlliswimd. llr sh luiiiir1tton, llr h funihrlHii. llr ha . Ktii'hnwyne. Hrh,... Mi'tininiru, llr h Uarii'lial Suchei, llrsli lialate, tr iti Aintre:. Hr h rnu-.-is). llr bk .. Itreinnlilu. llr (i lh'a Mat- I1 luu, llr idi . Turrliiale' Hr h Mnillnrri fe, llr ill . Id-nee llli-. mem, l,. r ll ... Transit. NrMr Hiawatha, Nw h Hiiwiimn H Ijtw, llr bk .... U"til . in r li ini-.'iid.ili', l'r :,; .M.vii i.:'M :ut j sit 4T .' isursi ai,w -.l.'llli i7,sii M,llJ :.T"4 ll.ll'' x.t -',;: 1 T'l.rTs T".'.i .lii.iJ 'Si.'sil r.' ft7,'i!i m:.i.- 1 11, in .Sii.iilil ,fi) .',') I Vi'vsil ln'; J :''."' ',! ,;'rV'j! ns'i7 ! "T.'Mi 1 1 1. '."it 1.S1101 Ik'i's1 I j..iiv ! m ii 'l.'lO s:,'l M.ulJ '.M.ll'i I IT, hi .1 iiiKoniuii'ii, rt'r mi 1 11.1..U...1 it-. 1. I IjiiI.v Wi ii'Kurtli. l:rli. hiitlii-riiinil.ltlri-. ., Kilenlmli mure, llr slu I'lilloiiii'ii", Hr all ..., Ilainl in. iru, )tr lk.. iiieen Miiruaiet lir -h... Adolf li.-r li I nin- ri-. lir li Il.ii A von Hr bk . .. Nuriiui. llr lik Imi-n, lir lik Kitiiiriisslilre. llr hK ... H-irrila. Nor lr Hiiit.iilre Hr lr Mahi'iui, llr h William Til 1 1, nr lit Ilad.l..ii II iM.'f r Ik .ii 1 S'J.'HI 70 .mi ti litl nr' -" 7 i,-'i S7,:;i 71 Iit 4:'l" 7.,ir-J :e4.7 7 Ml. '1.1 ii..:i.i lir'.'.'l si.ii; 1 '".-i: : t-.r.i: 1 ',;i ".".ii 1 ;i.,'i. ,1,,,, liii,i.i j 11 iUJ.Uil I'., II '." I i f I, '.'.! J f I'llu.'ir Hit .Ii .i7.l i. A 11.1111I1.1, Hr bk I'erii. n r lik V,i.p ( amiilale, Hrbk 711 'us 77.J'7 V.MI .''i so, 1 74 47,i ;i tl-lNl HI, 1.11 I. "1 .11.110 I..'7 :is,i4.: VJ7I llvtsj ll.'.tii 1.1, CD W.SIS IH.irJI 'l.ii'i 101,4111 ..,!..) MitliiHiiln-. Hr h. im.i'M i'iiIii 'riimiirlv.nre,;Hr .Ii rriiK'iiwIity, llr bk 7,vi Falls ol Clyde, llr sli ... sj.;.a M.Vnt fl.'IO 7.7. ) lli.'ini t',.l Ui.ih; j 'i:.,i Illllilleiu'llll, Kr bk llec 'iu lio n, llr ahln . Meltirkslilre, lir bk .... fltynf IVrih ltrlr . . liruiM'.K, ur lik Oihtertjre, Hrbk SVa.'luli-, Hr'.li . tlplielln. Nr l.k Hiinliiwle. llr h llruiniTaiii. llr lis C1,UI s. H. H.VMin, Mr lr Ktlrlekdale, llr str Lombard, lir str "';''', pill.S' 4'll'i TI. 3l lo.' VJ. l.'(.'l ni,;isi Province. Hr sli Otiilin, br nir -....., Iileiilee, hr sh Verbena, brli 'Barrels of flour. One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That's what ycu want I Cha. Roerf, MARINE) NOTES. Ti.-ih lti-iti.h ship UurbrblKi-, wh-at liuicn, fur .iurii;own, for ord.-rs, saib-d yos trrday. The r.u.-iun ship Hoppett and the lint- Wh rfnlp lJundM", both wheat Indin, for jiuriipi-, ;Jt to m-u yt-Blcrduy. Tim tu .MatcKle I'-ft out for th Niha- i m yi-strday. Tim IlKhthwuHe 11-mK-r Columbine ar rived In from Tillamook Rock yesterday ift.-rno m. ThB Am'-rhran ship ;i-oriro Ktit)ii, 'apliiln Murpliy, arrrvml yirstr-rlay, liil layn from lialtlmore with a carj;o of fri iifht for I'orlland. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. The following vessels are bound to the Columbia River, with name of master, nationality, rig, tonnage, where from and daite of reported sailin g: George Stetson, Murphy, Am sh, 17W tons, Baltimore, August (. Dovenby Hall, Whlckham, Br sh, ISM ton, Liverpool Ben Volrtloh, Abler, Oer sh, 1407 tons, Santa Rosalia. Otago, Eek, Bwd bk, STO ton, Ham. burg. Cotway CWtia, J one, Ur ah, IBM ton, Valparaiso, Commonwealth, Anderson, llr lr I1K1 tor, Twktk Yaiuluara, Ileavan, Br bk, lull tone, Algua Bay, Cllenpark, Irish, Br eh, ni tor, Klo JanellM, August S. Olentwnk, tMMit, Br bk, ISM tons Calcutta. Genevieve, Totige, Fr bk, W7 tons, Hk phong, CVtober IX Henry VllUrd, 1'a.ttett, Am th. 1T ti na. New York. IHitober ti Oberon, OuUy, Br bk, K lona NewiHiatlo, Australia. October l Jacqura, Bernada, rr bk, 1W0 ton, Mj ) inula. Indlsn Kmplre. Allen, Br bk, 1811 Ion. Valparalsiv Jupltler, Funder, Pan h, 1051 ton, To gohama, Chelmsrord, Thontson, Br bk, tlBT tons Cope Town, October t. City of Tork. Jona. Br ah, ll7 tone, Syd.iey. lkeniba, Brvlhertng, Br bk, Vt tons, Frectnantle. Can Bolwrtson, fill, Br h, 1M0 Ions Santa KMMlla. British (lenert, Ttionias, Ur . ah, I KM ton. NVwvuiatle, Australia. Ml.ltts. Miwum-r, Br bk. 1.; tons Nagasaki. Yalorl, Bimwii, Vr h, U.fl tors, Nrw. castle, Australia. Jordon Hill. Walker, Br bk. !i:i tow. j Melb mm-. Klntuek. Terrelle. Ur str, S lona 1 I Yokohama. j Amur, Kent, Br s'r, 1IM tons. Hong I Alen.ler Ills.-k. Putin. Br bk. IIU ) Ion-, AntwTlv i Wstjen. Krlt. der sh, tons, HUTV I I.ord Slmftileiry, Curnlngham, Br sh. ST1 tons. Ryilnoy. I Bristol. Mi'lntyre, Br str, 17T4 tons. 1 Pan Francisco Km I lie. Oltniann. (ler sh. 1TM tons. To. Ant e Thorn., Thomas. Br h. tons. Port I'lrle Almora. Thon:on. Br bk. IT'T tori. Newcastle. Aus'iuila. Po:r R-kmr. Wetermeyr. llrr sh. SC5 tona Hongkong. Auckland Jm, Br h. IJtf tons, Ade. laid. Olenlul, Taylor. Ur sh. Wl tons. Roal Oronfs, Ba!n. Br sh. l?-i ton. Pnlney, St. Fnooh, Ijilnl. Br str, 1'S on. jthanghat. W.ndra.h.Wamer.nrbk. t to-e. Ads. lul.le. i ' I'nnui, I'm ()r sh. C tons. San'a Ml' " . 'S iri ! nii : Ro t!l. N'.thsd.ile, ftever... Br bk. IW ton", Nagasnkl. i rtomansff. Xtorvnn Br h. ryt ton. , 1 . , Newcastl' Australia. ! Forthhank. Tetersnn, Br bk irtj tons. J7v!nerghentl. 9 ' I S I , r 1 n viwjriiniu. mun, it bk. I'M ton. 1 Himnliltu. n..-,..- ' 1 Br str, VZS ton. Klobe H. Blschoff. 8ohwarnc, Ger hlp, Pw 1 ton, Melbourne, Nov. t, due February. -1 Andaman, Winter. Pr bark. J5 ton. I Algos, Bay, . Iinrnsdae, Jones, Pr bark, Itnl ton, Brisbane, . Cambrian Prince. . Rr shlD. IfTl L .... ,on"- Melbourne. . city of Athena, Lundln Pr ship, U on. Antwerp, Srxsator, Lewi. Pr ship. Ifll t-ir, Roy. Road. Nfocul. Wrlcht. Rrslr. IT-l fen.. Hl -iro Marlon Inrl-s, lliwhe. Pr. sh. tin t..ns. Snlney. At.i.-nmi. OnMlcro. fhll h. S ton. , . Tileahimno. "r''all, Sl,':,r'. "r Ion Francisco. San Lt'MIIKIt KLEKT. on the Way an I In Columbia Rlv-r to !.ond Lumber. i j V'sseln prut.itinn. , stm. :i tons. M.TH Larvling. Echo, , bgtn. tW tons, Tientsin, i Knappton. Kdwanl P.trke Sin Kranelco. Tenkio Muru tons, Tokohama John'on, schr, 140 tons, Kan.-ko, Jp bk, 1141 'h.nlis, . bktn, CI tons, Nagasiikl Iuls. , 'hr. 3) tons, ...r!h.wt, , bkln. 4'W tons. Han I Marlon. , bktn. 314 tons, Sydney. T"m Ohhanter, Patterson, bktn, M2 I ton. San Franclico. Edward Parke. Johnson, ohr, 140 tons, 1 I ".in t ranclscs. , ,' r AMKItli'AN HWM'ltlTIrM AUKOAD. Tho sali-s of Arm-rk-an curitlfn have Ix'-n, ac-ciirlntc to Iondcn advlc-s, very l:irRW abroad of late, ami ihcr njiprars lo be a ti-ndi-noy towonl Inorrase In the Ksbsi. If Mils state of things holds, there w'" h an lncr'a1"K Influx of Ilrltlsh old Into this mark. t. This Is nood news and di-moiwtrait.- the fajth abroad In the stnblllly of our credit. There Is an other point of faith for n-hkh the peotile n.t only of this but foreiirn countries have kooiI Krounds for cred. ni-e, nnl thnt Is, txi: In tho eflbaoy of llustettur' Htomach Illlti-rs for Inorifnnlc ir.nludlii. vhltfi affirct mo etomarh, liver, how-jln Ki.ineys arvl turves. Dysp-pKla, IiIIIduh- iii, constipation, rheuniulm, ui'd tenili-ncy to Insomnia, ore counti-r,icli'.l and uniuered by It. It allies falling up. IM-tltp, hantens convalescence, and til f- fiiK.-s a K'.-neoua wn'mlh and eensatlon of physical comfort through the system. A wlniKlnaMful Ixrfore retiring promotes Iw-iilih-ylebllnif slumber. Tiie very swell visiting card resemble the efforts at printing miule by lin- young hois-fiil of the family In thn llrst days of press HMvsi.Hfiin. Miss Allle Hughes, Norflik, Va., was frightfully hurtled on the face and neck, Pain was Instanty r(llcvl by DcWItfi Witch Hazel Halve, which heoled the In Jury without leaving a scar. It Is the famous pile remedy. Chas. Rogers. The obl-tlme Unman . nrf Is fwo-ntlnlly the form of lulornmeiit. 1 tags pleasure In recommending Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to all who suffer from pains In the stomach," says Mr. Milt Mc. Klnley, editor of the Rawson (Ohio) Her ald. "Until I usil this remedy It was, at times, Impossible for me to be In my office, owing to atU-ks lasting from one to two days. By taking It as soon a th first symptoms of the attack ar felt, I no longer suffer his unpleasant sick. ntm." Tor tale by Charle Rogers, drug Hat . - .i.i ... .......-. J; j'cficdtMc Tor As stmitatiitvi ihofixxIfltttlHotfuU lliig live SMBuuivi mul Itowu rrotnolc s Pivicslioii.C-hrrrfut -ivcss ntvt llcsl Conl.tlns nclllrr ojmim.Moniliw ,u'r Mineral. Not N ah co tic. AhyeaM n-MNVurnzsui ,it IM jtmn JW Vil.'MU. . lmtr J Aisfifat nnnctlv forConAliio tion. Sour Suuiuch.lh.mlkx.v Wonns .Convulsions i owrislt mss niulLossor Sittr. lac Simile SnJixilur rf N EW YOlMv. txCT cov or wHAPPcn. . 1U . A. KASTAHI2ND- IIOI'SIC. HKIDf.K AND WIIAWK IU'IMICI - M"llul' MOVl.Ntt 'I'dOI.M UICNTKI) I lm LIKK I iflil MANHOOD riiaraDIMt lurn. all l livli .il 1k-iuIv ,,i. hu'i hold a caii'tir to th. iirl I tint 11 1 ro the Iii' K i. Ii n 111.1r.1l f.irer in tie. -rtxry A CI.KVKIl TIlk'K. Il crtiilnly baikn like It, but there I. reolly no trh-k tilwiit It. AnyWIy ran try It 'ho ha tame bai-k al wwk kid. rioys, malaiit or nerve, trmilili. Wo tm-nn he ran .-nr.. himself right aaay by taking KI.M-trte llltt.-r ThU mliolnn tt.nm up tbn whl -stem, s.-'b a a ilm ulant to thn liver and kidneys, 1 n bbxij puriller and n. rvn tntile. It ourej cm. tlitlin heul u'he, fainting spell. le"p I"j"!iv an I ne l iniihniy. It I. purely v-getuiile, a nuld laxative, and r'"tor. the stem tu lm natural vigor. Try Kl'- trlc IlittiTS mul MI cotivln.-nl that they are a miracle woik. r. Kv.-ry bottle gixiraiiitred, only Uh: h biltle at i:.. l.'otm I 'rug Company. '111.." fur s.i. 11. . 1. 1 m, .liietlti) I1.1I1 a - ekirt. reuLluil lis h.-uiit ln 11 mi d.ixi-ii iI.iiikIIiik silk w inv-s 1111 .11 Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Rldae O aavs; ! "After two doctors save ,,n ', "h.. , ,11. r ........4 . i... . ii., 1 niivr.i nun trom croup by Using un Minute Cough Cure." It Is the quick. eet and most certain remedy for coughs. i .Hid nil throat an-l lung trountes Chan, Rogers. A coiifmliii, of hIIv.t irllb-s on on.'i ibek may b. nriistlc, but It In juft as un tidy ns thouith they w. re mil nllvr. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Risldnll', Il.. .uffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chmnlc constipation, and w:iji Annltv cured l.y using TeVltf Little Early Risers, the famous little pin tor all stom ach and liver trouble. Chas. Roger. Spring nuxlin, ns ex.niillfled by the liori exhibits, lenn luvrnrd a i-oiillnuallon ol the bfuiise In r.,x 1 1 lu mi 1 - favor. to ctritK a cor, ii is one da v. Take Ixixatlv.t Isrumo Quinine Tabl. , 'H drutrirlets rfuid the mnney if t fail) t ) cure; Vie. For sale by Ohai'lcs Rogers. Chinchilla evening wrnpH Willi white 11II11 llnliiRS nml rosette trlmmlnps lire hn vn-y daliillest Kiinnrmts Imaginable. A PLKASAN I KXPERIKNCE. A few days ago oiinrr.ilng young liely ho was traveling alone between Ht. I'uul and Chicago, was accosted by a handsome gentleman, who Invited her 1 dinner with hlin. "Certainly, Mr, 'arson," she replied, "for Ihs Wisconsin 'ontral lines have the best dining car orvlce In the world; I shall be delight, d." For fureher particulars call on the surest tlckot agv-nt, or add res J. ft I'ond, general passenger agent, Milwau kee, Wis,, or Oeorge fl, natty, general Bfnt, Ut Stark street, Portland, Or, 4 U SEE THAT THE FAC-S1M1LE SIGNATURE -OF IS ON TIIE WRAPPER OF EVERT Cut 'r!i '. fit Sf la !-! Mll taly, It 1( ' t fiU U W. fji't It iimi Is ssll 'in Mlli 3(( t'n or li s ( ! or fmoilis Ul II It ")t f.Hd"aiJ "sill iassir tr t ft "S.e tril J v tJ-IUli a. UN '7 . IP Tit! General Contractor OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monnioulli, ,t)rton A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS ItMular Narmsl 'oii" ' lloec jr .-bI.t rear slinlli imd- Hmna!. Tmlulns ili'i'sruiii til d mur f i les with .W rhll'lrrn liiiCrui'tloi. an 1 Irani 114 i'i . ninait ei hsrOlili Inn . slid Vim si for ."i!.lil h'IhuI Normal ,li.ii.m la rr. ...ic.l by u t hTA T I'KKriHi A IK riien.s liilil'iu. iV, l'l l snd"g lap- pri'iluuli-ir ., ! .Ms) ir sr tiiib-i.i lrilim iliritix-lTri. Ilia ai -r yrif At'silflnlr irsdm irmfiiil flutn hlsh lo'oti. t ia:oiiri ' h'. rrullr miiI mi sfpll'Sllim. Adilrrn P. L t'Aal'IIKI.I, rml'tmit, or W, A. w ANN. svreary Kti nlly RESTORED T laf Or. IVsN's ) rllsss fterss I'll !. This wuuiWilul truir.1 . 1. . ' Hra... . ,.-. k . kiain IHiwrr, llndsi ht. w.lrlulura, U Msnbouit, u,aZ smr... Nmtuusb,. .11 drslss. I.M nl p... m ticsersti. Oi.ts. of eithT . raur. b or eirttinn. yiiihlul m.-f 1, rtrrstlre utr ol lnnitT. Csnbrsrrrdlnmpark.t iui-tl. k, Vv . Clrruls, Pre. sold bs slld,f,.i.. i.l f II Ukiaor 1'ius t. UiMiUiulluf igcal. TUltd tai Y.aililll tu . I'uilUad, CM. EHTBS.i' Mtt'i) Aamits, Astoria. No nutter ii..w many rloihes woman unit tin.' in aaroroiie, she m rar.i ovi If s!;e d -iri Imve (o buy something lew whenever she 1 Invited out A woman', liertilaiti. s may imne fnim Miversl i-ittir Hh msy hav a tien.Ui.lia nrNIng fruii tiervmionrs, or from dl femivn i!turbiitve., N'n rwe. In ten her hei.i,ii, com from ilKunlTi i ruliur to her rtx. It may io Itself in thn snxpl'iin wiil. ill are cbaractnrlntic ol it ilimirilem. Thou-ands f limes Women have been (rested for Uio wrong ll.ordets. )r. I'l.-ne' Favorite Pre, I serlpf'iin S oimpoulbled fr tho sole j iirnae nf r-ll.-vins- wninajiklinl ufinee III nn. I p line ThouRilids of women have ti'itirieil tliat after inking 4 reo I nior. t frnm " i!u .1 'iims wlUiimt iKtiefll. the "I'livurlt.. I' rltitl.Ni" rur.d them mm. i"tel- and tiili kly. It bus I1. 011 used fur ovi r thirty yenm. siul has an unbroken j le. nr I of ll"ses. j The A , .111. 111 who bi sllalm 1 Invited lo i Send tsetityiiw l cent stamp to cover : only tti c,,,t ( miiilitig a copy 11 :r. j I'll r e', t ' ti toii Hoiiso M'-ll vil AiIvIm i, I wiib-h ''oiituiiii, plain, cl.iir Information about all uf tho oritiuis of tho human J body snd their function. The ship IxiUtrldgu cl-arrd at ''" "' ,lo"', )'"erd..y with lil.WI ' l-iieli. l.-i (,f wlii at valuiil at Sw.lVV A In;.- iheiiire hat that k .- a ipilei lo ii"l Iiiilf m iiiiniiyliig ns 11 small one that leili. aboil. Incensaiiliy. Ayer's Hair Vigor I corlalnly a remark, alii.. ir.'iuritliiti ttn,l nothing Ilka II has ev. r been produced, No matter how wiry ami unmanageable the hair may be, under the i 1 1 It 1 1. -1 1 . ,. (,f this liniimpariibln .li rss- I 'ik. Ii levium mift. silky, and pllnble to the i nuib and brush. To feel riititliiunlly that you ore Jusl ready to cry ludlcatm cither a very low state of thn m-rves or somo hurdensxime heart aiirroav. The desire in kIiow guild filling In back leeih Is resHinslls)i. frn1 hmiy smiling conn ti'tlMfleeS The Htmuii-r Clillkai, from Hun Fran elm o, In yi-stenlay an.l uuloanleil a iiuautliy of freight at tlw) Purknr dock The lug Mui'glo umihoreri In the lower hni-hii- yesterduy ovutnlng. Captain lllg gins iiink command of her on h. r arrival heso. KDICU TfiEUifiT ON TRIAL To Any Reliable Man Msrrslnna sppllnne .nil on month'i rsmeills of imwiT win lis mic on trial, wukmt any adtnoim Mmnnr, hr th forsnioat ouniimny la the world In His trmtinsnt ot men wsuk, brnksn, (II. eounuted frooi affnoti of sxi'maea, werrr, over. wnrh. aa, IUiiiiv niurrlHe .enured, onniiilets re.. ti.rstl.iner aereloptiiniit sf .11 MUU.t coinllllun., I ht tlms of this offer Is limited. No V, O. U, nheitiei no rtnnentliini nosino.urs. Adarsis ERIE MEDICAL C0,teffr, GO EAST , ..VIA Library Car Route AMICIUCA'H HiiONIC LINK. fttsU Ii lllnlnii Cir i It Curt KiKk No Dil Th all-rail rout to Kooinnaj dUbm dlslrlot, la Heatlls and Hpckans Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duiuth, Chicago AND AM. It l NTH KA8T Through Palace and Tourist Hlsepsr. I'lnlnf ant IJbrarjt Ou4ksrrs tlon Cars Dnlly TrnliiH ...PoMt Tlmo sKltVtt'K AM' Hi K.NKItV I'NKAgt'KiMU For ll.ksl and full Information Owl oa !!( O. It. A N t'o. or Mres A. It. t'. lr.NNIHTtN, t'. I. A T A., fortland. Or. It. C. HTKVfCNM. II W 1. A.. lUatO. Through Tickets TO T f-AST AM) SOUTtlUAST VIA rt'LLMAN PAI.ACN Itt.ERrERi, TOfRI'T "LXRI'iaill and rilKK ItrX'MNtNd CIIAIH CAM Daily Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and Oliver Eastern CUss via sIUms- sVnUs em radflo or 0, II A N. Oa Only Line From Portland Offering laasensr th u(o of T Tourist Car Unsa througk s) Chtcsgo. Specially Conducted Excursions Via Bhaata Routs to Chicago srsry Tvsv day. Itaggag ohecked ibrousvS to dss llnallon, Magnlflint scsnsry, aaioa iteputa, fast Urns, lowest rates, rtntsch light In a cars. For rate and other 11. formation, call on or address R. V, DAXTER, Oen'l Agit, Ul Third ., eor. Alder, rortland. Plan your trip east so ms to make the I teirlUiK ton Routs a part of It. Thn llurllnglon's advantage In tin. way of fals time siul fine servle tire not iluplli-atnl by any trther rallriMd. I'hreo reitesvla Denver, Hi, Paul and, Millings, Muni, a fliwl-class plan I to go on., way, returning aiiollier. Tickets at offices of connecting lines, A. C.SIIKI.DON', (icncial A'i'iil, roitluiiil, Orcein Astoria Public Library READING nOOM FREIS TO AUI Open every day from $ o'clock to I II and I.M to f;90 p. m. Subscription rates 13 per annum, H, W. Cor. Eleventh and Duano Streets. Mott's Nerverine Pills The great remedy for J ST tleeuAi. mu.. e7 V. trallon and Jt 4r all nervAu Vsti J diKiVinf the Kw;3-l JiLmmi' generative or- "cn Nervota Prortratron, Falling or Ion, Youthful Error., lvWl Vorry. ex. uTiZUr ' T?blcco f. QHV which lead to Coruumplion and Inianlty. $M fieifi -fVtfe. v r .t- ! -lijij ivt aai Dy ESttes-Conn Drug Co.