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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1898)
r took-., 1 in:',.-.: (;.'.--.-; If, U' . I . , , . I : . i I.!'.' r w,"' i.'t .... ;. ' : (ill"': i. .('' J f v i. ? i. ;.'.!.; o p THE DAILY A5T0PIAN It till blfgrst ml best piper on the Columbia River THE ASTORIAN Has the largest circulation of an ur on the!Columtla river FULL, ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL XLVIII. ASTORIA, OHEGON, Till US DAY MOKXINO, JANUARY 27, 181)8. NO. 21. v - ; j n '.l. --'.-- i a- tnn cr.i.KriKATn) "Superior" toves and Ranges J. N. LAWS, AT HA Diaries and Calendars '-ft For 1898... GRIFFIN Klondike Miner' AM) CnmpcrH' UtciiHlIn W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull Mm si Pipe, Imbue, mm4' Ail tele. 474 CmmtrcUl at. AMorla Gotgtoa falertilaaieattlUII "' V TMWm iiaafawW tirdrr w kw www" w w Mams, Bacon ciitcin w f BRAND w , w w The Beat, Absolutely Pur. Rye Sun Frunelnco m 1wrt,and WES' OLD STAND Blank Books and 1 Office & REED Supplies Outfit find PtovIhIohh Foard & Stokes Company ManuUclurtr and Oaalar In . . FINE CIGARS! The In: Two (I.XH1 mill Ever) body llliiht Hlrlrtly uu Ouwrvrd. Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North r.ciflo Brewery, of which sir. Job u Kopp ii proprietor, make beoi tor donipstio and riport trade. Buttled beer tor family nae, or keg boor .applied at any time, delivery iu the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY and AM. KIN1W UK CANNED MKATd Uiiornnleed The llil tn the Market Strictly Pure Lard Cor. roarth and Glisaa Streets Portland. Oregon. "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey For Bale at The Occident Hotel Bar, Hi Offloe Saloon, And all tbe leading ban In Aatorla. SHERWOOD S? SHERWOOD PAanO X)A8T AGENTS, SECRETARY GAGE CROWS ELOQUENT Appeal to tbe 1'aciHc Northwest la favor of Sound Money. iiisi.i:th:k to tacoma city 0 tie 0ct4lo. ol the Ai.mI &nttt .1 nrrCbinker.f toeimerce. 'i. oinu, Jun. W.-Tl. ihtri anmjul ban nil.'! of Chiiiiitr of ('ummrc w li.M nil rtriiln at run T.-oiiu liotl. Al thi i liw of dinni-r trli-Krairw wrre r-. frutii 1'rn.lilpnt 'MKlnliy, Hrctviury 'if Hit. Tr..iiry l,nin J. iimt. H'na t.n WiL.)fi ami Turner, Connrrnmirn ami Junm an. hlnry A. I'" rkln. A rin. nit Dm illMlrm ullil im.ii irnM-nt r Oovvrnor Il-rr taml Hon. Trtpi, . i-amlwil'ir t j Audrla. Aitioni Km li'ifrm rmut mm frmi Lyman J. iii. irrtry of ih trriuiury, at lut tivw : "I ritr.'i ihm it.manr? and (irmftir of ImiklnrM rv-ti( me from bring r."nt lti yuu lo Jicrui hr quMllun uf rfiirmimt thr cuPn-ncy. Not ulrwe tne iruitirt for Ih rwnimpiK'ii of vcr ty ni'tita ii. u. a ij'i'!ion l..nn nnix tor .iliillun Mil. in tiaa lud a rratrr b-rln ntin Mm ni(r.iU pr.M-rl!y of oijf lo- Th i.vila ar.. atii.irnt. W know wtiat thry ari ati.l kin1ri tht-m It t tvxiVra im to apply a r. niisly In onW to ili-etruy mlx'-hlrf. "The rrnmly la a thlna" wOtlrh tarrlio ll Ihr KTMiIrm varMy of opinion, tmt It la omrtdlna to ruruimu the nu (til.f. anl 1 k noi, ihrmftarr, irair or thi hip I hat, 10irirt rrarl to party, lh Annrli-an np "UI com to are the ilt. ..f uphoilin otir m'ini'y unit. "Von liavr an -mplr In fhf I'acinr alilth in lla Infancy. Vour lily ant aa.lir porta of Pua-rt Bound are uutlrta of one of thv rlrhrrt r'Slona In the i.rlO. !i-nirruillly the commerce ot Hie Orlrnt la yoi.ra. Within two or thrw inki l)ir rupllala of Kumiki will have an out), i u (he I'aWno ty rull you will tx ItruiiKht In cloaer tniirti, nm only wltn Ihe ii.innirn c of Aula, but with Kir great Itunaian rmplre, whlrh hue not hidtrrto Iwrti ojwn to the commerce of Hip world. With all of three maitnlflornt a.Ivantuxi'i In proHt""""!. now ran the prop'e of th I'arlni- alofir aff M to ronaeiit to the de r;ulutkn of the alandaril of valuw by hl 'h rj.eianitm moxt te mramirrd? "Vour (late pote-ware two rli-m.nti flriii annie il.iy mill miike you an opulrnt proplr, nami'ly, rnirrprlae anil Ineihaum lbl rfwrnvm In the way of raw mate rial; tmt you need, in arlrr that you miy iltplay ymir entrrpriae and develop thrw mwtirvra uhli-h nature Tiaa ao trauntlful ly provldril. aumolmt amount of cap Hal. That you have not at thla day. Nutiln- -aill contribute tnor to draw rnpllai lo your an t Ion of the country I hull Sir conviction that the monry aland aril la eiif liryond Imt ulrtiicnt." I..VTKST FIM T)IE OIUKNT. rtj.anl Airovltlra lr thr Jtilllpplnr W amla ImUI IUire. Sun Kram-l-o, Jan. 3S- Advlcw trom the orlrnt brln to Siantl K full text of Ihr edict recently ltftie by Fernando Prlmu de Rlwra, (nmor-irenTal of !) rhllliiliMi WIhihIh. ref.Tcnce to lilii haa been made through ortlclal clr clra at Madrid. The. edict la to aovere In Ita treatment of all enemlea of the n pertal irovrrnment that' the mAnlfeat of Wrylt-r m-rm mild In comrirlHon. Taken aa a nthole It appeam a an omclat con f.THlim of tile tintiutlh of the frrqui nt aniuiun.vinema from the government at .Madrid that the Philippine Insurrection hna Nrn eupiTf i-i1 and the people pacl rted. T9ie edict bevHw with the revoca tion of all paaeaN hirvtofotv tneurd and the eatubllalinu-nt of a military trocna. Property belonging to pemona ronnected with Ifie n'Mllon or to tenunta, par dure, or any prim Interested In property t nninir to fhe rebela la deolarel for feltexl to the government and will be felnd lo anthtfy the nerda of the 8panUh i.rmy. . The famllltn of Indlvlduula wno are Incorporated In the rebel iwwty must ro to Join them or fix rhelr rcaidctice un der l!u watitlifulneiiB of the authorities. For Ch piiriiorw of lhl order Ow farr.l lka of reM will consist of the wlvca, children, parent, brothers, brothtra-ln-Inw ntid conslna. FUITI-: St'PPWKS TO KLONDIKE. Waehlngton, Jan. W. T1 war depart ment 4ia been In oorreymdence with tinndian ottWra at Toronto wlfh iIia re- rult Mint the Canadian st-ernment haa consented to admit free of restriction all auppllea biMitiit Into the Klondike region by the I'nlted State (rovernmenl relief expedition. The. free, admission of supplies Is strictly limited to the govern ment expedition, but chore In no Inhibi tion tipon tbe food supplies taken In by each, of the miners alio can pay for tthem. The war department ndvlcea from Nor. wuy ore that the uhlp atanltoba which te lo carry tlhe reindeer to Nw York lies storm boiind nt Trcndjclinan. WANTS PIVOHCK. Crown Point, Tnd.. Jan. 2.-ln the Lake county circuit court Jimmy Michael, the Wclffli bicyclist, tihrough bis attorney, J. K. Stlneon, has filed a milt for a divorce from hke wife, Annie Michael, nee Lewis, to wliom bo wnis married In the city of Cardiff, Wales, March 12, 1WW, snd that she deserted him in tho cMy ot Aberman Wales, three month after their mar riage. Ho further says Die has been a resident of Hammond .Inc. September 1, 1896. PRESIDENT DOLE OF HAWAII Arraigemcnts Made Early i'ur HI Reception In Washington. ARRIVED IN THE AFTERNOON Ko Hilitirjr Display tcortt4 :e Motel kr 6ktr. - rrei'eit Mc aialey CilU. WuCiingt.n, Jan. M. Arratyfam-nta luva burn irft'Ud for Hie r;' pll'n of j I'rr.hl-iK lol of ilaarull on hi arrival In Washington today. Aa th- will bt no mllllary display on hU entry to the city. Dm presence of l're.fcnt McKlnky will not b rwiuln-d, according- to dalomaUo precrtlmL Hecretary of rilnle Hherman, aci'ornp.inlc.l by AssUlant Hecretary Adee, will mrrt President lole'i train at tha Hot at tl:-t. Aivomiiantrd by an escort of mounted police fha iarty will proiird to tb Arl ington, where Prml'lctit IMa will b as-slgm-d to what la known aa th royji oulte. Owing to the fa-t Ouit Pr-Ulmt Mc- Klnley dm not mwt hi past at the uVmK, It will be In ord-r for him to pay th flrat visit. The state dinner to l'rr1 htii lole will ba xivrn on the evming ot FAruao' 1. AKHIVW IN WASH INtJTON. Wutrtilngton. Jan. M.-Wbrn lreldeni Dole, of Hawaii, arrived here today there was no military display, democratic aim pHelty being observed at Mr. Dole's re ijuest. The Arlington hotel waa rvamed alwut 2:30 p. m. BrcriHary Hherman wlUl Mr. J Me on his arm, escorted the party to their rouna and ehen took his omcUl leave. Mr. Porter, private secretary to Presi dent McKlnlry. accompanied by Colonel Hlng-ham. nils notlflwl by telephone ot their arrival and nwi appeared bearing j the congratulatlona of Pnwldent Mckin ley. toiler In the day President McKlnley muda a formal call on Mr. Pole, which did not last over 15 mlnut. At 41S Frmldent Dole reiurnc-d the visit of President iMcKlnley. He drove to the White House In a magnificently appointed carriage. In company wlKi Minister Hath and Krcretaey Cridler. There Fresldent McKlnley was In wultlng In the library. After a few words of general conversa tion the two presidents retired to a coucii In one corner of the room and spent about Ave minutes in cor -ltatlon. It was said that thl talk woji , .ely unofficial and personal. Then the party waa escorted doa-n stairs and returned to the hotel. RHIjIEF EXPEDITION. All Things In Readlncus for Its Sucwaa ful Departure. Vancouver. Wash., Jan. K. The gov ernment Alaska relief expedition will soon stirt from here, everything now being In readiness. The pack train supplies and outfit for the detachment of troop are now being shipped via tile Northern Pacific to Se attle, and thence by steamer to Dyea. A boat has been chartered, and arrived hie this evening to load, and will re main here until the departure, of the teaimer Elder, which will take most of tho frelKtrt and personnel of the expedi tion, while the remainder of the pack train will go by rail via Seattle. It Is understood that General Merrlam will In person superintend rhe starting of the expedition from Dyea. ixx-roR surciiEs Newton. Kan., Jan. Dr. TV. C. Not der. a well known physician of the medi cal and surgical Institution of this city, shot nl Instantly killed himself at tile home, presumably because of fear of the decision of the coroner's Jury Investigat ing the death of Mary Janke. a young German woman, who died under cir cumstances Indicating that she bad sub mitted to a criminal operation. The Jury' verdict In She Janke case which was ren dered after tflie doctor's suicide, did not directly Involve hlm. ANOTHER PORTLAND LINK. Three More Steam Schooners In the Alas ka Service. Portland, Or., Jnn. M, The North Pa cific Lumber Company has chartered the steam schooners Pamdena, Alcatrai and Alcaxar and will place them on the rout between Portland and Alaska. The evhoonera have a carrying capacity of about S30 tons each. They will nlso carry passengers and within two or three weeks the company will dispatch one of the Btenm schooners every ten days from here. COREY BROTH HKS RECOVER. Flko, Nov.. Jan. W.-ln the district court today Judge Talbolt rendered a de cision In dlie case of Cor?y Brothers, con tractors, ot Ogden, to foreclose a lien against the Gold Creek Mining Company. The plaintiff neked for a Judgment of 123,393, and tho court allowed (13. ZU. HPrPOR IMPRl"ONr7D. Berlin, Jan. !6. iHerr Trojan, editor or Kladderndaitch, tiaa been sentenced to two months' Imprisonment In a fortress for lose imajcete. In cartooning; Emperor WIMaro, THE PROCEEDINGS IN WASHINGTON Hall Carrier Scrtice In Large Cities a Bone of Coateatloa. LOUD AND If IS SENSATION fr.BiKt Stirtliag DitclMir.s la rod' Kite Depirtaicai- Ledgi't Silver Dill. Washington, Jan. The house devoted another day to the consideration of the Indian appropriation bin, most of the time being consumed, as on the two pre ceding days, In discussing extraneous sulij.-cta. Ily far the most Interring feature of the day was the debate on the queatlon of redwing the mall carrier arrvlce In large cities, owing to the failure of the senate to attach the estimated deficiency of I1M.00O to the urgent deficiency bill This aulJect haa own agitating metropol itan citl ever eince the order waa lenueg. for cutting down the force on February L A doxen representatlvea from as many different cltlea protested against the pro posed reduction and urged immediate ap propriation, when Chaarmun Loud, of the IMMtontce committee, and Chairman Can non, of the appropriation committee, al layed the wrath of the member by as suring them rhal there waa no occasion for alarm: that the nrl could not pos sibly suffer until June, by whldh tune there would be ample opportunity to paas itm deficiency appropriation. Loud ud alrung words in his crlil clMma of ftostofilce depjatment ortlclale. and proml) some Interesting disclosures later on. A motion to atrlke out the ap propriation for (txi Carlisle Indian school was defeated after a considerable de bate 3 to (5. THUiKIl K12L,CTION. Washington, Jan. JS. For more than six hours the senate had under discussion the Teller resolution, providing that the government pay she principal and Interest uf the I'nlted Stales bonds In silver. By an agreement the resolution and pending amendment are to be voted on before ad journment tomorrJ . The debute waa de void of tbe sensational Incident and acri monious colloquy which charactertxed that of ycaierday. TUB JlLVrai RKSOLITION. 'Washington, Jan. 36 Th following Is lira text of the amendment to th silver resolution offered by Senator Lodge: T.iat all Uio bonds of the United States Issued or authorized to be Issued under said acts of congress are payable, principal or In urest. In gold coin or ltn equivalent, anu that any other payment without ttie cirfi scnt of the credlt- would be In violation of the public faith and In derogation of his rights. Later In tlit. day Senator Lodge gave notice of an amendment declaring it to be rise policy to pay bonds, principal ana Interest, In the money that Is the highest money of the world, tn gold or Its equiva lent In gold, w4ietH- that be silver or paper. Ht'N PINGTON'S NEW DOCK. Will Soon Build the Largest Dry Dock In America. New York, Jan. 26. A spoclal to the Tribune from 'Newport News say: C. iP. Huntington's train waa transfer red from the elation to tlhe shipyard last night. Wthen 'Mr. Huntington was aeked to Htate his Intention regarding the prop osition he made to Secretary Long offer ing to build a dry dock capable of re ceiving the largest ship afloat, he said: "You van say that '1 will shortly build tlh largest and best dry dock tn Amer ican waters In a basin In w4itch any ship In the United States or EnglMi merchant marine can be safely docked and over hauled. This dock will be built at one corner of the shipyard. There la urgent need ot a dry dock in which Che vessel of the navy can be repaired at ahort no tice and In auvfa a basin aa that I pro pose to build." "What about the reported Armstrong deal, looking to the purchase of the ship yard?" "Sir William Armstrong never had an option on that plant It la true, how over, that I did see him and offered to sell him an Interest In the shipyard, 1 offered to eell Sir William Armstrong half of the stock or If he wanted to have the controlling Interest, K per cent. This I eay m the Interest of the yard. I would not think of that much of the stock If 1 did not have eome other business to en gage my attention. I cannot state posi tively whether or not an ordu.ance fac tory will he located here. I have not alMindoned tfho Idea, however." While 'Mr. Huntlmston declined to maki! any statement hi the matter, the lmpree eton prevaHs tGwt his visit In company with . the vice-president of tti Pacific Mall Company Ix In respect to awarding a contract for a new passenger ship for the Facifio Mail. The party will remain here two or three days. Mr. Huntington will live In his private car at the ahlp- yurus. CROVl FOR ALASKA. " One Thousand People From the City or 8eottle In One Day. Seattle, Jan, 28. Three crowded steam ers sailed for Skagway and Dyea wittiln a few hours ot each other today. Five hundred people left this city for the north and from oMhar Sound porta combined al most as many again are booked by the three vessels, making the departures for Alaska from Puget Sound in one day nearly 1000. MONEY PLATFORM OF THE COUNTRY ladlaeapolls CoauatUn Steeds Cor Strong Principles. TO ELIMINATE WEAKNESS Klaitic Nncr CirnsiT t. Deat.i erf Tr-T. avoid Sioek r Vieleit Csiige. Indianapolis. Jan. .-The monetary emigres today adopted she following plat form: Flrt-To rwmove at once and for ever all dout.ta aa to what the etandard ot value In the I'nhrd States la, and 1 to be. Hecond-To establish th. credit of the L'nltal Slatra at she hlgheat point among the nation of Che world. Third To eliminate from out currency syntero those feature which reason and raperirnc ihow to be elements of weak ness and danger. Fouren To provide paper currency eoo- vnrilbl to gold ahd equal to It In value at all time and place In which the vol ume Is made equal to the neceseary needs of business,, there atiall be com bined the quality of growth and elasticity through which K will adjust Itself auto matically and promptly to all variation of demand, "whether sudden or gradual, and which shall distribute Itself through out the country as the wants of the differ ent section may require. Fifth To utilise tbe existing silver doi aini so aa to maintain their parity with gold without Imposing undue burdens tap on trie creajrury- Hlxi To avoid any injurious contrac tion uf the currency. Seventh To avoid the Issue of loterest braiing bonds except in the cas of an unlocked for emergency; but to confer Bne power to iasue bond when necessary for the preservation of Uie credit of the gov ernment. Eighth To accomplish these end by a plan which would lew) from our present confused and uncertain situation by grad ual and progressive steps wlOhout anoca. or violent change to thai monetary sys tem which will be thoroughly safe and good, and cupable of growth to any ex tent shut the country may require. THE MONETARY CONFERENCE. Greenbacks to V Retired National Banks to Purchase Bonds. Indianapolis, Jan. IS. The following statement waa prepared for the Associ ated Press by the Merchants' Association of New York: First The legal lender note commonly called the greenback, should be retired by the use of money tn the treasury and by the Issue of long-time law-interest bear ing bonds. Bullion heretofore held as a basis fur treasury note will by this re tirement become available as additional security for silver certihVates still out standing. Second National banks should be al lowed to purWuue these bonds and use them at par as the basis for circulating notes; no notes to be Issued for less de nomination than 110. The features of the present law relative to the tax on circu lation and the 5 percent redemption funds to remain unchanged exceiH that the tax be reduced to one-half of one per cent, hlch will be ample to provide for the expenses of rh office of controller of th currency. Third All national banks shall be re quired to redeem heir notes at their own counters, at the treasury of the United States or any sub-treasury in gokl coin, or all deposits for ttie 5 per cent redemp tion fund shall be In gold coin. Fourth-National banks shall be allow ed to establish branches In any part of the country. By means of these branches the surplus money now In money centers can be utilized for the moving of crops and the prosecution of general business. Tills sysum lhas been thoroughly tried for many years by the Canadian banks and In very small towns in the dominion by means of these branches tlhe same fi nancial advantages are enjoyed by the business men of the localities as the citl xens of the lanctwt cities. By this means also merchants and other borrowers In the Interior are able to discount their pa per at home Instead of being obliged, as in the United States, to send to money centers and sell through note brokers. This system of branch banks will In evitably cause specific reductions and tend to equallxatlivn of the sales of In terest throughout the country and thla Is the scientific, answer to th demands of the south and west for more currency. It will also furnish facilities for borrow ing money on mortgages or otherwise ami will bring the borrower uid lender together at the borrower's home. Alvah Trowbridge, vice-president, Na tional Bank of America, James MvCreery. of Jannn atcCrery & Co. Richard J. Cross, of iMorton, Hits & Co. Vlysis D. 'Eddy, of iFllnt, Eddy & Co. James B. 'Dill, of 111, Seymour & Kel-logff- Delegation of the Merchants' Associa tion of New York. GRAY'S HARBOR JETTY. Portland, Or., Jan. 2& The contract for the construction of the J't'.y at Grey's1 Harbor, AVasiilngton, has been let by tha government to (he, Hale A Kern Con tract Company, of Portland. Tha con tract piii'e Ih 77O,00O. The Jetty will be about three and or.e half mile. In length. Tho work will be under the direction of Captain Harry Taylor, United States engineer, at Seat tle, who prepared the specifications. WHAT THE MAINE WILL DO IN CUBA Twentj-oae Cans Will Be rirea on Entering the Ha r lor, GENERAL LIB WILL COMMAND Cickaigt f Calls Sitatet Sp.alsk Aiairal la Hri tttu t Sptaisi fres. Washington, January The pro cedure to be followed by th Main, upon her arrival off Havana la laid down at the navy department as fotlmws: Being daylight (for no craft I permitted to eater the harbor durlns; darkness) at the entrance to th harbor the Maine, will begin to fir a salute of twenty-on guns. Aa soon a the last gun das been tired the gun of Mom castle will begin a re turn sahJta of She itm number of gun Then, as there la a Spanish admiral In the harbor, the salute must be fired by the Mama In hi honor. Ther -will be fifteen aun If he be a vice-admiral, and thirteen guns If a rear admiral. This sa lute will b returned in kind and probably the Spanish will send a staff officer aboard the Mame to greet Captain Slgsbee. Thla call must be returned and then there may be a visit from port officials, health and other ofneers. Mranwtrile, presuming that Consul-General Le baa not appeared. Captain Sigabe wlM send one of hi ofn eers ashore to tbe United. Slates consul ate with a message stating that th Maim. I waiting hi order andj Indicating that he would be pteasnl to receive tho consul-general aboard or to call upon bins, ashore, at his pleasure. Then calls having beso exchanged, the neat thing In order will be a recep tion to the acting captain-general, as General Blanco haa gone east aa far aa Cabana After these ceremonies will con clude so far as custom presoibes, though there may be com entertainment extend ed to the Maine's officers by the officials in Havana. It 1 likely the ship's crew wilt be kept closely aboard th ship. In this way the probabilities of an unfriend ly encounter between convivial parties of sailors and rowdies iwlH b redootd. THE SPANISH PRESe. Comments on Bending United States Ships to Havana. . New York. Jan. 36. A 'Madrid dispatch to fhe World says: The ortlclal Intimation of contemplated visit of American war vessels to Havana and the presence of the American squad ron In West Indian waters has cauxed a sensation and much displeasure at Mad rid, which the press of all shade of opin ion ectho today with much bitterness. El Imparcial call the conduct of Amertoan provocation without Justification and rec ommends Spaniards In Havana to be pru dent and self-possessed and to show In difference during the stay of the Amerloan vessels. Sagasta say the Spanish government attache no Importance to the movement of the American ship, as It Is perfectly aware that President MoKtnley harbor, no designs against the present cordial re lations between the two countries. It t easy to see, however, (he says, how poli ticians and military men apprehend any demonstration by the okl SpanWA party In Havana on the occasion of a vtstt by American vessels that -would find an echo In the patriotic feelings and hardly sup pressed irritation against the United State In Spain. SPAIN'S FLEET. Madrid. Jan. H Admiral Chacon, the admiral of the fleet, ha arrived here and had a long conference with Admiral Ber mejo, the minister of marine. He asserted flhat the recent evolutions bad demon strated the perfect condition ot the fleet. The next cabinet council will decide what American porta th Spanish men-of-war are to vtstt. The SpanlHh pepers sharply atlgOTvitixe the (Maine incident as an act of unwarranted provocation. Most of tliem counsel the people of Havana to show forbearance. In official circles the tendency Is to ac cept t!he argument that the United State ia friendly and It I needless to attacn Importance to the visit of an American vessel to Havana. THE MARKETS. New York,, Jan. SS.-Hops-'Klrmj state common to choice, 1895 crop, 4yc; vm crop. 7tfl9e; 1S97 crop, 17(R20o; Pacific coast crop 1SS6. i6o; 1SW crop, tJftlOc; 1S9T crop, 17020c Wheat-Walla Walla, 75c; valley and blueetem, 78c Royal ask th food pare, wbolMom and dtllcloa. F0VB20 Absolutely Fur SOVAl IWM KMMI OO., S(W WMBL ml H