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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN, FRIDAY MORXIXU, JANUARY 1, I88. gaily gtatorfaiu JOUNT T. L1QHTKU, Editor. 1 siephoo Na . TliRMS OF 8UBiCRIPTI0N. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year Bal by mail, per month A Barred br carrier, pr month A WEEKLY. Boat by mall, pr year, la Postag fre to ubsorltwr. All communication Intended Cor publi cation should b dlrctd to to ditor. Business communtcatton of all kind and remittance must b addrcawd to Th Astorian." Th Astorian entrant to Its sub. crtber th turret circulation of any i.wpapr published oa th Columbia Hvr. Xdvrtlsnc rates can b had on appl catlun to th business manager. T Weekly Astorian, th cond old at weekly In th mat of Oregon, has, next to tha Portland Oregonian, th largest weekly circulation In th stat. John F. Handley A Co. are our Portland cveta, and copies of th Astoilao can b had every morning; at their stand, 1 Third street Tie advance In passenger ami freight rates to Alaska will give th enterprising merchants of Astoria who had a chance awhile back to go Into the Alaeka trade, and didn't, something to think about With the exodus from Astoria to the gold fl.-KH and the freight which out mer chant will find It Impossible to send there at any price within the next (u days, the guaranty of &X0 that would have secured a veesel to sail from here win seem like the merest bagatelle. The opening of Jtn and China Is bound to Increase the commercial 4m portanr of the norttjwwt by affordlni; new markets) for It grain and It manu factures. It became known only a few months ago that Japan was taking largely our wheat anl flour, and aa order has come for 500.(40 barret of (ur from Hong Kong. As the northwest is o much nearer Asia than any other great agri cultural region it wouxl seem that the subrttuUoa of wheat for rax, which must come with the development of China and Japan, solve the future of Its grain growers. The west and northwest are now leading every other part of the United States In real prosperity, and there Is no on to grudge tbem their good fortune. Louis v-Jh? Courier-Journal, The course of event still continues fa vorable to th business Interest of th country. Influences which mak for Im provement are Increasing in fore with each passing' day, and from every quarter eome reports of rapid progress toward re. cowry from r.e long depression. Calam ity howler no longer attract serious at tention. With o many unmistakable evi dences of returning prosperity at hand, few people can be found who attach any webrht to the mou tilings of these propri ety of evil. Alt the signs of the time are remarkably favorable. The tendency In all branches of trade Is toward expansion. Even In the salmon hujlntvs, which has been at such a low ebb for year past, there Is a decided Improvement. The stock of- the Alaska Packers" Association as now selling ten points higher tban It was 30 days aro. The Iron bu.n, which by n.any who make a study of such ques tion is regarded us an Infallible barom eter of the general situation, has been showing an amazing Improvement. Rail way traffic reports, the bank clearings, and the foreign trade statements a to furnkrh convincing proofs that better times have actually arrived. Li i .' .. President Klpley, of the Santa Ke Rail way Company, through the columns of the Kansas Commoner, a populist paper published In Wichita, proposes to put the ttifcorira of the populist party of Kansas tq, a practical tt by leasing tn-jm a train on his road for one year at the ac tual cost of the service. The offer Is made officially, and President Ripley de clares it is not a "Muff." It seem that the offer we Inspired hy a series of let ters recently publMied In the Commoner by populfet ex-Congrewman John Davis, In which the Sante Fe road was charac terised as an octopus which absorbs pro fits from Us passenger traffic In :Cansa largely in execos of Its just earnings. President Ripley declares that there Is no profit at all In first-clas passenger traffic. He offers to tease the train on the ex press stipulation that it shall b run every day in the year. The populists are to fix the rates to suit themselves and to have whatever profits accrue. It to needless to say one offer has not yet been accepted, and probably will not be. It is just such tests as these which rfiow the hypocrisy and demagogery of populist platforms and statesmen. Mr. John Da Vis probably knows well enough that the statements he prints about the S.inta Fe road are lies, but this Is the only method be can adopt to keep up his notoriety and give bim a chance to get some office. The more thtr-oughly the question is ex amined She more clearly It lit upparent lhat one free-silver movement Is based upon the reverse of patriotic motives at least on the part of most of its Intelligent adherents. Such men as Wolcott and other falriy honest people In Colorado, Idalho and Montana are actuated by self. Interest all they have In the world to edther directly invested In silver mining, or dependent In some way or another on th prosperity of that industry. Wibh the eouth, like the free trade agitation, the free silver sentiment' Is Inspired by pairs prejudice fervid and unreason able opposition to the republican party, t all times and on genera) principles. In other Hrthns of the country where there Is any corwMcrsble free-stiver following. It I due to th ranting jid maneuver ing of professional poltrVlan. who fled precipitately to the frre-ellver standard when wis crate llmt broke out, on the theory that this wa their only show to KVt or continue to hold office. Sine the subsidence of Mi stiver excitement. these crafty felloes And tftewselws In much the am Nhape as the m'.ne oanens-all their political fortums are Invented In silver, and they must somehow keep up th de lusion among the ignorant and weak minded or else learn son other avova thm. 1. - ... 'H UN KRANCItSOO 81VHTS. San .Francisco, Jan. M. Th sport ot fan Francisco w..l witness within the neat two mown a series of contents be tween, Mire pain vt heavyweight boxer whir may determine who I really th coming champion. Th Choynski and Tut Ryan Ground contwst, alcii will take lac under the awplcvs of the lCmpire club. Is booked fur the evertiig of Feb ruary U at Mechanic' jwntlijiK lMr Jackson i t ruin; (is falthiully actea the bay In Alameda fur anythlt uxii may turn up In the say of a maica. lvt.r . tokrobl) confident of nuxtin; Matter lit th near future. At any rate, J.nkun h.m taken nine by the forelock and tc uie of n many rrun.k, he U trumlng faithfully a:l will give a good I account of himself. Jeffrus aiso at work In Ai.unvu for h:s pripvtlve match with &Mrky. THU COST.V KiCAN COLMtK I'tUTtillA Fur many montl-s the Cofau Itican counterfeiters have been lu:'4T biu noto of Uie govvrnnifac of the Island untli ttie amount, h is sad, baa r ac J ll.iW.0nL Inspectors) of th secret nrle buniuu were chiefly Instrumental in brlnx trig the niajactors to Justloe, Th effl-cK-ncy of th vrt nloe f undvxjbied, but It la by no meu. a secret, but a patent fact, that t.' service Oiat Hos tvtters Stomach Uktcns doed the weak. nervous and dv.nentlo in t in,4n. .i.. There have bevn from time to time coun terfeit of it, as there are of th ganuin Coata Rlcan noie, but cr e mlijature not of hand on the label and the rignett of St. George ad Draon, coupled with the exquisitely fintohed typographical work, are not succerafuUy imltable. Any on who haa used the BJ;;er knows Its admirable qualitfas and th features ot trie exterior of the bottba This agr.e able tonic absolutely prevents and rem edies malaria, rheumatjmn, liver c m platnt. kidney trouble and dyspepsia. QUARTERLY LICEXSK NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that all dog li cense fr trie year ending Dece-nSer &, ISM, tinder th provisions of ordinance Na ISM. and all team, billiard, pool, bowl ing alky, theaters, pawnbroker, hotel, runner, peddlar, laundry and other quar terly Hcenevs ending March Jl. 1S9S. under the provisions ot ordinance No. U9C. are nw due and pa)sble to the chief of po. lce, at hi? otk-e, and if not paid within' ten days from the final publication of this notke, to wit.: Within ten days from Friday. January 14. 1S3S, a penalty of t per cent wll adVd to surh licenses. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, January 4. 1338. To eVlvt your sumnvr gowns now Is to gft the piik of pattern. Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Ride. O., says: "After two doctors. gave up my boy to die. I wived him from crcup by using One Minute Cough Cure." It It the quick est and most certain remedy for coughs, i Mil mrjai anl lua troutiies." Chan. Rogers. i!.mg itt d-flnl as the short rut In language, but we all know the adage alKut the lonifi-st way rouml. ere. A woman's headtrih4 may come from neveraJ causes. She may have a heeulai-he arising from nervnuries., or from di gestive dipturbances. Nine oaes in ten her V'adaehea come from disorders p ctillar to her wx. It may tiow lt-lf In the symptoms whir are characteristic ot a iivn disordem. Thousands of times women have been treated for the wwns disorders. Dr. Pinve's Favorite Pre. sorfptton "was compounded for the sole purpose of relieving womankind ofthse Ills and pains. Thoumnds of women have tentkfled (hat after taking treatment from weveral physlofcins (Without benefit, the "Favorite Preacrlitlon" cured them com. pletely and quickly. It has been ued for over thirty years, and lias an unbroken re-ord of sucesses. The iwoman who hesiis; is invited to semd twenty-one l-o-nt stamps to cover only The cost of mailing a copy uf Dr. I1en's Common Sense Medianl Advlsirr. wili cotitalnn plain, clear information aboJt all of the orKans of the human body and their functions. Mr. Ellsha Berry, of this place, says he never had anything to do him so much good and give such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was bothered greatly with shooting pains from hip to knee until he used this liniment, wfcloh affords prompt relief. B. F. Baker, druggist, St Paris, Ohio. For sae by Charles Rogers, druggist. The trouble we do not talk about Is the one that Is always the hardest to bear. Northern Pacific railraad trains leave Portland (Lilly at 11 o'clock a. m. for TV coma, Spokane, and the cat Close con nection made at Spokane for Rowland, Nelson, Randotv and BriiUsh Columbia mining camps. For maps and Informa tion call on or address C. W. Stone, As toria, Oregon. It lu strange what a nuisance the put ting on of gloves becomes to a woman who wears a lot of rings. CABTOniA, ftt fit- Ual Is ' lie ' lry itfUturs it V Fifty Years Ajo. raadfsther's hat t Aad within It yeas, Grandfathers faeerile cough rsedy. Whether Iwm Aithma. kroschltls f Croup, Or bahy at sight waked Ihi koutt with whoop, With Arer's Cherry federal Crsa'ther was sr Tkat so cold or cough would t'er fall ef a cure. Is ht the styles rhsag. but th record I wilt .how Cswg hs a re cured they w i M year . Aycrs Cherry Pectoral bns no equal as a remedy for coughs, colds, and lung dis eases. Where other soothing elixirs palliate, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral hetvlj. It is not a cheap cough eyrup, which Boothes but doos not strength ea; it is a physician's cough remedy, and it euros. It is put up in lnrfro bottles, only, for household use. It vrtm avarded the medal at the World's Fair of ninety three It had a record of 50 Years of Cures. MARINE NEWS. Tide tatle for January. 1898. ; iiiiiii trin 1aW W AtlK lATK r. x. , a. a. ih.mift, h.tHift. h.nnft. It.m rt I T .v T .t i i i l .10 1 I.M T Saturday. mnkaV .1 1 . 7 1 lo M i n s 7 :i i i J It 1 7 Monday 4 U .1 II 111 , T 117 li i : .1 .t ' uewiny ... 4 H1 . ll.v I I s S "ol WiiIiimI t. 6 in . ! 1 2 U mo J Thun.tuy. tl o.nitl II II TS SI.' II ii I : Krlilav. ... 7 lllr Ijlmi) . M 7 1 : !liirdaT N 41 7 It W4:. " .1 Tl.'O.t M SlLtV. Ji'TT i l .'il f u Mill;1 M.idav..W J S(T4: ti -'o S t soi i s m 7 J . Wedn.ry i: 3 .V. . I ! .1 tJ 7 t I" -' I i-o s 1 li .! ! t i. to I ! lu IV I I ; Kriday II SMMI, I lio.ii) Salurilsv..!5 juM i '. IJSV.iJ II .ii i M'SBAY.W i4. U2 -- I I0 Monday....!? 7l H nwi Sidi- lu.n,luv....l' ski 4.1 i:i 4 1 4 17l: W'eJnvl'r If V II in, 4'Sw II !." Thursday!) 10 51. 3 til I I I Krldav il 0 ji 7 0 II M s i J. f lii II 6 jel! Saiurda v . 1 N 7 il li " h 9 Moi.n ? at t a Sl'MiAV St I X 7 Si LOST,- tJJ IHH04 Mondav..i4 i ttsii -Jfjsj;. St' il 40i Tueuay...s. ;uie-.'; iuith .t i v.tbsi Wediud y.'. 2411! s:A'i, 11 l lH' Tl 1. . y-i7 41;ho 44-'if; Mil" II 10 Si i 4 rnuay 4H7 4kiiim it nwjin SatunUv..a SXI7 4 . ISlll I 7 11 45 IS I wI'NBAY-W Jd7I .W4 I W 1 1 : Monday ...HI 7lt7i iwjo O.frUi im: ASTORIA'S GRAIN FLEET UR- ! Vessel and Klag , Ctls alue Buehalburn, Br sh. (lenelvan, Rr sh tYaluerne, Br th .. 7,7-J 4I.VU .7!t 7U,1 j'.'iiv 47i:s is.iifts t,l' ll,iH BT.nVi TU!7I .'t t-i, I TK'T 1 ri 7 J. HI M i i! a,1 1 Ji.imi er.-.K tii.'i km ikn i (iudl. Hr !h I Blythswuud. Imnbrttton. Hrli . Cumbrian, llrtiH Kuphrwyne. Ilrli.... Mim.. barn". Hrh .... Jlanvlial pucliet, Ur sli (alrale. Hr all Andretn. Kr sh .. Arrarun. Ur bk .... Ilreiihdda. lir h .. 1 li a Mac Ivelliin, Ur oil T.l.lle Hrh . sirathuryfe, llrsh , Itfiiee Klc. me-s, tii-r l Traiimt. Nr xir .. Hiawatha. Nw -li lUiwman I! Ijiw, Ur bk Klotibek. iierli niv-ndiib, Ur .. Wlllkotllliii li, lier all Hali'Wn.l. llrah IjhIv Wentrirth.Brh.... Siltlirrlalidnlltre. Mr .i Kilenliallyiniire, Hr h .. . l'ln!omn, Hr ih . Haiidaiu'lra, Hr bk iui'i'ti .llan-'uri-t br .h . Adolf tier h ......... .. Huikviv, Br ah ll"'iiAmi lir bk .. Norma. Hr hk .. Iivu, Hr bk Klinine-hlri-, lir bit Khirldn. S'r atr Kliuudiire. Hr atr .. . Miinlioiia, Hr all M llliiiin Tllli, ur bk .. Hinldon II ul. Hr hi ai III) 111) I 'Ami i aT'l ail.HU .-..( t 1 17. HV h'i.'i V.i n 711 nil ' 'li.'OI lul.nri i .mi llll.llll i.i .i it .. m ; 7.',.i7 . HI l 1 ri.uni j )".I'H l-Mil l ! :a l..i ! I .it.; i; sj, ci : t,.;..l : Mi.'.U i m'i: ' i.; u ! -'.7i ' in.ii i; i 7i.. I ;ti, K', : III. '.! 1 J. C Ittumir tier li Anambn, lir bk I'eru, ht bk I Hrridnle, Hr bk. ......., Klulnalnre, Hr ah roiimrtvahlre, lir ah . I'rlin iiilltv, Hr bk Kalla ol Clyde, lir ah Iiuliuewlln, Kr hk lieai'on ItiH-, Hr ahlp Selirkhlre, hr bk .... t:iiy of IVrth, Hratr Hruaae a, Hr bk . Ochtcrtyre, Hrbk Waartale, Br ah Ophelia. Nr bk Harilowle. Itr ah ., lirumrnilg, Hr hK . H, ilywni, hr air Ktlrlckdnle, Mr atr Lombard, Itr atr. Pmvlniv, Hr ah Omba, br str iflenlee, br ah Verbena, br ah Barrels of floor. Ji.i - ai.Tol fl.lMI 77..1I7 V.lnl " ,i:t 47,iil i-..K H,liB I"i al.iiu HI..'7 :ia,ii.: I7,i-i HV71 lla.Mt ll-Mi'i l:t,i 'JH.Sia I H.i'JI ili'i 101, IM 'IT.y.V 7,vli! ,i Ill'olo t!,-. kJ.II.) y,': 1 1, ;; ' " 4HJila 7',l I'Wl.n aJi,7ll MARINE NOTES. The Columbia, from San Francisco, ar rivid In at 0:l yesterday morning. The steamship Olympla, what laden, was due trom Portland yiterday even'mg. I tlvely eur Piles, or no pay ri'iuln n. The German ship Henrietta, Captain j ,t )(l B,inrnifteed to iflve pc-feot ailNfai: Sumann, wheat laden for Que;nHtown for ton rr money r.fimd"I. Prive Hi ceres orders, Is ready for sea and carries a per box. Yr sale hy K-t--Coiin Drug cargo of 97,1 butthel of wh' at valued ! Co. at tn.m. I Tho British bark Dund'-e, Captain W. McJ. Orelg Jarvin, wlu-at laden for CiueenHtown for orlem, arrived from Port land yesterday and anchored In the lower harbor. She carries a cargo of l'O.STl bushels of wheat valued at 180,000. The Russian ship Hoppett, Captain j Tork, w-heat laden for Queenstown for orders, arrived from Portland yestt-rday j In tow of the Ocklohoma and anchored In Uie lower harbor. She carries a cargo of W.320 bushels of wheat valued at (4,240. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. The foJIowmg vessels are bound to the Columbia River, with name of master, nationality, rig, tonnage, where from and dato of reported calling: George Stetson, Murphy, Am h, 17S tons, Baltimore, Auguut f. Dovenby Hall, Whlckham, Br Sh, 1828 tons, Liverpool Ben Volrtlc, Abler, Oer sh, 1407 tons, Santa Rosalia. Otftgo, ICsk. Swd bk, tit ton, Ham bunf. Conway Owdl, Jon, tr ah, ISM ton, Valralso, Ounmonwealth, Anderson, Ur sir, 119 tons, Taku, Yandiiara, lleavan, Ur bk, Mt tons, Algo ta. Ulenpark, Irish. Ur ah, Tm oi:t, HIO Janelns August . OKnUiik, lexinard. tr bk, IX tons, Calcutta. (leufvleve, Toug, Kr bk, W7 tons, Hal. phong, October IL Henry Vlllard. !a,tttt. Am th, III lens. New York, October li Oberon,. UuUy, tlr bk, lt4 tons, Newcastle, Australia, Cctobr l Jacques, Ilemada. rr bk, 1W tons, Ms Junda. Indian Emplr. Allen, Pr bk, 151k ions, Valralao. Jupttler. K under. Pan sh, I0S1 tons, To kohanta. Chelmsford, Thomson, Ur bk, lift tons. Cape Tviwn. October t City of York. Jones, Rr sh. 117 tons, 8yd.iy. Itkmta, Hi adhering Ur bk, M tons, Freetnanll. Can Robertson, 1111, Rr h, 1M0 tans, ftivnta Riwalla, tlrltlsh Oenerwl. Thomas, Rr sh. ia tons. NVwcastl- Austrwlla. ilklu. Miwengrr, Rr bk, IK! Ions, Nagasaki. I YaJorl. Urown, lir h, Itrt tons, New. canlle, Australia. I J.irtlon Kill, Walker, Rr bk. tons, iMelbiurn-s I Klntuck. rerrvll. Rr sir, fSl tons, ! Yokohama. Amara, Kent, Rr sir, tons. Hong i koi.g. Alexander Black. Dunn. Rr bk. IJM 1 ton:'. AntwTP. Watlen, Frits. lir sh. !PT tons, Illorv ' Ixiri Shaftsb-iry. Cunningham. Br sh, j !TJ Ions. Sydney, j Bristol, Mclntyr. Br str. lf?i tons. I San Frsnclsco. j F.mllle. Oltmann. Or sh. ITS ton. T ' knhama. Anr.e Thomajt, Thomas. Br h, l?tS ton. Port rtrie i Almora. Thamwon, Br bk. K' lon. j Newcastle. Aus'iulla. I Peter Rlckmerr, Westermeyer. Oer sh. j tons. Honrkonr. AUCKiana. jamr, ur n. i: lonn, jinn. 'aid- ," , . . k . Olenlul. Taylor. Br sh, lM tons, Rnynl lloads '. , Oront'S. Ban. Br h, ITS ti.. 3Mney. St. Enivh. I-rd. Br sir. l-d ton. PhanehaL Wlrlru.h, Walker. Br bk. HS lor. Ade- , Wide. Ortrud Butt. (ir sh. IIT4 tons Santa . ' Itoaia Alc K'htmnnn. tier h. JW tons, Br bk. IMS torn. Br h. lt tons. I Pant Ro.alla. t-i.k.-i.t. a. , Nagssakl. R.imanifT. Monran ... . 1 ,r"'. mu-iiji. Forthbank. Peterson. Rr bk 113 tons, .... Qergnsntl. awynedd. Davies. Br bk. ICES torts, Honolulu. j rurttan. , Br str. ICS ton. Krob i fi. pin iiuu, ii waii i im. urr wnic. mtvm : -ton, Melbourne, Not. i. du IVbniary. I , Audtn,aai Winter. Br bark, MS ton, I rt ni..k-s a . w v.. -lu wm Algoa Bay. . IJtrnsdal, Jon, Br bark, 1403 ton, w'Brlsban. . lu.,i Cambrian Prlnc. , Br ship, IST iJjjtons, M-lbourne, . Ku! City of Athens. Lundlns, Br ship 1M ! 1 tons. Antwerp. . lit.HiJ Seostor. Lewis. Br ship, Ifll tons, Roy- llj.uiij Mosul. Wright. Br sir. TTd t.ina. Illoini hk'ui' Marlon Iruclrs. Huh. Br. eh. IW tona, l i! r. ! Sclney. ll.'mi At.immt, CalMdlero. Phil sh. li'i t-m-i Tahiihuiino. Ll'MBER FLEET. V-nsei, on the Way and In Columblj Rlvr to Load Lumber. I Tenklo Maru Kaneko, Jap bk. 114 tons, Tokohama. Echo, , brtn. CO tons, Knappton. Tientsin, EdwaM Parke, Johnwjn, sohr, 140 tons, San Francisco, N. P. Mills San Francis- ll.;;li co bay. Dec. 11 j tnkliHT K.i-tr:c lll-fr ThU m.dlrl,,.. Il i.'m' Th.- dally diking for something lhat totim tip the whole yti-m. a. le na a slim-"-'' ...... ,., ..... ' . . . . " o' "'lr st.uiniih. t fr.nni- ami brav. -i h. ari. I take pleasur In recommandlns '. Ohamberlaln's Colic, Cholera and Dar i rhoea Remedy to all who suffer from' ' pains in th stomach," says Mr. Milt Me. I . Klnley, editor of th Rawson (Ohio) Her- M- "Unt" 1 " 1 ,hi remtiy It wis, at times. Impossible for me to b in my ' offlc. owing to atU-kt lasting from on I to two days By taking it i soon as ihe ! flrst symptoms of th attack ar felt. I no longer suffer his unplessant sick. II T7V -.1. W .k..!.- . vr via 117 vnries nivvn, urug 1L Why on earth becaiwn a woman owns a oli Iff on sauli doi-s she Inxlst upon war-' lng It with a tailor mode gown? BTCKLBN'S ARNICA SALVE. The brt finlve n the world for Cuts, BruIfJe Bore, tT(!ers, Salt Itheiim, Fever Son-s, Tetter, ffin.ppnd Hindi, Ohllblalns Corns, nnd nil Hkn Eruptions, nnd post. Pirrifiles. blotelies,'l. rotit'h, oily, inothy skin, itchinc, scaly scalp, dry, tiiiii,auil lallinit hair, and baby bletulalies .r:v'!til( 1 by CfTOiiiiA Bimp, the most i:fi'"i;tivo hkiu purifying anil lMiautlfyiiig soap ill tho world, as well as purest and fcwuctcst lor toilot, bath, and uursery. It told thnmtrhonl tht rortd. Pottik Dlt-tf A ( tun. Cdif ., fMe Prop,, Bftoo( U. rt. A. 3T "Ho to Frtvinl Vtvsa UumonSmtiM A. EVERY HUMOR 'TOEfiffiftr. lllliiilllS It'i no uir; I've tried doir m o( placet and il'i i!it)ily Impossible to (ft rikhI toliacco (or live cents." "ImkxI ci(!4rs. you mean. K you'd Invest your nkkrl In Piper Heidslcck you'd get the best piece of tobacco you ever put between your tceih.' Judges of Rood tobacco everywhere are unanimous in their praise of PIPER HEDSIECK (CHAMMQNC 'UVOfO It is not only the best chewing tobacco on the market, but since the recent increase in nxc (making the new plug nearly half as large again as the oKl) it is positively the biggest piece of good tobacco ever sold for five cents. WV 'WW J. A. FASTABIINI) General Contractor HOUSE, HHUK-.K AM) WHAKK HUlt.llKH HOUMK MANHnnn -- uarasiredlucuiesll Ill''" i'""r.:.. 'IC-MUthCV ""-d. Vihi iiiwwailln, A CLE V Ell Tfll'-K. I It riTlalnly l.mlui ik II, but ttire l rinlly no trirk iilxiut It. Anvlaaly can ! try t who has In no- tm.k and wmk kld- n.-y. mularU or nervous inmlil'". Wn nwnn h" can ciin. hlma. lf rithl away by ulutit to Ihe iiv.r and klliH-y. li n I, purlll-r mid mrve tonl'. ii ,',nv cam. sllparion Iwiul.ii'di-, fainting e-l., lri- l"M""'M, 11,1 1 '"''""O"'')' I l iwrely vioiiUde, a mild laxutiv-. and r.-lor.K th system to lis naturnl vigor, Try Ktrln HIltiTS nnd Im that they are a mlrare work"r. Ev.-ry bottle gisaramli-ed. Only UK a but tin at Elin (,'min Drug Company, Are there many who -know lhat In the iuniile onihsls are hunted a seat akin to thai ticstowrd on elephanlH anil tlgera? MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN OF ALL AGES ra noNKVit ADViarK. iron. derfnl appliance and scientific rem. dins sent on trial lo any reliable man. A world-wldo reputation back of tills offer. Every obstacle to happy married life removed. Full strength, development nnd tone given to every portion of the body, I'nlluro ImpoMlhle; ago uo barrier. No 0. ). I). selieuiH. ERIE MEDICAL C0..bans?: The rapidity wlIJi whloh suige leter are written ?cadi olio to aiiipoe all uciora ami itctri'HHes ate adepls at short huiid. XA PLEASAM EXPERIENCE. A few days ago a clmmlng young lady who was traveling alone between St, Paul and Chlcngo, was ticcost"d hy a handsome gonrleman, who Invited hf.r to dinner with him. "Certainly, Mr. Carson,"1 she replied, "for ths Wisconsin Oantral lines have the best dining car service In the world; I shall be delight ed." For furoher particular call on the nearest ticket agmt, or address J. C, Pond, general passenger agent, Milwau kee, Wis., or Oeorge B. Batty, geaual agent, Ut Stark street, Portland, Or, In Puerto Llmon, Uhe princlpiU seaport on Uie Atlantic tide of Puerto Rico, ther are more people who talk DrglWh, French and dorm an than those who speak ths na tive ranguuge. iL .. MedMn to, rati, v.,.,, l ItuCo..UlrlbutiUg.;.tuu. Tkua.ttd VasshlUkil free (to all) PLUG TOBACCO OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MonmaHlh, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS tiM'itar Vrml ( ourtc tit tluee jrear oiiir yrar whullr mfi uonsl. Iraiulut ilrMnmru ul nine sradn with M ehlldren. lailriii tliin and trlu l( lu Ii)hiiimI .hwedlih f trm'.aml Vi i ,Mle lui pulilir 1 lie .Normal l I f.loitiw It rr, lir, tit law as a HTATS 1 1 rr t'K.H lirtC AIR l leaen i tilil etiieuw. IiiIIIimi. tuaikt, board and Iwlglng (sp iimiiuiaieliri, i.lluuir iMr tuiiiit boarding tlienielTe, III') 01) per year Aradeinlr r.l arreiel frum hin M hiNila. I iUf uet rh-r0illT mUI im i'pa ltiKi. AddrrM , I'. L I'AMfllKI.U Prl.t.ot. or W. A. WANX. heereury Ksoslly. MOVINl) TOOI.H I4KNTKD mmm ny hilar Dr. tellsw . wiii.u This wimilmiul ra.. aetviuailiaraa .,h .. uk u , K'r. .ihcr aet cuK,! by oeer,,,,!,.,, yiuthlul TrmT 'l 3 tobai-en uolitm ... aLM...!.-.. i.uliL... . r" use ot Ullllll. insksl Csl TM Is I . . m . EflTl.H.Ci.NN Ultli) in, Ag-nts, Aslorl. THE OltllVrKST lI.-i-OVEHY YET. W. M. Il..ii.-. l!ir Tlabilwu, III. Chlof. saya; "Wo w si'l ki'i-p hiMiSe wllh out I'r. Knga N,.w 1 'lmi wy fur Con fiiimi.iloii, iNionhs in, . I tVrd. Elerl in.'iilid with many others, but tlt-V.T giH 11k- Iru.- r. nmly iinill we usnl lr. King's New liieioviry. No ilh-r ri-mily nan lak- IN plare In ,mr home, as In It we have a ivrialii ami iu,i mim fur ruuglsj, rolds. wtr..iig i Hugh, He.'' It Is Idle to ep iliu. nt wlih mhi r ri'imilli-s, even If liny am urged on yuu n JiW as giwel a lr. King's .New lilmnvery; They are not na iroo.1, iMvaure thus renxily has a rworil uf Hires li ml w iruuntlileed. It lii-v-.r fall, fo satisfy. Trial Urtlli-s at Entes-i'iHin I ii nit i'omittiiy. Miss Allle Hughes. Norfllk, Va was frightfully burtd on ths fac and neck. Pain was Instanty relieved by DoWltt'f Witch llaxel Halve, whlnh healed the In jury without leaving a scar. It Is th famous pile remedy. Cha. Roger. r.'Z'oznxjv. ftft!- iai'.i ti fMt Mrs. M. B. Vorl, KthUlnU's, III., suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and was finally cured by using TViWItt's Little Early Risers, the famous Utile pills for all stom ach and liver troufbln. Chas, Rogers, Men often turm n certiiln (iinllty In their nalures dignity; women, In defining It, get nearer the truth when they call It obstinacy. It Is easy to catch a cold and just as efcry to get rid of It If you commence early to v One Minute Cough Cirre, It cures coughs, colds, bronchi I is, pneumonia and all throat and lung trouble. It Is pleas ant to take, stiife to use and sure to cure. Chas. Rogers. Mirny n (,'lrl who marries a man be cai slic thinks other girls want him wMies thi-y tnul him boforo sh ha been wl a month. J. A, Perkins, of AmtlquHy, O., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by phy. sldanis for the cure of eczema. II wag quickly cured hy using DeWIW's Witch Hazel Salve, ths famous healing salv for plies and skin diseases. Chas. Rogers. On Minute Cough Cur cures quickly. That's what you wantl Cha. Rogers. GO EAST , .;via.. Library Car Route AMEUICA'B W'MNU) LINB, Mcsli la Dining Ism U Cart HlKI rtsiisit No Dirnl Th U-rU rout to Koolsitai dUbIm district, via Hcaitl and Hpokan ' .1 Shortest and Quickest Line TO sk St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago AND ALL POINTH BAIT Through Palace and Tourist Wesper. Wiling and Ubrary Otsssrv. tlon Car. Dolly TrnltiM ...FnMt Tlmo MKHVU'R ASH HCKNKUY I'SaAHt'KLID Kor ticket and full Information tU on mrnl O. It. N. Cu. or ahtrM A. n. C. DKNNIHTtlN, C. V, T. A.. I"urtlan4. Or. R. C. HTKVKNB. O. W. IV A.. rUatlU Through Tickets TO TlIK CAST AM) SOUTHEAST vu PULLMAN PALACIC BLBEI'lCIti, TOUIIIBT ILEKI'ISHfl and rilKK BfX'LININd CHAIR CAM Daily Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern CU vt llhr WAv. rn Pacific or O. It N. C. Only Line From Portland Offrlnc raasscigsr lb cfcoto tl xw TVnirtat Car Una (hrouh to Cbloacs, Specially Conducted Excursions VI Shasta Rout to Chicago svary Tua day. Bagr ohecknt through to oas tlMtlon, Magnlftosnt scanary, unto ifacwta, fast Urns, losnsil rat as. rtntsch light In a cars. Tor rales and olhar tiifurmatloa, call on or addr a W. BAXTER, Oeo'l Aot, Ul Third cor. AUr. Portland. The buffet smoking; car on the Ihirlliiffton'n Hi, paul-Chlca0 I .(mil nl Is a vivXtuhln club house on Willi Is. The Biuokliig room Is a brilliantly lighted apartmimt, U feet lung, beuutlfully car petml, fluMinl In mahuiriuiy and furnished with cony choirs, solle,, laldos and a writing desk. Hero you may lounge, read, wrlle, goswlp, muoko or play card from 7:20 p. m. umU midnight and from 0 until J.2S a. m. Tickets at offices of connectinf lines. A. C.SIIKLDON, (JcniTiil AKi'iit, roitlaiiil, Orogon Astoria Public Library RIADINO ROOK FRED TO Open every day from o'olock to IK and 1:10 to 1:30 p, m. Subscription rates It per annum. 8. W, Cor. Blevonth and Duano Btmttv Willl.Tm'a Klrlnnu Dlll TIiim ii n itfiiifil fn fllustLuits iUeiM ...... .... - ...... ... wirn iirruri v viiuv IT'I I fil l wm X w ivimwyttniM Lnimry urfunH. iluvoj you m'tfircU'ii your h uluovh? llnvo and l)liii(lir? Iliivoymiallabby hp ponrunco oi tno face, eHpecliillyC ' urulur tho itytw? Tio froquntitdo-. I iHlro pitaH urinoV William's Kidney ruin will lmpiirt nuvvllfo to thodlk-l ( 'eamfd orpins, tomi up tho system, (iind innliu u mnv man ot you. By mull 50 cunts per W. I Wiluams Mru. (;o Props., Cleveland, a , VWsi m i si. iiiTmannmM gS Sl e i-.-w ?-'Wt;.-1 liiliili M ym uvrrwunti'ti your nervous ftyh iU'in und cuumMl trouhlo witli your iKitlncvH nnd lUiuWer? IUvo youf Tot sal by Bstes-Ccmn Drug Oo. (