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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
f TIE DAILY ASTOFIAN U thi blficit in! fecit paper oo the Columbia River TBE ASTORIAN nas the largest circulation of anv tar on tte Columbia River FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLVIII. ASTOKIA, OKEfiOX, THIDAV MORN I NO, JANUARY 21, 18U KO. 13. r Tnr mrnnuti) ii Stoves and Ranges AHC TI1R J. N. LAWS, AT HAWES' OLD STAND Diaries and Calendars For 1898... GRIFFIN Klondike Miner' k0 CompcrK UtctiHllH W. F. SCHEIBE, trtm. aa. 5aMkra' AilkWt 4T4 CommtNlal I iMorla' Cntftoai titcrtai.BC.l Kill if SrVi nsKhMNaaaMaaMaUa1' w w It w SHIELD r f Mams, Bacon and w w f w , BRAND e Th Beat, Pur. Ry. For Bal. at Th. Occident Hotel Bar, lb Offlo. Baloon. And all til. leading ban in Aatorla, am cK Sun Fnuielnco ant Portland MM tiperior" BEST Blank Books and Office Supplies & REED Supplies OutdtH I which la not th fact, aa only buglers and i a few others are paid. Th rat are raer- fPQVl Hlotl H I rh,nl" ml c,,"r'1- "rv'r without gov j ernment pay. Those responsible for circu and I Foard & Stokes!" Company Manulas lurar an4 Ulwr In FINE CIGARS! The Louvre.. Tlirr KliMre-Kln Mmlr, (lanfraof All KlnU:Twa Mainlfliviil lr: Krr lliln Klml t'laM; thwd (inlrr and K.vrr.vtxMly'a (i(hla Hlrlrlly obwrrrd. Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North Paolflo Brewer, of wbiob Mr.John Kopp ii proprlolor, make. ber for Jomeatio and export trade. Bottled ber for family uae, or keg boor .applied toy time, delivery in th. city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY Al.t.KINPN UK I'AN NK1 M KATS Guaranteed The Hint In the Market Strictly Pure Lard Cor. roarth i.d Gllsia Streets rortlnnd. Orepoa. "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey SHERWOOD & ' SHERWOOD PACIFIC COAST AGENTS, TROOPS MASSED N IIAVANAiI (Kiotcrs Oulttcd Out the City I'llle. With Sprnlsh Soldiers. WILL LXI'LAIN AUTONOMY liiarat.f Very Active Aticnpud fin tiy Net With Dratfe Vnltitctrt Still ( o in. Ik! ricld. Havana. vi Key Wt, January 20. Wiiri. tfaturday the rioter hav bn (uit, wiih th. rnrptkn of dynamite I bomb exploding in the Jinx d. Colon, I wMi did no harm. The ruor lht th i volunteer, would revolt Mralnsl tht f ov. I rrnnvnt have had no foundation. Nev rrUM.m. on Halunlay and ttonday tv. ml general arrived he r. from Mutant. I provlnrw and from Havana, province mitt sdnittonsl rvlnforremnU About U.OOV men are now located within theclly limit j and lit outskirts. Certain persun hart I rrrulait rumor that th volunteer. would Join n the roln and hav till! fur. j thrr lm-rtBMl popular paasaon by say ! Ing that lh government Intended to dls ; arm them. It ha. also bem aTied that i the vutunterr would not hav tb ballot ! Iirctiw in th pay of th government. lating th rumor ar Interested, It a td In polities, In breeding troubU between in government ami th volun- ao aa to have the latter disarmed and lo bo amred of M.t men In against the Insurgent. Now that I h disturbances have quirted Jin, tti grrstest lart of th troop have rriurne.1 to thrir rrapecllvr ata. 1 tllHll. AaMnw ttta r"WmMi'i vupportrni tha riot s ur ripla'.nrd aa apontanrout and ; wholly wlthuut pwlotn arrantrment. Thry ars aTlll to tho violent attack! ! upon not only ttia army oflWra, but aim Uon prunilncnt loyaj Ppanlarda, Ilk th ' Mitrqui of Plnar drt Rio and MaJam ' Kva t'nrl. H wrll known nfwpapT ' auinnn. Th aoMIrm on the other hand blame the authorise. fr tolerating nw I .M-r altaike protilbltrd by law. Ttiouirh I wlthcMit worlaj itandlng, the rlotrra Inelst I upon th'lr pmrlotlnm. It h) not true that the ronarrvatv municipality of Cli-n. fuivx haw defaulted I140.WO. Ttili chnrge hi only a txrfllloal tntrleue to enable the lovrrnmrnt to auapend the municipal au thoritl and to appoint autonomlsta. The 1 ; motH)' In qnratlon waa Invrated In boa. pltula and In drfrnae of the city, i i pon the body ot explain ruga, mili tary commandrr at Itlncon, thi prlvlnce, waa fdund a lettrr (lened by Pugs, offer In to Inrurtvnt Iradrr llfrnand.l t.G and frre poM( to the United State if he wxxild aurrender with 80 armed follow- I rm. ARiunrr iruer anewrrniw ine niwve wit f cm nd adtlred to Mm saying that If tie continued hi aUempta to corrupt the Inaurgenta he would be oourtmartlaled ami ahot If captured. A ruga could not Induve Iradrr Hernandea to aurrender he began Decollation with leader Juan Del aado, throupti the -larter'a fattier. Her. namlri having learned ot thla captured and shot Captain rug, without allowing him to communicate with Dolgftdo. When thla waa known a Spanish force went to 'Rlnoon and secured the body. The Insurgents last ntoht raided Jaruco, IhJa province, and without firing Ta shot carried away the horse, of the Spanish cavalry squadron, 'whose momhera fled at the ulirht of th. insurgent and took shel ter In the cavalry headquarter. The Spaniards will b courtmartlnled. It nlpht th reflection of large fires In th caneflelila In the direction of dua mihncoai were dearly noticeable here. Benor Mnrio Oarcla, governor of the pro vince of Santa darn, haa gone to Rem, dlos to await, It I ald, the aurrender of an Insurgent leader, whose name ta not yet given. Th. member of the cabinet will Issue a manifesto explaining "the salient point of the. evtheme of autonomy and Its ad vantage over Independence," together with an appeal to the insurgent to sur render. When Senor Clovln, mlnlnter of the Interior, landed here lust Saturday, he hKtencd through th. renr entrance of the custom house in order to avoid being hissed by Uia crowd. After dynamiting te passenger train nenr Darga-me, pro the passenger train near IDargame, pro snglne, as already cabled, the Insurgent attacked the train, killing one passenger, a nogro, wounding five of Uw train es cort, and wounding or otherwise Injuring SB passenger. An expedition landed Monday nlKht nesr Trlnl.laJ on Ih. south ooast. A band of 20 Insurgent, entered Managua near this city awd carried oft number of oxen. The report that S00 Insurgent, from Mat. antae have entered this province near C arenas a de Ouonamon, 1. confiremed. as well a. the report that the Insurgent lirljfadl'-r I)-tnn'oiirt, with 300 men, from Matanaaa haa paaard near Han Nloolaa. The InmirKrnta vn4r lradi-r Auuatln Vrvantra entered Han Antonio da tu. llano, at nUfiii, and plundered a atore In Uva outuklrt juf Ih. town. Two hundred uwurfenl. entwrnl rXtoao, thla province, and plundered wreral atore. Tha In. iirenta In full view of th. town of Ca bana, province of rinar del Rio. carried off a number of oxen and boldly ohal. lowed the nion to eoriM outalde and ntu. Comn. lllanco haa not drilled hi rel- ment, the fifth regiment of volunteer, Inre 1I riot, for fear bl men wwld Iih him berauae of 111 offer to General Illiinro to face the Holers without ape- rial rail to tha palace. Lieutenant Culderon of the fifth battal. Ion volunteer, ha tendered hla realgna t Ion aa a iirotrnt aaln the about at th palace again! Central lilanco and auiorxmiy. The total loei during the ege at Camp'Krtnielln In Manaanlllo (Vatrlct waa 30 klfl-tl and V wounded. The Incurgent leader Lunah baa) attack ed fama Crus del None, province of I'lnar del Rio. IS MADRID. (Uadrld, Jan. . Ttie addrea to the (jueen regent (Igned by Benor Romero Kubledu and other. I. mild toned doeu ment. daKlaimin reaponalblllty for the "Infraction of Cb. cooatltutlon by the gov ment'a unprecedented action In chaffing th government of th. Antilles without the co-operation of tha eortea." The algnera dedar. tbat they are .war. of th. dlnVultew aurroundlng th. govern ment, but coraridrr ll tbelr duty to d majid thai the corteg be aummoned. ANOTIfHR ACCOUNT. New York, Jan. . A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says: Although the rioting was practically over on Friday night, troops continued to pour Into the city up to Sunday. Gen. era) llernal arrived from Plnar del Rio on that morning with a force estimated at 9Q num and bivouacked In th railroad yard. About th. aame time a column of 1'") cavalry rod In and found quarters In the Cuartel de la Fura. In Cuba street on the artillery wharf batteries of field artillery were planted In poslHoo to rake Cuba street All public buildings along th harbor front to Pkxa d'Armes to the Puma were crammed with troop and largo bodfo at cavalry and Infantry were ht ld In reserve In the streets adja cent to Central park. It Is estimated that U.on) troop were In the city In addition to the regular garrtson. There was muoh speculation as to the cause of uch ex traordinary precautions In view of the fact that th city was apparently tran quil. The usual parade of the volunteer paluoe guard on the Prado wu permit ted, but a cordon of regulars massed the crowd at a distance permitting no one to llrwu'h the volunteer. After the vol unteers marohed to the palace all re straint wer removed, but the cavalry remaned on duty in front of the Hotel lngVterra until the next morning. Dur ing the nlk-ht one or two small disturb, anoc occurred And a few shota were tired, but no one was hurt. A few bat talion of troops returned to their sta tion in the field Monday morning, evl. dently on the strength of rumors that the Insurgents were about to take ad vantage of their absence to assume the offensive although a largo number of troops still remain. An explanation of fered for the concentration of troop far In exoee. of the apparent gravity ot th. situation, l that General CUnco haa de termine to mobilise one-quarter of the volunteer force ami end it Into the field on active duty. If he ever had such an Mva he has apparently abandonedjl- A muoh more probable solution Is offered In the Madrid telegram In the paper re ceived here this morning, stating that the riots were th result of a conservative plot tn Spain to overthrow the ministry and General Blanco and to enforce the return of General Blanco. FROM NICARAGUA. New York, Jan. SO. The Herald', cor respondent with the Nlcaraguan commis sion sends these advices from Managua, under date of January 19: The commission and the party of Chi cago engineer and aurveyors are Just leaving for Rlvaa by way of Lake Nica ragua. The two parties will go down the San Juan rrver together. IOWA WANTS ANNEXATION. Pea Moines, la., Jan. 20. The house ot representatives hn passed a Joint resolu tion Introduced by Van Houten, request ing Senators Allison and Gear to vote for the Hawaiian annexation treaty. The vote was H to 40, most of the denv ocrat. and fuslonlsta opposing tt. RUSSIA INCREASES ARMT. Berlin, Jan. 20. Considerable surprise has been caused here from a dispatch from St. Petersburg to the Cologne Ga lette announcing that Russia haa formed two new army corps on the German and Austrian frontiers at Vllna and Klelt. EMPRESS RESTORED TO HEALTH. Berlin, Jan. 20. The Empress Augusta Victoria da almost completely restored to health, but will remain In her residence at Fotdam aa a measure of precaution. RATES RAISED FROM ASTORIA Now C.sU Money to Go to Alaska or ship Goods There. WILL BUILD MORE VESSELS t. I.ereaM Btr facilities .r Mniliij lie Traffic Tr.ablc i. Cm Over link Ticket. The grand rush to Alaska, baa com menced In good earnest. Besides the lanr. number of paengen who sailed on th last trip of tb Elder, thirty tickets havs been Mid In Astoria for Um Oregon, whW4 win lewv. Portland on tb. Brd. Every Inch of freight apace has been en. gmgvd and still much freight will bar t lay over. Reports) from all other ports are to tb same effect. Thar ar not steamer enough to handle th business now offering, and what tb. story will be In th. spring s difficult to say. Yesterday Agent Wilson, of the pacinc Coast Steamship Company, received In structions to announc that th. rate, of pwanage on their sxeaners hereafter, tak- Inc ImmedUt. effect, will be: To Dyes, and kagway Flrt-claas, C0; avcoodkuw, S. To Juneau First -clam t; second-class 12. To Wrangle Flnl-ciau, P; aecond- daaat. KD. Freight rate on general merchandise to Dye and Bkagway are Increased from 110 u $13 per ton. W'ben It became known on tha street. that these rate had been determined uptm much Indignation was expressed. am) some even characterised the action of the company as robbery." It was sail that on her last trip the Khlir earned about IX.QljO for tbv U day rhe was out, but the. agent here, while not having the figure. Is of the opinion that half that amount would be much nearer the truth. Others took the view that It was the transportation lines' opportunity and that the higher rate would have the effect of keeping out of Alaska people who would only become a burden upon the territory. The Victorian, of the O. R. & N. fleet will soon be ready for sea and will at once be eut to the Sound where he will run between Seattle and fikagway. It haa bten decided that the first gov. eminent relief expedition will leave on the Elder, IVbruary 1. FIOHT ON ALASKA RATES. Chicago, Jan. 20. Alaska rate are prov ing a source of trouble to western roads and It Is likely that a meeting of all the roads will be called tn the near future to consider them. Th chief trouble now Is that the pur chaser of tickets to Seattle cannot be assured ot any definite date of sailing for Alaska on account of the crowded condition of the steamer and the few boats that are available for the traffic. One of the western roads, which sold several ticket for Alaska Informed the purchasers that the boat would aall on a certain day and that they would have no trouble In seouring the passage. When the arty reached the coast they found that tt was Impossible for them to get on the boat, aa all the available space had been taken long before their arrlvnl. The road waa then compelled to keep them Seattle until the sallnlg of another steamer, a proceeding that proved very expensive to the road. The road will try to make dellnlte ar angements with the steamship compa nies for tho tare of the passengers they bring to Seattle, and falling In this, they IH sell tickets to Paclflo coast ports ithout any stipulation aa to the salllnc of boats. BITUDINO MORE SHIPS. San Francbco, Jan. 20-The local trans portation companies are preparing to ac. commodate the rush to the Klondike. Tie Paclflo Coast Steamship Company hai ar ranged a schedule that wilt give 5-day eteaimuhip service from today between San Francisco and Alaskan ports. The company xpects to handle at least 10,000 passengers out of thte city next month and during the season the total tonnage In this port Is calculated to accommodate 50.000 people. About June I steamers will be placed on the run between thi city and St. Michael. The Alaska Commercial Com pany will run the steamers St. Paul Dora, Bertha and Portland, with an aver age carrying capacity of fully SOO passen gers each. These vessels will connect with the river steamer, upon th. breaking up of ths Ice and not lee than two ships a month will depart from here. The Facfflo steam whaling company will run steamer to Cook Inlet and Alaska The means of getting to the fleW will be greatly augmented when th. vessels now ta course of construction are com pleted. WILLIAM ON TOP. Berlin, Jan. A elgTrtncant artlcl In th Cologn Oaiette assert, that accord Ing to International law K'o Chou Is Gorman property and an .ttatk upon It would .nH Emperor William to 6clar. war without consulting th bundeirath. The paper ay, furthermore, that being leased territory, in a political sens It r mains a before, foreign territory. There fore, commercial and custom treaties be tween either Chin and European .tale, or between Germany and other nation, hav. no valHlty there, and consequently foreign state cannot appeal to the fa vored nation clause or claim similar right to tho. granted Germany, while Germany i In a position to regula!. h customs and commercial relation quit, unreservedly as h. thinks proper. THE 810.VAL WRECKED. Victoria, B. C, Jan. .-The lighlhous. keeper at Carm&neb point ha just re ported by teJegrapto thai th fcesch I strewn whh wreckage. Including a lot of Efe belts) and buoy, with "Bteauner Sig nal" painted on them. (All that oouM be learned last night of th Signal la on. fact she arrived her January I with ton of coal from Na naimo. Sb. finished discharging th. day after ah Elder arrived from fikagway, January 11. and saJard on tb. 11th In bal last for tb Bound. Captain Beadegard expecting to bring down another cargo ot coal. 6b carried about twelve men, and was a three-masted steam schooner.) A WEMXINO IN HIGH CIRCLES. New York, Jan. . The engagement ot John O. Beresford to Miss Emili Isefln. third daughter of Adrian Iselln, Is an nounced. It is some S yean, etnee Mr, Beresford, a member of the ancient and noble family at Bereafords, came to this country to seek a fortune. He wa a cousin to the Vate Marquis of Waterford and a cousin to the present marquis and to Lord Charle 'Beresford and to Lord WinUun Beresford, the gallant sdfcker who married the Duchow of Marlborough, who had been Mrs. Hammersley. By marrying MIa Iselln, Mr. Beresford will ally himself with on of th most charm ing family circle In New York. BANQUET AT THE ASTORIA. New York, Jan. 20. The banquet of the National Assoclatloa of Manufacturers or the United States will be given at the Waldorf-Astoria a week from Monday nuoht win mark the close of the third year of the organisation. President Mc Kinley Is expected to be th chief speaker. It Is expected that the members of the cabinet will accompany the president from Wsshington. The convention of the association will be held January S, 26 aod IT. OS THE WARPATH. Victoria. B. C. Jan. 20.-Her Majts.y' ship Pheasant went to sea today under scaled order. Th Leander will leave next Wednesday. Admiral Palllster re fuse absolutely to say where they are going. The opinion among naval men Is divided between China and South Amer. lea. Wherever it Is, the admiral must have received reassuring news, aa late this afternoon It was decided that the Imperiuse ehould not go. BAD FOR CURRENCY REFORM. London, Jan. 20. The Time In Its finan cial article says: Without doubt the adoption of Senator Teller's resolution will have no effect, but the commlttee'a action, though not approved by the senate, I a bad sign for currency reform. TELLER RESOLUTION. Washington, Jan. 20. (Special to the Astorian.) The Teller resolution to pay United States bonds In either gold or silver was taken up In the senate today by a vote of 41 to 25. LIVED WITH A BROKEN NECK. Port Townsend, Wash., Jaiv 20. Au gust iNlckerson, a sailor died here to day after living eleven day with a brok en neck, the result of a fall of a distance ot 18 feet. TWO PER CENT DIVIDEND. New York ,Jan. Su. The director, of the Pullman Palace Car Company have de clared the regular quarterly dividend ot 2 per cent, payable February 15. 'NOTABLE DEATHS. Liverpool, Jan. 20. Robert Rankin, chairman of the Paclflo Steam Naviga tion Company, is dead. Halle, Jan. 20.-Prof. T. A. Schenberg, entomologist, is dead. DECLARED A DIVIDEND. New York, Jan. 20. The National Lead Company has declared a dividend of 1 per cent on common stock. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Almtra Helden to D, Marx and EL C. Jorgenoen The north 25 feet of lot '4, block 16, tipper Astoria; 1250. United States to Olalf Erlckeon South, west quarter of northwest quarter and north one-hailf of southwest quarter and southwest quarter of southwest quarter, section 5, township ( north, range i west; patent, United States to Edwin Heald south, east quarter of section 5, township 6 north, range 8 west; patent SENSATION IN, 'THE LOWER HOUSE Sputter Reed nd Bailey Call Each Other Liars. INCIDENT CREATE3 UPROAR Tit Speaker Va Sa.tal.rd rlcKlat.jr CiWt r.tlcjr-Vill Civ. TiM t. Jkitetosy. Washington, Jan. JO. Speaker Reed, from th. rostrum of th house, and Bai ler, leader of ths democrats, from bl. ptacs on th. floor, glared at ach other at Ih. close of th. Cuban debet, today, and Joined an issue of veracity. Thi. sensational episode completely ownmhadowd tb. Interest la tb. Cuban question which ha continued uninter ruptedly ta tb. housa for tare, day., dur ing tb. consideration of tho dlplomatlo' and consular appropriation bill. Yesterday Botlo waa giwo by Will iam that at th conclusion of tb. da bs l today a KMloa could be mad. to mnmit th bll with met ruction. To. day when tb. motion waa mad. by Bailey It was ruled out of order by tb. speaker. Bailey thereupon startled th. bous by affirming that b had a private under standing- with Ih speaker by which a rot should b. taken directly on tb mo tion to recommit Thi. th. speaker em phatically denied, and these two leader of the respectlv. parties In th bouse, with whit face, and voice, shaking with emotion, set their statement. ag&mt each other, while the galterie looked on in breathless amazement and th. mem bers were In an uproar. Smith, who aaid b wa present, cor roborated the speaker', aid of th. con troversy. Th result of th pesker'f position was that an appeal wa taken from hla decblon, aod by a strict party vote tt was laid oo the table IS ta lit. the democrats and populist, aa on the two previous days, voting against the solid republican strength. PRESIDENT'S CUBAN POLICY. Washington, Jan. 20. The gentlemen la congress who by reason of their position have reason to he accurately Informed on the policy of the administration as to Cuba, say that hi policy Is h substance as follows: At the present moment It Is felt that the same material conditions prevail that exl ted when the president sent his last message to congress. At that tint it was stated that a plan of autonomy hav ing been Inaugurated, It wa the purpose of the executive branch to give proper time tor she plan to be tried. The ad ministration Is said to entertain the same ntiments today. The autonomous plan Hipm weeks aorOL HIU iiinuftw-is- " ' - - on January 1. when an autonomous) cabl- ( net took office, so that it is felt that there has not been adequate time up to th present moment to form any fair Judg ment aa to the merit of the plan a. a mean of ameliorating the condition, on the bland. The recent occurrences at Havana ar looked upon as affording evidence ot d la content with thl plan, but whether this would be aufficient to overcome the Plan itself, It to not looked upon as established with any degree of certainty, or .ven ap- proxlmateness. In the meantime, while closely observing the progress of the au tonomous plan, the administration haa adopted every precaution to guard against any sudden emergency, such aa an upris ing that would threaten American In terests. This Is not expected to occur, but If It should come. It Is said that the naval vessels of the United States are so dis posed S3 to be In the harbor of Havana within six hours of any ensia wnion would Imperil American interest.. MORGAN ADDRESSES EMPTY BENCHES. n-udhirurtnn Jan 20. Senator Morgan concluded his four days' speech to tn. senate today on th Hawaiian treaty. He spoke for aJlmost four hours, ana wnea he finished there were not more than half a doaen senator present. Royal makes tb food pars, wboluom ssd dsllcleos. tiU F0VBI0 Absolutely Pur ma. auurt rowoc oo., atw mm. mi a.