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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1887)
Cl J mi III. Em. 1111 I 1 wJ4Sm&L' v iJP LIU J ILllllwJ. aV4 ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, J887. PRICE IYE CENTS. VOL. XXIX, NO. 56. "4. i BUSINESS CARDS. TOHS B. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Room 4 and 3. o er City Book Store. G KO. XOXAXD, ATTORNEY AT LAW- Ofllce iu Kinney's Block, opposite City flaQ, Astoria, Oregon. O W. FULTON. Q. C FULTON FUfcTOK BBOTOERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. r R. THOMSON. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice in the U. a. Land Office, and the examination or land titles. A full set ot Abstract Books for Clatsop County In office. Money to loan. , Office Kooms 4 and 5. over City Book Stoie. T A. BOWIiBY, Attorney and Counsellor at li&w Office on Chenaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. D. WTXTO ATTORNEY AT LAW. Kooms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. "J B. WATSON, Atty. at Law and Deputy Dial. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Office a peclalty, AfeTOMA, - - OltEGOK. "O C.HINItliBY.D.D. S. DENTIST. Is associated vita DB. LA FOBC&. Booms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, .... OREGON. J&CBS. DR. OWESS ADAIE. Office and residence cor. Court and Olney streets. (Mrs. D.K. Warren's former resl deace.) SfcUI Attention siren to Women's Dis mim Mid Slseuet of ye sad Ear. QrnoE fiotoBS 10 to 12, 2 to 4. DR8. A. li.JLHD J. A.-FUITOS. FJjsicia.maBdSifrgcB. OAcMMtOaas street, three doors south of -OMMew's building. Telephone No. 41. TAY TUTTIiE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's HosDltal. D B.O.B.ESTES. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Oregon. Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, rR. ALFRED KLV.VEY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Wlh only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. T)K. FJKAKK PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. p ELO F. PARKER, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria. Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Boom No. 8 Up Stairs. Robt. Collier, Deputy, 4 E.SHAW. DENTIST. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets, Astoria. Oregon; H. A. SMITH. IfiSSBf DENTIST. Booms 1 and 2 Pythian 0. H. Cooper's Store. Building over rrmog. maikm. FASHIONABLE TALLOR. Afoed fit guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine. BhopopposlteC.H. Cooper's. Elmore! Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Representing the Largest and Most Itella ble lire Insurance Companies. ATI Business promptly&nd accurately tran- actea. FlayelsWbarf, - Astoria Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool &.Londoa & Globe. North British and VmvAntile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of CoBHecticHt, Commercial of CaUfentfaAgricHlturalrOf watertown, new YorkLondon Lancashire of Liverpool, Ens.. Fire Insuraace Companies, Represent ina capital et WTMtMo. m pi mfjEm U8EW. Agent. jjfenm FAULTLESS FAMILY MEDICINE "I have used Simmons IAver Regulator for many years, hav ing made it my only Family Medicine. My mother before me was very partial to it. It Is a safe, good and reliable medi cine for any disorder of tho system, and If used in time is a great preventive of elckntst. I often recommend it to. my friends, and shall continue to do so. "Rev. James M. Eolllns, "Pastor 1L E.Church, So. Fairfield, Ya." TIME AND DOCTORS' BILLS SAVED by alicaya keeping Simmons Liver Regulator in the house. "I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family med icine I ever used for anything that may happen, have used is in Indigestion, Colic, Dlarrhvea, JtiUousness, and found it to re lievo immediately. After eat ing a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take about a teaspoon ful, I never feel the effects of the supper eaten. "OVID G. SPARKS, "Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga." ONLY GENUINE-S lias our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeiin & Co., Sole Proprietors, Price, 81.00. PHILADELPHIA, PA. INVALUABLE Tor niMNJi d -LADIES and CHILDREN. "I'stuMI 4tn4 If- rrsrA si Muml'jtn The organs of botii small and : It checks Sick Headache, and the woe That sad Dyspeptics ever know. In TAKBIM'S SELTZEB people find A renieay anu ireai comuinca. WILL Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to Its supe riority. It goes Deep and eier Sticks. CARNAHAN & C0 AfenU Astoria, Price, $1.50. J". o. ploss County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material. Next to ASTOitiAjr office. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In EM ARE, HUH, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Hfitn AND &OJZG2. Willamette University. DEPARTMENTS. I College of liberal arts. II College of medicine. Dr. E. r. Fraser, dean. Ill Colleee of law. Judge Win. Barasey. dean. IV woman's college. 2Irs.C. C.llawley, dean. V Conservatory of mnsic. Z. M. Parvin, director. VI university academy. VII Art department, Miss Marie Craig, instructor. 360 Students. 400 Graduates. Thirty Teachere, Day board for yountr men 81,60 per week. Ladles' board in 'Woman's college hall, $2.50 with unfurnished room. First term be gins September 5. Catalogues and Informa tion sent free. Address - TII0S. TAK SCOT, President, Salem, Or. Canialiaii & Go. SUCCESSORS TO T. ."W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Clienamus andCass streets. ASTCRIA OREGON Boat Fouud TVTRAR POINT ADAMS LIGHT H0DSE. J3L a Ashing boat, 20 feet long, 5 -feet beam. Tetters J. o.& Co. on rudder. Owner can have her on application to John A. Cain, Ft, Stevens, or. rpupiE I cut kites' ""'ll,l,l?5 - ri.CJrellinier i AMERICA BEDEOOVERED. The London Times has discov ered America and seems well pleased with it. The marvellous progress of the republic may well astonish one who is accustomed to think of the virgin forests and un broken land that have given form to the European idea of this coun try. The Times has discovered that a great nation fills the wilder ness where Cooper's Indians and rangers wandered, and where Dan iel Boone and his companions fought the battle of civilization; that the white race has founded great cities in the west, and filled the continent from one shore to the other. The Times sees three dangers ahead for America. Our free land is gone. A class doomed to pov erty has been established in the cities of the east. The influx of many races puts a -strain on the assimilating power of the Anglo American race. These three con ditions are the basis of the three problems that, as the Times con ceives, are the dangers that must be met and conquered by Amer ica. The Times judges by the past, and regards them rather more lightly and hopefully than American thinkers are inclined to do at present. The last problem is the one that presses lor attention first. It has risen to national importance within the past year. It is the natural desire of any nation to form a homogeneous people to include all of a race and to expel all outside of it. It is this ten dency that created the German empire. It made Victor Emman uel king of United Italy. It makes Pan-Slavism the ruling and popular policy of Russia. The question first appeared in America in reference to the Chi nese. It has come up in regard to other peoples. The assimilat ing power of America seemed un til recently to be equal to any strain, but the promiscuous im migration of the last ten or fif teen years has overtaxed that power, for the moment at least. The Times bel'eves that Amer ica will be able to deal with the political problems that come from the existing conditions. It will undoubtedly be done, but t!u means are not clear. Mr. Pow derly proposes to relieve the laLor situation by shutting out the labor from Europe that is driving Amer ican workmen out of so many trades. Many thoughtful Ameri cans indorse his views. If this course is taken, the problem would settle itself. Probably the labor problem, with the most serious competition withdrawn, would take the tame course. The problems are not new to the world, but thev have never been presented under the same conditions. Tho wisdom of the nation, however much we may distrust that of individuals, will be found sufficient to solve them. Bat the solution is not in sight just now. A New Occupation. One of the newest occupations upon which women can enter is that of a "complexionist." Such a person makes a study of the skin, and for a stipend endeavors to improve customers' complex ions. Here is a prescription that one them gave to a client, prom ising that it would clear the s tin m a short time: A tablespoonful of sulphur taken every morning for a week, then omitted for three mornings and taken again. A mixture of powdered brimstone or diluted glycerine should be rubbed on the face at night and washed off in the morning with soap and water in which there is a little ammonia. JV- Y. Jfaii (aid JZxpress. Don't Langh at Nervous People. Their sufferings are -very real, although you, with your vigorous physique andstrong nerves, can scarcely believe It. Bather sug gest the use ot Hosteller's Stomach Bitters which, in removing every trace of dyspep sia, and regulating the liver and bowels, strikes at and extirpates the most prolific came of chronic nervous trouble. That nerveshattering disease, fever and ague. Is among the formidable aliments, to lhe re moval of whlcli this genial remedy Is spe cially adapted. Nervous prostratloh, re sulting from prolonged mental or cbysl-al effort, is also a state of the system wuere the Intervention of this tonic Is vary desirable, more particularly as Its use Is to quiet and relax the tension of ovenvroueht nerves. The Bitters are invaluable In rheumatism, neuraleia and kidney troubles. Kmniov no I substitute for It, A light to a linisli. "We learn from an observer that a bull was wading along the edge of the Flint river swamp last Monday, nipping cane and keep, ing cool, when a huge alligator made a dash at his nose, but missed a hold. The bull made fight, and prodded the alligator with his horns. Then commenced a fierce and bloody encounter, in the shallow water that beggars de scription. The 'gator struck with his tail and snapped furiously with his huge jaws, tearing the skin and flesh in big strips from the bull. The bull got his horns in to the 'gator's sides, and, lifting his huge carcass, tossed him high and dry on the ground, and, fol lowing up with a deep bellow, rushed again upon its foe. The alligator met him Avith a terrible blow of the tail, knocking off one horn and bringing the bull to his knees. The other horn got in un der a fore leg of the 'gator, and the 'gator getting a front foot of the bull in its mouth, they became locked, and rolled and tumbled fearfully. They got into the wa ter again, where, after a fierce struggle, both expited. The en trails of the 'gator were protrud pretrud ing: in several places, while the bull was nearly stripped of hide and flesh. JSumter, Ga., Republican. Social Onstoius in Texas. A gawky, piney woods Texan walked into the palatial home of senator Reagan this morning just as the senator and his family were seating themselves at breakfast. "Won't you sit down and have some breakfast with us?" asked the senator, who saw a probable legislator sixj'cars hence. "No, I'm bleeged to yer, gin 'rel," said the Texan, with a broad grin. "Yer see, dad died last night, un' we'uns hev all been eatin' an? gwine on all -night. 1 corned over to borrow 3'er shovel to dig a hole to plant the old man in." The London Telegraph has a daily circulation of 280,000, and its yearly profits are estimated at 1,500,000. This paper is said by all financial authorities to have a reserve, of 6,000,000 invested, producing an income which can be used at any time for an extra expenditure. The auditor of Spokane county is wrestling with 5-cont squirrel scalps just now. It is reported that the "scalpers" are playing the same game there that is played in some other localities manufactur ing scalps which are hard to de tect from the Genuine. One hide will make about two dozn scalps Ayers oarsapanlla will cure your catarrh, and remove that sick- enmir odor of the breath. A workman named "Wilson on the O. R. railroad near Stayton was struck by a piece of stump blown up by giant powder on Friday, and injured in such a manner that he died in a few min utes. When baby was siclc, a ga o her Casloria, When sh3 vku a Child she cried for Castoria, When hlie became Miss, she clung toCastoria, When shehad Children, shegavctUemCastoria Iluclilen's Arnica Snlrc. Tiik Best Salvk in the world for Cuts.Bruises.Sores,Ulcers.SaItJthemn. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Jt is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. E Dement Hop picking will begin about September 8, said a hop grower to & Tacoma reporter a few days ago, thus making it later than last year by something over a week. In dians are beginning to arrive from the north, and large numbers are now on the way. A Remedy for Kidney Complaint. 'My kidneys were so affected I have been compelled to get up as much as ten times in one night. I had pains in mv side, back and left shoulder, and when down could hardly rise. I was unable to bend my body without great pain. I tried Simmons Liver Regulator and my condition has improved so much that I hardly ever feel any of my old trouble." V. Jonxsox, Express Agent, Macon, ua. INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK,' $500,000 COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKUJI. .President W. TT. SMTTTT Vlno.-Pmcl.lont JOHN A CmLD."l".'.'..r Secretary No. 160 Second St., Portland, Or. I. W. Case, Agent, Astoria, Or. Tie Continental Insurance Co, OF IIARTFOItD, Writes Accident Policies, Giving all tho concessions offered by any other company. It is an OLD LINE COMPANY, And offers Security as good as can "be found. Its rate In tlie FIRST PREFERRED CLASS Is SIS per Year for 85,000 Insurance, Belngr.OO less than by any other Standard Company; and $25.00 WEEKLY INDEMNITY. Other classes In proportion. Policies uritten anil claims adjusted by J. O. BOZO UTII, Agent. F.i:.HEAOII.Pre3. J. K. KliDERKIX, bec'y. J. McCIUKEX. Vico Pro LOUIh LUhWEXHKRG. Treasurer. The Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. No. 5 Washington St., Portland, Or. CAPITAL, 3300,000. K. Ij. UOVI.K. Astoria eent. Oftlce at I.X.L.lV.i'kln; C. DIItECTOJRS: J. itcCraion. K.K.Arnold. F. K, Heach, i-ranl. M.Warron. O. II. Prescott. P. Kcsert. J. LoewenbcrK, J . K. UldcrLis, D. D. Oaptiant Money to Ltan on Approved Estate Security. Ileal DepsM li Orepii, $300,000 ASSETS, 3 3 3- SOI. 283, Nonvich-Unlon andLancashlrcCoin- binatlon Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Genuania of New York. State Investment cf California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation, xakim: insurance covered by our ,.- OPKf POLICIES f Elmore. Sanborn & fcof Agents. Are You Insured? J. C Bozorth Writes Insurance Policies In Iteliable Fire lusuiance companies that ghe Absolute Protection In case of Fire. Miss Warren's Select School OF English aai Iota Lanpaps Astor Street. nearBiptist Church. Tills School uill open for the coming i ear, DIomluj:, Sept, 5. 1887. It Is desirable that those intending to be come members shonM be present on the op ening day, so that classes may be formed proirptly. Tuition pavable ten days after presenta tion of bilL "For terms apply to EMMAC. WARREN, . Principal. Tell The Gook TIIAT- Acorn, Argand, and Magee KANGES. SPLENDID ITEW STOCK Are to be seen at JOHN A. MONTGOMERY'S. It will pay any one who has to buy a Stove or Bange. Tinware, Granite Iron or Pressed Iron or Tinw arc to examine ourstock lust received from Eastern Manufacturers, we can suit anybody from our Stock and with our Prices. J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS, Candies, Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Daily. Opposite City Boole Store. Dissolution of Copartnership. NOTICE IS HEREB1 GIVEN TJIAT THE partnership heretofore existing be tween Max Ehrhardt and John P. Classen In the saloon business. In Astoria, is hereby dissol ed by mutual consent. Sir. 31 ax Ehr- place, pay all bills against the Arm and col lect ail owsaucuiesaiiie. MAX EHRHARDT. Astoria, Or., Aug. 4, 1837. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for Less Money By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. He has lust received a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Business Suits from $35. Call and See Him and Satisfy Yourself; P. J. MEANT, MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRE W am SCHOOL BEGINS NEXT MONDAY! I. L. OSGOOD Has Just Received New Goods IN BOYS' (12' TO 17) SCHOOL SUITS, DUW DRESS SUITS, Boys' (9 to 12) LONG PANTS SCHOOL SUITS, Boys' (4 to 12) 'KNEE PANTS SCHOOL H:iTcf Bey: KNEE PANTS DRESS SUITS, Boys' (3 to C) IMPORTED (Ger man) JERSEY KNIT SUITS '(Jacket and Pants), CHILDREN'S (2 to C) JER SEY Knit KILT SUITS, Boys'SINGLE PANTS (10 to 17), Boys' SINGLE KNEE PANTS (4 to 12 years), Boys' UN LxUTNlUrED WHITE SHIRTS (sizes MEN'S CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Trunks and Valises. I. X. OSGOOD, KINNEY'S BRICK BTJILDIKG, ASTORIA, OREGON. Opposite Rescue Engine House. 0 in Immense New Stock, Consisting of 4 CAR LOADS of fine-Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cioih, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct before the recent advance in freight, tha our customers. Call and -Sea Us. 1 CITY BOOK STORE I I I I I I I M I If you are in need ment, Century Organ IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ORGAN FOR THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. You are invited to examine them. GRIFFIN & REED. The New Model Range CAN BE! 13. Ri ;ent. Call and Examine It ; You CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVKa ' Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand, J. H. D. GKAY Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME,' SAND AND CEMENT General Storago and "Wharfage ou reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. CfllMWa Transportation Cupm- FOR PORTLAND! Through. Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHDNE Which has been specially built for the comfort ef passengers Kill leay Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Fortlaad every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. ETAn additional trip will bo jnade oh at 9 O'clacls BaaiUy Heral. for Sound ports. 11X to 14) PURE LINEN FRONTS, CUFFS, etc., at CO cents. Boys' FANCY PERCALE SHIRTS, with Collars, etc., at 75 cents, Boys' NAY Y BLUE EL AN NEL OYERSHIRTS. Boys' FINE -WOOL CLOTH OVERSHIRTS, with nicely PLAITED FRONTS for ichool wear, Boj's' UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, HOSIERY, Boys' HATS and CAP3 from 50 cents upward. Also JUSTJRECETVED NEW GOODS IN from Eastern Manufactureraand shipped. benefits, thereof we, propose t share witk CHA8 HEiLSORN. - ' ummm i I ! .1 I I I I I I of a Fine Instru buy the ASTORIA, ONLY OF Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Ageat tor the YirpaCijarauJToteraSjore J. W. BOTTOM, Propittor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Oteey. Fine Cigars, Tobsceoa aid Sawken ArtlcJei, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS, &c day ef Euk Week, leavl ngers oj nua nrai v. s. ! a