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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1887)
en VOL. XXIX, NO. 55. BUSINESS CAIU)S. TOHS H. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllco, Boom 4 aud 5. ov er City.Book Store. G 0. XOL1KD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office lu Kinney's Black, .opposite Hall, Astoria, Oregon. City C W. yULTOJf. a. a fulton FUI.T02 BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Booms S and 6. Odd Fellows Building. C. R. THOMSON, Attorney at Law and Ubtary Pnblio. Special attention given to practice In the U. a. Land Office, and the examination ol land titles. A full set of Abstract Books for Clatsop County In office. Money to loan. Okfiob Booms 4 and 5, over City Book Stoie. j. . A. BOWLliY, Attorcey and. Counsellor at ufflee on Chenaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. O. WIXTO ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. 0. B. WATSON, Law and Depufy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Office a pclKy. AsToniA, - - Orkgox. X C.HINH.LEY.I. I. 8. DENTIST. Is Associated with DR. LA FOBC Booms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, - - OREGON. M MB. D, OWENS AD A IK. Ofico aod residence cor. Court and Olney , atreots. (Mis. D.K. "Warren's former resi- oeace. Sic!l Attention ?iren to Women's mm and BltMses ef Eje aad Ear. Otwch Hours io to 12, 2 to 4. Vis- D BH-.A.JU.AXDJ A, jriurox., J -4 Physicians and Surgeons. . lOJfice on Cass street, three doors south of uaa jfeuows Duiiaing. Telephone No. 41. J AY TDTTIiE, M. D. HUYSICIAN AND SURGEON OrriOB Booms 6 Pythian Building Residence On Cedar Street, back St. Mary's HosDital. of D K.O.B.ESTES. "PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OKricE : Gem Bunding, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. JTR. ALFEF.D KiaTAIBV. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office; and may be found there at any hour. Ttt. FK1XK PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. Q.ELO t PABKEB, 8URVEY0R OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND j Hat-City Surveyor of Astoria Office :N. E. corner Cass and Abtor streets, BoomNo.B Up Stains. .Robt, Collier, Deputy, A: ,. SHAW. DENTIST. . i Boora la Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Qa. and Squemoqua streets. Astoria cVrMOQ. H. A. SMITH, SDHBr DENTIST. vr? Booms -l and 2 Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper's Store. mv OM. MAIMS, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. A good fit guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Ageat for the Celebrated Household SewiDK JstacBlHe. Stop opposite C. H. Cooper's. ..Elmore, Sanborn & Co. f v .COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. kScMMaaUBg the Largest and Most Hella Merlre iBsuxanee Companies. tBnstness proraptlrtmd accurately tran- ' ' EtaTefaWfcatf. - Astoria Oregon. i7vC!0O,OOOGapital . , liverpooJAioHdon Globe, North British -aadMereaatile of London and Edinburgh. HartJard- .pC-CoaMectlcut. Commercial of lX-0UtolAAgrJpultural,of Watertown. New York,XoodpncrjAnea8hlre of Liverpool. Eng.,FlrLlBSiiraace Companies, Represent- M, TAX HUSE1V. Agent. AN AROUSED COMMUNITY. The Unusual Stir Caused In King ston, Sew York. I Special Correspondence Boston Globe. The letter I recently wrote the Globe describing a remarkable occurrence which took place here has had the ef fect of thoroughly awakening this com munity. The facts, as described, -were that Jere Smith, son of Corne -us B. Smith of the State Insurance Department, af ter passing through, an ag onizing ordeal, and havinj: been abandoned by his friends, had en most won- erfully res cued. His ex perience was, in its beginning at beginning of the least, almost end. the same as that of hundreds of other men and women in every city and town. He had gone along thoughtlessly noticing only occasional inconveniences, and had suddenly been awakened to the fact that death was staring him in the face. He had overlooked little pass ing troubles without realizing that they are often "the beginning of the end." He had neglected interests that concerned his very life, just as thousands of others do, simply be cause they come in a quiet and often unnoticed waj And it is cause for gratitude that his experience is hav ing so good and arousing an effect on others who were drifting in the same dangerous direction. I was in the office of the Kingston Freeman, one of the best interior papers of the State, the other day, andhadatalkwith W. H. Winton, its popular manager. Quite naturally the conversation drifted to Mr. Smith's oase, and the stimulating ef fect it was having on the people. Sir. Wanton said : "lean specially sympathize with Mr. Smith fori have been through a much similar experience in my own family. My wife became troubled and weakened, as so many women dorand from small symptoms and Deginnmgs grew worse until sue finally began to moat lern- uiy. ouenaa c beenattended c v bv .r'HVMi-JJl' cians. som times with temporary success, usu ally without. We finally de termined 10 PKESCRIBIXG. try the same means which Mr. Smith employed so successfully, and mv wife is not in her grave, but in the enjoyment of health wholly because Hunt's Remedy rescued her. This is a grand medicine and a large suffer ing world, too often ignorant or skeptical of its life saving, healthy giving qualities, needs it." "It iB certainly receiving wonderful indorsements" lremarked. "Do yon think it merits them." "Every one of them. Why, when my wife began using the remedy she discovered the same medicine had been given her by a physician some, time ago without her knowing the name of the medicine given at the time. I can jalso prove that bushel basketsful of empty bottles of Hunt's Bemedy were taken out of a doctor's' office after his death. No one sup-! poses for a moment that the bottles were used for desk ornaments or briol a-brac, but the contents had undoufr edly been given to patients in small quantities at high prices. The medical profession evidently knows no better or more valuable remedy.' ' Mr. Cornelius B. Smith, the father of Jere Smith, confirmed all the son had said and added : " I have not words strong enough to give Hunt's Bemedy the praise it merits, and there are hun dreds of others in this city who feel the same way." Mr. Edwin H." Fassett said that the facts above "town talk." given had been the "town talk" of Kingston, and his aa lertion was confirmed by William D. Brenmer. Messrs. Cooper and Winchell, who are popular druggists, declare that not only are all the facts abovefstated true, but the demand for the remedy is Bometninjr remarkable. It has be come a household necessity here, as it unaouDieaiy deserves to bo every where. WrNTHROP. fi TutfsPills K-Ill save tho dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable lilin to at Whatever he i lslies. Theyjirevent Sick Headache, cause the food to assimilate and noar lh tho hody, give keen appetite, and Develop Flesh and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per fcox. Sold JErerywIier e. OffiC 44: Ulurrar St., N, Y. prV & Vl mmfmmVd mwjf p Mffjf if n ftU0 e-r8! "(HiUuliiiVM Ja At liC- iKiZSt t hriH TWO nAmnbonfililaPiilladelBhla JgaC I' T"tlstag Agency or Hears. HlWa AYCftSSONa our authorised agents. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, J 887. vTLLABD IK WALL STBEET. New York, Sept. 1. Henry Tillard is becoming a power in Wall street. Yesterday, it is stated, he completed the pur chase of $6,000,000 worth of se curities owned by the Oregon Transcontinental company of the German syndicate which he repre sents. It is understood this sale carries' with it an agreement that Villard shall have a seat in the Oregon Transcontinental directory, and many people predict he will soon again be the president of the companies from which he re signed. San Francisco, Sept. 1. A New York special to the JExam iner says: Henry Villard's reap pearance on Wall street as a con spicuous figure was a prominent subject of conversation yesterday. The eventful history of this re markable man is a favorite theme on the street; and he is pointed out as a striking illustration of the recuperative power of some men of energetic natures. It is be lieved that he will mostly enter into the directories of the Oregon & Transcontinental and Oregon Railway & Navigation, and proba bly of the Northern Pacific, and it is not impossible that he may resume his position as president of the companies. Villard represents German capital amounting to millions of dollars, and a promi nent broker said yesterday that he probably had larger command of ready capital than an' other man on the street. Sax Francisco, Sept. 1. A local paper to-morrow will say: Villard's Oregon & Transconti nental deal is looked upon by local railroad authorities as sinipty an effort to boom Northern Pacific stock. It is proposed by the Ore gon & Transcontinental people, who control a large block of stock of the Northern Pacific, to inaugu rate a "reform movement" in the compauy, by which its chances for revenue making will be greatly improved. Elijah Smith is also interesting himself in the deal, and if the party succeeds there will probably be a good demand for shares in Northern Pacific this falL The opposition to the move ment is led by the directors, who do not wish to be ousted at tl:i coming election. The Georgian and His Melon. The true Georgia epicurean nev er approaches a watermelon until he has turned his back upon the effete civilization of the city. The slaughter of the melon represents a sacrifice which is as much out of place at a dinner table as a dish of deviled crabs at a Sat3'r's feast. It is an idyl of the fields that be comes a very dreary thing, indeed, robbed of its surroundings. The preparations for the simple cere mony are few. One must go into the patch at early dawn, when the dew on the grass is heavy enough to wet his trousers nearly to the knee, aud stealthily, even though committing no trespass but if it be a trespass, so much the better remove a melon to the pellucid bottom ol a spring. At about 11 o'clock, when the sun is high and the heat is trembling along the surface of the field, he should quietly carry his prize over to a snake fence under the shade of a persimmon tree, and, having drawn a jack-knife's blade only rind deep longitudinally around "the melon, thump the latter upon the top rnU until the inner structure is rup tured. A pious man will lift his soul in prayer when the luscious red interior, full of black eyes, is exposed, but this is not usually considered nocessary. The offici ating priest then seats himself flat aground and prepares for the final ceremony. Never in his life does a man feel the need of company less than at suoh a moment. A melon invariably divides with a hollow in one half, and a great bulging cliff of meat in the other. If company present, the struggle that ensues between ap petite and politeness scars the soul beyond repair. No man living ever tendered the fat ol the melon to another aud reserved for himself the hollow delusion but felt his existence embittered. No, abso lute solitude at this critical mo ment is the greatest boon that can be conferred; in fact, it is neces sary to the harmonv of the idyl. If he be.alone, the- epicure, as our Boston friend would call him, prys out hunks of red meat with his knife and uses his fingers after the nrimitive manner of the true child of the soil to convey them to his mouth, and as he eats, being skilled, the black seeds drop from the corner of his mouth upon the bosom of the grand old mother earth, and the mocking bird, balanced upon the topmost branch far above him, furnishes- the hid den music for the feast. Jlacon, Ga., Telegraph. It is charged that man' thous ands of dollars have been expend ed out of the funds of the fish commission, ostensibly for the ben efit of the government, but really for the benefit of Major b erguson, who has succeeded in being sub stantially accommodated by the government in the manner of fill ing up iow, marshy grounds and leasing a worn-out steam 3'acht. The conduct of C. C. Frost, special timber agent, in shutting down the sawmills near Tacoma, W. T., is severely criticised at Washington. Frost was appoint ed to his present position about two mouths ago and seems to Le uninstructed in regulations made by secretary Lamar that timber in moderate quantities for all pur poses may be cut on government mineral lands. The cannery is running steadily and has packed so far some 2,000 cases. The price of fish is SO and 50 cents, the former price for sil ver sides. But very few of the latter are running yet and will not begin much before next week. Itay Center Corr. Piirijic Jour nal. TKUXY A HOUSEHOLD KE3IEDY. 240 Bedford Av., Brooklyn, ) N. Y., Mar. 12, 1884. ) I have used Allcock,'s Porous Piasters for the Iasktwenty j'eare. They are truly a household Temedy . If one of my children has a cold and wheezes, I put an Allcock's Porous Plaster on the chest and one be tween the shoulder blades. If any of the children have croupy coughs, or coughs of any kind, 1 place tho Plaster close up around the throat; the soothing effect is apparent almost always in two hours. If they have a disqrdered stomach, a Plaster placed just below the chest bones gakes digestion perfect in half a day. there is any looseness of the bowels, accompanied by coldness of the skin, two Allcock's Porous Plasters applied over the stomach euro in from two to five hours. I notice particularly that these Plas ters'never abrade the skin or cause the slightest irritation. From my own experience I know they never fail for rheumatism, pains in the back or lumbago. C. MlDDLSBROOK. Timothy Ooughlin, who is charged with the responsibility of the Chatsworth, 111., horror, has been admitted to bail in 1,000. Sore or Inflamed Eyes Speedily Cared By the use of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. It allays Ur inflammation ami irritation and is peculiarly efficacious by reason of its power in Meansin: and destroying all poisonous matter. Cliaf iur. bruises, humors, eruptions boils and .sores, and those more serioiia and tenacious maladies, Scald Head, Salt Rheum and Erysipelas, are speedily cured by the Fluid. Even Alaska has a boom. It is posing as the coining summer re sort. fvO. rri,le witu :uiy Throat JVl or Lum Disease. II you havo a Cough or Cold, or the childicn are threatened with Croup or Whoop iug Cough, use Acker's English Rem edy and prevent further trouble. Ijt is a positive cure, and wo guarantco it Price 10 and HO cents. J. W. Conn. Montreal is borrowing 500,000 with which to build a permanent dike to keep oil the spring floods Bucltlcn's Arnica Salve. Tiik Best Salve in th( wnrii fn Cuts, Bruises.Sores. Ulcers, SaltRheum, ppvpr Sums 'Vnttnr IMmnnail Tin. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruni tions.and positively cures Piles, or no Dav renuired. It is "iinrnntppd tr fri.-n perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. rnce -ja cenis per oox. u or sale by W. E Dement Geonre Easterbrook. on the weather beach, raised 300 bushels of potatoesjfrpm an acre of ground this year. JPacific Journal. Elixir is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positivel v cure all Blood Dis eases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up tho constitution. Bemember, we guarantee it J. W. Conn. . THE GBtlT REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious? Tlie Regulator never fails to cure. I most cheerfully recommend It to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis arranged state of the Liver. Kansas City, Mo. W. R. BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion ? I suffered intensely vithFull Stomach,Head ache, ete. A neighbor, icho had taken Simmons Liver Regulator, told me it iroi a sure cure for my trouble. The first dose I took relieved me very jmith. end in mit nwi' t m Tim n rtm, mj hearty as I ever vas. It is the best medicine Richmond, Va. H. G. CREXSHAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hiram Warner, Chief-Justice ol 65. : ' I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused bya temporary Derangement of the Liver, for the last three or four j cars, and always tcit h decided benefit." Have You Malaria ? have had experience vith Simmons Liver Regu lator since 18G5, and regard it as the greatest medicine of the times for diseases pecu liar to malarial regions. So good a medi cine deserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTON, Cor. Sec'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! I have been subjedt to severe spells of Congestion of the Liver, and have been in the habit of takin from 15 to ao grains of calomel, which generally laid me up for three or four days. Lately I have been taking Simmons Liver Regulator.which gave me re lief, without any interruption to business. MiDDLEPORT Ohio. J. HUGO. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. S'SaXCXS. 552..CO. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS PABKEB HOUSE. WM. ALLKX. FropV. first Class in Every Respt. Fimm Co:ich to tiw IIou.m-. Eresh-Oysters! In Any Style at 25cts. per Plate -AT- CAS1N0 RESTAURANT. AVIH also fill orders for families at quanti ties to suit. A Good Meal with Claret for 25cts )' 11 All XI slit. Proprietress. CHltlS. EVKXSOX. F. COOK. Evenson & Cook THE CENTRAL ' HOTEL On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN BOOMS, A FIRST-CLASS liESTA UliANT. Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Famllier, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats. Etc., Cooked to Order, WATEKSt., pp. i-'orml & SioUch A FIRST CLASS SALOON Iim in connection with the FrcmLses. The Best or WINES, LIQUORS 'AND CIGARS. Good nilllard Tables and Private Card Rooms. Miss Warren's Select School OF EDilislianiMotaLanpaps Astor Street, near Baptist Church. This School will open for the coming year. 3IoiitIaj Scpf, 5. 18S7. It is desirable that thoe Intending to be come members should be present on the op ening day, so that clashes may be formed pmirpiiy. Tuition payable ten days after presenta tion of bill. For terms apply to EMMA C. WARREN, Principal. Tell The Gook TIIAT- Acorn, Argand, and Magee KANGES. SPLENDID NEW STOCK Are to be seen at JOHN A. MONTGOMERY'S, It will pay any one who has to buy a Stoeor Itange. Tinware, Granite Iron or Pressed Irorror Tinware to examine onrstock just received from .Eastern M.inuructnrers. We can suit anybody from our Stock and with our Prices. J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS, Candtea. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite CItr Book Store. SCHOOL BEGINS NEXT MONDAY ! I. L. OSGOOD Has Just Received New Goods IN BOYS' (12 TO 17) SCHOOL SUITS, BuVS' DRESS SUITS, Boys' (a to 12) LOXG PANTS.SCHOOL SUITS, Boys' (4 to 12) KNEE PAXTS SCHOOL UriV, Boyi' KNEE PANTS DRESS SUITS, Boys' (3 to 6) IMPORTED (Ger man) JERSEY KNIT SUITS (Jacket and Pants), CHlLDREN'StS to 5) JER SEY Knit KILTSUITS,Boys'SINGLE PANTS (10tol7),Boys'SINGLEKNEE PANTS (4 to 12 years), Boys' UN LArNPRIED WHITE SHIRTS (Sizes MEN'S CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Trunks and Valises. I. L. OSGOOD. KINNEY'S BRICK BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREGON. Opposite Rescue Engine House. Our Immense New Stock Consisting of 4 CAR XOADS of fine Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, Oil loth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades,. &c, .Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct fro EasternrXanufaeturers and shipped before the recent advance in freight, thftbene&ta thereof we propose to share with our customers. Call and. Sea lis. CITY BOOK MORE. If you are in need ment, 1 fc uenxury mm IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST 0RGANT0R THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. You are invited to examine them. GRIFFIN & REED. The New Model Rane CAN BE HAD IN ASpRlA, ONLY OF . (. R Agent, Call and Examine It; You Will be Pleased. E.B.HawesIs also Aieot for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER PIRST CLASS STOVE8. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc, a Specialty. A Full Stock ori Hand, J. H. D. GKA.Y Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storage and Wharfage on reasoa able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. la Colli! mortalM FOR PORTLAND ! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE HEW -TELEPHONE s Which has been specially built for the comfort passenger Vlll leays WIlso & Flskert Dock erery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Betaralag leTes Portland erery Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A.M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made oa os - at o'cieeK. HHBaay muraiug, tor Houna pons. PRICE IVE CENTS. UK to 14) PURE L.INEN FRONTS, CUFFS, etc., atCO cenU, Boys' FANCY PERCALE SHIRTS, with Collars, etc., at 73 cents, Boys' NAVY BLUE FLAN .NEL OYERSHIRTS. Boys' FINE WOOL CLOTH OYERSHIRTS, will, nicely PLAITED FEONTS for school wear, Boys' UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, HOSIERY, Boys' HATS and GATS from 50 cents nnwani. un JUST-JtECEIYED NEW GOODS IN f CHA3. KK1LBORN. I I.I ITT of a Fine Instru buy tne VirffiniaCiffar and ToteHM Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Clean, Totwece ud Saektrs Articles, Seld at Loir est Market Rates. FRUITS. CAITDIEB. NOTIONS.&C tafii STEJLUER tsy.f iBeek Wak. learis Portion Company 9 -h, j-JSt!. 'l.jk AAy tJM r.BfaW,,-MM;fei1 rtg-f ."Sw