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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1876)
'J? r TTi J & " VSV5-.. -" -Vf," - J - -jpr .s-?sve-v twt '.TFv t3 ft frals stoctoou "WEDNESDAY May 10, 1876. Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. P. A. M. Regular Communications first and third Saturdays in each month, at 7.30 o'clock, p. m, at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order, in good standing, aro invited to attend. 13y ordei of tho W. M. Beaver Lodge, No. 35, 1. O. O. P. McPt every Thursday evening. ssrsa2&f Hall, corrof Cass and Chcnanius?Cc-" Order jtre invited to attend. By order. Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Regular Meeting every Saturday Evening at S o'clock, at iool Templar's Hall, Chen sl ums .-Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker s ttorc. Mem Ws of the Order, in good stand ing, are invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order . 0. JL. Youngs River Grange, P. of H. Meets on tho fourth Sat urday of each month at 11 o'clock a.m. ratrons S in good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Common Council. Regular meetings first Monday evening in each month, at 7',-J o'clock iVfi" Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting, must present the same to tho Recorder, or Mavoronor before the Friday evening prior to the Monday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. I. TV. CASE, Mayor. F. J. Taylor, Recorder. C. R. F. B. A. Society Notice. Any fisherman on tho Colum bia Kiver, wbhing tojoin tho Fishermans Association can ap ply in person or by letter to tho following officers of the Association. J. 1J. Nice, Pres ident, Waterlord ; L. 1. Shoppard, Manhat ten Fishery. Lodge Deputy ; and Thomas lealey Secretary, Astoria, Oregon. A cor dial invitation is hereby tendered to all to avail themselves otthis privilege. By order of the President. THOMAS DtiALEY, Secretary. FINANCE AJND TRADE. Financial. Gold Bars 03 par. Gold in New York, Y1Y0'A. Legal Tenders in Astoria buying SS; sell ing bi. Coin exchange on San Francisco Y per cent, premium. Currency exchange on San Francisco per cent premium. Coin exchange on New York porcont. pro mium. Telegraphic transfers on Now York 1 per cent, premium. Currency exchange on New York Y percent premium. Trade Dollars, 02 buying; flS-fifl-l selling; half dollarr'JiJ4 buying; 7(&i7 selling. San Francisco Markets. Flour. Extra, $." 50 nji 00. Wheat Shippers will give $170 for choice lots alongside vessels; millers aro paying SI 75. Barley Light brewing, SI 20; choice, $137 feed, 1 201 2"; liright Chevalier, $1 40 145. Kye-Sl 75. Oats S200&2 50. Potatoes Best Petaluma, Tomales and Humboldt $180190. Hay $13(6,10 for common to choice. Liverpool wheat market to-day Msfid($fls 10d for average California; 0s 10d',10s 5d for club. -Astoria Markets. Flour,Oregon City, XXX, "tf bbl...., 44 Ex Family " Willamette superior, " 44 Graham Middlings. ton ... Corn Meal, cental Ground Barley, t4 ton .".. Bran &, Shorts, " 5 75 600 5 25 o'OO 40tM) 400 .400042 00 .27 0040 00 liay 2o00 Onions, fl Bushel 175alSO Potatoes. OO&IOO Butter, eastern, in tubs, ir3 lb.. Choicoroll 44 ., Cheese, " . Cured Meats, Hams. " . Sides, " .. Shoulders, " ., Breakfast Bacon " ., Smoked Beef, 44 . Corned Beef " . Corned Pork, " . Lard, in tins and caddies " .. Eggs, Vi dozen Chickens, ' llides, Dry,?i Tallow, Eoof, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Corn Beef. bbl Sheop, ti head Apples, green, fi box , Dry 4 lb p.. Peaches, 4 t4 Coffee, green " 4 prepared, Java, s lb... Rio, " .... Moco, fi lb Sugar, crushed, 3 lb 2225 I0(;i8 15l(i loamy, 1718 1415 t8 10 17J 202o 4 005 00 10 7&8 5iJ 7C'.8 J7 16 0018U0 2 ma 50 1 00(,1 50 25:i4 1017 powered, ?,i lb. m 44 Island. & 11l.""!!! "'"""!"" .mtiiV2& Syrup, extra golden, gallon .-... 100 " keg. 4 25 Tea-, loungliyson,rfi lt 55Q.70 Japan, in papers, t lb 507o 44 in lacquered boxes "ft lb 7580 Candles, t Jl 25 Oils, ievoe?s t1 case 3 50(3 75 Lead, Atlantic, white 3 lb 14 Bice, t1 lb : .. 7(,10 Salt, Liverpool, lb cental 1 m2 00 44 Island,? cental 125Q150 Spice, whole lb 2527 3'oper, " ti Hi 2835 Soap, Astoria, "r box 90,100,125 fancy, box 1502 25 Tobacco, f lb 751 qq Matches, fl gross T... 2 2) ails, t1 lb G Lumber, rough, ?Ol 10001500 linished, f A 15 OX3000 Shingles, J 31 250275 Blankets, 'nl pair. , G 0010 W) Sheeting, per yard : lOftlG water proof, 1 00i 50 Ticking. 185?45 Cottonades 4 4 riannels, all wool yard Checks, Q yard Cotton Flannel, yard Denims. " 4 .. .. Standard prints " " 2550 5075 mm 125 1: 8iUlO fiST'SDlenclid assortment wall pa- per and window blinds just received at Case Shipping Port of Astoria. CLEARANCES AX J) DEPARTURES. I SAILKD Tarn O'Shanter, Bkt.,610 tonB, Patterson, for S. F. Muy 10. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. John L. Stephens, as. 1995 tons, Mackie, fin San F May 9. Centaur, Ger bk 4G3 tons Offarson. f m Hongkong, May 8. Gussie Telfair, str., 413 tons, Gardner, fm Sitka May 5. JanP A. Falkinburg, bkt., 300 tons, Hubbard, fm Honolulu, May 2. Kate L. Herron, sch 26 tons, Thompson, fm Tilla mook, May i. "Vebfoot,Bkt.,3-2 S.F.Apr 24 -v r i Wave Queon, Br bk, 853 tons, Anderson, fm ftew A U' cabtle,S S W., April 17. River Lune, Br sh., 1135 tons, Williams, fm S. F., April 14 Caller Ou, Br. bk., 674 tons, Rea, fm Isl. Java. Apr 9. W. H. Thorndike, bk.,9 days f m Alaska,March 22, VESSELS OS THE WAY. o Modoc, bkt fm San Francisco, May 1. Orient, brig, 312 tons, Swan, fm S F Portland, bkt, 494 tons, Gage, fin S. F. Orcgonian, sch 274 tons, Pennell, fm SF. Assaye, 1281 tons, Ritchie, fm Cardiff, via Rio. Canoma, 5J0 ts, Rosser. fm Glasgow via Honolulu. Clita, Br bkt.. M9 tons, White, fin Honolulu. Duart Bay, ship, 936 tons, fm Europe, via Austral ia and Shangai. Enid, Br bk., 4 tons, Renouf fm Port Chalmers. Edward James, Forbes, fm Hongkong. Forward, Br bk.,744 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong. Garibaldi, bk, 670 tons, Noyes, from Hongkong, April 10. i Hero of the Nile, Br bk 335 ton3. Dyke, tin Mel bourne, reuzl. Otto. Br bk 465 tons, Carter, fm Liverpool Oct 14 Robert Briuht, Br. bk. 309 tons Hennings from Sbields March 13. Sierra Xevada, b s, 1250 tons, Koerner, fm Iquiqtie. Sam G. Reed, sh, 656 tons, White, from Hongkong. April 10. Trevelyan, Br bk 1042 tons, Edwards, fm Newcastle Woodside, Br bk, 700 tons Montgomery, 95 days fm Table bay. April 1. Tidt Table lor Astoria. (From tables of United States Coast Survey.) High Water. Low Water. May. A. M. P. M. a. M. p. M. i 11 35.: 11 -181 0 00 , 7 o co 12 22 15 4."i. 8 0 20 0 0S 7 28 ! 0 48 1 52 S 12 10 1 21 3 :W 8 51 11 1 54 3 21! a : 5 47 (J 20 b' 52 722 7 57 S 37 12 2 2i 4 Oil 10 10 ... Jl 111 W :l 05 4 50 10 45 .... 10 10 14 3 57 5 391 11 27 11 01 15. 4 52 0 201 :.12 15 11 5U The height is reckoned from the level of av erage lowest water, to which the soundings aro given on the Coast Survey charts. When tho time in the a. m. column is followed by pit is afternoon, and when in tho p. m. column by a it is forenoon. SHIPPING ADVERTISEMENTS. TLWACO STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Tho steamers Gen. CANBY, AND VARUNA, WILL BE IN READINESS TO DO all kinds of towing :it reasonable rates. Either the Canby or Varuna will make trips every XONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR IL"VACO (Unity), psT- CALLING AT WAY PORTS,'t And return the same day. Leaving al the iiiual hour, S o'clock, A. 31. S5" Tho reputation of these steamers guar aetees safe and speedy transit to any point desired. ftS" Por charter, freight, passago, or tow ago, apply on board, or at tho office of tho Company in Cade's Building, Astoria, or to J. 11. 1). (JRAY, Agent. By order of L. A. LOOMIS. President SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Unity ana Oysteralle Stages ! Ioomf s t Carruthcrs - - Proprietors STAGES IN THE ABOVE LINE will leave Unity Tuesdays and Satur dayson tho arrival of tho ILWACO STUM IAV, COMPANY'S STEAMER From Astoria, and will leave Oysterville Mon days and Fridays, connecting with tho Ilwaco feteam jn avigation Company's steamer for Astoria. Passengers Ticketed through; also, thro' bills of lading given for freight. To Masters and Shippers. NOTICE. The Warehouse of the m ASTOEIA FARMERS' COMPANY Astoria, Oregon, Is prepared to receive Grain on Storage at tho followiug rates: 25 cents per ton for tho first month, and 25 conts per ton per month after tho first month, or fraction of a month. FOR WHARFAGE RATES, APPLY AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, AT ASTORIA. S Superior accommodations for discharg ing ballast, at reasonable rates. S. 1). ADAIR, Sccretarv. TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING REFITTED AND REPAIRED the fast sailing Sloop "ELIZA" ' 26- For the season of 1875, the undersigned is now in tho field for business, under charters for any point on tho Lower Columbia. 15-Punctuality is my motto. For charter, Freight, or passage, apply to C. W. 11AMBLIN. Master. COLUMBIA RIVER PILOTS. Officoattho OCCIDENT lTOTEr. .? Astoria, uregon. P.JOHNSON &X; G.REED, RICHARD HOYT. C. 3. WRIGHT, Agent. j p.E.FERCHlsN bin A. VAN DUSEN'S MERCHANDISE. 8SS888ISSS8S8S88SS i : i : : : : i i t Full Spring Stock! NOW OPEN, AT The Old' Corner. A. VAN DXTSEN, "W holesale and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. GALL, EXAMINE, PRICE THIS STOCK, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, &&-FOR IT CANNOT BE BEAT. :t:):tctt::c:tcit ft $ (D ft ft Cj ft ft. ft ff ft ff) ft ft ? .?S - Prices. includinR GaiiRo and Handles, six feet, nine Dollars; 6'i; feet 9.75: 7 feet, 10 50. Orders promptly filled by A. VAX DLSEN, Sole Agent, for Astoria, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. J. jS. ARMSTRONG, Pliotograpliic Artist, AT THE ASTORIA GA'LLERY. Having built anew building, specially adap ted to tuo business, next uoor to ur. ivin sey'sflpn the Koadway, is now pro- pared to tako First Class Pictures, At reasonable prices. Call and zecuro a shadow oro tho substance fades. D. K. Warrbx. ' C.A. McGuirk. Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. WARREN &-McGUIRE, Proprietors, (Sncccors to Jlobmn d; Warren,) Wholosalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED ERUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. erRuttor, Eggs, Cheeso, etc. constantly on hand. K3T Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. WashijLgton Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, I. BJEJRGMA.N RESPECTFULLY CALLS THE ATTEN tion of tho public to tho fact that tho abovo Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARDSTY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. . PACIFIC MARKET, German Saus.age Factoiy New Building - Parker nouso Block. Main Street, Astoria. J. S. MAYER, - Proprietor. TN ADDITION TO THE MANUFACTURE JL of all sorts of tho Clcanost and Best mado Sausage from tho best quality of Pork and Beef, at tho abovo stand, in quantities suffi cient tosuppply tho tradchas just opened a new stock of PRESERVES axd CANNED ERUIT, And a good quality of Cigars and Tobacco. KirFresh Butter, Cheese, Eggs, nams. Ba con and shoulders, always on hand. BSTFresh Beef, P,prk, Mutton, and Vegeta bles supplied to ortler. Call and givo mo a triaL !P la p s 5"? lira or sin gj Hg la JanSst ahr'Jsf'fr w w S Til ss s SibS 3 2 i if fii -1 r6; ' 'I't. I. W. CASE MERCHANDISE. I W. CASE'S ml-ittarte ! Cor. CkcnamMs tnd Cass Streets, ASTOKIA, OREGOX. KOW OPENING, A SPLENDID STOCK OF Crockery, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Prtivisions, NAILS AN.D ROPE! Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Paints, Gils g Window GLASS! AND A FULL SUPPLY OF DOORS & WINDOWS, WHICH WILL be SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE. p3 As I am making a speciality in that line of business, parties in want of Doors and "Windows will find it to their advantage to call. I. W. CASE. MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH SUPPLY OF DOWNER'S & Pratts Astral Conl Oil. Thoso oils aro perfectly safe and produce a ntagnificont light For sale by J.. W. CASE . Notice. FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE charges and advances on freight land ed at the 0. S. S. Co.'s Wharf, Astoria, must bo paid before tho freight leaves tho ware house. J. G. HUSTLER, . Agont. For Freight or Charter. THE Al NEW SLOOP, Geo. Flavel, FRED "WASS Master. Is now'in readiness for busines, and offers superior accommodation to tourists on the bay. i&j- Will carry freight or passengers to any point at reasonable rates. Apply on board. AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF the Domestic Sewing Machine, at I. W. Case's. TpRED KROSEL, House and Sign Painting, PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING, ETC., Special attention paid to Country work. Shop on Squemoqha street, ASTORIA, ... OKEGOX. TEOOTS fo SHOES MADE TO ORDER, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, BY A. W. CONE, -.- Astoria, Sign of the Golden Shoe. o Josh Billings Hits on Facts, FOR INSTANCE: "Human TTnnrinp iMimi to be surathinjj that every boddy is lookm after, but Jm& don texpekt to nnd espesh ally ef their boots don't fit. "Tho public of Astoria and surrounding country aro pretty well assured of tho fact that Cone's manufacture of Roots and Shoes is of tho finest and,best quality, and that they are mado to fit. KffrFurtherraoro, tho price correspond with tho tithes, henco human happiness is within tho reach of overy inhabitanfcwho would have his feet properly incased by the Boot maker of Astoria who is qualiied to fit tho foot. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE, Main Street, Axtoria. DO NOT SEND AW AY For Printing of any kind, until you havo tried THE ASTOR1AN Office. New Store. New Goads. Just Opened, INT THE SUMMERS BUILDING, Chenamus Street, Astoria. J. C. TRULLINGER, "Would Respectfully Announco To tho Citi'.ens of Astoria and Vicinity, That ho is now hero, and has Opened at tho Abovo Well known Stand. A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, And everything -required for daily use, down to a sack of Flour oFced from'mv own mills in Washington County, which will bo sold at tho lowest market rates. xav I invito the public generally to call nnd oxamino my stock and prices. Having located permanently in Astoria I " mean business." &STho Saw mill is now in running order, with a full boom of choice logs, and Lam also prepared to fill orders, large or small, on short notice, for any kind of lumber. J. C. TRULLINGER. NICE ASSORTMENT OF JEW elry "Watch guards in various styles at Case's. B. HAMBURGERMERCHANDISE 1876. .spring 1876. Received ex-Steamer a large Assortment of Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Matting, . OilCloths, All of the Latest Styles and low price. Call and see. B. HAMBURGER, Main streot, Astoiia, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS.. WATCHMAKER atid JEWELER. IRA CUTTING ANNOUNCES TO THE PEOPLE OF Astoria and vicinity that he is now pro pared to do all kinds of WATCHMAKING AND JEWELLING bi tho neatest possiblo manner. All work warranted. IRA CUTTING, Chenamus streot, Astoria, Ogn. CENTENNIAL BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. Sign of the Red Boot MAIN STEEET, ASTORIA. Next door to P. H. Fox, Tailor, Tho only place in Astoria, where you can get a perfect fit and tho best French stock. Jv ever mind what Josh Billings says. 1 moan busi ness. GivomoaoalJ. JOHN WILDER. "D ATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold nnd SHOWER Baths AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Jacob Niederauer Proprietor. a" Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING a" Private EntrancoforLadies"a ALTONA CHOP HOUSE. MAIN STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. T. BRAMEL Proprietor. rriniS'NEW PLACE OF RU3I- I TiMsisnnw nronnrnrl f-n snrrn vk.Vi FRESH OYSTEES; In Every Style, to Order. Th,o Proprietor will.- as in times past, strive to merit a sharo of tho public patronage and will WARRANT SATISFACTION TO ANY WHO MAY FAVOR HIM WITH A CALL. Meals at all Hours! POSITIVELY NO CHINAMEN IN MY EMPLOY. C. E. Jackins & Co. Cor. Mun and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Oregon. Dealers in all kinds of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware ! VS-Coppor Tea-kettles, pressed Tea-kettle?, burnished Tea and Cofioo pots, porcelain, tin lined,andpres3edIron sauco pans, fancy and plain vent Thimblo covers, fine Dust pans ana brushes, cast iron Bake ovens, etc., etc., etc, embracing about 33,333 articles too numerous to mention, for old Bachelors, maids, children and married folks. U3T Agents for tho salo of the celebrated Occident Cooking- Stoves. Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. R UDOLPH EARTH, MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors. The Best Quality Lager Beer, PIVE CENTS A GLASS. t&T The patronage of the public is rcsnect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Loitlcil Beer, in any quantity, promptly filled. i5T Free Lunch day and ulshL L mfo j A .,