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About The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 2017)
SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2017 3 A PTA invites community Nominations sought for annual Siuslaw Awards to ‘Breakfast with Santa’ Pancakes will be hot off the griddle for Florence Community PTA’s first Breakfast With Santa event, scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 2, from 8:30 to 11 a.m., at Crossroad Assembly of God Church, 1380 10th St. The event will feature an opportunity to take selfies with Santa, a delicious pancake breakfast, hot cocoa bar, bake sale and fun for the whole family. “Our goal is to bring some holiday cheer to the communi- ty, while raising funds for the programs supported by Florence Community PTA,” said Tiffany Holdahl, FCPTA President. Tickets for the event are $15 for adults and $10 for children. All proceeds will go to PTA to support programs including teacher grants, Teacher Appreciation Week recogni- tion, scholarships for graduat- ing seniors, community and parent engagement events and more. Tickets will be available at the door the day of the event. For more information, check out Florence Community PTA on Facebook or email florence communi- ‘Fix It’ to be screened at healthcare discussion Dec. 2 The Florence chapter of Health Care for All Oregon is joining with Florence Organizes to ramp up outreach to businesses and individuals concerned about healthcare. The communiuty is invited to an informative meeting Saturday, Dec. 2, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Senior Center, 1570 Kingwood St. The speaker will be retired physician Mike Huntington, who led the “Mad as Hell Doctors” in its efforts to influ- ence healthcare legislation when the Affordable Care Act was being written. The documentay film “Fix It” will be shown, with time to be allowed for discussion. Attendees will hear a report of a statewide HCAO meeting held in Portland in October, as well as information on Oregon’s Ballot Measure 101 coming in January. Snacks will be available. For more information, call 541-997-2997. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Bazaar Time • Holiday Bazaar at Shorewood Senior Living • Friday and Saturday, December 1 & 2, 10 am – 2 pm. • Stroll around and see over 14 tables of fun. • Demonstrations, hot apple cider, and music to put you in a HOLIDAY mood. • Some of the sale items will be…Tupperwear, Pampered Chef and Scentsy. • Lots of hand-made and unique items. You know you want to come!!!! • COOKIE EXCHANGE; Bring a half-dozen of your favorite bar cookies and exchange them with other yummy treats. Such as home-made walnut, cranberry, cream cheese bars, from Shorewood Senior Living. SHOREWOOD SENIOR LOVING The 10th annual Siuslaw Awards is fast approaching. The awards banquet, sponsored by the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce, will take place Feb. 7 at the Florence Events Center. This prestigious event recognizes excellence in the local business community by naming recipients for awards in Excellence in Customer Service, Curb Appeal, Nonprofit Achievement, Community Caring, Innovation in Business and the Stu Johnston Business of the Year Award. In addition, two outstanding individuals in the community will be honored with the Future First Citizen Award and the First Citizen Award. The First Citizen Award rec- ognizes an individual who has given selflessly to the commu- nity based on community involvement, leadership and overall community impact. The Future First Citizen Award recognizes a student based on his or her academic success as well as civic involvement and contributions to the community. The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce will also recog- nize an individual or business that has selflessly given of its time and efforts in supporting the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce and its efforts with the Distinguished Service Award. Anyone can choose to nomi- nate their own or another busi- ness for the Siuslaw Awards. Applications are available now either at the Florence Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center or online at www.florencecham- Nominations for business awards must be submitted to the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce by Friday, Dec. 15. First Citizen and Future First Citizen nomination forms will be available at area service clubs starting Monday, Dec. 4, and are due back to the Chamber by Jan. 10, 2018. For more information, call Florence Area Chamber of Commerce at 541-997-3128. Fundraiser for Teen Giving Tree has begun at Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Store has started a new fundraiser for the fifth annual Teen Giving Tree — a can and bottle drive. Collecting cans and bottles is not a new idea but it is the first time for Twin Lakes Store. “I'm excited with this new idea to generate funds so we can provide gifts for our Teens,” said Vicki Ambrosio, owner of Twin Lakes Store. “At 10 cents each, they add up fast and we already have a space devoted to bottle returns.” Twin Lakes Store has set up a special account for this fundraiser alone. “I think this is something we could continue to do year- round to generate more money throughout the year.” Ambrosio added. Twin Lakes Store is located three miles north of Florence on Highway 101, near Sutton Lake. Clean cans and bottles can be dropped off during regular business hours, seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. This is a great opportunity for people to clean out the cans and bottles in their garage and help generate funds for this annual project. “Please consider donating to this fundraiser,” said Ambrosio. “It is for a good cause. Teens often get over looked for the holidays, espe- cially when times are tough. This event has been remarkable in the past and has greatly affected our youths’ hearts.” For more information, call 541-997-3021. City Recorder Weese to speak at City Club meeting Friday On Friday, Dec. 1, the City Club of Florence will be host- ing City Recorder and Economic Development Coordinator Kelli Weese to dis- cuss the City of Florence’s vol- unteer opportunities. The City of Florence has many committees and volun- teer groups committed to con- tinuing the efforts of the city’s goals of service delivery, liv- ability and quality of life, eco- nomic development, communi- cation, and financial and orga- nizational sustainability. Come learn how you can help contribute to the city and make sure your voice is heard. Volunteer groups include: Airport Advisory Committee and Airport Volunteer Group, financial management commit- tees including the Audit and C ONFEDERATED T RIBES The Three Rivers Foundation, the giving arm of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, has announced its next grant cycle will begin Friday, Dec. 1. “The Three Rivers Foundation is an exciting opportunity for us to invest in our local communities,” said Mark Ingersoll, Tribal Council Chairman of the Confederated Tribes. “We are pleased to have Budget Committees, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Management Advisory Committee, Florence Events Center Volunteers and Friends of the FEC, Florence Urban Renewal Agency, hous- ing and economic opportuni- ties, Project Ad-Hoc Committee, parks volunteers, Planning Commission, police auxiliary and reserve officers, SEEKS SUBMISSIONS FOR the resources available to pro- vide a new opportunity for nonprofit organizations that meet our criteria for additional support for their important work.” The Foundation, established in October 2011 and funded by proceeds from the Three Rivers Casino Resort in Florence, is interested in supporting inno- vative ideas, collaborative approaches and grassroots efforts in the following areas: Public Art Committee, art selection committees and Transit Advisory Committee. City Club meets at the Ocean Dunes Golf Links club house on Munsel Lake Road. Lunch is available from 11:30 a.m. to noon. Program starts at noon and continues until 1 p.m. City Club programs are open to the public. ‘C HARITABLE G IVING ’ education, health, public safety, problem gambling, the arts, the environment, cultural activities and historic preservation. Interested parties are invited to review grant criteria and access an electronic application at www.threeriversfoundation .org. Grant applications for this giving cycle will be accepted from through 5 p.m. on Dec. 31. Nonprofit organizations with 501(c) (3) designations and government organizations located in Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane or Lincoln Counties are encouraged to apply. Additionally, applications from other Oregon nonprofit organizations with projects specifically important to Native American populations, projects that have “statewide impact” in Oregon, or other federally recognized tribes are also welcomed. WLCF deadline for nonprofit grant applications set for January 541-997-8202 | 1451 Spruce Street, Florence Western Lane Community Foundation (WLCF) is remind- ing local nonprofits that the deadline for submitting a grant application is Monday, Jan 15. Each year, WLCF awards several grants to local non- profit organizations for proj- ects/programs in its target area of western Lane County from Deadwood/Mapleton to Dunes City. Grants are awarded in the areas of education, medicine and science, the arts and social and civic services. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY In 2017, over $72,000 was awarded to 22 of these causes. The annual amount to be awarded is determined by the performance of the invested portfolio of discretionary funds during the current year. The application can be downloaded at and it is recommended that applicants review the Grant Guidelines included there. Applications can be submit- ted to Western Lane Community Foundation, P.O. Box 1589 Florence, OR 97439 or to its website. Selected grant recipients will be required to submit a grant activity report by Friday, Aug. 31, 2018. For more information, please contact WLCF calling 541- 997-1274. FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY DECEMBER 3 DECEMBER 4 DECEMBER5 NOVEMBER 29 NOVEMBER 30 DECEMBER 1 DECEMBER 2 Partly Cloudy Rain Cloudy Showers 53°F 40°F 52°F 45°F 52°F 44°F 49°F 40°F Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 50°F 41°F 51°F 40°F 52°F 40°F RECEIVE $10 OFF WHEN YOU SPEND $100 OR MORE. (VALID WITH THIS COUPON ONLY) Open Monday - Friday 8am-5pm 4515 Hwy. 101 N., Florence 541- 997-5049 AJ and Megan Shervin, Owners