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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1876)
TEE LTELY CEIGC3 ET1TKHI BBtal Tfr ef tin- rutted States. 3SHAY, may ia, is;c ' Tor Member otConirress, RICHARD WIUOAilS. For Presidential elector, ' "! W. H. ODF-IX, Dr. w- WATTS, J. a CART WRIGHT. Tfcr Delegate to National Republican Con vention. . C TOT.3UX J- H- FOSTER B. DAVID H. K. niXES . c,vaxuoutex h. w. scorr. District Candidates. Strict, For Tro-emting Attorney, C. B. WATSOX, , s -S. 1 For Judge .. . " JAME4 F. WATSOX For rnwotii'j Attorney, W. B. 111GBY JS. ' ' For Jodge R- P. BOISE a... . pH ptin- Attorney ; G. II. BURNETT ' For rw eating Attorney k. srorr .;.. For Pwwrenrtng Attorney S. B. EAK1X. aaaaiai mrsrr immcis a- lor Btwriff, J. A. BAKER. For County Clerk, GEO. A. EDES. For TretHirer, A.F. WHEELER. Far Ahmot, W. G. PORTER. Far Hchool Boperintendent . II. P. CROOKE. Fur Sarveror. jonx xtirsoat. ' Far Coroner, DR. E. R. FISKE. For Osunty Commissioners, JOHX B. LOdXET axd JGIIX GEIST. tai BpreeentativM, Ifltl-ORTEK, STETH EX SMITH, A. ST. GILBERT,' I. P.TOS, JT. JS SMITH, H.K.HCXSAKER. TLJK C4KK1T UVnaJTM TH1ET. Far CoobW dark, . , ... ... W.C.KEMUT. ForUberiff, EEOBES PItiS. For Treasurer. JOHX JAKES. ', Fi Assessor,- "" NAT UOEHaX. ' ' Far Bcbool 8irr?rintendent, J. L. COIX1SS. 4 For County Sarveyar. MR. CHtllCHILL. ,! jToc Coroner, F. E. WHITTAXEE. Far Cowarty Commission aw. i. p. uan vsua FxAMttaMtor. A. W. LUCAS. Far Banrasstuatras, m BBLIZB. F. C. SHIBTU7FF, f,-,., iB.H.oCOKD. Tlw 'late Iteraofcratic Convention in "rJuiijrontj Imm provtai fere. Mr. --Watered" Ike La Grand dbttSana wvmtfai ai tart XeCaaai sb the TJnfcm ring. EUa slnvelopt Bancs righteous tedigoattoa -tBatae pr mt MeCsmsa. ami ha fives - ismd to H, in the Motrotaia Heat fort, sthajtiy; .. ." ' -T1ie ao-mlled Democratic Goonir Coo reatir, whica m -t ia tola city last week, m Frbhiy. aud eoncladert iu labors Satur- -sBny. fully demosi-st rated by tbwtr aetiont 4taat they aaU little or ao regar wbaterer 4ter fmtiticnl atHsxiples and eared ftething rbaWer fur the winhe of rhe- p'p?e so - SBM(g an they euaki eratifr tlieir own per eul prefermice awl anitnoities. Tbe aettou f the Convention, which hu psw d iuto and b-camf a Mrt at the political Borj- if The Umnocraiic party in tiiU aoty. BiIiT warranta the abnra eonclo- Statesbtaii : Is the Mercury ot 'Stay 9ib I otwerre a comtiMuieition oyer Jpae rignatare at Conistency,t the pmfix, "a,"-finglell off I enppope iusKlvertent 1j, In which an explanaf.oo is demanded. As to wbo the antiior ot the article b I can jtJy Lozzartl a guem,but believe it to have tmen writlcii.or proutptcd by ao ex-Canary iClcjt of this Connty. It i true that Mr. Coxper prtiposed ("gentleman a be U,"Jo Ho the work, lut- nut; ue that the positively promised him theaatne ; and aa expiauatiou I w ill ay that enine lime an July 1S74 Capt. Scott late Sheriff calle J -way attention to tlie lac Iliat Iwliad already ntlected a much larger uin ol money ''than be was cliarged with on tlie a v. patent roll. It being eriJt'iit tliat there wag t aane mistake the court inq'iirt-d a to wlio and doae tlie work ; wiieUit-r the lute As eaor T. V. Sliaw, or some one In lil- etn jjloy a(.d wa-i inlormed that Mr. A. B. Cerper bad been employed to foot np .aad carry forward the Assewuent roll. The court nnaiiiruou-ly agreed tliat it arould be proper to employ some "oompe--tiiit pernio to examine tlie roll and ascer. tHin wliere tlie mistake occurred. 11 r. tiro. A- Fries was directed to examine .and r- ort to tlie Court. He loand aeniibiLe of $548.71 00 taxable property, and 3 poil . Tlie entire tax on the prop erty inchk'ed in tbe mistake tinder tlie Jy ot 1473 amounted to $12,578 73 State. eMHiity and school tax. About $3,000 of tbis miioont was State tax and this "cor-nuit-' Ju ee ioimediatelr notified the mnney was uronatitly pidl Into -the Stt Treasury. For report ot , m r. wie -lug np the niatter any one interestt-tt ean see the wme lr calling on Mr. I. H. Murphv trinity clerk or flml a copy in the Aloe of tlie Secretary of State. It was but muonable la view of the fbrrgohtgfiittt that the court shoohl, when It beL-ame'iieeesary to employ cleritwl aiU select some one that In their jtalgmenl would not liable to make a grow a mistake, and the court aodudtngComtnis loner noffnjan agreed in employing Mr. Ede to do xume indexing and oilier work, deemed necetwarr. and tor the aanie priee which Mr. A. B." Copper proposed to dj U tor. 1 am not aware that any member ot tlte court has sought to giw thU matter pubheitv, and niumki not rrter to it now were not this expbinatioti deieandfd. It Is poasihie tliat aome rtumtr ef that matter mav bare reached Hie people, ami that may auronnt tor the small rote recorjietl in favor of M m. Conner (or County Treasurer in tlie tate Cenuhlktia Convention. A to the fling at Mr. Kdea tar haying heen hi artnnut ewerr rartyjdouot reweiabcr any election at which Mr. Edes did uot tmtat least a part ot the county ticket, which i more than A. li. C. can say for the elec tion of l7i A to the reference to rt- vate arTair to the tomnieB te which Ui' fe an -explanation," Jlr.U 0u lend me 150 at ten per cent, taking my note therefor, without atcurity, and re ceived his lntrreat anuuaUy and prompUy, and the principal upon deinand; 1 never dreaming that the loan w intended a a Mirdiase but Mipnotdns it to bo nothing more than a plaiu. ami tair busine trao- action. Should any further -explanation be deemed neceasary 1 abaU 1(6 happy 40 repond. J.C.reebie4. Stlem, Uay 10th, 1S7U. Interested pjirtie are we understand, making efforts toward haying tlie uepot ot the O. & C K. R. moved into town. l railroad company bold themselves in read iness to make the desired change whenever the dt'jtens of S-ilem see fit to come np to tlieir part of the agreement, viz: bniWIii.g tbe uecessary trel work across Xorib and South Mill creek, and grading river street to tlie required level. The estimated cost ot sucb an improvement we under stand I about $10,000. Prominent prop erty holders along on State and Commer cial streets will do well to give UiU their Immediate attention thereby increasing tlie value of their real estate at least twenty per cent. Recent d'uastrous looses by fie may retard action Air a time, bnt we leel avnred tlie ehanee will eventually be made. XrairmiHi. At tbe Mviy terra of the County Court Itw Marion county, on petition of 80 legal voters ot Sublimity and Lincoln precincts residing within tlie proposed bomidaries, tlie precinct ol Suy ton, w- orgauia'Nl v. iib tlie 6'lloii:g toii!il,ine-; Cummeiw ing at a K)int 0:1 tlie Santiara river when tlie west line of township Xo. nine south. range one eL intcrsesta said river,. ant running north on said townsliit Hue u. it'll it iiitcrswts the township line between town-hips eight and nine; tbenta- east mi mid line to tlie eastern, boumlary ot Marion county, tbenre south to sac Santiam river, f lienee down aaid river to the place ot aegtnning. Plae ot voting, tftayton. ,.i Capl C. P. Crandall tormcrtyof thUeity ft) a letter to friends ben rwporw hiaaaetf i sa ex s lkwl state of is 1 iali aawiag garaad it iava all tittad away a taasr. dowa a taa amaadrasa af its. senator IfiiebeD and buaOy asa wen, itto Honaday, diMa Eisaud. drMn Uwm. Taowpaoe and bmily, ditto all tbe icat of as. aTrsrybJly is ia tha saaas old pbveas, axaapt Charley SeweU bo bas bsenapiMiiatrdOepary Qaawtsrssaatcr's Agent fur . this diatrk sad is Cittiagiboat Moody of tlie Dalles a hen ant wiii laaeaaa day or taro, baa been luueing alter km BMlI saa tract betaeea Portland aad UaUea." -v - - Tlie numerous personal friendA as. well aa tlie patrons ot tbe Willamette University will be pleaed to Iiear tflatl Prot. T. M. Gatcb will remain as Presi dent of tlie Uuirerbity another year, aatia tactory arrangements having been matlr between the Trim re and bituaelf. ' Mr. Gatcb U unexcelled as a teacher and to lose him would cau-ie sincere recret wKh many tron of the iirotitntion. Vt. Allingham, from Iforsey, reports every team aud plow in active operation tu bis section of I.iun. AUo that tliere are to be a dozen new dwelling erected t ierr thU reaioii, and new fumitore store, and new drug store lately njlfem'd fliere by H. Hazel, of BrowiiAviile. Tjiey also pro pose to buikl a new and substautlid wagon mail to BrowiMtville this summer. Tlie lintel lias changed prnpnuors there, 3Ir. Johnston, of 8 ilcui, now ofiiciatel for tlie pilliiic. ; . ; . line MsrbUM-r). flic Salem lr.i Works have jt turned cut some new pUiuers ot which they Hie jiit!y proud. Mr. Connor ol Kb gs Val ley bas parc!aed one and Woodaorih Brotliers of llo 11 Piairie lite other, the titter bei.'ig placed on a wagou and Iiit to Its (kwtiiiat'on yestrrtlny. UndT the c in fill siiiervision of J110. Hulituin Esq. this etabiUiiuieiit U turning out atmie- work tbat do-s crcilit to the niedmnios employ (9 and are an honor to the city and the aVate at large. I. vox's Kstuabiok nakei o-eiKim;. kIm,c, luxuriant hair; itnrvuMt us (anins mil vr iiirinnif r my. 11 lux at wJ the luat uf St J Mr a. I. ch inn Jngi; l-- tuowt, aul iu ii riv., .uwrxU t an, fesaw asttkat rvi r. mu Tmiraax, Eimtor Statesmas: Inasmuch a Thompson requests a bona fide signature In answer to Ills tetter of tlie 4th inst., iu the Itemiwr, I hereby propose to nivor him with the utiw. I am truly plad Mr. Thompson is wi;lin to shoililer Hk re spnnslbHlry tit! Ibe arareaaiir" resolution, releasing tiie members of tlie Republican Convention from tlie consequenoes ol the same. I was a member oT the coiiventTon of which Mr. T. was chairman, and as such could not cot.s -leiitionslv have anp. portetl a resolution which wn so meaning less. If the County Central Committee was indebted to tlie editor nl tlie Iteiuiaer for past fit w-s pertecr ly rUlit to re munerate him. But as a convention we -retielved no nivnrss from hliu. and conse quently hduo ihmiks to reii.ler hnn. anil as tor ttm county nmcwi. 1 rtii 10 air reastvi tor extending our tlmnkstii any Sliem unlessk w -to -J. d. Wtiiiama nr building flret thtrttig our eloi, and bis better juibjrment wtarid teach iilin that we appreciated the ftvert wiiiwaw a vote ol llwnksL if we were so vaiwh imlubtetl to them for past bvora, why ,uid we umt ratify tlieir - nnanitiationa. 1 faU to ! it- Mr. T. a ho makes an accn- satioa against me concerning which to say the least is very trnj use." - iliese are iu wards, -"He also Mates that -we am- sure because Monmouth get away with tlie nominations." if air. P. will read my letters agtin he will tind that be Is ipkstv ken. and I liereby deuotiiicw this state ment of his to be utterly Ctlse. aud I dofv hin, or any one 10 prove that i made sucli a statement. I have no perttonal eniuitj towards Mr. Thompson, I only wish to set myself right belore tlie wopl. 1 have this to say that the minutes ot the erHivrn tion now iu the liauds of Mr. Wort ley will Iiear uie out in wlmt I bavu said In previ ous letter. But now since Mr. Tinii sou bi wilting to t-honUt r tlie respTHmibiU ty iu tlie mattnr. It is all right so fcir as i am conceriK'd. But I w mild mont re .sircUuly ask biin not to mittrepreseut Ui- ilo iu the luture. - . Jl MIIXUNU. iKPKt'OiPtCK, May 8. l.sra. , , ruow .-It 1.1 WITT. ScBUJtmr. May 7, 1876. EDlTon ?tatkms: We have a lifth excileinent J -re and iu Stay Ion. a I unit the division nt our pn-cln-i. Stayton is iu fa vor of dividing It into precincts about IS by 3'a miles. SttbMinity ratlier have if 7 by S utiles each precinct, liow our court will figure, we don't know yet. we have tlie majority of voters and a aeuslblp shape on our side. IVe don't feel hostile to Stay ton, hut some joking U going on. . as follows; - It was a dislKMior to Sublimity to h ive a flbt at a firmer bifi. but an Imnnr to Stayton to lunii-li the best tighter tor that Iwli. Tin; plain peopli- of sublimity will call intoxicated "dru 1k." Ui fined ip!e n! Stayton will call it 'Yhliihwrniartl." P. ntle if Sli'Vfon areitmviiicil th it th. flermans of MiMimi'y cannot h-nis' f .nr o'ciiK k P., M. tut tanitt rive if. The ' people of Snlilimiry nr tiinviruvd and can prove it that people In taytni rtir. ee tlie dHylltrht on a sttirmv Xew Yenr night, ar one u'rlni at niglit, this ' is a fact. Yours resjiedlullv. A. SctlEl.l.nntQi . .CatVA LXTTEm. ', ' . . s' 1 ...... "Ed. STATTentAK : Your correspoodent iaas been waiting lake Miuawber lor sawae thing MitereaiiuC tbe news line I turn up, best an fcr he taaa tseari doomel to rfis- appointmeot. "hence o raw concluded o do the net the cau w uu us slot; uisHture, ' Tha but few day ot- ukse weather baa earned tbe tu user to rejoice and becenie exceedingly glad oyer' tbst -prospecfa o( a nagnillcefa er-op oT j-triag graiu. ..Tbe st tee ta of tins burg arvalmoatdeaerted and would be entirely were It uot for a few chronic ol J growlers wlio always iose tnoney hy not ha ring wheat to seH, ' , " Thaexcnrdon ot the Gervais aaboatb d-aolBtv.-the90tJi inraac was a grand sneceta $ ' the winging eras xeelbnit nd well perforined by all parties, but in our jmlgement, Miw Nettie Brown's etasa ol llftlejytl. did (he bvst siniiij; iim-ah-riii their agt and I lie Very s&ort tUu they bad been prsctc-ui. , 'i'lar . whole afiitir: w well oHMlucied aud t'H credit to all enncerm d lu the thro b schools participaung. , Pu4itU are very fjiiM-t" and but littlo i saki 011 either side ; still It is c-i. c ib-d b all parties that the lie publican ticket wili Oe eli-cted by a lara-atajairity.i Tlie lude pendent lAnt,ocraui' c nidtriate for oousta ble in this priwtot will ctxiiiueiic m:i vasAiug the.preianct sam and will end np on tlie Urt tluodtc in Jniw. wImp )h will crmut bis votes and asuertaia U be U elec ted. S-v-riil of iHir cijiz will nutrt I., tlie direct ion. of line Quaker city mmiii. tlie irnteuiiialli what in taking litem from our niidnt. . . K. Use rxeewtlax wt I.erw.lwuiei Xtvderets'' Oewutad . 'f - A P"rW corri-apoiinent iara the inter- chani;e ol views at IVrlhi 00 Salnui-fa af- fairs re-ulteil in a eollectiye demand on tlie part ot the Lluroptn ynrm for tbr eXHciition l tlie Mitiid.-rvrs. tlie Indeinnitt. cation ot tl biniiie of tlie yli-tim-. a ole ion uliite to tbe Frendi a id (ierni n fl;ig4 by the Turkish ntuhoritk'S ri d stmr- atitees aaiiiiit sisiiiiar iii-isacre. Mr. Wood of Wood's Masvtua Porrlund bits' agreed to plaee nil exliiWH-n ctiH-t:-n'a! week all t ie rulica tit the revolution, warol lili Mexican war. Indian wars, rare works of art, faia-y v.rk, paintings mtfent or modern, etc., sctit tu Mm.' lit has aheady a Jasge collei-tioii of such thing', but would J,ke ten tiioti-aud more lorci-uteiinutl wes.-k. The muuiim is it he place to t x'.lliit o:id ft-- such new (iiol an cient trophies and Wood f:s tl Qit fbow 1 an lite is tie b.gc t showman (n fit's eoist. . ,. " ' 1 yeitr 1,1,1 i' j. '.!..!. r, i ,.,v ! ji!,.-., lor Mit liayuig u? iu !i -',t anerdark. a ! 1 .. , . . , fine of $200 w buewd by I e,M;"M r Vr- '.r-'ola IH le. I it.c:i... l .. Webster, at Sea ale, umi t!e master of , Pnl matter through 0:1 hu ojiu h the bark Montana, and its payment exact- ; nihility. Kricu U of the enterprise av-nit i last vteckw - - tli Man.' - - ,.-ftr:r- -0RVA1.1J1 irrri Mtt. EimR As a citizen ot Corvalll, let me rtttirn thanks fur the part you have taken in .calling public attention to the deplorable condition of our Agricultural Collrge, (o called) j j "laving lived lief' in ' constant view of lUhejrodtng'Jljwrife . from knowl edge, and not from hearsay. As to tlie featliers who hav been employed and to those whrt are now Mnployed sotHally. 1 have noHiliig o sar. nor would I en a word to the in jitst Injury i.f tlwm. Ewn Mr. Emory V graduation due not fmutlo me for I oarnimt wliether it occurred wIh-ii w, QaHfnrnla or o-ne.liig over a . . iw..i.,! tlr.ili fn keep ?"r " " " , v , , bim nut ot a r.Mihl.onu' iblnii e4n. 1 wriie for none ot these ondvw call btic ntteutbwi to what tlie m'bool i and what n tlie first place tbe co'lege was tempo rarily located lu CorvaHis, and placed in the liatids of tbe M. E. Church South. which had a school Vr known a tin' Corvaliis Ctdleff-, At Uie Uit mei ting of tlie I-gidature it was permanently locat ed here, Alt course J am glad t have tlie Agri cultural College in CorvaHis and so I eve ry citizen and we want it, to remain here ; but It docs not follow, as a cotisetpienci!. that we want it l(i tlie hands ot the JI U. Llinrch Somb or any ollwr churclK IVlmt would be said all over tlie State weie tlie school In tlie bands oi The Catholic Church and yet there is 110 valid reason why this church KhouM not liave it it any other is allowed that right. During the last cam paign tlie Itemocratic press raised a tre mendous yell because tlie M. E. Church (North) had been allowed to tench a pub lic school iu the ,,, Ac idemy in the town ol lebauou. Mr. Warren was deununcj-d tlirmtgh ev ery Mmr and from evry stump as a pur 11 liner or public c!u-. tniid-, and for wlmt but bi fHiie lie was a liipiist, and a few terms Ot the public school io the lowu of 1 Mi Mlnville liad beon t-uiht iu the Mc Minvillc College, a rHiti-t lostitiiliou. Aow,wbr is It that thetK niiHTietic frf dues not raise 1111 against our A ;rii iiiu ral College In'tng run by tlie M.E. CHuircb n.urh 7 Is rite church pur.-r than other Is it above ait sectariauUu) ? Is tt so lu tensely Immaculate, that tlie conslltution i f our State mint lie tranipled under at it- H.ldii.g? Are Its Bi-hops G id's vice i;ere..ts to dicta1!- to the eiple ol Ure;,ii, wiiat they sliall do with the Agricultural tVlhg-. and just bow miich of tla; rousti- tit t- II IhtV a e to Kgaid i.i ;nir li -..;-tiou ? It was reasnimhle to inter the resolution (MSH-d by ';he late Ik-iuiicritio S:ate" Jc .in vention that the ,te would 110 l nii r li Ht iitani tne right of the 11. E. Ctn'rch south to run our Agricultural College. tint alas for resolutions, lor I e that GroverV irjiiiil Iris spimied It nthi rallied to the ile- av f the t-ciariau si'imi:. aial tin ej Viittf illy ackiion !. -!. il t y-a'it n - In ma flmt the cOiAtlnrlifu ha. Ix-en !. ' ' I am not prepared to f ih ve th it Gn.v vr and J. Is u aiVnal,. 'flottlh-A. are deriiij; ,hi t r the c urcti as Sneli,' but lor the nd yaiiceiiMriit of tlie IK-miHTatu eh-ini'lit tpi- disr us dojrtiianc rule.' I llwre a meuiner .if thi chnrch,' who li'niit a 1le1uocr.1t;'' II 4-re is b'tliiiUj-tep ttltc front., '.' " "j Mr.! Amrtld, tlPresldeut, rs a roe'niTxM ot the chnre. an rs-rehel soldier, aud nil brought here by ene tlar' Uidirips. a.tu came inini a nnte private nxvn. Jv one ba'terer heard of the man imfi! tla ISu-i f- h m down Wr and 1 b bed Jjiu, , JW Kroery fS -fC mltrhteyr'nt the W'T.. Cb'irt- oonyi. an n scarcely -ucceajairj to say bo ha Ifetaecrat? Prof. Ha wthwm Is a nice Denificrfkgiitl fiiarf. Butwb! t of all'ihisf fur uo cnorvb M-hool ran be Kber'ltlia r-ejHni. '""Ond save tbv ma-E." anrf a.g pity tlie cliurch rhat I- so devoid ss priucAule as not to 'advocate u oactruiea. -t One Uitng I know, some of mr best cit feens are sending tbw rtuttlren Elsewhere M be eilucated, and tor tlie reasou tliat wr ean latvu imimv but lieinocratn! and South ern MeilMalisr teBcmsm. t ' : . ; At least 3S 800 has bi?etl4Xfieuded J. ready aii'l nr liave nothing. Tlie M. E. Cliurch Sontb-bas a little wwaleii buihlinp nunb. Mrhais. (2.UUU. mid the MKie li 110 interest even in tlrfs.' This t33.uli most rone. Is drawing ten per cent. pi anli'Hi , and in rive years will amil hi ate uif fund 'forever. Ami thi. 35.tKH; will be t4tJ.UUV -mi for tliey, (ilte uimrclii draw $5 0UU annually. No one mippnsifr tor a imiiiHfiit that Tlie ctitnvh v. ill ever rv u id one cent of this money to the S.ute li.ilel. the M ile', 1 lie or tax rbklen pie) is running the M. Ju CburJli Stand. Uf course, let tlie. . Agricultural Cs.ik-ge reMinln iu Corvallia. Kouue wants it re iimivuiI. Stop this annual exiiendiiuru ol i'S.INJU to run the toomhern MeUiodi-l Claiali. Tjien lake it out of tha liamisvi tin- li.urcll.uiid let the people of lielitoi. u u itydoas did tiw oi le ot 1-tnte lu en cling tlte State Cniversiiy, 1 lit;, mailer will U I foru tlie nt It i-g islature aud i: is hoiied tha". tlut Aiincoi- tnral fund will be place.! io mfe keeping R1I11 not Muamlere.l t build up any cl.nrch. Ae.'trly linit of It I-gone. Moieanoii. I IL1) t. niZCN. CorvaHis, Orego:), May 7. 1 he Jturut HKIrhi. A visit to tin: ssite f the wi; a . i'tn Woolen Mi 1 Is cmidocive to ;tliu'bttirs. Kothing lias btn done tbtw f:ir toward duaiiing up tlie debris biteie-li-l purtii: paUeutiy awaiting the arrival of Insurance men froirt b-.-Iow who it is 'rrj'OL-te-l are accnuipariying Mr. rjriswoV.t ovrland. Well inloriiiid. persons afc-ure. n l ie a-icilllnnvl ivsib m n-.l ai'n-.f. d to f!i- liu-"ini s. ai d if th'-y ,re -i .-.c-titljl llsbed ( uil nev hui;.!iiiKs v il! hive f( . erected for' lU'! l's4:eii uriie. 'i;ej f .t(! alUBIS , li t, H , j.n .,.,.. t y may lie rg.i". tSurtoj; (l 1 ; tr.i..- ' ' j- " 0iog to lbs (!)) of J "(We Itonham lbs county court of Tolk oouuty hu siljourned. The two candidate for PiHliict Attorney of t'lis District discusaed Ihe issues of tbe dav at D ills" Wednnulsv Tnnin. t)ur eurpolent fi lend -Jorry" of tba Mercery, luat evening wailed "could 1 bnl stand." We UKltcat Us tri U'auing aitsinstta awning poet or some like subsiantial vtijeel. The Month MsKre solinol indulges In a picnic tn-dy and antiaipate a bli-n tints, provided it don't rui. Fince the dishandmroeni 01 tw atoms eiao (tie ekampinn lt retorns to Ita original owner and it is fr othr elntw to euanr the field and enmpele fur Ihe poss smn of It. Oenrce IT. Hrnitb formerly nf this rity, wbo is nnw a'tenrtinU the Ti"l r1 Tnlversiry at Oakland. Cab. will complete bis eonrse in aboot three weeks and baa already reealrsd a call from s chnrch at beno. Nevada. Mrs. fi. D. Crnoket, of Cnnnervill Washing- Inn Territory, formerly Xua Lvna t bamberlln, retariwd tu Balern yesterday, pleasantly surpris ing her bmthera and sislrrs who were lH-t looh ing for her for aeveral days. 81ie bas many warm friends In ftiwMfy. Kite flying time bas again ai-rii. Merritt Orren who ra atoriinr at th Oie mekela hotel, has in l is pnswwinn a rinlln which he himstilf manafaemmt entirely ef Or ugnn wood. It sounds a swoet as the finest ones made. W. lah- Hill, editor of fie Daily Oragonura was in tbe dry last ermine,, na rente bamea from Talk connty where be bad been attending court, I,. Barnaul of the Wfst Blwre rstml tbwncb Helesn yssterday, en roots to Dallas and tbe west side. C. VT . Shaw A Co., general brokers are prr- rare'l to nrgntiate loam on approved svenrity. Offineon Commercial street. W. C. Griswold waa in Yr ka Wdniayand inay be expected borne on Tnrsdsr. The certonnial store en t omroereial street ia fast beenming a kaJmg estahlurment and ex celled by none. . Murptiy .V Cmasman are b ttnr than ever be fnrr nrerMird to meet tlie demands of their faat inerea-one trs-te. Adolph A Hermann srtt. prerstrtne fin the maimer trade in ehnntt Inn- b-er. rmilies supplied at red need ratra. HeEinide A Jt-ibinson are prepared to accom nexlate all lov- r of li t ranie of pool with -yr-ery facility for mdntgnut tn sack pastime. ' The Iibtho saloon kef p iiene lnt per liannra snd a t'.iivty public r. il! find tl.i ir biy mtul anj plind. Gn to tlie T!MtieT Htore-sp.l .lefirview orr IrieaaWrightMtn lite grocery oiieaiiim. Uiaaioak w ttlwwrw emti,t. The isilwaisij.n- trading rih TVrroll A Oil feelinc asanred ther will not only g-1 tbe foil worth of their rooner hot also hare el'tisnni sn'-rfinodiiers whll-. at lecting gooila. T"'"tT V-rir p.,. j rirolred tn at- f"nt ! I'm ronti nnial at P irtli"l as s hotly and will iimlonhtedty do theaiMjlrra credit. Tlie ferTi-T 1-sTmer ruiwd a growl orer the Sssebull elnb rnpctinit in the Connty Conrt boose Thorn wi Smith Tp of the rhetn.-krte Hotel has gpneronsly prolT'.-rrd the free nae of his parlors or any otlter room in tbe bimaa tn L Bei ia herea'twr. Jw. H, UoweU of tliis eiry Bering aecnpisd s position nwder Maj. r.meLart of tbe. at ) Hour Indaaa&swswatiwa wig laasw far Mia paaal ia a abort tiroa, km tanuly prsaasky fall aa lag aaaa afterwards. Mry . left ,a" ranehten fa-,Ter5 rterday aud nisy, IKewted IB S-iUui bufurs lonsit o'... -i , t ". j i' .j ,, H. B Bonn boa diinwwed of hia property 00 Chnrt street near Hffl etrak to Mia. X. V. Thornton ft ta ssna nf fsna as. A boat ooa bandred aad Afty repweauaslreae wiajMwbahty-he eenital at tha Odd Fsltoa-e Orsnd Led Vbieti 'ewnveaes ra ttm ity on ToeeeWy next, e I tfiatberford's drug store ia wcond so nana ia the Rtnte In tbe point of eaaptnying reliable nrnscripiion clerks and Ue-ir droga are a pare and unadulterated article.' Joe. Ih-rmrdi ia agaia net kaad wrm new at. 4 fholr" ttrends of wire, Itrrnrirv' and eir-r. J on erer indulge give him a rail. What', the odds if the r.dlree Tteee ball elnb d'w Imrn ten rit worth of eoanty gaa per m-r'h Itit'r tivTeiatn- aesasnana! Ihe fln S it in the etfr and emiliers' taroritee. ' Tsjn. Ketey"a barber ahoo Is ennsld-rrd liead-ij-isrtera by a nnmber of first class customers anil be jnrariab'y due a good jub. , I'it Hill frill ftml Hmnr's geTystore in the 'Viera Moose lilnek a eoormient pluee for 'ra-ttne-aed the proprietor is nrbine and a conimodatirg. ".,''' Found safe key., Tl-e owner can bare it by proving property aad paying tor that notice. A few easks of English Ale and Patilra Port T jnst received stMcEenzle RohinsnnV. Try ifalfanda-'f." ,. The Salom Wediual bal a nieetlng on Tuesday eveniug Uv and adj sjrm d to mart one week from that uijjlil at llw ( ffl e of Dr. i. A. Richardson. The Evening .TonrosJ ia Jw 1 led'y "ufr In sajing ti e Grand Lr.dg I. O. O. F. r.i'1 con vene in Portland this year. Si'e n clsims that honor as it will m,et 1 ore on tlie dv men'ion td. , M s E. D. ' i'l arno Wai romp-fle! to toi- pmc her viait East pw nt to iiome important business tr.tnrs :tions fiat wVI rc.nire I er pree- once here. 1 hose pleasant evn:r g sre !nit fn thine to stroll in and let one of I'P'y Htantnn's fra grant cigars bn' tanaVs thi walk n ore airroea- hlc. Try It once. Murphy A Croasman have a hesvr e t-k of rlnihhif; amiable for inmmer wM-ii tl.ey oflur at a low price. Call in a d pri'-o tlieir goods. T. V. Hmith A Co. are having an ek-got 3a fountain placed n their -.: ,m- store on Ktat- t, lo so;)i!j thirvty af.uls iib an ar ticle alikih inviKorales but dons not imoiiuatr. lire fin: ait Court of roll eoanly will con vune tuc InurtU klotidsy in June. Hun. llijk Williams v.., in ti e ei t Toeler 1 MISCEM.ANE0US. J. G. WRIGHT. t ALL ATTfcNTlON Tl ltl LLEGE AXB WEIL EIIICTED STOCK or Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, China Ware, LAMPS, CUTLERY, ETC. Conifficrcial Street. sins na Kew Jewelry S lop, At Er- Plwnuaer's 17rnc Stor AI liaay, Oregon. CHA1. RW1 HiAnHASjrFTOPtKIi out at innalsive paritli a g"U run nf trails, thie nt t lie hest w ml men 111 ihe Miaie. AU Un.iiie done on the foliate ami at It ins raie. , uecltrUw CHEMEKETa rtuicb. Hnlt'in, Oregon. rsmtrH l THE r:N Kt-T IWTFt. KftpTH f I Ntn r'mitciM-is eiiiuiiiting 1 rve ItfsaH, in inla or meg'e, and ttlleU up v.ltb all Die niodtra m'prnvetiieitia, uaMiiu to axb raoat ma Horse raax. Utouer Oprm mil JVipa. TH0S. M.VIT11, Praprietor. irarmerty or the bmptre IhHcl, Tt-c tiallea.) WEPTUME BATHS ....AM).... f3txck.'rxxs Saloon, E tew art's Bins k.ConunerciaJ Stu H3CRE sSklilEKKLE, FUCPEIETOES BATH", HOT AND OlUiJElAliY AT. wars. uivsuiiBJ NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A Ge-nrral Assortment OF IP XJ 1st 2NT X "T XJ JCL 23 1 1 Kept Constantly on Hand and UPHOLSTER. TIG In all iti Branchet Cone. JOIIV OKU UAH r u ManKti TItK ITKMTTItl Mmra a ) raloa A Lenaiterr m SMnnteraMU "reel, a'd v !ti cuii'lnoe Hi- hti ine mi tlw W a. aud. vy one naating niijiliine in the FuTftilRrt cr ('ho!(rv hint Wilt save money bv glrle? htm a call and en am ine his r"-'" ami pri. e belore purchasing elwhere. ttte nnHto i in Sell Choap as the Clicp.peat Keiiairinc a1! kinds of Wood-work and I ihnlMn; tone 1-4 i,i n-anet r. inner" .. i.:iii!d. tie-asails-r il..- 1 ;.e iet wvi tu kian.n A AJ "' ililvlS-S PLOW FACTORY. ,...ASt.... GENERAL BLACKSMITHIN6. The Habey Clipper Bows, af alt alsee ow band aad aaade so seder. Tbsss Flew do ihe beat work la stubblaand aval ssewsew, aad saw la ganevBl Bar aaaoag fenaMrs at Una Cw. Hone Shoeing, Wajon ftcd Hack WOBK '. Plows and all we I put npat lira-cat ral lasaa araaatAty. Plowe and all vera warraete-L and put npat Itnreat raive. C. M. PAINf, Prp., CALL- OiJ- McKENZE & E0BINS0N Fur ana of their XXXGrIX laAJL-'JiJ. LITTLE ( HL'RCH 'PCWflDTKE CORKES CIGARS,. At P. V. FALMRK'S oM ,1m.U t onm.rcl K. best or iLiQuons. BsriiRiP Attlit'KD A Nil gAMFLK. nairSAi Sta jtonHous o. ttfttsm THLLsRnjer r-rrtLtf: trrM-gf la aiavioo, norocr el rioren.-,e Slid Third streets. New and neat. H'ntcn mo liere. Frietu reaairtialile. 1 tie public eonliaMv -ivt'e-l to nn me a .-el t J. F. Vt tl K .N t It, Prop. WANTED. AS AftNt KOK THE S.U.K :. KtTT irs-.k A t o.Vi-c eliratodnwl ;a'ihlt puiierm girths pjaee and rk-inny. rei.ri. ,e quired, tor tel m a-Hrens II A. IiEN'NI Vti. 111 I'ont El net, euti t iaihi.-o, TO T.lXI'lYEKti, VOrifKl HKKKbT titVKS THAT I HK u.-l lilmika lor Ihe Aseami,i ,,f , j ( ,r..-riy. furnlsliwt proierty owners hj- iindi!ra(Kiie.L euist lie propr'y ll.l.l oui ,t,i,. ,,, nw t my elli.o. in PuiionV b'nek. on or tief tro SJht 1st-, nr ih exeiuptiasis alluwvi bv luw ii! nL i. credltel. V. U. HiHK, - bALE-s. Sluich 2, Itfli- -s- citv .i,tijr, LElpLoulWrMr Brat runiily I'luur, link era' lUtiu x. ' Mtpcrflne Hii-.l.ruliHm, .-IIIddlinKa, Ilrua nd ftbsnris, nnstunl H.ind. in; The Highest Price In cash Paid for Wheal ( JJ nmth . JilJsJkEV, -. -J Ant8.r.M.Ce.