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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1876)
1 -J i - - 0 l THE DAILY OREGON STATES ( AS .... am mmmmmmmmmm - 1 I SaBa, iBk-aV aai - a.a ha V WW Ba .taBa aBBSBa BB BBB, M . ..bbw w M aBBk- WM 1 ..AM .A m . 1 W M m I WW t : ;r,..,; ,'.,;,,,. y, .,.:,., l;44lT8 i t.'i1: i:.u i.y.-T,; i i1 j : ;: .......i ..mi i m .. .,-.., j I . . i . . . : .. - ' r m t ' vif ' i. Mil ... i. it ; , 'i - j a . i ' - 1 I j Issued II. WATF1IM, Banian uiir, lint i j -.t5gt Hervtwllvy Carrtsr, pxr wank. Sent by nalL par Seut by mall,l moiiina V , o smtainntlon toy mail or erpre must 1w uldli sdvaoue. . . , . .... , ., . VOI:. 26; 1 ! .; mt. L 23: rilE WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. Issued Everj Friday Morning f . II. H. WAtKIt, Rilnea aimra SV mi 1 WV1 J? IS t ' fe ASTERN NEWS.5 rnn Mm mark Hill. CureAoa,My 13.-TtieTlme8 ton, low, npi-cial says: Millard 1). home from the lilncn Uilln, and tolls a grannie story tt. tue tlanpera anj iiri vatioiis of lifo at Cuatt-r City.' He Hays he and four otlicrndug faithfully I iur wwmiiwu uaj anil na uuuam iu specie apiece. That was the aver age luck lu that viglulty. , lie mbjw -imoi1 are coming away from Uxa UiliH, as the Indiana are petti hk more troublesome. While reluruiug, his party was attack eU by Indiana at ln diau oreek and lat their hornea and all ibeir , vaiuauiea. , una wan wait wouuded aud bia ooairadua carried idm on their ttaeks te t ort Jararule. lie Uiuva thr la gulU in Ii'i"gi prutitable Diiuiug until the couutry gets aettled, heller trauxHrtatiou fu el U Hies aud the i udiaus quieter. . Rplvraa HravluUana af lk 1 Lira I4fig;uf At a .ttiefiting or tlm I'mu.i lyano Club last ntgit fhe following rcMiluiong were adopied : JUwolved, That UiU club wliilw looking to the triuuiph of tlm Kcpuhlicau linrty in the approaulii!ig'ltM5liitLa4 a , cCHMiitioii ol thorns atliulnltrutlvc rrffwms whleii are e nential to the lircJervatltm of the public honor ami satety, yet believes tliat aueh a triumph In pos.itilo ouly iu the eveut tliat tlie Tarty shall irmke Ir ainieal t tte hlsti- er scutliuciiU of the peoiile, tind shall lect a its ca nd iilat e for tiie prenideiicy a ataU'ninun whom people Will acuept a one m V Wl va, a k w . J. . . ." ' ' 1. !UljILlJr XXAJtr XXLKj.'T of tUlateU, RlcarJ,.1uiU.Ut(rof the Interior. , . , tjueor, radical Senator from Marseilles, is dead. - r I s urn ror tba IaprTemrl ef rarla. Taris. May 14. Th mnninpinty nns hns voted, a. Joan of 14,000,800 traucs for yuklic wwkt. ' ' M. Kave, of the TliTjribMoin Left, was i4i(ilnted to succeed Mercer 'i under sec- ' rotary or suie. , "At a recent sitting of tiMS Council Gen eral ol the department ot. Vaiiclue. a member nooke ta odpu1oh to tlie pro posed ulwartptkn tor tee jxouuuient bo erected by the 4m:o-uAiZirieaaaj uioa, ; aSHerling tliat the Araerk itlKiwed in grstltwle tow ftl tlw rrenttftfrrrtrt tt late wsr. 'Itie Prefect reMe this aer llon and recalled the fact Uuit daring the late war he wa PreO-cl of Dijon and In the preSHiife ot the' Invasion tlie delegi tlon tisiided Mm 400,1X3 frane for the plekaad vounftfKVdinff4Muar:deigatiori ot American give utia oiu zuu,uuu Iran. .,4 t - ,.' - -- Oran4 ninr Utwm ty Mr E, Hrala Mr lidvvani luorninn gnvo grana nm- ner to-night at iSt. fieqrge'l Hall III this citv. la luvTtaTlBii4 were R-iieU. J he room waa Mt'fiilhr ilrcomteu. Atmie t-nd rsB full length nnrtrati of Qnem V'k-luna. on eitlier aiile the -A'aerUaiii and British fl iijr-i. The orcliestra .ataiid at.the oi)rtoite end ot the room wa protiwelr tl-urrated with Hig f ll nations thine of hnglaud ant AiBeram beAiiggm-euillv UV- UTtwiuaa. .Aiiiung tlie - oiuit ol Hie gneiiti were loin Ielro. Grant and Jol. Kred ' Gntr,- KhIi, KiitKiamu-Ohainllet-B-iid Taft, Attor ney Ueneral Perrrnt, UiWI .Imii U atha. ea-cSkieaaef. iilaine, (it W. IJhli.K Ttnr:;iilier ,1;'uiiIWim'0' ltaudnll and riaiifv, I roii-saor niri aim uenrv, Tien- T - " :-'t i .1 f.u isii T"." T. Ilaflnrn'te4 VKitora. ' ' Tl-ttiAWt.riHA, May 11. Most ti the dlslliignUhed rww Who participating hi the opening dereraMiies, will tvnialn in tliecliy, l'e niovemeutH dnrl..g tlie day have Ix-en of a private charactei. Grai.t. and Fi-h received cl! during the monrrng mimI they went one to vilt Mevi 1 friend tlilrntv.-niiig., , At 7 o'clock, the riviildfiitanU nieiitterot Itie Jai.iiet,rc fnalnir in the tltr. dined with Sir. Kdward Thornron'at St. beftree's Hall. Tlie rrea. l( It-1 1 rial pa.v wiiNeav I o-morrow awn- tug for Wapiiyignn,.! Di lstow and wile. and l"otsiiter lioneral Jewell, leit for Waklflngtiiil vhl iiinrnlhg:1 Taft wHl re- miln nntll to-n o row. Gen. Sheridan left tor the 't ttiW mom log. i Cluuidler and Holiesoit "ml IV rrcpont will remain limits of A..EU Berje aj t,it Oltjrtllar la Iba asaatoitlaa mi I (Itlfa 'Nlw York. My lLJ-lJiu ceanmeiit ; laxcited mi a aemocra tie circles fcy aaedi t'TaiHn tlieXwiiliig fixpenaa sgalat 'lir deiH.anroinatiin Mr PnitdauLi It urw fiiHi wise cnnnels honld prcvaH M(W!r thxn tit ri0iial aeiDltinn V .asry (ll.iii honld rule- i New .Vork Iws po claim te the aotajHiatUiii, stbi. J ear, ,aod Iter relatifut titward etiMtr. -Ures shonla ("i-eut Aiiyn being vec-xf'led.. J. doui( I'lliUai tlawia lua sole retoaini'i-. In 1S74,Ih waa,slcta bf 0,000? majority., tlHigUst wileail tlm viiaie uf UAi Pen ersta; iiarif . lot) loUewuig swmiuer. it i ft.aili.-v, i-roiiffr nairii aim to betrinted ters-w inland carry f.rwit JLorfv.Te.r'iiwi.-y. SamnH vice re-ioliitioti-) uf ilas. Jw-puUiuaa t party in tSlly Sad ut tins jirtcut iviuliuon ol that nertW, It wtitiMl irrt lew bad oolicy lliail Infidelity to .the tiludiiu liiade before the na'lon to lunve It open to doubt. hi tliy tliat thorough reform of the civil servUie to i -V rork. i-x-tjw-mir Ulgler and .o whiutatue Kepulilieinr party t plelgca-i , .im.-vipiuu.aiie ri s lteauueil. l.lial in ieir ttut ciVUaflr-l " n-jiKTuiru uj ianx ajrynig vy"'!!-, HjiSiooeT"rrorn rmir re-speenve gi.vern i amawtaf BlM ftrhl 'Cr lnl . AeeVillt; l'H4 li lent and tk .tetW promhwiJt gisiti,.f is,skc t'A d, tuil.JJwa ere at the head of the lahle , election of the centennial year vrheUMiri ! Aei1 fhe dinner a Over. Sir Kdward" Llmt tiariv uteuda Lucarrvaiu wuJi n-lnrin. amioestwi rrm r-ejxiuenv, lwice weote!. a-i or U willing to tolerate a yiteiu .f aan Ut'" pralet,errejaanryl'.U-! an and peronal tiivuritiain which Ji .augur:itionyteway, ana suukei tng irraued the public aorai u aoj 1 all land n iviiig cmfriliute! ,l;r nite to tlie good ctliBni -; -t - f - f"""ri Resolved. That we rijoiw at lea-t l lie uTjiietloneii dem md-i of iul lie duly imU i be plain coii.tUlUiiil p'irly triumpli, an) The mime and srv tl--.- ThatJhe lU'puliliotn u'tr: v tuu-t lit full lC till and Law im gmn nl I .r tlouhl III it it Intends to la- till'ilnl to I hi- llirne finl and paiaini'iini pilnuiple to which n tm long te-cii i n'ilii ly plul-cd. ail Iur nlm h It b.x done more ui id U oip of duf,ny muni uuu iw iff r p iny, winu.i pilot;., plea are following : Fir-l l int, an vmi r.cfli nhiifl lie' eitiul Intfore the InwXil"! shall be pruti'L-ted by the law. N.-vund ' That specie payment mid goM ai n Ktan dard ot value, Khali be Speedily renUnH. Third the civil service ahull be re formed ou the-e poinu ut least, and tliat botti n-ailuilona and iiomlneen if tlie iip pniiehb! liej ubllcin Xational CoiiVoo tiiiu should be niivii in to li'UVa uo gruUaid eitmtrmir uuuwvur i r uimrMm. n t "! I proMiliieut tieinui nmnifcil ilbat hU ,atithoiity ua 3, President ! likrlf, y lie iat Uiroogh i're'Jdeiicy on the -SeHTetarliM (brain. Io the auiuinu lie aumed aiiddid control 1.1k- ntei coiiveatlpu. tiaming all, the cHinliilKte. ' ifo alo had ttve f:e' '.mHiiUii ,tn .suit bmiielf The renl a reiloclug tne ivmocratic majority ny "20.1100 vote. Menila-n'ot ' the aaemWy protest agaliiat all ffrhMo net aside and erawd not proinineiitlemocrat who rc-fu- to Join lii the Ibftntlrtdri fit any gtrlit ly ieroiml party,. . Tpe art icle has ppevial iiminciiTe t-afi oMner recent " ! Arrival fa Hardcrrr. Ntw .YotK. Mav 12. This momli c oflK-er Ky-r, of the San Franctsco polke arrlvie h- Brooklyn,' having in custody John llolllhaii, wIki mnrdereJ Wm. ltu. ell in-the lauer city, In 1871. . " IndepynUeat Pepabltenn Movement, . Tlie Sun my an effort la belne made to unite the Bepubllcsns of thl city who ate opposed to tlie custom home machine.' I1.a ....nLu.aa nf .Hnnnm1 Ijui L iirtlepeiideiit ol tlw liennblican cemrj1 conimittee, ol which Mr. ElwoodE. Thorn Is chairman. Ttie leaders iu tlie new .movement are confident they ran unit the Kepublican reform club and the liryau-nd McUurx party wider the title ol the Kelorui Ix'Dne and Indeiandent i:iTiiTnci oigaul7,it on. It Is not pto poMd t conteat the right of the custom Itoue (Megate to scau iu tlie Cincinnati leonveiitlon, but should the union be eflert- - . .... ...k... . i.......t..i r 1. it I i u, n iifcf iiiiniovr ui inuiiviHiai ju pnuiL-i can e in noutitless go to ( Inclnnalt' to proiet against the uomimiioti -of a niu cbliie candiilalt.- L' ' , Brta4aai aa4 UtS CkIqb l.ane i . ,.cINEW tonau May 12 Ihe- UtiHn lejtie thib bad a nia.-i.-ial meeting last jii jht.Anong: the name proposed lor uieiooeraoap-wa tuai ol secretary - isri- tuw, who uoeived 11.) vote and 12 black balls. W A tier the renult'waa known the wllditi rotnmotUai and indignation pre vailed, evlry mau jumped to his feet and exclaimed s'skgtttnat , the black balls. , , At length Jitlsi'Jay saia the aflair would uot have a had! fkxt uoon Ilia party, hut wiiild fnrply Hue lor a little merriment to its oppunviits. , Ue bad not expected such a result. IhU could see nothing except a spirit of uwili-e in die transaction. Ji s tow had bivn eteeteu to mttnbor'lilp ITiilmi tfliMt Khcre he (Mr. Ja 1 Iiad been tilackhalh-daume years ago. because of, big hitW9 BH-Hvitie,.ti.jJ , -..,.i,r!,:li Trlnl af ('!. Ilaara la ProartM., r it mme, with Laving let thecootract for building the road at extravagant prices to the Hrrh Chaa. Crocker & Co. of which they were-members and di viding the profits inrnnr themselves. Oua of the moat serious charges Is that the outlay pf money to keep l!e road in repair is so small that the ties an1 Iron rails are In bad condition and unsafe 'for the transportation of pawwugers. t Ttiwr. petitioners ask. an Irvvestigatien ou. the ground that they are stockbolners in tlie road aud are unable to obtain any share of the prof its, and cannot secure theit rig-tits through the courts, because the im mense recouroes of the xuanagcrs en able them to obtain tlie most skillful counsel and invoke the law's delay. 1 he petition makes out a ene against tne uentrai rue If to which If sustains 1 would be even worse than the Credit Mobelier frauds in the constrnction of the Union Faciflc. ' - .Among the tdarners of a petition nre- reuteil bv Sarsrwiit are John Robinaon Aothooy England and Anthony Coats wno siaie icey are stocknoidersot the Central 'Pacific Railroad Comnanv anil that they are refused payment' of inetr proportion ot tne earumgs and Proms. . , , vf, ,;. ,.- .. .... . ... ! . Robinson. .Anthnnv and "Rcro. In their petition Trsented to the Beuate to day, state that their interests are Identical with those of the German government to com pal the managers io retire 507, or the bonds Ule gaily issued in 'excels of the actual costof the road, and that they, the petitioners, being men of small means, cannot enforce their rights in courts without unsupportible expense nd delay, 6tc., therefore, in their extreme ueeii, tney came to tjongressj .; h St.1 t.6if?.:' May' 12. i-The trial or Col. JV. CI tavt e.,ffetierl naweneer azent ol t imaiiT nmip recent bi ecvi, ia.'l.(.il ..ji 11 m .4. hie-KAlip akmm , he.- -o.h andOonncll Blnfts Railroad rlZI-S ?1 . T Company,' indlcteJ for cmnplicity wiih va- tarn nl.Ji with. In -pftiprw-iAr'ihln.f .-fi ; ' Irtons reveftne oflloers and fiitil!er itSt. liKt -ptawhtM !!. '. ! TT:.d JvtseprtiMiWhtifi.iti whisky IVsnrt-sl In pro- ukrtal KeMbllaia AdtiM-a u AwhII tl Aeilou of tl.e Otuer ! II. a. t VottK. May 13 Tlie x n-ntlve comiuiuee of the .N ew York Liberal He. ixiMrTtiopi; t'irftfrier,"wiw only rivalry lit .(. K' t''-" -of H-ace Imlwetai trm:tM eauitrlea thut lor onee I ... ..' , iiRalll ia.vr-1 ia;,.iiiuiiGyff,AU! Wl-lirl lift. iiKiipa-i.y to'di'ink hu la-aUh jt lUe Tn -iileht ol if.'e lulte"l Matt. Tbl was dime and the hand played ""Star Siiingleil Kan ner" Minid applause. The President then tlKinkeil Mrialwwjl lor the kind aUn-ion to Ins eon itrym mi. Ha knew of no U-Uer reply tliiiu to ask theiu all to drink tlie Im.ilih ol H.-r Msfcrfty. ,1Qieert Victoria, wlnc'i wa done while tint orubestra played tlie aij jit. Kimlatid. IliOiaaa Tpna w a Paaata.laa of a a-Saiia. " Sam Fkan'ssoo, May 11, It night 4wMiS'Mre Ol 'A la ma da county, and Cha. Honntaj;, deputy licence collector of tins city, tooK p wscs-lon at U.ikl itid of a boy three and a half year old. who !. claimed by Kebastiin QuagliuU a rider io Vneen' Oircu. Si bi adopted sou.; ; The ciiiki i la sea ny writ ot na-tieaa corpus fHii tli nupretue emirt oil the gi-ouml lie was uniawtuuy reiatnea irotn Ins parents i,h'j live hi New York city. .Some efforts vv-ie made by the attache! of the circus prevent thu taking of the child h One of the principal point 'of Interest sbfiNt the mhaf j iM -l turn I flefeHilvtK ' Hn A. t 'l be wigluHl decUmslon. and orig Intil cainmiisioiij ol Washington an coni-pilndi-.r-lu-chi f ot Amytlcm arinie', wbicft aj i-t a fire prAnf "aaS',-' -fotly ex-' p'ed to view, attmct inacli aUeiitkut ftoaa all visitorv Tiie (?Ju-t-nni. in tli sa ne biuLi'ii'i;. i also itr iy ' vi.-i!ed. Oue ot the hrt vi-it'Ms to the Exhibi- trres in the district ci-nrt at Jefferson C'il v, and It fs likely to be Interesting In Us re-1 mum. : ' " - lh iMii'i-tlnil Kualortalp. "Tlu Tribiuie's Hart find upecial In re irant fo' the result of the election lor United State Senator claims that the con test is one of dollars aud Cents, and kits W. R. ll:i:r. of the Hartford Tuni s h"!(l stimlry Interviews with Senator 'English. tlm result or which ;is that the latter a horf time before the election paid down t publicum last night passed a res fhalnin 'Vii" b(1 ' Amelia bolei. . Tlw matter $ -. L G .'. . . . I,.- L. ,1.. LiA . I. I .1 ....I . V Itiat Inasmuch as no liberal orguiatluu 1 , Known io ejist.) in any rs : - A i,. I in v in ll i'i I uii- lied exigence of tlie Lltleral" R-pi'iHclnl wnotn tn their iintlmial iiunicltv reirntly issued a cntlfor a MalloiMil Dora veutiuti ul tlie liarty tliey claim to rcjjrcsaiiit... H'Uvv therefore advise the lil'r l!s of ?Cea Turk to a wail the action of the eoiieiiti-i is at Cincluiiatt nud tit. j.ouis, with a view ol supporting the least otyct-tionable caudi- 1 dale ttiereby iMttniimted, : FOREIGN NEV3. 5 -' laaiaiMiaa Hlanarblnr ol Tairks. v K;CH, May 13. Advices from Silon ' lea souruM say a bat'la was fought venter-. . day near Jjesiseisen in which iOJ Ttuks ' o-.ud 100 insurgents were kl'led. I CelelaUna; Itoe Sgnr wf rarelca cd aaiKl. 1 jj. The Turks at iScuUri had a celebration over tlie murder of tlie (Jermanand Kronch consuls at .lalon icu. , . - , Later dispatches from Athens ty a Vcs ' set which arrived from baloulca brh.g, news that tlie American Counsel was not in Salonica ut tlm time of tlie lmi-der.1 ptThc Chriitians tKik liU carriage that ha p icned to be at the railroad otation, put i the girl in it hud drove her to tlie couaul t. ate, lii ovialoiial uouucil and the mob met at the Mosque. The governor was present wlajxi tliesioiisiiU wtire uiurdereil ; lie only protested aud treated Him matter lightly, r The Turks tiled past the corpses an sjiat upon tlieiii. I tie iMMlyot tlie rrcuch con sul had thirty tour wound-. 'to c -V n Wtlawa tivrrOaw. . Ottawa, May 12. The spring freshet in tlie Ottawa river continues. The wa ter Is uow 20 inches higher than ever !'- at this ooint. The iiiter-tirovlnein I V'sTbridirei at Porta ue Osilart was carried .otf oj and several wharves ef tlie tin ion ir-! ly I warding couiiny have been torn up. At La' i.'haudiere. this morning, a portion ot O'l Baldwin A Perley's docks aud crried way and subsequently six pile of lum- .1.. tt.t fell lute ti river, and swept tv. llw water lias rises ova lnclie last night, endangering the safety of aropartv. Lnspatcnea iroaa vuiares tlie L pper Ottawa describe I be flood as pey lie most Oestructive on record. mce tn Ui Pc oiie i 1V an came up ill the Kil'leeuth Iristrint court Uv ita'e Vsc jii W.rir-aiereli.ld,isrrdtl here "rated n'.e the o 'uTi-j the.ileiiwy "Iwtf that fjitijjlinni wa In tne liauit ol -wnlppitiir tnui ts--cau-c lie would not practli properly for exhibition t yw vUi'.u,, li-. Mitilag, wIhj is well "US U IU. UolJleCllU W ltb ll aKftcietr lor tlie f..- v n i-ei of crue tvio animal and 0 ive in iiet king to orgaaHws Sliiiilar One lte prevention ol iruelty to children, received a letter and teletrrani I nun New Ynk requesting Mm to aasnrne charge of iiKvcnisi.-wnioii was illegally restrained l.y IJ.ia jliHiii. Tlw umilH-rol llie child, Mrs. Ml'JuU', alleges that the child was only temporarily eutrusied to tlie care of iyn igllmii; hue that on her subsequent de sire to reclaim him, she was denied and ot pei initti-d to see him. Some disposi tion ul tite we will probably he readied tUisaiU-rniKMi. In tlie case ot the child Varry McCabe. taken Jroiu Uiiagliaiit, a rid. r iu Oneen' e riius, last night and brouglii before Judge lrwineiie ou nsiwas oorpus tois morning, the Judge decided , to give lbs ji tiki to tlie eujloly of Charles' "Honntng peiKfing tne ar.i iysl of t-vi'louce fiooi N Yoek. The cuso. bid tur to otKi.lou ciusiilrable lulereit. ... , l euleitaiiMl N'kw YoiiKa Mav II. The journsls of this morning are given up almost wholly to accounts ot jiiiddculs at the Centenulal npeulng veUrday. The opinion Is that tla' ofieiiing day Is a siio-ess, augeriin' well for the exhibition. Ilerr Wagner' t'ontennial Match" lias biken greatly in tlie tavorol the peraileiearhig It, although sfMin; crithsi think It unefpial to the famous 'Kaiser .March" or the lluliligi inus." Iiisappoiutment baa been expressed tliat tlie comjiocr had 1noororated no well knowu Americas air lo the inarch, but It now turns out that "Yankee Uoodle"ooin poses tlie entire latter portion ot tlie march. Main m SIM faitaantal. The Sun says : Giant read Ida speech and his reading was Inartistic and Instat ing ; and to cay all a man fell in a fit dur ing the reading, aud in tlie OMduaion it one could hear.- Out ot doers much of tlie walking had to be done lo the toad : ami many ol the fences had not been re mm) red. j oil every nana were - Wat a lack, of ouro- I'.on grounds tin- ui in.Uia w as the Enioe- ; Jr.l.fXKj lor tl.e ik ot the Slate committee ror of P.razH. Im ri-if w i- more e--ciaily j in the approaching i lei-tton, which amount to the maWiinerv ball, wheru lie carelullviwaa subseitC's'l'v Amililed. making his con- bilieetiil tlk" !jieat "Cia-lia Fnsine. Ills triliiiti.jn -20.000. UnrniMil was to meet visit was briil, and a fur a short, stroll through the (. ronnd- he left the city, ae- canpatr.ed hy the Itrxztlian niinlsttrr and tlrt-ee sir toirr attend nits, tor ilming lon. Lh-laware. to inspect the Jaokssm Shnrp Company's slaips. ot that place. After eoiu fhriaigh tlaMr car visited several other large mtnutacturinj establlsliments. incltvllng fhe ahlp yards, nmnieen laiiorie. etc. Alter exoiessiiig hiiiKrtf very inncli pleased w'nh ids trip, he returned to this city b tlw sflernoon to attend a lMipiet given to-uiiiht by the Brliish ministei, Thornton. Tlie Empe ror will leave lor New Orleans in a day or two, where lie will n-nnlii for sewnil weeks, and then agithi return to Philadel phia to witness lite exhibit ion io Uelsil. i Joniia Tlwress will remain iu this city. Governors liigersoll.Hice and Senator Fer ry, Chief flnsi ire IVaite, ;ttistii-e !avls and Brakfly ol f.t Hipreme ivMirt. ex Speaker Blaine. Mayor rVk-khacD ot New Yerk. and a umiiher of Congressmen, also viiited the grounds. his rival iu presence of Burr hut tailed to do so, and ret mating d to transfer a like sum of f 2i,000 to the coders of the com mittee. F. Brown, nominal t!itieiwr ot this sum. admits he knew at that time that Engli-h was laboring under indecision but Insists his business was to carry the State, Uklng tool wlierever he could tfnd them. He has been since prominent In urging lVirnurn s clulni. anil i ct trg-ed wi;I. having everywhere represented to his workers that It was Baruura's money they were handling. saietul. Bwii lltra-.s-a.onn.O-ii fret of Lumber LrwrTOsf.' N Mar 12 R. C. Pen gra ft tUt Wh rtoom lrolve this morn ing, letting 2.000.000 feet of , huoiier over the fall-.- A big jam lormed at tlie end ot fie bridue sod the water In tlie river rose two Incites sn hour until this morning. Ti 11 of Nitun I'uiuinmeeil Chicago. May 12. Tlie trial ot D. M. Mtinii.fonniT v "inervisor of internal rev enue of this district, commenced thl mom'ng on Joint Indictment sgainwt him and E. F. Cridsres. ex-deintty collector. They are charged with comsplracy to de fraud the revenue, r-s?i i imi . t'laad In tl Canaertleait BUwar. Lancaster N. II.. May 12 Tlie water In the. Connei-t lent river Js rising at the rite of an Inch an hour. It is now higher than for twenty five yeir. The autiresrallv of thrConnecUcur rl vr Is on bmad slieet of water, from Northumber land to iMlton. Travel Is entirelv suv fiended on ttw Boston, (concord and Mnn treal rntlrosil, lietween South Lancaster and (, rave ton .Junction, on tlie Grand I miik railroad, a distance ot twenty five miles. The toll bridges scross the' Con necticut liere and at Northumlierland are greatly dangered. They are being loaded wltli rocks to keep them irom floating. aiany dwellings along tlie river, are sur rounded with water. 1 lie roaf-resatoaml Printer. Nbw Yokk, May 12 The World's wasuineton special aays: "The re sult of the investigation into Clapp's ram win on rpponeo to tlie House on Monday, and will cause a vacureay iu tne since Known as l Xmgmsstonal Printer. I'lapn prot inaew to realm In I order to relieve the Benat from any embaraasoient. The eornmltt will cnarg tu MaoawreiaeM of th -gov a.. ffMaaiawn,. .... , nL.tjoiakaa a . .1. aa, 1...- arnmsDt AflliU w Ih aTlriiv.iMn a . , (. f , . . . - h . . v iiaw , ..... ma.vgaii. aim PARIS. May 13 FlearO asserts tliat at oliate and aicrvttihix wu iu-n rM-r,.t, u lOOrruntion iu oontra.-ta. and will a.b a oouncll of ministers yesterday it was de-i fourth of the ileiuaiMl had b-en supplied. , the House to certify evidence to the eided to propose to President MacXahottn'hereJs strotig protjabllity tlie Kxlilhl- arrand Jury for tbe Indictment of ITapp. the uame of H. D. Msreere Morals, Ro-Ulou will open on Sunday-, lire soldiers ' Tho latter abandooad bis defoBo bo smbUcan under secretary of slate, s no- are a mere carcatiire and only fit to servo ore Uie committee. -New York, May, 12. The World's -Hs-ial. says Hie receipts of tlie first day ot ueiiteiiniHi extiimtton Mils hclow the estimate. From returns of a few lurnuiles UxTe were not over 80.000 paying visitors admitted, iwuigin? the receipts a little be Voud .JO.OiKI. Tlie market street lines i-a tried tiO.OOO pasnger ; Cliesfnnt and Walnut lines 3UO00 ; other lines 20.000 altouetlier 120,000 lares were taken uo bv tlm varkais conductor. Adding to this iD.'SAiuikeu to tne grouniis tiy the mil mid oouipatiies the tiumber present mti have reached 225,000 and over. The most encouraging feature of the Exhibition to day In tlie returns er the turnstile this evening fchowiug (SO. 000 paying visitors, or receipts oi aooui fu,uuu ! be paying visitors to the Centennial opening Wednesday numbered 72,133. Al though tlie crowd was mvater than it i likely to oe again (lin ing tlie summer, the iKfttel accotninoilatinns proved adeonate A large tiuuib!rof forciifii nalutlnes bv celebrated masters have just arrived. Twenty cars lads on tlie Pennsylvania thllroau track ana three belated vessels at tlie wharl are ruled with belated exhlblw A few days more promise to complete all departments. Iowa shows among exhibits tn Agricul tural Hall specimens of soils from 30 counties, In glass tubes six feet long show tug depth of loam. - Oregon's exhibit U rich in wheat, wikk! vats auu oneo iruii. Washington territory allows tlw tallest wheat and oats. Caiilornia prjsliules of each excite eral wonder. Charge aa-nluat (he '. P. B. R The Times' Wushingtxju special say a petition has just l?en received hei rrem California asking Congress appolut a joint committee, to sit fiian rrancisco during the recess, to inquire into the Italia of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, the airuirn or tne nrm oi unariea CriK:ker & Co. and of the contract and Finauoe Com pany. The petition also asks that leg Islation bo postnoned until the iuni. mission have reported the facts aud th petit lone ra. promise to make good the serious allegations , contained it) the petition. Petitioners allege that various guts ana suoaiatos to the Con tral racJne have excaadad In valua $1,000,000, besides bonds issued and urea oy mortgage in r(MMj 0 the amount of f 27,000,000 more. They say the construction is of the flimsiest character and that it could b' hnili j yor $5,000,000. The petitioners charge i uainai6i vi iu muiauy, wnoiu gen !.T.l1l,, Per Tflar.hT sfal'or ntlicrwlss Mi nionUi,,!? Y'lL'j!1 'Hioi-ali'e. Bubw; anvnuoe. .Mf Htri 'UIIIM11 . AilrartlKements Inserted at Trasntialile rales ll' i a i i i Il.11 1. I AsperiE8j;j I lot U ! 1 , it mTiT7 .1 ODD FttLO VVS'1 t)IRttGTORY.4 1 v'1 1 I' I t I, 't !)!' , 8nlm, Oregon. ... -. .. nAf I. AHU l.lbliARV hr.MH, OJ(llI:lt , Oommen-Jhr .-hid KurrV strnets. honr-of -mimltir t ax lolliivvsi - JnniinrOi lolr. Navem- liarasa leuaitwil 7 ti'clo;,' e, M.i t'obruaryi r . auiruii, April aim j)euieioi!r,:ai'olwk', e. M.; Ms v.June, July aivl AngitHt, n';)o,-Jt, J-. m. MitmlsM-s lrnm ottior ntiuraa ar VaiaIIhIIt hi. .? Tiled to attuiid. i-'UC,l A t. -CaKMiocarrA lAioaa Nor 1-WaetS ererv on Wcdnswlay avenlnir. - A.U. lira', .V, .;,; VV. J. Herren. V.U.; M M.MlJIcr, K. 9 ; M. L. Caam Iwrliu, P. 8.; J. (i. Wright. Tniasiirar. 5 . J, A NNIVKItSARY l.linflB Noi 1!U-Meets avar Mcm.lar avrmlnK: T. Orln Marker, X. i ; Knlirht V. i.: H.-fsiMiilto.H.h.: fc. N Chur- ci.lii. r .. B. ; Jamu t "ncy, Treasurer: . OUV IiTKlK'Nrf. irf.i-Meetii ever Satnrdav evening. Itiibt. Thimp,nn. .1. II. Unwell, u. u. n. i;nari-.nin, m ci at, rarmeiiiar. .d P. 8.$ E. M. Waiie. Tieaniu-ur WU.LAMKTTE KNCAMI'MENT 8.W.; T.O. Barker, S,-.riteNf. II. Jorilaii, T Meets Kit rreaa m 1' I I) .. . ....... r .. , w ' " u.oi, v.. ........ u.t. - Colfax Rkbkhaii 1-oki- k Iiikik. No. 1. Meets first ami third Tnesdrtif aili rinnih. C M. Parmeier, N. U.; Mrs. CO Miirntw, V. U.; Mrs., A. J. Reily. It. 8.1., Joalaa, K. a. Odd Fem-ows' Libuasy.. , Mibers of rsit mmiiing lolires, and Uiylj; tiimllje.-1. arts'entitlwl to true' iiae of the I.Mimry," be (atciila timis. : Uooms oien every .evalnf..funitav, x copied ; often, also, Simdsy attorsnoil. tlil Fl lowii visiting Salem are inaile wclcnitu;. They, will And achtiire selection of hanks, ami an nmnlpwip ply of iMirrent liternnirs la the mi.l Tae ttoai-d of'TruHees If onmisiml of the Trustee! ol the oon eribsiniK Lfulges. Time of m;;e ing, third -Thursday vi eai'.b mnntli. J. .J. Mnriihv oi Xo. 1, Presi dent; 'eo. Williams 'n. 13, Vkse Pi-esldent: A. N.UiltsTt af No. l.eiirctrv; dos. llakemr N. 13, Treasurer. Members if Board J. U.-Wrlght, Vi. w ajiinaml J. J. Marpbst, Ijlui 1: Uaoi Wll ' ltara. Joe Haker and K. C. Churcl 111, So. 13; A." " H l'hrt, T. M. lit.h aiidjohu Hofuaan.Nu. 18, y.tiHi-.hwatka, Mbrarlan. ; ' MSly I .f-- t. . ' ; ; . 1 ? ' .'. X- KCrtTBUCAll 1'SIIO!! SATIOJIAI. ION. t - ...i an VKIITIw.,f -.1. i . ,-i WAsursGTON. Jan. 13. The riext Un ion Kepublican National Convention for candidate for President and Vice Presi dent of Uie United States will, he held at Cincinnati on Wednesday, the 11th ot Mine. 1876. at 12 o'clock, noon, and Coi sit ot delegnfes from each State; eottal to twice the mmiber of Senators and Repre sentatives In Congress, and two delegates from each organized Territory and the District of Columbia. In- eallinV couven- ions lor the election of delegates the com mittees of the several Ktates'are recommended- to invite nil ReDiibliciui electors aud all other voters, without rcsard to past political diflereiices or rty allliiii- lons, wno are onposeu to revivii:r section al issues, and desire to promote friendly ieeling aud ' iMMrmatient Ir.trmouv in the eontitry by thainralnhig the constitutional rights ot every citizen, including the full and f ree exerei e of the right ot sufiitxn.. without hitiinidutinn and I'r.uid; of the continued prasccntioii and punishment of all official dishonesty, and of tin e -onoim- eal administration of Governnictd by hon est, taithlul and cauahle oflicei-s: who nra in favor ot making fueh tctorni In the Gov r iment as experience may suggest; who are lniposert to Impairing the credit of the nation by .depreciating Its obliga tions, and in litvor of sustaining in it every way. W illi faith and financial honor: who bold that tin common school system is the nursery of American liberty; and should be maintained absolutely tree front pecter ian control; who believe, tor tho promo tion ot these ends, tliat tho direction ot the Government should continue to be confided to these who adhere to Uie principles of inn ami support inem as incorporated in the constitution ami laws, and who favor recognizing and strengthening the fundi menial principle ot national naitv In the centennial year of the Republic. '(Signed) K. i. MORGAN'. ChatrmHn Of the I'elitibllcail National Committee. " W. CHANDLER, Secretary. CAPITAIaLOIKJIi.Jfo, 11. nieets every Satrrr day evening at 7J oVIook." Mall corner of States IO I andlilberly Streuls. . .. - SeplSdtf 1 TM i NATIONAL BUSINESS First Street1 batweetii' Morrison and Alder,"a'ri3 .Ater Street i between Fronf art4 FrSt, PORTLAND, . -i ".1 : -I 'OREGON. 1 k - . - it... , , M..DeFRANCE,. President.' 1 i t W.tL; WHITE, Secretary.. 1 . .. . u An ins'ittuinn ilestsned Ibr 111 bi Iness train- t ingo rttiwesrirttrt ases.""- ' TpHK covbseof sTtrirr: ejibHaVes AI.I. the bin,-.hirialmngta thoioi.uii lu -'a. INK.SS KDUCATION. After having la-cu n ai'lu ari.a;nti;i with Hie ineni-v nt lnd'r.I.K ami 811 til.K KNTHV JluUK-KKslftNU. Ihisli e- lornu, ....... ..... . ui. ,.(i.,1iii,inuii ;m-i-.antjie L.nv. eic. the siidmit is iilacpi) In an Aatual P.uslnots Depart incnt, whci-u he buj a, tells, (.hips, etc, following thH routine of arlrst-olass h.tsiness cstahlishmenl ' ' munt, whet tlie routine of all kludf. Adcjiartiiient for Instruction In TELEGRAPH." A Tepartment GltAPHY. Ibr iustruotlou u, iMIONO- Instrujtionln Fit IS NCI I awl SiEUMAN, ll da , 8lrt , , , . . " Instni.'tioii In T)rn.in1.-"itrl TVv m.mshtp, Drawa.' Ing, Mapiang, Are.hlteolural De-igns, eio. la the whitoconrse e.u;h snuleia 1 tveh es' scjuratu snU tiiUlrldual instruction.- ... Department of Penmanship SECOND TO NOSE ' Ul the United Slates. The Ladles' Iieparrment 15 ..entirely separate ami titled alone for ladies, j , , s rf For full parti.-ulars ivu fur VJInslness College Journal," jmit,to au.v uiii-L in i,heooiiuti-)-. . j.,. Address, Def RANGE & WHITE, Jyatamsm- hock Box 104, IVmlanrt, oirai REPUBLICAN STATE FLATFORM. The ReDUbllcan liartvnf Oreann In ..r.n, ,,n,... asfonilileil. makes this deolamliuu of Us principles Jfr-oolved, That in tlileCcntcnn!,-i! vciin of Anior loan IiideM-ii..-me we uyaln alUrm our ilevoiimi to thnias linioanxMital prlnclp'i upon which in r ipublle and die Itepuulkau party were fmnded. Amo- ( these ara - 1. Unswcrvtnir flilfiliiT to tin, I'An.l till lln .,..1 the periwluliy of I he Union. 2. The ta-enervailnn nfitia 11hrilf.A na an,mi rjlaaof all dtUnna ihruiiKbout I lis iiatlon. and ne nnimniai aumtnwtiatlon ol the laws in every pari o. the country lor the proieednn andenfoice aiant of public and jiiialu lSgiitaaud I he uiiiiilf incut nf violenco and crime 3. Iui-eandBoonomk-.'ilalmlnlstr.-Uionor every le-mrlmmu of the aovernmem. Sihim n..r,.... al, and w plalg ilia Mippoit of ihe ltepulillcan warn loan nsiaeu rer. hoaustl v and wi-e-Iv .U-sl-zne-l to promota lis) moral and material n-niiei 11 y 01 Uie people. , i. That a well InNmictdl people alone can he pernwiiui tly IVo, 11 In therelm-e esuenlial tiint 1 lie public school Hvaiem stiall Is-inalivalned In ordor LhHt everv child m.-iv i'.'.-elv. tui.-u .i.,..u,;.... will Hi bun i'or imiui cldseni-blp and wears unal reraldv oi)se. to nnv division of public scIlki: moiiBV for anv purtxiee wh iie' er. u. 1 nai w.iiie we are in tavor ol a revenue for the eupiiort orihe geneial governniont ly lints, upon import', sound policy requires unci, adjust- ment of iImim! iuin.ii.iH as 10 enconui 'ii iim .i...i. Delimit of the iiidiistriiil interoms of the whole country, and ivecnninitnd that ill, y of national sxi hanpe whkni socam-s to the working men lilier ul aires, to saiicultvre remiiniHaiiii. nri..aa mechanics and iHitimln.-i iin-m an adequate reward lor their skill, Inhor ana enlerprlke. Had tn the Ha llo 11 .-oniiueivlal proapeilly and liiilepuudtwiai. . That Ihe liest Interests of all citizens of ev cryiwrnliilou and pumilt Imperatively demand he eneedluat reiurn to specie basis of alue IM curien,-y. and we liail with gratinoaUou, die act 01 a Republican (Jimgresa ileflnliely nrovllina for that eml. 0 7. That we are In favor nf untiring prowvulinn ami pubMiasagt of pnlilk; fraud and crnue,lrw liKMing ami iKS-.ulallnn In nfllce, wherut er enst iiig, and we rupsat lb Injuautioa, "lc aa auillv inaa eagapa.1 S. We ileawmt that our national candiUuw 'hall Ik mea af Uiedialecrity, wha will carry ma ibis palky of return, aud prcaeme ioviaiata tba great rr.ulta af tb war. i. Waarrnlgn tbe preisait Stat aliulnlsl radon sml Its sapportera as corrupt ami pniflmai 1 - -" "... iu.i-.aa wainKiu,i 1 11 ll'i: luav kava U-es srailty of Icgialatiua; Uay lUTa tuiianaaiaa one pMriannv In lands, sad bel"-d upon nt a IU of oer 4uu,uuu In diracl lotation of luccouiiUlultoB. From Sclera.' Dairy, Pl ltE-AM fri;mii - ini.iviutn in " Salem in irinnir and cvenin-f, from Ihe old Huel ton Milk Itanch. . Nmuibut vn nia, Smithy cows kept. One oow' niils lor children, t-d'f ,..! .. ,,. .ji.,-. . v-,Proprt lor t Stay to iiHons o. 'avmsis Tnt. laiujest vi nuc iioi sb In Siayton, c-.rn.r ol Florence and Third streo'a. New and ni-ai. S-njres si.n hei e. Prices reusonutile. Tlie me s call. J. novl7::m nnliiillv 'avl-ed loiriva . P. QUEEN ER, Prop. ltotice.n'-,,'",;f "''f- "jajOTICE 'lS ' I1F.UKI1Y OIVEN TO ALL ' s' whom tf mav concern,- that, from nnd after 1 ' this (tnui I will ma. ta niHimnKtlile for anv itebtaM. . conlriicied by inv 1,011, Willai'd' Wilcox.' who is underage, but has abandoned his home nnd fsm-; thus. j. wiu;ox. ACHSV1I.I.B, AMil 27, lH7ti.-4w NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A General Assortment OF I?1 xj n 3XT 1 1? TT H EJ 1 Kept Constantly on Hand and UPHOLSTERING , j ' In all Its Branches Pone. i JOHV CsICAV nK 'P'HAWtn THE rURNrrt'RB , ,ftor of Yeaton A I.oughery on Csmnnercuil etreat, and will eanllnua the business at the old stand, Aav one wantiug anything n ihe Fnrnituro or , UpboltitrjLiiie Will save money by airing- him a sail and exam. I Dint bis go.1. aatT pricaa iMlura r 'anna alMwkera. Hla ataua la ta ..... c" oeiiuaeap n s the CHeapeat V. If. L' I"'18 or Wood-wnrk and Uiiliolatny X ! J?. . . aiaaawr. Onlere soiuned. Bs- r-ua Miarai aaa,i tuair ia u..i;n a. 11 ... inlvls-Jaa Isa'a tlO 'f k ' ' A rents wanted. OuiBt t-t i aaaritwl r-v- .its