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About The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1888)
T VOL. XX IK OlUXiON CITY, OHEGON, 'J il UKSDA Y, ItiXY 17, 188. KO. TIIKJOTKKPniSK. Ki.iwre.1 ill llttlra tflr.n IMlJ' Of-.u a MH'oiiti ctaa tnll..r, xtai.ii a, ISM. It ATM OK hlM'.StitMTlON;: Hiilitle eopy, one year, Itt advance, 'l 00 Single copy, mi month In advance, 1 00 riitvle copy, liol In advance',- 2 'A) . Addirat. TIIK FNTKuTKIsK, Oretfon City, Oregon. 4iitlnrrllHra ltlliii I i K'K'in' ik iminlirr "I i 1 ha Kmitarataa, to t llMK KAIU.V. A'lvprtiM'tui'iitH, to liinin incrliii, 'iiiiiit r.'ii. h thi ntllce ii"l t!wn Mnii il.iv ri'niii(t. Mini i'x-nM or fiiHHiniiiii'.i tiuim net Ulcr tliuti Thi'mI i ti'Hin. I'nr hle t;oJ rrml (fun hilii'tri'd acrve, iimiit-ti m, tliirtv lUe m ik in riiltiVMiimi, llvii acr'niiii'li4i-l. tiiina jnl t'oiuim-iic. in it t' U'ni.l. 'I'u r ii t f)iiitn il l'.llH, (H'ilM, I'l'IIIIK, N'iU'llN, llllll. ilicrrua ami iiniii-rii alan"Kri'1' anl iiwlrnr. Vlir"l liy tu K'l iintii ami a well nl (."hhI uulir t tlu liHiiwi. llmiH' lnvUI Willi tlin-i- rimii lii'low ainl lloi'o kIkiw; aln lutlitK itva aii'l puwiiv; li IwriK, aaicui--liinl, t-ailln alii'it, tii mn ry.hriiiiiiiiM- aii'l iinl, rft limine; miik In a ttima iirlir iIim Imiiw. Tli'i-e mllre limn ie k'mi City ami W'uiil rwl. Two liiih'a Itmu New Kra. Taom.h-a (rmn i-ti-imu iinl null. Twin iv. W. II Fia. llMM. I!t.(ili;sj LK.t.ltM! At the oUI FhIi biuhliiw nuy be Imiml .i rum lot nl lliat ( I'.nii'ii ainl IU k wliUli arn uttui tiiii a (rv ihvil of t r.-.i t mi . The ihI tai'k i i'li"i iiihiI iiuili'iiiil, nit lv'i!lht !) the U"! . uHtncn t'.ainilal tnn-ra. ami h'..iit,t tf li'in wlii'i" it m twintnl in firKt nla iiuliir. Tim liilloiliti J ri. ra will anlntiiah vim: Top IiuUiJ." (nun tN'-VI to (11 1 lU'k $nt). Kin nier'a two wuli'il fur I .IK'( (!:'". Jllilip Sv,it ainl H.fil. lli'lllli' o W. t'. W.Hi, olre. I'uit i hmiriiii'lo a'-ll rily i.f aii'inthan nuiiity of irounty (ui iih wonM 'hi wi-tl In Inivti t'.ie auine with mr .1- c nil ttuivuiiii'iit. All ir ( 'M i". :ll l.c Jil veitiw.l extoiiaUt'ly ul:il i .vi,il i tl.i.t to atll.lrt 'l!r!i.i - iil to O i'uoi Cily ainl ('In. kiiinua voiinlv. It. I'", t HO-!, Ally at law aii'l Keal Katate agi'iit, ln' gon t'ily. Kur N ilr! j I'.ii.iiii'iik ami cli' I ixtnn'a o( n hn i 1' 'i ; llin lu'st ami the Ii i .-1 llltmt n;i i I . a it . 1'i ice ri'aaoiiahl... Ci.ll mi or t " ' Ii. I'OTTI U. (In''dii City, Oregon. Fur Siile. Three Nlimt-hoiin'il yirl'uif hnlln They an' hteil irmii iroo.l Ktih k ii'i'l will make nil Ihiu'iI'ihk niiiiu iln. Aihlninn,' Ciiah. Mo muk Mink,(Kii Take Vill'i'. All ii'iaona uri' hoiehy (urlii'l Iimi In t lint or hurhor mv wih. Anna I'iIhIui, nil my Hi'ooiint. Ma I will not he reaioiiai hie (oi any ilehta i niiliai li'il hy her. Iaiel at Needy, ( r. thin L'liih dny oi, IHHH. Anouuw lloihii.ui. '.'T Kalray. One mirrel Niny, white Htrii diWU the fiiee, thi"e while feet, iimim roaehetl, liriifuled "7 nil left ahonhler, .1 few white liiiiri on tiht hip, A reiiHoimhle rewaid will he uiven for her ret in n ur liifoiiiui timi leadiiiK In her recovery, I'Tt l. M ai ii K. .ki imiu By, Onunii it)', Oreiron, Stolen from Oregon (lily hotween the honra of 2 and I o'eloek, Knniliiv Due h,iy, H ImndH hinh, white Htilp In fnee, hrunded J. ; II, M. on the left hind lilp, mid dure flint while. 1 1 ml on luv'a M iddle willi leu ii lit iikeiioir I. M. ltiNi:AitaoN. ' Ko Mai, i), Dm; luiiiuer wuiMti with eover. AImii ,i iimnlily of Mt'aw luiyund line i-ienniherN for pieklea In ii;intilien loault. V Kwt'iiKN, What lla I . arttfSS VjJ Tim inHvritin ftil reeoi'l .l republican- 'fW.yl?;t,-lH?3 leiii.inerp.i.iler of a mntnrv of the ffX Z .:'itf'j nation' career and rc'ui ii I to give tl.e f k.'C Qtv "I' -"l P j' I hUtory of (m tlultiiiiH, H""' .' v"fy rl '1 W A Kul we nill give a few mili.tnt Hihiln, J tjt "y.'K3 V'"y prefaced l',v iuo remark upon the im- J n -' .,'.'"' "' ' -.frjfl i.imI,..1 ami lanc'le claim (or the Uuiiw- f.t 'Wri The democratic trly Im nlw iy ! j himpIUIi'iiI fniii.l and nlmin. With hm.l i , . Ikm'h 'iii'ir Piuimv, tin! (rii'lvl iiirnMu ! li. - nti. - M I..-I.I l.v liiMi..ii..n i.ill. irty h'.l j '" L.tliei-ivliwar. "Mve,H.wr.ri ... .,;; thed..t.H-f,.tU! purlv; t i ,l in ti.a utte,n.t lo H.M..itn.te en.i , i (.lend ii own unthorily. 1 he ititvttiue nl "a'ale ntihta" waaettftidid and nmde ! li e i iivt-r tor a.r.'i". that a new f.v-1 eilimeiit Mill. lit lnne Upuf wlii. h l.iveiy IniiiM Im '.he .riier ctonw. The deui'i" ! it it if ir'v 1 1 iiin"d thil aovireiiiti alat.-a II t-t lint Ir' eiaieetl" under the fdliati .1 ' ' ...! uwr ..... ,..,., '" tilling M.ut tt. liiinit j - ....Id Ui aplit in two rather than Hut j tna ahanid theoiy hIhhiKI U ahii'idom d ; mid wl.en the repiihliruti party fame: into iower In IHtd, i' found Hi" S,nit!i in i armed reliellinn ; the antlnnitv of tint lift- ! . . . . . ... ... ! thin tletied III onel.all oi llie l.'ll.'.l 111 lliHi.T iiil"ii.i 1 ; it uin..'-' l.tiU audi ..v. rn.i.eiit ; the urn.v and nave o' I ,. . ',, ' t i ('lion rehel govi rnii.e the I'nioii w.e ni",. ; tht. ai' were depleted; the ireH'HV Wit l-eu- tl.trfil rilif.'reiiii oi inp tfovermin nt w-. deatrov.1, and till Hiia w,i tlin wo.k of ( the delimit at If tntrtv. fne rei.u' pinty proved .' I'lil to tin. (M'.ilniii ntn.1 tli.ii. It deehtied eivwaion Iinih1e itrdet the atlniiiid tin. natio'i'a eipremaey over ttie flj'ei Mini laled llnruiollt if llliea ttl.d It.. lit k to lt( !.'' ( u:t:;bem..A . ' aiiMtalned lul l tip'ie! I IViddenl l.tnm.V., itinriniir.vil tl.a rtlHlion ami preiei vvl i In. I nti. n. Tilt, .ill . ,Hly lllet. ilill tn Hmae enit'l.'ed ill th re'M'llimi when It h:id laioi itikIii d. It di'.h.indeiland if at. .red Hie Voat army to a a uc foi'till, ami ado if.'. I the t'oiiatitntional am n l in. nl- ',iv,ti freodoin, tint 1 1 .t l h : I . . -k and e v i n Jit to tin1 hlavea. The i ,'jml ri mii pulv fin ml wnr an. I r -toted la'.n e ; it found .luvrry ui.d tiaee ie mI'iiii. The i.-pnhll. .in jartv aholishe l th. ''Wildcat i lliiciii:) " of the alme Inilika, J ue I lie I he lienlaernred ii .hi wo hi, and KH'.cil them tui. ioo li year hy making the currency of e in.i! value m fuery (mrl of the country. i he ii'('iiiia the eiedit ol It . joVeiiiiue'il, H.ililced (In. inter.wl- b ,u ik'l.lH oi I .e ii, ui. ui t.i.'7,.". i7,l!U Hid redil. eil tl.e I. t'lretil cllitrites tr .in 1 "ai l.'.lT 7 lo;:,!M a wv i i.C of 7I, ..;. 714 a eur. The repnhllcafi part miiintniiii'd the nntioiial I'nitli mi. I honor, pawed the ie tmiptioii nrt, dciVaiiid inll.iiioii nnd flat money"' uml mad.! the u'.ell i.lck w oi til l.H. centN on (lie dollar.. The repiildictin party fonlered Ameri cun luhor, cini'iiM the n ii lion to Ihv.hii. in. lint iaily inili'i't'iidi in of nil other uoiirilriua, ainl a more rapid lii.-.ea-'i tn woultli and power tluin we have ever he fore know n. The Hipiililican party ..tlrcled the pill revenue at a leaa ierccn aitJ ol loaa limn ever huforo, uiul hundleil the money of the ifovornmenl at a lo mt- I cent, iKe of coat tlmli waa over h .lie I).. fore. The republican party kcciuc.1 (H'a.'o to Ihn counlry ut liolne and abroad, proved IlHcIf In ho the true frietnU of the coun try when all oilier pai-ticn and frurlii.iif. were ita etieniie made Ihe name "A unc lean" reH'cted- hi all iiiaiicin of the world ami euu red for tb" Union a fore uiOHt iluce unions the nation. And nil lliiatlie repulilicitii have done III the fact, of democratic: ol.Mru lion uu.i b.t il.y. .1 ! , - . ; ; i . ' . - ..Wliellmr on itnd or lit ana, on the .iairt! or In the ermviled city, Aver'a i'tllsttru the heat eiitlnl tir, heiii' con venient, I'llicaciouu and aaie, .for toiphl liver, indiiii'Htitln alid nick headache Ihcy J ., v J tj' i ' V ,;,: r" J ':!' - . Jw ) J ' '' r, j'J - lw V'.. "'"''-.iTV A oV L . "wtHU:i I U.. I 1 t . - ... 1.. ; .;;.:r' I'Vn" u,?""in i t ItUCltltW l 4 L ,i (. r I i ... v I .h- ?MlO'. .-nir ! mha, I IthiUg a t " ' ""' - 1.1 ' .ftit Ol . uvt iuiMri a., ii POWIFl OF EXPLOSIVES. TUa Uii' Vtrt mi nl Tolutn of R hi. H r i.oio., iit Kf ut.i. 1 1 ft. nl-t, Uj Illlll,u ( r.t,llla.,llJj .... . v (,,. ,.f ma.n i. U jj,, ni,., t to V.etilal.. Ir..i i.i c,,,,,,;!,...; .irtiosiiioii ul ii. expl mivj tii vo unio 't liiu 'vi prod nel l.j ti.e .ui:i ,tn,l t' i m.i'lly ivr.. d v..'. ..... i In lh. tfltellon. II . v"i ( I .1. .... fc .... f , i " " (im..i.i.u.-w - i- - " .'- ',i''l " c' r; 1:1 " " ' ( ' ' Vf' 1 ' l. M ii.iii r mi l.i I ile tlu'ed no ex I,,..... t ie. Ip i.UiHiir .4 t.ui. I.'i.mii i x..t .viroo.ti.oii.i i and u ixl- i j . j,,';,, (, , n,f.. , ,r:) h d ft'., ii h - I 4 tl- - ' t ie lii'.tt rotniiin l , , , till i .oi. t or. 'U-. .! dey 1 , in i e lo . l.livl ,1 ol O 'O KHO -r.! .. . e I O.I I ) .if'iil.l .Xll.o-iV. 4lib' I (.. 'I. C'.lll'lttl Oiil':.a . 1 ho iHien dm,n.'rt d j I ll" V'.:n I in- .' . . ii, hi if ilc nl. ' i .1 ' Ill V -.1 11:. I i I c 'rrri" '.. q '.no H ,i i, 1 'i ..ii iO I . I' I th "I l'1 ir 'X "It l :.l . ..'..J, i A 1'i.e er. of t .1. f 7 F u ' n f I B Km .1 Slili t-.ei i , ,"t 0J'f".t IM . .1 l. a. Uitvl ' V ","' T Ml..!-' a u.s.i ..;t;"' .HA, I I i.u ".e-i i I t,.!i.-l : ! s ! i": i . . I I"' a'1 i in,. 7. U milt p.iti- til"! . . ,. I' . '.I , ul.ii nu -a .lllt pnWo HUh (Mit .(.Hiiin1 Pi.- . 1 .-..I... I I N.ln -; inir K.o... '.ii- ii.. i. a ii appeara ut. ii. Ii i'i'i:m i by far the mo in. l' ul of kiniWII c; lmi v. . j I'lipill ui, a F. 'ii.'li writer on cx;l aivea, Hpc.ikl.i'l of il, ealN ll "tie Ideal of M.iirthle foi'O'." B'riheo ai ol. i:: "ll bar ia eo.npleieU. wi hunt t'cl In.'; In Lie:, jflvoa an f iv ..f ovv.'ti i; It di taiea hi iniieli licit.' ;.a citnp iwdcr. three nnd oiic bi'lf I ni"i mere jrna. and hn- C....II llll.l.a ill.' tXp!.liV6 f' I'CC. neilil loc wellil, .til U lake, l volute, for v.d.nn...'a Iwelvj llm. ' tti' i e ex pi- v ' icy." He iihiU: "Theiii'.iiiealk, there h hut one itiil.Hlitiie.. that eaii aurpiti.. li, I. n, leli.'d piolnxide f nr., iic (ulii'.mi oxiiic) niiNC.I with eiln r in lini-ll... I curb n ret Tlmt li.lx uie iiti'.;.l "i to I tl.i..ol heat, u i I I i 'ii' mi ir la expi "-.e ' by tin. i tn:;l 1 tl M, il-tt it " i ei'iii" . -rciidlt l.n;:. hie lo ohlahi the t'Vno-. O'l i f ili! mixture f.irmed wiili liq s li 'd j;ui t, h ciiiie It would be nece:ir.' lo e.miU'ea thene jtiimh In lo it i i lid f .rin, a il preHerro thorn 1 1 ve.-c a her ne'lcaliy aeithl, In wide!, fni i'i i hey iii'in he mixed and Ill.nU" A.'e.'Oii '.'". ret DYN AMI IE AIR-GUN. Tl.e XV.iiiilerl'iit A.'ruri.rr nf Title Novel l.ititi.nritt .it XVnr. ' f W.ilte tin. p, a of llrinjx fioie (.tvllntny fa'iiion p .Jimlltm eonialii Iiik vi'i ainnll iiniouiiU of dynamite li;i b'.en revived In puhlio lutTeat be ill" r. ceiii rxperlmeuia al t-anity 11. .ok, i b mrd of tiavll ofUeora, ap poiimnl hy t creiiiyjr . Whlttiny to ex--Rinltie nnd rep r: 11)1011. Ihe pnnilinntio pun to bo ui.'il in the uew oniiteit hrii jfivett a vnrir c n com a mi account of that Invention. ' Sugar Coated . Cathartie It the Urer the PILLS. cofiiei turjiLd, if the buweU are comiti jutted, or If tbe atoniact) (iiiln to perforin tta functions properly, tW Ayer'a fllla. Tlioy aj iavaiuabla. ; For hiu yearn 1 u a ldetliB teUxnr , Coiiiplaiiil, in mtiaepi-ur of whith I aulIi re.llriiiuOuniTul Uol.llltf arid In'll-; )filnn. A few ItoxNi of vera fill reaiored ma to tw-rfect In alth. "W. T. ' lingltUiey, ItauduiauB, W, Va , , - i i Fur yan I have felled more opon Ayer'a 1'Ula tiiau auythiiig elae, to ' Regulate my bowela. Tliew Flli are mtd In tie ii. and do Hieur wnrk thorouts'hly. I have nwd them, with good 9rt. In . of l;beum.itini and I'vaptpaiia. U. K. MUler, AUleUirouh, ilarfa. Aynr'a H! rnr! me of fitomayli and' livi-r txoubhii, from which 1 ha. I auiTarwl f i r years. I mhimiJit tl.ein ItipU'it (.ilia inI, and wouhl net t withmr, tuttm. Morrt Uateai HowiuivilJe, S. ). I waa attacked with Kdiima Tevrr. which waa followed by Jittuwlh-o, arid waa ao ilaiiKi joiutly ill that bt friemU di ajmire.l o( my recovery. I coinntttnewl Uikinit A ver a 1'illa, alid aB rej(iued my I'uati'iuary atrrm;th and viuor. John 0. Fatuaon, Lowell, Nahraaa. ' Laat aprinff I'imffwd (rreatly from a tniuuleaonteliiiiiaoron ii.vai.le. lnapit of every churl to cure thiaeruptlon, U in creased until the tteab txr ania entirely -raw. I waa trouhlnl, at thnaanin liuie, with IuiliKejiUon,aiidUutnaingaiuaia The Bowels " ' By the advice of a trlnd I b.'pin taHni? Ayer a 1'illa. .In aliort tutu. 1 waa f trotu (win, injr food dii;rte.l proiierly, tlia aorea on niy bnty eoiuuiehoDU healing, and. In l.wa than one month, I waa cured. h.uuutl 1). White, Atluiita, Ga. I have Ions mm) Ayer'a P11U. tn my family, and believe theiu to be Uie heel pill ma.le. 8.C. Iarden, Iiarden, Misa. . wuriuKi inuniin wcirM.rnwiiD Uftauu.r, a (pw j.,., ,jn M.J laooca. - i ir. ....... I . L I. Kan Kvii.t liieui amail nian-aot Aver a 1'illa, iliitiknift 1 wonll rail a liintor J the ilitaH twcaiiue imit W'in" In a aluft '.tui.i th IJ.Hkty diifyi i alopped, all p en wrni kmiv.sa4ara.utwAar nU.rrul, 'ilunxliii J-nji, lU. hiuomi, Va. ft , ... v ps Wvul 5 fc. . a,- CV4 U all. tac- -, . l!4 l( a. I, iMAlaut k MnlMiw. l4v-i.ri ivmyn tiuty f i lu lhi lintr .. l. i I.'':ce..irafT.' ThU h the renll of tlie (f fiet-'ilon tn which ihe Invi'iil n bay . I ro i j it ihe i'...- ir.-l of C'liipru-a d a r a htli r. . lil'ca, no lhat tiny act ah e to 101' slightly in. rcd-e . r ili'iil 'ili the vm". of it shot, or eve. I to t xaoity tli'.p!Uvd ll. Then, at todie am ant of dynamise, il i tu rti.jn Ilia lit., a'ii ulal' d q.i.i'i' ti V ol 'Vt.i I'U hIi.i.I (...mid Can h. lic.i.1 w th j.fftoct i.if.'lv, and thai lie .'l.i. ie lii ill. a ieiec: eem to I.. oily liiiiix by the a.i . ( li.e ,;mi co:. reel "l. Ami her very In. porta it matt' r i. I tho chi'ti; ii".s wild wliicn Ilia nil eni ! Ih. I in. I a. c iip:.i'rd v, ilii oi (!I'.h.. i w a o,. ol ait oi . a', nil h .r. ll cici a . oe co, I, iuc oil with reat r 1 Hy, wheivaa n ( owih r Jim nmyr' q dci year f' too mplnt ion. Ailo ran f.x, it i tli.iii;tit thai tw miie cull bu uounlctl Iihiii, Itl . li "U I the I., aid ln.a willicaied x;'i inen et only ui.oul a n il. ill it ia wi--1,- coiic'ii.d.'d ti nt before Inking f. l' III r alera .vhb .ItU ii ev, tl rice, lie r'..'.:a of actual trl. I-t tl the nen i'l'llia-.r i'.ioiiid bj invailcd. J. 5 ! AiriancAn Soldier Ration. What a a.thlicr in Hie Uni'e l Stattv army i eU lo rut U lima i flic a' y nil' ii'.iint'.'d hv the Secretary of Wan A ration i llm ea.nb Nhud daily al ow ti ice of food f..r oi:e ier..u. For the U 1i1.1l N 'etc iifiny ll 1 mnv".l tm lollou: Twelve ouncrs of pork or hue u r c limed beef (fr-ah 01 iiin i.'ii) or I pound and 4 '.unce nl Ii li hecf, or '2'i "iineea of tail beer; I -I iii oi. or uour. or 10 on, cctcl liiird It'end, or 1 pound nnd 4."i iicea i.f oommcnl. To every I'H in 1ii.ii, lft.(Hiuiids of beana or h'ki. or U poimd of rice and hominy; 10 (ioiiiid f reen e. ff m' 8 p mn of ronioed ( r roasted and grouii.;) cotlce, or two iountln-t.l lea; IS poiiu.ia ol auc, ; 4 quart et vitii'Cru. I pound nu.l 8 onncct of , aiUmaiilinn tiralnr aaudleai 4 pmiuda of ean; 4 ponniln f anil; 4 ounce 'of pepper, nnd o troop In tho fluid when nete- xiti'Cf 4 (.ouiiiU of yeatl powder to the 100 rii lioiia ol'-r WviWJil .' I x wl . .. . ; I wmild rathefba Himry Berph with ti theory of oiewe tint to prnctiot tluin the tiohh t (VH't eer Ixe n who never did unythh.K but ainif, "Amber'' In Chi- AYER'S cago jotiriml.' GROCERIES FiM);TISipS;;:; .". '? 4 -- '.T -'',') I ft We cnn'fM'H you kooJ TiOCDS- 4 I r It ll .-. t ina a tun -Aenonu.tni oi an umnie ? tliU' nre k. t ift the Gnu vty, We ke( the bent " ;? ' fHViiU. ud MOUSSES, r't 1 Hit- JIukct. : Alw, mi AruorUiu bt . .'.- ':'! .., -i J j Wood & Willow Ware? Aiirl will Juy flie liinhent t'rk'f ftw " ECtlS and BUTTER. ' ('all uiul :(Mk ' L()VE.I()Y & DAYIK atiM-riiK ia im w-t t.a n wi u t'aa Uaa.14 M tot To-imwI try ltrl,,Mi, pataia ta ' JL V1 I. ".'."d h . r a rrain ami. YT- IfV, ta vnr of lb nri.B..n r S ri S? rtia-r.'iia c-H.i..".a aa MNnnarw I ! a (, p..cut,,r,.i' .r,l-niirt rap tliail n. .... Ijrina t'n "A U.. aaal I.' 4Uil fitiwii in (iRMMi. Iiihtai-l, rranoa, i.nauf . aim ' 'I ! f rr tm r;, Tliir iio m iiiu.Kt aiMl luair tMitilua aaa auaar- . fc'-r' . .... tirmvinica a4 Hiftatioua rtwiiT4 aa -4 la !.. t'-ul ..l,riiH mnn oi. Tartat r.-natl. frit . o ..f fif lr :'..ia0oao atodaia ar i.riaa ay aanfrva T-.". i. ' ur- ukI- V. ..-"..I Co arn..rtt l a fcU'lr Vl'ltftC UvHlt'.N,t'a. - !.. a ..e.rii. at" .n nJ . O" m .v i' a. .ini- "t na .imI f.ii a .a Ow. tf.a T , l..:-A4 tl ira a arai) pawau .X,. ar anr. raftaafcaw lai..' .. . I. X t .. . "'t m a.l viv tart ba th" aw I'll a'W la asiau, a u-.j,.-. mr. tn a,. i i.-.r will, ana aihar ii --'.. of laatrtal t r-w, paa .il d in .-. linn, ll -oinmm Iti . af all natri aid ti'lfaf .n,'..iMa iatar.t4 aaeii wwa. T. . a I ,iu Moautia la m aa.iai. t-v.t ba I alni II )-di han an iioihioi ta pa.aal Tita te Muna I r sr. ut, 01 9C'on(iira m AVI llralHf. V' Vt'ra aUitdlMok aaoat paiaoia aaailad fraa. mkkki' ni:roi.T. Wheat, V f7 c. 0. 1k, V hit 4,'ie. Fiour, ll ruilc, H '.',. Flour, iliid t(, lU 00 FEF.P: Short f 17 Oft Hru, 15 mi. Hay. liinolhv haled, t'M. t). Hay tiii.o.liy o..t, (1.'). Clov.r, haled 41ti MEATS. Feel, live, 3 ami !)k, l'.eet dtviw'd. M and 7e., tlrehMi.l, it and 7c. Hope, live, 4e. Hok, dresK'd, (..tic, Sneep, f hcul. ,'3.l.(l and il'iO. Wool. ' 1. aid, country hulk, ()c. I.ur l, I. tick 'tn, ti, , llnum, V R',10uii Il'o. Side, f'lb, 1 ami 10c. c'h.mlder, I lb, 7 g,.. ruonrcF.: Uutter, 15 A S). K-m. V frexh, HV. Chicken, dreaed, V do, tt 00C H.M Chicken, live, f . 153.(8 4 00 t tin kone, sprint; . & t TurkevH, M(iUVVIb. I'otaKH'i", y bu . :,), Onion, V hu $1 00. Ap(lea V Itox, $ .75. A 1 IX). D1U F.l) FRUITS;- Api'loa, aim dried, 5 and fie. l'ltini, mm tliicd, 7 and tk Fruna, aun dried, 6 and He. Fear, aun dried. and l()t Aillea,machiiie diied,hleached!l(itlo. l'lunis, uiacliine dried, 8 and JOe. , 1'eara, machine dried, 10 and 12a. Fruneainaehinc dried 8 and '0c. To ('upllalisls. Ma lufarlurcrH nnd OUtcrs. All tht clitfihle aile ailnatn at the cor ner of 'Second and Main atreeta, the. prtn-eitv of the M. K. t hurcli. Thia ia a most deiriihle tite for nianufactuiinn purpose hnviiiH fits feot fmntuite on Main atreet and 175 feet on Pccond Ktreet. For lull (lurticular apply to j; 1.. SWAFF0KI). rhnleirraiiltN. , . t I will Ihj In Oregon City thia weak and each alternate week prepared to take flint claa picture of all kind. U. K. Stvakt. liefer fall.