Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1888)
THE ENTERPRISE THE ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY. MAY 17, ISM. THE FIRST CBEA1ERT. The Clackamas creamery is now buying milk, and making both but ter and cheese. The building ii a neat and commodious story and a half itructure, located near the spring branch about half way out to J. T. Apperson's house, is neatly painted, and carefully fitted up to serve as both creamery and resi dencc for the butter maker. The lower story is fitted up for Utter ! and cheese rooms, and these ara! and cheese rooms, and these art supplied with all the modem con veniences and appliances for the successful oonduct of the business. A well finished engine furnishes power for running the separator and ; committees. Tins preacher, farmer, churn, besides supplying abundance !nl ld-be politician is to be of hot water for cleansing. mR,, Senator if the democrats .... , ,. . ... rain control of the Senate in this Ths milk is delivered at the;, ... creamery either by the farmer or some one with whom he arranges, and is there weighed and paid for at the rate of $1.00 for a hundred; pounds. This is for standard good milk, but the company have appli- j the dimickite worked nnitedlv at ances for testing each man's cans, i Needy to defraud the republican and if the quality of milk is above speakers of ene-half of their time, or below standard the price willbe'Molalla was brought ever in force made according to quality. After' and the end gained. It wss a sneak being weighed the milk is poured j inf underhanded trick on the part into a large vat from which it flows' of the democrats that does tvem no into the Danish separator which, by!"'. Mch will gain them no a simple application of the law ofi votes. As t le three parties worked centrifugal action, immediately sep arates the cream from the milk. This machine revolves very rapidly and cleanses the cream from all im puritiesiat the same time that it ex tracts the cream. The cream is left to , but the to tW cheese ?.t where ,t ,. converted hto cura ana atterwara pressed into; republican; S probibitwil8ts m small cheese. When ready for ! here anr' at tfi beck of ttieif derao churning the cream i. placed in the cratic leader nominated a ticket churn and in from 20 to 50 minutes is ready to be taken out and worked. It is then salted and molded into rolls ready for shipment. The company contemplate placing the butter of their manufacture upon the market here through responsible parties who will carry the stock in a clean cool place so that the grade of the butter may be maintained. If this plan is not successful they will place no butter on this market. As yet they are not making much butter, as but few patrons are bring ing milk. The price paid for milk is sufficient to induce farmers who have two or more cows and who can do so, to arrange to supply milk. It is the intention of the company to work up as many routes as possible, ss the price paid for milk must large ly be regulated by the amount of milk to be worked each day, the running expenses being almost the same for 500 pounds of milk as for 5000. Farmers living within 8 miles of the creamery and owning a few cows should not fail to arrange U have their milk taken to the cream ery. He who has never tried the beneficent result of a regular daily income, even though it be small, will be surprised at the end of a few months to feel what a blessinfi three or more cows will prove if rightly managed in connection with a cream- A democratic official and candi- . d.te remarked the other day that after election was over he would have a fight with a certain party before forty-eight hours were passed. IWt 'worry about it, Dave. Two days before the forty-eight hours are up you will be so badly beaten that you won't care to tackle any new contracts. Q. W. Dimick claims to helieve that hs is running for joint Senator of Clackamas and Marion counties. The election notices call for the elec tion of no such officer, for the very plain reason that no such vacancy exists. This man Dimitk is a polit ical trickster whom his own county refused to entrust with an office. He helped the democrats to elect Gra ver, and we believe that if the truth were known he is aow in the employ of the democratic party, and that that party is or will be his pay master. He came to Needy like the sneak that be looks, and in company with that model of virtue and immacu- late of the democratic party, Bi Mvf. with the aid of the democrats and M alalia impor tations, te steal from the republicans the lime aa announced and aerenl j to by the democratic and republican 'electbn. He associates with the democrats, he looks like a democrat, he wonts for the demoreata, and he is a democrat. The democrats, Hillmyeraites, and ; i . , . together then so are they working tcfether for the election of the dem ocratic tirket. !et w voter be de- ceived by tfmr lalse pretenset. democrat ' - Umatilla county yx . In that sounty the f ad a ticket, nackama. county j Why should they adjourn in demo cratic Umatilla and nominate in re publican Clnrkamas? Said a prominent demomt : "There are three tickets in the fild besides the republitn. Of these I three it will be impossible to tell the difference except by the headings. Does this mean that the democratic candidates' names will be left off the ticiet? Such is not the cane. Whit What doe it mean? Simply that the democrats are running two side issues to catch republican votes. TtcKcta will be printed headed "Un ion Iiabor," but the bul of the nam s will be democrat.. What did Bill Myers mean by addressing thi audience which he stole in Needy last Monday as " fel low democrats?" D. F. May has prostituted the of fice he has held for the past two years to his greed for office. It has not been conducted with fair snd equal justice to all. Such being the fact he is not fitted either for that or any other office of any kind. G. W. Dituick is not going to can vims Marion county, O nol 1 Ii y koow him there, and he could hard ly get ar. audience of a quarter score to listen to him. Tressarers lletlce. I bsvs now in my handa funds applica ble to the payment of all warrants In dorsed prior to Dec. 24th, lHHft. In lerest will cease from the date of this no tice. . I). Kelly, Treasurer of Clsckamaa County Dated this 10th day of May 1868. , Fit st Tsar UU. . I ana now at the eematary daily, filing an the eroumls for dm-oration day. Tar- ties deairinc work dons ahould leave or dera for the asms at at) early date, so that all may be well arranged hv May SOtti. D. J. Hi.otis, fceiton MitiHLASD mint. Cl'T ST SIMON STSAIWHTOVT. Mr. Charles Moran, democratic and union labor candidate for the legislature, "states his principles" in the Courier of May 11th. Hesays that if elected he "shall feel under obligations, while in that ullW, to act, so far as he can consistently, on all political questions, with the dem ocratic party when they are in the interests of the people." Which means, when read between the lines, that if elected Mr. Moran will go in to the democratic legislative caucus that nominates a candidate for the United States Senate, and will stand pledged to votoforthe nominee of!,t,,,"t n lh rtintion f Han that caucus. Are republican will ing to be wheedled into voting for a democrat under the misc of " union labor," and thus help to place the United States Senate under the con - tn.l of the party that did its utmost , to destroy the Union? The democrats are making a des perate effort to capture the United States Senate. To do this it is nccea- , V 8 7 . J ' , I havs left him he will con.placentlv the Oregon legator. . . My-1 flR(r hinw,f era and Co. are toe agents in this'. . ... , , , if not quite iiersuadetl you to become county to help accomplish the work.! , v:.iitumrv n. limiu,,f Mr. Myers does not expect to be elected. It is lu.ff.M.'lif ved that he wants the vote of a single democrat for the ticket of which he is ovtensi bly the head and front Disaffected republicans are the ones whose votes he is seeking for that tirket, know ing that every such tote counts to wards sending Mr. atorsn, the ac knowledged democrat, to the legis- I.l..u 1 ...... . Vw,..A V. jly changed pvlaual pnnc.ple., , "7 ?Tt tnd V'lU,n f r " ir I forei hn, Ul . im. posed on import! woolen g.wds for ) the benefit of oar, home manufac turersif thy art ior a lann on sugar, rice, anj evsry necessary pro-1 duct exclusively southern, and for , the admission,' frp duty, of . the many necessaries the like of I i which are produc-J mainly in north ern and republican states, if they sre now in favou of all these, then they should vot for Mr. Moran Ly all means. If men who have heretofore acted with the republican party now wish to elect a democratic legislature why not be manly about it, come square ly up to the work, and vote the tick et headed "democratic?" It's a decenter route, (if one nasty thing can be decenter than another), and more direct than by way of the My ers angling worm ticket. Only gud geons swallow such bait. Mr. Charles Moran will not deny that, if elected to the legislature, he ill vote for an out and out demo crat for the United States 8enate. He dare not deny it, knowing full well that if he does the democratic party of this county will have no use for him. Will he deny that, prior to his nomination by the dem- cratic convention, it was understood between him and the party leaders that he was to vote, if elected, for the democratic nominee for the Sen ate? Stand up, Charles, and give your testimony. Myers and Hankins stand as fair a chance of being struck by light ning as they do of being elected to the legislature. But if that chance should hapen how will they vote for U. 8. Senator? For a states right copperhead democrat, of course. No other answer can be given. " Hankins, did you say? who is Hankins? Neve? heard of him bo- fore." the little Mogul of the Claekanma county socialists the fellow who less than a year ago was advocating all the vugarius of which socialism is compounded an equal division of property, and all that sort of thing, even to sympathising with the Chicago anarchists, and Buying they were hung because of their opinions, and not because of any crime they had committed." " Oh, that's the chap, is it? Come to think, I have a vsgue recollection of teeing his name somewhere. Rut what does he know? Is he smart?" " Well, now what Tom Hankins ,loe know U'nt worth "owing- kins. Smart, did you ask? As smart as a kitten chasing its own tail. Just get him around the cor- 1 ner u, JX. unt,,,r the stairs, when ih" "" in ,a If Hnters Ironi Um Myer- "I k h' nm of Jay Gould or Inland Stanford to him, and he will pour you out a reg ular disrrhrra of words about mo nopolists, telling all he knows and a VimmI .lma.1 ninrw anil wl,n v.tu ... - " He does n't expect to be elected, does he?" I "Don't know ss to that. Should I n't wonder if he did. lint ho aspires chiefly to l i great reformer a champion of the 'starving wnge j workers' in their war against monop olists something akin in action to the stumpy tailed bull that assayed to toes a locomotive from the track. hM ,,HVimoUvc "inK and thrift and industry In it. train P-J ri L " (ftmo Ucke whh Mr Myers. That of itself, in his estima- .... ,. i . ... . i. In f , fof , ,j .i HUM, WUUIU UV VMVUgu I'M" man who carries all all the socialists even i as? ai sis t d vi mi houh he nM finanr come Uihisj senses and realiio that he had been made a tool of to draw in a particul ar faction to the supKirt of a straight democrat in the person of Charles Moran. But I must bid you good day, or I shall not reach Bea ver Creek before night" And I, as I smoked my pipe, and listened to this talk, wondered if it is to such men as Myers, Hankins, et al., that we are to look for the much needed reforms in our politics. And I tried to philosophize on the fact that the hypocritical, the igno rant, the cranky, and those lacking in every qualification for practical statesmanship in short, the ag enda of all that are destructive and corrupt, gravitate toward the demo cratic party. I asked myself, why is this thus? and above all why will disgruntled republicans throw them selves into such a conglomerated mux? Haven't they yot learned that to creep into such a ncttl is to crawl out with fleas? A Fin Frilt Farm Far Hani. Twenty-five acres at Vatier Mill Station, 1 mile bolow Oregon City, all cleared, 5 acres of various kinds of choice, fruit. A fine and commodious liouHo and (rood barn with oth er out bnidinp. Cool spring supply, the house with good, wholesome watomn tne house; Just the place for a country . . . x ma a residence Wear tne tlacica man river. Fine fishing and pleasant surroundings. Terms liberal. Addrea, J.TOMl'KINS, Cam, I I It IKKTlXfl 01 B ) 1TIH.H AN IM .Vll C01M1TTKK. Mr. WtSKtua's KealssslUa. IAM.tcva, Mv H, I.trt Hon. I.. T. IWin, i'hairmsH ol ids Ke- piiMii mi County ('omiiiUt"e. iHmr Sir! Hliii-e riling the eowmai. k'Stion liii:b will l'r In TtIK Fsti ris of this eek, 1 litt oi-on lnrtlri ilelltxirtfioii tid nmtuie rrltretlon turn to tli ctNii liislun tlit 1 slimilil iikmI r siMH'tful')' ilHvllne !( noinlnstio (ne County rummlMloner. My nnt timlnMK will rentrr it .lit lieult it nut ImiMvoililw lr m to atuat to ths duties c4 this verv rwMtiilile ln itiou I thmsfO'S ti: yoo will cmII tv commitle. "ogillir aiul smrther man on tlir i kel in my iiitj. Il I wit'i nTvl 1 'In hi, Iwllnii ss I ili tit ilntv of the eitliKti to scirto rll to oly uvh MMltie cll. This I lisve ilniie In ear liar lift, and now I thltik I ihoul.l he ea iuimmI S avail niymlf of !lioi'HWtntiltY to thank the convvtitioo fur tho hm conforml. Yonra moat rMHitlty, Jaa. WiaaTvM. I hand you herwlth a copy of Mr. Wiiinton'a lttor of dm linatliHi to aerv aa a candidate fur county eiitniniaiinnr. To fiil the vaeanrv thus canned It ia noe rj to rail a meotlnf of Ihs commit W. I tharvfora call s roettinf of Ilia repuhli. can cmi ii It emnmitt for Wnlnewlay May ItUh at I o'rlnrk P. M. at tt.a En terprin nftVii In Orfn f lit. Yoar at tendance la r.iifw,tml. Kei'tfiilty Yn, t. T. Hajiib. E. M. ItANna, Chairman KwrMar)-, Id aeronlanu with th ahmrs rail the rapuhliean nniaty committ met ia (r egim City yaxtarday and by nnanhoou vot rhoaa ('hark Mochnke, of lleavrr Craeko fill Uxt araa.y on the ticket rnad by the ranatioa of James Win atnn as a candidate tor Conntjr Cumniis aiocer ' Whltlock ttorw Polntor. Whillix k always haahla sturs look ioiliily. He kcooa a Una line of vegel- ides and see la. -.f-r atroos Cabtiats, Caa liflowtr, Kale. Tomato and Hae plants, itoto Ilia W hit lock Rtors. Kieah Comb llonay, Aile Buttai , Appla Jelly. I nrranl Jelly, for aals at Mm WhitliN k riUtre. PotatuM 29 rent, per bushel at tha Whit lock store. Arh.M Vl.'s celebrated Com. rU,r than al any other place la town, at th Whithak Store. The Dneat line of choirs Flower Beedt sre on sals at ths Whitlork Htors. The Aurora Mill Flour, WhIU snd Oraham, ia the heat in th market, and ia found at the W hillock Hlore. The beat Rrrxima for the money al tha Wl.itlock Htore. . Canned Cooda cheaper than anywhera alns in town atloe Whitlork More. A Areiline of Portland Cracker Co. 'a celebrated Cookie sad Cakea at th Whitlork Htore Parti rlenirlng (In table and aerd Potatoe can find cknii a varirtiea, all sound, at the Whltlock Rtora. Picklea by th pint, quart, wr gallon, t th Whitlork Htor. Nkerirs ffsls. BfiTi r Ontaow, County or ('Licit iai I m St tlrta et aa asamillna Imu4 Mtaftntf andar tha i ni In til mill Court al Ih littt I Ortf n tor tne Crnim? ol :Ukna, no Hit WriiT of April. INM. tnaitdlreotad. In favor ol C W. Drai plaintiff ani aialutt iiiiaUI-hutr dalamlant.for th aum ol Lui with ImaMui par oaut. prr auniiia from April jnth, IKxa, and ih lurthar mm ol U! AUauat. rnnmii1lM. m. In aallifjr laid Kiarutlon, out ul tha rinal prniwnj m aaiq uaiannni, or II aiMfloiant h art Inuud, than out of th raalpmpartjr baloria luf to aald dafaiitlaut la Claokamaa. Coinilr: nn(.ui ul ur"oai property, did. ha 4th day nl Mar . II. Iww. d 111 W law linn. tha lollnvlni daarrlhad rati prxrlr, afltiatod la tha UimDtr alL'larUaiai uti ij, Un ro, to wit: Bnlai part of th SonMloa Halm nl I Burhaia, daarrtliad a claim Ho 40, halnr ' art of aao H T S. B 1 K; aud olalm No ' and haliif part of aa , In T S. K 1 K of Wlllamrll Marldlau: Commanplni at fiolntonth North bomdarr of aald dona lo claim and Hchalna audM Una Waal ol tha Nurth-aaat oornar lharaof aud mo Bl".,".',"t "'"'i.lhaara Want ISrhalna and Ml llnki; thanca N wi ohalna and lllmii tolownihlp Una: llianna North 40 da raaa Kaat II ohalna and Ml llnka; thanr Kaat chalniaudWIIiikatolliapUcaof baalnului enntalalnt 72 anraa mur or laaa, Now. Iharatora. In purmane of aald aiafo Una, I will on Saturday, juna lath, imm at :h hour of loo rlixik A y ai n, i'...k ........ In aald County and Hlala ll tha auava d r. V . . i """" aipiiuiii) aurtl.ia to th hlhat blddar for oaah, to latlafy aald Kiecu llou, ! and amirulai ami. May inth "J Cle'"'n Couaty, Orai on. A new stock of the celebrated Broad head Dress Goods Just received at Chasman A Hoh. Hubscribe for the EsTssrsias, , " Now, that is rich! why, he is Oregon City, Ogn