Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1878)
-r ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE ssHassassRsaawH V : i i i Pi i A 5 i 3!jc (Ssntcqjrjsc STcrrr. TutRsmY. on. n, ins. hue vitiis- Scn.l itomsof news frotn all parts of J hero i some taU r.;'r nt'St week. of continuum the r: I'll i IVlC'in is learning to stick tyjx? .1 on the .N.lli'Ml 1V'P" The P-i!i.' cost eoutrU eu SK"'!ief oftho .V.11..W lever t.uf- fKlO fercr propi ictors of rr- Smi'h. n-e 't the Wall.. W..1U tTm..i. e:li Ifn t' in, (JjFrKl.iv. Kttgene 1. M;-Orm:-k. of the Dalles, on l:iy tiiis wwk visit in- V;. m ti 11 rtl'' ,,.i,.i,t..l ni and taken to '... "t ,Ai.-,l:iv. where she will re Uiinhiy, where l airs. . well known Portland died last Sunday auer a iunS ill illness. .leal of growling is done by peo ,.r to " to Portland, on account n jmvsiriy so lato in the evening. atehen won the trotting race at -nmmU Tuesday, beating the re, l.,ady Faustina, and Parrot. i t to ten millions of young , i .fi he turned out this swwoii from the Clackamas hatching establish ment. '' " Mrs. l. F. Smith, the elocutionist, will ho tlin recipient ef a musical and literary a ' u .1 ln'iifiitat Turn itaue, roriwuu, rimaj A evi',inii Johnson, the last of the O'Shea roliliers at Portland, was arrested in IiOS Angeles ln,t week. There is no mistake about it this time. lVrt Phillips keens the best selected stock of groceries in town. Don t fail to nvf him a call. You will find him in the lus'.iiliee. Iieputv U. S. Marshal Hill, of Coos coiin'v, is visiting the Willamette vallev, and is looking as halo and hearty a. in tlay.s of vot e. . . . . .i L' 7 . . . . : - lien. 1. 1. uoiion, i:io - ui r i.uumwju millionaire who died several davs airo, t:in-rUt scl ol at Iiafayctte, Yamhill county in KM. For sale at Portland prices a new lot of clocks oT latest styles and patterns, fall early where you will receive j-our HiuiieyVworth, at 1 Selling's. Klih-r 11 rower, of S-.dom, will hold a lw m.,!ivs' meeting ;(eiinan I I:t jt ist ) at tli" White school house. Pleasant Home, on tlie Jilh ami -7tu ot this monin. Quite a liutnlier of our intelligent citi zens have U'en converted to the doctrines of t!i ;rceii!iackers. It is well to remark liht here that they are all " Laoko." (Quarterly Meeting at the Methodist ( lunch oil NuiurUay and Sunday next. Sitv'ii-i s w ill -)!iiiiicnee on Sutunlay at Jo'clei U P. M. All are invited to attend. J. W. M i I.I.Kit, Pastor. Mr. W. V. P.rayton returned from San l'i,o'.cico l:ivt wi ck, where he has been iVr M' i'i:il months ;:ist under the care of int i- iiiMli it oculist, and we are lcascd to .::v that l:N eye-: have bte:i made " irotxl :t. ii -. ." M :. Toil"', who lived on I.ntte creek in J-.iS and li lt for the mines about that ti nc. has since been regarded as an i'ih:tiii:uit ;' the other wot Id, was in imvii List Tuesday, looking as natural ;.s in days of voir, "lie has lived in Mon Ui::i tbr a iood many years jiast. M i-.. las. Wcl eh. formerly miilr of t he the i. W (II ill t itv Mills, now of Walla Walla, town lat .vi ';. Ho was a dele- Mi an convention at Yan iay, and .sueci-ediMl in t .t III O! .lis. ni i.atr.i hrt iiiv.Tfss W.I it startetl for "!,. i'.'.'odt.'c.vlay morn'ii. ; roi iMivateii seomulr' l has lHMl a! i:t IiN t'deviie; i i'iensit ies by Klealue.' ' I'.iMy." Hie jet otter recently eaiiiiht in tic river lv two y.oiu men. The owniis say ih:tt they will make it "in! hot" for the thief, if cautiht. end that tliev propose to ory; aiiizo themselves Into an em Inyo ihti el ive agency , and t race t he Mni-of .i-ziui n;. Mi-ssrs. i:. '-. Kimiii' and H.llalo, of Was!, n ull.!!, 1. and li. T. S'.aiin, of t ic land oilj.-e, had a tishiuz trip up the Oaekainas last wci k, and khaoa pb 1 ii lis iiue, and caught lots ofsp'cklcd liiMtus. Mr. Kiiinie e:iiv?! t a yiiinr salmon which weighed In-lwecn 4 and 5 miiimis, while Mr. Hale jrot away with the largest trout close onto 'A Huiid4. FiiiK at O-wk io. Iist F i l layevenin, aUnit 7 o'clock, tho residence of Mr. Fi-ek-tv, of Oswego, was discovered to lie on lire. Snrli a voiunie of smoke was seen ci'iniii' tiirou'h iho root that it seemed as it the mot w as lial le to fall ill a few eeomls. In ir.sK.ii-t) to the alarm, nid was iaiiiieiiiatcly at hand Mrs. Feeker in- Msted that the iurmture should 1k out the tirst thin;; us the building could not In' saved, too ilamcs having such a (iood stall. Al'lcr i-vcrytbinj; was car lied out, some of the men tan up stairs mid pm nut the tiro with two or three buckets of water. Our informant ays that upon investigation, it whs found that the lire consisted of a lot of pitch wood mid rags throughly saturated with coil oil leing ablaze. ThercuHn they left, indignantly refusing to render any further assistance in earring the things hack into the house, leaving that to the lady ami her son, a ly of fourteen cars of age, who were occupying the house Kt the time, M r. Pecker being out in Wash ingto , county. We understand that the citizens of tho place got up a statement of the farts and sent it to the insurance caoipany that had insured the building for about .: j00. T. x pay eus, Ta k e Notice. Sheriff Pils bury or his deputy, will visit tho several precincts to receive taxes at tho following times, at the usual place of voting, and remain from 10 o'clock a. m., until 2 p. m., of each day: Koek Creek, Monday, Octo ter 21; Casirades, Tuesday, 22; Kagle Creek, Wednesday, 23; Snringwater, 'ihiirsday. 24; Highland, Friday, 25; Viola, Saturday, 20; ISeaver Creek, Mon day, 2S; Cuttings, Tuesday 29; Upper Mo lalla, Wednesday, 30; Soda Springs. Thursday, M ; Marmiams, Friday, No vember 1: Lower Molalla, Saturday, 2; Tualatin. Monday, 4 ; Pleasant Hill, Tues day 5; Oswego, Wednesday, 6; Milwau kie, Thursday, 7; Marshtield, Friday S; Cancmah, SaturdasO; llardings, Mou'day 11; New Kra, Tuesday 12; Canby. Wednesday, 13; Union," Thursday, 14; Oregon City, Friday 15. Arretted and Discharged. The Vic toria Colonist of Oct. 5th says : On Friday afternoon Superintcndant Bowden receiv a dispatch from Oregon Citv instructing him to arrest a man named J. Catlet, who was supped to lo making his way to this place from Oregon. The Superin tendent soon found out that Catlet, ac companied by a female and little girl, had arrived here on Friday morning per steamer California from Portland and that they were stopping at the City Hotel, i he SuiHTiiiteiuieiit arrested the man on cnarge or being a suspicions caracter. t atlut yesterday appeared Ijetoro tho Po liece Magistrate and was discharged, there Icing no information laid against him sui'.Kieiit to justify his detention. Skvkiie Aci-IOEST. Tiio Fast Portland Call says: "Thu-sday morning a farmer j named Wilkins, while on the Milwaukie road aU.ut ton miles from this citv. met ' itli an accident by which he had one of ins legs broken, and ImwIv considerably! oiiuscil. Having oeciisioh to get out of llie WJ'oil. ht mil ,i.r?i...i. i : . i " in--, im,p uii inn', nun (IJ Ql-i.nt I. . i . .. - horses it a i i ? '-1nnd when the and blue rihuons. water-proof cloaks, urn- kins' n. sii . .-,jr- r brellas, overshoes, bits of shoo strings, ' r.r,rt ias n win. ti l 'L W Ifiween the spokes, ; school-lnioks and slates, honnetsand hate! Court has p Ik l,..r a. K'e i'1"'"" !?.? llu-re. carters and other paraphernal ia. that ' awaits the G ol,li.T..,i .'":.. '" ilkiha was ; WCre lving scattered arr-tind. it would ' it. w an eecai.H i n i XST1 TV assist S('c though they could brinir about as ; "fVlind i : '. "Vu'.ho was taken to the near- , ,,,!. hVnn mn t r trnAr of the Jnd uwuau una a puysioian sninnioiied." se. por annum. Eailroad Accidents. communicated. Is it not about time for the people to be stir themselves and see if our railroad laws can not be enforced so as to prevent loss of life, protect owners of horses and cattle, and to keep our county loads open iui mo massage oi me teams of our citi- ' zens? Every few days complaints are being made of the criminal neglect of tub 1 tram employes on the O. fc. V. It. It. Co.. I I nun good authority we learn that about 1 one-half of the time no whistle is blown! until the trains are nearly over the Ion" trestle work, thereby giving passers-bv" I and especially teamsters, but hardly time to put themselves in a place of safety. One day last week two gentlemen were coming down the hill in a wagon, and wnen near the crossing of the track, they saw the train vapidly approaching. Not being able to stop, their only plan was to dash ahead, which they did the train narrowly missing them. If the proper signal had boon made they would have taken precautions to prevent being caught in such close quarters. Other parties have often had to stop with their teams lor a quarter to half an hour in the street, awaiting tho pleasure of the train men to move olf of this same crossin; there being no necessity for the train's being there so ions. If there is any sense in a law requiring a . bell and whistle on each locomotive, tbero is surely more sense in having that law enforced by compelling them to be used at theproper time. Last Thursday a gen tleman was driving a band of valuable horses up tho road, when they met an ap proaching freight train and the conse quenco was that the horses became frightened,- turned tail and ran furiously down the road, the train after them under a full head of steam. Before the horses could get over the crossing the train was close upon them;. forcing them to keep on down the track ; and, as a matter of course, when they got down where there was not room for them between tho track and bluff to tun any further, they, mad and frantic with terror, blindly attempted to throw themselves through between the rapidly moving cars. Three of the horses were literally cut to pieces, and a fourth one badly injured. Three or four of the cars were pretty well smashed up, preventing the passage oftho passenger trains, thereby discommoding travelers. This would iioi have happened if the en gineer had simply slowed down the train, so as to havq gi yen the horses about ten or twelve seconds' time to have made their eseajehy the regular county-road crossing. The gentleman owning the horses had :si short time before refused SUH) for onospan, and we supKse the rail road comjttny will have to av him prettv good damage's, Inwides standing the loss of their own property : so it seems to us criminal foolishness for tiie railroad offi cials not to see that the laws are enforced. If the damage was always to their own property, and not that of innocent par ties, their foolishness would not cause much complaint. Anyway the loss occa sioned by even live minutes' delay would not equal their loss in this case. To ring a bell, blow a whistle and shut off steam does not cost much money, and we hope to see a Jittle reformation in railroad management. Ileal Estate Transfers. The following are the real cs'ate trans fers which have taken place since our issue of October 3rd, compiled by Win. T. Whiilock : William Miles and wife to Samuel L. Miller, 10 acres in ?cc 27, t 3 s, r He. Con sideration, ;S-,ot.lo. CuTtis A. Ueals to Joseph Casto, frac tional part of claim No. o7, t 3 s, rle; containing 3 acres. Consideration, $30. C. 11. Cautield referee, to C. V. Jiaghy, 3ii acres in sees 128 and t 5 s, r 2 e. Con sideration, $1,500. V. V. 1 lag by and wife to S. M. Harris, Sis acres in sees 2S and 33, t G s, r 2e. Con sideration, $3,000. S. M. Harris and vire to E. J.Thurman, 320 acres in sees lis ami 33, t 5 s, r 'Z e. Con sideration, 51,500. . John K. i tell and wife to Mathias Zogg, 1 10 acres in sec iil, t - s, r 4 er Considera tion, 5&,UK. . ti. Kii:n and wife, to II, M. Owen, 3 acres in donation claim ot John H. Cliites and wife. 15. N. Burnett, assignee, to Mary M. dial man, part of claims No. 37 and 43. t 3 s, r 1 e; containing 1 1 acres, more or less; also, lots Xns. (i, 7, 8, 0 and K, in Clock No. 7, in tho town of New Kra. Consideration, tfl. Dr. August Kiel and wife to Samuel M illcr, i als., agreement to Am oi a Col ony in Marion and Clackamas counties, Oregon. Wm.iYan Damme and wife, to P. II. Sehw ildoman, parts of sees 34 and 33, 1 1 s, r z v.. consideration, ol,-i0. K. A. Irvin and wifo to (Jeorgo Irvin, part of A. K. (ii ibl.le, donation claim in t 4 s. r 1 e ; containing SO acres. Considera tion, $l,f'i00. W. Miles and wife to II. C. Miles, bond for deed for Wi acres of land in sec 27, t 3 s, r 2 e. Consideration, Ciiitcd States to C. F. U recti well, forty nine acres in sec 21, t 2 s, r 3 e; also 47.18 acres in sec 20 , t 2 s, r 3 e. Consideration, Chas. J. Straight to Jerusha Greenwell, Mi acres in sees 20 ami 21 in t 2 s, r 3 ?. Consideration Jn. Easle Creek. J. H. Bell sold bis farm for new-comer, trom Switzerland. $2,100 to a Bell will settle near the Ihdles. 1. inn's grist mill will le ready for work In alxmt three weeks. A blacksmith shop has l-ecn opened near the mill by a German, which will be a great coiiveiiienee for this neighbor hood. W. F. Douglas has rented his farm to his- son John, and has taken up a ranch 17 miles from the Dalles. John Pan key has also rented his farm and departed for Southern Oregon. Old settlers are leaving for pa-slures new, and renewed health, and new-comers are lapully tilling up the vacancies. Letter List. The following is a list of tho letters re maining in the postoffico at Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, Oct. 17, 1.S78: Bowers, Alice. Broaderele, J. C Clear, John. Bassada, Adam, -f Cavnan, Win. Kvcnctle, Charles K. Fallcrt, IVrhard (2). Foster, John. Fallert, Theresia. Galligan, John. Humphrey, MrsS V Kocningen, K. Bondergan, Nanry J Matlcsc, Mrs. Annie. Miller, J. I,. Melvin, Geo. Parker, Dr. S. Roberts, Mat. Bichardson, Mr, MrsShanrech, Charles. TatVt, Sidney, N. (2). Welch, Mrs. Ella. Walker, S. S. If called for say when advertised. .1. M. Bacon, P. M. A IiAror Champion. Mr. A. C. Ed monds, wlo is too well known in this State to rerjutre introduction, is at present in California 'firini? the Southern heart on the meat labor question. The follow ing little paragraph appeared in the Sac ramento Record Union of the 9th: "Tho 'Oregon Mechanic,' th6 great la!or cham pion of Oreaon. and late editor of tho IjalHir World. Portland, will speak on Iabor and Capital' this evening, at 7 o'clock, near the Postolfice." For Cash Only.-Mr. II. A. Hughes has determined that he will compete with Portland prices, and he is now doins so and selling ools for cash onlv. As it has been said that Portland prices are "wav down" you will find that the cash which you always pay at Portland will bny just as much at It. A. Hughes store. Give him a call with your cash in hand anil see for yourself. Aj!azoxs Rwixo.-Quite a lively scene occurred on the road home from the sem nary a few evenings ago among a number oftho pupils: the ehkf actors beinp; a couple of the f:iir sex, who were giving a free exhibition of their pugilistic proclivi ties; and from tho amount of hair, red Whosk Fault '-Complaint is made ! A il. 1 ! that tho does not reach our our subscribers at Damascus, and we are about ready to go after somebody with a stulfed club. It is becoming decidedly monotonous to hear every week that our patrons do not reeeiyo their papers, not withstanding every precaution is taken at this office to send them on time. Tho postmaster at Damascus savs; "Send ?5 paiers or ims ottie-e to Clackamas station or. Friday, as our mail leaves thero on Saturday." The fact of the matter is that the Damascus mail is sent to CLu k-aniains- station on Thursday afternoon th,s 0l,'ce, and the trouble is either at v,iaciamas or w itii the mail carrier. t G rkenly Captu red.-Last Monday M r. Ci. W. Win. Greenly, the iiisoury. oreenly says he took the rail- roauiracK ior j-.ast Portland, where he tell oil the bridge and laid out all night; was crippled by the fall, and was in the hospital several davs. Il u'i .u,. u Salem on Tuesday, and committed to the lenuer care ot supt. Curch for one year. Baskets axd Clothes-Piss. Messrs. Clark & Wise, of this city, are manufac turing baskets and clothes-pins that can't be beat bv anv imported wam TUtv thoroughly undcrsUnd the business, ami are assured of .success. Siecimens of their work havo been placed ou exhibi tion, at the-Statcrfcrtr. Register. The law giving the privilego of registering packages of merchandise, etc., went into effect the first of this month- It is much safer to register a package, as it has to be receipted for bv every postmaster who handles it, and it will cost only ten cents; so register all packages that you want special attention Iaid to. . State News. Henry Lewis, of Ladd's canyon, Un ion county, had his dairy destroyed by fire last week. E. O. Norton, of the Salem Statesman, was relieved of his watch and chain a few days since. The run of salmon in Kogne river is very large, and the cannery is running to its full capacity. The Democrat says the Yaquina Bay railroad is sure to come to Albany, and hence it wants a bridge. . The Se -ti.el says George Strong has resigned his position as agent of the O. & C. Land Co. at Jacksonville. The store of McCully & Gilbert, Sa lem, was robbed of $331.50 on Thurs day last in daylight. The thief was captured. Thx3. AT. Gale, well known in Ore gon as a newspaper man, died at Ash land on last Friday. He leaves a wife and one child. Dr. W. L. Adams of Hood river, was fined 15 in Judge Deady's court for selling bitters to an Indian. He was not posted on tho law. The Frenchmen Laurent Do La Lande, who was shot by Milc'ncll De Meurs on his farm on Coos river last week, died a few days later. The run of salmon on llie TJmpqna and Siuslaw is unusually good and the amount put up will be limited only by the capacity of the canning establish ment. A. D. Helman was appointed Post master at Ashland May 17th, 1S55. He is the oldest " P. M." on the Pacific coast, and with few exceptions, in the United States. A substantial bridge has been bnilt across the r.orth fork of Butte creek. It is of great convenience to tho people of that section, who constructed it by subscription. Eoseburg has chosen the following city oflicers: Geo. Haynes, L. Langen bcrg, Thos. Farquar, Virgil Conn and Geo. A. Beath, Trustees; J. S. Fitz hugh, Recorder; Geo. W. Kimball, Treasurer. The recent assessment of Jackson county shows that there are horses, 1U.U2U cattle, ii.ou sneep, ami i 11.750 hogs. This is somewhat of an . increase over last year's figures. Mr. Hiatt, of Lane county, recently , gathered over 100 bushels of grain . from three acres of sage-brush land. ; This seems to prove conclusively that . agriculture is by no means a failure in . that section. j Cole Brown, Portland print, visited Vancouver last week and got tight, and ; he was afterwards found in the s reet , with his head and face beat to a jelly, j Two soldiers have been arrested, j charged with doiug tho beating. The cost of grading the first soctton of tho narrow-Grange railroad between Umatilla and La Grande, from the Columbia out, is reported to be 194 Xer mile, the sharpest curve has a read ing of 41U ieet, anu me ntau eu" . is GO feet. I The Jacksonville Senttnnl of last ; week says most all of the State papers j have an item to the effect that Judge j Prim of this place was thrown from a j i. .ntlr nnd had his collor bone j jail a few days ag while the jailor was ! teedmg his M.arders, at Portland, ami no- ! titled the Chiet of Police, who arrested; tJmC.i y an. tur,,ei1 him over to Sheriff ! Tho item is correct in all par- tual costlveness, dizziness of the head, ner broken. llie iiem is w " -? youg rrostration. low spirits, Ac. Its sales ticulars except in the name oi uie rjry j n4W reach every town on the Western Conti- It was Mrs. Prim tuat sustained mo injuries mentioned instead of the Judge. Last Thursday night at t'te Dalles, two Chinamen became involved in a dispute over a sum of money one was indebted to the other. The debtor was a tough customer who had already ' killed his man," and the other, not desiring to takeeqnal chances, whipped out a "dangerous looking knife, and fatally stabbed his opponent in the ab domen. Eugene L. Avery, alias Brown, one of the O'Shea robbers, add the mur derer of vouug Joseph, received Mon day from his mother a dispatch and letter containing $200. and requesting him to send for more money if the amount was not sufficient to engage able counsel. Brown has retained Judge W. W. Page and J. M. Geann, Esq., to conduct his defense. The Standa d of yesterday says: "When the committee to investigate the printing, stated th'at Mr. Noltner cer tified to another's measurement of the State printing while ne wasunuer oatu, it reported to the House that which is Dot so. We believe Mr. Wilbur Cornel did tho measuring according to law ond precedent, and certified to the nnrrnltnP!i!l of the same, navinsr no doubt of its correctness, nor has the rfl,,nrtof the investigating committee in the least changed our opinion shaken our confidence in him. or : . i c. mi . nvaatt a senarate bupreme ineumww r cssed bOtU nouses, anu overnor s Sicnainre. n ill nnlv increase the cost . . iciarv one thousand dollars Territorial. The Walla Walla Statesman is now published daily". Olympia Standai-d: The potato crop this year will be short all over the Sound, so far as we can get information regarding it. In some places the rot has damaged the crop, and in others there is not more than half tho usual yield. Prices bid fair to be well up. Over one-third of the assessed raln ation of Washington Territory is east of the Cascade mountains. Walla Walla connty pays, over one-seventh of the total tax of the territory. Seven "thousand tons -ot wheat were hauled over the Walla Walla and Col umbia river railroad during ih'e month of September. The procession of teams hauling loads of wheat to the depot does not "let up." The Amazon exploring expedition San tar em, the remains of the colony Hhicb the un placable Confeder- ' ates in the Southern States attempted to establish in Brazil. Their high spirit would not permit them to live under the old flag, or in a country in which there was no slavery; so they, with flourish of their trumpets, and with a proper amount of defiance in their eyes, emigrafed to Brazil. Of tLe original two hundred who first located at Sautarem, on the Amazon, only one remains. Of the several hundred who located there in years after the war, only seventy remain. The col onists did not go to Brazil to work, and failed to prosper. Those remaining led a monotonous existence, and poverty ties them to the home they have chosen. Most ot them, it is said, have taked up Brazilian customs. The Constantinople correspondent of the New York Tribune is assured on good authority that the majority of the Turkish Ministry are now in favor of throwing over the convention with England as to Cyprus and Asia Minor, and more in favor of an alliance with Bussia. The appointment of Server Pasha to the ministry ( he is the man who quarreled with Layard and abnsed England) is interpreted to mean hos tility to British influence. HORN. Near Olad Tidings, Oct. 6th, 1878, to the wife of Jesse Coy, a daughter. Weight, It pounds. Near Oswego, Oct. 9th. 1878 to the wife of James Uiley Hayes, a son. Weight, 12 pounds. MIUUEU. IMJUOLASS-JUnn At the residence of the lrids father, )ct. th, 187S. by Win. J. How lett, J. P., Mr. Stephen A. IJotislas and Miss Mary E. Judd, all of Clackamas county, Orejron. HI lO LIES-OA 1.1 FF At the M. K. Parsonage in Oregon City, Oct. lUh, 1878, by Kev.J. W. Millor, Mr. M. I?. Hhodes and Miss Ida Califf, all of Oregon Citv, Oregon. JEFFEUSON'-JIOWLANI) In St. Paul's Church, Oregon City, Oregon, October 15th, l5ifS, by mo Hev. John W. KcllwoiKl. j. w. Jemrson and Miss I.itvlnia Howland, both of this city. News for the People. Xotlce. I. Selling lias a gool assortment on hand, and is willing to soli the same at a small advance above cost for Cash. ro use of going to Port land when yon can do as well at nome. I nm toraliu'u not lo le under sold by anyone. j Quinine and Arsenic form the basis of many of the Ague remedies in t he market, ' and are the last resort of physicians and peo ! pie who know no better medicine to employ i tor t his distressing complaint. The efftHrts of 1 either ot theso drags are destructive to the ; system, producing headache, intestinal dis orders, vertigo, dizziness, ringingoi me ears. and depression of the const mtional health ; Ayer'.s AockCI'kk is a vegetable discovery, i containing neit her quinine, arsenic, nor any ; deliterious Ingredient, and is an infallible 1 and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Irs. effects are permanent ami certain. and no injury can result from its use. Be sides being a iosiiive cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for I.iver Complaints. It is an ex cellent tonic and preventive, as well as cure. of all complaints peculiar to malarious. marshy and miasmatic districts. It acts directly on the Uver and biliary apparatus, thus stimulating the system to a vigorous. healthy condition, t or sale by all dealers. THEY ALL TAKE IT. i When the sj stem is ran down to that ex tent that you pass sleepless nights, are ner- ' vous and Irritable, have gloomy forebodings, I sour stomach, sick headache and coated tngue, do not enrol! yourself as high private. ' In the rear rank, under Oeneral Debility, out cheer up and fry White's Prairie Flower, The ; Great Liver Panacea, now for sale In every 1 citv and town on the Continent. No medl I cine ever com pounded is half Its equal for the cure of DYSPEPSIA and LIVEK COM- i PLAINT. It has a specific power over the i liver, and bv curlnir the liver. Dyspepsia and all other diseases arising from it, vanish as If i by magic, hampie ootiies are soiu m me! n..l.w rf tK Ka U-lll HAIl.l. M VA1I of its merits. Large sixo boUles 75cenU; for sale everywhere. An Undeniable Trath, You deserve to suffer, and If you lead miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautl ful world, II is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you. your un reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show you that Orcen's August Flower will cure you or laver .;ompiaini, or uyspcpsia, wn.n ai, Hs miserable errects, such as sick neaaacne, pal pitation of the heart, sour stomach, habi nent, and not n druggist but will tell you of ittwonderrul cures. ou can buy a Hampl? H tic for It) cents. Three doses will relieve you. CJA.TtT. To all .-no are suffering from the errors and Indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness enrlv decav. loss of manhood. Ac. I will send a recipe that will cure you, FHEK OF CIIAlttl E. This great remedy was discovered bv a missionary in South America. Nnd self-addressed envelope tothe Kev. T.Johkph In man. Station I). Bibl: House. iew lor, novl7-ly. 7-Tlic National Gold Medal was awarded o Pm.llfv.t- Itulofson for the best motograph in the United States, and the Vienna Meda for the best in the world. 429 Mon'?omery Street. San Francisco, Any function of the body used excessively may produce wastb so great that the ordina rv repair of body consequent upon rest and nnt.rit.ion cannot make ud for it. eonsdouent- ly, incompetency of the overtaxed, orijan wilt result. The terms, organs and functions, are synonymoux until nerve anu muscle, or nutn firm Ipetricitv and nhosnhorus. By the use of Fellow' Ifimonhomhite. the wasted ele- mpnts are returned to the body In a form easily assimilated, sothatdeceased organs or tmniimi funftirhna nrA madft sound airain. Thus : The ftreblo and intrepid action ofth ir.. I. r.i a hv viimr me biukkku Liver stirred ud. The Lungs insensibly take I rmore'Ttmohere3 ntm ncnhPrP I nfi PtLOIIliMJIl Ult'.-m .,,, Thoilon lii (lrtrann DPtonienreiiKm ened. The Brain active, vigorous and endur ing, and the Nerves and Muscles become by the use of this remedy capable of sustaining exeat and prolonged exertion, tor particulars ' .. voinn nf thin exeat remedy, see Fellows' Medical Monthly, at all Druggists. A Row of Tearls niinlnff' throueh coral lips Is certainly j pleasing object; but i sneckled. teeth in : a row oi QiBouiun-u, ue-. . . i 7 .3 l.- Kneckled teeth in any -mourn ai mi ib r. ' .. . 1 1 n wxm no n lof Hv inrv . sot oi teem is usuaiij v.... , . -j - - "i .i, nni can scarcely Imagine , pur V .Hhle. SOZOIMiNT. h.., -'pu7Ifler "of the breath, and whltener oi ine "Ti i l n n i msfii ill!; us v. t" .'i fln counteracting the J,nence UiHn the enamel of acid socretions in COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TTT TTTTTTIP T mT , . G. M. KESTER Has just received a large MULTIPLYING OAMEEA - Of the Iatest Improved Style, and Is now ready to take Pictures of all izes and descrip tions at as Reasonable Bates ! An can be obtained In the State. SEE PRICE LIST : Photographs, per dozen. . . . $3 00 Gems, 36 for Double Gems, 18 for Ninths, per doz , Card Size; per doz , (or 4 for 75c.) Extra Card Size, each (or 31 50 per doz.) 8x10, each . : . . ay"Pictures taken every day days excepted) rain or shine. 50 75 25 DO 50 . 1 50 (Sun- PICTURES FIKIOHED U? is a Vew minutes. flavine put FUICE3 DOWN to a small Os- ure, 1 have determined upon a , unaii J3usixics ism v. All work Warranted to be first eltfSs. Please call and examine for yourseives. One door south of t'liannan'i Store. C. M. KSiSTEIt. ')bego ClTT, Au J5, 1878. l5-tf C P. WINSET, UNDERTAKER, CARRI&AGE AND WAGON MAKER. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD R& spectfully announce to the public that he has a large stock of coffins on hand and has Just completed one of the finest Hearses in the State, and Is now prepared to attend to any orders In that line. t". r. wiisisT. Oregon City. May . 1878 tf . X. V. HCGrHES. HERE WE ARE AGAIN ! Imiiicuso lte.ii'tioii IN FRIGES. Oiio Price To Vll H AVE NOW IN STOCK A VERY LARGE assortment of DRY GOODS & FANCY GOODS CLOTH I AO, HATS, BOOTS, HOSIERY, SHOES, LADIES' AyD GESTS' FURNISHING GOODS, PFRh UMERY, TABLE CUTLERY, CROCKER Y , GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, farming Utensils; R0PE, GRAIN SACKS, WOOL SACKS, TOBACCO, ETC., ETC., To be sold at COST PRICE, Yon may think that this is all buncombe. and that we do not mean what we advertise, but remember "the proof of the pudding Is the eating." and the public is invited to call and examine our stock ana prices, ana we feel confident that tbe general verdict will be B. A.HilG HES Sells Cheaper and Givei a Better Article than any Firm in the City. Call and see without delay ; no charges for showing our goods. Still at the old stand. Oregon City. Sept. 4. l78-tf. M00IIEY & VALENTINE, 193 First Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, Leading dealers in LA&IES FURNISHING GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES COSSETS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. ensE StocK miu Now open for the FALL SEASON at Lowest prices in the city. Samples sent carefully filled. on application and orders oct3-3m - Choice - Bargain. C B StT ACRES OF KICH LAND ON J m J w the Clackamas river, S3 miles from Oregon City; I mile from 1'aper Mill Railroad Station ; z acres in cultivation S! (ures of orchard: 40 acres under fenee fln running water on the place. Price. ISiX ilo n balance on time. A mort gage ins rted on the first payment e s T. BARTLETT. Okeoon City. Aug 8th, 1878-3ui. IlSliM!3Wil' EEADY FDR SPRING OPENING ik, y i TK HAVE rtOUOHT AN UNUSALLV LAHJj'E STOCK AT (.'HEAT r.AKJAINS, ANI 11 will offer Extra Inducements in both Quantity and Quality. lion't (iSriunbie Abouji S:ard TEisiios After seeing how Cheap we sell our Ooods. Of course yon want to 1 the 1mM you can with your money, but oeture you buy come and see ns and we will give you Iirgaius, ;mi.1 tinods, and liow I Vices. We have bought all the latest Styles, ami our s!ih'U :m't le In ni this side of San Francisco. K. .liKIIKM.lX, IiolitV?n( riiici Wool. , All 'kinds of Produce taken, and we want all the Wool we can get. for which we the hltrhest market price'. Remember the corner, at S. Orecon City; March 8.1878-tf. Mil U1LS0W SEWING MACH NE In workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited, There aro more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. Tho WILSQfd MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. ACENTS :;17ILS0USE17IFG fVl WANTED.) .1 ILUUIU WlaVWlEyU U I 5 i S i 827 Cl 829 Droadwav. New Cor. State & Madison Srs., Chicago, JOHN SCIfiltAni, W. A. PHILLIPS, (Suocesaor to T. A. Bacon) lualer in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. SELECTED TEAS, COFFEE AND A T.I. articles used for Culinary purposes. HiRh- vst market irloe iiaid for Country Produce. Uoods dellverea free loan pans oi ine cny or Cancmah. Orders promptly filled. Oregon City, Keb. 14. l7H-n L. JACCARO; Dealer ix FLOUR, HAT, STRAW, OATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC, GRAIN SACKS AND TWlSE t&rhe highest market paid In cash for all kinds of produce . Two doom north ot Factory. Oregon City, Sept. 13. 1877-if. WM. KNIGHT. JKO. KSIOHT. Kill GHT BRO S., CANDY, - - - OIW.ON. Sll INGLES, CEO AW POSTS, GROCE1U IK. CllUTHIXU, VIWrN, KMOJli!, UARmVAIlE, And vrerythlmr usually kept In a coun try store. We invite the public to call and examine our stock before going to Oregon City or l'ort- and, as we are selling as clieap as any nouse in the State. Come and got our prices. Those Indebted to tbe firm will please call and settle Immediately, and safe costs. novS-tf Jvisiunr iilius. GEORGE BROUGHTON, iirouLn INFORM THE CITIZENS OF ft Oregon City and vicinity that he is pre pared to furnish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every description, at low rates. APPLE BOXES. ALSO. DryiFloortnjr, Celling, Rustle, Hpnm, (ior sneivingj, uiuicr. Pickets, ami FencePoota, Cvdar, Constantly on. hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the istate. uive mo a can si inc ORMJOlf CITI SAW M1Z.CS. Oregon City. June 10. 1876 If LIVERY, FEED, AtlD SALE STABLE. o THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF the Livery Stable on Fifth street. Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on band Buirjrlea, CarriagM mm Haeb. Saldlo and Buggy Homes. 3riices Reasonable E. D. CLEMENTS, Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1875. Proprietor. val.aU.ta A1TV PERSON ro.K-mplilt- lnar Ike parrhue of any article for P r- n.l, wm I, Faullr ar Arncaicaral use, damn m. far re tnrio the natt We hav n l asc Mann In th a 1 i aarta mT tla Trrril.rlr., aai hard, wltk few oxeoptlona. ird e4 ta. .xawtanant of th nurchaaer, many clafnlat to have naa n uvla f 4A to 0 per rrat. Wt9 naall tlivae CATALOOCis TO AMY ADIIRKKJ. rKKK, UPON ArrUCATIOX. We ell rar (Ma t alt aaaklnt at wkalMal nrlrr In uantltle t Mult. XtefereAe, tint National Bank, Chicago. MOITIOJBIEIT WAB0 Jb 60.( . Orta-lnml 6raaa Supply House. ok KM WabMk AT Chicago. 111. JOHN SCHRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MivrpirTiiRPR IMPORTER OF 8addlo H arnet. Kaddlrry-Hi wan, etc.. etc.V-" 1r.nn .a CUV1P AH XHTHICH UK r rr V can be baa in m r. WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. ri warrant my VoHSCHRM. . . saddle and Harness Maker Ofegon City. Oregon, Nov. 1. ISW Imperial Blills, D. W. BURNS! Oregon City, Oregon, CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR XTep -Lit. sale FLOUR, BRAN, MIDDLINGS FEED. k CHICKEN Parties purchasing feed must furnish sacks. K750.000 BuaheU ot Wkeat Wanted the market price. Oregon City, August 29, lSTMf. BUSIaSTESS I OF NEW GOODS ! & s& x& ii V O will pay ACKER EtfiAfi'S. A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED York: New Orleans. La.: Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal. Acnt Ortn Hly, THOMAS GHARMAH E TAELISHED D ESIUESTO INFOIiM TIIFCIT1ZKNS Of ley, that he is still on liand ami doing ' nets on the old motto, that A yimbleSix Pt nee ui JicttT than aSfctr Shilling I have just return-d from San Francisco, where I purchased oi e o?" t lie LARGEST AND BLST SLLtCTLD: stock or ooons ever ltefQreotrrrei! in t his ty ; and consist ti part, as follows : Roots and S'n: s, Clothing, l'iy tioods, Hiits asid Cai'S, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, l'aints and S::sli and Doors. . - China wo re, (Jin,i'HfHsn1 Stoneware, CiitUiry, Platcdware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And .Styles, Clocks and Watches, I.aili-s and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, GikkIs, Taney No- Ropi', Venning tions of FIvery Implements of Descrii-tion All Kinui-, Carpets, iatlings. Oil Cloth, Wall Tair, etc. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was seleted with especial care for t lie Oregon City trade.All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest rViarket Rates. No use for the ladies, of any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Determintd to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as 1 do that Twenty Years Experience. In Oregon City enables mo to know the re quirements of the trade. Como one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS ClIATCMAX cannot be beaten inqualityor price. It would be useless for me to tell you ain.neauvani.ngcs I ran ntTer vou in the sale of coods. ns every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All 1 wish to say is Comr, and See, and Examine for Yourselves, for Ido iKvt'Wish to make any mistakes. Jly object. is to tell all my old trientls now that I am still alive, ami aesirous to sen gios cneap, for cash, or uiMin such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all tor the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed THOS. CHARM AN, Main Street, Oregon City. Txgnl Tenders and County Scrip trKen at market rates. THOS. CHARM AN. ry.yiiKM) lbs wool wanted by nov. 1. "75-Lf THOS. CHARMAN. CHAS. H. GAUF.ELQ, BROKER, W1 NH SKI.T. COUNTY AND y (niers. jvotes tuseoumeu on rensonaljle terms. Ioaiis negotiateo. Money on hand at. all times to loan on tirst class security. lVposits received snlj,-et to o:der. Six per cent. Interest paid on time deosits (not less than three months). OHtre t AVith K. I.. Enslham In Myers Brick. niy9.78-tf. A Rare Opportunity. From 0 to f.0 acres of gool land. 1 X ni iles from New Kra, for sale cheap. The whole tract part under cultivat ion, for , or will sell 40 acres at .EN, PoUAl NUliU! llCE. Jr. AV IT C'OVNTY JUDfiE, AVILI . Ik; at his office in this city every Monday from 9 o'clock a. M. to 4 p. m. for tho transac tion of probate business. Oregon Cit .July l. ls5-t.. PAINTING, KALSOMIXIXC AXD PLASTERING. TlX A, CONTRACT B the, j ''hv hc uK The best stock in the t r r rt i t i i 'in i." i i i a it I market used in every instance. 1 ( orders left at the Postoffice v 111 receive prompt attention. I Oregon City, Ayril IS, lS7S-tC o k Ti fi f 'i o iV I : I I f